Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, January 23, 1907, Image 6

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1,000 KILLED ; 90.000 HOMELESS. FAMINE IMMINENT AT KINGSTON-PROP ERTY LOIS FULLY $10,000,000. St. Thomas, Danish West Indies, Jan. ?6.-Reports reoeived here from Jamaioa say that it is conservatively estimated that 1,000 have been killed by the earthquake and fire, and that 90,000 persons are homeless. The damage to Kingston alone is placed at fully $10,000,000. Later advices received here from Jamaioa declare that all people have been warned to keep away from Kingston. The stench there is de soribed as awful. There is uo fodder for snimals and famine is imminent. Money is useless. The banks have boeu burned, but the vaults are sup posed to be safe. The misery on all sides IB indescribable. Kioh and poor alike are homeless. Provisions of all kinds are urgently needed, lt is impossible to say whero anybody can be found. Sir James Ferguson, vice chairman of the Royal Mail Steamship Company, is among the killed. The IOBS of life is very great, but the exact numbers are not yet known. The dead are buried under smouldering ruins. The mercantile community suf fered most severely, warehouses fall ing upon them. Many profesBional men aro dead or injured. The ne groes are looting. Ghastly scenes are being witncBRod. All tho Bhops have been destroyed and all the buildings iu and around Kingston are in ruins. Very few of them are safo to live in. How to Avoid Appendicitis. Most victims of appendicitis aro those ! who aro habitually constipated. Orino | Laxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic con stipation by stimulating tho liver Bud bowels and restores the natural action of the bowels. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. refuse substi tutes. Dr. J. W. Bell. br. James Woodrow Dead. Columbia, Jan. 17.-Dr. James Woodrow, scientist, college presi dent, theologian, publicist, banker and business man, died to-day, aged 79 years. His death has been ex pected at any moment for several ? days. Dr. Woodrow was a native of England, having been born at Car lisle in 1828. His father, who was a Presbyterian minister, moved to Can ada when Janina Woodrow was seven years old, and later moved to Ohio, where the son was educated. Dr. Woodrow moved to the South before the war, and was engaged as a teacher at different schools. Ile later spent a year or more in studies in Europe, and was elected to a pro fessorship in tho Presbyterian Theo logical Seminary in Columbia in January, 1861. He had in the mean timo been granted a degree as a doc tor of medicine, and also aa a minis ter of the goBpcl. He volunteered in the Confederate army at the out break of the war, hut was released later and during the war served as a chemist for the Confederacy. After the war he returned to Columbia and has lived here ever since. Ile was, for a long time, president] of tho Theological Seminary, pro fesBor in and for a while president of thc South Carolina College, and was identified in many ways with busi ness affairs in Columbia. He leaves a considerable esttte. Huilds up wasto tissue, promotes appo tito, improves digestion, induces refresh ing sleep, gives renewed strength and health. That's ?hat Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea dues. .">."? cents, Tea or Tablets. Dr. J. W. Hell, Walhalla. Judge Purdy to Doll the Gown. Laurens, Jan. 17.-Judge R. (). Purdy, of Suinter, who is presiding over the January tenn of court here, t)-day forwarded to Governor Ansel his resignation as judge of the third judicial circuit of South Carolina, effective September 1. Judge Purdy is very popular in Laurens and the bar unitedly express regret over his decision to retire from the position which he has lilied with eminent ability for five years, having been re-elected for li tn second term last winter. . Tho roliof of coughs and colds through laxative inlluenco, originated with Dee's Laxative Cough Syrup, containing honoy and tar, a cough syrup containing no opiates or poisons, which is extensively sold. Secure a bottle at once, obtain a guaran too coupon, aud if not fully satis fied with results, your money will be re funded. Sold by Walhalla Drug Co. ; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Card free* J. R. Zachary. Seneca, S. C., January 12, 1907. Editors Keowee Courier : Please allow me spaoe in your columns to return my thanks to the people of Oconee county for their many