TO murjg pire MW r*p? IT MUST FOLLOW AS THE NIGHT THE DAY, THOU CAW ST NOT THEN BE FALSE TO ANY MAN BY J A YNES, SHELOR, SMITH ? ?ure of m ! i maks* % diffei RC Following ia the honor roll of tho seo ?od and third grades of the Westminster j Cradled 80hool for the mooth of January : I 'Second Grade-Mildred Bearden 100, Vibe rt Diokwon 08, Lois Morgan 97, Lil ian Morgan 97, Oura Freeman 97, Bala limmona 96, Maggie Mitchell 96. Third Grade-Bilby "Miller 98, Boon h ook 98, Julia Dickerson 96, Carrie Lou Vhite 07, Hattie Simpson 97, Edna Ktur an d 97, Marie Lesley 97, Paul Ballenger ?, Alu Prichard 96, Annie Bell Wnt dns 95, Ila Wilson 96, Andrew Holly 95, tosalee Wilson 96, Victor Marett 95. Lena Waddel], Teacher. Charles Webb, of Anderson, waa in own one day last week. Clifton F. Adams left to-day for a bree weeks' visit to Dalton, Canton and atlanta. . Born, unto Mr. and Mrs. Hoi fe Hunt, m February 88, a son.' A. L. Goesett. Tettor, Sall Rheum, and Eczema. These are diseases for which Chamber sin's Salve is especially valuable. It ?uiekly allays the Itching and smarting md soon effects a obre. Price, 25 cents, 'or sale by Dr. J. W. Bell, Walhalla; W. I. Lunney, Seneca. Town Inundated. Vaooleave, La., Maroh 1.-This town vas partly washed away last night when n five hours' time Bluff creek rose to a width of a mile and a half. People were li i ven from their homes about midnight md soon afterwards the water was run ling several feet deep in the prluoipal ttreets. No lives were lost, but many lead of stock and numerous SCM.11 bulla nga were carried away. Work of Tornado. Little Kock, Ark., Maroh 1.-Washing on, a small town in the southwestern tart of Arkansas, was swopt by a tor >ado last night and almost the entire louthern portion of that place was de itroyed. Three ohurob buildings and tbout 180 small houses, ocoupied prinoi .ally by negroes, were blown down. Two negroes were killed and several >ther persons are reported to have been njured. The property loss is estimated kt $70,000. Worked Like a Charm. D. N. Walker, editor of that sploy lournal. The Enterprise, Louisa, Va., lays: "I ran a nail in my foot last weok md at onoo applied Bucklen's Amloa Jal ve. No inflammation followed; the lalve simply healed the wound." Heals ?very sore, ourn and skin disease. Guar anteed at all druggists. 25 cents. SENKCAi Seneca, Maroh 4.-Seneoa Ss ip the h roes of ls grippe I Dr. J. H. Burgess has'been on the siok 1st for some days. W. mt. Prepat suffered the misfortune o fall last week, injuring himself pain olly, though it ls hoped not seriously. The baby boy of Dr. and Mrs. E. A. lines bas been ill with pneumonia for a veek, but it ls thought that tbe little fol ow ls improving. Thej eon j You remet .-Home < ' in thc chtl ute of poor .baking powder, ire, home?-made muffin, cake 01 thc purity, you mutt ute ?nee in your home-a diff? a difference in your cookin ?YAL b absolutely P . Tho entire family of A. P. Browo, ex cepting himself and one other member, hare, been at the mercy of grip for a week. Hon. John G. Cary was strioken with sn attack of what