Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, July 17, 1907, Image 8

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Pure Drugs a The Best of Every always the Chea] The Walhalla I Jfat? mt Uersonal. -Baggies, hame??, Whit? Hiokory wagons. T. E. Alexander, Walhalla. -Cotton seed meal and hulls at the Newry Store. -For sale-A good Becond-hand buggy. Apply at this office. -"David Garrick" at Wagener Theater to-night-don't miss it. -Mr. and Mrs. J. B. S. Dendy vis ited relatives in Pendleton last week. -Mrs. J. R. Cobb ls spending sev eral weeks in Seneca visiting her son. -The Mountain Union Singing Con vention will bo held with Unity church July 27 and 2". -Read the new advertisement of Carter & Co. They sell the famous "Birdsell" wagons. -Cotton seed meal and hulls at the Newry Store. -For sale-Good young milk cow with young calf. Apply to J. D. 1B bell, Walhalla S. C. -Clerk of Court Burns was quite ?lek several days last week. He ls again at his post In the Court House. -Dr. and Mrs. Frank McLoud and two boys, of Floreuce, aro stopping at tho home of Hov. C. D. Mann, in Wost Union. .-Cotton se?>d meal and hull., at the Newry Store. -Dr. J. L. Mann and family, of Flor ence, aro visiting at tho homo of his fathor. Rev. C. D. Manu, aud family, in West Union. -Candy will bo sohl at tho production of "Davio Garrick" to-night at the thea ter for the boneilt of the Confcdorato monument. -Cotton seed meal and hulls at the Newry Store. -Mr. and Mr . Janies Thompson and son, Alf, of Seneca, are visiting at the home of Major and Mrs Wm. J. Stribllng. -J. C. Simpson, of Iva, Anderson county, spent several days in and around Walhalla recently among rel atives and friends. -Cotton seed meal and hulls at the Newry Store. - Miss Anna Hamby, of Florence, is visiting her friend, MIBS Jennie Cobb, on Faculty Hill. -Mrs. J. H. A. Beaty and children of Pendleton, are visiting at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Garrison, in West End. -Cottou seed meal and hulls at the Newry Store. - Mr?. T. G. C. Fahnestock and Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Burton are now occupying Mrs. Fahnestock's cement residence on Faculty Hill. -If you want to sell your land or buy any land, in town or out, see me before ?ou trade. 1 will make you money. '. E. Alexander, Real Estate Agent, Walhalla, S. C. -Rev. John G. Law will preach at Old Pickens at ll o'clock and at Fair view at 4 o'clock next Sunday. All are cordially Invited to attend these services. -J. P. Drew, wife and child, and Mr. Vogal, of Columbia, are In Wal halla for some time. They are stop ping with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Me-rick at "The Maples." -Cotton seed meal and hulls st the Newry Store. -Miss Daisy Strong left last week for Chicago, where she will spend a few weeks among friends. Her many friends here wish her a moBt pleasant stay In the "Windy City." -For Sale-One high-grade bicy cle; brand new; ridden less than fifty miles; fitted with Forsyth coaster brake. A bargain. Sidney Adams, Walhalla depot. -Cotton seed meal and hulls at (he Newry Store. -Re, J. H. Stone will preach at Double Springs on the third Sunday lu this month (July 21st) at ll A. M. The public is cordially Invited to attend and take part In the ser vices. -Cotton seed meal and hulls at the Newry Store. -Capt. and Mrs. J. H. Doyle and two daughters, Misses Mattie and Catherine, or Cranbury. Texas, are visiting Major and Mrs. Wm. J. Strib ling and family at theircountry home near Walhalla. -Cotton seed meal and bulls at the Newry Store. -Mrs. C. G. Strong ls spending a short while in Washington, D. C., where she will meet her daughter, Miss Cora, and they will return to Walhalla soon. Miss Cora will spend her vacation here. -Building Matorial! Let us figure with you on windows, doors, paints, etc. Our doora aro of North Carolina yollow pine, full If inches thick. Our price? will save you money. Matheson Hardware Co., Westminster. Something: C When you?feel