Number 1. An Ordinance Respecting the Streets, Pavements and Ways of the Town of Walhalla. BK IT ORDAINED by the Mayor amt Aldermen of the Town of Walhalla, in council assembled, cad by authority of the same: SKOTION 1. That it shall be unlawful to run a horse or mule on Main street, and any person or persons so doing shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SKOTION 2. That it shall be a misde meanor for any person or persons to out or mutilate trees on any streets of the town without permission. SUCTION 8. That lt shall be unlawful for auy person or persons to injure any shade trees by hitching horses, mule? or other live stook thereto,. or otherwise committing any act whichis calculated to injure said trees. SKOTION 4. That it shall be unlawful to leave melon rinds or other trash on the streets, and any person or psrsous j so doing shall be guilty of a misde meanor. SKCTION 5. That it shall be uulawf ul to I leave any piles or accumulations of lum ber, firewood, rooks or other material on the streets, except South Broad . street, along the line of railroad or lumber yard, and any person or persons so doing shall be guilty Of a misdemeanor. SKCTION?. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persona to allow to accumulate on or around their premisos any sweepings or collections of papers, paper boxe?-, tin onus, broken glass or crockery, or other trash. All merchants | and business houses shall pr?vido a ?roper receptacle for same, and' all such rash shall be hauled away from said pi omises, either by the owner thereof or under supervision of the Marshal ; and it shall be a misdemeanor for any person or persons to fail or refuse to carry ont' these provisions. SECTION 7. That ball playing or other amusements on Main street are prohib Hod. Any pereon or persons so doing shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SECTION 8. That it shall be unlawful to shoot guns, pistols or other firearms, fire-crackers or slingshots, or to throw fire-balls, within the incorporate limits of the town, and any person or persons so doing shall be guilty of a misde meanor: Provided, a person may shoot firearms on his own premises for the bona fide purpose of protecting his property from damage by animals or birds wild by nature: Provided, further, that the dis charge of balls or shot from any firearms by any pereon for the purpose aforesaid, within tho incorporate limits, shall be confined to the premises owned or occu pied by the person shooting. SECTION 9. That it shall be unlawful to ride or drive upon the sidewalks, or to lead a horse thereon, exoept to cross the same at a regular crossing, or to place any obstruction which may impede a free passage on or along any sidewalk, and any person or persons so doing shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SECTION 10. That it shall be unlawful to ride a bicycle on the sidewalks of any street within the incorporate limits. Any person so doing shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SECTION ll. That the game of cook fighting is prohibited within the in corpo ra'e limits of the town, and any person or persons taking part in or witnessing such game, as either participant or spec tator, shall be subject to fine or impris onment, at the discretion of the Mayor within tbe limita of his authority. SECTION 12. That it shall be unlawful for auy person or persons, other than employees, or passengers coming in or ?oing off, to aaaemble at tho depot in Valhalla and get Ott the traine. SECTION 18. That any person or per sons violating any of the foregoing pro visions of this ordinance shall be liable to arrest and fine or Imprisonment at the discretion of the Mat dr within the limits of bis authority. SECTION 14. That this ordinance shall be deemed general and perpetual, shall go into effect upon its publication, and continue of force until repealed or amended. Done In Council and ratified under the corpo rate seal of the Town of Walhalla on \L. 8.1 the 19th day of March. 