Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, September 18, 1907, Image 7

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f,JT IB COMING OUR WAY. Editor of Manufacturera' Record Sums Up vue Situation. Baltimore. September 13.- Com menting on an interview published In New York with E. H. Harrtman, in which he refers to the prosperity of the South and Southwest on ac count of the cotton crop, mein? d H. Edmonds, editor of The Manufac turers' Record, in an interview , says: "Mr. H arriman'? optimism In re gard to the effect of tho wonderful expansion of the agricultural inter ests of the South J? Justified, but he ls far short of the reality in his statements as to the value of the cotton crop. Me credit? Texas with a production of cotton of 4,000,000 bales, worth, he says, at present prices $180,000,000, or about $45 a bale, whereas cotton is selling at r $60 a bale, and If to this be ed the value ot the cotton seed would have a total of at least $70 a bale, or Just $100,000,000 more for the cotton crop of Texas than Is estimated by Mr. Hardman. Mr. Hardman also says: 'Think'what that crop alone means to the country. A $600,000,000 cotton crop means prosperity for the South.' "It is not a $600,000.000, but moYe nearly a $900,000,000, crop which rre are getting ready to pick. Last, year's cotton crop brought to the South about $800,000,000 or more, by far the largest amount which that section over received in one year for cottoi ind cotton seed. "But with cotto" now bringing 2 cents or 3 cents a pound more than at the same time last year, lt ls safe to estimate that the crop which is now beginning to move will bdng to the South from '$860,000,000- to $900,000,000. It is difficult to ex aggerate-the tremendous importance of such an Inflow of money. Eu rope will pay to this section dudng the next twelve months between $500,000,000 and $600,000,000 for cotton, or $2.000.000 for every working day of the year." Cored Hay Fever and Summer Cold A. J. Nusbaum, Bairdville, Indiana writes: "Last year I suffered for three months with a summer cold so dis tressing that it Interfered with my business. I had many of the symp toms of hay fever, and a doctor's pre scription did not reach my case, and I took several medicines which seem ed only to aggravate the ease. Fortu nately I insisted upon having Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package and it quickly cured me. My wife has Bince used Foley's Honey and Tar with the same success." J. W. Belt Whetstone Happenings. Whetstone, September 13.-Spe cial: The farmers are taking advant age of this pretty weather in harvest ing their fodder crops. Miss Gussie DuPre has vacated her school fer two weeks. Miss Mary Conley has returned from a week's visit to her sister, Mrs A. P. Holden, at Walhalla. Mrs. Mollie Marchettl and son Master Louis, have returned to their home in Charleston, after an extend ed visit to her brotar, I. W. Henry. Miss Ethel Angel, of Walhalla, la visiting relatives and friends here this week. Henry Ivester, of Mountain Rest wats a very welcome guest at the home of W. T. Ramey last Sunday We can very well guess the meaning of that visit. Henry Fretwell made a flying trip to Anderson last week on business Lee Chastaln and family, of Ra bun, Ga., are in cl argo of the Gilli son farm. Miss Bessie Holden, of Walhalla came up Thursday on a visit to rela tives until Sunday. She, accompa nied by Miss Lassie Conley, will leave Sunday for a few weeks' visit to rela tives at different points in North Ca rollna." W. W. West, the Three-State tim bor man, passed through here last Friday on business. Ernest Fretwell, of Mountain Rest made a flying trip to Highlands last week. Mrs. W. B. Mongold and children visited her mother, Mrs. Mary By num, of Warwomr.n, Ga., last week Mrs. Cannon, of Clayton, Ga., has returned to her home, after an ex tended visit to her daughter, Mrs Bert Robins. Mr. BotomB and family, of Moun tain Rest, visited their cousin, Mra Lizzie Duncan, last Sunday. We are glad to chronicle the im provement In health of A. J. Du can. C. E. C. Your skin should bo cler.r ar bright if your liver le In normal con dltlon. Ring's Little Liver Pills act on the liver, and hoadache. constipa tlon and bllousness disappear. Pr' 25 cents. Sold by Dr. X, W. Boll Walhalla, and W. J. Lunney, Seneca News Letter from Talley. Salem, September 12.