Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, June 12, 1907, Image 6

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I ! . I Many j In order to Merchandise at The late spr: consequently I a deal more than \ the future. CO. sacrificed. Dress Goods. Lawns, Batiste, Etc. 50 pieces Beautiful Figured Lawn? and Batiste, good quality, only Co. per yard. Best grade of Dress Ginghams and Chambrays, beautiful stylos, only 10c. por yard. Splondid quality chocked Nainsook und Dimity, only So. a yard. Splondid quality 40-iuoh White Lawn, only 10c. a yard. Persian Lawn at 10c. and up. Organdy, beautiful quality, li yards ?wido, regular price, 50c. to ?H)c, to go at ;.".ir. a yard. White Goods. Puro White Dress Linen, yard wide, from 25c. up. A groat array of White Goods, in Shadow, Plaids, Striped and Plain, at a sacrifice. Ladies' Gauze VoHts, only 5c. Lace and Embroidery. big lot, now goods, lino work-BU i ta bio for Flouncing and Corset Cover?. This embroidery is from 13 to 18 inches wide and sold at 25e. to 50c. a yard; your choice, only 23c. por yard. All-Over Embroidery, lino material and work, was sold for id and ?1.25 tho yard, for only 03c. Flouncing Kmbroidory, 20inches wido, fino material, that sold for $1 and $1.25J your choice, only 75c. por yard. Remember FRI! good thi? move the Goods b< a loss. The price v ing and cool weathe LUI overstocked, and ve paid for them tl IVIE EARLY, OOM] Over, Suitablo for Yokes, Waistband Drosses, 40 iuchos wide, regular price $1.23 the yard, for 75o. 22-inch All-over Lace, 60c. Torchons and Vals. Beautiful lot of Torchon and Val Lacon at a olean-sweep price. Long Gloves. LOOK White Gloves, 10 inohea long, regular prico 75c, your choice 30c. Long W hile Gloves, 20 inches long, $1 value, 00c. Lace and Wash Collars. j Ladies' Lace and Wash Collars from 5c. up. Be suro and see tho line. Beautiful quality Lace Striped Hose, 23c. Special Values in Towels, Counterpanes, Lace Curtains. Beautiful quality Counterpanes, full size, splendid weave, $1.50 valuo, 08c. Towels from 5c. up. Lace Curtains from 80c. up to 50 tho pair. )AY, JUNE 7th. in An Bfore our annual ste 7?II relieve any com] r have caused many I while the Goods a ie prices will positi E OFTEN, for the p Men's Work .Shirts, 23o. and up. Mon's Laundered Shirts, 23c. Men's $1 value Shirts, good stylo, 70o. Best Shirt made, to retail at 48c. Many styles to solect from. Men's Balbritrgau Vest and Drawers at '..Mi'. Men's Elastic Seam Bloachod D il' Drawers at 48o. per pair. Furniture, Gook and Sewing All to Go at Splendid (10 White Enamel Iron Bed- 1 stead, well made, beautiful design, your choice, $"> U8. i Handsome Oak Sidohoard, regular price $20, for only $12. Beautiful Quart? "ed Oak, Rubbed and Polished. Sidohoard, vory larg? Olass and Baso, regular $50 valuo, only two left, to go at $47.48 Bountiful Oak Bedroom Suit, rogular prico $2?, to go at only ?10. ; Two very handsome Quartered Oak, Kubhod and Polished, Bedroom Suit, i regular prico $75f to go at only $40. Oue very massive, lino polish, Quarter Oak, $100 valuo, for only $08, le on hand, first corr V?ONEY BACK IF be sold about \ Dck-taking in July, plaint and cure a pc customers to postpc re worth in the n Lvely be cut regardl ?rices on new, cheal nais. Men's Straw Hats, big lot of 25c. kind, your ohoice, lue. Boys' 2f>c. Straw Hats, only 15o. Beautiful lino of Mon's Fine Hats, all the leadi ?jr shapes, stylos aud colors, price from PM. to $3.50. Damask. Special values in Table Damask. Something good to closo out. Stoves, Organs ; Machines, a Sacrifice. Only ono Now Barette .Vhole Kango Cooking Stove, regular ?.'?"> value, for only $21.DU. Only ono 20-inch Squnre Oven Dixie Homo Cooking Stove, i'20. Samo kind, only 18-inch oven, $18. Beautiful Oak Hat Hack for only $8.48. I)ressers for $4.08 and up Oak; Rockers from 11.811 up. Everything in tho Furniture Ilhorn at ii cut price? Full stock to select fro tr. About ono dozen Sowing Machines to jloso out at a sacrifloo, two Organs, Ask for terms and prices. Twenty-five Second Hand Sowing Machinos, Prices from $1 up. ie, first served. Ba NOT SATISFIED. we will sell our mt >or, lean, lank pock? >ne their Spring and ?arkets and at the ess of what the g< ) Spring and Summ MILLINERY Ready-to-Woar Hats at '?'Ha tliau balf price. See them. Ladies' and Misses' Sailora from 230. up. They are beauties. Childron'H Duck Caps and Tam OBhantors at 24c. Ladies' Trimmod Hats from lOo. up. Be sure to see this Millinery. It will save you money Men's, "Women's and j Children's I S H O E Sj and Oxfords Men's and $4 Patent Vici and Gun Metal Oxfords, all hand welt and all tho loading styles. Your choice, $2.98 the pair. M IMI'S $2 and $2.50 Viol and Hox Calf Shods -your ohoice, $1.48. LadicB' Pine Ox fords, tho best styles and Values of any lino over offered to tho people of Oconee County. Tho lino is mndo hy tho Holton Company, of Hoches tor, N. Y., tho homo of Kino Shoos. This is tho only stor rgains galore bx evi value. ignificent line of stbook. [ Summer buying, factories a great >ods may cost in er Goods will be I between Atlauta and Greenville that sells tb<i> line. Every pair is baoked by the oompany and my guarantee. Auk to see thom. Trice, $'! and $3.6j, in all the latest stylos aud leathers. Ladies' $2.50 Patent Vlei Oxfords at $1.75 the pair. Job lot in Odds and Ende to dose out, iu Tans, Vici and Patent Leather. ValucB up to $3.50; your ohoice $1.48 and $1.08. Small lot of Children's Oxfords at a sacrifice. Ask to see them. 25 lloyB' Suits, regular $1.50 kind at 08c. Twenty Mon's 2-picco Suits, regular $5 and $7.50 values, to go at only $3.48. Fifty Men's Suits, good cloth, woll made, your ohoico $2.98. Any $10 Suit in tho house for only $7 08. Splendid lino. Any $12 and $15 Suit, $0.48. Special prices on Pants, from 08c. up. sry Department.