tired get a cool and refreshing A fresh line o?' Drugi BELL'S DRI nd Medicines. thing-The Best is pest-Get it from >rug Company. -Speoial prices on stew meats at the City Meat Market. tf -Miss Eva Reeder, of Westminster, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. P. Keese, this week. -Miss l?ary SitnB, of Greenville, is vis iting at the borne of Major and Mrs. Wu. J. Stribling. -Miss Georgia Burns and Miss Goor !;ia Elford, of Charleston, are in Walhalla or the summer. -Mrs. A. L. Roberts has been - quite sick at her home hero for several days. Her many friends hope for ber early re covery. -Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ashe have returned from Franklin, N. C., where they spent some days visiting rela tives. -Mrs. J. T. M. Riser and daugh ters, Misses Hattie and Corinne, of Selma, Als., are visiting Miss Lillie Thompson. -Ed. C. Mann, Eso., of Darlington, is visiting his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Coke D. Mann, in Wost Union, ?nd among bis many friends hero. -Mrs. C. M. Bronnecko has returned from a vory pleasant visit to hoi* daugh ter, Mrs. Baughman, of Atlanta, Her rainy friends aro dolighted to see her at home again. -Prof. Leland Kennedy, of Florence, the new superintendent of the Gradea Schools, and Prof. Robert Keunody, his fathor, are stopping with Dr. and Mrs. D. L. Smith, on Faoulty Hill. --Mr. Neale, of Greensboro, N. C., representing the Insurance depart ment of the Supreme Lodge Knights of Pythias, here last week, and did considerable business with the members of Walhalla Lodge. ? -The members of Double Springs Baptist Church are earnestly requested to be present at the conference on Satur day before ?na Sunday in August, at :! o'olock p. m. The purpose of the meet ing is to call a pastor for the rest of tho year. -On the sixth page of thlB issue will be found an opinion by the As sistant Attorney General in regard to school trustees holding two offices. This opinion ls in response to a re qust from Suprintcndent of Educa tion Craig. -D. A. Mulkey, of Easley, was in Walhalla for a short while this week. lt was the first time he has been here since he moved away some fifteen years ago. He ls looking well, and "ihe smile that won't come off" still Kn ees his handsome face. - The Belmont School will be open on Monday, July 22nd, with Mrs. Rose E. Parker, as teacher. Parents are requested to bring their children on that day and to be pres ent and give a welcome and en couragement to the teacher. -Austin Beatty, of Gary, Fla., is visiting his mother, Mrs. L. H. Beat ty, and brother, John P. Beatty, In Walhalla. He is engaged in the truck farming business at Gary, and ls meeting with great success. Mr. Beatty ls accompanied by his friend, E. J. Hendry. -Bargain I ! ! Only one three-roller vertical steam power cane mill for sale oheap. Capacity 110 gallons of juice per hour. This mill is practically brand new; been in use one season. Guaranteed in every particular. A bargain for some one. Matheson Hardware Co., Westminster, S. C. -J. Furman Morton ls erecting a substantial store room in West Union and as soon as completed he will open a mercantile business. His buildiug 1B lorated opposite the post office. We arv glad to welcome him to the ranks of our business men, and wish him a full measure of success. -There will be an all-day pionic at Lawrence's Ford, three miles below Newry, on Keowee river, July 20th. There will also be a big dance given. Let everybody bring well-filled baskets and spend the day with us. Refresh ments on the grounds. This ford is only six milos below Seneca. Remember the date, Saturday, July 20. -We are indebted to the manage ment of the Anderson Daily Mall, and especially to that good paper's linotype machinist, S. H. Byron, for the use of the latter's brains nnd brawn in completing the installation of The Courier's new linotype ma chine, which is now in operation. Mr. Byron is a pleasant gentleman, and his visit was greatly enjoyed and ap