IKE NEW UHR \M SIMPLIFIED. COT H RAN TELLS IN CONCISE WAY OF ITS VARIOUS PROVISIONS AND WORKINGS. rOreenville Nows.] No one ie bettor prepared to dis cuss tho numurous features of the Caroy-Cothran county option bill than Representative Tbos. P, Coth ran himself. When seen by a repre sentative of the Greenville News, Air. Cothran said : ?'Bearing in mind tho two princi pal objects to be accomplished by what is popularly styled the ?Carey Cothran bill,' its provisions can be cnore readily followed and under stood. These objects ?re tue aboli tion of the State dispensary and the establishment of local optiou in every county as between prohibition and what may be termed ?county dispen saries.' As a matter of faot there ?an be, under the constitution, no such thing as a dispensary owued and operated by a county. Tho con stitution permits the G?n?ral Assem bly to authorize county officers ?under the authority and in thc name of tho State,' to engage in the business of buying and selling intoxicating liquors. This aot comes within this limitation of the constitution by de claring that tho various county dis pensary boards are county officers and are authorized, under the au thority and in the name of the State, to engage in suoh business. ?'The abolition of the State dis pensary is accomplished directly by a provision declaring 'that tho State dispensary is hereby abolished.' It is also accomplished indirectly by provision that the sale of liquors, ex cept ns therein provided, is prohib ited. ?'The only method provided for the ?aie o? liquor is that by the county ^dispensary boards and manufacturers. Aa tho feature of most interest is the ?sale by county dispensary boards, I ?shall briefly dispose of the matter of ?ale by manufacturers aud then pass to that of sale by cbunty dispensary boards. "Salp by manufacturers is prohib-j lted exoopt in counties which have permitted, by vote or inaction, the operation of dispensaries under the old law. In other words, a distillery can be operated only in ?wet' coun ties in which dispensaries are now in operation. The manufacturers are required to pay a license fee of from (500 to $5,000, according to oapaoity. The manufacture in any oounty may be voted out in the same manner as provided for voting in a 'county dis pensary.' '?Now as to sale by county dispen sary boards, whiob, for oonvenienoe, I shall refer to as 'county dispensa ries.' Every ?wet' oounty is to re main so until an eleotion be held vot ing it ?dry,' and the dispensaries now in operation are to be continued as ?county dispensaries.' Every 'dry' county is in like manner to remain ?dry.' In 'wot' counties this election may bo held at any time during tho year 1907. in 'dry' counties it can not bo hold until the next general election, which occurs after the expi ration of four years from the date of the election under tho Brice law. As to Greenville county : The elec tion under tho Brice law was held in January, 1900. The first general election after four years from that date will bo in November, 1910. Tho question cannot, therefore, be re opened in Greenville before that time. There aro speci?o exceptions to this rule which apply to certain counties. Lir?irve] For Cough,Cold.Cr SoreThroat,StiffN< Rheumatism and Neuralgia At all Dealers Price 25c 50c 6 ?LOO Sent- Free . 'Sloan's Book on Horses & Cottle, Hogs 6 Poultry \ 4 A??rezs Dr. Earl S. Sloan \6I5 Albany Sh Boston.Mass. "The election is provided for io the following manner : A petition signed" by at least one-fourth of the qualitied votera of the county must be tiled with the supervisor before May 1 of a general election year. The supervisor then ceders the elec tion to be held upon the general elec tlou day in the November following. The county conventions meet on the first Monday in May of an election year, and the requirement that the petition bo filed before May 1st was inserted to enable the county con vention, if it should desire to do so, to submit the question to the Demo oratio primary in August. It oan then be settled by the white Demo cratic voters, regardless of registra tion