Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, June 05, 1907, Image 8

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Pure Drugs a The Best of Every always the Chea] The Walhalla C $0cai into Dtfgotu?. -Buggies, harnees, White Hiokory wage ns. T. E. Alexander, Walhalla. -'Jot Salo-Two fresh milch cows. Write or oall on J. H. Barnett, Westmin ster, 8. C. -F. W. Keys, of Charlotte, N. C., spent Sunday in Walhalla visiting at the home of Capt. Wm. Perry. -Thoro will be sn all-d*y ataataa at Conneross next8unday. Publio cordially invited to attend and participate. -Miss Hattie Rutledge hast closed her fourth i?rm of school io West Union and will now take a mnoh-needed vacation. -See either A. C. Burton or B. A. Bent ley before you buy or sell any lands. We will save you money and time. -Rev. K. G. Finlay will preach at the Episcopal church next Sunday evening at 8 o'olook. Publio cordially invited to attend this service. -Dr. W. J. Smith, of Anderson, ac companied by his nephew. Master Harold Dean, is visiting his sister, Mrs. N. I. Pant, for a short while. -Wanted-About 12 girls to learn looping, knitting and topping. Nioe clean work. Two houses to rent. Oconee Knitting Mill. -Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Sloan and chil dren and Dr. and Mrs. D. P. Thomson and ohild left this morning for a week's camping trip in the mouutains. -The Episcopal Guild will meet with Mrs. Ida H. Darby Thursday afternoon, June 6th, at 5 o'clook. All members earnestly requested to be present. -Mrs. J. C. Miokler, of Saluda oounty, is visiting the familiea rf ber brothers, C. W. and S. N. Pitohford. Her hosts of friends here are pleasod to welcomo her back to her old homo town. -If you want to sell your land or buy any land, in town or out, soe me before you trade. 1 will make you money. T. E. Alexander, Real Estate Agent, Walhalla, S. C. -Dr. J. H. Burgess, of Seneca, has gone to his old home in Clarendon county for a short visit. His doutai office at Soneoa will consequently be dosed for about two weeks. -Frank E. Harrison is greatly improv ing the appearance of his resideuce on Faculty Hill by adding a handsome piazza across the front. Tho houso is also receiving a new coat of paint. -The Monument Association will meet Thursday afternoon, Juue 13th, at tho home of Mrs. W. A. Strother. All mem bers earnestly requested to be present, as matters of importance will bo discussed. -Lost-On May 15th. between Zion school house and John Taylor Cox bridge, on Changa, a brown winter lap robe. Finder will please leave same ?t Courier office or Callas' store, Walhalla. -Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Shelton and fam ily have gono to Lake Toxaway to spend the summer. Their many friends wish for them a pleasant trip, and hope that Mr. Shelton's health may be greatly im proved. -Profs. Black and Bearden will sing at Pleasant Rldgo on the third Sunday in June. C. R. D. Burna, M. A. Wood and all good singers are invited. The publio is invited to come and bring well-filled baskets. -Senator J. R. Earle is in Rock Hill for a few days. He went to attend the commencement exercises of Winthrop College, from which his daughter. Miss Lula, graduated to-day. They are ex pected to roturn to-morrow. -We manufacture??the ''drinks ?that ?ell:" Rye-Ola, Jersey, Famous Royal, Cascade Ginger Ale and others. Phono 51.<B?X*I Wilson Bottling Co. -Newry Lodge, No. 70, will visit Oco nee Lodgo, No. 64, I. O. O. F., next Sat urday night, and confer the second de gree on several candidates. All members are requested to bo present, and visiting brelhern will be heartily welcome. -Jas. T. Singleton roturned last Sat urday from Atlanta, where he spent sev eral weeks at the Pasteur Institute, where ho was under treatment, having boon bitten by a supposed mnddng. Mr. Singleton returned with no serious re sults from the wound. -A. Fisohessor roturned last Saturday from Charlotte, N. C., whore he has spec some months with relatives. He was ac companied by bis daughter, Miss Lillie, who will ?pend tho summer in Walhalla. Their many friends are pleased to meet them again in their old home. -For Sale-Five shares Walhalla Cot ton Mill Stock. A. F. C. Cramer, 22-28 Charleston, S. C. -Effective within the next few days, the Columbia and Greenville division of the Southern Railway nod thc Blue Ridge Railway will operato a through Pullman palace car between Columbia and Wal halla on trains Nos. ll) ard li, 12 and 18. The car will be dropped from the Southern train at Bolton ami brought on to Walhalla by the Blue Ridge. This will be a groat advantage and convenience to the traveling public. The through service from Columbia is always appreci ated, and it will be doubly so when so materially bettered by the addition of a first-class Pullman car. Paints, Oils ? Now is the time to pi is the place to get your I We handle the best line BELL'S DRI I ! I nd Medicines. thing-The Best is jest-Get it from >rug Company. -Money to loan. Apply to E. L. H or ndon, attorney. 