1907, and In the 131st year of the sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America. J. A. STECK, Mayor. Geo. M. Ansel, Clerk and Treasurer. Number 2. An Ordinance to Preserve tho Health and Cleanliness of the Town of Walhalla. BE IT ORDAINED by tho Mayor and Aldermen of the Town of Walhalla, in council assembled, and by authority of the sam i : SECTION 1. That all residents, whether | owners of property or tenants occupying [ the same, within the incorporate limits, shall keep their premises in a clean and healthy condition, and any person or per sons failing or refusing to remove a nuis ance, when requested so to do by the Board of Health, shall he guilty of a mis demeanor and may be punished at tho discretion of the Mayor within the limits of his authority, and such nuis ance may ho abated at tho expense of the owner or ooonpant. SECTION 2. That it shall be unlawful to establish any slaughter house or butcher pen within tho corporate limits of tho town, and any person or persons so doing shall bo Hablo to fine or imprisonment at the discretion of the Mayor, within the limits of his authority. SECTION ?,. That any dog running at largo within the corporate limits between the 1st day of June and the 1st day of October, without a muzzle, is liable to be seized and retained for a period of twenty four hours, during which time his owner can redeem him hy paying the sum of two dollars, and if not so rodoemed, tbe dog shall then bo sold. That any owner of a dog or dogs who shall let such dog or dogs run at large on the streets of the town without being muzzled shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished at the discretion of tho Mayor, within the limits of bis authority. SECTION 4. That it shall be unlawf ul for a bull dog to run at large within the corporate limits of the town at any time. That any owner or person having custody of a bull dog, who shall let suoh dog run at large, shall be deemed guilty of a mis demeanor, and shall be punished at the discretion of the Mayor, within the limits of his authority. SECTION 5. That lt shall be unlawful for any person or persons to keep within the corporate limits of tbe town anv bog or hogs, unless same is kept in a pen with an elevated floor, and such pen to be at least 12 biches off of the ground. Any person or persons failing or refusing to can y out the above provisions shall bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by the Mayor, within the limits of his authority. SECTION 6. That this ordinance shall bo ' deemed general and perpetual, shall EES Of WALHALLA. go into effect noon its publication, and continue of force until repealed or amended* Done In Council and ratified under the corpo rate neal of tho.Town of WalhaUa un [L. 8.] on thc 10th day of March, 1007. and In tho 131 ?t year of the sovereignty and independence of the United States of America. J. A. STECK, Mayor. Geo. M. Aueel, Clerk and Treasurer. Number 3/ An Ordinance to Regulate Trafilo by Itinerant Traders, Auctioneers and Transient Merchants. Bs IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Aldermen of the Town of Walhalla, in council assembled, and by authority of the sumo: SECTION 1. That itinerant traders, auc tioneers, or transient raerohants, selling, or in any manner offering for sale, any goods, waren, or merchandise, within the Town of Walhalla, at auction or ;:;--;???.io sale, shall pay in advance a license tax of ?ffi pm- month, $15 per week or $6 per day : Provided, the pro visions of ttlis ordinance shall not apply to ordinary dealers in products of the farm, garden or dairy. SECTION 2. That any person selling or offering for sale any goods, wares or mer chandise, as itinerant trader, auctioneer or transient merchant, within the Town of Walhalla, without having first paid the license tax required by this ordi nance for so doing, shall be subject to fine or imprisonment at the discretion of the Mayor, within the limits of bis authority. SECTION 8. That this ordinance shall be deemed general and perpetual, shall go into effect upon its publication and oontinue of force until repealed or amended. Done In Council and ratified under the corpo rate seal of the Town of Walhalla [L. 8.1 on the 10th day of March, 1007, and In the 131 st year of the sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America. J. A. STECK, Mayor. Geo. M. Ansel. Clerk and Treasurer. Kamber 4. An Ordinanc? to Preserve the Peace and Good Order of??he Town of Walhalla. Us rr OstDAiNED by the Mayor and Aldermen of the Town of Walhalla, in council asaembled, and by authority of : the same: SECTION 1. That any person found drunk , in the Town of Walhalla, whereby