preciated by UH. He was accompan ied by Master Ansel Norryce. -Cotton seed meal and hulls at the Newry Store. -Married, at the residence of C. R. D. Burns, the officiating notary public, on Sunday, the 14th of July, 1907, James H. Hunnlcutt or High Falls, and Miss Mary Gantt, of Newry Mr. Hunnicutt is an industrious farmer, and ls to be congratulated rfu winning the hand and heart of such an estimable young lady. The best wishes of their many friends for a long, useful and prosperous Jour ney through life ls extended. ool tofDrink. and hot just stop in and ; drink. s always on hand. UG STORE. -Cotton seed meal and hulls at the Newry Store. -Mr. and Mrs. Frank S.Holleman, of Seneca, spent a short whllo this week visiting tho family of Judgo and Mrs. J. Wi Holleman. -Found, a rout. Owner can get saine by proving property and pay ing for this notice. Call on Freder ick Biemann, West Union -On the 7th of this month T. Y. Chalmers, who lives near Picket Pout had the misfortune to lose his dwell ing and Its contents by fire. During the past week he has again suffered a severe loss, three of his milk cows having died. These losses fall heavily on Mr. Chalmers, and he has thesym pathy of many friends throughouUhe county. Rabun's New Court House. Kabun county is to have a new court house to sucooed the old and dilapidated frame Btruoture which ha? served that county for the past several years. The new building will be a hand some two-story building, costing, when completed, about $25,000. It will be Constructed of concreto IXock, with fire proof floors, tile floors to the offioes, an ample auditorium and well arranged offioes aud vaults. Work will begin immediately, as the plans have been agreed upon and the contraot let. A new jail will also be built.-Clayton Tribune. Annual Singing Convenlion. The Annual Singing Convention will meet with New Bethel Baptist church, near Oakway, on August 3d and 4th, 1007. Rov. C. D. Mann will preach the intro ductory sermon on Saturday at ll o'clock a. m. All singers are cordially invited. J. F. Morton, President, Norton Cox, Secretary. A Card of Thanks. Wo (icsiro to express our sincere thanks to our many friends and neighbors for their kindness, asBistanco aud sympathy sho<vn us during the illness and death of our beloved husband and father. May heaven's richest blessings rest upon them all. Mrs. J. M. Sanders and Children. A Card ol Thanks. Wo fool very thankful toward the kind neighbors and friends for the holp re ceived from them since our loss, caused by Are. May God's richest blessings fall upon them all. Respectfully, T. Y. Chalmers and Family. Chub Wall Captured in South Dakota. Gainesville, Ga., July 12.-Sheriff W. A. Crow, of Hail county, left last Satur day afternoon for Coster, South Dakota, where, last week, Chub Wall, notorious as a North Georgia desperado, was ar rested by the sheriff of the county there. He will return to this city with his pris oner as soon as possible. Last August Wall escaped from the Hall county jail-the first prisoner to effect his escapo since Sheriff Crow lins been in office. He was furnished a saw by parties outside the prison and left letters to the sheriff, the jailor and others explaining in detail his planB as executed for gaining liberty. For nearly a year Sheriff Crow has been tracking Wall, informing the she riff in the Dakota town a few days ago that Wall wa? in that place, and locating him exactly. The arrest was made o. this informa tion. The sheriff of this county will be at an expense of about ?575 in recover ing the fugitive. The Governor's reward is $100. The prisoner wat) not a Hall couuty|ward, but was being kept safely here for the Rabun oounty authorities. For the past seven year? not a court has passed in Rabun, .but one, in which there was not a oharge of some kind against Wall or his family. He last year killed a man in Rabun, was sentenced to hang, the sentence reduced to life im prisonment, and he was afterwards par doned. He shot his uncle soon after reaching home, it is alleged, beoauso tho rotativo refuged to sign the petition for his pardon, and was awaiting to begin his sentence for that offense when he escaped. Burglars Torture Man. Buffalo, N. Y., July 15.