19-tf -Miss Carrie Perry ia in Sparenburg for a few day?. -Henry E. Thompson, of Columbia, )? io Walhalla for a few day? on business. -lira. D. G. MoAlister and daughter, of Columbia, are visiting at the home of Mrs. E. A. Bell. -How about repeating "Damon and Pythias?" Do yon want to see it? Let some one know your wishes. -Lrlnk Rye-Ola, "The King of Cola Drinks," dopeless, harmless. For sale only by Wilson Bottling Co. -Miss Notiio Hayne, of Fort Motte, is spending the summer at the home of her sister, Mrs. D. L. Smith. -Miss Gertrude Biomann returned home to-day from Winthrop. Her many friends are pleased to greet her again. -Robert A. Craig, of Walhalla, was in Piokens county last Monday to attend the funeral of. his father, Wm. S. Craig. -Master Robert and little Miss Caro lyn Rogers, who have been quite siok for two works, aro convalescing, both being able to be up. -We learn this morning of the serious illness of J. E. Parker, who is now at Seneca. He has numerous friends here, who hope for his speedy reoovery. -Miss Hattie Nicholson, who has been attending the Paris Mountain Bible School, in Greenville county, is spending vacation with homefolks on Factory Hill. -We aro indobted to our good friend, H. L. Brandt, for a numbor of fine beets. They are excellent. Mr. Brandt has a fine garden and is living Btrictly "at home" these days. -Jersey Cream, "The Perfect Drink." For salo only by Wilson Bottling Co., Walhalla. -There will bo an all-day singing at Stamp Creek on the third Sunday in June. Profs. Garrett and Baker, of Piokens, together with Burns, Grubbs and Smith of Oconeowill have charge of the singing, rivervbody invited to come and bring well filled baskets. -Misson Irone Strother and Mary Pitchford returned yesterday from Spar tanburg, where they attended Converse College the past session. They were ac companied by Miss Eloise Strother, who had been spending some days in Spartan burg during commencement. -Miss Lola Addington, of Franklin, N. C., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. L. Angel, in North Walhalla. Miss Adding ton is on her way home from Greensboro, N. C., where she attended college the session just closed. She has just come from a visit to the Jamestown Exposi tian. -The children of the Walhalla Metho dist and Baptist Sunday schools will pic nic near Major Wm. J. Stribliug's coun try residence on Friday, June 14th. A ploasant day is anticipated, and it is hoped that every member of these schools will make an effort to be at the pionio. -Information has roached Walhalla that C. W. Wiecking, Sr., died lest week at Borne point in New Mexico. He was about 70 years of age, and was widely known in this seotion, having been a resident of Walhalla for many years. The many friends of the fa tv' were grieved to learn of Mr. Wieckingu death. -For 8ale-The Smithson 6-aoie lot, opposite tho Westminster Oil Mill. Price, $3,500. Also, the J. C. Latham place, in tracts of 10 to 50 acres, to suit buyer; just out of town of Westminster, above shuttle factory, on two roads. For particulars write or call on Frank H. Shirley, Real Estate, Walhalla and Westminster, S. C. -Miss Anna Clarkson arrived in Wal halla last week, ann will probably spend the summer here with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. N. B. Clarkson. She has been toacbing at the Presbyterian College at Red Spring?, N. C. She is most heartily welcomed to Walhalla and will provo a valuable addition to the sooial circles of the town. -Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Wickliffe and children will leave to-morrow morning for Toronto, Canada, where they go to visit relatives of Mrs. Wickliffe, who will spend sevoral months there and at other points in Canada. Dr. Wickliffe will re turn within a few weekB. Mrs. Wick liffe will be accompanied on her return by