the Knee and good order of the town may impaired, or the convenience of other persona interfered with, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SECTION 2. That any person commit ting an act of publfo indecency on a street shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. ! SECTION 8. That any person convicted j of keeping a disorderly house within the ! limits of the Town of Walhalla shall. Upon conviction of suob offense, be Anea , a sum not lesa than $25 nor more than $80, and the owner or lessee of any dwell ing bouse or other building, situated within the said incorporate limits, who leta *>r eub-leU any suob dwelling to any person or persons to be uned as a bawdy house or house of prostitution, shall, upon conviction, pay a floe of not leas than $5 nor more than $30, for every day upon which suoh house or building shall be used or kept, and be otherwise pun ished within the discretion of the Mayor, within the limits nf bia authority. SECTION 4. That any person or per sous who shall be guilty of fighting, rioting, using profane language or other disorderly coud net within the incorpo rate limits, shall be punished as for a misdemeanor. SECTION 5. That it shall be the duty of the Marshal to arrest all person H guilty of misdemeanors or lighter orimes within the incorporate limits of tho town by vio lation of the laws of the State of South Carolina, Ooonee county, or by violation of any ordinance of the Town Ol Wal halla and bring them before thu Mayor, or an Alderman acting in his stead, who shall have suoh power to pass Buoh order in, the premises as, in his opinion, justice may require, consistent wi*h the author ity of the Counoil. SECTION 0. That it shall oe the duty of the Marshal or Policeman, after the ar rest of any person, whose violation of any ordtnanoe interferes with the peace and good order of the town, or the con duct of the person arrested after the ai rest is made is such as to impair the peace and good order of the town, to olosely confine euoh person and produce him as required by law for examination or proper administration of criminal jus tice as the case may require. SECTION 7. Whosoever shall willfully abuse or cruelly treat any horse, mule oi draught aulmal or beast of burden, shall upon conviction thereof, suffer im prisonment tor not lusa than ten days or pay a fine of not less than $10. SECTION 8. That the Marshal is author ized to arrest any person found on .be streets between 10 o'clock p? m. and 5 o'olock a. m. who cannot give a satis factory reason for such presence on tho streets during these hours. SECTION 0. That all plaoes of business or amusement must be closed on the Sab bath day, except drug stores, livery sta bles und restaurants, and tho violation of this Section shall bo deemed a misde meanor. SECTION 10. That any person found loafing on the st rei ts of Walhalla, hav ing no visible means of oarning au hon est livelihood, shall be deemed a vagrant. SECTION ll. That it shall bo unlawful for any person or persons to carry con cealed upon their person any weapon mentioned in tho laws of the State of South Carolina ns unlawful to carry cou oealod. M.< i ION 12. Any person or porsons gambling within the incorporate limits of the town shall bo guilty Of a misde meanor. SECTION 13. That it shall bo unlawful for any person or persons to operate, within the incorporate limita of the town, any slot machine of any kind or make whatsoever, and.anyono doing so shalt bo guilty of a misdemeanor, and pun ished at tho discretion of the Mayor within the limits of his authority. SECTION 14 That any porson or per sons interfering with a Polioeman in the disohnrge of his duty shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SECTION 15. Any porson or persons who shall keep, or permit to be kept on their promises, any place where gambling is permitted or encouraged, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SECTION 10. That any porson or per sons wilfully striking, breaking or other wise injuring any street lamp, the prop erty of the Town of Walhalla, shall bo deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction of suoh striking, breaking or injuring of any lamp shall bu subject to fino or imprisonment for eaoh lamp, at the discretion of tho Mayor within tb* limit? of his authority. SECTION 17. That any person keeping or ocoupying a house where riotous, boisterous or disorderly conduct ooo ors .hall be liable to fine or imprisonment at the discretion of the Mayor, within the limits of his authority. SECTION 18. That any person or per sons drinking spirituous or intoxicating liquors on any street or public placo witMn the Incorp?rete limits shall be gu. .cy of a misdemeanor, and subject to Bunishmont at the discretion of tho iayor within the limits of bis authority. SECTION 19. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to light or shoot, or to advise, aid or ab^t lo the lighting or shooting of any fire cracker, oaunon cracker, Roman candle, sky rocket, torpedo or other fire-works of any description within the oorporate limite of the Town of Walhalla: Provided, however, that between the hours of 7 o'clock on the 24th day of December and 12 o'clock p. m. (midnight) on the 25th day of December of eaoh and every year lt shall not be unlawful for a parson, ou bia own premises, to shoot any of the aforesaid fire-works, except cannon crackers or fire crackers measuring more than one-half inoh in diameter and three inohee lo length. SECTION 20. That any person or par Bons violating any of the foregoing Sec tions of thia ord i ii an co shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and punished at the discretion of the Mayor, within the limits of his authority. SECTION 21. That this ordinance shall be deemed general and perpetual, shall go into effect upon ita publication, and continue of force until repealed or amended. j !?ne IQ Council ami ratified under the corpo rate seal of the Town of Walhalls [L. 8.] on the 19th d.iy of March, 1907, and * in the ISlBtyearof tho sovereignty and Independence of tho united Staten of America. J. A. STECK, Mayor. Geo. M. Ansel, Clerk and Treasurer. - Number ff. An Ordinance to Establish Fire Limits in the Town of Walhalla. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Alder men of the Town of Walhalla, in Connoil assembled, and by authority of the same: Section 1. That fire limits be estab lished in the Town of Walhalla, on Main street, on both north and south sides thereof, between Ann street and Tugaloo street; that within said limita no new house shall hereafter be built of wooden material, and no additional room or rooms dial I be built of wood to any house now standing within said fire limits: Provided, however, that a piazza, covered with slate, tin, zinc or gravel, may be added to any dwelling house erected within said tire limits. Section 2. That all buildings hereafter erected within said fire limits shall be built of brick or stone and covered with slate, tin, sino or gravel. Section 8. That no building or build ings constructed of wood of any sise or dimensions sball be built or ereoted within two hundred (200) feet of either side of Main street within said fire limite. Section 4. That before any building of any character shall be erected, altered or repaired within said fire limits, a plan thereof shall first be submitted to the Town Council for approval. Section 6. That any building or struc ture erected within said fire limits con trary to the provisions of this ordinance, may be abated and removed by the Town Connoil as a publio nuisance at the ex pense of the owner or owners of - said property. Section 6. That any person or persons violating any of the foregoing provisions of thia ordinance shall be liable to arrest sud fine or imprisonment, at the discre tion of the Mayor within the limita of h is ai tho ri ty. Section 7. That this ordinance shall ba detraed general and perpetual, shall go Into effect upon its publication and continue of force until repealed or arr ended. Done in Council and ratified under the corpo rate seal of the Town uf Walhalla on [I.. 8.] the 19th day of March, I9?)7, and in the ISUt year of the sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America. J. A. STECK, Mayor. Geo. M. Ansel, Clerk and Treasurer. _ , Number ?. An Ordintiuce Prohibiting the Sale, Bar ter or Giving Awny of Spirituous Li quors. BB IT ORDAINED by the Mayor sud Al dermen of the Town of Walhalla, in Council assembled, and by authority of the saine : SECTION 1. That the manufacture, sale, barter or ezohange, receipt, acceptance, delivery, storing or keeping iu possession, within the Town of Walhalla, of