Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, October 16, 1907, Image 8

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Pure Drugs a The Best of Every always the Chea] The Walhalla C W?tai K?b Dcrsoiuvl. -Dr. O. C. Probst, Dentist; office at his residence, Walhalla. eow-tf -Prof. J. Li. Kennedy and family have moved Into Dr. D. L. Smith's residence on Faculty Hill. -L. L. Jerrard, formerly of West minster, lu now residing in Seneca, having accepted a position v. Ith G. W. Gignilltat. -Profs. Hums, Orubbs and Smith will conduct a singing next Sunday afternoon at the West Union Baptist church. Public cordially Invited to attend. -Rev. C. D. Mann will preach at New Hopo next Sunday morning at ll o'clock. The public is cordially Invited to attend and take part in the services. -The soles of the feet of early sportsmen are beginning to Itch for the tiresome tramps over hill and dale for a few pop shots at the part ridge. The opfn season begins No vember 1st and April 1st. -Mrs. Dell G. McAllster, of Co lumbla, and MIBS May Bell left Wal halla last week for Hot 8prings, Ark., where they will spend two months or more on a pleasure and health-beek Ing trip. ?-Louis A. Brennecke and sister, Miss Marguerite, left last week for Hot Springs, where they will remain fer some time, hoping to obtain re lief from rheumatism. Their many friends hope they may ba^ermanent ly cured. -For sale-Good yoko of steers, weight about 2,100 pounds. Apply to L. G. Gaston, Westminster, S. C. -H. G. Wallace, who lives near Walhalla, has sold his farm of 100 acres to a Mr. Davis, of Ware Shoals, for the sum of $2,500. Mr. Wallace expects to leave in a few months for Oklahoma and may make that State his future home. -Read T. M. Lowery's new adver tisement on the fifth page of this Issue and watch for his announce ment next week. He is ready to serve the farmers of the county with the best in farm implements, horses and mules at right prices. -T. Sumter Fennell, of Pe'izer, spent several days last week visiting his brother, W. a?. Fennell, and fam ily. He paid The Courier an appre ciated call Saturday afternoon. Mr. Fennell is enjoying the best of health and a goodly measure of prosperity. His friends here were glad to meet him again. -Call on J. M. Martin, Westmin ster, S. C. He will cut your feed. Terms, 75 cents per hour. 42 -Sam J. I8bell Drought to our office Monday morning two large tur nips of the Purple Top variety, one weighing 6 V& pounds, the other five pounds. He has one acre in turnips, from which he expects to make 3 50 bushels. Last year Mr, Isbell pre sented us with several of his turnips and made one of the best yields we heard of. -Go to T. E. Alexander for your buggies and harness. -H. D. Freeman, Carl Freeman and J. H. Simpson, three promising young men, left Walhalla last Mon day for Paint Rock, Ala., where they expect to engage in the lumber busi ness. H. D. Freeman and J. H. Simpson have for some time been clerking for C. A. Burton and A. C. Burton, in Walhalla. They have the best wishes of many friends for their success. -Last week J. W. Holleman, Esq., was appointed by Governor Ansel as Coroner for Oconee county, vice W. L. Harbin, resigned. Mr. Holleman was the first Coroner Oconee ever had and made a faithful and capable official. Mr. Harbin held the office for six years and leaves a splendid record behind him. He resigned the office to accept a position that re quired all of his time. -Read Ruskin Anderson's an nouncement on the second page of thia issue, ile has bargains to offer for everybody. Dry goods, notions, clothing-e\ rything-ls being put Up to the top notch for quality and the bottom for price. You will do well to read carefully his announce ment on the second page, and on the fourth pago will be found something to interest all wearers of shoes. Call on Mr. Anderson wncn in Seneca. -Wo bad the pleasure of wel coming to The Courier office this week two of our oldest subscribers Milton