Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, August 21, 1907, Image 3

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f U BLISHED KVCRY WEDNESDAY MOKNINO. -BY YNES, 8HEILOR, 8 M IT H 4k 8TEOK S T. JAYNK8, I . P__. ( D- A. SMITH. J. W. SHTBI.OB,. 1 KOB' 1 RUB?. \ J. A. BTEOK. GU IBC?tirVi?N, SLOG P EH ANNUM. ADVEHTISINQ RATES RKA?ONASLE. Communications of a personal uharaoter oharged for as advertisements. HT" Obituary notices and tributes of renpeot, of not over one hundred words, will be printed free of oharge. All over that number must be paid for at the rate of one cent a word. Cash to aooompauy manuscript. WALHALLA, 8. G. > tv *< ON Iv Ml? A V, AVO. Ul, 1907. A DASTARDLY CRIME. *'iend Enters an Asheville Home and Attempts to Fire Bed. Asheville, N. C., August 12.-When the family of J. A. Wild, living on Hill street, awoko yesterday morning, it was disoovered that some fiend had entered the house during the night, administered chloroform to Mr. Wild's (daughter and attempted to set Are to the bed on which she slept. Nothing of value was taken from the house exoept a wateh, whioh belonged to Henry Wild, a son. The family did not retire until after midnight, and when Mr. Wild arose yes terday morning he found the'doors of his house open and the place strongly filled with the odor of chloroform. Upon going to the room of his daughter he found her in a deep sleep and had muoh difficulty in arousing her. On the bed was a small bundle of rags thiokly saturated with chloroform, while her clothing and hair smolt strongly of the deadly drug. A large number of half burnt matches were strewn on tho bed in which she slept mid the bedding was scorohed in a number of places. A bloodhound was taken to the soene j of the attempted orime and apparently j found a strong scent, whioh led tho offi cers through a nearby oornfleld, where a watoh fob was picked up, whioh had boen attaohed to the watch stolen from Henry Wild, whioh indioated that the misoreant had passed that way. The trail was later lost, owing to many peo ple having crossed and recrossed it, thus interfering with the dog. No further clue has been discovered, although the search still continues. Should the misoreant be disoovered, his life may pay the penalty for his daring crimo. w Headaohe and constipation disappear when Ring's Little Liver Pills are used, hey keen (he system olean, the stomaoh weet. Taken occasionally they keep eu well. They are for the entire fam ly. Solp! by Dr. J. W. Bell, Walhalla; . J. Luuney, Seneca. Items from Ramsay's Creek. Ramsay's Creek, August 12.-Speoial: The sobool at Cross Road* is progress ing nicely with Miss Lou White as teacher. She deserves muoh praise. W. D. Barnett is tenohing sobool at Mount Zion this Bummer. Thos. Bibb, who lives near Westmin ster, spout Saturday night with friends near Ploasant Hill. Thc wife of Wm. Walkin? died Tues day and was buried Wednesday at Pleasant Hill. She loaves a husband and several small children. The pastor, Rev. A. P. Marett, ably as sisted by Hov. J. A. Bond and J. H. Far mer, conducted an interesting series of meetings at Pleasant Hill last wook, whioh olosod Sunday. There were eight additions to tho ohurob-six by letter and two bj oxporienoo. W. D. Tramp Wrecks Train with Explosives Ridgeway, Pa., August 10.-Five train men were injured here to-day by the ex plosion of what believod to have beon nitroglycerine, dropped or thrown by a man who was put off a Pennsylvania railroad freight train. The man who had the oxplosivo was injured, and is in jail here. O r^a. m *x? 2f? m B?an th? -rf The Kind You Haw Always BougW Signatur? .f \ Why n< People 1 grow excited c some of them g the actual ana 1; Too ma V economies and I . til S save a consider your farm worl Take o actual analysis our brands, ext Come ai than give you ) TERRIBLE EXPLOSION. [ Many Killed and Wounded-A Town Almost Wiped Off Map. Detroit, Mich., August 10.-Two men were killed, three more probably totally injured and scores of people were slightly hurt by the explosion of half a oar of nitroglycerine at the Miohigan Central Railroad station at Essex, Ont., to-day. Practically every building in the little town of 1,500 people was in jured, many of them b'-'ng blown to pieces. The shook of the explosion was plainly felt for twenty miles around Es sex. It was so heavy in this oity that windows wore broken in an automobile garage. Everything for a radius of 800 yards from the depot is in ruins. Brakeman MoNary to-day discovered that the nitroglycerine was leaking in the car. He started to open it and stop the leak, when, without warning, the ex plosion occurred. Mo Vary's mangled body was found 200 feet away from the traoks in a field, and- Brakeman Conlon was dug from under a coal oar dead. Fireman Manglan lay near the ruins of bis engine, and the other two members of the train crew and the station agent | were dngfrom the wreoked station badly hurt The town of Essex is to-night -udor I police restrictions, resembling martial law. Fifty guards are patroling the streets to protect property exposed by the destruction of h-*ildings in to-day's explosion, and ali saloons in the neigh borhood dosed. Man/an Pile Remedy comes put up in j a collapsible tube with a nozzle. Easy to apply right where soreness and inflam mation exists. It relieves at once blind, bleeding, itching or protruding piles. Guaranteed. Price 50o. Qet it to-dny. Sold by Dr. J. W. Bell, Walhalla; W. Lunney, Seneoa. Four Killed-100 Injured. Boulder, Colo., August 10.