Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, December 12, 1906, Image 7

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SENECA COTTON WAREHOUSE COMPANY. New Cotton Warehouse at Seneca now open. Only Warehouse in the County built for the exclu sive Storage of the Farmers' and Merchants' Cotton. Warehouse Receipts accepted by all the Banks as collateral, if holder desires to borrow money on same. SENECA COTTON WAREHOUSE COMPANY. Charges : Fifteen cents per month or fraction thereof, weighing ten cents extra. The above charges cover Insurance, Storage, Drayage (to Freight Depot until our side-track is put]in) and Marketing. If you have any Cotton to store, remember the G. W. GIGNILLIAT, Pres. and Treas. Seneca Cotton Warehouse Co JOHN T. MOORE, Weigher. CREIGHTON GUII??OF IMMORALITY CASE WILL REMAIN UNCHANGED UNTH GENERAL CONFERENCE. Columbia, Dee. ?.-After del ?be rating all nicht over their verdict , the trial committee, clothed by tn? Methodist conference- with full pow ere to dispose of the charges <?f grosi immorality brought against Kev C. W. Creighton, carno to an agree ment at 7 o'clook this morning, find lng that the specifications prover sustained the chargp, and deposing tho acouBed from the ministry auc expelling him from tho membership of the church. Conference had been kept theo, retioally in session since Monda) afternoon, since it had b-en thought unparliamentary, under Methodisl law, to adjourn the session or an nounce the appointments of minis ters to churches until it should bc known whether Mr. Creighton would be restored to ministerial good stand ing. Many of the ministers whe have been atteuding the conference bad gone home, but there was still ? fair number in the Washington street ohuroh when Rev.L. F. Beaty chairman of the trial committee, read his report. It was received in due form, and Rev. Mr. Daniel, oounsel for tho accused, was asked if he de sired to give notice of an appeal Ile replied in the affirmative and the notice was noted. Rev. C. D. Mann, who has jusl been elected to the House of Repre sentatives from Oconoe county, arose to a question of personal privilege, The chair told him to state his ques tion. "If that roport. is right," said Mr, Mann, "then three-fourths of this conference ought to go with Creigh ton." A dozen members were on their feet, calling out that the brother was ont of order, and tho chair so ruled. Mr. Mann took his seat and that was all of the Creighton case. The ap pointments of preachers for thc coming twelve months were then read and the conference was adjournod until the next meeting, a year hence, in Gaffney. The following facts regarding the case will be of interest : The charges made against Mr. Creighton are technically embraced in the term "immorality." Tho spo cifio charge is lying and slander, but Mr. Creighton is not yet convicted, and even if he shall bo adjudged guilty of tho charges it will not be such a reflection on his mora! char actor as tho general public might, infer from tho use of the term "im .morality." The ease is based on certain arti e'es appearing in tho Christian Ap peal, of which Mr. Creighton is the i ditor and publisher. The particu lar editorial on which tho accusation rests was published in the issuo of November 3, 1904, and is headed "Rings and Results." The editorial said : For many years the existence of a ring in the South Carolina Con ference has been boldly assorted aud the charge is believed by many to bo true." The Particle then disoussed what is meant by a ring and states that such a oharge could be proved either by direct testimony or circum stantial evidence. The editorial continues as follows: "We shall con sider in their order oiroumstances that show conclusively concert of action for definite purposes, if not existence of a combination in the conference. "One set of men organize the con ference, seleot the members of all committees and so distribute them selves in the organization that they are able to keep themselves fully in formed of everything that takes place, inspire aotion, shape move ments, control measures, and bring to bear aotive influence to promote A' or defeat any and every action as T they may approve or disapprove. The organization of tho conference represents them, and they are repro genteel in their organization. They continue in office and when one of their number, tor uuy reason, in forced to retire they