Get CONVICTED YEGGMEN AUB BACK .Nolan und Howard Begin Service of Their Ten-Year sentences. Spartauburg, July 17.-Chas. How j-ard and Tom Nolan, the cracksmen ? convicted here several months ago of / robbing the safe ot the Enoree Manu facturing Company in November of 1902, and sentenced to terms of ten years each, were taken to Columbia to-night by Acting Deputy Irby to begin their terms in the State peni tent arv. The fact that the men were to be taken to the State penitentiary at this time was not given out, and lt was not known that the authorities had decided upon such a course till the prisoners and guards appeared at the station a few minutes before the train departed. They have been held in Jail here pending their attorney's motion for a new trial. This has not materialized, however, though Mr. Sims declared td-day he would take the cracksmen's case to the Supreme Court. He said he did not know that j Nolan and Howard were to be taken < to Columbia at this time. Other prisoners in charge of the officers leaving here to-night were: Jack Scruggs, sentenced for lifo for the murder of C. L. Carver, and Geo. Barnes and Henry Rumley, negroes, who go to serve short sentences. ?. B. Burhant Testifies After Four Years. G. B. Burhans, of Garlisle . Center, Y., writes: "About four years ago wrote you sta ti og that I had been en tirely cured of a severe kidney trouble by taking less than two bottles of Foley'? Kidney Cure. It entirely stopped the brick oust sediment, and pain and symp toms of kidney disease disappeared. I am glad to say that I have never had a return of any of those symptoms during the four years that have elapsed, and I am evidently oured to stay cured, and heartily recommend Foley's Kidney Cure to any one suffering from kidney or bladder trouble." Sold by J. W. Bell. Georgia Saw Mills Close Down. Atlantic Beach, Fla, July 19. '?rhe Georgia-Florida Saw Mill Asso ciation yesterday decided to shut down all Haw mills owned by them or by members of the association for one month, beginning August 1st. lt ls stated that tbis action is due to the low prices for lumber. Do Yon Open Your Mouth Like a young bird and gulp down what . ever food or medicino may be offered you ? Or, do you want to know something of the composition and character of that which you take into your stomach whether as food or modlcino? _Most Intelligent and sensible people j :4tt?Mr-a-day8 Insist on knowing what they ? I'Wploy whether as food or as medicine.) l)r. Pierce believes they have a perfect right to insist upon such kuowlodgo. Soho publlshes.^eroadcast and on each bottle wrapper, whatJj?T3"Tn?4fcclnes are made of ana^^nesia^rruftrr esta Thia hp feels 4 Sore wlll_thelr superior curative "virtues ^FoMhc"aire of woman's peculiar weak nesses, Irregularities and . derangements, giving riso to frequent headaches, back ache, dragglng-down pain or distress In lower abdominal or pelvic region, accom panied, ofttimes, with a debilitating, pelvic, catarrhal drain and kindred symp toms of weakness, Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prescription ls a most efliclent remedy. It ls equally offoctlve In curing painful periods, in giving strength to nursing mothers ana In preparing the system ol tho expoctnnt mother for baby's coming, thus rendering childbirth salo and com paratively painless. Tho "Fnvorlte Pro scription'' is a most potent, strengthening tonic to the gonoral system and to the organs distinctly feminine In particular. It ls also a soothing and Invigorating nervino and cures nervous oxhaustlon, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea or St. Vitus's danco, and other distressing nervous symptoms ut. tendant upon functional and organic dis eases of the distinctly feminine organs. A host of medical authorities of all tho several schools of practice, recommend each of the soveral ingredients of which "Favorito Prescription" ls mado for tho euro of tho dlsoasos for which lt Is claimed to be a cure. You may read what they say for yourself by sending a postal card request for a free book lot of ox tracts from the loading authorities, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel and Surgical In stituto, lin l?alo, N. v., and it will come to you by return post. s Why nt People I grow excited c some of them g the actual anal Too ma economies and save a consider your farm wor Take o actual analysis our brands, ext Come ai than give you ] OLDEST WOMAN IN AMERICA. Oregon Claims to Have Her in Mrs. Mary Wood, 120 Year? Old. Oregon claims the honor of count ing among her residents the oldest white woman in America, Mrs. Mary Ramsay Lemons Wood, and in the celebration of the Fourth of July, Mrs. Wood, aged 120 years, 1 month and 16 days, was crowned Queen of Oregon. The coronation was per formed by Gen. George H. Williams, Attorney General under President Grant, and the only living representa tive of that cabinet. Gen. Williams is in his eighty-fifth year. He was assisted by Hon. J. D. Lee, President of the Oregon Pioneer Association. Mrs. Wood was born at Knoxville.. Tenn., May 20, 1787. She was twice married, her lind husband, Mr. Lem ons, dying in 1839. In ! 