-Special Farmers In this section are busy with their fodder. J. F. Fendloy has closed his sum mer term of school at Fort George. E. C. Bowie visited at the home of J. A. Robertson last week. Paul Armstrong, of Richland; Miss Rublo Grant, of Tnmassee; Miss Mattye Bruce, of Townvllle, were the guests of Miss Addle Grogan re cently. Reese Allgood, of PIckens, spent Saturday and Sunday at tho homo of J. A. Robertson. Miss Ethel Whitten, of Pendleton, vlsitod her friend, Miss Addle Gro gan, last week. Mrs. James Alexander, of this sec tion, who has been 111 with fever, ls convalescing. Amlcus. 200 Living Descendants. Lake Charles, La., September 13. -Mrs. William Hancoy, 95 years of age, has 209 living descendants, ac cording to statistics collected by the officials of this parish. She bas ole ven children, 61 grandchildren, 164 great-grandchildren and 33 groat great grandchildren. Those descend ants bear thirty-seven different fam Hy namoB. Letter to J. P. Reese, Westminster, 8. C. _ Dear Sir: The cost of a gallon of paint put-on is about $6, no matter what paint you buy. 100 gallons Devoe put-on S 500 110 " next-grade " 550 120 ** next-to-that. " 600 130 M next " 650 140 " next-to-tbat " 700 160 " next " 750 160 " next-to-that " 800 170 " next - 850 180 " ne^t-to-that " 900 190 " next " ' 960 200 " next-to-that " 1000 210 " next " 1060 220 " next-to-that " 1100 The strongest paint ls the one that I takes least gallons; least gallons to buy; least gallons to paint; and the strongest paint ls the one that wears longest. These lessons are useful. ^???jfo ? ij?i? vt*1 Yours truly, ? ? 28 F. W. Devoe & Company. P. 8.-J. W. Bell, Walhalla, and Seneca Mercantile Company, Seneca, sell our paint. KINO CAUSED DIVORC? SUIT. ^ Kentuckian Seeking Separation from His Wife. At Lexington, Ky., a divorce suit which is considered the result ol' an estrangement caused by King Ed ward of England has come to light, 1 after having been kept a secret since Juno. The suit was flied by Lewis T. Brown against Margaret Johnson Drown on the ground of abandon- j ment. Mrs. Brown is the daughter of Claude M. Johnson, formerly Eu- ! ropean agent of the Hoe Press Com- ; pany, with headquarters In London. M rs. Brown was a woman of rare beauty, and attracted attention everywhere. Matters came to a cli max when Mr. and Mrs. Drown at tended the theatre where King l?d ward was attracted by Mrs. Brown's beauty and asked an Introducion. Brown objected and his wife ridi culed his objections. To this inci dent, it is said, is due the estrange ment and separation. Brown re turned to Kentucky and ls now in the government revenue service at Mayesvllle, that State. Do you know that Plnesatve Car bollzed acts like a poultice in drawing out inflammation and poison? It is antiseptic. For cuts, burns, eczema, cracked bands it ls immediate relief. 25 cents. Sold by Dr. J. W. Bell, Wal halie, and W. J. Lunney, Seneca. ELECTROCUTED RY WIRE FENCE Electrical Feed Cable Fell Across Wire Around Field. Greensboro, Pa., Septembr 12. Two men were cremated and two others had remarkable escapes from death last night as a result of a se vere storm which swept over that section. The men were on their way home from work and had occasion to cross a field and go through a barbed wire fence. The wire fence was charged with 22,000 volts of electricity, and lt wan Into this fence that the men walked. The two who escaped in stant electrocution did so only' from the fact that they, were in the rear and did not come in direct contact with the fence. The wire became charged from a broken feed wire of the railway company, which had been struck by lightning. It then fell acros? the fence. To eure a cold first move the bow els. