Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, December 04, 1907, Image 6

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AlPBAXi TO FA HM EUS TO HOIJD tton-JO. D. Smith, President of Stat? Cotton Association Sick. Columbia, Nov. 20.-In the ab sence of E. D. Smith, of tho Cotton Association who hu? been ill at a hospital In Florence for six week? and who it IB feared will never be a well man again, Secretary F. H. Web ton, of the South Carolina Cotton Association, Nationnl Committeeman W. W. Hay and Treasurer F. H. Hyatt, of the State organization, to day gave out a joint statement on the present cotton situation, setting forth among other things that the weak cotton and weak-kneed men having been disposed of there ls eve ry n ason to believe that with the re sumption of normal financial condi tions /the price will rapidly rise and ArVgTiiBg the farmers to hold for the mlnliftium price of 15 cent?, fixed by both ?the cotton associations. The Ktateilit nt follows: To Itb.e People of South Carolina: On acYcount of tho fact that E. D. Smith! president of the South Caro lina dilvlsion of the Southern Cotton Association, has been desperately ill in the] hospital at Florence for six weeks,Ino address has gone forth on behalf pf the association on the sub ject of jj he sit nui ion of cotton. At tme meeting of the executive com mit nee of both the Southern Cot ton Association and the Farmer*' Union, itho minimum "price of lo centsvwd* fixed and published broad cast throughout the South. At that time lt was estimated that the . cot ton crop would reach twelve mil lion bales; ?Ince that tithe nothing has cocurred'to chango the estimate; but both from Individual sources and from the government, it seems that this estimate of twelve million lisles was extromely liberal-every indi cation points to ii crop of about elev en and om; half million bales. We have kept' a close watch dur ing the financial panic of any disas ter that would materially curtail the consumption of cotton; lt can be ?aid that there [has taknn place nothing ^lnce September 1, which would les son thc deashnd for cotton. We have passed through a very stringent mo ney markot! which, of course, affect ed the prices of everything in Amer ica. But wa believe that conditions are rapidly assuming their normal proportion^-New York having re sumed its shipment of currency throughput the country. We firmly believe that those who have had confidence In their fellow nfian and financial ability to with hold their cotton from the market will yet receive the minimum price ftjced by the association. In every community there are farmers who have disposed of their cotton, and whoso disposition I? to Inugh at the fellow who has held; but the old proverb of "?le who laughs gest laughs last" will again be exempli fied. Now, that the weak cotton and weak-kneed mei\ have been disposed of, we confidently expect, under the resumption of normal financial con ditions, that the (price of cotton will rapidly advance; ?for ?i. ?lauds to rea " ^.^VfiTWi,,!, cotton still took place at tho hoists, under nor fatlier, J. J. Stewart,? readily look 27th, at 7.30 o'clock, if not njfPhB. Rev. NV. B. Hawkins , to * marriage ceremony. T ?a? ?atiottjl. a duchess satin, J? lace, and carrledncis H. Weston, of white soiMh Carolina Division, il. tendantj ^ with ; Dr. w w. Kuy, Wilber National Executive Coniniit yC tee. F. H. Hyatt, usurer South Carolina Division, S. C. A. Miere is more catarrh in tills sec of the country than all other 'senses put together, and until the ?ast lew years was supposed to be i nen rabil-. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local ills ease and prescribed 'ocal remedies, and by constantly falling to curr.' with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. . Science luis proven ca tarrh to be a constitutional disease, and, therefore, requires constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh ("ure, manufactured by F, J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only con stitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. IL acts di rectly on the blood and mucous sur faces tit' the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any caso lt fails to cure. Send for circulars and testi monials. Address F. .1. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Greenville Freight Depot limns. (Ore. .ville News. 27th.) The Southern Hallway's old freight depot was burned at (! o'clock yester day morning. The building, which was an old structure, was almost completely consumed and , its con tents of unclaimed freight/ was de stroyed. The loss, which ls covered by Insurance, ls estimated at $1? ooo or $8,000. The fire is supposed to have been caused by spontaneous Combustion, lt cannot be accounted for In any other way. This is the season of decay and weakened vitality; good health is hard to retain. If you'd retain yours, fortify your system with Hollister's Rocky .Mountain Ter1., the surest way. 35c.