select hi? sue cesser. They exercise the power of a Kelf-perpelUHting body and thai in direct Violation of the law of the church to which they belong. '^Second. They Bhelve the mon who, for any reason, ?lo not sympa thize with and approve their mei Innis and promote those who mund by them and support oaoh other in do ing it." Th3 rest of the editorial gives other specifications, five in all, but the two quoted above are those upon which the accusation of lying and slander is based. One of Mr. Creighton's contentions is that the methods of securing the presiding eider's salaries is unfair ana wrong. In his editorial already quoted he says : "Third. They agree upon a method of foroing up their salaries in viola tion of the law of the church." It has not been the custom to pay the presiding elders fixed salaries. Each presiding elder receives 15 per cent of the total amount raised by the churohes in his district for salaries of pastors. Under this plan, wh-.Mi a church raises the salary of its pastor it raises tho salary of the presiding elder also. At the last session of the confer ence a resolution was passed recom mending that the district stewards fix the salaries of presiding elders at stated sums and abandon the per centage plan. But tho resolution of conference does not have the force of law and the boards of district stewards are not bound thereby. The influence of presiding elders in tho district hoards is very strong, and unless they advocate tho pro posed change it is claimed that the change is not likely to be put into effeot. There are twelve districts in this conference and each ono of tho presiding elders is a man of strong personality and influence. When the committee was appointed to investigate the charges at the last session of the conference at Spartan burg Mr. Creighton was suspended from the conference ponding tho de termination of tho case. Ho has, however, continued to edit and pub lish his paper, the Christian Appeal, at Greenwood, and it is said tho paper has now about 3,000 subscrib Bad Symptoms. Tho woman who has periodical hoad achos, backache, seos imaginary dark spots or specks floating or dancing before her eyes, has gnawing distress or heavy full feeling in stomach, faint spells, drag glng-down fooling In lower abdominal or pelvic region, easily startled or excited, irregular or painful periods, with or with out pelvic catarrh, is suffering from weaknesses ?nd derangements tlmtshould have early attention. Not all of abovo symptoms ara likoly to bo prosont In any case at ono timo. Neglected or badly treated and such cases often run Into maladies which do maud tho surgeon's knifo If they do not result fatally. No medicino extant has such a long and numerous record of cures in such casos as Dr. Plerco's Favorite Proscrip tion. No medicino has such a strong professional Indorsement of oach of Its several Ingredients-worth moro than any number of ordinary non-professional tes timonials. Tho vory best Ingrodlonts known to medical sclonoo for tho euro ot woman's peculiar alimenta ontor Into Its composition. No alcohol, harmful, or habit-forming drug ts to bo found In the Hst of Its Ingredient:) printed on each bottlo-wrapper and attested undor oath. In any condition of tho female system, Dr. Plorco's Favorito Prescription can do only good-never harm, ita wholo effect ls to strengthen. Invigorate and regulato the wholo female system and especially tho pelvic organs. When these are do ranged In function or affoctod by disease, the stomach and other organs of digestion become sympathetically deranged, tho nerves are weakened, and a long list of bad, unpleasant symptoms follow. Too much must not bo expected of this "Fa vorite Prescription.'' It will not perform miracles: will not cure tumors-no med icine will. It will often prevent them, If takon In Mme, and thu9 the operating table and tho surgeon's knife may bo avoided. Women suffering from dlsoaaes of long standing, aro Invited to consult Dootor Pierce by letter, frc?. All correspondence Is hold as strictly private and sacrodly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Plorce's Medical Advisor(1000 pages) ls sent free on receipt of 81 ono-cont stamps for papcr-covnred. or 31 stamps for cloth-bound copy. Address a9 shove. erg. The paper has been in exist ence for three years. At the top of the editorial column is this scutimont : "Our platform : | Closer fellowship between tho pas torate and tho presiding elders." "Deeper spiritual life on the part of the church." "Liy representation in the Bish op's Cabinet.