Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, February 27, 1907, Image 4

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?le o wee (iourte v. eUBLISHCD ttVCRV WKONKSDAV MORNINa. . - *' . ? . - av - J A YNES, SHILOH. SMITH A 8T?CK Bu laORimON, S LOO PKN ANNUM AOVCNTiaiNa fl ATC . Rt ASON AOL t.. MS?T" Communication* ot a personal jharaotor charged for AS advertisements. jfjf Obituary notices and tributes of respect, of not over one hundred words, will he printed free of'charge. All over that number must be paid for at the rate 0< oue cent a word. Cash to accompany maousoript. WALHALLA, ft. C. t - WIBBflflDAV, FESS. ?*. ? .OT?? Measuring the Tugaioo. Washington, Fob. 25.-A sutton for met^ouriog the flow of Tugaioo River, South Carolina, establi .ned several years ago by the United States Geological Sur voy, bas been continued during the past season, notwithstanding the reduotion in the appropriation for such work made by Cougross at its last session. This station is located at Holcomb's Ferry, one mile west of Madison, and is OOO feet below the Southern Hallway bridgo. The. gaugo is on the left bank above the ferry landing aud is read once eaoh day by Thos. A. Spencer. Tho station is also visited from time to time by survey hydrographers, who make current meter moasuremeuts of the stream's discharge. ? station for makiug disohargo meas urements is also maintained li Chauga Hiver, nearMadiBOU. High water cannot bo measured at this point, as floods go over the bridge from which the work is dono. Tho results of flow measurements mado hy tho survoy ou important streams in all soctions of the country aro published annually, affording to tho public tho only roliablo moans of ascer taining the amount of water carried by the streams and available for muuicipal uses, the development of power and in dustrial purposes of various kiuds. Tho reports aro distributed free of ohargo, and porsons who are interested may obtain copos by applying to thu director of tho survey at Washington, P.C. Hising from the Grave. A prominent manufacturer, Wm. A. Frotwoll, of Lucarna, N. C., relates a most remarkable experience. He says: "After taking loss than three bottles of Electrio Hitters, I fool like one rising from the grave. My trouble is Bright's disease, in the diabotes stage. I fully belia -o Electric Bitters will cure me per manently, for it has already stopped the liver and bladder complications which have troubled rae for years." Guaran teed at all druggists. Prioe only 50o. Serious Blaze Smiles Sumter. Sumter, Fob. 22.-At Sumter to-day Are destroyed Beck Brothers' two-story stone block building, containing whole sale dry goods, the retail grocery store owned by H. L Tindale, Manheim'?, cafe, all occupying the first floor. A hotel occupied the second floor, run by Man helm's cafe. The walls became red-hot and as the firemen threw water on the walls they collapsed, burying the chief of the fire department, W. S. GrAham. His skull was fractured in two places, one arm and legs crushod soriously. T. P. Lynam, a Aroman, had a log crushod, and Robert Warren had a leg crushod, necessitating amputation, and other injuries. Six other fl remo ti, who were working on tho fire on tho Bocond floor, were caught and carried down with the walls, several hoing injured. Several inmates of the hotel had narrow escapes, many being cut off from the stairs and losing all wearing apparel. Estimated loss $50,000, partially insured. Last Dispensary School Money. [The State, February 24.] Comptroller General Jones is preparing to send out tho last of the dispensary sohool money now in the hands of the State Treasurer. There is at present on hand, charged to this account, about $63,000, and of tins about $10,000 is given for deficiency. The blanks have boen prepared and reports aro expected from eacb county superintendent in a few days in order that tho money may be sent out and the account closed. Yesterday the State Treasurer made arrangements to turu ovor to the dispen sary commission about $130,000 which is now in tho hanks to tho credit of the dispensary. This takes off of the Treas urer's books all mention of the institu tion now defunct. Woman Whipped a Bailiff. Haitwell, Ga., Feb. 22.