Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, March 27, 1907, Image 6

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FARMERS* U* 1 OF INFO? Conduot South Carolina Kanne rs' Educa Communications intended for this J. C. Striming, Wa Crow Foo? crops to Eat and Food to Steck. We grow cotton not for the fan of it, bat for the profit? in it for us. Now, we have over one million farmers iu our farmers' organization, and we have oome together for the express purpose of saving this profit in cotton growing for the grower. How are you going to do it ? There is but one way and that is to stiok to your selling agents, "The Fanners' Cotton Union." You oau never save your profits by catling a million farm? ers together to do nothing bat howl the calamity howl. Yon now have a fine start in the way of linking the States together for selling yoar cotton, and we are feeling good over the fact that we have some of the pluckiest men you ever saw in the Farmers' Union. They are fighting the thing out to the finish, and are saving money for the growers right along. We have the positive evidenoe in our posses sion to prove the facts that some farmers have saved hy this move from $2 per bale up to $5 in short cotton and as muoh as S26 per bale on long cotton. lt Pay? to Stiok to Your Own Mon. The Farmers' Union oan't make a smart man out of a natural born fool, but they can come aa near doing it as any other organization, if they will only round him ap among the crowd, correl him in and move him along be will count one of his size. Every farmer makes his own rating. The adult farmer is rated not by what he says he is going to do, but by that which he has already done. The young farmer and the novioe in farming may receive respectful hear ing ns to what he intends to do with out criticism. But, young mon, remember this: Don't be nervous about people know ing who is doing well and who is not. Every mother's son of you farmers are at it every day, writing out upon the ground your own reputation and oharaoter, and if you are doing cred itable work others will see it and do your blowing for you without your help. Good farming tools and imple ments are comparatively very obeap and will be ready and on hand for work at any hour, while labor is very high and unavailable. You may have 15 bands to-day, but you cannot count on 5 of them for to-morrow's work until they fall in line at work time. Then don't make a mistake by trying to save on the tools side and paying big wages for very worthless labor. Pay better wages for better men and never pay the best price for poor laborers. Some boys, and men, too, make a big mistake in the difference between smart tricks and mean tricks. All such efforts are abortive as to the original intentions. This kind of cheap stuff fools no ono more than the one who starts out to fool others. In other words, he that gets up these mean tricks to fool others with in these days generally fools himself. No Corn Bears Ever Come South. Produoe as much corn as you may in the South and one is never uneasy Girlhood and Seo, linked together. Trie girl who take j ion has plenty of r plump, active and ene The reason is that a digestion is weak, S> provides her with pov easily digested form. It is a lood that bui girl's strength. ALL DRUQQI8T8? i ?ION BUREAU ^ LMATION. * i y 9d by the tional aud Co-Operative Union. Department abould be addressed to Pendleton, S. O. or need low any sleep over fears about oom bears ruining your pros pect. You oannot eat, feed or ?ear colton, but corn in the South is al ways legal tender and can be util ized on the farm in many ways or sold to your neighbors. We made an average of seventy bushels and nearly one-half corn per acre last year without using the hand hoe at any time, neither did we thin the corn. It was left in the 'row just as the planter dropped it. Our plans for this year's corn orop on upland is, rows six feet, bills two feet, and land bedded out iu the tall and January. Will plant in water furrow from middle to last of March, if weather permits. Our low bottom lands were bedded out with two-horse plows in January and February, in beds ten feet wide, harrowing top of bed as fast as ploughing goes on. Two rows will be planted on top of this bed in Marah, four feet jpart, hill two feet. Thia will leave six feet between water furrow side and four feet apart on top of bed. Cultivation will be as near this plan as weather will admit. About the time ooru begins to peep ont of the ground the weeder will be run over lengthwise and in from five to seven days run crossways on bottom lauds, but may have to run over twice on upland with the rows be fore orossing on account of covering corn down in the furrow. If the weeder pulls down too mueh dirt in water furrow in the bottom lands we will run out water furrows with large middle burster or double jack to keep drains open. About time crops are half done cultivating then apply standard com plete fetilizers in every other middle on upland, and nitrate of soda at last cultivation in the other middles, and either sow or drill co'1 peas or soja beans in all middles at last plough ing. For fear of missing our seed puns and beans we will drill one row of these between the six-foot