any spirituous, malted, fermented or brewed liquors or wine, or selling or compound ing any mixture thereof, by whatsoever uaroo oalled or known, whioh contains alcohol, and is used or intended to be rsed as a beverage by any person, firm or corporation, or the transportation or removal of the same, except a? is now provided by the law regulating the sale of liquors, eto., by dispensaries, is hereby prohibited under a penalty of not less than twenty dollars nor more than one nnndred dollars, or not less than fifteen days nor more than thirty days imprison ment at hard labor on the Btreets. SECTION 2. That any person or corpora tion or firm ordering by expr?s- or freight, or by any other means of trans (nu tation, more than one half of one gal on of spirituous, malt or fermented liquor, per week r.uaU be held as having and holding the jame for sale, barter or exohange: Provided, however, that such person may show by competent testi mony, if so be he can, that such liquor was not bought for salo, or kept for sale, barter or exchange. SBCTION 8. That it shall be the duty of tho Marshal to visit the depot and be present on the arrival of all trains and to inspect all packages of liquors, suob as is described in the above Ordinanoos, aud to take the name of the person to whom the same is addressed and the quantity thereof, and keep a record of the same to be exhibited to the Mayor or Council on demand. SECTION 4. Any person or persons be ing fonud guilty of auy of the offenses designated shall be tried by tho Mayor or Council, us provided by law, and upon being found guilty, shall be fined not fess than twenty dollars nor more than pue hundred dollars or imprisoned at hard labor for not more than thirty days at the discretion of the Mayor. SECTION 6. That this ordinanoe shall be deemed general and perpetual, shall go into effeot upon its publication and oontinue of foroe until repealed or amended. Done In Counoil and ratified under the corpo rate .'-i-,ii of the Town of Walhalla on IL. 8.1 the 19th day of March, 1907, and In the 131st year of the sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America J. A. STECK. Mayor. Geo. M. Ansel, Clerk and Treasurer. Number 7. An Ordinance to Raise Supplies and Make Appropriations for tbe Town of Walhalla for the Year 1007. BK IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Aldermen of the Town of Walhalla, in oounoil assembled, and by authority of the same: SECTION 1. That a tax of 40 cent? on each one hundred dollars of thc asso?seu value of ?ll real and personal property be levied for ordinary town purposes to defruv current expenses during toe fiscal year commencing January 1st, 1007. SKOTION 2. That a tax oi 10 cents on each oue hundred dollars of the assessed value of all real and pomonal property be levied for the purpose of paying the interest on, and creating a sinking fund for the retirement of, railroad bonds. SECTION 3. That a tax of 10 cont? on each one hundred dollars of tho assessed value of aii rr>al and personal property be levied for the purpose of prying the interest on, and creating a sinking fund for the retirement of, school booda. SKOTION 4, That a tax of 20 couta on each one hundred dollars of the Mseesed valuation of all real and poraouai prop erty be levied to pay rents for water and tights for municipal purposes. SECTION 5. That the tax on real and personal property, aa provided far in See tlous 1. a, 3 ard 4 o? luis Ordinance, shall be paid into the office of the Treasurer of tho town between the 1st day of May, 1007, and the 1st day of June, 1907, ac cording to the assessments made by the Town Board of Assessors: Provided, that any property within tho corporate limits on the 1 sj day of May, not returned to the Conn* Auditor, shall be listed and assessed mr the Town Board of Assessors for taxa&u. SscTldBd. That on a)) circinus and other shraa-a a tax of ono to ono hundred dollars Mk day, in the discretion of tho Mayor, BUI ho paid. S Ker i ? 