*' Before entering the ministry Mr. Creighton had practiced law for eight ypars and ho is a man of ex cellent address .ind prepossessing appearance. He married Miss Cauthen, whose family havp been prominent in the South Carolina conference, and two of whose brotherb are now in the conference. The final outcome of the oase in the General Conferenoo, four years hence, will be watched with much interest. The Appointments. Following are the appointments of conference for the Anderson Dis triot : 4. Presiding Elder-J. S. Beasley. Anderson-St. John's, R. S. Trues dnle ; West End, W. E. Wiggins ; Orrville, C. E. Edwards. Antreville- Supplied by H.. W. Shealey. Donalds-J. E. Beard. Lowndesville-O. M. Abney. McCormick-J. M. Friday. Mt. Carmel-J. W. Bailey. Prizer-R. W. Barber. Pendleton-S. W. Henry. Starr-E. F. Sorogatins. Seneoa-C. L. McCain. Townville-Supplied ijy J. M. Bryant. . Walhalla-J. C. Yonguo. Westminster-G. T. Harmon, Jr. Williamston Circuit-R. C. Bout ware. . , Williamston and Belton-R. L. Holroyd. G. T. Harmon, Sr., supernumerary. Ministers who have labored in Oconee county, or who are known here, were appointed as follows : R. Herbert Jones presiding elder o? Charleston District. W. T. Dnnoan presiding older of Cokesbury Distriot. H. B. Browne, presiding elder of Columbia District. W. P. Meadows presiding elder of Florence Distriot. Hampton-G. R. Shaffer. Walterboro-J. L. Daniel. Cokesbury-G. R. Whitaker. Parksville-?-R. R. Doyle. Prosperity-II. W. Whitaker. Fairfield-J. I. Spinks. Columbia Female College-W. W. Daniel, president. Ilartsvilh?-B. J. Guess. Marlboro-J. L. Mullinix. Easloy-R. M. DnBoso. Gray Court-J. F. Anderson. West Greenvillo and Monaghan N. G. Ballenger. Brownsville-W. M. Harden. Marion-M. L. Carlisle. Blaokstook-H. L. Singleton. Buffalo and Bethel-J. W. Elkin. Jonesville-T. J. Clyde. Ridgeville-H. C. Mouzon. Providence-D. A. Lowis. Santee-E. S. Jones. Sumter-J. W. Daniel. Cameron-A. C. Walker. Passed Examination Successfully. James Donahue, New Britain, Conn., writes: "I tried several kidney romodies, and was treated by our best physioians for diabetes, but did not improve until I took Foley's Kidney Cure. After the seoond bottle I showed improvement, and Ave bottles oured me completely. I bavo since passod a rigid examination for life insuranoe." Foley's Kidney Cure cures baokaobe and all forms of kidney and bladder trouble. J. W. Bell. Fairview County Report. Greenville, Deo. 1.- Tho>board of com missioners receutly appointed to roport on the Fairview oounty matter havo com pleted their findings and it has been sent to Governor Hey ward. It is understood that the roport shows that the proposed oounty will have an area of 481 square miles, cf which 244 miles will be fur nished by Greenvillo county. Tho re maining square milos will bo taken from Spartaubutg and Laurons countion. 1 Keep Your Nerve It is nerve energy that runs the organs of your body. Thc storage battery is the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, and from this battery nerve force is sent out through the system of nerves. To keep the body healthy you must have plenty of nerve force ; if you have not, the organs work imperfectly, the circulation is sluggish, digestion bad, appe tite poor, kidneys inactive, and aches, pains and misery are the penalty. You can keep the system strong with Dr. Miles' Nervine. It assists in generating nerve energy; it strengthens the nerves and makes the whole system strong and vigorous. "I take pleasure tn recommending Dr. Miles' Norvtne to those suffering from nervous prostration, lnsomnln and melancholy. After several months suffering" from above diseases J tried this medicine and found Imm? diate relief. It soothes and strength ens tm nerves, chases away tho gloomy au? depressing thoughts and gives thc suf'eror renewed strength and hope. It la a superb nerve re storer." JUDOS JACOB SEEMANN, Madison, Wisconsin. Dr. Miler,' Heart Cure ls sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that tho first bottle will benefit. If lt falls he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Pleasant Grove Paragraphs. Pleasant Grove, Doc. 3.