Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, March 06, 1907, Image 4

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SDfor; Jitocon (toutxe PUBLI8HKD IVtnV WIONEtDAV MONNING. . " ~ ? : ?? --- - ?V - ??AVNE9, 8HELOR, SMITH * STKOK KT. JVYNW, i gr ?. i >"" ID A. HMlTt . J. W. ?HELOR. I KU*- 3 PoB* f J. A.- rtTKO . 8U 3 C Ht P Yt ON , ?1.00 PC*? ANNUM AOVCMTIBINO RATES. IttAflONAd-t. jj?1 Communications of ? pureoual Character charged for a* advertisement. |y Obituary notioea aud tribute* of ir o ? poo t, of not o vor one hundred worda, will be printed free of charge. All over that number muat be paid for at the rate of one cent ? word. Cash to aooompauy .-nan rescript. . . . i . 1 ? ? i. -~ WALHALLA, H. C. I ?rpi?NJBS)DAY. IWABSCB. .? ttf?*. PUT A TAX ON BACHELORS. What a nloe little revenue would come into" the treasury of the town of Wal halla if the "bachelor tax" were adopted. There are too many bachelors hereabouts for the publio good. Something ought to be done about it,, and the "bachelor tax" is the logioal solution of the prob lem of bow to force upon the bachelor at least a portion of the burdens and re sponsibilities of life. F. Peter Dunne, the humorist philoso pher, accredits to his two noted charac ters, Mr. Dooley and Mr. Hennessy, the following conversation: "This here paper says," said Mr. Hen net dey, "that they're goiu' to put a tax OD bachelors. That's r-right. Why shoulden't there be a tax pu bachelors? There's one on dogs." "That's r-right," said Mr. Dooley. "An* they'ro goin' to make it five dollars a year. Th' dogs pay ouly two. It's quito a concession to us They cousidor us more than twice as valyable, or anyhow moro than twice as dan gerous as dogs. I suppose yo expect j noxt year to soe mo tin- nt in' around with a leather collar an' a brass tag on me neck. If me tax isn't paid th' bache lor wagon'll come around nu' th' bache lor eat cher'll lassoo me nu' take mo to th' pound au' I'll bo kept thero three "days au' thin, if still unclaimed, I'll be dhrowned onless th' pound keepor takes a fancy to mo." In tbe making up of Walhalla's supply bill this year wo suggest that City Coun cil give full consideration to tho "bache lor tax" as a means of supplementing the town's finances. Aside from the Hunncial view-poiut, bachelors should be looked after as a species of publio wards. They aro evi dently uuable to properly provide for themselves, and. therefore should be taken under the caro of the muniolpal authorities. Why should there bo numerous bache lora at largo in this community anyway -some with bald spots at that? What | right has a bachelor to a bald spot? Married men may possess bald spots-in faot, they are rather to be expeoted; but j no man bas a right to be a baohelor and no baohelor baa a right to a bald spot. Therefore if a man chooses to be a bachelor, tax him; if be chooses to culti vate a bald spot, and thu? take from the married man about bia only prerogative, doublo tax him. The town could well afford to pur chase a dozen or two special bachelor tax collars to be worn by those who pay tho tax. For those who might refuse to pay tho tax there would be no hope of reclamation, aud the only recourse would bo, aa Mr. Dooley suggests, the pound-and that would mean certain death, for the bachelor who wouldn't! pay five or ten dollars a year for the I priviloge of beiug a bachelor, deserves no better fate than death by drowning. It is now asserted by attorneys in tho Harry K. Thaw case that "Thaw killed Stanford White while his brain was in a storm." It may really be taken as a piece of information that Thaw ever had a brain. The storm must have boen a tornado, for he seems never to have re gained his brain after meeting "that pica, pure little girl, Evelyn Nesbitt." * * * A Washington scientist claims that he has discovered a way of making whiskey without a worm. Now if he can discover how to grow cabbages without worms tho dear old Keowoe Courier may be happy once more.-Anderson Mail. Thanks to the mellowing influence of timo and the hardening influence of cus tom, we have already ceased to worry about the cabbage and whiskey worms. Whether wo eat or drink wo do it with out questioning at all. Wo take our whiskey and our cabbage straight, along v:\i\x the editor ( f the Mail-unquestion ing, utterly oblivious to all extraneous matter; in other words, we go the circus man one better, aud both "drink 'em nod eat 'cm alive!" Found at Last. J. A. Harmon, of Lizomorc, Wost Va., says: "At last I havo found the perfect pill that nover disappoints me; and for the ben'.-flt of others afllioted with torpid liver and chronic constipation, will say, take Dr. King's New Life Pills." Guar anteed satisfactory. 25 cents at all drug gists. Notice to Warehouse Committee. South Union, Mardi 5.