Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, June 26, 1907, Image 7

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Union Meeting -Fir?? Division. The nnion meeting of the first di vision "f the Beaverdam Association will be held with Conneross Baptist church on Saturday and Sunday, June 20tb and 80tb, 1907. Saturday, 10.80-Devotional exer cises, oonducted by Rev.,C. L. Craig. Enrollment of delegates and reor ganization. First query : What oan be done to deepen the religious interests of men ? Speakers--Kev. J. H. Stone, E. P. Wood and Noah Tollison. Second query : How can a ehuroh secure the co?operation of its mern Bers in Sunday school work? Speak ers-F. M. Cary t Rev. J. H. Clark and R. L. Symes. Third query : Whst are the obli gations of our churches and members to missions? Speakers-Rev. C. S. Blackburn, J. R. Earle and Newton Driver. Fourth query : How oan we best develop a liberal support of benevo lent and charitable work in our de nomination ? Speakers--Rev. A. P. Marett, T. D. Poore and James Smith. On Sunday short addressee on Sunday school work by different su perintendents. A full delegation from all the churches" in the district is requested. A. P. Marett, for Committee. Headache sud constipation disappear when Minn's Little Liver Pills are used. They keep the system clean, thestomaoh sweet. Taken occasionally they keep you well. They are for the entiie fam ily. Sold by Dr. J. W. Bell, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Improvement of Our Arid Regions. According to official figures, since the reclamation law was enaoted by Congress in 1902, eight towns have been built and 10,000 people have settled on what were desert lands. To prepare the way for these settlers 100 miles of branch railways have been built, 1,267 miles of canals have been dug, many of which carry whole rivers, and 47 tunnels have been excavated. It is estimated that the territory embraced in what is known as the arid regions of the United States covers 600,000,000 acres, of which about 60,000,000 acres are subjeot to irrigation, which, when properly supplied with water, can be oonverted into farms fully as productive as lands in the most favored sections. A bill was intro duced in Congress at the last session for the purpose of reclaiming over flowed and swamp lands in Arkan sas, Indiana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina and other States, and those baok of it say that it will be pushed at the next session. The member who' offered this measure roughly estimates the amount of overflowed and swamp lands to be reclaimed at 50,000,000 acres, the reclamation of whioh would inorease the land value more than $5,000,000,000, the annual orop value $1,500,000,000, and if sub-divided into for ly-uer J farms, would supply 2,500,000 families with homes and put 12,000,000 people on lands now practically worthless. Pinenles for the kidneys strengthen these organs and assist in drawing poi son from tho blood. Try them for rheu matism, kidney and bladder trouble, for lumbago and tired, worn-out feeling. They oring quiok relief. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sold by D*. J. W. Boll, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Pointed Paragraphs. Poor excuses we have always with us. Au Indian scalps his enemy: a white man skins his friend. And the man who sells parasols is engaged in a shady business. Kisses that are to be had for the asking are seldom worth taking. A fool can answer questions that a wise man would be ashamed to ask. An artist is more anxious to seoure a modol wife than is any other man. A woman ought to be ashamed to brag of her husband's ability to sew on buttons. If yon suffer from bloating, belohing, sour stomach, indigestion or dyspepsia, take a King's Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal, and overcome the disagree able trouble. It will improve the appe tite and aid digestion. Sold by Dr. J. W. Bell, Walhalla; W. J. Lunnoy, Seneoa. Fourteen merchants of Roanoke plead guilty in the Federal Court there last week to selling vulgar post cards, and were fined $26 eaoh. ?? If you will make inquiry it will be a revelation to you how many succumb to kidney or bladder troubles in one form or anothor. If the patient is not boyond medical aid, Foloyfs Kidney Cure will cure. It never disappoints. J. W. Bell. Midget 71 Year? Old. Mrs. Minnie Shaw, of Richlands, Mo., is the world's strangest midget. She is about the size of a big doll or a small child. In a contest for a prize for little mothers. Mrs. Shaw would win over all the freaks in the civilized world, as well as* over all the little people that dwell in the re mote Asiatio hills. ' ? Mrs. Shaw is 27 inches UH-only a trifle more than two feet. At the mature age of 84 she weighed only 82 pounds. She sits in a child's rocker and Bleeps in a baily's bed, and even at thut nh o is obliged to climb on her chair before she can tumble over th? bed's ??dg?