certificates, and this aotion will be confirmed at the general eleotion, just the same as its nominations for all offices are confirmed. "Should.the eleotion result in favor of county dispensary, the Governor shall then appoint a county dispen sary board for the county, upon the recommendation of the delegation, the mayor of the oity and the county board of education, eaoh body nam ing one. At the eleotion the voters may decide whether a part of the profit shall go to the sohools or to roads and bridges. "Purchases of liquor oan only be made upon competitive sealed bids, to be opened in public and published. "The State assumes no obligation whatever in connection with the pur chases of liquor. Every dispensary must stand upon its own bottom.' The county, not being authorized to embark in tho business, of course as sumes no obligation in connection with it. This was provided to pre vent whiskey dealers from overload ing the dispensaries. They must look to the business for their pay and will, therefore, be moro discreet in making sales of the quality and quantity which will be sold than if the State or county was the pay master. "All liquor must be thoroughly analyzed. It is intended that no impure stuff shall be put off on the people. "The restrictive features of the old dispensary law relating to sales tc minors, intoxicated persons, between H a UH et and sunrise, etc., are retained. "Monthly statements by the boards are required, and every quarter they muBt report the profits made. These profits are divided differently in dif ferent co un ti os. "A dispensary inspector is to be ?ipointed by the Governor to travel over the State and oheok up all dis pensaries. "The enforcement of the law ie left to the Governor, if the county ind oity authorities fail. My con itruotion of the law is that the con stabulary system, provided by the ict, of 1905, has not been interfered with. I shoe'4 hate very muoh to iee it disturbed, as I do not think ,he law can be effectively enforced without having a force specially ;harged with its enforcement." -- HEALTH Moans tho ability to do a good day'? vork without undue fatiguo and to find ifo worth living. You oannotbave indi ;estion or constipation without its up otting tho liver and polluting the blood, iuob a oondition may be best and quiok ?t relieved by Heroine, the best liver egulator that the world has ever known, iii.-.. D. W. Smith writes (April 3, 1002,): 'I use Herbino, and find it the best aedicine for constipation and regulating he liver I ever used." 60c. Sold by Valhalla Drug Co. ; W. J. Lummy,Seneca. Work on the Carnegie dormiu>ry t the Due West Female College ie irogressing very rapidly. STRONG WORDS USED IN ADVOCATING THE STATE DISPENSARY SYSTEM. Senator LeGrand G. Walker made the most thoughtful and elaborate argumont in behalf of the State dis pensary, according to the Abbeville Medium, which says he discussed the Carey-Cothran measure in all its de tails, and among other things Baid : " ?The C.-C bill not only throws no safeguards around the purchasing power, but there is absolutely no provision as to the quality of whis kies, etc, purohasod, and nothing is said about the amount they may buy. There is no providion that the oounty board shall file a sworn statement of the receipts from licenses. There are opportunities innumerable offered in this bill for graft, and the Senators who support it will bo voting for a measure whioh will plaoe temptations before men in their own ? -unities. "I hear talk about amending the bill, but it is too late to amend. The bill came to us as the perfeoted mani festo of the local option orowd in the House." Summarising, Senator Walker stig matised the Carey-Cothran bill as : "A compromise with conscience. "A politioal debt-payer. "A juggling with reason. "An outrage on common sense. "A legislative pharisee and hypo crite. "An offense to well balanced judg ment. "A confession of insincerity. "A snare to catch tho unwary pro hibitionists. "A dangerous experiment with local conditions. "A multiplication of the possibili ties of corruption 41 times. "An introduction of the moral boll weevil. "An entering wedge to high license. "An education for the reinstate ment of the old bar-room system." -~? ? ? Chronic Constipation Cured. One who suffers from obronio consti pation is in danger of many serious ail ments. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures ohronio constipation, as it aids di gestion and stimulates the liver and bowels, restoring t J9 natural aotion of these organs. Commence taking it to day and you will feel bettor at onoe. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does Aot nau seate or gripe, and is very pleasant to Uko. Refuse substitutes. J. W. Bell. Farmers are Urged to Reduce Acreage. Charlotte, N. C., Feb. 16.-A spirited effort is being made in this territory to persuade the farmers to heed the resolu tion of the Southern Cotton Asayoiation, which met at Birmingham recently, that t reduct ion of 10 per cent in cotton acre age be made in 1007. C. C. Moore, proal lent of the North Carolina division, has marge of this work in North Carolina md is sending out 10,000 oiroulars to the 'armers of the State. Eaoh oiroular con tains a copy of the resolution. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Shot to Death in Quarrel at Dance. Washington, 6a., Fob. 15.-Nows has ust reached*hero of the killing of Ira ; ar ret t by Douglas Hardin at a danoo in he western part of this COUD ty last ight. They are said to have booome i vol ved in a difficulty, Hardin shooting Jarrett iu the face and Willing him ia tantly. Hardin claimed the shooting was in elf-defense. He gave himself up to the boriff. Both young men belong to rominent families. It's the highest standard of quality, a I atural tonio, oleanses your system, red- ' ens the oheeks, brightens the eyes, gives avor to all you eat. Hollister's Kooky lountain Tea will do this for you. 35o. ea or Tablets. Dr. J. W. Bell. akes Poison Alter Arrest for Blowing Salo. Lake City, Fla., Feb. 15.-Arrested on ie charge of blowing open a safe, Wal ir Hemmingway, of Savannah, soon fterwards took poison and flied in his ?ll at the jail hero. Tho safe in the A>ro of John L. Roberts, at Wingfield, x milos from Lako City, was blown pen Wednesday night. Hommingway as found near the scone and placed odor arrest. Soon after ho was taken i jail Hemmingway swallowed poison id died. It is not known how ho so trod the poison. I.IVKD IN TIMK STATIC. Savannah, Qa., Fob. 15.-Walter Hem ingway, Who committed suicide at ake City, Fla., and who was supposod ? have been a resident of Savannah, was native of Rhem, a small town near eorgetown, S. C. J. D. Adams has been eappointed 'nit"t! States Marshal for South aro lina, thus ending a fight that has Ben in progress for some time. Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. Pleasant to taK? Turn on the Light. [Christian Appeal, February 21.] Dedioated to the laymen and preach oi s (excusing the presiding elders) of thc South Carolina Annual Conferenoe ol the Methodist Episcopal Church, Smith. To be sung to the tune of "Tho Camp bells Are Coming." "Turn on the light," cri od elder D., Turu Ou ?lie i?jf ?i, you eider B, Turn on the light indeed, quoth he, The people then will surely see, And spoil this little game of ours, This panderer to priestly powers, Born io the darkest midnight hours, And full Of subtlety. Torn on the light, we now demand, The people, they shall see This thing of night, that dreads the light. And blinds men's eyes unto the right, And mocks at justioe, vaunts its might, And gt aba and grabs with grip so tight The"greeubacks, gold and silver bright, Won by the toil of many a hand, Monstrous monstrosity. Turn on the light thr.t all may soe This recent innovation, This thing of evil, fiend or devil, Fool brooder of dissension And foe to liberty ; This noisome smelling, pocket-swelling, Elder filling, preaoher-killiog, People billing, nil or willing, Right-destroying, wrong-distilling 1 Per cent iniquity. Turn on tho light, moro light, I say, Bohold ye men and brothers, This soborne to raise the eider's pay Regardless of the rights of others, Of frionds and