-Our Sunday sehce>i is growing a little, but not ns fast as it should. Rev. H. C. Stovall, of Avalon, Ga., will preach for us another year. Pleasant Grove church is wooling a coat of white paint. Mesdames M. M. and Judie Knox aro visiting friends and relatives on the Goorgia side. Henry and Estollo Craig visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Owens, re cently. Tho infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Wndo Harbin is quite ill. John Hollingsworth has moved near this plaoo. John ;'happel, of near Westminster, has moved to tho Breazeale place. Wo are glad to note that Miss Licio Hughs is allie to bo up and about. Andy Moo re h ead and brothers, Louis and Thomas, woro in our midst Sunday. Prof. Moorehead rendered Bomo good music for us Sunday. Come again, Mr. Moorehead. Our school started at tho Block Mon day. November With, In spite cf the cul prits. We havo secured Miss Maggio Smalley, of Eastonolle, Ga., as toachor. Miss Maggio is ono of Georgia's most fascinating young ladies, a teacher of great ability and is liked by nil the chil dren. Sho is boarding with tho Missos Hughes. . Millions of bottles of Foley's Honey and Tar havo been sold without any pcr Bou over having experienced any other than beneficial results from its use for coughs, colds and lung troubles. This is because the genuine Foley's Honoy and Tar in the yellow package contains no opiates or other harmful drugs. Guard your health by refusing any but the gen uine. J. W. Boll. To Run Government. Washington, Deo, 3.- The estimates of the appropriations requirod to run the govornment for the fiscal year ending June 80, 1000, were transmitted to Con gress to-day. They roach a grand total of $080,028,648. The estimate for the ?resent flsoal year amounted to $022, 23,161, showing an apparent inorease of $00,000,000. The actual appropriations for the present year, including deficien cies ana miscellaneous, which were not estimated for, were, however, $701,651, 600, or about $11,000,000 more than the sooretary of tho treasury thinks will be necessary for the next year. OLEFS V*AT Cures Coughs, Colds, Ja% and Lung Troubles. Pr Happenings at Hopewell. Hopewell, December 8.-Thanksgiving was plca?aotly spout in theso parta by hunting. Misa Lizzio Mao Pickous entertained a few of her friends Thanksgiving night with a candy pulliug. They roport a pleasant timo. Miss Mary Adams visitod Miss Graoia Jenkins Sunday. J. E. 1,everett and family, of near Deercourt, Ga., visitod frionas in this settlement on Thanksgiving. The school at this place took vaoation from Wednesday until Monday. Miss Juanita Sohumpert left Thursday morning, on tho early train, for Book Hill, where she spent the remainder of the week with her sister. Several people in this oommunity are suffering from la grippe. Misses Lillie Land and Annie Cobb visited Misses Mattie and Alpha Jenkins Sunday. Mrs. J. J. Piokens spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. J. G. MoWborter, near Liberty. Miss Maude Stribling and little elster and brothers spent last Friday at the borne of A. H. Land. She is pleasantly remembered here, having taught two terms of our school. She has a large number of friends in this community who are always pleased to see her. A. Your money refuoJed if after using i throe-foni thu Of a tube of Man Zan you I ar?' dissatisfied. Return the bair noe oft the tube to your druggist, and your money will b> cheerfully returned. Ta ko advantage, nf i his offer. Sold by Wal halla Drug Co. ; IV. J. Lunney, Seneca. Whitewater Items. Whitewater, Nov. 80.-Little Rupie Kuux happen? d to avery painful accident recently hy getting his foot out ou a piece of glass. We hope to soo him out in a few days. Mrs. Rebocca Wilson, who has boen In bad health for somo timo, is much im proved. Meade Davis, of Bounty Land, spout a couple of days at Whitewater Inn. J. N. Breedlove is in Walhalla this week on business. Walker Breedlove visited some friends in Glenville, N. C., recently. Ho says the deer are as plentiful there as rabbits in Ocouee. E. Littleton, of this place, has moved to Salem. We hate to lose Mr. Littleton, as he was ono of our host oitizens. Silas Burrell is the ohampion hunter of our section. Ho has caught eighteen coons and thirty 'possuns und ,tho skunks, there's no use to montion. The school at this ptace olosod last Wednesday afternoon one of tho most successful terms in a number of years. Tho teacher desertes tho praise of the entire community. Our rural mail carriors aro having to go over some of the roughest roadt hi tho couuty, it seems like. If it is possi ble something ought to be dono for them. Thoro ?8 ono hill bet ween hero and billie Rivor church that is in a vory bad condi tion, c. Beo's Laxative Cough Syrup containing honey and tar; is oapooia?ly "appropriate ' for children, no opiates or poisons of auy chai act er, conforms to tho conditions of the National Pure Food and Drug Law, of June 80, 1000. For croup, whooping cough, otc. It expols coughs and colds by gently moving the bowels. Guaran teed. 8old by Walhalla Drug Co. ; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Long Creek Honor Roll. Long Creek, Deo. 6.