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup acts gently on the bowels, drives out the cold, clears the head, lt's pleasant to take and mothers highly recom mend lt for colds,'croup and whoop ing cough. Guaranteed to give satis faction or money refunded. Equally good for young and old. Sold by Dr. J. W. Bell, Walhalla, and W. J. Lun ney, Seneca. Plant Destroyed by Fire. Philadelphia, September 13.-The large plant of che Cudahy Packing Company, at 9th street and Girard avenue, burned yesterday. The loss ls about $200,000. Beef weighing 250,000 pounds was destroyed. The Aro is believed to have been caused by a spark from a passing locomo tive. Don't worry about your kidneys when you can obtain 30 days' treat ment of Pinenles for $1. These little globules bring relief in the first dose. Backache, Lumbago and Rheumatism yield quickly, if not satisfied your money refunded., This is a fair offer you can't lose. Sold by Dr. J. W. Bell, Walhalla, and W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Tragic End to Auto Party. Pittsburg, September 13.-One woman was killed and four other persons seriously injured In Alle gheny this morning when a large automobile, bearing a party to the city, skidded along the street in mak ing a turn, and, striking the eui li stone, threw tho occupants out and against a telephone post. KILLT. GOUCH AND CURB TM? LUWCS *r Dr. King's New Discovery FOR C8?gr ?ND Alt THROAT ANO LUNO TROUBLES. /iuARANTEFD SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. ECCENTRIC MILLIONAIRE Who Said he Would Build His Own Prison Loses His MlnJ. (From the Atlanta J ou "ml.) Louis A. (Jourdain, the eccentric millionaire who made himself famous a few years aso by declaring that unless the Courts sent him to Jail he himself would build a prison and be his'own warden, became utterly Insane at the Atlanta Federal peni tentiary early last week, and on the afternoon of Thursday was taken to Washington, D. G., where he viii be placed in the government L?ylUM for the insane. Accompanying Oourdain wa . John Peterson, who also went crazy U the Federal prison her? while he was serving a life sentence for having robbed the United 8tates mails. Side by side, the pale featured, gentle mannered man of wealth and family and the bronte skinned ruf fian of the plains entered a Southern Railway Pullman car at the terminal station shortly bfore noon Thursday morning. Surrounding them were the watchful, eyes of a company ot Federal officers, headed by Chief Deputy Marshal Rinard. 'They were on their way to the government asy lum for the insane at Washington, where they will probably spend the remainder of their live?. Two Remarkable Lives. These two prisoners are remark able, both tor the singular lives they have led and their personal contrast. Louis A, (.Jourdain came into na tional fame a few years ago when he declared that unless the Courts sentenced him to serve time for hav nig used the malls for fraudulent purposes, he himself would exhaust his vast fortune in building a prison and would become his own Jailer. At the time Oourdain was on trial for having Illegally used the postal service. The facts of the case were strongly against him, but through his wealth and social position, and through the aid of shrewd attorneys in the employ of his family, he was about to go free. It was then that he made his remarkable threat. A few mont hs later, while he was being held at Chicago, then his home, his wish was granted. He was sen tenced to serve four and a half years, and placed first in the peni tentiary at Jollet, 111. Shortly af terwards he was removed to the penitentiary in Atlanta, arriving on June 7th last. John Peterson's Career. Not far from the apartment, to which the millionaire was assigned was another in which a stockily built giant-looking man slept after his day's work on the prison grounds and this was John Peterson, the like of whom haB never been seen since Jesse James terrorised Western tra velers Pearson had been in stripes