-. Nim ble as, she always has been it would be difficult for Mr-. Shaw to get in an ordinary dining room chair with out utting a ladder. There have been other small wo men in the world, but Mrs. Shaw is the world's smallest mother. She has had three children, one of whom is still living, and she has two grand children. Her married life waa happy, and uow at the age of 71 she is sound as a dollar and as bright aud jolly as a girl of 16. Nsw Serum Discovered. Discovery of an antidysenterlc se rum ls just announced by thu Vienna Hero-Therapeutical institute. Experi ments, which have been carried on since 1006, principally by Professor Paltauf and Drs. Doerr and Kraus, have shown that the serum, Introduced In quantities of forty cubic centime ters, effected within a few days a com plete cure, just os the antldlphtherla serum. Tho Kerum was used by the Russians in the recent war with Japan and yielded excellent results, ev?n lu the worst cases. The Institute has work ed, however, until now to complete ac3 perfect the discovery. Care of Forests In Germany. In the demosnlal forests of Alsace Lorraine, Germany, 18,022,210 cubic feet of lumber was cut for construc tion and fuel purposes last year and sold to the public. The mountains are never entirely denuded of timber over any large territory or area, and small stripe are indicated for cutting by the authorities, and thick forests are fre quently thinned out. All the under brush and small branches are sold hi bundles for kindlings and for basket making, and even the roots and stumps are saved. TY. XV. TO WU, 'JI i/yeiMinnj;, mun., writes: "This ls to certify that I have used Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup for chronic constipation, and lt bas proves, without a doubt, to be a thorough, prac tical remedy for this trouble, and it is with pleasure 1 offer my con nc i on tiona referenoe." Dr. J. W. Bell. Notice, Sons and Daughters of tho Confederacy The officers of the Ooo nee Monument Association aie asking for the names of all soldiers from Oconee county who were killed or died from the effeots of the war before the surrender. Any one having suoh a record, or any one whose kinsman died in tb* cause, will please take notice. This is important, as tho names will be used in the monument. J. W. Holloman will receive all letters or communioations regarding the matter. The body of a negro was found floating in the Congaree river, near Columbia, just opposite the Rioh land distillery, last Wednesday. There was nothing in the pockets of the deceased to indicate whence he oame or anything about him. OAlBTOrilA. Baan th? _/} ? W Kind Voa Raj Always Bought Signatar? st The State Department has an nounced that China will be released of all but the aotual expenses to which Unole Sam was put by the Boxer uprising. The deoision -*~ 1 ~!*?. nt uult/uuw tu fit ??i*v J ? dollars to China. William K. Vanderbilt has an nounced another gift of $100,000 to Vanderbilt University. OASTOT1XA.. Bean tho >?The Kind You Haw Always Seven miners were killed by an ex plosion in a Pennsylvania mine last week, and a number of others injured. Tho directors of the Jamestown Exposition have authorized a second uond issue of $700,000. Riohmond Pearson, of North Caro lina, has been appointed minister to Greece and Montenegro. KELP IS OFFERED TO WORTHY YOUNO PEOPLE Vo onrnoat ly request ntl younsr portons, no mutter low limited their mentis or education, who wish to ibtaitl n thorough business training* and >rood posl lon, to write by first mail for our frror.t half-rate >t'cr. Success, |nde-rondoneoan<l probable fu-tuno TO nunrantced. Don't delay. WrUotodey. The Gs.-Ala. Busines? College, Macon, Ga? Would Kill Weak Babes. Boston, June 24.