ILUC PISTON PACKING. fi ment of Block* and Spring* That Prevents Loakago. iccompnnylng engraving il'us au Improved inetulllc pistou composed of comparatively rta and urrnnged to prevent of steam in thc cylinder from . of the piston to the other. lu i to this, the device ls so de ft? to compensate for all wear Interior contacting surfaces of i the, engine'cylinder and tho packing, ( taus requiring no reboring of thc cylln ! der. As pictured in the engraving, the improved packing ls arranged between (wo heads^oyed to the piston rod. The mt (A) winni with a spider, which .B'S td^Pice the heads apart and ?Side an outer annular recess Uv jHn them. In'this recess the blocks fe JBtr? ?tted, and between them and tS.^nplder ls a series of springs (Ct. j are four of these blocks (B), aud ? |-*l" inner edges are curved to flt ? Nv. st the springs. The outer edges I ftt< blocks are angular and are form Elfjffr'ith dovetailed grooves adapted to S tal ve do vc t al led tongues on the seg ? ft will bo observed that the aligned lige*? of two adjacent angular blocks lae engaged by one segment (D), and ? 1 order to Insure n completo fitting of f-1 Q :o. thc segments on the blocks two op i posite segments are formed with longer .dovetailed tongues than the iuterincdi ?ate segments. The segments (D\ it l.-may be observed, are formed with curved outer faces adapted to engage w the Inner surface of the cylinder. In I practice the springs (C), pressing ' against the blocks (B), hold the Beg f ments (D) in Orin contact with the ' cylinder, and consequently all wear between the contacting surfaces ls conpensated for, and leakage of steam from one side of tho piston to the other is completely prevented. It will be seen that by providing x_dovetolled connection between the M blocks nud tho segments they are held m together, but allow sliding movement I of the segments on the blocks without ?.danger of their becoming disconnected. ?;%Vui!e this packing ls applicable on any engine, lt hos been designed par ticularly for use on locomotives. The Inventor of thlB improved piston pack in? is N. Pflaum, 77 Schmidt building, Pittsburg. Coalite to Replace Coal. Coalite is imitating coal and ls re puted to excel the genuine article, writes J. A. Howland in the Chicago Tribune. By a newly discovered proc ess the experts can produce from coal of the cheapest quality this substance of coalite. Thia coalite produces 20 per cent more heut than coal. Bo little car bon is emitted that lt can be burned in a white stove without discoloring lt. So little oxygen is required to Huppert its combustion that the long draft ls un necessary, and tho tall chimney ls made a thing of the past, lt is further declared that the gas produced ls stronger, purer and less costly than that to which we have been accus tomed. Finally it is said that the by I products of the manufacture of coalite f can be sold for more than the original price of tho coal, so that coalite costs less than nothing to produce. If only coalite were edible as well the goal of human happiness surely would be looming up in sight. Alcohol From the Caotua. L?r^c areas of arable land In west e?? Tetas are overrun by growths of cactus. It is esteemed an unmitigated nummee, though in seasons of drought tijBL.ictus loaves have buen used to fee^^cattle. the obnoxious spines hav ing been first destroyed hy burning. Since the pussagc of the act of con gress providing for tho manufacture of untaxed denatured alcohol owuers of cactus lands are hoping to make tho naturul cactus crop valuable by distil lation. The alleged fact that the cac tus furnishes perhaps tho choapest and most abundant raw material for alco hol making sectus to be so well estab lished that roving portable stills aro to bo set up In the cactus lands for the double purpose of turning the de spised plant into fuel and provender. Leprosy Cure Found. A commission appointed hy the Cu ban government has turned in a report to the off cet that Dr. Matias Duque, who ls in charge of the Hospital For Contagious Diseases, probably has dis covered a euro for leprosy. Dr. Duque's experiments have been along the Une of what he terms the '.ned mangrove tree" treatment. He Claims to have discovered this trent IIifni uti u it euro for his sister, who suffered from leprosy and whom he has succeeded in curing. A Vegetable Milk. 1 , A vegetable milk ls prepared by the HMflpanoRc from soy boons, which are TCoaked, crushed and bolled in wnter, tho resulting liquid resembling cow's milk, hut differing much in composi tion. It contain-. 