since 1902, and came from the Indian Territory. The two men passed each other every day and came to know each other well. .adlcally differ ent In rearing and history, both were being J singled out for an identical destiny. What had once appeared to be mere eccentricity in uourdain and mere savagery in Pearson, developed more and more strongly as the days passed. The millionaire became more pecu liar, t>c train robber more fierce. Two Wi eks ago their manner was so unusua that an examination into their st nity was held. They were both ad udged insane. . - So T'.ursday morning the million aire was taken from his books-for he was a constant reader-and the highwayman from his pick. They were prisoners of a more terrible jailer than the law could ever create. On the drive from the peniten tiary to the terminal station neither showed any signs of violence or any wish to escape. "I'm glad to be free again," said Oourdain. "It's a beastly thing this having to stay shut up within a big wall all the time." Peterson was sullenly silent. HEALTH INSURANCE The maa who insures hie life is wise for lito family. The mr n who Insures hts health ls wise oth for hts family and himself. You may Insure health by guard ing it. It U worth guarding. At the first attack of disease, which generally approaches through the LIVER ?nd mani fests Itself IA Innumerable way? TAKE i m M's Pills And save your health. Union and Ministerial Meeting. Murphy, 8. C.T?Soptember 9.-Spe cial! The union meeting and minis ters' meeting will be held with Fall Creek Baptist church on the fifth Saturday in this month at 10 o'clock A. M. Introductory sermon by Rev. S. A. Bryant. Missionary sermon on Sunday morning by Rev. B. P. Moore. All ministers are requested to attend, and bring essays on any subjects of their own selection. A question box will be on hand, and any one having a query in drop it lu. T. H. Stewart, E. B. Alexander, ? Frank Heaton, * Committee. How to Avoid Appendicitis. Most victims of appendicitis are ti.ose who are habitually constipated. Orino Laxativo Fruit Syrup cures chronic constipation by stimulating the liver and bowels, and restores the natural action of the bowels. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not. nause ate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Refuso substitutes. J. W. Boll, The ( hangt?. Before ehe went to bordin' school' she useter romp an' play. She druv the cows up from the field an' helped to take lu bay. But she don't do that any more, be cause of this, you see She wont away as Mary Jane an' came back Jeanne Marie. She UBeter wear made-over clothes, an' always with a smile, But now her dresses, every one, must he the latest atyle. She don't ride horseback any more, nor climb the apple tree She went away as Mary Jane, but came back Jeanne Marie. Her bair ls all In crinkles now-she calls 'em Marshal waves; She's up In all the etiqutte, real sty lish she behaves. Her ma and me are mighty pround o' all she's learned-but gee, We sometimes wish for Mary Jane In . Md o' Jeanne Mariel -.dre. Elsie Duncan Yale In the Sep tember Woman's Home Companion. KIM'S DYSPEPSIA TM1EYS CW Indication and (Homsott Ti:ujt?l?si 11 1 ? 1 ' " .' 'I I . i PWP LOW RATES Offered by the NORTH, NORTHWEST, WEST, SOUTHWEST. WRITE J. Q. HOLLENBECK, Division Passenger Agent, ATLANTA, ?A. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF OCONEB. Court of Common Pleas. Harriet Thompson Roberts, Plaintiff, against John B. Thompson, Edward B. Thompson, Henry E. Thompson, in his own right and as Adminis trator of the persocal estate of James Thompson, deceased; Flor ence Riser nee Thompson; Lillie Thompson, in her own right and as Administratrix of the personal estate of John W. F. Thompson, deceased; Charles Thompson, De fendants. Summons for Relief.