-Four per sons to-night are dead as a result of an explosion of dynamite at the Colorado and Southern depot yesterday. Fire started in the depot, and spread* ing a distance of 100 feet, enveloped a powder house containing 1,000 pounds of dynamite, which exploded, injuring chout, 100 persons and breaking the plate glass in every business house in the ci tj as well as the windows in hun dreds of residences. The property loss is estimated at $250,000. The fire is be lieved to have boen incendiary. Srange Castom of Silence. The Korean woman who speaks or even nods on her wedding day immedi ately beoomes an object of ridioule and loses caste. Neither threat nor prayer must move her, for the whole household is ever on the alert to catch a single muttered syllable. Her poriod of silence often lasts for a weok or more and when complete silence is broken she only uses her tongue for the most necessary uses. Somo sixty years ago a native of Penn sylvania undertook, for a wager of 30 pounds, to remain mute for the first month of hor marriage. Hor husband, not h ,ng in tho secret, loft her, only to return later, when ho was apprised of the real reason of her si lonee. A Kr?ssels couple named Dnpont quarreled HO bitterly on their wedding day that tho wife vowod that hor hus band should novor hear her voice again, nis entreaties wont for nothing, and to her dying day she kopt to tho lotter of hor oath. If you suitor from bloating, bolohing, sour stomach, indigestion or dyspepsia, take, a Ring's Dyspepsia Tablot after oaoh meal, and ovoroome the disagree able trouble. It w'U improve tho appe tite and aid digestion. Sold by Dr. J. W Beil, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Richest Policeman Reinstated. Chioago, August 10.-Inspector Nicho las Hunh, reputed millionaire and ad mitted to be the richest policeman in the world, was reinstated on the polios force by Chief Shippy last night and placed in oharge of his old headquarters in Hyde Park. )t get your 44 Money's Worth " ? dek about the price of Corn-st ?ver the way they think that the o right ahead paying two or thu /sis of the goods will warrant. ny of us'struggle for reductions better values tat are open to ei B and discretion in buying Fi able percentage of your money, k if you will only buy your Ferti ur celebrated G. W. G. Soluble with Guano sold by our compe ra values are obtained in each w nd talk over Fertilizers with us four money's worth. [R5??T Round Eyes Vvv STORY OF POOR BOY'S SAVINGS. A Foot-Sore Printer Makes a Mint Out of Three Hundred Dollars. [Portland. (Ore.) Dispatch, August 9.] There landed In Portland fifty-eight years ago a foot-sore and weary printer boy, looking for a job. He came from Pittsburg, Pa., before that oity began to turn out millionaires like sausages. No one would haye pioked bimtfor a winner, but that he ir? co-day the biggeit success financially in the Pacido Northwest is universally admitted. This printer boy is now better known as Henry L. Pittook, ohief owner of the "Oregonian," which helped to organize tho Associated Press, and one of the big timber barons of the Paoiflo Northwest. In addition to running hisa'newspaper, just fifty-one years ago to-day, young Pittook got together $300 and bought a block of ground. It was way out in the woods and oovered with timber. Port land was the home of the Oregon peni I tentiary then and he made a contract with the State government to have the conviots olear his ground for $100, mak ing the total coot $400. He oarried this property for four years without getting any return from it, and then he married and built a little cottage on one corner ; as be prospered he built a larger house, but an exceedingly modest one, and he is just moving from that to-day to give place to a modern sky-sorapor. This block, wbioh cost a total of $400, has been leased 'or 00 years. The ground rent for the first ten years will be $30,000 a year, and each five years this will bo increased 10 per cent until from January 1, 1007, to December 31, 2005, the annual rent of the blook will be $103,508, and all this free of taxes or any other expenso. Mr. Pittook built the first sky-soraper in this part of the United States. He is ono of these young old men who partici pate in all publio affairs. Like many another auooessful man he is proud of the fact that he has never been out of debt for a single moment of his entire life. Pineules for the kidneys strengthen these organs and assist in drawing poi son from the blood. Try thom for rheu matism, kidney and blander trouble, for lumbago and tired, worn-out feeling. They bring quick relief. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sold by Dr. J. W. Boll, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney,Soneca. Death of Dr. J. F. Fusor. [Columbia Record, August 0.] Just as we go to press tho nows comes of the death of Dr. J. F. Ensor, postmas ter of Columbia. A little over a woek ago ho was stricken with paralysis, and from the first it was hardly thought ho would recover. Dr. Ensor has boen a citizen of Colum bia for many years. Ho carno from Maryland to this Bf ato. Ho was a Re publican in politics, and during tho re gime of ( ; o vernor .Scott he was appointed chiof pbysioian of the lunatio asylum, which position ho held for many yoars. The last six or oight yoars he was postmaster of the oity. " Dr. Ensor was a man whom evory one osteemed and respected for his many sterling qualities, lie will be greatly missed in business oiroles, and his loss will bo ac.niely felt by hi? friends. The Record expresses deepest sym pathy for his wifo and daughters. FOLETTMONEYHCAR .area Oeldsi Proventa Pneumonia I vhen you buy Fertilizers ? niggle for reduction in the prie y are being robbed for tese n< te dollars per ton more for their that are hard to secure, and o rery Farmer who will use g xji ?rtilizcrs. You can surely H , and you can secure much mort [lizers right* Guano for example. It measu titors at much higher prices-J 'ithout extra cost to the Farmer, 4 If you have any trade in yo Tho Ula peculiar to vozne Somo ladles sufi ir. every feeling. Others Stiffer agonic: Whatever the symptoms, act on tho cause of their trout Wil Mrs. M. C. Austin, of M< of female disease, bul after us WRITE US A LETT! ?LACK HAND Iv 11>N.\I'S CHILD Little Girl is Carried Off from Under Her Father's Eyes. New York, August 12.-All day and all night a distracted father and mother sought through the streets of the lower East Side for their lost baby girl, only to learn yesterday, from a letter slipped under their doer, that the ohild was in the power pf the dreaded Blaok Hand Band. After reoeiving two previous notes telling him that his ohild would be kid naped unless he parted with a sum of money, Bocco Valarde, a well-to-do Italian merohant, found that the band had carried ont ita threat. In broad daylight, on one of the busi est corners in a orowded district, little Dominioa, five and one-half years old, was playing with a number of children on Tuesday morning, in J.'U?M view of her father. A few minutes later the ohild had disappeared. Valarde owns and conducts a fruit and green goods store at No. 2J Monroe street. ^ Orly one day before tho ohild disap peared Bocco had received the seoond of two letters from the Blaok Hand Band, marked with the familiar skull and oross-bones. In it he was told that unless he gave $300 to a man who wonld oall upon him, one of his children would be kidnaped. No man had called, and Bocco at onoe connected the disappear ance of the ohild with these letters. Pineules for the kidneys and bladder. They bring quick roliof to baokache, rheumatism, lumbago, tired worn-out feeling. They produoe natural action of the kidneys in filtering waste matter out of the blood. Thirty days' treatment $1. Money . efanded if Pineules are not sat isfactory. Sold by Dr. J. W. Be'l, Wal balla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. -; How Ho was Cured of Balking. [From the Nashville TennesAoean.] "A balky horse ts the meanest thing this side of Memphis," said A. L. Nich ols, of Brentwood, Tenn. "I had a horse one time that balked on all occasion?. He would balk if you whistled, balk if you laughed and balked if you looked from the corner of your eye. "One day ho balked and I could not mako him move forward to save mi. An old negro man happonod along and sup plied a remedy. Goiug to the side of the road, he pulled a handful of dog fennel wood. Taking this, ho rubbod it under tho horse's nose. The animal shook his hoad once or twico, raised up his tail and started down the road in tho merriest trot you over saw. That treatment of dog fennel ourod tho horso of balking, no nover mado another attempt to act ugly after that." , Tho bites and stings of insects, tan, linn n, outs, burns and bruises are re lieved at onoe with PinesalveCarbolized. A el s liko a poultice and draws out in tlammation. Try it. Prioo 25c, Sold by Dr. J. W. Bell, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Cures Coughs, Colds, and Lung Troubles. Pr o. take different forma, month, from dark ringa, roand their eyes I of palo, that vords can hardly ecrprosa. i remember there la on*> modlcloo that wi >les? the weakened womanly oigans. te of Cs smphis. Tenn., writes; "For flvo (5) ye? ling the well-known Cardut Homo Treat: Happenings at Hoi>ewell. Hopewell, August 12.-Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Davis and little Miss Ruth King, of Greenville, are on a short visit with homefolk8. Oscar Land, of the Chauga seotion, boarded No. 30 for Texas again. Misses Mamie Davis and Alpha Jen kins, two of Hopewell's charming young ladies, spout a few days in Madison last weok visiting relatives and friends. Miss Mary Harbin is on the siok list. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Davis, of West minster, are on a visit to the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M, MoAlister. Miss Alpha Jenkins is spending a few days on the Georgia side this week. Mrs. W. M. Barrett and Miss Graoia Jenkins are also on the siok list. Eddie and Freddie Fiokeus and Clyde Jenkins are on a visit to relatives in Piokens county. Georg? Elli?, of Piokens, and Miss Mattie MoWhorter, of - uear, Carnes vii le, Ga., visited the family of Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins recent ly. M. Hundreds of people yearly go through painful operations needlessly, beoause they never tried ManZan Pile Remedy. It is put Up in suoh a form that it oan be applied right where the trouble lies. It relievos the pain and inflammation. It is for any form of pilos. Prioe 60 cent?. Sold by Dr. J. W. Bell, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Bounty Land Locals. Ilounty Land, August 12.-Crops are looking Ano after the nice raiL W t had Friday night M. M. Morris and son, Laurence, have been visiting friends in Salem. Miss Lillian MoDonald entertained a large number of friends at a birthday dinner on Friday, August 0th. She re ceived some very Hue presents. Wade Lumkin and sisters, Misses Lula and Emma, visited Corinth seotion Sunday. J. C. MoDonald and family, of Belton, are visiting his father and brother, W. H. and W. J. McDonald, for a few days. Arthur McDonald and brother, Frank, of Prosperity, a-e visiting relatives and friends for a few" weeks. W. A. M. .tops tlx* oottgh ?ad heals langs Two Men Wounded in Duel. Augusta, Georgia, August H.-In formation was received from passen gers on the incoming Georgia train last night to the effoct that James W. Free man, living near Waynosboro, engaged in a quarrel with his brother-in-law, Jethro Robinson, at the homo of tho latter last night, as a result of which Freeman is said to have been mortally wounded, and Robinson so seriously wounded, that there is doubt of his re covery. The cause of tho troublo is not known, but it is understood that thore bas boen ill feeling for somo timo,*',and that the men, after quarroling, praotioally fought a duelJun which bothjlovldoucod good aim. Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, events Pneumonia and Consu For Sale by J. W. Bell , blotches on their akin and tired tn go beyond mere symptoms, and irdui ta 1 suffered with evury symptom meat. I vas entirely vc!!." aga Jnelldne C^^???n?^^T?nn?*,aP** VISITING i.uiDS-All the latest stylos. We want your orders for first class work in the Engraving line. We can furnish any style or any quantity you may desire. Write or call on THE KEOWEE COURIER, Walhalla, S. C. Dr. King's New Life PH ls The best in the world. WE WANT our friends and patrons to leave their Printing and Engraving orders with us. Prompt attention and best service. Call and see our line of samples. . THE KEOWEE COURIER. Walhalla, S. C. COOK STOVES, RANGES, HEATING STOVES PULL LINE OP TINWARE, BICYCLES AND SUPPLIES. ROOFING, EAVE TROUGH AND ALL KINDS OF TIN AND SHEET IRON WORK MADE TO ORDER. Typewriters, Sewing Machines, Guns, Revolvers and Bicycles deaned and repaired. All work dono on short notice and guaranteed. 13. LOOK. This Buggy $502? foo This ts oar "Georgi*** special toa buggy, ham fan-tailed, dust mud proof; boll collar; lona dis? tance spindles; axles 15-16"; genuin? leather up holstered neat and back: body plain black; ?ear "Brev ;\ter" green or "New York" red, complet* with double bracod shafts et 160.00; this lob retails nt $75.00. We carry a complete lino of vehicles. Wo would bo pleased to ha"? you writ? us for our free Illustrated c?tale*, giving full detailed.infor mation, and also our special offer on this ion. We will make lt to your Interest. .... J ust drop us a postal card end, ask for buggy catalog. Anderson Hardware Co. Warehouse Depository Decatur St. Cor. Moore Atlanta, Ga. SO YEAR8* EXPERIENCE PATENTS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention I? probably put ont able, Communica tion? striotiy confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent* boutfroo. Olde? agency forsecuring patents. l'Htonts takon through Munn A Co. rocelTS rpMUH notice, without charge, lathe Scientific Jwiericaiu A handsomely lllmtrated weekly. I?arsrost cir filiation of any sclent,lno tournai. Terms, SS a your : four months, $1. Sold by afl newsdealers. MUNN & Co?e,BM^Hew Y?rt ltranoh Ornoo, 836 F BU. Washington, D. C. THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE HONEY and TAR Throat ln the m pt ion YELLOW PACKAGE