-Bailiff Tom Parks, of this district, had an experience Monday that ho will not erase from his memory soon. Ho had a fi. fa. against Mrs. Kd. Holbrook and wheu he reaohed t h ere tlua womau booame so angered that She charged Officer Parks with a broom stick, inflicting several wounds on him. Her husband was present and sought to appoaso hor wrath, without avail. The court officer carried several badges of the warfare in the shape of wounds, but nastily mode his adious, which were only characterized by their brevity and lack of ceremony. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25 cents. , School Entertainment at Madison. The entortui nment at Madison, given ? by Pr?f. W. L. Ballenger, io honor of George Washington's birthday, was a grand success. Prof. Ballenger had a well-arranged program, and the cap ti vat ing way and manner in wbtoh each pupil recited proves that he has wonderful tact and talent in training the youth. The ?zeroises opened at 1 o'clock with music by M. Abbott and his two daught or?, Misses Lilah and Katie, of near Wal halla. The exercises dosed with an address by Rev. O. T. Harmon, of Westminster. Subject: "What is truth','" Mr. Harmon ls a forceful speaks*, and the longer he spoke be seemed tor grow more eloquent and k?pt the audience listening aiton tively for what was ooming next. The entertainment was attended by a very large crowd and enjoyed by all pree eut. We were glad to be honored with the opportunity of enjoying the hospi tality of the benevolent people of Madi son. . Friend. Ix this at Ho The followirg simple home-made mix ture is said to readily relieve and over como any form of rheumatism by foroiog the kidneys to filter from tho blood and system alf the uric acid and poisonous waste matter, relieving at once suoh symptoms aa backache, weak kidneys and bladder and blood diseases. Try it, as it doesn't cost much to make, and is said to be absolutely harmless to the stomach. Get the following harmless ingredients from any good pharmacy: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Mix by soak- . lng well in a bottle, and take a teaspoon- ! fol after eaoh meal and again at bedtime. ! This simple mixture is said to give, prompt relief, and there are very few casos of rheumatism and kidney troubles i it will fail to euro permanently. Thor n are all harmless, overy-day I drugs, and your druggist should keep ! them in the proscription department; if not, have him order them from tho wholesale drug houses for you, rather than fail to use this if you are a Alic ted. Russian Reds Kill and Loot. Warsaw, Poland, Fob. 20.-A band of terrorists last Friday attacked tho post office of Wasbotna street, shooting and killing the postmaster, two postal dorks aud two soldiers who wore guarding tho ollie?. A Bcore of bystanders were wounded by Hying bullets. The terrorists, who displayed tho rod (lag, secured several thousand rubles and then made their escape in cabs. Tho raid, tho first in t<ro months, sho^s that the authorities have not succeeded in suppressing the terrorists, as has boen olaimed. A recurrence of the series of riots of the early winter is feared. What to Do When Bilious. The right thing to do when von fool bilious is to take a dose oT Chamberlain's > Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will oteanse the stomach and regulate the li vcr and bowels Try it. Price 26 cents. Samples free at Dr. J. W. Bell, Walhalla, W. J. Lunney, Seneca. A Card of Thanks. Editors Courier: We desire to thank the relativos and friends who so kindly rendered assistance, and in other ways gave evidence of their genuine sympathy in our hour of bereavement. They will ever be treasured in our memory. Mrs. E. M. Hall and Children. February 22d, 1007. Card of Thanks. Editors Courier: We desire to thank our friends and neighbors, through the columns of your paper, for the kindness and tho many expressions of love and sympathy shown us during the long ill ness and death of my