--Tea or Tablets. .1. W. Hell. Vesuvius Resumes Business. Naples, Nov. 26-Mount Vesuvius, after two months of inactivity, I? emitting clouds of denso smoke, ac companied by considerable roaring from three fissures around the old crater. Some alarm 1? felt by the popula tion in tile surrounding towns in view ol' tho recent earthquakes in Calabra, it being recalled that tho grent eruption of April, 1906, fol lowed the Calabrian earthquake of 1906._ Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup, the new laxative, stimulates, but does not irritate. It is the best laxative. Guaranteed or your money back. All Druggists. MURDERED IN MEXICO. Prof. II. 1?. Boggs, of Senccu, Make? Discovery In Brother's I ?rut h. (Seneca Earm and Factory.) Mrs. H. P. Boggs received news from her husba. S a few days ago stating that his brother, William Boggs, was murdered in Mexico in stead of dying from sickness as was first thought. Mr. Boggs stated that efforts are being made to And the murderer and punish him, also that it ls very probable that the govern ment will take the matter up with the Mexican government. The body of Mr. Boggs has not yet arrived at Winston-Salem for burial, and Prof. Boggs will not return to Seneca for a few days. A Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal overcomes indigestion,dysr pepsin and other stomach ills. Two days' trial free. Ask our dealers-J. W. Bell, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Act of Impropriety. Washington, Nov. 23.-The Presi dent addressed a lettor to each mem ber of his cablnt, substantially as fol lows: "l am informed that certain office-holders in your department, holding various positions through out the country, contemplate attend ing Republican conventions in their respective States and urging the en dorsement of myself for the Presi dential nomination. I wish you would direct Federal office-holders in your department, who have such a thing in view, that I wou ardlrgedthe thing in view, that l would regard it as au act of official impropriety and disc artesy." Charleston Bank Goes Up. Charleston, Nov. 20.-The Hiber nia Trust and Savings Bank, one of tho smallest of the financial institu tions of this city, went into the hands of a receiver to-day. It suspended payment yesterday. It is said that tho bank's trouble dated back several years ago, when it lost a sum of money unexpectedly, and had nothing to do with the re cent condition of the money market. To stop that pain in the back, that stiffness of Joints and muscles, take Pineules. They are guaranteed. Do not suffer from rheumatism, back ache, Kidney trouble, when you get 30 days' treatment for $1. A single dose at bedtime proves their merit. Oet them to-day. Sold by J. W.Bell, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Wife Partions Deadly Blow. New York, Nov. 28.-Suffering from a blow with a hatchet, which fractured her skull, delivered, it ls charged, by her husband, Mrs. Mary Murray, tottered through the streets ten blocks to the police station be hind the policeman who had arrested her husband, a coal cart driver, and pleaded with the lieutenant not to lock him up, when they reached the station. When her plea was denied she col-" lapsed, and was'taken to a hospital. The burgiion?''say she cannot recover. . ^' - . Notice to Our Customers. i We are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles ls not affect ed by the National Pure Food and Drug Law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and wo rec ommend lt as a safe remedy for chil dren and adults. All Druggists. Suspended from Church. Brunswick, (ia., Nov. 28.-Guilty, was the verdict rendered to-day by the South Georgia Conference in the case against Rev. S. H. Bryan, for merly pastor of the Methodist church at Millen. His punishment was sus pension from the conference for one year, after which time he will be eli gible to membership and fitted to serve as a pastor. The preacher was charged with immorality, and at the time tile charges were made he was susi>ended from preaching and the matter referred to thc conference. Danger in Asking Advice. When you have a cough or cold do not ask some one what is good for lt. as there ls danger In taking some un known preparation. Foley's Honey and Tar cu ret: coughs, colds and pre vents pneumonia. The genuine ls In a yellow package. Refuse substi tutes. \U Druggists. Trestle (?ave \\';*y. Parkersburg, W. Va., Nov. 28. A Pen?sboro and Harrisville Rail road passenger train was crossing a trestle twenty-five feet high near Harrisville, In Ritchie county, yester day, when the supports gave way, precipitating all to the ravine below. The engine and baggage car were smashed, but the one passenger coach, containing thirty persons, was dragged slowly over the side, and no one was killed, though many were severely cut and bruised. <^y^/^C/y?Z??!j fr. / '/y s/s, Wrlto at onco and learn why we reenro boat positions, ?rai beat M\larle3 for our {(radiator . BUOCHS ANDERSON, Pros. . Clemson Again Victorious. (Atlanta Constitution, 2i?th.) lt was by a meager margin that the purple and gold clad Invaders from South Carolina slipped the ki bosh to Georgia Tech in the annual Thanksgiving Day game yesterday, played on a muddy field and In a steady down-pour, th? home eleven succumbing after a gallant fight by the score of 6 to 5. Ono touchdown and a goal accounts for the Clemson score, and a touchdown for Tech, failure to get the extra point, shov ing the yellow and white down Into the abyss of defeat-not so deep, however, as it was last year when the Clemsontans got away with the fray 10 to 0. - RECIPE A?.