The Man c I? THE MAN WITH THE y FOIi ALL FINANCIAL El TERESTS HAVE ALWAYS A BANK F HO M THE TI* ACCOUNT UP TO THE PI ' , ; ?' ' 1 fi Would you not like to folio ! and we will sh< BANK OF J Walhal . = JURORS FOR SESSIONS COURT. Will Convone at Walhalla on Mon day Morning, October 14th. i , The follovfjpg jurors were drawn last week to serve at the coming ses sion of the Court of General Session, to be held at Walhalla on Monday, Ootober 14, Judge D. E. Hydrlck pre siding: J. O. Driscoll, Wagoner township. jt>. O. Sheppard, Whitewater. j Lee Polt roy, Tugaloo. township. | E. C. Tannery, Tugaloo township. M. D. Lee, Pulaski township. L. D. Cox, Pulaski township. J. F. Merritt, Center township. T. P. Singleton, Center township. D. J. Elrod, Seneca City. ' W. W. Bearden, Center township. J. W. Merrion, Tugaloo township. J. J. Cr',me.. Canter township. T. H. Davis, i a Kaloe township. M. S. Brown, Walhalla. J. B. Beckneil, Keowee township. Thos. Lumkln, Seneca township. '. W. H. Simmons, Center township. J. Q. Couchj'Tugaloo township. H. O. Prince, Wagener township. W. G. Hunter, Chattooga township W. A. Kelley .Whitewater township Geo. W. Grant, Seneca City. J. D. Wynn, Center township. W. M. Campbell, Seneca township. J. A. Vaughan, Seneca township. R. F. Kaufmann, Walhalla. Pearle Woodall, Pulaski township. Elijah Gilltson, Seneca township. J. H. Good, Center township. F. L. Moody,Whitewater township. S. C. BiggeVstaff, Seneca township. Geo. M. White, Keowee township. J. P. Rothen, Pulaski township. J. Whit G*#nt, Walhalla. Joe L. Dickson, Center township. Frank Heaton, Center township. Afflicted wit li Hen- Eyes for 88 Years. I have been* afflicted with sore eyes for thirty-three years. Thirteen years ago I became totally blind and was blind for six .years. My eyes were badly inflamed. One of my neigh bors Insisted upon' my trying Cham berlain's Salv? and gave me half a box of it. To my surprise it healed my eyes and my sir?ht came back to me.-P. C. Earls, Cynthlana, Ky. Chamberlain's''Salve is for sale by J. W. Bell, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Meeting Rotu9| Land Farmer?'Union Bounty Land Union will meet at the Academy On Saturday, October 5th, 1907, at one o'clock P. M. All the brethren are requested to be pres ent, as there is-some business of im portance to he transacted. Election of delegates to the county meeting will be heldp and it is the day to pay annual duos. Remember, if you fail to pay your name will be dropped from the roi and you will be reported on the delinquent list. Don't fall to come and pay'.'up, and remain a mem ber in good standing J. B. Pickett, Prestdent. A. H. Ellison, Secretary. Death of lt. 1). Heilains. Borryman David Hellams died at Fountain inn on September 25, 1907. He was born August 6, 1833, in Laurens county. Ho lived in Wal halla several years and left here about two years ago,- when he moved to Fountain Inn. In early life he mar ried Miss Mary Hawking. She died several years ago. He is survived by Berry D. Hellams, of Walhalla, and one other son, Richard Allen, and one daughter, Mrp. Lizzie Hill. He was a Confederate veteran, having served four years during the war hs a brave soldier. He was a member ot Orr's famous regiment, and was in mp.*y hard-fought battles. He was a mem ber of the Baptist church, a in", his body was buried at Ebenezer Faptist church, in Greenville county, on Ir."t ?*Chursday. His children have tho gj-mpathy of many friends. Farmers' Union Meeting nt Oakway. Westminster, September 30.-Spe cial: Farmers' Union, No. 02, will meet at Oakway, in the old Grange Hall, on Saturday, tho 5th of Octo ber, to consider tha fertilizer question and the warehousing of our cotton; ^Rlso, the buying of our farm machin ery through the union. Businoss ls very important. All members are urgently requested to attend, and all local unions in the county are invited to come. W. H. Cole, Sec-Treas. Teachers' Library Committee. The members of the Teachers' Li brary Committee will please meet at the office of the County Superintend ent of Education on Saturday, Octo ber 5th, 1907, at 3 p. m., for consid eration of Important business. Emily Compton, Chairman of Committee. Unclaimed Letters. The following is a list ot the un claimed letters remaining In the Walhalla post office for the woc'.c ending September 30, 1907: Gibson, J. H. Stewart, F. H. Davis, Mrs. Fannie f? Persons calling for any of the ' above will please say that they were advertised. J. M. Merrick, P. M. rf the Hour MONEY, FOR HE IS READY ?BRGENOIES, AND HIS IN BEEN IDENTIFIED WITH IS HE- FIR8T OPENED AN RESENT. .J .