corn rows about the time we are half through with the cultivating. We never go more than twice iu a row, and in smooth lands but once. Fertilizers lor Corn. We have referred to fertilizers as though we could not grow corn with out them, but this is not the oase, as many have good lauds that grow paying crops without the use of any fertilizer. If we had to confine our choice to only one side application we would apply nitrato of soda at last cultivation. Our observation and experience with the Williamson method is that planting the crop early and down in the water furrow and the late side application of soluble, fertilizers con tributes more to the success of the Williamson method than the "stunt ing" of the plants. S K I. Kl T 1 N ( i 1 11 K SKED. We prefer a hard, white grain and not less than two ears to the stalk. We used to want one big ear on ac count of band-shucking and gather ing, but now we do ail the stunt of harvesting, shucking, fcddcr-puiiing and shredding by machinery, and the number of earn to the stalk has it's Emulsion are ss Scott's Emut" ?ch, red blood ; she is rgetic t a period when a girl's vott's Emulsion /erful nourishment jn ilds and keeps up a ?< I ?fr BOC. AND 91.00. UL no consideration in the matter. In about 100 tesla of seed oom taken from planting machines in Iowa the Ames Experiment Station test showed a difference of 20 bushels to nearly 100 bushels in tho seed to the aore. That is a good seed, gave sometimes 50 bushels inorease to the acre. Ne Cass sn Record. There is no oase on record of a cough or cold resulting in pneumonia or con sumption after Foleys Honey and Tar had been taken, as it will stop your cough and break up your cold quickly. Refuse any but the genuine--Foley's Honey and Tar in a yellow package. Cot. .ains no opiates and in safe and sure. J. W. Bell. Killing in Alabama. Eafaula, Ala., March 23.-Turner Parish was shot four times in the breast Wednesday evening by D. F. Pool at the cotton mill. It is re ported that Parish had been drink ing and went to Pool for his pay, and when refused, paded oat bis knife and started at him, when Pool pulled out his pistol sad fired, bit ting him four times in the breast. He died before the doctors could get to him. Pool was cut from car to to ear, hut he will get ali right. Parish is the boy who shot Courte nay Harrison a short while ago and whose trial had not yet taken place. He is about eighteen years old, but looks to be about twenty-four and recently oame here from South Caro lina. A Bold Stop. To overcome tho well-grounded and reasonable objections of the moro intel ligent to th c.USP of secret, medicinal com pounds, Dr. B. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. VM some time ago, decided to make a bold departure from the usual course pursued by the makers ot put-up medicines for do mestic use, and so has published broad cast and openly to tho whole world, a full and complete Hst of all tho ingredients entering into tho composition of hts Widely celebrated medicines. Thus ho has taken his numerous patrons and patients Into his full confidence. Thus too ho hos re moved his medicines from among secret nostrums of doubtful merits, and made them Remedies of Known Composition. By this bold stop Dr. Pierce has shown that his formulas are of such exeellonce that he ls not afraid to subject thom to the fullest scrutiny. Not only does tho wrapper of overy bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, the famous medicine for weak stomach, torpid liver or biliousness and all catarrhal diseases wherever located, have printed upon lt. in plain English, a full and complete list of all the ingredients composing lt. but a small book has been compiled from numerous standard medical works, of all tho different* schools of practice, containing very numer ous extracta from tho writings of lending practitioners of medicine, endorsing in the Strongest possible term*, each laid every ingre dient contained In Dr. Pierce's medicines. One of these little books will bo mailed free to any ono sending address on postal card or by lotter, to Dr. H. V. Pierce, buffalo. N. Y" and requesting tho sama From this little book lt will bo learned that Dr. Plerco's med icines contain no alcohol, narcotics, mineral agents or other poisonous or Injurious agents and that they are made from native, medici nal roots of groat value: also that somo of tho most valuable ingredients contained in Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prescription for weak, nervous, over-worked, ? run-down." nervous and debilitated women, were employed, long years ago. by the Indians for similar aliments affecting their squaws. In fact, one of the most valuable medicinal plants entering into tho composition of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription waa known to the Indians as "Squaw-Weed." Our knowledgo of tho uses of not a few of our most valuable native, me dicinal plants was gained from the Indians. As made up by improved and exact pro cesses, the "Favorite Proscription " ls a most efficient remedy for regulating all the wom anly functions, correct.'ng displacements, ns prolnpsus, antevcrslor> andi rwtorvorslon. overcoming painful periods, toning up the nerves and bringing about A perfect st ate of health. Sold by all dealers In medicines. Maxwell's Ferry News. Maxwell's Ferry, March 18.