7. That each and every person liable toWoad duty, under tho laws of the StaSshall work on tho streets oight dave, o Jg ay at tho rate of 50 cents per day, uiflr tho direction of the Mayor, or ?omKnc in hi? stead, under the Ramo EeualtBw proscribed by the laws of tho tate A; any refusal or negloot to per form Bid work: Provided, That said persotWhall be permitted to nay between the 1st day of May and the 1st day of June a commutation tax of $2; hut each and every one failing to pay before or hy the first of June, shall be required to pay $4. Any person coming into the town after June 80th shall pay tho sum of $1 for the fall work ing: Provided, he has not worked else where. That any person falling or re fusing to pay the commutation tax afore said, or to work the streets under the direotion of a Policeman or Street Over seer within three days siter being notified or warned so to do, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and subject to Banishment at the discretion of the layor within the limits of bis authority. SECTION 8. That any person or perseus having claims against the town must pre seut them within sixty days or the same will be barred from payment, unless a satisfactory excuse is rendered. SECTION 0. That the Mayor shall be paid a salary of one hundred dollars for the fiscal year 1007, to be paid quarterly out of any funds in the treasury available for ordinary town purposes. SPECIAL TAXES. SECTION io. No person, firm or corporation shall he enfogad In, pro-rente or carry on an* business or profession hereinafter mentioned, without having Arst paid a special license tax therefor, aa follows to wit: Agent for or dealer In fertl lae ?.'other than regular merchant," S3. Baker, SS. Dank, with $2A,000 capita) or lea?. 9 ">. Bank, for every SI,000 capital, In excess ot $25,000, fl. Broker, dealer in merchandise, produce on margin or commission. SA. Barber, for one chair, $8. For each additional chair. 92. Bill poster, for posting and distributing adver Using matter, SS. Blacksmith, for one forge, #2. Blacksmith, for each adddUional forge, 81. Boarding house, except for students and cot ton mill operative* exclusively. 92..Y). Boot or shoe shop, nmking or repairing, fl. Bottling Works, each, SS m oker, dealer in horses, cattle or other liv? stock, not paying license for Bale stable or stocV i yard, per year, 95. Kuteher, dealer in meats. .Vc.. $10. Contractors and builders, each, SA. Cotton and yarn mills, S2 per 1,000 spindles. Canning Company, tl. Dentist. #10. Dealer in cotton seed, cotton seed hulls am meal, othor than a regular merchant, SA. Each Insurance Company,life, tire, or accident SA. Express Company, on business done withir tho State of south Carolina, $M. Ginnery, 910. Grist Mill, ?3. Harness Manufactory and Repair Shop, 92. Hotels, 915. Lawyers doing business within the town, 9ll for each lawyer. Merchants shall pay a license tax according t( the amount of gross sales of their business, ai follows: Under 91.000, 92 ; for each addltlona 91,000 or fraction thereof, AO cents. Newspaper, other than daily, Ave dollars. Photographer, 9A. Planing Mill, 95. Public Hearse, 98. Physician, ten dollars. Railroad Company, on business done witbh the State of South Carolina, 930. Real Estate Broker, 92. Restaurant, 98. Repair shop for guns, bicycles, .Vc, 91.50. Surveyor, 92. Street wagon or dray, four horses, ten dollars Street wagon or dray, two horses, Ave dollars Street wagon or dray, one horse, 92.50. Stable, keeping vehicles and hoisos for hire feed and sale, up to twenty horses, 92u. Foi each additional horse, 50 cents. Stable, feed and sales, fifteen dollars. Telegraph Company, on business done withir the Bute of South Carolina, 910. Telephone Exchange, 92A. Tailor, making andrepatrlnpr. one dollar. Tin shop, making or renairing, two dollars. Watch -..inker and jeweler for repairing, <&c. two dollars. Wheel-wrlght, for repairing wagons and bug gies, two dollars. Undertaker, ten dollars. Any person or flrir selling coffins shall be deemed un undertaker. Water-works and electric light companies fifteen dollars. Persons soliciting labor to he carried out o corpornte limits, ten dollars per day. SECTION ll. That the said business <>: occupation tax shall be paid ou or befon the 1st day of April, 1007, and until tba day, inclusive, said licenses may bi issued without any penalty to pet sons now engaged in any of tho above named occupations or buninoBS. A nj person or persons oarrying ou or prose outing any business or occupation, oi running any establishment named in th ii or preoeding Sections without firs having taken out a license there for, shall be lined or Imprisoned at tiie discretion s of the Mayor