-The membora of the warehouse committee are called to meet at Westminster on Friday, March 15th. at 10 o clock a. m. All progressive farmers who art itor ested in organizing a local union at said placo will please be on band promptly at that hour. Please remember the time and placo and govern yourselves accordingly. J. Ii. Harris Pythian Grand Lodgs to Meat In anderson. ? j Anderson,.March 6 -The Grand Lodge of the Knights of Pythias meets in An derson on May 28 and 29, and there vt Ul be ?bout 500 delegates. Already prepara tions are being made for the entertain ment of these gentlemen. <; li uncoil or Commander T. Frank Wat kins; of Cbiqoola Lodge, No. 82; bas ap pointed a com mit too of arrangements and finance for the occasion and that committee consists of .himself, M. L. Bonham, W. L. Brissey, H. C. Mattison, J. E. Barton, U. E. Seybt, J. H. Craig, T. A Ratliffe and W. P. Nicholson, The oommittee is already doing some work, and they intend to give the Grand Lodge a royal time-in fact, the bout that they have aver had, . . .J Cbiquola Lodge has about three hun dred members. It is one of the! largest lodges in the State. m*>m? Willie Bodia Will Go Fret. Jj Greenwood, Maren 1 -Tho February term of tbs Court of General Sessions ls in session here this .week. Judge H. O. Purdy is presiding. Only criminal oases will be heard this week. The grand jury yesterday brought le "nb bill" in the oaseof Willie Bodje, the -tittie boy who was held on the obarge of murder, having shot his little playmate, Hiles Nov.'is, some weeks ago. Almost all the other oases are negroes, on : murder oase being on docket. Woflord Coll?ge Endowment. The Spartanburg Journal says that Wofford's next commencement will probably be the most joyous held in many years, for it is expeoted that the announcement will be made that the sum of $100,000 has been subsoribed to the endowment fund of the college, and that tho s?m of $25,000 givon by Androw Carnegie and $25,000 by the educational board has been turned ovor to tho man agement of tho college Dr. R. A. Child, financial agent of the college, will be in position to report to tho board of trustees at the next annual tueotiug that ho has secured subscrip tions to tho endow meut fund amounting to more than $100,000. Of this sum $35,000 will havo been raised in Spartan burg. It is most likely that tho trustees of tho college will ordor the oroction of a handsome library building. Miss Julia Smith's bequest of $10 000 will be used in building the library, which will be known as Whitoford Smith Library. Unclaimed Letters. Following is a list of unolaimed letters remaining in the Walhalla post office for tho week onding March 4, 1007: Master Philips Turnor Johnson, Mrs. H. E. Lee, Miss Mary Robeson, Mrs. John H. Stewcrt, Mrs. J. B. Valley. ' Persons calling for any of tho above will please say that they are advertised. J. M. Merrick, P. M. Do Not Crowd tht Season. The first warm days of spring bring with them a desire to get out and enjoy the exhilerating air and sunshine. Chil dren that have been housed up all win ter are brought out and you wonder where they all came from. The heavy winter clothing is thrown aside and many shed their flannels. Then a cold wave comes and people say that grip is epi demic. Colds at this season are even more dangerous than in mid-winter, as thero is much more danger of pneumo nia. Take Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy, however, and you will have nothing to fear. It always cures, and wo have never known a cold to result in pneumo nia when it was used, lt is pleasant and safe to take. Children like it. For sale by Dr. J. W. Bell, Walhalla; W. J. Lun ney, Seneca. Seaboard Wreck in Alabama. Powder Springs, Ga., Maroh 1.-Sea board Air Line passenger train No. 38, from Birmingham for Atlanta, ran into the rear end of a parted freight train one mile east of here to-night. Engineer Charles Hutchins, of Codai tow n, Ga., of the passenger train was oremated nnder his engine; the baggage master and col ored flroman were seriously injured and the mall clerk and Pullman porter were slightly injured. Thoro wore about 50 passengers ou the train and all woro badly shake,i up, but only one sustained a slight injury. Immediately after the collision, the wreckage took fire and the entire passenger train, consisting of a Pullman Bleeper, threo day coaches a baggage and express and mail oar and three freight cars were burned. A flagman had been sent back by the froight train, but he claims he was unable to stop the fast ap proaching passenger train in time to avert the crash. Hanged for Murdering His Daughter. Marietta, Ga., Mai ch 5.-John Milliard, convicted of the murder of his 17-year old daughter, Ruby, at their home, near Powder Springs, on September 1, was hanged hero last Friday. Dying with consumption, it had boen a question for a woek whethoi disease or the hangman's noose would claim him. He was sup Koi ted on tho trap and with his last roath declared that the death of his daughter was the result of an accident. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ls Both Agree able and Effective. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has no superior for coughs, colds and croup, and the tact that it is pleasant to take and contains nothing in any way injurious, has made it a favorite with mothers. W. S. Pelham, a ra or oh ant. of Kirksvillo, Iowa, says: "For more than twenty years Chamberlain's Cough Remedy baa been my loading remedy for all throat trou bles. It is espeoialfy successful in oases of croup. Children like it and roy cus tomers who have used it will not take uny other." For sale by Dr. J. W. Bell, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneoa. Will Save Millions to Cotton Industry Washington, March 2 --Oue of ito most important devices lu tho ti i story of cotton 'culture practically has been per fected by experta of the d?partaient of agriculture. It ia a machine for the re moval of the fuss on cotton aeed and for the separation of light irom heavy seed. The process baa been in course of de velopment for about two years and it is the opinion of the cotton experts of tho department that ita universal use would effect a saving of about 10 per cent of the entire cotton crop. As the crop of Amerioa amounts to $700,000,000 a year, it easily can be realised that such a sav ins would be of vast importance. By the removal of the fuss from th? cutten seed the seed may be ' planted with an ordinary 'ravity drill. By the ouse with whloh tho smooth seed can be manipulated they can ho planted In hills, without uuneoosfcary waste, and the plans so located can be tilled lo two di rections. The machine, it is stated, can be made at very small expense,'and as the invention is in tho hands of tho gov ernment, cotton planters who nae lt will bsve to pay no royalty for it. Homo-Made Catarrh Curs. Anyone oan mix right at home the beat remedy of its kind known. Tho name "Cyclone" is given to the following proscription, it ls supposed, because of its promptness tn driving from the blood and system every vestige cf caUwrbal poison, relieving this foul and dread dis ease, no matter where located. To pre pare the mixture: Qet from any good Eharmaoy one-half ounoe Fluid Extract . tndolion, one ounoe Compound Kargon and three ounces Compound Syrup Sar saparilla. Shake well and uae in tea spoonful doses after each meal and at bedtimo. '1 iis is a harmless, inexpeusivo mix ture, which bas a peculiar action upon the eliminative tissues of tho kidneys, assisting them to Alter and strain from tho blood and system all oatarrhal poi sons, which, if not eradicated, are ab sorbed by the mucous membrane, and an open sore or catarrh is tho result. Prepare some and try it, ns it is tho prescription of an eminent catarrh spe cialist of national reputation. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Notice of Sale of Notes and Accounts. ALL tho uncollected Notes ami Ac counts due the John V. Craig as signed estate e, iii bo sold at public auc tion in frout of the Court IIouso, at Wal halla, S. C , on salesday in April, (\pril 1st, 1007.) at ll o'clock a. m. List of same can ho seen at C. W. Pitchford Co.'a or Craig-Verner Mercantile Co.'s. If you are due said estate anything now is the time to make payment. You can either pay to John F. Craig or C. W. Pitchford, who Viii receipt you for same. W. W. STOVER, Assignee ' March?, 1007. 10-13 [j "TAX SALES. BY virtue of executions to mo di rooted by W. J. Sohroder, Treasurer of Ooonee county, South Carolina, I will sell, to the highest bidder, at Walhalla Court House, on sal ead ay iu April next, beiug the first day of the month, the following traota and lot of land, for taxes, to-wit: One tract of land lying on Boone's crock, containing 606 acres, and adjoin ing lands formerly belonging to James | Robertson, deceaaod, and others. One tract of land lying on McKinney's creek, containing 058 acres, and bounded by the Indian boundary line and land formerly belonging to the estate of Wm. L. Keith, deceased, and others. These traota belong to H. Tompkins and havo been listed in the namo of Whitnor, Thompson and Symmes. One lot of land containing two acres, belonging to Caroline Lester aud adjoin ing land of Sloan Dickson. Terms cash. Pm chaser to pay extra for deeds. WM. M. KAY, Sheriff Oconee County. Maroh 0, 1007. 10-13 FOR BENT OR SALE MY HOME at Seneca, S. C. One of the best built houses in the up country. Excellently located,.* Rent reasonable. If sold will give purchaser long time on two-thirds of amount sold for. Call on S. K. Dendy, Seneca, S. C., or write moat Anderson, S. C. H. J. GIGNILLIAT. February 27, 1007. 