02.5 por cent of wn ter. 3 02 of proh in, 2.13 of fat and 1.88 of nitrogen free . extract. JURORS FOR THE SUMMER TERM. UDGE GEORGE W. GAGE WILL PRESIDE. COURT CONVENES MONDAY, MAY 27. The following are thu jurors drawn for tho Summer Term of Court of General Sessions for Oconee county, whiob con venes at Walhalla, Monday, May 27th, Judge Geo. W. Gage presiding: J. E. Phillips, Tugaloo township. John W. Sholor, Center township. E. K. Miller, Center township. Joe S. Harbin, Center township. / J. VY. MoCarley, Center towubhip. J. A. Dendy. Wagoner township. J. A. McClellan, Seneca township. T. W. Ballenger, Westminster. J. M. Bryant, Tugaloo towuship. R. E. White, Koo woe towusbip. John P. Carroll, Center towusbip. J. N. Grant, Jr., Center towusbip. E. A. Mulkey, Newry1. J. H. Bryan Seneca Thus. W. Brook, Seueoa township. W. J. Kelley, Keowee township. W. P. Nimmons, Seneca. Newton Callas, Newry. J. H. Cantrell, Walhalla. W. L. MoMahau, Seneca towuship. Jasper Doyle, Seuecfi township. Robt. L. Symes, Chattooga township. J. M. Brock, Center township. A. T. Hopper, Seneca. B. S. Herring, Center township. J. L. O. Fricks, Wagener township. W. P. Hancock, Center towuBbip. Jasper Roach, Tugaloo towusbip. H. H. Grant. Keowee towushiD. Walter E. Klug, Center township. Geo. B. Watson, Newry. Johu Callas, West Union. C. P. Walker, Walhalla. J. H. Crompton, Wagener township. David Pitts, Center township. F. M. Cary, Seneca. Confed?rala Voletant' Reunion at Richmond. For accommodation of the Confederate Veterans, ut tending ..bu reunion at Rich mond, Va., the Southern Railway will operato tho following through car service ? from points named: Oue coach will leave Anderson, May t 29tb, at 10.15 a. m. via Greenville, pick- i iug up Pullman sleeper at Greenville at < 2.15 p. m. same dato. Will join through sleeper at Charlotte from Columbia? that ? I will loavo Columbia at 2.80 p. m. These < through oars will arrive at Richmond at ? 7 a. m., the next morning. Parties de- ( siring sleeping car aooommodatious from < Greenville will write to C. A. Carson, Jr., < passenger agent at Greenville. Those desiring space in the sleeper < from Co umbia will, write B. H. Todd, j pus wenger agent at Columbia. < Tickets sold at one cent a mile travel, i Tickets sold May 20th to Juno 2d, limited j to return June 11th, 1007. These tickets will be recognized, for return passage ? 1 cot from Norlo'.k. For full information consult Ticket Agent Southern Railway offloe, or R. W. Hunt, Division Passenger Agent, Charles ton, S. C. Long Nails a Menace. A Germnn medical paper has been denouncing In no uncertain terms the popular custom of wearing long nails. "Even the rosy, well kept nails of a beautiful woman's hand cannot be con sidered beautiful," writes thia jour nal, "and involuntarily reminds one of an animal's claws. But many people even do not understand how to keep the long grown nail clean, and the sight of such a hand is downright dis gusting. With the greatest cleanliness, however, the long, pointed nail may in flict an Injury to the skin, and, as there ts frequently an accumulation of diseuse germs under the apparent cleanliness, lt very often adds infection to the injury. Such injuries can be inflicted upon one's ow n person ' and also upon that of others, and mothers are liable to imperil their children, with whom they often come In close contact. Tlie nail, therefore, should be worn short, ending directly above the tip of the Anger, which lt is, after all, Intended only