KEOWEE COURIER (ESTABLISHED 1840.) Published Every Wednesday Morning. g -By Joy tics, Shelor, Smith & Stock. Subscription, $1.00 Per Annum. Advertising Rates Reasonable.' Communications of a personal character charged for as advertise ments, i Obituary notices and tributes ot respect, of not over one hundred words, will be printed free of charge. All over that number most be' paid for at the rate of one cent a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WALHALLA, S. C.: WEDNESDAY, OCT. 9, 1907. MILLER-VAUGHAN. A Pretty Home Wedding that Took Place Qnite Recently. A very pretty home wedding took place at 3.30 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Miller, in Lavonla, Qa., which united tho destinies of C. G. Vaughan and Miss Lula Miller. Rev. J. R. Mooro, in a very few appropriate words, sealed the vows of two happy hearts that beat in unisou. The attendants wore John Ford and Miss Ursula Christopher. The lovely bride was gowned In a pretty soft white silk, and carried a bou quet of Marshal Neal roses and ferns tied with white silk ribbon, and wore a pretty brooch made of a monogram watch seal, once worn by her great grandfather, and which was an heir loom In the family. The bridesmaid woro a pink Prin cess gown and carried a bouquet of pink roses and ferns, tied with pink ribbon. Tho parlor was tastefully decorated with evergreens, and the bridal cou ple stood under a beautiful arch o' the same composition. Many handsome ano useful pres ents were received by the bride. A few neighbors were present, and the out-of-town guests were: Mrs. S. K. Christopher and two daughters, Misses Ursula and Mary Lucy, and Miss Berta Simmons, of Gainesville, Ga.: Mi's. E. E. Verne?, of Richland; J. W. Norried and wife and Mrs. M. H. Simpson, of Salubrity; J. C. Mil ler and Mrs. C. A. Parker, of Gar landvllle, and Walter Shirley and Miss Mol.iO Parker, of Parkerstown. The bouquet was tossed by the bride and caught by Miss Ursula Christopher, nominating her the next bride. The bride's going-.iway gown was a beautiful champagne voile. The happy young couple left on the 4.48 afternoon train amid a shower of rttae, for Westminster, where an ele gant reception awaited them. ?HkThe bride is one of Lavonia's most Mpftutirui and attractive young ladles and a descendant of one of South Carolina's prominent families. Mr. Vaughan ls a rising young business man of South Carolina, and ls well known In and around Wal halla. We join their many friends in wishing them a felicitous voyage over the sea of life. A Guest. Day of Crime in Chicago. Chicago, September 30.-Chicago appeared yesterday (Sunday) to have been seized by a veritable wave of crime, and when the last reports of the day wore In, the police were con fronted with two baftllng murder mys teries, one suicide and one murder and one killing In which the murder er fled. In addition thore was ano ther attack upon a white girl by a negro, the victim In the last case be ing a child six years old. Following ls a summary of yesterday's crimes: Body Of unidentified man taken from river hands tied and clothing weighted with stones. Bod? of Joseph Genissltl taken from the lake at the foot of Twelfth street. Police think lt a murder. Ross C. Price murders his wife be cause the baby cries all night and then commits suicide. John Goss, struck on head with iron bar In quarrel; murderer es capes. JM Hilda Anderson, six yeans old, lat ? est victim ot attack by negroeB and fifth to be reported to the police within ten days. v Foley's Kidney Cure will cure any case of kidney trouble that ls not be yond medical aid. Dr. J. W. Bell. I DEA Ii WOOD PAVEMENTS. Government Announces the Discov ery of New Use for Gum Wood Washington. D. C., October 7. Special: The black and tupelo gum trees, which find their Ideal home In the Dismal Swamp and tother marshy places of the South Atlantic and Gulf St at es, will' probably play an impor tant part In solving the street pave ment problem which voxes the oui ce rs of every municipality. Experts who have experimented with the tim ber ot this tree, which hitherto has been considered almost worthless, say that lt makes an ideal paving block when properly preserved. A representative of a large wood preserving company of New York, which makes a specialty of the man ufacture of street paving blocks, has just left Washington, after a confer ence with officers of the Forest Ser vice, regarding methods of wood pre servation. His company ls now deal ing almost exclusively in black and tupelo gum, and he is highly elated with the experiments which havebeeu made. Wood is now considered the strong est kind ot a factor among the ma terials fmm which the ideal street pavement, of the future will be man ufactured. It is practically noiseless, and this quality ls very desirable In large cities where there ls much traf fic. When properly preserved and laid, the best wood pavements are said to resist wear and tear as well as any other material now in use. Wood received a bad reputation as a paving block In this country when lt was laid in various cities a number of years ago. It failed be cause Americans at that time knew practically nothing about wood pre servation for paving purposes, laying the wooden blocks just as they were sawed. Of course the wear, tear and weather soon made the pavement almost unfit for usr Foreign nations first made success.u. experiments in the preservation of wood used for paving, and now Uncle Sam has also learned some very Important things about the manufacture of wooden I'i vlng blocks, and in some rospectb hai gone the European manufactur ers one or two points better. The company whose representative has been in Washington conferring on these matters of wood preserva tion has just completed a three-cyl inder treatment plant at Norfolk,Va., where