husband. May (rod's richest blessings forever abide with thom all is our prayer. Very respectfully, Mrs. A. A. Cole and Family. Neglected Colds Threaten Life. [From tho Chicago Tribune.] "Don't trille with a cold," is good ad-1 vioe for prudent men aud women. It may be vital io the case of a child. : Proper food, good ventilation, and drv, warm clothing aro tba proper safeguards i against colds. If they are maintained tbrough the changeable weather of au tumn, winter and spring, the cha??os of a surprise from ordinary colds will be ; slight. But the ordinary light cold will ? become severe if neglected, and a well established ripe cold is to the germs of diphtheria what honey is to the bee. The greatest menace to child life at this sea son of the yoar is the neglected cold." Whether it is a child or adult, the cold slight or severo, the very best treatment that oan be adopted is to give Chamber-1 Iain's Cough Remedy. It is safe and sure. ! The great popularity and immense sale ot this preparation has been attained by its remarkable cures of this ailment. A cold never results in pneumonia when it is given. For salo by Dr. J. W. Boll, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Madly In Love, She Slew Him. Chicago, Fob. 22.-Mrs. Flora McDon ald, who killed Webster Guerin, was madly in love with tho man. Sho had known him since they wero sohool chil dren, and though he had done every thing in bis power to break ber insano passion, he could not succeed. Recently Guorin beoamo engaged to a ?oung woman of this city, and it is be loved this knowledge drove Mrs. Mc Donald to her insane aot. Boy Broke Hie Neck While Wrestling. Greenville, Feb. 22.-A peculiar acci dent ocourred at Greer last night. Two boys named Clark and Osborne, opera tives in Victor Mill, were souOling, when Clark was thrown and bis neck was broken, killing bim instantly. Osborne has disappeared. FAIR PLAY,, Fair Play, Fob. 25. - Waisbingtou'a birthday waa observed, and school/ sus pended by our teachers, Prof. J. E. Crouob and MiM Magerte E. Thompson, on the 22d. The forenoon was spent in removing the debris that naturally aoou mulatea ?round a building, which adds greatly to the exterior of the school grounds. We advocate the rural im provement plan and congratulate Miss Mary? H. Hboior in the suooess she has achieved. She could not be engaged In a more noble work than the betterment of rural schools. May success crown her efforts. Miss Dollie Knox, of .Seneca, la here, tho guest of ber sister, Mrs. Luoy King. Her many friends are pleased to see her. Mrs. T. R. Harris is slowly convales cing, after a long eieere with grip. - We hope she will soon be sufficiently recov ered to be able to cn enlato among her many friends. Miss Mary Sheldon is on au extended visit to relatives at Greenville. Miss Clyde Smith and brother,.Lowell, of Bounty Laud, visited Mrs. Dr. J. R. Heller Saturday and Sunday last, and at tended services at the Presbyterian church. Mrs. Sam Harbin and SOD, of South Uniou, heard Dr. Harrell's exposition of the 15th verse of the 10th Psalm on the third Sabbath afternoon. Dr. Harrell's sormous are always full of sound doc trine and it ia a real treat to sit under the sound of his voioe. Mrs. W. L. Bobo* lufi. Saturday morn ing for a two-weeks' visit baok to her former home at Commeroe, (Ja. This n.eeting with old friends with whom she ba? so pleasantly been associated for a number of years, will doubtless be au oasis in their memories. Uer visit will he extended to Athons and Elberton, Qa., before ber return. Mrs. F. M. Barton, of Lavonia, Ga., is visiting tbo family of George Carnes aud other relativos. Misses Maggie and Leila Tompkins, of Oakway, were visiting relatives here Iaht week. W. F. Daniel, of Anderson, represent ing the Carolina Mutual Fire Insurance Company, with headquarters at Spartan burg, was taking orders hero last week. The Sunday sohoo^S of both the Pres byterian and Baptist churches aro doing some fine work. On the labt Sunday in March thero will be union services at the Presbyterial! church. Children's day will be observed, aud, as