Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, October 17, 1906, Image 7

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SENECA COTTON WAREHOUSE COMPANY. New Cotton Warehouse at Seneca now open. Only Warehouse in the County built for the exclu sive Storage of the Farmers9 and Merchants' Cotton. Warehouse Receipts accepted by all the Banks as collateral, if holder desires to borrow money on same. G. W. GIGNILLIAT, Pres. and Treas. Seneca Cotton SENECA COTTON WAREHOUSE COMPANY. Charges : Fifteen cents per month or fraction thereof, weighing ten cents extra. The above charges cover Insurance, Storage, Drayage (to Freight Depot until our side-track is put in) and Marketing. If you have any Cotton to store, remember the Warehouse Co. JOHN T. MOORE, Weigher. BARGAIN-HUNTERS' WEEK ATSENEGR THREE MERCANTILE FIRMS PULLING OFF GREAT REDUCTION SALES THIS WEEK. This week Tho Courier KOCK out to ite readers larger than ever before. To ac commodate three of our best advertising patrons-Ruskin Anderson, Jas. II. Adams and Hunt & Harper, all of our enterprising sister town of Sou wa- and at the samo timo to givo our subset ibers the bondit of tho full amount of reading matter-and more-we issue twelvo pages this week. It will pay tho readers of Tho Courier handsomely to watoh out advertising columns each week, but we direot attention especially this time to the advertisement of Ruskin Anderson, ot Seneca, wbioh will be found on the second page. Beginning next Friday, Ootober mth, be will inaugurate a great reduction sale, embraolng his entire stock, from cellar to garret, from store-room to warehouse. This big cut-price salo will last for ten days only, and thousands of dollnrs' worth of good, seasonable gooda will be turned over to Mr. Anderson's customers at aa average of about one-half what they are worth at the regular every-day markettprice. These goods are new and in every respect first-class. Mr. Ander son has been iu the Northern marketa for some time buying in large quantities with a view to making an unusually at tractive offering to bis oustomere in fall and winter gooda. The sale will incl odo general household goods, furnituro, dry goods, clothing, underwear, shoes, hats .-in fact everything. Remembor the date of sale, Ootober 19th-Friday of this week-and thar lt will laet ten days. Don't fail to see him, and be sure to read bia advertisement. It contains things of interest to all householders, and he is making a special offer of three prices, valued at $150. The proposition Ii well worth your consideration. J. H. Adams, the Poor Man's Friind, has arranged for a great "home coming week" at bia store, whioh has long been recognized as ono of the leading gather ing places for thoao who, from force of necessity or from ohoioe, strive to make their dollars and cents KO as far as possible. He ia offering many at tractive things at attractive prices, and those who gather at bia big department ?toro will find that they have done them selves a favor by doing so. Pattern hats in hts millinery department, dry goods, clothing, shoes, notions, and everything to eat, wear or use, will be made s pedals for the present. His invitation ia cordial and embraces the whole human f am i ly. Attend during this week and next and you will find Mr. Adams ready to serve you with anything from a paper of pina to a house and lot at money-saving 8rices. Read his advertiaement on the fth page, and be sure to oall on him. Hunt & Harper, of Seneca, though not so long in the mercantile field as some others, have gained for themselves an enviable reputation for square dealing and strict honesty. They do what they say. Their large adver tisement, full to overflowing with bar gains, will be found on the ninth page, leginning to-day, they have inaugurated a ten-day Bale that is bound to attraot more than the usual amount of attention, Those young merchants have a new stock, well selected and suited to the needs of the people. They offer a hand some buggy as a premium to the holder of the winning tloket. These tiokets will be given out with ouch purchase amounting to 50 cents. Hunt & Harper have made a out in their prices that, is bound to move goods at a rapid rate. The out is on every article in their stock, and the prospective buyer can go to their store prepared to make