?b* ]jjXta?Tstt &tmxux. r>U<3U?HCD KVKRV WEDNESDAY MONNING. -BY - JAYNE8, SHE LOU, SMITH * STECK R T. JAYNK8, I . PN" ( D' A. BMITM. J. W. S HI LOB, J KD#- I ROB-- I J. A. BTKOK. OU.JBCRIPTIOH. . LOU Pen ANNUM. AO v cnn SINO RATES REASONABLE. Communications of s personal oharaotor charged for OS advertisements. KJ|r* Obituary notioes and tributes of respect, of not over one hundred words, will be printed free of charge. All over that number must bo paid for at the rate of one cont a word. Cash to aooompany manuscript. . WALHALLA., 8. C. t WSDNIRDAV, MBPX. 4, 1VOT. PRKSIDHNT'S SONS. Ten Out of Twenty Have Won Unu sual Distinction. .....I.?...- ....i. Strictly ?pvMMiB, ami bwuu rv Presidents' sons, concerning whom there are available records, have grown to manhood, says the Ohio Magazine. Six Presidents-Washington, Mad ison, Jackson, Polk, Buchanan, (a bachelor), and McKinley-loft no children Two-Jefferson and Monroe-left daughtors only. President Johnson had only two sons, both died before ho was President, and so do not count. The sons of thirteen Presidents John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Van Buron, William Henry Harrison, Tyler, Taylor, Fillmore, Lincoln, Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur and Ben jami.? Harrison-ha\e lived to man's estate Tue HUHS of Cleveland and Roosevelt are still boys. , Of tho twenty-one Presidents' sons who have reached manhood, nine have bulked large in the pi Mic eye on their own account, and all but ono or two have been solid, substantial citizens. The prominent nine are John Quincy Adama, President, diplomat ist and representative; Charles Fran cis A (innis, publicist and statesman; Robert Tyler, register of the Confed erate Treasury, Richard Taylor, who served with distinguished gallantry on the Confederate side of the civil war; John Van Buren, prominent In State politics and just entering na tional politics wheu he died; Robert Todd Lincoln, cabinet minister, dip lomatist and president of ?. half-ruto utter. f-'uccoHx, Indnrvondencoan'l l?robnhlofortuits nre Kuaruntcc.!. Don't delay. Wrlto today. Tho Ci.-Al*. Vvslnext Coll . Macon. Ga. N.B.-300 requests for telegraphers now filed; men or women. Snlarlcs $50 to $70 per month. Pineu 30 days* treatment for $1.0C guaranteed or money J. W. BELL, Waihi I y Ino crece or ^tt/? ? $ pale children it magical. It makes them plump It contains Cod Liver and Glycerine, to make i and so put together thal by little folk. & ALL DRUGGISTS; 5 The Because 1 J?- <\v. Wiiy does she do her hair that way ; Why did she snub you yesterday? Ask hor, and then you'll hoar her say "Because." Why does she dote on lemon ice? Why does she think that smoko is nice? Why does she spurn your good advice? Because. Why does she rush to matinees? Why does she with enraptured ga*e, Observe the heroes ot the plays? Because. Why does she, when she reads a book, At the last chapter always look Ere the first pages she wll crook? Because. Why does she hurry to the shops And walk until she nearly drops And make no purchase ere she stops? Because. Why does she lunch on frosted cake And pickles? This ls no mlstakej And wonder what has caused the aches? Because. / Why does she wepr outlandish hats? Why does she scream at mice and rats? She'll tell you, when with you she chats, "Because." Why does she-ah, but. let us pause And ?sk her whyshesays"Because." j She'll tell us, true to woman's laws, "Bec?' oe!" * -Chicago Evening Post. I Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury I as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescription from reputable phy jsiciane, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possi bly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, contains no mer cury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists. Price 75 cents per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. I AM DETERMIN LIVERY B - . W. J. CARTER, M. D.' -1> entist Office two doors above the Baak? lo Carter's Pharmacy. WBSTMIN8TKK, 8. C. DR. W. F. AUSTIN, DENTIST, SENECA,.S. C. Office Over J. W. Byrd it Co. PHONIC NO. 61. E. L. HERNDON, Attorney-at-Law, WALHALLA, - . S. C. 