within the limits a^hls authority, excep' in oases where special penalties are im Stosed. No license shall be iusuet or a less period than oue year, datec from the first day of the mouth in whicl the same is issued. For any business occupation or profession not onuiuerarec in ibo foregoing Sections, the liceusi shall be regulated bv the Mayor. SECTION 12. The Town Council horeb] reserves the right to revoke any licensi for any causo which may seem to it just SECTION 13. The tax on real or per Killin 1 property, provided for in this ord i EES Li CONTAINS HONEY An improvement system of a cold b satisfaction or mor SOLD BY J. \ i The Kind Ton Have Always In use for over 30 years, 1 - and hi All Counterfeits, Imitations f Experiments that trifle with Infants and Children-Sxpei What is C Castorta is a harmless suhst Serie? Drops and Soothing- I contains neither Opium? Mo substance* Its age is its gua and allays Feverishness. It Colic. It relieves Teething 1 and Flatulency. It assimila Stomach and Bowels? giving The Children's Panacea-Th GENUINE CASI The Kind You Ha? In Use For Oi Vt*? c?rtT?uH OOM pu PIT, VT ?V nance. Miall be collected during the month j of May, 1007, and any person or persona who snail fail to pay suoh taxes on or by j the 1st day qf June, 1007, shall be liable ! to a penalty of twenty per cent on suoh I tax, and the tax, with the penalty and j cost, sball be colleoted by execution or ! otherwise. Any person, firm or corporation mak ing any falae or fraudulent return, where a return ia by this ordinance required, ahall, upon conviction, be fined or im prisoned, at the discretion of the Mayor. SECTION 14. That this ordinance shall be deemed general and perpetual, shall go into effect upou it? publication, and continue of loree until repealed or amended. Done in Council and ratified under the corpo rate seal of the Town of Walhalla, [L. 8.] on the 19th day of March, 1907, and 1 in the IStat year of the sovereignty and independence of the United States of America. < J. A. STECK, Mayor. ! Geo. M. Ansel, Clerk and Tieasurer. Humber 8. ' An Ordinance Defining the Duties of | Clerk and Treasurer, and Pixing Hin Compensation. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Alder, men ot the Town of Walhalla, in Council a H cm ?lied, and by authority ot the name : six-HON 1. Tho Clerk and Trtu?*uier Khali nive bond in the sum of two thou nnd dollars, with good and suffi dent sureties, for the faithful performance of his duties. s Ker ION 2 Ho shall be paid a salary of % 0 per month, parable monthly, from any funds in thc Treasury available for ordinary town purposes. ' SECTION :>. Hu shall attend all regular and called meei lugs of the Council and keep a true and accurate rec nd of the proceeding*. SECTION 4. He shall receive all funds belonging or coming into the Town Trea sury, collect all moneys wbtcb may be or hereafter become due the town for either street tax, special lioense tax, rents, fines and regular property tax and cemetery receipts. SKCTION 5. He shall deposit all funds coming into bis bauds as Treasurer of the town in bank, or banks, to the credit of the Town of Walhalla, aud shall pay all claims passed by the Couuoil with obeek s SKCTION 0. He shall report, in writing, to the Couuoil, at eaoh and every regu lar meeting, all persons, ii rms or corpo rations failing or refusing to pay any tax whatsoever, imposed by the <'ooncil. s KC ri N 7. He shall submit in writing to thu Couuoil (quarterly) a trim and ac curate report of all receipts and disburse ments SKCTION 8. That this ordinance shall be deemed general and perpetual, sball go j into effect upon its publication, and con tinue of force until repealed or amended. Done in Connell and ratified under the corpo- | rate ?eal of the Town of Walhalla on TL. 8.] thu mh dny of March, HW, and in the I3lHt year of the sovereignty and independence of the United 8 ta fe of America. J. A. STECK, Mayor. Geo, M. Ausel, Clerk and Treasurer. A nKSOI.UTION BBSPKOTlNQ FOItMKU OR DINATORS. Resolved, That all laws enacted by the Council heretofore, not in contliot with these Ordinances, aro considered in full force, and that oaoh and overy one of tho Ordinances this day enacted shall he in full force after the publication of tho same. Done In Council and ratified under tho corpo ? rate seal of the Town of Walhalla on