his dollars go twice as far as heretofore. The sale be fcan at 0 o'olook thia morning and will aat for ten days only. Get in with the early visitors and secure your share of the bargains before they have boen piokod over. You Need Not Hesitate to attend these salea. R. Anderson, J. H. Adams and Hunt & Harper are thor oughly reliable, and eaoh ono who at tends these sales has the reputation of these gentlemen as a guarantee th. t every promise will be fulfilled. The Courier takes pleasure in recom mending them to its roadera, and gives you every assurance that you will find everything exactly as ad vertised. Call on thom and spend your money with the merchants of your own county. They have just as good goods and their prioes are aa low as the goods and prioes of merohants at a distance. Spend your money where it has a ohanoe to oome back to you. Sick Headache Cured. Siok headache is oaused by derange ment of the stomac* and by indigestion. Chamberlain's Stomaoh and Liver Tab lets correct these disorders and effect ? ours. By taking these tablets as soon as the first indication of the disease ap pears, the attack may be warded off. For sale by J. W. Bell, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Rev. Robt. F. Kirkpatrick Weds. Invitations have been reoeived by the Ooonee friends of Rev. Robert Foster I Kirkpatrick lo his wedding, Ootober 16, to Miss Irene White, in the Westminster | Presbyterian ohuroh, Price Hill, cincin nati, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkpatrick ! will be nt home, in Austin, Texas, after November 6th. Mr. Kirkpatrick is pas tor of the Presbyterian churoh on San Antonio street, in Austin. He is a nephew of Rev. M. R. Kirkpatrick, of ] Seueca, aud a son of the lato Rev. Robt. Kirkpatrick, tho beloved pastor of Re treat church, and spent bis boyhood days | in Westminster. St. s. Torments ol Tetter and Eczema Allayed. The intense itching characteristic of eczema, tetter aud like skin diseases is instantly allayed by applying Chamber lain's Salve and many severe oases have been permanently oured by its use. Ber sale by J. W, Boll, Walhalla; W. J. Lun ney, Seneca. Impressive Installation Sorvlco. On last Sunday morning at ll o'clock i Rev. Lowrie Wilson Brown \.as duly in-1 stalled aa pastor of the Walhalla Presby terian ohuroh in the presence of a large j congregation. I*, was an ideal autumn | day, and the members of the Methodist, H ap ti st and Lutheran c. h ure h os wor shipped at the Presbyterian ohuroh. It was an occasion of great solemnity, and the spirit of Christian fellowship mani tested waa refreshing and helpful. The choir was oomposed of members of the Choirs of the several churches named, and the muslo was inspiring. Rev. Franois W. Gregg, of Pelzer, preached tho Installation sermon: Rev. J.J. Har rell, of Westminster, delivered the oharge to the pastor, and Bider W. P. Anderson, of Westminster^ oharged the people as to their duties. Appropriate words of wel come were then spoken by Revs. B. 8. Jones of the Methodist ohuroh, Geo. H. Judd of the Baptist churoh, H. C. Gross man of the Lutheran ohuroh, and 0. D. Mann, former pastor of the Methodist ohuroh. At the close the right hand of fellowship was extended to Rev. Mr. Brown by the members of his own and the other churches. The occasion was a benediction to this oommunity. The sermon and tho charges to pastor and people were strong presentations of Gos pel truth and earnest pleas for the per formance of Christian duties in the ser vico of the Master. Believers were built up and edified, and the thoughtless must havo beeu impressed. The new pastor of this ohuroh enters upon his work under -favorable auspices. May the labor of his hands be established and muoh and lasting good accomplished under his ministry. A YouJig Mother at 70. "My mothor has suddenly been made young at 70. Twenty years of intense suffering from dyspepsia had entirely disabled her, until six months ago, when she began taking Bleotrio Bitters, whioh have completely cored her and restored the strength and aotivity she had in the prime of life." writes Mrs. W. L. kilpat rick, of Danforth, Me. Greatest restora tive raedioine on the globe. Sets stom ach, liver and kidneys right, purifies the blood, and ourea malaria, biliousness and weaknesses. Wonderful nerve tonio. Prioe 