-, ' ( i w in MB footsteps? Como in > w you the way. ?VALHALLA, la, S. C. ...... ? , ,~ir,-, , sssss A NBW PRESBYTERY. To the Sessions of the Presbyterian Churches in Oconee County. Dear Brethren: it in probable that the Synod that is to moot In Ander son city on the 29th Instant, and days following, will set off the churches in Anderson, Plckens and Oconee cou li tios to form a new Presbytery, and if so, it "ill be the duty of tho Presby tery, when formed; to select a name for itself Already three names have been mentioned, to wit: Koo woo, Piedmont and Seneca. It will he well for every session to be repre sented in the new Presbytery, which likely will be held in Anderson the time of Synod's meeting, so that the name be selected shall be the choice of the majority of tho whole body, and not merely of a few members who may chance to be present. Let every session then see to it that an elder be sent to Synod, who shall also be a representative in the new Presbytery. Please do not neg lect so important a matter. One Who is Interested. October 1, 1907. They Make Yon Feel Good, j The pleasant purgative effect ex perienced by all who use Chamber lain's Stomach, and Liver Tablets, and the healthy condition of the body and mind. which they create makes one feel joyful. Price, 25 cents. Sam ples free at J. W. Bell's, Walhalla, and W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Meeting County Farmers' Union. Westminster, September 30.-Spe cial: The Oconee County Farmers' Union is called to meet at Richland on Friday, October the 11th, at 10.30 a. m. A full delegation from each local union ls requested. The dues for the year beginning October 1st are $1.2 3 per year, 32 cents per quar ter, divided as follows: Five cents for local, 10 cents for county, 15 cents for State, 2 cents for national. Each local union ls required to pay dues In advance, and remit same be fore the password is received. The local secretaries are advised to write to the state Secretary, Greenville, S. C., for quarterly report blanks and other information. J. B. Harris, President. * A. N. Prichard, Sec-Treas. MEMORIAL SERVICE. Walhalla Methodist Church Pays Trib ute to Memoiy of Late D.A.Smith. On last Sunday morning at the Walhalla Methodist church the pas tor, Rev. J. C. Yongue, preached a strong and impressive sermon on the theme "God is Love." A large con gregation was present, and at the conclusion of the sermon the congre gation was assembled In church con ference for the purpose of paying tribute to the memory of Brother D. A. Smith. The privileges of the floor were extended to other denomina tions. Appropriate remarks were made by R. T. Jaynes, Rev. J. C. Yongue, Rev. C. D. Mann, J. W. Hol lemnn, W. A. Strother, J. W. Shelor, C. W. PIthford and W. O. Singleton. On motion the following preamble and resolutions were adopted by a rising vote: Whereas, in Ills, wisdom God has called from among us Brother Dres den Aaron Smith; and, whereas, the ohurch has lost a faithful member, the state a loyal subject, journalism a worthy workman, and the commu nity a devoted citizen; be it resolved First. That in the death of Bro ther Smith this church has lost one of its most zealous memebors and capa ble officers; society a modest Chris tian gentleman; journalism a flt ex ponent, and the State a loyal, patri otic citizen. Second. That we strive to emulate the true nobility of his life and con duct, commend his shining virtues, and perpetuate the Influences for good which were ever manifest in his daily walk and work. Third. That we deplore his death and deeply sympathize with the mem bers of his bereaved household. Foiirth. That a page in our min utes be dedicated to his memory. Fifth. That a copy of these reso lutions be furnished his family and to tho county papers for publication. * R. T. Jaynes, C. W. Pitchford, J. A. Stock, W. B. Loehr, , C. D. Mann. A Criminal Attack on an inoffensive citizen is frequently made In that apparently useless lit tle tube called the "appendix." It's generally the result of protracted con stipation, following liver torpor. Dr. King's New Life Pills regulate the liver, prevent appendicitis, and estab lish regular habits of the bowels. 2f>c. at all druggists. Fifteen Dead and 'iwenty Hurt. Wheollng, W. Vn., September 27. Fifteen ate dead and a score Injured, a number fatally, as the result of the Chicago and Wheeling Express, on tho Baltimore and Ohio Railroad running into a freight train yester day in the Bellaire yards, at Bellaire, Ohio. The train is said to have been four hours late and was running at high speed. KILLBD BY BLUE} RIDGE TRAIN. Proston Brown, Colored, Ron Over and Instantly Killed Last Saturday. Last Saturday afternoon Preston Brown, colored, was run over and in-, stantly killed- by Blue Ridge train No. 8, eastbound, near the old Bte gall placo, between Walhalla and Sen eca. Brow:- was riding In a wagon, driving a mule. The wagon was. torn to pieces, Brown was instantly killed, but the mule escaped unhurt. Train No. jj, a fleight, was making its reg ular Tun on. schedule time, the en glno in front, but lt was being run backward, as the new Blue Ridge freight engines are too large and heavy to be turned on the old turn table here. . Just as the train emerged through the deep cut at the Stegall Crossing Brown drove on the track in an at tempt to cross, but was Just' a few I seconds too late. A