-G. W. Gignilliat and J. J. Cromer, of Seneca, visited J. L. McCarley last Sabbath. Homer Long, of Hickory Flat, was a welcome visitor here recently. Mr. and Mrs L. D. Phillips visited Mr. and Mrs. Willet Edward Giles recently. Miss Ila Boarden, our popular teacher, visited her parents at Oakway Sunday. Miss Alice Gaines, of Seneca, was among friends here last week. Fred Bowen visited at Fair Play re cently. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. MoCarley visited their daughter, Mrs. .1. T. Long, at Mick ory Flat Wednesday and Thursday. Misa Nannie O'Neal ison a visit of some length to friends at Wai oville, Wm. Trowbridge had the misfortune o? losing two m-'' h cows recently. Hugh Phillips, who has been in Ander son for some time, has returned home. Mesdames L. D. and W. H. Phillips spent Saturday in Seneca, the guests of Mrs. John W. Harper. J. W. Shirley, of Townville, was here Monday on business. Frank Me Alister was hero Friday on business. Km man Bowen is at home again aftor working several months in Fair Play. Mr. and Mrs. Thavrer Brock are re ooiving congratulations on the arrival of a little daughter. W. E. Gilos has about completed the concreto work on the road through the Conneross lagoon. Dr. W. T. Hunt, of Townville, was in this community Saturday on business. Jack Harris, of Pendleton, passed through this section Sunday. Bud Simpson, of Piedmont, was hero Monday on business. o. E. W. Improper action of the kidneys causes backache, lumbago, rheumatism. "Pine ules" is a kidney remedy that will relieve these diseases. Pleasant to take and guaranteed to givo satisfaction or money refunded. "Relief in every dose." Sold by Dr. J. W. Boll, Walhalla; W. J. Lun bcy, Seneca. Eight School Children Killt?. Torreon, Mexico, March 23.-Kino persona, eight of them school chil dren, were instantly killed Tuesday and many others injured at Durango, Mexioo, by the collapse of the roof of the publio school building, while thc rooms were crowded with pupils. The dead inolnde one of the teach ers and eight members of her class. Score? were buried under the wreck age and debris, and there may bo ad ditional deaths, as many of the vic tims are dangerously hurt. The teacher's body was pinioned beneath a heavy rafter and it was evident death had been instantaneous. The injured children were harried to hos pitals and some of them to their h O.T. ca, while the dead were taken to the morgue, where heart-rending scenes were enacted ss grief-stricken paren*- ""..robed for their loved ones. There are many kidney remedies, but few that accomplish the result. "Pine llies" is a kidney .emedy that contains no alcohol or opiates of any kind, com plies with tho National Pure Food and Drug Laws', guaranteed to give satisfac tion. Thirty days treatment for $1. In quire about "Piueules." Sold by Dr. J. W. Bell, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Two Killed In Explosion. Prosperity, March 28.--A terrific explosion startkd this plaoe about 11.45 Tuesday. Many ran out of the stores and offices to find out the cause of the noise, but nothing unu sual oould be seen. In about fifteen min?tes a phone message came to A. M. Lester to the effect that a boiler belonging to N. R. Lester, his bro ther, who lives near St. Luke's ohuroh, about five miles from Pros perity, had exploded, and that Mr. Lester and a negro bad been in stantly killed and another negro seri ously hurt. Mr. Lester was a well to-do planter and a prominent man in his community and the ohuroh. - This is Worth Remembering. Whenever you have a o?ugh t cold, just remember that Foley's Boney and Tar will euro it. Do not risk your health by takinK any but the genuine. It is in a yellow package. J. W. Bell. The Honest Janitor. A janitor in a noigbboring school throw up bis job the other day. Wbon asked what was the trouble, he laid : "I'm honest and won't stand being slurred. If I find a petioil or a hand kerchief 'bout the school I hang it up. Every little while the teacher or some one that is too cowardly to face me gives me a slur." "In what way ?" asked the officer. "Why a little while ago I saw written on the board, 'find the com mon multifile.' I look for it from cellar to garret, and I wouldn't know the thing if I met it od tbe HI met. What made me quit my job? Last night in big writiu' on the blackboard it said, 'find the greatest common di visor.' Well, I says to myself, both of them darn things are lost now, and I'll be blamed for swipin' 'em, so I'll quit."_ i Epilepsy Fits St? Vitus Dance Are nerve diseases, and unless checked, lead to destruction of both mind and body. The weak, shattered nerves must have something to strengthen and build them back to health. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine is a remarkable nerve tonic and stimulant. It strengthens the nerves, relieves the nervous strain, and influences refresh ing body-building sleep and rest. Persistent use seldom fails to relieve these afflictions. "1 was taken with epileptic fits; had eleven In lesa than 12 hours. My father sent for our family physician, but he could do very UtUe for me, and I grew worse every day, and at last they had three doctors with me, and I Htlll got worse. My father heard of Dr. Miles' medicines and bought a bottle of Ncrvlro and a box of Nerve and Liver fills. I had taken only a few dose? until I began to feel better. I took 12 bottles, and it cured me sound and well. It has beon worth all the world to me. I recommend it wherever I go. You may use this ss a life-long testimonial to the merits of your medicine, for I am enjoying the best of health, and feel that my life and health ls due to this wonderful medicine." LEVY WILLIAMS, it. F. D. No. 2, Boston, Qa. Dr. Miles' Mervin? lt sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the flnrt bottle will benefit. If lt falls, hs Will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. Pleasant to take wiwiMiaiiiiiiBiaiiiiiiwiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiww ?mun ~M An Abundance of F. i it of highett quality, finely colored land flavored, Is the i < Kt result of supply ing s complete fertiliser containing from 7 to is per com of POTASH to the tree, vine or bush. ..Plant Pood" ls a book well worth a place In tho Uhr ry of any fruit grower. We will gladly mall it to all applicants. GURMAN KALI WORKS New York-93 Nasses Street. or Atlanta. Os.-t2Z4 C aster Building Statue I? Judge Bleckley. We want to see a statue of Judge Logan E. Bleckley erected in Clayton. During his life he loved the mountains of Rabun oounty snd its people. Judge Blockloy was b"rn within the corporate limits of Clayio' ; just the spot was unknown, but e . a place near the residenoe of Tsx Collector Will Smith. His fsther and mother bad been here but a few days prior to his birth and he was born in a camp. Tbis information we obtained from the Judge a year or so ago. Noth ing we could do now for the incentive of our obildren to grow more nobly than to oroot a statue of one who has i ade and will make Rabun county fem?. '*. Wo feel that this is due him by h ' oounty people sod there is uo doubt that hundreds of them will be glad to con tribute to perpetuate him by statue. We will lead the list to begin with-ten dol lars. Let us get a statue of him and set apart a place in our new sohool building to ereot it. We feel that nothing would be more appropriate and adorning, and we osn get no netter name for our sohool than The Bleckley Sohool. Judge Bleck ley was universally loved and admired while he lived; now he is gone and will be honored the more. Now for the monu ment sud Tbs Bleekley School at the ?' lace of bis birth, ss it is appropriate. layton (Os ) Tribune. ? fell S P i^Jf do 1 take Cardui"? writes Mrs T 1 fes Jelemma Mullins of Odessa, W. Va. "Because, after suffering for several years with female trouble, and trying different doc tors and medicines without obtaining relief, I at last found, in Wine of Cardui, a golden medicine for all my ills, and can recommend it above all others' for female complaints." Cardui furnishes safe relief for backache, headache, periodical pains, irregular, painful or unhealthy cata menial flow, and all ailments from which sick women suffer. A perfect tonic, for delicate women. A pure vegetable medicine for girls and women who are subject to the complaints peculiar to their sex. Has benefited over.a million who used to suffer as you do. At every drug store, in $1.00 bottles. WINE WRITE US A LETTER describir?a fully All your symptoms anj we will send you Pre* Advice In plain seeled IT. ..'.-..>.'. Ladles' Advisory Dept? Tho Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chatwnjowi. Tenn. JO OF CARDUI .. I* It OF KS S?ONAL OARBS.. W. J. CARTER, M. D.I DR. F. F. COLLINS _Dentist_ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office two doors above the Bank, li Carter's Pharmacy* WESTMINSTER, 8. C. WALHALLA, S. C.-WEST END. J^-PHONE 87 ~m All Calls Promptly Answered, 8-8-06 Day or Night. DR. W. F. AUSTIN, IE. L. HERN DON, SBSBCA?^1?^ S. C.! Attorneys Law. Office Over J. W. llyrd & Co. WALHALLA, - - S. C. PHONE NO. 61. 'Phone 61. DR. D. P. THOMSON, Dentist* Walhalla, S. C. Office Over C. W. Pitchford Co.'s Store. Phone No. 86. DR. J. H. BURGESS. DENTIST, SENECA, S. C. OFFICE OVER NIMMONB' STOMC, DOYL* BUILDING. Office Hours: 0 A. M. to 1 p. it. " " 2 P. M. to fi P. M. Until further notice my office will be open only on Friday and Saturday of each week. April 20, 1 WU. iti ti R. T. J A YNES, Attorney-at-Law, WALHALLA, - - S. C. Beil Phone No. 20. Practice in State and Federal Courts. Business entrusted to my oare receives prompt attention. 1-05 J. P. Carey, Piokeus, S. C. J. W. abelor, Walhalla, S.O. CAREY & SHELOR, Attorneys and Counsellors, Walhalla, S. C. Will practice in thu State and United States Courts. Business en ti listed to our care will re oeive prompt and careful attention. I AM DETERMINED TO DO THE LIVERY BUSINESS for this community. Come on and get your teams. Hauling Teams, Single and Double Buggy Teams and Saddle Horses. Always on hand. Prompt and polite servioo at reasona ble prices. Teams sent out at any hour, day or night. Phone 10 or ll for quiok foams. C. B. HOUCHINS, Walhalla, 8. 0. GRIND axaiive Fruit Syrup For Sale by J. W. Bell. Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of pimples and blotches. It la guaranteed