her sister, who will pay an oxtended visit hero. -N. L. Fant was bitten by a rattle snake yesterday afternoon about four o'clock. While working around his sta ble the snake bit him on the hand as he stooped to pick up something. He phoned at once for Dr. B. F. Sloan, who dressed the wound, and Mr. Fant is got ting along all right. Dr. Sloan went out immediately aftor dressing the wound and killed the snake. -Mrs. A. C. Moldau died yesterday af ternoon at the home of hor son, Julius Meldau, near town. She was about 55 years of age, and was well known to the people of this community, having for years resided at Wost Union. She was an exce'lent woman and hor death is deeply mourned by hor relatives and a host of friends. We are unable to learn the particulars as to funeral arrange ments. ind Brushes. tint your house, and this 3aints, Oils and Brashes, i in town. JC STORE. -Bett sammer cream cheese at Todd's market. Best on earth. -lt. C. Craig, of Prosperity, passed through Walhalla last Sunday evening on his way to his father's burisl st Pickens. -There will be all-day singing at Rooky Knoll obnroh on the second Sun day in June. Preaching at ll o'clock by Rev. Messiah Cobb. The singing will be conducted by W. T. Ramey and will be gin at 9 o'clock a. m. -"Miss Topsy Turvey," the play which will be given under tho auspices of the Monument Association, has been postponed from Wednesday, June 5tb, to Thursday, June 18th, 8.45 o'clock. Don't forget the date-JUNE 13TH-at the new opera house. A treat is in store ' vt the public -The Rural Letter Carriers' Associa tion of Coonee county will meet in Wsl halla next Saturday afternoon at 6 o'clock. Those attending will be enter tained by J. C. Garrison, of Walhalla Route No. 1, and Ira L. Barley, of Wal halla Route No. 2. A plossaat and profitable meeting is anticipated. -Married, on 4th day of June, 1907, by C. H. D. Burns, Clerk of Court, at the home of the bride, near Walhalla, John Sullivan, formerly of Beyrut, Syria, and Miss Nora Hopkins, of Ooonee county. The best wishes of their friends are ex tended for a long, happy and prosperous journey through life. -Mr. sud Mrs. John F. Craig snd son, Frank, attended the burial of the for mer's father in Pickens county last Mon day. -T. M. Hill, of Greers, spent yester day in Walhalla visiting the family of his nnole, J. Bennett Hill. He came over with Pat Jennings, son of Sheriff J. C. Jenniugs, of Piokens county, to take baok a colored prisoner, Ernest Langston, who has been for some-time ic the Ooo nee jail for safe keeping. The negro is charged with criminal assault on a white girl in Pickens county some months ago. -Arrangements are being made for the presentation of "Damon and Pythias" at Seneca at an early date. The drama, aa staged by Mr. ana Mrs. Edouard D'Oize, is splendid, and we feel sure Seneca will give them a good house. It is also boped that the play can be reproduced in Wal halla, as many who were not able to at tend wheu presented here are anxious to see it. Not a few of those who did see it express a desire that it shall be re produced. -If any of the heirs of Jerusha Rob ertson, formerly Jerusha Clayton, whose maiden name was Jerusha Dodson, for merly of this county, but lately a oitizen of North Carolina, will communicate with J. B. S. Dendy, Walhalla, S. C., they will loam something of intercut to them. 22-21 -Rev. C. W. Creighton, of Green wood, will preach at tho West Union Baptist church next Sunday morning at ll o'clock. AU cordially invited tc at tond and take part in the services. Ow ing to Rev. Mr. Creighton's connection with the recent agitation in tho Metho dist conference of this State ho will doubtless be beard by a large numbnr of people. He is said to be a preacher of ability, strongth and force, and the fierce fight which ne has waged for months against certain evils that be feels exist in tho churob he has been brought'into groat prominence in the press ana pulpit. -The last meeting of the Paul I layne Circle was held at the home of the Misses Strong on May 28th. Officers for next year wore elected as follows: Mrs. Sid ney Adams, president; Miss Daisy Strong, vice president: Mrs. E. L. Ilerndon, sec retary; Mrs. W. L. Verner, treasurer. Before the dose of the meeting it was moved and carried that the cirole still continue through the summer months, socially, each member entertaining in turn. Same rules to be observed as last summer. This