- (Complaint not Served.) To the Defendants Above Named: You are hereby summoned and re quired to answer the complaint in this action, which was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for the said county, on the 26th day of August, 1907, ano to serve a copy of your answer tc the said complaint on the subscri ber at his office, on the Publie Square, at Walhalla Court nouse, South Carolin*, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com plaint. Dated Walhalla, S. C., August 26, A. D. 1907. [Seal] C. R. D. BURNS, C. C. P. ROB'T. A. THOMPSON, Plaintiff's Attorney. To the Defendants Above Named: You are hereby required to t ke notice that the Summons and Com plaint in this action was filed in the Clerk's office, at Walhalla, 8. C. on the 26th day of August, 1907. The object of this action is to partition the real estate of John w. F. Thomp son, deceased, and to settle all rela tive conditions attached thereto. ' ROB'T. A. THOMPSON, 36-40 Plaintiff's Attorney. Walhalla, 8. C., August 26, 1907. Summons for Relief. 8TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OK OOONEK. Court of Common Pleas. Wm. Oscar Johns, Plaintiff, against Alice Miller nee Johns, A. P. Johns, Rosa Wooten nee Johns, Heira-at-Law of Mary Anna Vei ner nee Johns, de ceased, to wit: Singleton F. Vernor. Maud V. Stribllng nee Vernor, and Bro var <1 M. Veiner ; Hoi rs-at-Law of Ida J. Ballenger nee Johns, deceased, to wit: Maud Ballenger, Walter Hal longer, Paul Ballenger and Ida Ballan ger, Defendants: To the Defendants above named : YOU are hereby summoned and re quired to answer the complaint in this action, whioh was flied in the offloe of the Clerk of the Conrt of Common Pleas for the said County, on the 17th day of August, 1907, and to serve a oopy of your answer to tho said oomplaint on the subsoriber at his office, on the Pub lio Square, at Walhalla Court House, South Carolina, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of suoh service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this aotion will apply to the Court for the relief de ni an deo in the complaint. Dated Walhalls, S. C., August 17, A. D. 1007. ROB'T. A. THOMPSON, Plaintiff's Attorney. [Seal! O. R. D. Burns, C. C. C. P. To the Defendants above named : You will take notioe that the Sum mohs and Complaint in this aotion is on file in Ute office of the Clerk of the Court for Ooonee county. The objeot of the aotion is tbe partition of the real estate of Samuel H. Johns, deoeased. ROB'T. A. THOMPSON, Plaintiff's Attorney. August 17, 1007. 34-39 BEES U CONTAINS HONKY J An Improvement < system of a cold bs satisfaction or mom Sold by DR. J. W. BE ?V?Telabte Pre peralten for ?s Si Promotes Digcstion.Cheerfur fte>?anrt??esl.Conl?llWneiUw. j Opium.Morphine norMmeral. 1 Nor NARCOTIC, PiftW ?C. A perfect Remedy f orConsiipa Uon, Sour Stomach,plarrttMa Worms .Convulsions .feverish ness ?nd Loss OP SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. I EXACT i EXACT COPY OT WRAPPER. Twelve-Mile Evangelistic Services. Rev. W. M. Walker, evangelist, of the Twelve-Mile River Association, will hold revival meetings lu said as sociation aa follows: Pleasant HUI-September 16 September 22. Golden Creek-September 22 September 29. T. H. Stewart, J. 8. Fox, Frank Heaton, Committee to to B. A. BENTLEY, Manager. R. T. JAYNES, Attorney. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO collections in the County. Try us. Address all communications to B. A. BENTLEY, Manager, Walhalla, S. C. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. [THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COUNTY OF OCONEE. Court of Common Pleas. Robert T. Jaynes, Plaintiff, against ?Robert A. ErvIn, Defendant. 1 Summons for Relief-(Complaint not Served.) To the Defendant Above Named: You are hereby summoned and re quired to answer the complaint in this action, which was flied in the office of the Clerk, of the Court of Common Pleas for the said county, on the 19th day of August, 1907, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subsrlber at his office, on the Publie Square, at Walhalla Court House, South Caro lina, within twenty days after the ser vice hereof, exclusive of the d*y of such service; and if you fail to an swer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated August 19tb, A. D. ?907. [Seal] C. R. D. BURNS, C. C. P. B. A. BENTLEY, Plaintiff's Attorney. August 21, 1907.. 