-Following is tho honor roll of Long Creek school for month ending November 26: Jason Lee, 98}. Grover Lee, 98?. Glen Reynolds, 98. K?nnio Barker, 98. C. Phillips, 97f. C. Wilbanks, 97|. MaudCannon,97?. Edward Lee, 97|. IdaB.Holmes,97?. lote Cannon, 97 j. Ira Holmes, 97?. Ida Phillips, 97. Harley Thrift, 97. Elsie Holmes, 90$. T. Holmes, 968-5. Julius Thrift, 95. J. W. Reynolds, Teacher. "Pineules" (non-alcoholic) made from resin from our pine forests, used for hun dreds of years for bladder and kidney diseases. Medicine for thirty days, tl. Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Get our guarantee coupon from Walhalla Drug Co, or W. J. Lun ney, Seneca. 1?P? Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, events Pneumonia and Consu For Sale bx J. W. Bell. South Carolina's Part of Federal Funds. Washington, Dc CG ai bur G.-Tho Secretary of tho Treasury in his let ter of recommendations of appro priations needed, asks that the fol lowing amounts be made available for the yoar ending June 30, 1908 : For public buildings at Andereon, $35,000 ; Chester, $25,000 ; Green ville, $25,000 ; Greenwood, 820,000 ; Sumter, $15,000. For Improving Winyah bay, $72, 750. For improving Pee Deo river and maintaining same, $25,000. For improvements in Charleston harbor, $26,000. Don't anybody get exoited ; thia does not mean that this is all they are going to get ; it merely moans that this is all that will be spent, dur ing the coming vear. The work will be begun and a subsequent appropri ation will have to be made to finish it.-Zach McGee in The State. Dade's Little Liver Pills thoroughly olean the system, good for lazy livers, makes oloar complexions, bright eyes and happy thoughts. Sold by Walhalla Drug Co. ; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Heyward County Loses at the Polls. Aiken, December 4.-The proposed Hey ward county scheme was de feated to-day by 38 votes of the re quisite two-thirds of the total num ber of votes cast. All the preoints have been reported and show a total vote oast of 504, of which the new county received 298. A summary of the different pre cincts follows : North Augusta 160 for, 18 against ; lieeoh Island 84 for, 7 against ; Talatha 13 for, 93 against ; Sunny Side 10 for, 45 against ; Ellen ton 14 for, 24 against ; Silverton 17 for, 19 against. - TYNER'S DYSPEPSIA REMEDY. Many Have Dyspepsia and Don't Klnow lt. Do you belch up wind? Tasto your food after eating? See specks before the eyes? Are you pale and haggard? Does your heart flutter? Aro you dizzy? Do you have pains in side or back? His ing or pimples on the skin? Aro you low spirited'.' ls there a sour taste? Breath bad? Headache? Woak kidneys? Bilious? Constipated? Are you nervous? If so, you have dyspepsia, and it is a dangerous oondition. To eure, tako Ty ner's Dyspepsia Remedy. It is made for just such troubles and symptoms. Ty ner's Dyspepsia Homedy roraoves acid from tho stomaoh, strengthens weak stomachs, and cures the worst dyspepsia or indigestion. Druggists or by express, 50 cents a bottie. Money refunded If it tails to euro Medical advico and oircu lar free by writing toTynor Homedy Co., Augusta, 6a. The city of Anderson is to have a Carnegie Library. All arrangements have been cc mpletod. ' A FACT ABOUT THE "BLUES" What is known as the "Blues' 'a seldom occasioned by actual exist ing external conditions, but In the great majority of cases by a disorder ed LIVER_m THIS IS A PACT which may bo demonstra ted by trying a course of Tuft's Pills They control and regulate the LIVER. They bring hope and bouyancy to the mind. They bring health and elastic ity to the body. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. m THE ORIGINAL, fl V LAXATIVE \mk\ HONEY and TAR Throat , Jn tho m pt ion YELLOW PACKAGE