is a very pleasant ar rangement, as it gives all the members a chance to see each other during the warm summer mouths under the moat delightful circumstances. -News was received in Walhalla last Thursday of the death of John T. Ash worth, formerlv of Walhalla. His death occurred at Danville, Va., Thursday, May 80th. Mr. Ashworth had been in declining health for a year or more, but hin death was unexpected, especially to his friends in Walhalla. Only a few days prior to the announcement of his death he wrote to a friond here stating his condition, expressing doubt of his entire recovery, but was still hopeful. He was a charter member of Walhalla Lodge, No. 67, K. of P., being a resident of this place at the time of the institu tion of the lodge. He was 44 years of age, and leaves a wife and two children to mourn his death. His funeral ser vices were conducted at Danville on May 81st by members of Danville lodges Knights of Pythias and of the Association of Letter Carriers. Mr. Ashworth s many Walhalla friends feel a deep sym pathy for tli.' beroaved ones. -Ruskin Anderson, of Seneoa, an nounces this week his annual great clearance salo to bogiu next Friday, .Tuno 7th. Furniture, clothing, shoes, dry goods, notions, stoves, house-furnish ings of all kinds-everything in thegeue ral stock-bas been marked down for a big sacrifice sale that will move goods quickly. These big sales of Mr. Ander son's aro too \. ell known to tho trading public to need a minute detailed account from us. When he says he is making a cut in prices it means that prices have been out to tho quick, while the quality is never cut. You will do well to call on Mr. Anderson Friday next for bargains, which will be handed out daily to his customers while this great clearance sale continues. Don't miss it 1 The bargains will be there for you; all you have to do is to call for them, This sale will be a great monoy-saver. Remomber. the salo will begin next Friday morning. Hoad Mr. Anderson's announcement on the second page of this issue. Kidnaped s Small Boy. Hillsdale, Mich., June 1:-A diverting incident of President Roosevelt's strenu Mts trip west came when the President's car unwittingly kidnaped a 6-year-old boy, ?"*?o had been placed on the plat foi. . at Allison, Mich., during hand shaking at that place. The President took the little fellow on his lap, gave him an orange and told him a bear story. When the next station was reaohed the boy was left in chargo of relatives. Will Sell the City. Chioago, June 1.-Zion City and all the interests of the Christian Catholio i lunch in Zion are to be sold under tho hammer to satisfy the demands of credit ors in obedience to an order granted by Receiver I lat ley. The salo will be made as soon as contests over Oowio's per sonal property aro settled. Speed Creek Newt. Speed Creek, June 3-Our achoo], wb'oh progressed nicely ander the efficient man agement of Miss Cordelia Bearden, of Oakway, closed several weeks ago. All were much pleased with her work in the sohool room and hope to secure her ser vices for tho next session. Mr. Walker and family, of Anderson, are visiting the family of bis brother, H. C. Walker. Misses Clelia and Josie Moore, of Den ver, spent a few days with their friend, Miss Beatrice Patterson. They are two of Denver's most popular young ladies and their many friends here hope to see thom again soon. Hamp Moore, of the New Hope section, spent last week with the families of his inicies, J. S. sud H. E. Cox. Mr. and Mrs. J. Osoar Campbell visited the latter's sister, Mrs. Mscie Bocknoll, of Newry. Mrs. Sallie Addis, of Anderson, spent last week with her sister, Mrs. ri. C. Patterson. Mart Cox sud sister, Miss Minnie, ac companied by their cousin, Hamp Moore, visited at the home of Warren Moore, near Adams Crossing, last week. Miss Mary Sanders is quite sick at the home of her son, S. H. Sanders. Her msny friends hope for her speedy recov ery. Eugene and Arthur-Brown returned to their home at Columbia last week, after spending a few days with their oouain, Lester Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Moore, of Wal halla, visited relatives near here recently. The many friends of Miss Julia Brown aro son y to hear of ber illness and hope to see her restored to her usual health soon. H. C. Walker and Joe Bowen attended tho reunion at Columbia. Negro Killed in Laurens. Clinton, June 2.