Nicholson. Sr., of Whitewater, and Capt. James T. Reid, of Evatt. Mr. Nicholson's name has been on The Courier's list continuously since November, 1851, and Capt. Reid's since 1854. There are no better citi zens than these venerable gentlemen, and The Courier extends to ihem its hearty best wishes for yet many years of prosperity. SCHOOL fi; We have a nice line < on hand, such as Tablet Fresh line of Drugs al HTJYLER'S CANDIE BELL'S DRI thing-The Best ia 3est-Get it from trug Company. -Buy an all steel hay press from tho Seneca Hardware Company. . -Read W. S. Hunter and Co.'s advertisement this week. -J. R. Martin, Esq., of Greenville, attended court here this week. -The best hay press mado. Call and see it. Seneca Hardware Co. -Born, unto Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Moore, of New Hope, on October ll, a daughter. -Born, unto Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Campbell, of Speed's Creek, on Octo ber 7,a son. -Born, unto Mr. and Mrs. Luther A. Boggs, on Friday, October 11th, 1907, a son. -Miss Emma Strlbllng, of Seneca, is visiting at the home of Major and Mrs. Wm. J. Strlbllng. -Mrs. H. daPonte left last Sun day for Birmingham, Ala., where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. F. Berne. -Dr. Stonecypher, of Westmin ster, paid us a pleasant call this week. He ls quite a stranger to Wal halla. -C. R. Houchlns spent several days last week In Atlanta, where he took in one day's session of the great Cotton Congress. -Last Sunday, Monday and Tues day mornings derelict garden stuff, sweet potato vines, etc., showed de cided signs of killing frosts. -The regular communication of Blue Ridge Lodge, No. 92, A. F. M., will be held In Masonic Temple next Friday night. A full attndnnce of the Craft is requested. -Capt. Jule Anderson has accept ed a position as yard conductor for the Blue Ridge Railway, and here after his headquarters will be in An derson instead of Walhalla. -Read the Seneca Hardware Com pany's announcement. They aro making a special prize offer that will interest every little girl in the coun ty. Call on them and Inquire parti culars. -Mrs. J. W. Lee returned last Sunday from a visit to her grand mother, .1rs. Betsey Curtis, at Franklin, N. C. Mrs. Curtis ls 96 years of age, but in good health for one of her advanced years. -Dr. G. W. Gardner, of Green wood, spent last Saturday and Sun day In Walhalla and occupied the pul pit of the Baptist church Sunday morning and evening. His able dis courses were enjoyed by good con gregations. -Prof. J. W. Reynolds has ac cepted ihe position of teacher for the Neville uchool, and will open same on the 28th o? this month. Mr. Reynolds has taught In Oconee for twelve years and bears an enviable reputation as a splendid teacher. -Married, on Sunday afternoon, October 13th, at the residence of "the officiating minister," C. R. D. Burns, our genial Clerk of Court, Frank Teague and Miss Minnie Holmes, both of Oconee. The young couple have the hist wishes of nu merous friends. ?. -Dr. John G. Law will preach nt Old PickenB next Sunday morning at ll o'clock, at which time the sacra ment of the Lord's supper will be administered. In the afternoon at 4 o'clock he will preach at Fairview. Public cordially invited to both ser vices. -Starr Cor. Anderson Mail: "The services which were being conducted here by Rev. George Harmon, of Westmlnstar, ended last night, and Mr. Harmon loft for home this morn ing. Although a young man, Mr. Harmon is a preacher of rare mental ability and deep consecration, and has done much for the spiritual up building in this community." ?