852 she moved from Missouri tb Oregon, set tling in Washington countw where she still makes her home,^jp!uing od horseback the entire way. Mrs. Wood married her second husband, John Wood, May 28, 1854. Of her four child ron,all of whom lived to a ripe old age, only one 1B to-day living, and that is the youngest child, Mrs. Catherine B. Sou th wor* h Rey nolds, who was born in 1830. Was In Peer Health for Years. Ira W. Kelley, of Mansfield, Pa., writes: "I was in poor health for two years, suf fering from kidney and bladder trouble, and spent considerable money consult ing ; physicians without obtaining any marked benefit, but was cured by Foley's Kidney Cure, and I desire to add my tes timony that it may be the cause of re storing the health of others." Refuse subatitutes. Sold by J. W. Bell. Unmentionable. One day the children were having an object lesson on the heron. The master called attention to its small tail, saying: "The bird has no taft to speak of.". The next day he asked the pupils to write a description of the bird, and one youngster wound up by saying: "The heron has. a tall, hut lt must not bo talked of." DEATH OF M. lt. WALTERS. ?Was Frightened to i. cn th Near riebens Tuesday of Last Week. (Anderson Mall, July 18.) M. B. Walters, of Brevard, N. C., I who has been engaged in building a 1 bridge in Pievens county, about ten miles from Plckens, died suddenly ott, Tuesday, while on his way to Pickens in a buggy, accompanied by his wife. [The direct causo of his death is sup posed to be apoplexy. Mr. Waters was a man of about 58 years of age and possessed a magnifi cent physique. He had stopped his horse at a small stream to give it water, and in an effort to get the horse's hoof free from a part of the reins, which had become entangled about it, ho made a slight misstep, and it is thought tho sudden fright brought on his death, which occurred Instantly. Summer coughs and colds yield at once to Bee'? Laxative Cough Syrup. It contains honey and tar, but no opiatos. Children like it. Pleasant to take. Its laxative qualltios recommend it to moth ers. Hoarseness, coughs, croup yield quickly. Sold by Dr. J. W. Boll, Wal halla; W. J. Lunnoy, Seneca. Robbers Held Up Freight Train. Two robbers held up a St. Louis and San Francisco freight train east of Cherryville, Kansas, one day last week, and shot and killed O. P Brown and seriously wounded Otis Taylor, harvest hands. Brown and Taylor were boating their way home. They resisted tho efforts of the road men to rob thom of their earnings. Tho robbers escaped. ? O JCk, JBI "X" O H. X J?k. . Beare th* lhe Kind Yon Haye Always ?ot$t Signature Sf rt get your " Money's Worth " i dek about the price of Corn-si >ver the way they think that Shs. o right ahead paying two or thn psis of the goods wi/! warrant. my of us struggle for reductions better values that are open to r O and discretion in buying Fi .able percentage of your money k if you will only buy your Fert ur celebrated G, W* G. Soluble w(th Guano sold by our corope ra values are obtained in each v, - nd talk over Fertilizers with us your, money's worth. THE MEST WIVES. The Business Girl More Competent to Adapt Herself to Circumstances. The question has been raised so often, and especially by the "lords of creation," that I think it is time the matter received attention, says a writer In the New York American. Why, we may as.v, should not a girl who has sharpened her wits and be come alert in business mutters be bet ter able to manage her house and husband's income than the average girl, who just lives to play, dress and read, which is the usual routine of the "stay-at-home" daughters of the house, and whose very limited means require little or no management? I know the cooking question will be put forward, but there again the business girl looks after the dinner, while Maud can practice or do her painting, while the girl who has been busy with brain and hands all day scores; for how ol ten we hear, "Ma will welcome some cooking experi ments as a healthy recreation." I have In my mind a case in ques tion showing the quickness of the business girl to adapt herself to cir cumstances. A girl of nineteen, a clever "typist," suddenly lost her mother, and without any preparation undertook the entire management of her father's home and small family, and has proved herself to be a most competent housekeeker. It is high time that men should understand that the smart shop girl is not to be cut by the girl who stays at home, in many cases because she lacks the qualifications