- h negro,named John McMorrls, was shot and instantly killed early this morning in the house of Rhett i Crawford, who lives about six miles south of Clinton, noar Hopo Mill church, by John Boyd. Mr. aud Mrs. Crawford board that somebody had been entering their house, but had no clue as to who it was. This morning they both went to ohurch and loft John Boyd and John Dickert concealed in the house. A short while I afterwards the negro came up and un locked the front door. Upon entering j ho saw Boyd and Dickert and tired at them twice, n< it ho.- shot taking effoct. Boyd returned tho fire, using a .33 cali j ber Winchester rifle, shooting the negro j only once, but killing him instantly. Upon investigation a bunch of four j teen koys was found on the negro; also \ two pistols besides the one ho used in I shooting at Boyd. Boyd and Dickert ] started ?n their way to Laurens this j evening tu give up, but wero overtaken j and oarriod back upon orders of Coroner I Watts, they being the only two witnesses ! to the affair. Girl as Conductor of Broadway Car. Norfolk, Va., May 31.-A young woman giving hor name as Miss Grace Wallace, I who claims to have been employed as a i oonduotor on a Broadway trolley car for j two months without ber sex being even suspected, was in Norfolk to-day. She said : "It's the easiest thing in the world to be a man. Why, I told hundreds of New Yorkers to step lively, in a voice that sounded nothing at all Uko a man's. They never suspected me of being a wo man, and don't know the difference to day. I may go back to work on the cars after I visit my mother and sister." Miss Wallace is a very pretty woman. She is anything but masculine in appear ance. Face on a To m bs io ri. Bickens, May 31.-lu the old church yard at Liberty there is a tombstone erected to the memory of G. W. Hoggs,rind Mrs. Boggs, and bearing simply the dates of their birth aud death. Mr. Boggs was buried in Bremerton churchyard, Wil liamsburg, Va., the fourth of May, 1862, Mrs. Boggs on tho 6th of March, 1883, and J. P. Boggs, March 14, 1806 Some time ago there appeared on the stone the resemblance of the face of a man. lt is doubtless a phenomenon that de pends in a great measure on the diffu sion of color in the marble. Ita clear ness to tho observer deponds both upon tho light and the imagination of the one' obsorving. Tho botter the one is posted on the environment the stronger will be tho suggestion .o his mind and the more distinct tho pioture to his eye. It is ex ?plained away by a story which Julius E. foggs tolls of a storm at sea and another about the ghosts of tho minds. Fred Bush ls Acquitted. Atlanta, Juna 1.-Fred Bush, charged with assault with intent to commit mur der, was acquitted late yesterday after noon. Bush was charged with sending an infernal machine to the home of Mrs. Julia McCarthy, on May 8th, the open ing of which seriously injured Mrs. Mc carthy and wrecked her home and the store over whioh she lived. Bush was the only witness who went on the stand for the defense, relying on tho weakness of the circumstantial o vi dence presented in ordor to secure his acquittal. Bush |mado emphatic denial of the crime, and went into details of bis career in reply to ovidenco prosented in behalf of the State. It waa largely a battle of lawyors, both sidos making ablo aud, at times, heated arguments. Do You S I cnn get it for yon. Send me full < methods differ from all others. My office no differences where you are loci ted. W; JAMES H REAL ESTATE ANE Walhal Office in People's Bank. For Su Good value? In Two-pleee Suite. Pi My Hoe of Men1* Oxfords will Inter? Also a nioe Hue of Ladies' Oxfords. Long Silk Gloves. M. S. STRIBLI! SPRING GOOD? Below I give you a few prices. Call aud examine the goods. You can see the value. Plain and Figured White Goods at 5o. to 25o. per yard. Colored Lawns at Oe. to 15c. per yard. Ginghams at 5o. to 10c. per yard. Skirt Goods at 15o. to $1 per yard. Silks at 50o. to $1 per yard. I YOURS J. W SENEO. NOTICE is hereby given that my wife, Lucy Ross, has left my bed and board and that I will not be responsible for any debts or obligations contracted by her. W. L. ROSS. May 20, 1007. 