-Because bo would not deliver to two burglars the keys of his employer's house, Frank Smith, 45 years old, a coachman in the omploy of John G?hra, a wholesale meat dealei - ~ tortured and left for dead by his asBa?aucs. Smith's tongue was slit with a knife and the soles of his feet were slashed in a score of places, until he became, unconscious. Tho men then threw Smith down the stairs, whore he was found. One arrest was mario to-day. Smith is in a critioal condition. 11 Men Hurt in Wreck. Washington, July 15.-As a result of the derailment of throe oars of a north bound passenger train on the Southern Railway, at Jamestown, N. C., near Greensboro, to-day, elevon persons, mostly employees of tho railroad, wore injured. According to an official state ment issued by the railroad here to night, the derailment was due to "tracks buokling undor the dining car." 50,000 Tailors Strike. Now York, July 15.-Fifty thousand mein!,cis of the Tailor's Brotherhood in Greater Now York, Newark and Jersey City struck to-day, demanding a 0-hour day and* a 10 per cent increase in wages. Tho strike premisos to tie up the whole garment industry in this section soon. Billie Bell md Hit Burro. We've all got a boy we call Billie Bell, I Ile is very fond of sport and tries to' be swell; Ho boutrbt P. ittle burro ?nd nnmed bini Li ttle Ted ; He bad bim groomed and very well fod; Tben he got a bridle and saddle for ?a ride, Bat he did not go far beforo tbe burro shied; He jumpod and bucked and cut a big shine, But all this was fun and Billie didn't mind. At last the burro did as he had done out West Tb? rest of the story Billie can tell best He came down from bis back (the do scent was quick,) Over him jumped the burro and gave a big kick. But Billie was determined the burro to break. If it did create a llurry or a big earth quake. Just after this unusual and great catas trophe The boys of the city all extended sym pathy. They all volved a vow the Jack they would ride, If it did oost each a part of his hide. The first to volunteer were McLees and Brown, The best little riders in all the town. James Wilson and Beard each had his turn ; Each said he felt like he had been io a churn. Carter rodo him slow and Biemanu rode fast; It created muoh fun us each one would pass. Long may the boys and burro have their fun! So far 'tis a stand off and noone has run. The boys havo been lucky and no one is hurt, r But some of them surely and truly struck dirt. Some rode rapid and some rode slow. But to sum it all up it was a right good show. Death of Mrs. Charles Havant. Mrs. Charles Havant, wife of th j lato Dr. Davaut, of Pendleton, sister of Capt. Miles and Mrs. Eliza Pickeus, of Pund.e ton, died last week in Columbia. Mrs. Da vant was a handsome, lovable Chris tian woman of the old South. In her illness she bore her pains with the same Christian fortitude and bravery as did her grandfather, Gen. Pickens, on the battlefield. She was the first member of the An drew Pickons Chapter of D. A. R. to die. She was an honorary member, and her face and deeds shall be kept in memory by her D. A. R. sisters left behind, who shall soe her beautiful hands beckoning us to como. And when the battle is over may our chapter meet our loved one in the eternal city and still be a chapter, beloved as daughters of our Heavenly Father. Marye R. Shelor. Item? from Conncross. ConneroBs, S. C., July 16.-We are having plenty of rain after the dry weather. School opened at this place Monday, the 15th, Prof. J. H. Cantrel as teacher. Rev. J. H. Ayers filled hts regular ap pointment Saturday and Sunday, and preached an interesting sermon. The Sunday school teachers met in the after noon at four o'clock to prepare their les sons for tho next month. They will meet in the afternoon of every preaching day for this purpose. Leslie and Norman Morgan and Misses Essie Nicholson, Jennie and Clemmie Whitfield were the guest? of th? Barker family recently. Mrs. John Hamby and children and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bearden and little daughter visited at the home of Mrs. S. M. Hunsinger recently. Accidentally Killed Himself. Abbeville, July 15.