to protect. Th? Spider's Eyes. The Attls spider particularly. In ad dition to numerous little eyes, hua a pair of large eyes, which the erudite comparo to gig lamps. When one spi der wa? captured the gig eyes' were a dark brown, but suddenly they chang ed to bright grass green. In a few minutes the creature, with the same deliberation, turned ita eyes from gross green to dark brown. It re pented thc change several times lu suc cession. Apparently they were uudcr control of the will. To all appearances lt seemed to take pride in showing off tho strange power. At ?ny rate it evi dently enjoyed the proceedings. It was ns if a veil-now of green, now of dark brown-diffused itself from above downward behind the cor nea. The color of either or of both eyes could bo thus changed. Other spiders o? i?i? B&?Q6 ???t act in Uko manner.-Chicago Tribune. How Flying Fish Glide. The theory that the flying fish glide? through the alt I'ke an aeroplane, pro pelled by the tail und guided by the pectoral fins, ls disproved bj' Lieuten ant Colonel C. D. Durnford, nu English naturalist. Ile finds that an average Hight beginn with a Jump Into the air, Impelled by tho tull and aided by the winglike flus; that lt ls continued by a labored and exceedingly rapid move ment of the seemingly motionless wings, which nt times slow down so that tho vibration becomes visible, and thnt lt ceases with a sudden steppago OT gradual slowing down of the wings i before reaching tho water. _-. Why Wood Warps. An expert has advanced a new the Arv in nvnlolTi WHS* tlio most ?ftlP?f.tllly kiln dried wood sometimes warps. Hu says that when the snp la dried out various foreign substances romain In the wood, and these Absorb moisture and swell and thus cause warping. "You botter hurrv upen collect de rent, from Br'et .. illiams." "How como ?" "Well, fer de las' six nichts ho been n-iinpjin' 'Jerusalem, My JIappy TTomOj'en it'a my opinion he'sa-fixin' ter move."-Atlanta Constitution. Jurymen Charged with Crap-Shooting. Greenville, May 16.-A sensation was sprang here yesterday when tl ? release of a certain grand juryman '.vus dtoandcd, because the juryman bad been caught gambling on Sun day. It was alleged that the jury man was fouud playing craps with a lot of negroes last Sunday in an opeu field, near the city. Judge Gage has j tiled three witnesses this week on charges of perjury. Six murder eases have been tried. Hurried meals, lack of exeroise are the maiu causes uf dyspepsia. A Kiug's Dys pe^Hia Tablet after each oiou' .?id? dtgee tiuu, improves the appetite, bold by J. W. Unit, Watballn: VY. J. Lunney, ?euee?. - --- Damage to Cotton Widespread. New Orleans, LH., May 10.-Dam age to cottou bi storms in Southern Mississippi has beeu widespread within the last twenty-four hours. According to reports last ni?bt nearly the entire county of Lauder dale will have to be replanted. At Woodville, Miss., nine le?an, houses were blowu down and a small store was wai-lied away during a destruc tive rainstorm. New Cotton Picking Machine. Them was organized hore yesterday a concern that may mean much for the South in tho cotton industry. The oom imny is known as the Pneumatio Cotton Picking Vachine enterprise and the oapi ul is placed at $200,000. Tho macbino is ? recent invention and works on the principle of a vacuum, whioh extraots bhe cotton from the boll and transfers it bo another vacuum, through whioh the dirt and loaves are dropped. A. O. Kinyon, of Greensboro, N. C., is president; J. H. Malcolm ?B vice presi dent; Murry Stewart, of Savannah, sec retary and treasurer, and H. T. Wilson, >f New York, and B. P. Howe, of this ii ty, are members of the board of direc tors. The company plans to put the machine :>n the market at once. It is calculated that the weight of the machine for one jr two horses will be about 1,000 pounds ?nd will do the work of at least 40 hands in one day.-Columbia State, May 12th. Severe Fire al Bethune. Camden, May 16.