tokens of friendship while serving them as their County Commissioner. The 4th of January oompleted my official career, that being the forty eighth h.,..rd meeting in the four years, and through thc goodness of a kind Providence we had a full board the whole time. I must say that while in the board our differences were but few and they were adjusted in the kindest of feeling. It would be ? ngratuful of me were I not to extend to the people of the county my heartfelt gratitude to them for the many acts of kindness shown me while traveling through thc coun ty. Don't think there ca.. '>e found a more liberal people in any county. Never have been turned away from the home of any one, but invited to share the oom forts of t heir borne. Surely such people will be blessed, and they art, for the resources of Oconee are great beyond descrip tion. Now to all may God's richest blessings rest and abide with you through this world and the life to come, and if we are not permitted to see each other on earth, may we meet around the throne of God in heaven. Sincerely, J. R. Zachary. Of course you pay your money, But you got your mouoy's worth, For what does money mean to you When Rooky Mountain Toa's ou earth? Dr. J. W. Bell. Negro Gets Speedy Trial. Orangeburg, Jan. 17.-Joe Bow man, au 18-year-old negro, who was arrested at Blackville Monday night on tho charge of an attempted crimi nal assault upon Mrs. Andrew Byrd, was brought here at 2 o'clock Tues day morning. Court being in ses sion, a true bill was returned against the negro. He was tried, convicted and at 4 o'clock Tuosday afternoon sentenced to 20 years in the State penitentiary. Bowman was immedi ately plaoed on the train for Colum bia to begin his sentenoe. Andrew Byrd, who was in oourt, is said to have threatened to kill the negro. Two or three gentlemen from Black ville expressed the opinion that there was little, if anything, in the story. Disturbed tho Congregation. The person who disturbed the congre gation last Sunday by continually cough ing is requested to buy a bottle of Foley's Boney aud Tar. Dr. J. W. Bell. The Progress of the South. Tho Manufacturer's Record, of January 3d, 1907, used the front pago of its cover to exploit the following interesting and altogether remarkable figures concerning the growth of the South in 1900: lu 1006 the South built 3,050 miles of railroads. Produced $2,000,000,000 on its farms. Dug 84,000,000 tons of coal from its mines. Cut at least 13,000,000,000 feet of lum ber. Gave *700,000,000 worth of merchandise lo American export trade. Manufactured ?2,000,000,000 worth of goods, in ?rou and steel and wood aud leather and cotton and wool and other materials. Added $2,050,000,000 to the value of its real wealth. The South will do what in 1907 ? Dado's Little Liver Pills thoroughly clean tho system, good for lazy livers, makes cloar complexions, bright oyes and happy thoughts. Sold by Walhalla Drug Co.; W. J. Lunney, Soueca. False and Deceptive Thoughts. Avoid diligently those false and deceptive thoughts which say, "Wait a little ; I will pray an hour hence ; I must first perform this or that. For, with such thoughts, a man quits prayer for business, which lays hold of and entangles him, so that he comes not to pray the whole day long.-Martin Luther. OABTOniA. Blithe ^Ihe Kind You Have Always BoagK ^<2sy*j08S? The State dispensary board must have anticipated unusually heavy trade during the session of thu Gene ral Assembly of South Carolina. The rum mill is over-stocked and there are thirty-five solid ear loads of whiskey that can't be unloaded because there is no place to put it. Greenville News. HELP IS OFFERED TO WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE Wo earnestly request nil young persons, no matter how limited their means or education, who wish to obtain a thorough business training and good posi tion, to write by first mail for our great half-rate ofter. Success, independence and probable fortuna are guaranteed. Don't delay. Writ? today. The Ca.-Ala. aunneis Celle**, Macon. Ga, IDE mnmj MM LIFE. P'T.FUL EXHIBIT OF OUR BOASTED CIV ILIZATION-COLO FIGURES. The Chicago Tribune shows from records which it has that during the year 1906 there were 9,850 murders and homicides in the United States, against 9,212 in 1905. To the fol lowing causes these violent deaths were due : Quarrels, .... 5,320 Unknown, ... 1,481 Liquor, - - - - 641 By highwaymen, - 605 Jealousy, - - 721 Insanity, - - - 243 Infanticide, ... 