34-39 SUMMONS *OR RELIEF. j THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF OCONEE. Court of Common Pleas. [Otto H. Schumacher, Plaintiff, against j Robert A. Ervin, Defendant. I Summons for Relief-(Complaint not Served.) ?To the Defendant Above Named: You are hereby summoned and re quired to answer the complaint in this action, which was filed in the office of the Clerk of tho Court of Common Pleas for the said county, on the 21st day of August, 1907, and to serve a copy of your .answer to the said complaint on the subscr iber at his office, on the Public Square, ?at Walhalla Court House, South Caro lina, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; aud if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the complaint. Dated AugUBt 21, A. D. 1907. [Seal] C. R. D. BURNS, C. C. P. R. T. JAYNES, Plaintiff's Attorney. August 21, 1907. 34-39 NATIVE CO ?ND TAR. CONFORMS TO NATIO >v?r many Cough, Luna ?nd Bronc r toting a? a cathartic ort thc bow? ty refunded. Prepared by PINEIH.E LL, Walhalla. AV. J. For Infants md Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use for Over Thirty Years THt C tNTAV? COMPAMY. MSW ton THREE PAPERS A WEEK FOR SI.GO. By ? clubbing arrangement with tho Charleston Semi-Weekly Nowa and Cou tier we oro offering tlmt paper and Th? Keowee Oourier for S 1.50 per year. The Keowee Oourier is recognized not only as the best paper in Goonoo county, but it is rated among the boat oounty papers in South Carolina. The Semi-Weekly News and Courier ii an excellent jour* na!, published on Wednesdays and Satur days, gives the detailed news of South Carolina as a special feature, sud carries the full Associated Press dispstohes from all over thc world. The combina tion of the two papen at |1.50 gives our present readers, as well aa new sub* sc ri be ra, as opportunity-u> npSf s two ol! the best papers io the Stat? (three papera a week) for 50 cents more than the regu lar pr loe of either. Let us ?end yon two of the, very best paper? in &>uth Carolina for almost the price of one. This Buaa $502? Th!. I? our "Q>oreU" nr*M top taffy, hf* ion-tailed, dust mud ?roof > boll MU tons dla* wttfc deubU (mud ahafta *t.MQ.OO: thu Job roteilo wUlmakolttoyourlnU runt ak? M :OMP aaa and ask for bugs? Anderson Hardware Co. WorehouM Dopo?ltory Decatur 81. Cor. Moot? Atlanta, ?a. BLUE RIDGE RAILWAY CO. HETWKKN HELTON AMU WALKALLA, Time Table No. H.-ln Kffeot May 5,1007. KAH I HOUND 13 10 20 18 LyWalhalla. LvWest Union ArKeneoa. LvHcneca.... Lv*Jordanla Junotioo Lv ?A darna. Lv*Cherry. LyPendleton. Lv*Autnn. Lv*DenTer . L.v*Weat Anderaon ArAudernon-ra??D?j> I.vAnderaon-PoaaDep Lv*Anderson~f\r*Dep ArBelton. V If S ss S 40 P ll 2 TX 2 92 P.M. 1 40 2 01 8 68 9 00 9 ID 9 IB 9 80 9 88 9 46 10 00 iooo 10 os 10 19 2 60 2 63 8 08 8 ll 8 28 3 81 (, 89 8 61 *8*B6 4 00 4 2A 4 40 4 46 6 08 6 12 6 45 e oo 6 16 6 85 6 46 8 3C 8 88 9 06 PM 7 00 7 CS 7 80 WESTBOUND j ll I 9 j 7 j 19 j 28 LvBelton. I.y*Anderaon-Fr't De ArAnderaon-Paaa De JLvAnderaon-Paaa De Lv'Weat Anderson.... I.v?Denver. LVAutun. I.vPondleton. Lv?Cherry. J .v Adams. I.Y*Jord?nla Junction. Ar Seneca. LvHeneca. LrWeat Union. ArWalballa. PM 4 30 4 57 B 00 6 06 6 20 6 28 F, 80 6 48 6 61 f! 04 0 07 6 25 o ao P M 12 10 12 36 12 38 12 44 12 66 1 04 1 12 1 22 1 26 1 41 A M 1 13 2 01 2 06 8 20 8 80 8 60 0 06 9 86 eeo 9 66 10 20 10 26 11 25 11 56 12 05 AM. 10 48 11 22 ll 26 PM 02 7 08 . Flag station?. Will ?lao atop at tba following atatlona to toke on and let off pa?*engera : Phinney'a, James'a and Handy Spring?, Tollway, Welch. Noa. 9,10, il and 12, Aral olaaapaaaenger,dally] Noa. 7 and t, dally except Munday; Noa. 18,19, 2d and 28, mixed, dall;. A. B. ANDREWS, President, J. B. ANDERSON, Hu corin tendent. UGH SYRUP HAL PURS POOP AMD DRMQ8 LAW? nial Remedies, became tt ride ftur ile. No opletei. Guaranteed to eira 1 MEDICINE CO., CHICAGO, li. S. A* LUNNEY, Scncta.