buggy had just crossed ahead bi him. end it ls stated that Brown was driving fast In an attempt to keep up with the occu pants of the buggy. The engine ten der struck Brown's wagon square, splintering lt and knocking Brown tb the side of the track. ' He was dead when assistance reached him. The body was taken in charge' by friends, and he was buried Sunday afternoon In the colored that neigh borhood. He leaves a wife and seven or eight small children. The de ceased was an industrious, hard working darkey. The particulars aro very meagre, as . none o.: tu* train crew saw the wagon or Brown until after the fatal accident occurred. The cut at the Btegall crossing is too deep to allow an engineer to see persons on the public road, though from the road, it is stated, passers can always see the trains moving In the cut. Out of Sight. ? "Out of sight, out of mind," is an old saying which applies wit. i pedal force to a sore, burn or wound ?hat's been treated with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's out of sight, out of mind, and out of existence. Piles, too, and chilblains disappear under its heal ing Influence. Guaranteed by all druggists. 25c. WE- ? THE G We have just received our new Fall largest wholesale houses in the North than ever before. We wish to call your attention this Silks, with the Linings, Trimmings, complete the oostnme. We can snpp this Store a pleasure; and you can be getting the right style st the right pri We are displaying a fine line of I prices. They are out correctly and save you from $6 to $10, if you will gi the SAME SUIT for whioh you woul Call and ses UB often. We are i than ever before. WS.HUNTER SENEC THE CROSS MAKES LIFE'S FOR Sfi CW. Pite WALHAL SEE US BEFORE HA Wo have a very large stock DISE, and the bulk of it wa advance, and wo are in a poa on your FALL ANC p\i rebases ; because we have a ] selections; because wo purcl advance. Wo solicit a portion of yoi for Fall and .Winter. Bo euro to examino our lin RECORDS. CRAIG-\ MERCAN SPOT CASH PHONE NO. 63. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS.-AU persons indebted to the estate of Wm. F. Ervin, deceased, are hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned, and all persons hav ing claims against said estate will present the same, duly attested, with in the time prescribed by law, or be barred. 67-40 J. B. S. DENDY, Administrator with Will Annexed. REAL ESTATE. ums is tots uni au. -? W. A. Wooten's farm, near Bf adi? son; .100 acres. Desirable lands and on easy terms. We are ottering for immediate sale the following property} Iiewis Rowland Farm of 170 acres, six miles from Walhalla. I*oi f. . Nicholson'? House arid Lot in West Walhalla. 40 acres Land on Tamassee road, 8 H miles from Walhalla. M. L. Cantrell Farms of 184 and 70 aeres. ' ? One Saw Mill Outfit. Let us sell your property, and if I yon are in the market for anything it I will pay you to see us. A. O. BURTON and B. A. BENTLEY. - Furniture ? We have anything you need in this line and at price? to suit everybody* Give tis a call and .ee for yourself. D. S. ABBOTT i - IAVX O O DS! Goods, personally selected from the ern ol t ics, and we have a better stock ?reek to our line of Dress Goods and Lacee, Collars snd Belts necessary to ly all these, and it makes shopping at sure that if you get it here, you are oe. ,IK1 ioa' Ktu ly-Mado Suits at popular tailored by the best talent. We erm ive us your order in time, and you get d pay MORE MONEY in any oity. n better shape to show you oar goods & COMPANY )A, S. C. ETT SHOE ! ; WALK EASY. ILE BY hf ord Co., LA, S. C. o? GENERAL MERCHAN .9 purchased hoforo the recent ?timi to aavo you a groat deal > WINTER largo stock, giving you thc best lased these goods boforc the ir patronage in your purchases e of PHONOGRAPHS AND /ERNER TILE CO., MERCHANTS. WE A RE DAILY RECEIVING THE GREATEST LINE OF WOOLEN AND SILK DRESS GOODS SHOWN IN THIS MARKET. Clothing! Clothin ! fi ? Our ttocR of Men*?? Boy?' and Children't Suit? and Overcoats is mad?? up of the newest and best styles that high grade tailoring can produce with Prices Reasonably Low. SHOES! SHOES! Do not fail to examine our stocR of Men's, Women's and Children's high-class solid leather Shoes before buying your fall and winter supply. It will be to your interest as well as ours for you to do so. A Large and Selected Stock Ladies' Jackets and Coats, Underwear, Em broideries and Laces. Blankets! Blankets! Woolen and Cotton BlanKets? all sises? from 50c. to $7?50 per pair. We are Agents for the celebrated MITCHELL WAGONS and COLUMBIA BUGGIES. See us and get our prices before buying your Buggy or Wagon and Harness. DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, almost all sizes to ?U any order. LIME AND CEMENT, high-grade Paint and Oil. N. ?.-With eaoh and every bill of Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes amounting to $10 we will give 25 pounds New York Standard Granulated Sugar for $1.16. W. P. Nimirions, Seneca, S. C. fl? cr g pu