-Seven business houses, including the dispensary, were destroyed by fire early Tues day morning, at Bethune. There j was fifteen hundred dollars' insur ance on the dispensary, which nearly covers the loss, but there was but little insurance on the other prop erty. The origin of the fire is not known, but it is supposed to be the work of an incendiary. The dis pensary will probably reopen in a| few days. WHITK^ Cream Vermifuge THE GUARANTEE! WORM REMEDY THE CHILDREN'S FAVORITE TONIC. . IWAKt Of IMITATIONS. THC omuiNt enrPAKiD ONLY BY Ballard-Snow Liniment Co. *?T T ?-f?*. MO. WALHALLA DRUG COMPANY. W. J. LUNNEY. SENECA. THREE PAPERS A WEEK FOR $1.50. By a clubbing arrangement with the Charleston Semi-Weekly Nows and Cou rier we are offering that paper and The Keowee Courier for $1.60 per year. The Keoweo Courier is recognized not only ns tho best paper in Oconee county, but it is rated among the best oounty papers in South Carolina. The Semi-weekly News and Courier is an excellent jour nal, published on Wednesdays and Satur days, gives the detailed nows of South Carolina as a special feature, and carries the full Associated Press dispatches From all over tho world. Tho combina tion of the two papers at $1.50 gives our present readers, as woll as new sub scribers, an opportunity to secure two of the best papers in the State (throe papers i week) for 50 cents more than the regu lar price of either. Let us send you two of the very best papers in South Carolina 'or almost the price of one. Killed in Dispute Over a Dog. Barnwell, May 17.-Coroner Clay ton S. Warner held an inquest over the dead body of Will Clark at Wal liston Sunday afternoon. It seems that Clark and Tom Green got into i row about a dog, when Green shot ind killed Clark, the ball entering the left lung, causing death almost natantly. Green made bis escape. Both parties were negroes. ._3J?. At a meeting of the stockholders >f the Saluda Oil Mill it was decided to sell the p'ant to the highest bid lor on salesday in July. The mill ias been in operation for four years ind the company is capitalized at 1(25,000. Dr. King's New Life Pills The best In the world. Special Delivery Stamp Goos. Washington, May 17.-No special delivery pOBlage stamps will he needed after the first of next July to secure immediate delivery of a lotter. Pursuant to an act of the last session of Congress, Postmaster General Meyer Tuesday issued an order that on and after July 1st, next, if there is attached to any letter or package of mail matter 10 cents worth pf stamps, of any denomination, with the words "Special Delivery" writ ten or printed on the envelope or covering, In addition to the postage required for ordinary delivery, the article will be handled as if ii bore a regulation special delivery stamp. Orino Laxative Fruit Kyi up is best for womeu and ohildren. It* mild action aud pleasant taste makes it preferable to viuleut purgatives, such as pills, tablets, oto. Qet the booklet aud a sample ot Orino al Dr. J. W. Hell's. Railroads Will Spend a Billion. Chicago, May ll-The Record-Herald ?ays: American railways will Bpend close to a billion dollars during the present year in an extraordinary effort to seem o suffi oieut equipment, power and track, includ ing uew road, to make it possible to handle the great amount of traffic being offered to them. If the car and locomotive builders and the steel rail makers do tboir part the ?ear will be a record one in the three ndustries mentioned. It is estimated that if the manufac turers are equal to the test between 840, OOO and 850,000 freight oars will be added to tho total equipment of the railways of the United States, fully 5,000 passenger oars and more than 0,000 locomotives will be added to the steam power, which is now available. It is estimated that the railroads will pay fully $02,000,000 for steel rails dur ing tbo present year. If this proves true the steel mills will have to turn out about 3,800,000 tons of that product. The output last year was about 3,250,000 tons. It is said the Western roads will use fully 1,000,000 tons of rail and that nearly 1,000,000 tons of this will be rolled in the Eastern mills. A movement has been started in Anderson to build a railroad from that place to Athens, Ga. It is said the people of Athens are supporting the movement. Tuft's Pills wfO save the dyspeptic from many days of misery, and enable him to eat whatever be wishes. They prevent SICK HEADACHE, cans? the food to assimilate aad nour ish the body, give keen appetite* DEVELOP FLESH mud solid muscle. Elegantly Ml T coated. .