'Phone 61. J. P. Carey, J. W. Shelor Picketts, S. C. I Walhalla, S. C. GABEY & SHELOH, Attorneys and Counsellors Walhalla, S. C. Will praotioe'in tho State and Ul tod States Courts. Business entrusted to our care will re ooive prompt and careful attention. les For ant >. Satisfaction refunded. ?Ho, s. o. w. J. LU? BAC ? i *K? MZfffitiis/?fi on ih?iit y rosy% active? happy. Oil, Hypophosphites at, Hood and bone, t it it easily digested Do. AND $1.OO, Giving Awny Young Trees. (Prom Arboriculture.) About ten years ago I was in Vir ginia during the apple-gathering sea son. Barrels were scarce in the re gion, every cooper shop and every J??? cooper wa? working night and day to^H supply the demand for barrels, whlje men were scouring the mountains for hickory poles with which to make hoops. Nearly ail these barrels were then hooped with hickory poles. Commission men buying apples sent to other States and barrels were hurried Into the apple region In vast numbers. I saw an entire train of foriy cars arrive upon one occasion whl'h was entirely laden with hick ory-hooped ?lack barrels-320 to each car, and ten hoops on every bar rel. Here at one time were seen 12, 800 barrels,for which there had been sacrificed 64,000 living hickory trees. In a few years' time these trees would have been capable of supply ing 25,000,000 carriage spokes, the price of which now, *3.. a thousand, would realize $75.000. The farmers who permitted this sacrilege of cutting out the young hickory which had made rapid strides toward salable lumber trees received for this train load of their trees less than $400. The Noir Pure Food and Drug Law. We are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles, ls not affect ed by the National Pure Food and Drug law, as It contains no ophites or other harmful drugs, and we recom mend It as a safe remedy for cnlldren and adults. J. W. Bell. This Buggy $50 This ts oar ..Oeorata" ?pedal top buggy, ha* fan-tailed, dust mud proof; belt collar: lons dla. tanco spindles; axles 16-16": genuine leather up holstered ?cat and back: body plain black: rear BTewater" weenor New York" red. complete with double braced shafts at $50.00; this lob retails at $78.00. We carry a complete lina of vehicles. We would bo pleased to ha"e you write us for pur fr?? Illustrated c?talo?, Riv in* full detailed infor mation, and also our special offer on thia job. We will make it to your interest ? Just dropua a postal card and ask for buggy catalog. Anderson Hardware Co. Warehouse Depository Decatur St. Cor. Moora Atlant?, Ga. SD TO DO THB USINESS for this community. Come on and get your teams. Hauling Teams, Single and Double Buggy Teams and Saddle Horses, Always on hand. Prompt and polite service at reasona ble prices. Teams sent out at any hour, day or night. Phone 10 or ll for quick teams. C. R. HOUt'HINS, Walhalla. S. C. S" AI* CAK?S.. DR. F. F. COLLINS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, WALHALLA, 8. C.-WEST END. 3y-PHONE 87 All Calls Promptly Answored, 8-8-06 Day or Night. DR. D. P. THOMSON, X>en.tist, Walhalla, ?. C. Office Over C. W. Pitchford Co.>8 Moro. _Phone No. 8?. DR J. H. BURGESS, DENTIST, SENECA, S. C. OFKICK OVKH NIMMONS' STOKE, DOYJ.JC BUILDING. Offlco Hours: 9 A. M. to 1 p. M. " " 2 IVM. to 6 P. M. April 20, 1004. 16-tf R. T. JA YNES, Attorney-at-Law, WALHALLA, - - S. C. Belt Phone No. 20. Practice in Stau and Federal Courts. Business entrusted to my care receives prompt attention. 1-06 the Kidneys, Bladder I Rheumatism. RELIEVE'? :K-ACHE NEY, Seneca, 8. O.