-The theory of Che survival of the fittest has a new champion in Dr. Andrew Christian, a successful Back Bay physician, big athletic and thirty years old. "If mothers would b*? willing to have their children quietly put to sleep forever when they are very young and ?how signs of deformity or degeneraoy, the world would be better," he said. ?If ly myself, had a little child bora and it was deformed or showed that it would be mentally weak, then I would be willing that it should be put to death with no suffering, sud it would save it from untold suffer ing later. This may seem harsh, but it really isn't." "A board of overseers of marrisges is what we want," he continued. "Tho race is degenerating, ?nd some radical change must be made soon or we will in time have only idiots ?nd imbeciles. "Only the'fit should marry, only those who are mentally and physi cally normal and sane, those whose ancestors were clean of life and well balanced mentally. "The board of overseers, I suggest, should understand thoroughly physi ology, psychology and sociology. I should think doctors, appointed by the State, would be best. These could have listK of people in that State, and, so far as possible, of their anoestry. They oould then decide oertain periods of time to look the individuals up before deciding whether a couple were fit to marry." The bites and stings of insects, tan, sunburn, outs, burns and bruises are re lieved at once with Pinesalve Carbollsed. Acts like a poultice and draws out in flammation. Try it. Price 26c. Sold by Dr. J. W. Bell, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneoa. Thaw Will Select Counsel. New York, June 22.-During the present week Harry K. Thaw will Beleot counsel to represent him dur ing his second trial for the killing of S lau ford White, on the Madison Square garden roof, a year ago. Thaw will not have Delphin Mi chael Delmas as his leading counsel. This time, it is said, he will be repre Mimi od by 059 O? the leading bera of the New'York bar, who has made a local reputation in oriraaal oases. The identity of the lawyer will be made known only after he has been retained. A Liasen in Health. Healthy kidneys filter the impurities I from the blood, and unless they do this ?rood health is impossible. Foley's Kid ney Cure makes sound kidneys and will positively cure all forms of kidney and bladder disease. It strengthens the whole system. Dr. J. W. Bell. Oyster? Grow on Tress. The natives of the West Indies tell travelers, when they make their first trip to the land where the mangrove tree flourishes, of oysters which can be purchased on branches, so many to the branch. The oysters there grow on trees. Most of the islands In the south are fringed with man grove trees. Some of them grow in the Bait water, and their brauchen Iroop until a part of them is sub merged. Oysters will cling to any lurface in the water to whioh they jan fasten themselves, and, as there ire few shells or stones along the mores, the bivalves attach them lelves to the branches. When the ?atives go oyster gathering they lean )ver the side of the boat, find ?rauch to whioh oysters are dinging I .sd eat it cf?. Kansas Cit j J?ttr??l. No i eater mistake oan be made than A) oonsider lightly the evidenoe of dis ease In your system. Don't take desper ate chances on ordinary medloines. Use Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 86 tents, tea or tablets. Dr. J. W. Bell. Fifty-Sevtn Ar? Injured In Wreck. Nashville, Tenn., June 5.-A dis >atoh from Greenwood, Tenn., 33 niles from Nashville, on the South tra Railroad, announoes that fifty even persons were hurt in a railway icoident at that plaoe this afternoon. There were sixty persons on the rain, all but three being injured, o vend of them seriously. A spread ng rail is si-id to have been the ause. A relief train has been oshed to the soene from Nashville. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the j^f y?S^^JT Signature of Uvt?*/%74WcJW SOUTH UNION. Sooth Union, June 10.-Delayed itt ti-niiHiuisHiou.