21-2S? FOR ?ALE. One Separator in good condition, used only two or three seasons. Also, one Geiser, six-horse Engine and Boil, r ready for use. Also, one Fairbanks-Morse six-horse Gasoline Engine. Usod only one season. Also, one new Wheat and Corn Mill, complete, in new building and new Water Wheel. All machinery in first class condition. Near Seneca. Also, one Roller Mill complete, with Engine and Boiler (40 horse-power boiler and 30 horse-power engine! at Westmin ster, S. C. Machiuery has been run very little. Also, two or three Cotton Gins in good dhape, to be had oheap. Also a lot of Shafting and Pulleys, and other parts of maohinery for sale at a very low price. For further particulars write or oall on the undersigned at Seneca, S. C. T. M. LOWERY, 21-23 B. L. LOWERY. Two Killed in Wreck. Savannah, Ga., 2.-Engineer Daniel Bowen and Maohinist William T. Harrison met their death at 8 o'clock this morning in a wreok at the crossing of the Central of Georgia and the Charleston and Savannah railroad. The light engine Bowen was driving crashed into another, of whioh II. J. Allen was engineer. Alleu was slightly bruised about the ''ace, his escape being regarded as miraculous. Harrison crawled from beneath the wreckage, terribly injured. As he lay on the track he begged piteously that he be killed to relievo his terrible agony. Ho woloomod death when it carno. Tho bodies lay for two hours beforo a wreck ing crew arrived. A Hair Dressing If you wish a high-class hair dressing, we are sure Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved for mula, will greatly please you. It keeps the hair soft and smooth, makes it look rich and luxuriant, prevents splitting at the ends. And it keeps the scalp free from dandruff. Does not change the color of the hair. A yers t'cmuU with Mob bott lo ft Show lt to your 'looter JUk him 'hont lt, theil do ax ho ? ay a At the same time the new Ayer's Hair Vigor is a strong hair tonic, pr./.noting the growth of the hair, keeping all the tissues of the hair and scalp in a healthy condition. The hair stops falling, dan druff disappears. A splendid dressing. -Mad? by tho J. O. Ay or Co., Lowell, AUM I description and lowest cash price. My| i is headquarters for Cash Buyers. Makes I rite to-day for listing blanks. .. DARBY, > FIRE INSTANCE, la, S. 0. Houses for Rent.' does right! sst you. See them before yen buy. ? yn Westminster,./* Nb, s. o. fi DRESS! ?>, ETC. Men's and Boys' Shirts at 2.">o. M> ?M. Low and high-out Shoes for mt\?/wo men and childreu at,'25c. to*8.50per^?air, Hardware, Tinware and Grocery Stocks in good shape. Buy a Blue Ridge or Niue Tooth Har row. Give us a look and oblige. TRULY, BYRD, A., S. 0. COOK STOVES, RANGES, HEATING STOVES FULL LINE OF TINWARE, BICYCLES AND SUPPLIES. ROOFING, EAVE TROUGH AND / L KINDS OF TIN AND SHEET IRON WORK MADE TO ORDER. Typewriters, Sewing Machines, Guns. Revolvers and Bicycles cleaned and repaired. All work done on short notice and ?gnaranteedi 13. S. LOOK. RE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1 OCONEK COUNTY. J In the Court of Common Pleas. J. Frederiok Pieper, in his own right and as sole Qualified Executor of tne last Will and Testament of Frederiok W. Pioper, deceased, Plaintiff, against Henry W. Pieper, Julia A. Cappelmaun and Otto H. Schumacher, Defendants. UNDER Order of Court in the above entitled oase, all oroditors of the lato Frederiok W. Pieper are herewith required to present their claims before me, in my office at Walhalla Court House, on or before the first day c' July, 1907, and establish the same, or be debarred of the benefit of any decree to be made in this case. W. O. WHITE, Master Ocom j County. May 20, 1007. 22-24 ORGANS ORGANS do not have to be shipped to Chicago (which would cost the customor about $0 freight each way) tobe repaired. Come in and seleo ono out of our stock, and I will keep i^ REPAIRED * in your home. All Organs mou6e proof at pedals and guaranteed for ten years. (25) D. S. ABBOTT IKE 10 TRESPASSERS. ALL persons are hereby notified and warned not to trespass in any man ner whatover npon any lands owned by me or under my control. Any entry for any purpose whatsoever is hereby posi tively forbidden, undor pain of the fnll ponalty of tho law. MRS. MARY BUTT. May 20, 1007. 22-20? Homo Canning Outfit. IF YOU WISH to have fresh Canned Vegetables and Fruits the year round buy a Home Canning Outfit, whioh can bo operated porfectl? on any oook stove and does tho work as well as any large canning outfit. An instruction book ls furnished free with oach outfit. It will tell you how to can vegetables and fruits. Prioo, *10. All orders should be placed by July 1st to insure prompt delivery. J. II. BARNETT, 10-27? Wostrainstor, S. 0.