usual, a nice program is hoing prepared. Tho friends of J. J. Lee auxiously await tidings of his condition from Birm ingham, Ala., where ho has been criti cally ill at the home of his son. J. E. Lee. Mrs. S. E. Barton returned from Pied mont last Friday, after a very pluasaut visit to relatives. The ladies' prayer meeting, uuder the auspices of the Womau's Mission Society of the Beaverdam Baptist ohurch, held its first meeting with our aged friend, Miss Matilda Marett. Indrmlties so common to old people have prevented her going out to the house of God, where she has always loved to worships This meeting brought cheer and consolation to her, and using her own language, she remarked, "now muoh good this '.'meet ing has done me, to hear the good old time hymns." We trust she may yet be spared for many more years of useful service. One is reminded these days of the ancients in Biblo times going down to Egypt to buy corn, from the numerous wagons that daily pass our roads, loaded with corn from the western markets, bearing evidence of short orops last year. But 'tis an old adage, and a true ono, that hard times and matrimony go hand in hand, and, "In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love." Methinks I eau hear woddiDg bells making the night? joyous with their merry chimes, echoing and re-echo ing the glad announoement of the com ing marriage of one of our young men of sterling worth to one of Seneca's fair daughters. In advance we extend con gratulations. Just wait and see. Right bore I must not fail to mention the much needed improvement on the Watson hill, near Fair Play. We owe this good work to our efficient County Commissioner, Jackson L. Miller, and overseer, B. J. Marett. This road bas been in a terrible way for some time, causing great inconvenience to travelers. Now, good people, let's keep it in a passa ble way all tho time, since it is ono of our great publio thoroughfares to mar ket. Mater. -m?mt Hunting for Trouble. "I've lived in California 20 years, and am still hunting for trouble in the way of bums, sores, wouuds, boils, cuts, sprains or a caso of piles that Bucklen's Arnioa Salvo won't quiokly cure," writes ('liarlos Walters, of Alloghany, Sierra Co. No use hunting, Mr. Walters; it cures every oaoe. Guaranteed at all drug stores. :!V. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FOR RENT OR SALE MY MOM K at Seneca, S. C. One of tho best built houses in the up country. Excellently located. Rent reasonable. If sold will givo purchaser long time on two-thirds of amount sold for. Call on S. K. Dendy, Senooa, S. C., or-write ire at Anderson, S. C. H. J. GIGNILLI AT. February 27, 1007. 0-11 HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Toa Nugget* S Buty Medicina for Busy People. Brinn Solden Health and Renewed Visor. A tipeoiflo for Constipation. Indigestion, Liver and Kidney troubles. Pimples, Eczema, Impuro mood. Bad Kroath. Slomrlnh Dowels, Heudaoho and liackaotie. Its Kooky Mountain Toa tu tab let form, BS cent? a box. Uenulne made bj HOIXIBTSB Daua COUPANT. Madison, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOP. SALLOW PEOPLE GARE \ Poult BLACKSMI1H TOO) Harrows ! This J Barb Wire, 3c. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDI TORS.-All persons indebted to tbe estate of J. Isaoo Moore, deceased, are hereby f notified to make payment to tbe undersigned, and ail persons having ulaiins against said estate will present tho same, duly attested, within tue time ptesoribed hy l?w, or be barred. CLARENCE E. GAILLARD. Qualified Administrator of the Personal Estate of J. Isnno Moore, decoased. February 20, 1007. 8-11 NOTICE! ALL persons are hereby warned not to hire or in any way employ my two sons, Burt Orlmger MoClaiu and George Edgar McClain. They are minors and have left home without the consent of their parents. J. N. McClain. 10* Westminster, S. C. COOK STOVES, RANGES. HEATING STOVES FULL LINE OF TINWARE, BICYCLES AND SUPPLIES. ROOFING, EAVE TROUGH AND ALL KINDS OF TIN AND SHEET | IRON WORK MADE TO ORDER. Typewriters, Sewing Machines, Guns. Revolvers and Bicycles oleanod aud repaired. AU work dono on short notice and guaranteed. 