-The people in this com munity are ?bout done thinning cotton. Com is very Uno, oats good, wheat sorry. Mis? Hattie Crawford, wh<f bas been at school at Westminster, is at homo to the delight of har friend?. Mts? Hassle Thomas, who has boon attending college at Greenville, is at home to tho delight of her many friends. The fishing party at Shelobs Ferry, on Tugaloo river, was a success. The Misses Dowls gave tho party. It seems there are a great many fish near the river and the young people fish with a glittering bait i lt. E. KOORO was ?eon in this com munity dear hunting recently. R. M. Smith and wife visited in this Tidcitr Sunday. D. H. Marett made a business trip to Walhalla recently. J. J. Lee and Marshall Wiley went to Westminster on business Wednesday. - T. D. Marett wont to Westminster Sat urday on business. Th? health of this community to very good, bet Dr. Heller passes through very often. While running his weeder over some cotton recently, 8. M. Vandiver had an aocldont, bio mule becoming frightened and runuiug away, completely demolish ing tb? weeder. W. RI Carteo is very siok. He has not boon able to do any farm work for quite m while. Tho good people have gotten together and worked his orop very well, but he is needing some more work done since the big rain. Neighbor, respond. Joe Gly mph and wife are very siok and need some work done on their farm. We have big-hearted, patriotic men, who will fly to the needs of the Hick and help less-a oommunity one should be proud to be in. The young people who attended the Children's Day exercises at Beaverdam Sunday report a floe time. John Sullivan and Carlton Leathers went to- Westminster Friday to get a Diverse cultivator. Mr. Sullivan says he oannot keep house without one. John W. Shelor was in this community Friday. Tom Cole, of Comer, S. C., visited in this corni-.unity Sunday. Jim MoDonald and Cleo Vandiver, of of Westminster, attended ohurch at Beck Hill Sunday. Fat. Isbell, of Seneca, visited at W. H. Crawford's Sunday. There will be an all-day singing at Reek Hill, near Ghslor's Ferry, on tho fifth Sunday in this month. All good singers are invited. We will have as leaders Profs. J. P. Coe, of Toocoa, Ga. ; John W. Sewell, of Lavenia, Ga.; Free man Hix, of Martin, Ga.; Tom Taylor, of Red Hill, Ga, ; John A. Durham, of Westminster, and other good leaders. If you miss this singing you sure will miss a treat. Come, and bring well filled baskets. H. Summer coughs and colds yield at once to Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup. It contains honey and tar, but no opiates. Children like it. Pleasant to take. Its laxative qualities recommend it to moth ers. Hoarseness, oougbs, croup yield qutokly. Sold by Dr. J. W. Bell, Wal halla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Schmitz Ousted from Mayoralty. San Francisco, June 21.-Mayor Schmitz was formerly removed from offioe Ly the supervisors at their meeting. Supervisor James Galla gher was named as acting mayor in hts place. This is the first step taken by the graft prosecution in the exeoution of the plan to restore good government in San Franoisco. The ground on whioh Mayor Sohmitz was removed is that, owing to his incarceration in the county jail following his convic tion in a felony oharge, he is no longer able to perform his official du ties. Starks Garner, an industrious far mer of Union county, committed sui cide; one day last week by shooting himself. Despondency, growing out of siokness in his family, i I assigned as the oause of his rash aol. HEALTH INSURANCE The man who Insures his Ufa ls wise for his family. The man who Insures his health Is wise both for Ms family ?nd himself. You may loan rc health by guard ing lt. It ls worth guarding. At the first attack of disease, which generally approaches through the UVBR ?nd mani fests Itself lu Innumerable ways TAKE_ -r,, Tuft's Pillsi And ?ave your health? ' 'CHEES LA VHBL CONTAIN9 HONKY A B An Improvement o\ sHgudH system of a cold by a?LWBB?kWmW satisfaction or wonej SOLD BY J. W. H?HL ?\'aie table Prcpacationlbr As similating theFooUniidlH^u'.a Um; lng Stoi?inchs nndBowels of J *> ? ?w'miWG. H u;iii> i : N Promotes Digcstfon.Cheertuh i?? ness and Itcst .Contalus nelther I Opa H ii. Moipliine nor Minoru 1. i "Sov "NARCOTIC. M*v* .ffttJ.l*SAMUEL PtnXi&i Aperfecl Remedy ? or Constipa \ ton, Sour S?O?wh.Dianftoee. Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of . NEW YORK. - EXACT COW Ol' WRAPPER. (iovernor Ansel and Col. Bumpkin j spoke at the oom er-stone exer cises of Sumter's new court house. The medicino that seta the whole world I thinking;, The remedy on whioh all doctors agree, The prescription all your friends are tak ing is Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. -Dr. J. W. Bell. Gordon Hill and Roy Bannister, two lade of Anderson, were drowned in a pond near that oity one day last week while in swimming. CATARRH MA8TERED. CATARRH ls a? auy to cure as any other disease when the RIGHT remedy U used In tho RIGHT way. HER RINA'S CATARRH CURE is a local treatment and a blood medicine In on? bottle-at one price-11.00 a bottle. Guaranteed our? vegetable Ingredients -no JUC oh ol, cocaine or opiate*. A positive A ^ tor CjMAffrt). Fer aaM by Walhalla Drug Company BLUE RIDGE RAILWAY CO. HKTWKKN HELTON AN.') WALHALLA. Time Table No. 14.