-Air. and.Mrs. J. C. Garrison spent last week in Atlanta, where Mr. Gar r?s on attended the Convention of Ru ral Carriers as representative of the Carriers' Association of Oconee. Mri?. Garrison went from Atlnnta to Chattanooga, Tenn., where she will spend some lime visiting among rela tives and friends. During Mr. Garri son's stay In the Gate City he attend ed one of the sessions of the Cotton Congress, and was deeply impressed with the proceedings. -Last Monday night, about ll o'clock, the residence and barn of W. H. Alexander, at Cheohee, this county, was destroyed by fire, which originated, it is thought, from a de fective flue. The barn and entire contents wore a total loss, but a few household articles were saved from the residence. The loss was about $f>00. Mr. Alexander held an Insur ance policy with the Oconee Farm era' Mutual Insurance Association for about $200. The loss falls heav ily on Mr. Alexander, who ls a young man just starting out In life. His many friends regret deeply his mis fortune. KS BEGUN! >f SCHOOL SUPPLIES :s, Pencils, Pens, etc. .ways on hand. S, FRESH. JG STORE - -7-1 -Fair Dodd, of Atlanta, Ga., visited at the home of Capt. aud,flta|. R. C. Strother, In West Union, tniB 'week. -Rev. J. C. Yougne ls In Belton thlB week, assisting In p^cracted ser vices In the Methodist church at that place. -Fe 'ind, a sum of money, which owner can have by proving same and paying for this advertisement. W. O. White, Walhalla. -Wanted-1,000 bushels of sweet potatoes, yam variety; will pay 40 cents per bushel. J. H. Barnett, Westminster. 45? -Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Bentley are entortainlng a young lady nc their home on Faculty Hill. Tue little st rancor arrived hist Wednesuay, the ?th. -Mrs. Lula Mlckler Barr, after a pleasant visit to the family of v'apt. and Mrs. W. A. Strother, returned to her home at Ridge Spring this morn ing. -J. W. McCaslan, of Greenwood, was in Walhalla yesterday on busi ness. He ls an old Adger College boy, and the days he spent in Wal halla are pleasantly remembered by bim. -It will be learned with regret that Rev. M. O. Puhl, of Postville, Iowa, who was called to the pasto rate of St. John's Lutheran church here, will not become the pastor. He had accepted the call, but later cir cumstances have intervened, and he has been compelled to decline. -Don't fail to attend the K. of P. meeting next Monday evening. The entertainment committee promises something rich, rare and racy. The spelling bee last Monday night was quite a success. Handsome prizes were given. This feature will prob ably be continued through the winter months. -J. A. Alexander, of Lake Toxa way, N. C., is in Walhalla, and will remain here ?during the winter months. Durin?**the open season of the hotel* at Lake Toxaway he held the position of steward for the Toxa way Company, and win return to this position abort April 1st, 1908. The Toxaway hotels enjoyed one of their best seasons the past summer. -Last Sunday morning, while at tending to her household duties, Mrs. G. K. Maxwell had the misfortune to miss her footing as she started to descend the steps from her dining room. She was thrown down by the missteij, and her right leg, Just be low the hip, badly wrenched. No bones were broken, however, and it is hoped she will soon be entirely re covered. The Injury is very painful, but not serious. Notes from Chester Creek. Chester Creek, October 12.-Spe cial: Paul King and sister, Miss Vio la, of Retreat, spent last Sunday at Taber. Rev. W. J. Speavman Allied his regular appointment at Mount Pleas ant Baptist church last Sunday morn ing, preaching to a large congrega tion. He also preached at Re'eder's Ford in the afternoon. We are glad to know that, Ran King is able to be out again. 0 Little Willie Haley is Improving. We hope to see him out again soon. James King is very sick at this writing. Rev. J. Childs will preach at Mount Pleasant New Baptist church on the fourth Sunday evening. Irving Carroll, of O J ^ way, ff pen i Saturday night and Sunday in Geoi ftlf?. Rev. Jack Childs and wife ppent lnrt Sunday with the faui?y of .1. V i;in, s. s. T. E. ALEXANDER. The Land Man WALHALLA, S. C._ MISCELLANEOUS WANTS WANTED.-A renter for a good farm above Walhalla. Apply to this offlce or (43) P. O. Box 146, Walhalla, S. C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT AND DISCHARGE.-Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will make application to C. R. D. Burna, Clerk of Circuit Court, Act ing Judge of Probate for Oconee county, in the State of South Caro lina, at his office at Walhalla Court House, on Saturday, November 16th, 1907, at ll o clock In the forenoon, or ns soon thereafter as said applica tion can be heard, for leave to make final settlement of the Estate of Minnie V. Hopkins McConnell, mi nor, nnd obtain Anal discharge as Guardian of said estato. j. M. MCCONNELL, 4 2-45 Guardian. BANK STOCK FOR SALE. Notice ls hereby given that in front of Walhalla Court House, on Sales day In November next, within the legal hours of sale, I will Hell, to the highest bidder, at public auction, ten shares of tho Capital Stock of The Citizens' Bank, same being stock Cer tificate No. 30, issued to J. J. Haley on February 28, 1 905. Terms: CASH. L. A. EDWARDS, Cashier. , October 16, 1907. 42-4-1 CONTRAC f FOR STEWARD. The Board of County Commission ers will let, on Friday, November 1, 1907, at 2 p. m.. nt their office, at tho Court House, Walhalla, S. C., the con tract for Steward of Poor Farm for the year 1908. The Steward will be required to obey all orders of the Board regarding work at thc Poor Farm and receive and work such con victs as may be sent to tho farm by the Board. All applicants are requir ed to give number of children in fam ily and their ages. None but sealed bids will be received, which must be filed not later Dian noon of Novem ber 1st, 1907. Hoard reserves the right to reject any or rll bids. * D. P. MCALISTER, SuperviPor. October 16, 19 07. 42-44 MASTER'S SALE. STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OP OCONEE. In Court of Common Pleas 1 PURSUANT to a decree of the aforesaid Court, in the cases named below, I will offer for sale, to the highest bidder, in front of the Court House door, at Walhalla, S. C., on Monday, November 4, 1907, between the legal hours of sale, the tracts of land below described: John A. EubankB, Administrator, et al., Plaintiffs, against Minnie Eubanks et al., Defendants. All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Oconee, and State aforesaid, on Snow Creek; adjoining lands of Joseph Dearden, Estate of Thomas J. i^ubanks, W. T. Gibson and others, near O?kway, containing ninety-seven acres, more or less, and known as the "Home Place" of the late Aaron Eubanks, deceased. Terms of Sale: One-half cash on day of sale, and balance on a credit of one year; ?.redit portion to bear interest from day of sale, to be se cured Ly a bond of the purchaser, or purchasers, and a mortgage of the premises, with privilege to the pur chaser ' or purchasers to anticpate the payment of the credit portion within thirty days from day of sale; that in the event of failure of the pur chaser, or purchasers, to comply with the terms of sale promptly on the day of sale, that the Master do resell the said premises on the same or some convenient salesday thereafter at the same place and on the same terms as hertofore set out, at the risk of the former purchaser, or purchasers, and that he do continue to do BO until he has found a purchaser, or purchasers, who shall comply with the terms of the sale. Purchaser to pay extra for papers. W. O. WHITE, Master for Oconee County, S. C. October 16, 1907. Jesse C. Neville and Mack Neville, Plaintiffs, against Clara Davis, Defendant. All that piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being In the County of Oconee, State of South Ca rolina, on waters of Bear Swamp Creek, waters of Conneross, waters of Seneca river, adjoining lands of Es tate of Ben Dean, W. O. Alexander, Davis Abbott and others, and sup posed to contain thirty-four acres, more or less, lt being the tract of land conveyed to Edmund Davis by H. E. Hayne, Secretary of State, by deed of conveyance dated 26th April, 1876, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court