151 desisting arrest, . 41 Highwaymen killed, 46 Self-defense, * - 42 Strikes, .... 14 Riots, .... 80 Outrage, .... 16 The legal executions in 1906 were 123, as compared with 123 in 1905. Classified by States and Territories the reoord is as follows : Alabama 5, Arkansas 6, California 8, Qeorgia 10, Idaho 2, Illinois 5, Iowa 2, Kentucky 8, Louisiana 8, Maryland 4, Massa chusetts 2, Mississippi 10, Missouri 5, Montana 1, Nevada 2, New Jersey 8, North Carolina 1, Ohio 1, Pennsyl vania 6, South Carolina 7, Tennes see 4, Texas 9, Virginia 6, Washing ton 2, District of Columbia 2, New Mexico 3, Indian Territory 1. There were 35 hanged in the North and 88 in the South, and of theso 45 were whites, 76 negroes and 2 Indians. The crimes for which 1 they were exeouted were : Murder 114, outrage 8, murder and outrage 1. This showing is a monstrous re- , tleclion on American civilization. During the years of 1905 and 1906 18,5r,2 homicides were committed in the United States, while there were only 246 legal executions. As sug gested by the Richmond Tirnes-Dis patch, "in many instances the Ameri can public shows far more concern for the life of a murderer than the murderer shows for his victim. It would appear sometimes that the law is made to protect rather than to punish murderers." The statistics given above make a pitiful exhibit of our boasted civiliza tion. Cured of Lumbago. A. B. Canman, Chicago, writes, March 4, 1003: "Having been troubled with lumbago at different times and tried one physician after another, then different ointment? and liniments, Rave it up alto gether. So I tried once more, and got a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment, whioh gave me almost instant relief. I oan cheerfully recommend it, and will add my uame to your list of sufferers." Sold by Walhalla Drug Co. ; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Yardmaster Killed. Columbia, #Jan. 16.-Capt. C. B. Wooten, yardmaster of the Southern Railway here, was run over by a passenger coach, pushed by a switch engine, this afternoon at 4 o'olook. His body was horribly mangled. Capt. Wooten has been in the em ploy of the Southern for twenty years. He was at one time con ductor between Columbia and Au gusta. He leaves a wife, but no children. Wo caro not how you suffered, nor what failed to cure you, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Toa makes tho puniest, weak est specimen of man or womanhood strong and healthy. 35 cents. Dr. J. W. Bell. Boys and Girls Hanged by Order ol Czar. London, Jan. 22.-Moro than 150 persons, many of them boys and girls under 17 years of age, have been put to death by order of the Cz*r, according to a private dispatch received here. A large majority of the children were guilty only of ordi nary robbery. Of ten persons hanged at Riga, eight were miners. The Stolypin ministry is acting on the theory that the way to restore peace is to execute a certain propo tion of men, women and children, and even innocent persons were being hanged to keep up the average. Two days treatment free. Ring's Dys pepsia Tablets for impaired digestion, impure breath, perfect assimulation of food, increased appetite. Do not fail to avail yourself of the above offer. Sold by Walhalla Drug Co. ; W. J. Lunney, Seneca._ The Bankers to Meet at Isl? ol Palms. Columbia, January ll.-The Executive Committee of the State Bankers' Associ ation met here to-day and decided that the no ct meeting of the association will be bela ' lie Isle of Palms on June 18, 10 and 2*-. Messrs. T. B. Stack hon se, Giles Wilson and J. C. Self were ap pointed as a committee to arrange the program for the meeting. Hopewell Happening?. [Too Late for Laat Issue. J Hopewell, Jail. 14.-Hurrah for the new supervisor ' The bridge over Changa ie belog repaired, which is good news to the Whole community. Mr. and Mr?. H. L. Davis, of Green ville, are ou an extended visit to relative* in this vioinity. Kev. Plyler Ailed bis appointment at Chauga Bundey. There will be preach ing at Cbauga next seoond Saturday in stead of Saturdav morning. Preaching also on aeoond Sunday mornings at ll o'clock. Carl Kryan, of Westminster, visited homefolks Saturday night. Mrs. W. M. Barrett and Miss Juanita V. Sohumpert spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and M : s. T. E. Davis. No sociables, quarreling or fighting or any kind of disturbance to break the monotony of time in this vioinity. All that any one oan talk of is a bad oold, which seems to be the order