-Will Hammond, the 18-year-old son of Mrs. Sallie B. Hammond, accidentally shot and killed himself to-day at A. T. Bryant's store, at Level Land, about 15 miles from this place. It seems that young Hammond was handling a shotgun, when it was accidentally discharged with fatal re sults. OA.BTORIA. finn tat Kind You Have Always Sought PORTABLE ENGINES are the best General Purpose Engines in the world. We carry them In stock. Wo are the headquarters for Peerless Engines, Saw Mills and Threshers. Also Atlas Engines and Boilers, DoLoach Saw Mills and Shingle Milln, etc. We carry a tremendous stock of all kinds of Bolting and Maohir jry Supplies. Write us for anything in the Machin ery Lino. SULLIVAN HARDWARE CO., ANDERSON, S. C. Now is the Tim?*? There is aa old saying, "There is a timo for all things." Now is tho time to buy your Fruit Jars, extra Fruit Jar Lids, extra Rubbers, Fruit Acid, etc. Fruit is soarco this season and it would bo wise to get aa muoh as you can while it goes. Anticipate your wants in this lino and buy what you will need. Wo have a few moro Cano Seed left and if you haven't sowed what you wapfc, for your forage this winter, don't wait until time to gather beforo you realizo that "There is a time for all things." Now is the time to oan berries, sow forage, otc. DON'T LET THE TIME SLIP. 0 We have a complete stock in all lines. Get our prices. Craig-Verner Mercantile Go., Phone 63, WALHALLA, S. C. Do You Want Cash for your Real Estate or Business ? I can get it for you. Send me full description and lowest cash price. My methods differ from all others. My office is headquarters for Cash Buyers. Makes no differences where you aro looated. Write to-day for listing blauks. JAMES H. DARBY, REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSURANCE, \ Walhalla, S. C. { Office in People's Bank. Houses for Rent. JUST IN! Thirty dozen pure white China Teas, sold in the cities at $1 and $1.50 per set, our price 75c. Think of six handsome Cups and six Saucers, all pure china, for 76c. Get a set for the extra company that always comes with the "Good Old Summer Time." A few more Straw Hats to go at juet. half what we paid for them. A real bargain while they last. Visit our Store often. Every day's a "Bargain Day" with us. J. G. HUFF, Successor to Huff, Knox & Wood. Seneca, S. C The Fruit Crop is short. Can Blackberries and To mat oe s for winter use, and buy your4 Cans and extra Rubbers from J. W. BYRD, SENECA, S. C. m Furniture ? We Have anything you need in this line and at prices to suit everybody. Give tts a call and see for yourself. D. S. ABBOTT COOK STOVES, RANGES, HEATING STOVES FULL LINE OF TINWARE, BICYCLES AND SUPPLIES. ROOFING, EAVE TROUGH AND ALL KINDS OF TIN AND SHEET IRON WORK MADE TO ORDER, Typewriters, Sewing Machinas, Guns. Revolvers and Hi cy cl OH cleaned and repaired. All work done on short notice and I guaranteed. il. S. -Li O O Kl. REAL ESTATE. ns m im w su. -? D. F. Nioholsou -haere lot in West Eud; home place. G. K. Maxwell's 48J acres. 3 miles west of Walhalla, near Neville school house. M. L. Cantrell 124 and 72 acre traots, 2J miles north of Walhalla. Cobb lot, West End, Main street. - John F. Craig 1-aore (3 lots) on the Heights; oorner Lone Tree and South Broad streets. W. M. Brown property on Main street; oan bo bought in lots. All the above to gu jheap at once. We would like to buy a small farm closo to town. We have other valuable lots. Give us a chance to handle your prop? erty, and we will do you good. A. C. BURTON, Or B. A. BENTLEY, Walhalla, S. C. Juno 26, 1007. 20-tf Dr. King's New ?if e Pilli* The best Sn the world.