for Oconee County, in Mesne Conveyance Book E, page 158. Terms of Sale: Cash on day of sale. That in the event of the fail ure of the purchaser, t?r purchasers, to comply with the terms of sale promptly on day of sale,that the Mas ter do resell the premises bid off by such purchaser, or purchasers, so falling to comply with the terms of sale, on the same or some conven ient salesday thereafter, at the same place and on the same terms as here inbefore set out, at the risk of the purchaser, or purchasers, and that he continue to do so until he has found a purchaser, or purchasers, who shall comply with the terms of the sale. Purchaser to pay extra for papers. W. O. WHITE, Master fox Oconee County, S. C. October 16, 1907. Moses L*. Emerson and Wm. Knox, Plaintiffs, against Peter G. Gilliam et al., Defendants. All that piece, parcel or tract of land, situato, lying and being In the County of Oconee, State of South Ca rolina, adjoining lands of M. L. Em erson. Mrs. VonHolland, Mrs. Hunni cutt, Mrs. Knox and others, on White's Creek, waters of Little river, waters of Keowee river, and supposed to contain ninety-eight acres, bo the same more or less. Terms of Sale: Cash on day of sale. That In the event of tho failure of the purchaser, or purchasers, to comply with the terms of the salo promptly on day of salo, that the Mas ter do rosell tho premises bid off by such purchaser, or purchasers, so fail ing to comply with the terms of sale, on the samo or some convenient sales day thereafter, at the same place, and on tho same ternis as hereinbeforo set out, at the risk of the purchaser, or purchasers, and that he continue to do so until he has found a pur chaser, or purchasers, who shall com ply v/lth the terms of the salo. Purchaser to pay extra for pa pern W. O. WHITE, Mnpter for Oconee County, 8. C. October 16, 1907. 42-44 IORSETS, 255* j If yo? will examine our Corset? you will buy one? ind if you wear one you .viii nave no other? All sises in stocK, i. > . I Wear the Invisible Lacing B: & J. Corsets. Sold only by SS & ANSEL, WALHALLA, S. C. WANTED! .-. JL I WANT YOUR. FALL TRADE IN Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, CrocKery, Hardware and Groceries, AND WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR COTTON AND COTTON SEED. Buy a SOLE GRAIN DRILL FOR $? 50. and if not satisfied return the Machine and ?et your money. IF NOT A CUSTOMER TRY ME. WHEN IN SENECA CALL ON J. W. BYRD New Fall Stock! DRESS GOODS Broad Cloths, HiikR, Panama?, Volle?, Popliiiettes, first-?liss line of WAIST GOODS, etc. READY-MADE SKIRTS Shirt Waists, Under Skirts, Corset Covers, GownB, etc. CLOTHING Best line of MEN'S CLOTHING I have ever carried. Also, BOYS' SUITS, Men's and Boys' Odd Pants. SHOES-Men's, Ladies' and Children's Nothing equals our "Ladles' Soft Shor ' for Tender Feet." One pair will convince you. WE ^M?KE A SPECIALTY OF EMBROIDERIES AND INSERTIONS. TRUNKS AND A GENERAL LINK OF NOTIONS, and Buoh Articles as are usually kept in a first-class Dry Goods Store. M. S. STFJBLING. TST* SEE US BEFORE PUttSi YOUR FALL GOODS. We have a very large stock of GENERAL MERCHAN DISE, and the bulk of it was purchased before the recent advance, and we are in a position to save you a great deal on your FALL AND WINTER purchases ; because we have a large stock, giving you the best selections; because wo purchased these goods before the advance. We solicit a portion of your patronage in your purchases for Fall and Winter. Bo sure to examine our line of PHONOGRAPH? AND RECORDS. CRAIG-VERNER MERCANTILE CO., SPOT GASH MERCHANTS. PHONE NO. 63. ^?????83 niLLINERY ! BIG LINE OF SHAPES IN POPULAR EFFECTS. Ladies' and Children's Trimmed Hats, Sailors, Ready-to-wear Hats, Veils, Ribbons and Fancy Feathers. Nice Line of Ladies' Undervests, Corsets? Collars, Ties, Belts, Gloves, Combs, Buttons and Pins. YOU ABE CORDIALLY INVITED TO GALL TD TP TP/^-p XT' T>TTVTMn JJiJl' VXVU J_? KJ M Xii V A , I, . . WESTMINSTER, 8. fi.