&EI> OFTEN. I Druggists Hour Much Praise for this Simple Home-Made Mixture. Some remarkable stories are being told about towu aud among the coun try people coming In of this simple home-made mixture curing rheuma tism and kidney trouble. Here is the recipe and directions for taking: Mix by shaking well in a bottle one-half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kargon, three ounces Compound 8: rup Sarsaparil la. Take as a dose ono teaspoonful after meals and at bed-time. No change ii<>ed be made in your usual diet, but drink plenty of good water. This mixture, v rites one authority I In a leading Philadelphia newspaper, has a peculiar tonic effect upon the kidneys; cleansing the clogged-up pores of tho eliminative tissues, forc ing the kidneys to sift and strain from the blood the urlc^icld and oth er poisonous waste matter, overcom ing rheumatism, bladder and urinary ticubl?8 in a short while. A New York druggist who has had hundreds of calls for these Ingredi ents since the first announcement in the newspapers last October stated that the ueople who once try it "swear by it," especially those who have urinary and kidney trouble and suffer with rheumatism. The druggists in this neighbor hood Bay they can supply tho ingre dients, which are easily mixed at home. There is said to be no better blood cleansing agent or system tonic known, and certainly none moro harmless or pimple to use. McKinney's Creek School. Jocassee, Nov. 23.-Special: Miss Earlie Kelley, who has been teach ing school at this place ever since July, closed her term Thursday, No vember 21st. This ls her third term here, and we are glad to say that she did her work successfully In the school room and ls loved by all her pupils and the patrons of the school. ' Wo hope she will be with us again another year. She returned TiTlday to her home at ISew Hope, where she wlii continue her work In the school room at Wolf Stake, Monday the 26tn. We wish her much success. About forty vlaltors and all the pu pils were present the last day of school, and all spent a pleasant day. Dinner was spread on the ground and everybody invited to partake of this feature. The pupils pleasantly entertained the crowd ni the afternoon with mu sic, recitations and dialogues, after which the crowd was treated to candy and parched peanuts. Prizes were awarded to eight pupils for regular atten ance. The following are hose who were fortunate in winning prlxes: OUI?' Cash, Myrtle Chapman, Pearl Kelley, Dora and corrie Crow, Clarence Hamilton, Louise and Lo rene Crow. The program of the speaking is as follows: Opening address-Myrtle Chap man. Vacation Time-Louie Crow. Something ni My Pocket- Ollie Cash. Music. Dialogue-Taking the Oensiis. The Lost Cap.-Lunney Crow. Rough on Rats-Alice Whitmire. A Little Girl's Speech-Mary For tuue. I'll Not Be a Drunkard's Wife Pauline Kelley. Music. Dolly Show-Six little girls. Wreck of the Hesperus ->- Warren Burgess. Ten Little Pumpkins-Ollie Cash. A Yankee In Love-Bessie Whit mire. Little Girls Don't Cry-Dora Crow. Stolen Melons-Fred Whitmire. Music. When I Was a Little Boy-Lorene Crow. The Clucking Hen-Clarence Ham ilton. Samantha and Her Beau's Visit to Chicago-Earlie Kelley. Aunt Jemimah's Courtship-Hassle Whitmire. Baby Bye--Peai 1 Kelley. Youthful Dissipation-Two little girls. Music. johnny's History Lesson-Louie Crow. Dialogue-Trying the New Teach er. When I'm fa Woman-Myrtie Chapman. Cunning Johnny-Ollie Cash. I Wish I Were a Man-Lorene Crow. Maud Muller-Annie Whitmire. The Lost Doll-Ida Patterson. Music. Dialogue-Playing School. When I'm Kept lu-Louie Crow. Lecture on Matrimony-Earlie Kelley. Dinner Time-Ada Patterson. Fred's Visit to Town-Lunney Crow. Dialogue-The Lost Knife. Entertaining Ma's Company-Ell leen Whitmire. The Kitty-Dora Crow. Dialogue-The Stolen Melon. The Bees-Mary Fortune. Visitor. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, grows In favor dally with young and old. Mothers should keep lt on hand for children. It Is prompt relief to croup. It is gently laxative, driving the poison and phlegm from the system. It ls a simple remedy that gives Immediate relief. Guar anteed. Sold hy J. W. Bell, Wal halla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. A Bloody Fight lu (?corola. Camilla, Ga., Nov. 23-Some young folks gathered at the home of Geo. Vines, near here, last night for a frolic, when a bloody free fight took place, In which William Shiver, the son of Gus Shiver, of Camilla. was killed, his brother Virgil Shiver was badly cut, a woods rider named Ford was terribly beaten and may lose his eyesight, and Claude Fowler was shot. Nevor can toll when you'll mash a finger or suffer a cut, bruise, burn or scald. Bo prepared. Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil instantly relieves tho pain-quickly cures tho wound. (fl Farm mplements Chattanooga Reversible Disc Plows. Remember that I have a car load of these PLOWS, two and three-horse sizes. They have been tried by many farmers in all sections of our country and have proven perfectly satisfactory. They have passed the experimental stage, and stand master cf all PLOWS to-day. See them at SENECA and WESTMINSTER. IMPROVED PLOW?! I have about lOO Two-Horse IM PERIAL CHILLED PLOWS, about 15 HILLSIDE PLOWS, 5 MALLORY PLO WS, 30 Disc Harrows, 7 Farmers' Favorite Grain Drills and a lot of other Implements-the same kind I have been selling for four years-that I will close out At Cost and Below Cost. Nothing wrong with these goods. I am simply going out of that line of business. Horses, Mules, Wagons, Harness, Buggy, Wagon and Harness Stock always full. Will have Stables full of all classes HORSES AND MULES from now until April 1st. I build and repair Harness. Shop at Seneca. If you will come to see us, we can trar1* with you. Lowery Seneca Westminster