of the day. The school at this pi .co is progressing nicely. We have a pretty little school bonn), ?liiioli is tue pride of the whole com m unity, a ul an efHoient teacher, who bas tbe school under good control. Mr and Mrs. W. E. Singleton, of Tabor sro'ion, attended preaching at Chauga Sunday. Mrs. Bossie Me(4ullin, of Westminster, visited rolativrs in this berg last week. Mr. and Mrs G M. Singleton and wife, of Madison, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Jenkins Suuday. . A. J. AN OLD ADAGE SAYS_m*L. "A ??ghi puree la a heavy carse" Sickness makes a light purse. The LIVER is the seat of nu? tenths of all disease. Ms Pills go to the root of the whole mat ter, thoroughly, quickly safely and restore the action of thc LIVER to normal condition. Give tone to the system and solid flesh to the body. Take No Substitute Tabor Topics. [Too Late for Last Issue.] Tabor, Jan. 15.-We are having fine weather, but look for a change shortly. H. C. Moorohead was lu our midst Sunday. Lonnie 1,everett has movod into our community. Arthur and Willie King visited home folks Sunday. Will Knox visited Zopher Tannery Sunday. The Sunday school is nourishing at this place. We have a new pastor at Chauga, Rev. Mr. Plyler, from Greenville county. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Tannery and their little daughter, Bessie, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Tannery, near Tugaloo river, reoently. Miss Estelle Craig spent Saturday night with Miss Mae Moorehead. We have scoured the servioes of Miss Rubie Elliott, an admirable young lady, as assistant teacher at our school. There are about forty-five pupils enrolled. Jack Jones and bis sister, Miss Nannie, are attending school at Mount Tabor. Mark Porter is visiting his father, J. T. Porter. Tabor Dude. Your money refunded if after using three fourths of a tube of ManZan you are dissatisfied. Return the balance of the tube to your druggist, and your money will be cheerfully returned. Take | advantage of this offer. Sold by Wal halla Drug Co.; W. J. Lunney, Soneca. Sixteen Hours to Be the Limit. Washington, Jan. 14.-By a vote of 70 ] to 1, the Senate to-day passed a bill pro viding that railway employees engaged in the handling of traius shall not work more than 10 consecutive hours, which period is to be followed by 10 hours off duty. Tho ono negative vote was cast by Senator Pettus. This accomplishment was reached after an entire day in consideration of tho subject. The parliamentary situa tion was confused duriug tho entire time, caused by tho forty pending amend ments and the three substitutes for the original bill, all of which had to be dis posed of. The bill which was finally passed was a substituto offered to-day oy Senator La Follette and not in print. It was amended in sovoral respects by the Sen ate. Tho bill provides that undor certain contingencies and in caso of accident! the time fixed may be exceeded. The | enforcement of tho law in placed in th hands of ?he Inte--State Commerco Com-1 mission and tho Federal Cou'ta, thei penalty provided being a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1.000. Tho act is to apply to trains doing an inter-Stato or foreign commorco business. "Pineules" (non-alcoholic) made from resin from our pine forests, used for hun dreds of years for bladder and kidney de-cases. Medicine for thirty days, $1. Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Get our guarantee coupon from Walhalla Drug Co, or W. J. Lun ney, Sonoca. Resolutions ot Respect. Whereas, God, in nis infinite wisdom, has seen fit to remove from our midst our friend and brother, G. W. Meredith; and whereas wo deeply deploro his death while we acknowledge God's wisdom and power and believe that ne doetb all things well; be it, thesefore, resolved 1st. That in the death of G. W. More dith donnerons has lost a brother whoso influence will bo greatly mumed, both in the Union and in the oommunity at largo. 