the wood will be impregnated with creosote and rosin by the pres sure cylinder mothods. The natural toughness of the wood makes it wear well, and the chemicals forced Into tho fibre will ronder it immune from decay for many years. The turning of black and tupelo gum to account, on so large a scale, is a matter of Importance In connec tion with the waning timber supply. Lumbermen have always considered lt an inferior wood. Except for spe cial uses, such as mauls, mallets, boards for wagon and cast beds, and for other purposes where a wood ls wanted which will not split, black gum has been rejected by farmers and lumbermen. It grows over a tolerably wldo region, and is abun dant on the low, marshy lands near the cbaSt of the Southern States. It finds Its ideal homo in the Dismal Swamps, where other woods, espe cially cypress, once grew in great abundance. Severe tests have shown that the black and tupelo gum, when given a proper preservative treatment, are excellent materials for Btreet paving. Tho blocks are cut to stand on end, about three inches thick, four inches wide and about eight inches high. The wood ls not very hard, but Its toughness gives ft superior wearing qualities.-. _ How's This? We offer one hundred dollars re ward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known P. J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, and believe him porfecily hon orable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Welding, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the aystom. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75 cents por bottle, ?old by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. -.--e*-? VISITING 4 .A.>t'S-All the latest styles. We want your orders lor first? class work in the Engraving line. We can furnish any style or any quantity you may desire. Write or call on THE KEOWEE COURIER, Walhalla, S. O. ? 1 >t get your *'4 Money's Worth M rick about the price of Corn-s >ver the way they think that th* jo right ahead paying two or thr ysis of thc ?joods will warrant. my of ti^truggle for reductions bette/ values that are open to e JgJ and discretion in buying F able percentage of your money k if you will only buy your Fcri ur celebrated G. W. G. Soluble with Guano sold by our comp? ra values are obtained in each v nd talk over Fertilizers with m your money's worth. IWoman's Eye THE PROMISED REST. Memorial Thoughts on the Death of S. S. McJnnkln. "There remalneth, therefore, a rest." At rest! How precious ls the thought That he has entered Into reit! In the bright mansions of the blest, Where sorrow, sin and pain are not Where he has gained the promised rest. At rest! How peaceful and how calm His life is In that blessed rest! The very thought, to us, is bless'd. Like the sweet soothing of a Psalm, That he has gained that promised rest. For he earth's trials had while here, But now in that sweet place of rest, Where he haB gone, he knows 'tis best, That here the sigh, and here the tear, , While there the peace and there the rest. For us the tear, for us the sigh, While this side of our heavenly rest, But leaning on our Saviour's breast, Like he just gone, we'll glandly die, And And our rest, our promised rest. But we must be as true and good As he who has gained his rest. Be of like precious faith possessed-j Help us, then, Lord, for oh! we would, , . Like him, too, gain the promised rest. Through Christ he bore with mar tyr's faith Long yeena of suffering, but at. rest He's won forevermore, and blestl Through Christ he triumphed over death, Then went into his promised rest. We'd follow In his heaveuward wake, Like him just entered into rest; We'd ask of Qod that we be blest With that same faith and love that make Sure entrance to the promised rest. M. M. D. It is claimed indigestion is ,the national disease. That's why the demand for Rings Dyspepsia Tablets keeps increasing because they do the work. Stomach trouble, dyspepsia, Indigestion,bloating,etc.,yield quick ly. Two days' treatment free. Ask your druggist about them. Sold by Dr. J. W. Bell, Walhalla, and W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Senatorial Salaries. (From the News and Courier.) If the abolition of the office of State Commissioner of Immigration is to be discussed In the campaign for Senator next year, it will be well to include the abolition of the office of State Bank Examiner, Railroad Commissioner, State Chemist, State Auditor of Dispensaries and other officos with which a Senator in Con gress has equally as much to do. After all, substantial, visible evi dences are sometimes abundant, that Senators do not give too great a part of their time and energy to Senato rial duties, and the people, in their own Interest, should endeavor to pre vent the Senatorial mind from being diverted too much In the direction of State affairs of secondary moment. Senatorial salaries have been rais ed recently to v.,500 a year, but. there are many indications in numer ous States that the time'of a man to represent the people excluslv ly and continuously while In office cannot be obtained for a sum lesB than four or five or ten times that amount. To cure a cold first move the bow els. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup acts gently on tho bowels, drives out the cold, clears the head. It's pleasant to take and motbors highly recom mend lt for colds, croup and whoop ing cough. Guaranteed to give satis faction or money refunded, Equally good for young and old. Sold by Dr. J. W. Bell, Walhalla, and, W. J. Lun ney, Seneca. tm when you buy Fertilizers ? truggle for reduction in the "ptit sy are being robbed for these r ee dollars per ton more for their ; that are hard to secure? and c very Farmer who will use good ertilizers. You can surely ? ? and you can secure much moi : Guano (or example. It meast ititors at much high*- prices without extra cost to ti ie Farmer, If you have any trade in y< 2 I - Women's troubles vc cause this may have be Many thousands of wome due to disorder of the wc wonderfully successful ni Mrs. Lcota Fort?, of Toled token three bottles and am nov WRITE US A LETTER Tillman's Plano In Danger. A special from Washington re cently says: The Roosev J Administration is shout to take out some ot its griev ances against Senator Tillman on an offensive piano which the Senator had stored with his friend, Ex-Senator Chandler, in the office of the Spanish Treaty claims commission. When Chandler's successor moved Into the building tho crowds hopped on the South Carolina senator's piano with great glee, and after falling to find legal authority fdr the senator to use tbe government property as nie private warehouse, they decided to remove the object of their virtuous resentment out upon the ?paci?n? sidewalk in front of the treaty claims commission' building unless some of Cuandler's or Tillman's friends came to the rescue. Senator Tillman was advised by telegraph of the proposed vengeance, and further developments are awaited with Interest. Tue Piano Saved. Washington, October 2.-Senator Tillman's piano, which was dislodged from the Spanish treaty claims com mission yesterday, has been given a reprieve by the commission and the melodious box out of which the South Carolina Senator was wont to thurns an air accompaniment will not be cast out roofless on the streets of {Washington for the present. The members of the commission received a ?hock when they saw how the story looked in print this .morning, and a hurry order was dlsr -tched to the [office of the tribunal which stayed the rude hand of the porter until Senator Tillman can be reached and ls enalled to And a more hospitable home for his cherished piano. It is a well known fact that per sons living in the pine forests do not suffer from kidney diseases. One dose of Plneules at night usually re lieves backache. 30 days' treatment, |1. Your money refunded If not satisfied. Sold by Dr. J. W. Bell, Walhalla, and W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Mc'*ng County Farmers' Union. Westminster, September 30.-Spe cial: The Oconee County Farmers' Union ls called to meet at Richland on Friday, October the 11th, at 10.30 a. m. A full delegation from each local union is requested. The dues for the year beginning October 1st are $1.28 per year, 32 cents per quar ter, divided as follows: Five cents for local, 10 cents for county, 16 cents for State, 2 cents for national. Each local union ls required to pay .dues in advance, and remit same be fore the password is received. The local secretaries are advised to write to the State Secretary, Greenville, S. C., for quarterly report blanks and other information. J. B. Harris, President. A. N. Prichard, Sec-Treas. Bubonic Pingue Rages. San Francisco, October 3.-Fifty one verlfled cases of bubonic plague developed here to-day, according to Dr. Blt.f of the marine hospital. There have been thirty deaths and thirty suspects aro under observa tion. _ *_ rLBCTRlC aBMBW". ? BITTERS AND KIDNKY8. Will cure any case beyond the reach of r of Fleur and lecessities, Yet Fertilizers than )ften ignore the ? common sense .e satisfaction in ires right up on so it is with all >u we can more iry often occur regularly at ft ceri en soN all your lite, ts no reaso ru who had previously suffered frc >manly organs? have found wei? ledlclne for women, e of d lo. III. vrltea: "I ara veil pleased ort th 1 perfectly veil, free from pain and hav g^^gg^^^CT ?sas a NOTICE OP RESOLUTION AND MEETING. Westminster, Sept. 11,1907. At a meeting of the Board of Di rectors of The Westminster Knitting Mills, held tl-'s day, the following resolution was duly adopted: Resolved 1. That the capital stock of the Westminster Knitting Mills be increased to 140,000.00, the amount of such Increase being $20,000.00, In addition to the *20,000.00 of capital stock now authorised and duly Is sued; that said increase of capital stock shall be divided into 400 shares of par value of $50.00 each. 2. That such increase of capital stock shall be designated as Pre ferred Stock and have the following preferences and conditions, to wit: Said Preferred Stock shall be enti tled to a cumulative preferred divi dend at thc rate of 7 per cent per r year. It shall be preferred in the I event of liquidation of the corpora tion to the extent of Its par value and accrued dividends. It shall be redeemable at any time by the cor poration at par and accrued divi dend?. The holders of such Prefer red Stock shall have and enjoy the right to vote on the same hauls as the holders of common stock. 3. The Common Stock shall be subject to all the rights and prefer ences of said Preferred Stock, and shall be entitled to all of the assets of the corporation after the redemp tion of all the said Preferred Stock. It waa further Resolved, That a meeting of the Stockholders of the Westminster Knitting Mills be called on FRiDAY, the 26th day of Octo ber, 1907, at 3 p. m., at its office, in the Bank Building at Westminster, for the purpose of considering said resolution calling for Increase of the capital stock, with certain prefer ences and conditions, as set forth in the foregoing resolution. Please attend in person if possible, but if you cannot do so, you should execute a proxy to some stockholder, authorizing representation at said meeting. WM. P. ANDERSON, President. J. M. NORRIS. Secretary. September 18, 1907. 38-41 REAL ESTATE. UK mm mis m sm. -? W. A. Wooten's farm, near Madi son; 109 acres. Desirable lands and on easy terms. .* We are offering for immediate sale the following property i \ Lewls Rowland Fnrni of 170 ncr??, six miles from Walhalla. Porf. Nicholson's Honse and I