0-11 HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medicine for Busy People. - Brines Golden Health and Renewed Vigor, A speolflo for Constipation, Indigestion, Liver and IC til ne. y troubles. Pimples. Eczema, Impure mood. Had Hreath. Sluggish Bowels. Headache and Backache. Its Itocky Mountain Tea In tab let form. 35 cent* a box. Oenulne mado by HOLLISTER Dnao COMPANY, Madison, Wla GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE / Plant Wood's // Garden Seeds FOR SUPERIOR VEGE TABLES St FLOWERS. Twenty-eight years experience -our own seed farms, trial grounds-and largo warehouse capacity gfre us an equipment that is unsurpassed anywhere for supplying tho best seeds obtainable. Our trade in seeds VO both for tho CJ (p Garden and Farm Q is ono of the largest in this country. We are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Outs, Seed Potatoea, Cow Peas, Soja Beana and other Farm Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog Rives fuller and moro complota Infor mation about both Garden ana farm Heeds tban ?ny other similar publica tion Issued In this country. Malled free on reqaost. Write for lt. T.W.Wood&Sons. Seedsmen, RICHMOND, . VA. Poule BLACKSMITH TOOl NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDI TORS.-All pernuna Indebted to the estate of J. Isaao Moore, deooased. are horeby uotlflod to make payment to the undersigned, and all poraons having claims against said estate will prosent) tho Bame, duly attostud, within the time] proscribed bv biw, or bo barred. CLARENCE E. GAILLARD, Qualified Administrator of the Personal Kstato of J. lasso Moore, deooased. February 20, 1907. 8-11 NOTICE! ALL persons are hereby warned not to hire or in auy way employ my two Bona, Burt Orlinger McClain and George Edgar MoClain. Thoy are minors and have loft homo without tho consent of their parents. J. X. McClain, 10* Westminster,. S. C. COOK STOVES, RANGES, HEATING STOVES FULL LINE OF TINWARE, BICYCLES AND SUPPLIES. ROOFING, EAVE TROUGH AND ALL KINDS OF TIN AND SHEET IRON WORK MADE TO ORDER Typowritors, Sewing Maohines, Gum?. Revolvers and Bioyoles cleaned aua repaired. Ml work done on short notice and guaranteed. 13. S. LOOK. Kentucky Jack. IH AVE at my farm a Fine Black Span ish Kentucky JACK, age 0 years, 14 hands high, that I will staud during rho present season. Service (guaran teed), $10. J. H. BARNETT. February 0, 1007. 6-18* Here I Am. Still in the same old stand, sell ing Staplo and Fancy Groceries, Fresh Cream Cheese, Cakes and Crackers, nico Candies, Cigars, Tobacco, Fruits of all kinds, . nice Pickles and Shoes and No tions. Will pay the highest prices for all of your Chickens, Eggs and Butter, and all kinds of Produce. Come to see me and get bar gains. Yours for business, C. M. SHELTON, Ritter Block, WALHALLA, S. C. NEW CASH STORE Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Clothing, {Shoes, Groceries, Hardware, In fact a full line of General Merchandise, B. J. MOODY'S, SALEM, S. C. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. We have an assortment to suit any and everybody. . ... ry Netting' at Last Year's Prices. LS- Don't forget to put in a set before the spring rush is on !. , Harrows ! Out* Harrows ! Hobby! I WANT YOUR TRADE Io Fertilizers, Plows, Plow stocks, Cole Guano Distributors and Colton Planters, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Hardware, Crockery and Grooi-rics, Hulk and Package Garden Seed, Cane Seed nut! Blue Grass. ?See my goods, htar the prices, you can thou judge of the value. Call often. YOURS TRULY, J. W. BYRD, SENECA, S. C. FERTILIZERS ! Corn Oats Hay Flour We offer to the Trading Publlo of Ooonee County the following Brauds of Korti lizers at very attractive prioes: OX SLAUGHTER HOUSE BONE. STROTHER & PHINNEY'8 COMPOUND. STROTHER & PHINNEY'S BLOOD AND BONE CROP HUSTLER. FARMERS' UNION. KEOWEE STANDARD. Wo also offer several cars of Corn, Oat?, Hay and Flour at low prices i YOURS TRULY, STROTHER & PHINNEY, West Union, S. C. rn? When the Old Wagon Breaks ? Come in and get one of our line of Studebakers-the kind that stands up. If you have much hauling to do a St?de baker will pay tor itseii in a few months by saving you timo and trouble and tho expense of constant repairs. j You Know the Studebaker Wagon Vor more than fifty years its reputation has grown better every year. This reputation is due to the good quality that bas always been a part of tho Studebaker Wagons. Each part is made from the lumber that is best fitted for that part. Now England black birch makes tho best hubs tho Studebaker hubs aro made of it. Butt cut, second growth black hick ory ia tho best for axles-Studebaker axles are made of it. Selected white oak is best for spokes and running gears- that is what is used In the Studebaker Wagon. The Studebaker Wagoo I? Perfect in Every Detail That is wfty wo sell lt. Come in and let us talk it ovei. X'V have some interesting wagon books for every one. C. W. PITCHFORD CO.. Walkalla, S. C. dr