--a. Take No Substitute. THE undersigned as the qualified ad ministrator of the personal estate of James Lee, Sr., and by order of the Probate Court of Ooonee county. South Carolina, be will sell, at publio auotion at the late residence of the deceased near Ooonee Station, on SATURDAY, MAY 25TH, 1007, for oash, the following personal property: One cow, one yearling heifer, one buggy, one feather bed and bedstead one bureau, one safe, one jack plane hand saw, drawing knife, crosscut saw two tables and other articles? too nume rous to mention. Sale will begin promptly at 10 o'clock a. m. JAMES LEE, JR., Qualified Administrator of the Personal Estate of James Lee, Sr., deceased. May 8, 1007. 19-21 BLUE RIDGE RAILWAY CO. HETWEEN HELTON AND WALHALLA. Time Table No. 14.-In Effect May 6, 1907. EASTBOUND 19 Lv Walhalla. LvWent Union. ArSeneca . LvSenoca. Lv*Jordanla Junction Lv* Adams. Lv'Chorry. LvPeiuliutou. !>?*Autun. * 7* Denver. Lv* West Anderson_ Ar Anderson-PassDep Lv Anderson-PatisDep Lv* Anderson-KrtDop ArBelton. A M 8 85 8 40 9 00 2 63 9 16 3 08 9 18 3 ll 9 30| 3 23 9 381 3 31 9 46 3 39 10 00 8 61 P M 2 27 2 32 10 0.') 10 08 10 19 8 66 4 00 4 26 8 20 18 P.M. 1 46 2 01 4 46 6 08 6 12 ? 4 6 00 6 16 0 36 6 43 A* PM 8 30 8 33 9 06 WESTHOUND Lvltelton. Lv*Anderson-Fr't De ArAndcrson-Pass De LvAnderson-Pass De Lv*We?t Anderson_ Lv*Denver. Lv*Autun. LvPendleton. Lv?Chorry. Lv* Adams. LvMordanla Junction. ArSeneca. LvBcneoa. LvWeat Union. ArWalhalU. PM 4 30 4 6 6 00 6 06 6 20 6 28 6 36 5 48 6 61 0 Ol 6 07 6 26 6 30 P M 12 1U 12 35 12 38 8 20 12 41 8 80 12 56 8 60 1 01 9 05 i 12 9 aa 1 221 9 60 1 26| 9 66 1 41'l0 20 . 10 26 1 nu 26 2 Ollll 65 2 06 12 05 19 A M A M. 10 48 11 22 ll 26 .2S I'M a 30 . 02 7 05 . Flag stations. Will also stop at the following stations to take on and let oft* passengers : Thinney's, James's and Handy Springs, Toxaway, Welch. Nos. 9, 10,1 land 12, first class passenger, dally; Kn*. 1 on.) ?_ riallv ?Mn? Qiinrlp..- NM ?U ?t the. Clerk of the Court of Common ?leas, for the said County, on the 6th lay of May, 1907, and to serve a copy of rour answer to the said complaint on the iiibscriber at bis office on the Publio Square, at Walhalla Court House, South karolina, within twenty days after the lervice hereof, exclusive of the day >f such service; and if you fail to an iwer the complaint within the time aforesaid, tho plaintiff in this action viii apply to the Court for the relief de nanded in the oomplalnt. Dated this 6th day of May. A. D. 1007. [L.S J C. R. D. Buiws, 0. C. P. R. T. JAYNES, Plaintiff's Attorneys. May 8, 1007. 10-24 Winthrop College Scholarship and Entrance Examination ri 1K examination for the award of va cant Scholarships in Winthrop Col ego and for the admission of new stu lents will be held at the County Court louse on FRIDAY, JULY 5, at 0. a. m. Applicants must be not less than fifteen rear? of age. When Scholarships are racated after July 5 they will be awarded o those making the highest average at his examination, provided thoy meet he conditions governing the award. Applicants for Scholarships should write o President Johnson before the exami tation for Scholarship examination ?lanks. Scholarships are worth $100 and free .uition. The next session will open September 18, 1007 For further iufor nation and oatalogue address PRESIDENT D. B. JOHNSON, Rock Hill, S. C. May 8, 1007. 10-20* Buck!en's Arnica Salvo The Best Salve In The World? NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDI TORS.