13. S. L.OOK. Pay Road Tax. THE time for the payment of the Com mutation Road Tax of ONE DOL LAR expires FEBRUARY 28. The pen alty for non-payment of this tax is two | days' work upon the publio highways. If not convenient to call at the Trea surer's oflicc, Walhalla, you can get re ceipts by mail > or by calling on The | Seneca Bank, Seneca. W. J. SCHRODER, County Treasurer. February 20, 1007. 8-0 NOTICE. The State of South Carolina, I County of Oconee. J NOTICE is hereby given that a peti tion has been filed in the office of the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas for Ooonee county, asking that Honorable D. A. Smith, as Judge of Probate for Ooonee county, be appointed as Public Guardian of the estatos of Estelle Hop kins, Edgar Hopkins, Eustace Hopkins, Benjamin Hopkins and Charlie Hopkins, minors. That the estates of the said minors consista of their distributive shares in the estates of their grandfather, Warren Phillipa, deceased, their grandmother. Mrs. Lucinda Phillips, deceased, ana their deceased father and mother, C. M. and M. T. Hopkins, and that the full amount of the estates of each of tbe minors is about seventeen hundred and eighty dollars. That no flt, competent and responsible person oan bo found who is willing to as sume the guardianship of said estates. (MRS.) M. F. HARBIN, Petitioner. February 20, 1007. 8 0 J Plant Wood's y Garden Seeds FOR SUPERIOR VEGE TABLES St FLOWERS. . Twenty-eight years oxperienco -our own seed farms, trial grounds-and largo warehouse capacity gfro us an equipment that is unsurpassed anywhere for supplying the host seeds obtainable. Our trade in seeds both for tho Garden arid Farm is one of thc largest in this country. We arc headquarters for Grass and Clover Soeds, Seed Oats, Seed Potatoes, Cow Peas, Soja Beans and other Farm Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog Rive? fuller und more complete infor mation about both Oardcn and Karra Heeds than any other similar publica tion Issued In thia country. Mullel free on requoat. Write for iL 8 T.W.WoOu&Son-s, Seodsmen RICHMOND, . VA ? ss4 We have an assortment to suit any and everybody. .... ry Netting' at Last Vear's Prices. LS-Don't forget to put in a set before the spring rush is on I Vf Harrows ! .,-: Our Harrows ! Hobby! I WANT YOUR TRADE Ia Fertilizers, Plows, Plow Stooks, Cole Guano Distributers and Cotton Plantors, Dry Good?, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Hardware, Crockery and Groo., rles, Hulk and Package Garden Seed, Cane Seed and Blue Grass. Soe my goods, bear the prices, you oan then judge of the value. Call often. YOURS TRULY, J. W. BYRD, SENECA, S. C. FERTILIZERS ! Corn Oats Hay Flour We offer to the Trading Public of Ooonee County the following Brands nf Fertilisers at very attractive prices: OX SLAUGHTER HOUSE HONE. STROTHER & PHINNEY'S COMPOUND. STROTHER & PHINNEY'S RLOOL) AND BONE CROP HUSTLER. FARMERS' UNION. KEOWEE STANDARD. We also offer several cars of Corn, Oats, Hay and Flour at low* prioes , YOURS TRULY, STROTHER & PHINNEY, West Union, S. C. m When the Old Wagon Breaks Come in and get one of our line of Studoba'.^rs-the kind that stands up. If you have much hauling io do a Stude baker will pay for itstsli in a few months by saving you hmo and trouble and the expense of constant repairs. You Know the Stildebaker Wagon Tor moro than fifty years its reputation has grown better every year. This reputation is due to the good quality that has always been a part of the Studebaker Wagons. Each part is mado from the lumber that is best fitted for that part. New England black birch makes tho best hubs the Studebaker hubs are made of it. Butt cut, second growth black hick ory is the best for axles-Studebaker axles are made of it. Selected white oak is best for spokes and running gears-that is what is used ii) the Studebaker Wagon. The Studebaker Wagon la Perfect in Every Detail That is wfty we sell it. Come in and let us talk it over. Wo have some interesting wagon books for every one. C. W. PITCHFORD CO.. Walkalla, S. C.