comrades, preachers, brothers, Their wives, their children and thoii mo'hers, Who ground beneath thin tyrant's heel, Scarce darn to speak, or think, or fool, Lost vonturing so, this monster dread Should rend their heart, cut off theil head, Thon pray for a pretension. Turu on tho light, turn on tho light, That whioh is wrong eau no'er be right, Though clothed in garments pure and white And posing as a ohild of light; Avaunt ye, then toni fiend of night To thine own habitation; Thou double euded, muchly mended, Subtle dealing, much like stealing, Conseienoe fretting, greed begetting, Ring beeettiog, life-blood letting, Per ceut abomination. Te laymen, harken 1 tell mo, pray, Shall this vile thing be allowed to stay And vex our righteous souls forever ? This oft debated, justly hated, By all contemned and lowly ral?d Machine to raise the elder's pay ? O, tell me, is it here to stay ? Thank God, I hear you answer nay; Its doom is sealed, it shall away And ne'er return, no never, never. Lo.dc up my friends', fresh courage take, A brighter dawn is breaking, The people now are wide awake, And all their plans are making; Theo tune your lips and voices strong, To celebrate in grateful song The victory won by right, o'ei wrong; E'en now, all hope forsakiog, This monster dread hangs low his hoad In shame and fear and quaking, See how his knees are shaking. Come on, my partners in distross, Your every wrong shall have rodress, You've seen it oft, you know it all, How Petor'? robbed for to pay Paul, Till Paul grown fat, looks sleek and fine; Poor Peter looks Uko those lean kine Who in a flt of desperation, For want of food for mastication Did hoist their tails and bellowing loud Bore down upon that stall fed crowd Of Pharaoh's p?ttb? Callie. Then wi(h one awful, mighty bawl They broke their hoads and punohed their sides, And ohawed their tails and ripped their hides, And ate 'em hoof, head, horns and all, Nor left a bone to rattle. My, my! it was a battlo 1 Amen! but what of Paul ? Poor Paul! Now, brethren, doar, lot's drop a tear And bow our heads in sorrow, To-night our hearts are filled with care, Joy cometh .--n tho morrow. -Rev. J. C. Yoogue, Walhalla, S. C. OABTOniA. Bean the ?* The Kind You Have Always Sought Twenty persons wore killed and 140 or more injured in the wreck of an olectric train on the New York Central railroad, near Woodlawn, a New York suburb, last Saturday night. Tho train was running at the rate of sixty miles an hour wheo it jumped the track. ORINO jxative Fruit Syru For Sale by J. W. Bell Colloton Murderer's Neck Savod. Columbia State, February 14: H. A. . AdamB will uot be hanged I Ouvornor i Ansel yesterday, on recommendation of f the Board of Pardons, commuted the , death sentence to life imprisonment. H. . *. Adams, of Colloton, is the white roan who has three times been under sentence of death, waa onoe a fugitive from jue tloe with a reward of $1,000 offered for his capture, and bis oase caused an en bano session of all the Justices and Judges of the ?j tato. The commutation was not recommended by Judge Ernest Gary, who tried the oase and declared at tho time that tho vordiot was consid ered proper. Solicitor Davisdeolarod his belief that this waa a oruol murder and an assassination. But Adams's long light for life has at last ended success fully. Adams killed Henry Jacques, a white neighbor, in 1003. He was tried and on conviction sentenoed to death. His esoape from the Colloton jail was the beginning of his struggle. This oc curred after the Supreme Court bad de otdod against him. -a Pine Salve Carbolized, aota like a poul tice; highly autiseptio, extensively used for eczema, for chapped bands aud lips, outs, burns. Sold by Walhalla Drug Co.; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Five persons were killed hy. thc explosion of 100 pounds of dynamite at London, Ky., one day last woek. The men wero thawiug the explosive near a fire. A Live Wire Every nerve is a live wire connecting some part of the body with the brain. They are so numerous that if you pene trate the skin with the point of a needle you will touch a nerve and receive a shock-pain it is called. Aches and pains come from a pressure, strain or in- 1 jury to a nerve ; the more prom inent the nerve the greater the pain. When the pain comes from a large nerve it is called Neuralgia whether it be the facial nerves, or the heart, stomach, sciatic or other prominent nerve branch. To stop pain, then, you must relieve the strain or pressure upon the nerves. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills do this. '1 suffered intense pain, caused br neuralgia. I doctored and usod vari ous medicines without Rotting reUef until I began taking Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. They ?lld me more good than all the medicines I ever used. They never fait to cure my headaches, and their use never leaves any bad after-effects." MUS. WM. BECKMAN. 957 W. 4th St.. Erie. PA. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills are sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first package will benefit. If lt falls, he will return your money. 25 dotes, 25 cents. Never sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Wanted Four Th usand. At Spencer, La., Miss Mable Lat? tenn m in suing Geo. A. Homey, a rich banker, for four thousand dol lars. In her petition Miss I.utter man declares that while Romoy was on a visit to her home in the coun try ho patted her on the back, pinched her arms, petted and tickled her ander tho chin and tried to put his arms around he. She said the acts caused her to he ill snd nervous and gave her much mental anguish. Romev is prominent in State bank ing oiroles and reputed to he a mil lionaire. - mm? HM' Dade's Little Liver Pills thoroughly clean the system, good for lazv livers, makes clear complexions, bright eyes and happy thoughts. Sold by Walhalla Dru st Co. ; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. I AM DETERMIN LIVERY E re a Cold in On no Quinine Tablets, nomi.. This signature,^* Cleanses the system thoroughly and dears sallow complexions of pimples and blotches* It la gu?ranla ed B. A. BENTLEY, I R. T. JAYNE8, Manager. Attorney. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO collections in the County. Try us. Address all communications to B. A. BENTLEY, Manager, Walhalla, S. 0. E. L. HERNDON, Attorney-at Law, WALHALLA, - S. C. 'Phone 61. R. T. JAYNEST Attorney-at-Law, WALHALLA, - - S. C. Bell Phone No. 20, Prac ti oe in State and Federal Courts. Business entrusted to my caro receives prompt attention. - 1-05 J. P. Carey, I J. W. Shelor, Piokens, S. C. | Walhalla, S. C. CAREY & SHELOR, Attorneys and Counsellors, Walhalla, 8. 0. Will praotioe in the State and United I States Courts. Business entrusted to our oare will re ooive prompt and careful attention. DR. J. H. BURGESS, DENTIST, . . SENECA, S. C. I OFFICK OVBH NIMMONB' STORK, DOYL? BUILDING. Office Hours: 0 A. M. to 1 P. M. " " 2 p. H. to 6 P. H. April ?O, 1?04. 16-tf DR. F. F. COLLINS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, WALHALLA, 8. C.-WEST END. 23r~PHONE 87.?CQ All Calls Promptly Answered, I 8-8-00 Day or Night. W. J. CARTER, M. D. -1 )ontiHt Office two doors above the Bank, In Carter's Pharmacy. WKKTMINKTKK, 8. C. DR. W. F. A^TI?T DBNTIIST, I SENECA,.S. C. Office Over J. W. Byrd A Co. PHOKK NO. 51. DR. D. P. THOMSON. JDentitst? Walhalla, S- C. Office Orer C. W. Pitchford Co.'s Store. Phone No. 86. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Caret Colds, Croup ?nd Whooping- Cough. THE ORIGIN At LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP BEES LAXATIVE. An con eh tyrap? OooUlBinf, oplste? loaiti* ?ttS th?Vw?l?. ?.*.. Laxative IOMT ea? SJ m? ve? th? bowels ?.aa cont* iee no opiate?. SOLD BY WALHALLA DRUG CO. FOLEYSHONEY^JLAR stop? tb* coug-h asad baal? lunga [ED TO DO THE (USINESS for this oommunity. Come on and get your teams. Hauling Teams, Single and Double Buggy Teams and Saddle Horses, Always on hand. Prompt and polito sorvico at reasons* ble prices. Teams sent out at any hour, day or night. Phono 10 or ll for quick teams. C. R* HOI CHINS, Walhalla. S. 0. ie Day Caret Crip fa Two Day* oik ?very box. 25a.