2d. That a copy of these resolutions bo sent to the Keowee Courier for publi cation, a oopy sent to the family of the doooased and a page in our minute book be dedicated to his memory. S. F. Johnson. A. N. Prichard, Committee. Possesses wonderful medioal power over the human body, removing all dis orders from your system, is what Hollis ter's Rooky Mountain Tea will do. Makes you well, keeps you well. 85 cents, Tea or Tablets. Dr. J. W. Bell. 1 I DoKt Suffer fcJl night long from toothache neuralgia^ or rheurti?ctism Slo?clVS Liiviitveivt kills the pain - quiets the nerves o^nd induces sleep At 411 dealers. Price 25c 50c &HO0 Dr E*rl S.SIO?JY, BosTor\,M*ss.U.S.A. Seneca to Have New Union Station. In Memory ol Mrs. Martha Pitts. Juat as we g< . to press a speoial com munication coruja to us that weare to have a new n...dorn union station. The present building is one of the prettiest atong the line. It is a design after the Swiss cottage stylo of architecture and was moved here from some point in Geor gia several years ago. The town has outgrown the capacltv of this house and the two railroads entering the town have decided to erect at once a station for the use of boat li ruada that will auswer their requirements for some years to come and be an ornament to the place. Its proba ble location will bo somewhat east of the present building. This is but one more evidence of the Southern's purpose to dovelop and beau tify, as far as possible, the towns along its routes. Wo appreciate the generosity which characterizes their dealings with our town. They have done much in a ?ntet way that is not generally known. arm and Factory, January ll. An Insidious Danner. One of the worst features of kidney trouble is that it is an insidious disease and before the victim realizes his danger he may have a fatal malady. Take Fo ley's Kidney Cure nt the first sign of trouble as it corrects irruguiatities and prevent? Bright's disease and diabetes. Dr. J. W. Bell. Dearest grandmother, sbo has left us, Left us! Yes, forever more, But we hop/i to meet our dearest grand mother On that blight and happy shore. Lonely the home and sad the house, Sinoe our dearest one has gone, But, oh, a brighter home than ours, lo beaven, is now ber own. Farewell, dearest grandmother, but not forever, There will bo a glorious dawn. , We shall meet to part uo more, On that resurrection morn. ' Though thy form lies sleeping lu the cold and silent tomb, Thou shall have a plorioim wakiug When the blessed I ord doth come. , The gontle voice is hushed, Thy warm, true heart is stilled, Thy hands aro clasped upon thy breast, We have kissed thy lovely brow. And in our hearts we know We havo no grandmother now; Yet, again we hope to meet her, lu that, happy home above. -M. A Painless Cure of Curable Pain I Never resign yourself to suffer pain. Women's pains are curable. They are the sign of dangerous conditions of the female organs, which should be 1 promptly attended to or dangerous results will follow. | Wine?fOarf?i IT COMES TO WOMAN'S RELIEF whenever she suffers from any of woman's biting and weakening pains. It not only compels the pains to step, but it follows up and drives out the cause of the pains, which prevents them from coming back. It makes you well. Try ft. Sold everywhere In $ 1.00 bottles. WRITE US A LETTER freely and frankly, in strictest confid ence, tolling us all your symptoms and troubles. We will send free advice (In plain sealed envelope), how to cure them. Address: Ladles'Advisory Dept.,Thi Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. "WITHOUT A PAIN," writes Mary Shelton, of Poplar Bluff, Mo., I eui do my housework, although, before taking CARDIN, two doctors had done ma no good. I can truthfully say I was cured by Cardui I want every suffering lady to know of this wonderful medidas." Of languages which so widely differ among themselves as to be in comprehensible without particular study the number rea'ly exceeds 1,000. The now State of Oklahoma h given one of her counties the name of Tillman. Oklahoma must con template starting an emigration movement from this State. e\?urY?eids. By Way Of Comparison A t tho bottom ls a plcturo of a farm on which our fertilizers woro not used. Notice tho very poor Krowth '/ At tho top, there is a nhoto t- .? < 11 ' i i of tho hem of ti planter who bollevos in tho littoral uso of only Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers, Boo tho good, oven stand, and tall, luxuriant pl mit ? ? You cnn soo many otherInteresting ploturesof farms Uko those on which tho crops of ix>or and good j lola's uro comiwod, in our largo, pretty simonne. ASK your doalor for ltsor sond in do. In stamps to pay the cost of wrap ping and postage " Increase your yields per aoro " by using Xlijlu&r Carolina Fortlllzors. Buy no otbor. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company. Rlohmond. Va. Norfolk, Va. Durham, N. O. Charleston, 8. C. Ilnltlmoro, Md. Atlanta, (la. Havannah. Qa. Montgomery, Ala. Memphis, Tonn, ?hrovoport. La.