-In Effect May B, 1907. BABTBOUITO 12 10 8 I 90 18 LvWalhalla. LvWest Union. ArSeneca. LvScneca. LT*Jordania Jnnctlon Lv* Adams. Lv'Cherry. LvPendleton. Lv'Autun. Lv^Denver. Lv* West Anderson... ArAudorBon-PassDop LvAnderonn-T>a?nr>nn Lv*Andercon-FrtDop ArBelton. A H 8 86 8 40 P M 2 27 2 82 P. M 1 4ft 2 01 I'M 8 68 9 00 9 IS 9 18 9 80 9 38 9 46 10 00 2 CO 2 63 3 08 3 ll 8 28 8 31 8 39 8 51 IO AK 10 08 10 19 400 4 26 4 40 4 46 6 08 5 12 5 46 6 00 6 16 6 36 6 46 8 33 9 W> 7 03 7 86 WBSTBOUND 11 j 9 j 7 j 19 I 28 LvBelton. Lv*Anderson-Fr't De Ar.? oderson-Pass De LvAndorsoa-Pass De Lv*W3st anderson.... Lv*Denver. LvAutun. LvPendleton. Lv*Cherry. Lv'Adams. Lv*Jordania Jnnotlon. Ar 8eneoa. LvSeneoa. LvWest Union. ArWalhalla. PM 4 30 4 67 P M 12 10 12 36 6 00 606 6 20 6 29 6 36 5 48 5 61 0 04 0 07 0 26 6 80 12 38 12 44 12 66 1 Ot 1 12 1 '?J. 1 26 1 41 1 18 2 01 2 06 A M 8 20 8 30 8 60 9 06 9 86 9 60 9 66 10 20 10 26 11 26 11 66 12 06 AM. 10 t8 11 22 ll 26 PM 680 1 02 7 05 Itt . Flag stations. Will also stop at the following stations to take on and let off passengers : Phlnney'B, James's and Bandy Springs, Toxaway, Welch. Nos. 0,10, ll and 12,first class passenger,dally: Nos. 7 and 8, dally except Sunday; Nos. 18,19, 20 and 23, mixed, daily. A. B. ANDREWS, President. J. lt. ANDERSON, Superintendent. RINGS DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Relieve Indigestion and Stomach Trouble*. XATIVE COI ND TAR. CONFORMS TO NATION /ev many Cou uh, Lung and Bronchi actina} aa a cathartic on the bowel! t refunded. Prepared by PI NEU LB 1 BELL, Walhalla. W. J. Ll PASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ' J Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years TH? Ct ?TAU H OOM PA NY. NSW YOI?? ?IT?. B. A. BENTLEY, Manager. K. T. JAYNE8, \ Attorney. E HlfHI SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO collections in the County. Try us. Address all communication* to B. A. BENTLEY, Manager, Walhalla, S. C. Summons for Relief. STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF COONEE. Court of Common Fleas. Summons for Relief-Complaint not Served Mary Ann Erskine, Plaintiff, against George Edgar Mn Ah am, Eva Ks toi lo Etheridge, Mary Alioe Gregory, Lillian Markham, Luoy Markham, Leland Markham, Prank Markham, Joseph Ernest Markham and Sarah Elizabeth Erskine, Defendants. To the Defendants above named: YOU are hereby summoned and re quired to answer the complaint in thm action, which was filed in the omeo of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for tho said County, on the 80th day of May, 1007, and to serve a oopy of your answer to the said complaint on the subsoriber at his office, on the Pub lic Square, at Walhalla Court House, South Carolina, within twenty days after tho HOI-vico hereof, exclusivo of the day of such nor vi co; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, tho plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief de manded fn the complaint. Dated this the 80th day of May, A. D. 1907. [8eal] C. R. D. Burns, C. C. P. H. T. JAYNES, Plaintiffs Attorney. June 5, 1007. 28-28 Cures Coldsi Prevents ! Winthrop College Scholarship and Entrance Examination THE examination for the award of va cant Scholarships in Winthrop Col? lege and for the admission of new stu dents will be hold at the County Court House on FRIDAY, JULY 6, at 9. a. m. Applicant? must be not lesB than fifteen years of age. When Scholarships are vacated after July 6 they will be awarded to those making the highest average at this examination, provided they meet the conditions governing the award. Applicants for Scholarships should write to President Johnson before the exami nation ior benoiarsntp examination bianka. Scholarships are worth $100 and free tuition. Tue next session will open September 18,1007. For further infor mation and oatalogne address PRESIDENT D. B. JOHNSON, Rock Hill, S. C. Way8, 1007. 10-26* Kl LL THE COUCH ?ND CURE TM? LUNGS WH Dr. King* New Discovery FOR Q 0N8UMPTI0N Price OUGHSasd 60c fr $1.00 LD8 Fres Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. JGH SYRUP AL PUR! FOOD AND DRUGS LAW. lal Remedies, because lt vid* th? ?. No opiate?. Guaranteed to ttlve MEDIC1NB CO.. CHICAGO, U. 9. A? J>N.NEY, Seneca.