-All persons indebted to the ?state of J. L. O. Barker, deceased, are lereby notified to make payment to he undersigned, and nil persons having tlaiins atrainst said estate will present he same, duly attested, within the time described by law, or be barred. J. C. BARKER, ,>naiilieu Administrator ot the l'ersonal Estate of J. L. O. Barker, deceased. May 8, 1007. 10 22 XATIVE CO ID TAR. CONFORMS TO NATIO many Cough, Lung and Bronc] act I nd as a cathirtlc on the howe r refunded. Prepared by PINEULB BELL? Walhalla. W. J. J Bought, and which has boen, has borne the signataire of nos hoon made under his per supervision since its infancy, r no one to deceive you in this, and "J ust -us-{rood" are but ti and endanger the health of sr UM uo against Kxpe riment ASTORIA stitutx for Castor Oil, Pare Syrups* ' li is Pleasant.' It orphtne nor other Nareotia aran tee. It destroys Worms ; cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Troubles, cures Constipation ates the Food, regulates tho g healthy and natural sleep? ie Mother's Friend? rORIA ALWAYS Signature of 444 Ye Always Bought ver SO Years. UHNAV STHKCT, NRW VOM OIT?, Municipal Tax. THE TAX BOOKS for tho Town of Walhalla will be open for the col lootion of Munioipal Taxes and Street Tax from May 1st to Juno 1st, 1007, at the Town Treasurer's Omoe, at Moss ?fe Ansol's store. Hooks will be open con tinuously from May 1st to June 1st, and will positively be closed at the OIOBO of bufuueHB on Saturday, June 1st. Pay promptly and avoid penalty. OHO. M. ANSEL, Treasurer Town of Walhalla. April 24, 1007.-17-22 Summons for Relief. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY or OCONBK. Court of Common Pleas. John A. Kubanks, as heir-at-law and Ad ministrator of Aaron Kubank?, de ceased, Enoch B. Kubanka and Harriot S. Tannery, Plaintiffs, against Minnie Eubanks, only obild ot Thomas J. Kubanks, deceased, the ohildren of Martha E. Compton, deceased, names and residenoes unknown, Defendants. Summons for llelief-Complaint Served. To the Defendants above named : You aro hereby summoned and re quired to answer the complaint in this action, of whioh a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a oopy of your answer to the said complaint on the subsoriber at his omeo, on the Publio Square, at Walhalla Court House, South Carolina, within twenty days after the service hereof, oxolueive of the day of such HOI-vice; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the timo afore said, the Plaintiffs in this action will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in the complaint. Dated April ?th, A. D. 1907. WM. J. 8TRIBLINO, Plaintiffs' Attorney. [L. S. j C. R. D. BUHNS, C. ?. P. To the absent Defendants, the ohildreu of Martha E. Compton, deceased: Take Notioe, That the summons and complaint in the above entitled aotion were flied in the office of the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas for Ooonee oounty, South Carolina, on the 0th day of April, 1007; that the purpose of this action is the partition of the real estato of the late Aaron Kubanks, deceased, described in the complaint, atuong tho parties to this action, according to their respeotivo legal rights, and that no per sonal judgment is demanded against you. WM. .1. 8TRIBLING, Plaintiffs' Attorney. April 10, 1007. 15-21 KILLTHB GOUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS WTH Dr. King's New Discovery M* /CONSUMPTION Pries FOR I OUGHGand 50c a $1.00 ^ Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONET BACK. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS.-All persons indebted to tho estate of James Thompson, deceased, aro hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned, and all poreons having olaima against said estate will present tho same, duly attested, within the timo prescribed by law, or be barred. HENRY K. THOMPSON, t/uaiiiied Administrator. I P. O. Address: Columbia, S. C. May 1, 1007. 18 21 UGH SYRUP NAL PURE FOOD AND DRUGS LAW. bial Remedies, because it ride th? ls. No opiate?. Guaranteed to atvs MEDICINB CO.. CHICAGO, U. 3. A. U N N i;v, Seneca.