essential for a business girt. The business girt has her wits sharpened by her training and con tact with the outor world, and, as In , all other careers and relations of life, the capable girl will always score md readily adapt herself to the new con ditions of her iife and surroundings. VYsr AjiS?ii Cwiiiumplion. All nations are endeavoring to oheok tho ravages of consumption, the "white plague," that claims so many victims each yoar. Foley's Honoy and Tar ouren coughs and colds perfectly and you are in no danger of consumption. Do not risk your health by taking nome unknown preparation when Foley's Honey and Tar is safe and certain in results. The genu ine is in a yellow package. Sold by Dr. J. W. Doll. Officers Made Haid. (Greenville News, July 17.) Deputy Collector R. Q. Merrick made a raid four miles south of Lan* drum last Saturday and captured an Illicit distillery, which has been doing a thriving business. Tho apparatus was of the usual size, and was well made. It was torn up by tho officers. Mr. Merrick had along with him sev eral other officers, but thoy were una ble to make any arrests. M an Zan Pile Remedy comes nut up iu a collapsible tube with a nozzle. Easy to apply right where soronoss and inflam mation exists. It relioves at onoe blind, bleeding, itching or protruding piles. Guaranteed. Price 50c. Get it to-day. 8old by Dr. J. W. Dell, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. when you bu^ Fertilizers? ruggle for reduction in the prie y are bein?; robbed for these n se dolla** per ?on more for their that are hard to secure, and o very Farmer who will use good srtilUers. You can surely | , and you can secure much mor llizers right* i Guano for example? It measu ritors at much higher prices-r-; without extra cost to the Farmer. L If you have any trade in ye Irregularity is bad ir but especially when ii is femaie disease, but, unl< the poisons thus allowee !f you suffer in this Wim Mrs, Lucinda Johx-son. of lar I ty. causing great pata At I WRITE US A LETTEI JERKING THE HORSE. It will l'misc Intonso Suffering and it Should be Studiously Avoided. tKrom Outing Magazine.) Once put to and out of doors the principal evil we shall notice is the tendency of drivers ot wagons, cabs, and private carriages as well, to nag and Jerk the horse s mouth Instead of using the voice or whip, and it ap pears that this brutal practice ls on the Increase. Some drivers' hands are never still, but it is Jerk, Jerk, 1 Jerk, all day long, and the appear ance of their horses shows how the suffering wears upon them, while an inspection of their moutliB. and the. way in which they let go of their bits, will disclose bone -uni skin bruises and abrasions of dreadful ex tent, lacerated tongues and torn lip corners. The lower Jaw of a horse ts a marvelous structure of tenderest and thinnest skin, quivering nerves and acute sensitiveness, and yet every other vehicle in our streets is steered by some double-fisted brute, who mnuls this organ from daylight to dark. The horror of it! A single Jerk to a hones mouth inflicts far more acute agony than cutting off six tails (if he had them), yet ono goes unpunished and the other is a State's prison offense-or would be If the S. P. C. A. were in earnest about preventing the mutila tion of the thousands of horses an nually in the State. DIVORCE IN GEORGIA HIGH LIFE. Mrs. Kate (' i lain, of Atlanta, Alleges Sensational ('barges. Atlanta, Ga., July 19.-Mrs. Kate McCarthy Chamberlain has flied suit for divorce in the Superior Court against her husband, E. P. Chamber Iain, of Chamberlain, Johnson & Co. Mrs. Chamberlain alleges cruel treat ment nnd infidelity. She states that within tho last two weeks her hus band threatened to brain her with a chair, drove her out of his room while she was in her night dress, and told her to go, as he was done with her. She charges also that he told her he loved another woman and bau done so for two years. She states that his property amounts to $85,000, and asks for reasonable alimony. Weil Cleaner Killed. Central, July 1ft.-Samuel Kay, while cleaning a well for Lawrence Mefk yesterday, was drawn lo tho top, but missed his footing nnd foll to the bottom, his skull being Crushed. He lived several hours, but was en tirely unconscious. El rPTDir THE H EST POR hSt hi J. SS JJSi. BILIOUSNESS BITTERS AND KIDNEYS. Will cure any case beyond the reach of i e of Flour and ecessities, Yet Fertilizers than ftcn ignore the common sense e satisfaction in res right up on so it is with all ?u we can more M Ff G.! Ge i every department of life, in I ; a question of womanly habit, ?ss* cured, lt will cause danger 1 to remain in the system, way, get * bottle of eof Ci Rah Crook, Wis., writes: "I suffered (or sst I tried Card ul. and now I am cured." ?% Write K*l.y ta > trw copy ot v?]u*bic 6*-p*jn> fllo*tr? AHKNS FLOCK TO AMERICA. The Number of Immigrante Last Year was 1,285,340. Washington, July 19.-All immi gration records in the history of the country were broken by the aggre gate returns for the fiscal year of 1907, which ended on June 30 last. The total number of allen immigrants ?landed in America during the year was 1,286,349, as against 1,100,735 dur ing the fiscal year of 1906. The in- i ?crease during the past year was about ? j 6 per cent over the greatest number immigrants that ever arrived in Ame rica heretofore in a single year. The figures for the entire year have not ix MI compiled in detail, but it is Uno-'ii that the great majority of the inn dgrants reached this country during the last six months, the exact number for that period being 743, 952, an increase of 10 per cent over the BIX months ended June 30, 1906. A total pf ?,962 arriving immigrants were debarred from admission to the country during the last six months. Of the total arrivals during the last six months 132,185 came from Rus Isla. FLOOD HAVOC IN OHM ANY. Fifty Persons Reported Drowned and Cropd Greatly Damaged. Berlin, July 19.-From six to eight inches of rain have fallen over the greater part of Germany during the last three lays, and as a result a number of rivers have overflowed their banks, carrying death and de struction in the surrounding country. No less than a dozen minor railroad accidents from washouts have been reported, and dispatches coming in from the country traversed by the swollen streams relate the destruc tion of crops, dwellings and out buildings. The floods are especially severe in Western Germany. Casu alties to the number of fifty have boon reported, principally single per sons caught by the waters, and chiefly from the villagOB of Poland and Sile sia. The capsizing of a boat on the Muggel sea, near Berlin, resulted in two deaths. The hay and rye crops in the province of Brandenburg are entirely ruined by the rain, the farm ers having had only ono day for har vesting. HELP^?V?FF?RED TO WORTH Y YOUNG PEOPLE Wo earnestly nil you mr persona, no matter how limited their moana or education, who wish to ii >tni II a thorough business training and good posi tion, to write by ''nt mail for our Rr<>at half-rate .iffor. S : i . - , t"i mendencoand probable fortuno are guarantee J. 1 xm't dolay. Write today. Tb? CA.-Ala. Bd?lntM College, Macon. Ga. PINE-ULES for the Kidneys SO DAYS1 TREATMENT FOR Sl.OO* ADM CU of Kidney or Bladder Di nedicine. No medicine can For Sale by J. W. Bell >eneca irtilizar Co. H. Gignilliat neral Manager. neals, in sleeping hours, ll Not only is it a sign of w ous troubles, because of irdui fourteen (14) yean with Irregu At all druggists, to SI bottles. itedDoofc for Woman. If yao n?*d Mnjlcj AN A N MV li I ISA KY CELEBRATION Tho Old Famers' Society of Pendleton to Have a Dig Picnic. The old Farmers' Society of Pen dleton has arranged for the anniver sary of the Society to take place on Thursday. August 8th, and a commit tee of ten was appointed to prepare foy the celebration. An invitation has been extended to Secretary of Ag riculture James Wilson, of Washing i toa, to be present, and other distin guished guests are -expected to be present and deliver addresses. The principal feature of the day will be the unveiling of a marble tab let Bhowlng the dato of the organisa tion of the Society, building, hall, etc. There will be a large basket picnic, and a tremendous crowd ls expected to be present. Col. J. C. Strlhling, of Pendleton, thinks that the picnic will be a huge success. Ho says that the farmers will be present in largo numbers, and tha^ every thing possible will be done to make the day a success. If you suffer from bloating, belohing, sour stomach, indigestion or dyspepsia, i take a Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet after I each meal, and overcome the disagree, able trouble. It will improve the appe tite and aid digestion. Sold by Dr. J. W Bell, Walhalla; W. J Lunney, Seneoa. What Whiskey lt Good Fer ! An exchange says that alcohol will remove grass stains from sum mer olothes. The ezohange is right? It will also remove summer olothes and also spring and winter olothes, not only from the man who drinks it, but also from his wife and chil dren. It will remove household fur niture from the house and eatables from the pantry, the smiles from the face of his wife, and the happiness from his borne. As a remover cf things alcohol bas few equals. JUST ONE WORD thntwordls ! lt ?fers to Dr. Tuft's Llv.r Pill, and MEANS HEALTH. Are you constipated? Troubled with Indigestion? Sick headache? Vlrtlgo? Bilious? Insomnia? ANY f i these symptoms and many others Indicate inaction of th* LIVER. You ?STooc?. TutfsPills Take No Substitute. RE sease not do more. Cures Backache Corrects Irregularities Do not risk having Bright's Disease or Diabetes