60o. Guaranteed by all druggists. Crosses of Honor. The ladies of the John C. Calhoun Chapter, U. D. C., are preparing to be stow, at an early date, twenty-three "Crosses of Honor" upon Confederate soldiers. The Chapter has unanimously elected Col. Robt. A. Thompson to make an add rea* on that occasion. The date of this important exeroise has not been definitely fixed as yet, but will bo made known at an early date, so that the publio may be able to attend and witness the conferring of the "Crosses of Honor" on distinguished Confederates and listening to the interesting and practical address by Col. Thompson. The Chapter should feel peculiarly fortunate in having scoured one of the few remaining members of the Seoession Convention to be with them on such an impressive occasion and to deliver an address. A Badly Barned ?Irl or boy, man or woman, ls quickly out of pain ff Buoklen's Arnioa Salve is applied Sromptly. D. J. Weloh, of Tekonsha, [lob., says: "I use it in my family for'| outs, sores and all skin injuries and find it perfect," Quickest pile cure known. Best healing salve made. 26o. at all druggists. - Return Pointers. Return, October 15.-horn, unto Mr. and Mrs. Silas Browning, October 6th, a daughter. J. R. flruoe and Miss Mattye Ilruoe, of Town vllle, visited In thlft counminitv last woek. Dr. J. R. Heller, Jr., of Fair Play, was in this community Sunday. Mrs. Dook Simpson, who has been spending some time at the home of ber sister, Mrs, Faul Crooks, returned to her home near Oakwajr Bun Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams and children vis ited at Jordania recently. V Notice of Election. State of South Carolina, > County of Ooonee. J Notice is hereby given that the General Election for State and County Officers will be held at the voting preofnots pre scribed by law in said county, on TULS DAY, NOVE M HER 0, 1006, said day be ing Tuesday following the first Monday in November, as prescribed Vy law. At the sMd election a separate box will bo provided at which qualified eleotors will vote upon the adoption or rejection of an aioendment to the State Constitu tion, BA provided in the following joint resolution: A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing to Amend Section 7, Article VIII, of tho Constitution, Relating to Munioipal Bonded Indebtedness. Section 1. Be it resolved by the Gene ral Assembly of the State of South Caro lina, That the following amondment to Section 7, of Article VIII of the Consti tution, be agreed to: Add <at the end thereof the following words: Provided, further, That the limitations imposed by thiB Section and by Sect ion 5 of Article X, of this Constitution, shall not apply to the bonded indebtedness incurred by the City of BennettSville, where the pro ceeds of said bonds are applied solely and exclusively for tho purchase, estab lishment and maintenance of a water works plant or sewerage system and where the question of incurring snoh in debtedness is submitted to the freehold ers and qualified voters of suoh munici pality, as provided- in the Constitution upon the question of other bonded in debtedness. Approved the 23d day of February, A. D. 1906. There shall be separate and distinct ballots aud boxes at this election for the following offioers, to witt (1) ?Governor and Lieutenant Governor ; (2) Other State Offioers; (3) Members of House of Repre sentatives ; (4) County Offioers. On whioh shall be the name or names of the person or persons voted for as snob offioers, re spectively, aud the office for whioh they are voted. Before the hour fixed for opening the polls Managers and Clerks must take and subscribe the Constitutional oath. The Chairman of the Board of Managers can administer the oath to the other mem bers and to the Clerk; a Notary Publio must administer the oath to the Chair man. The managers elect their Chair man and Clerk. Polls at each voting place must be opened at 7 o'clock a. m. and olosed at 4 o'clock p. m., exoept in the City of Charleston, where they shall be opened at 7 a. m. and olosed at 6 p. m. The Managers have the power to fill a vacancy, and if none of the Managers at tend, the oitisens can appoint from among the qualified voters, the Mana gers, who, after being sworn, oan con duct the election. At the dose of the eleotion, thc Mana gers and Clerk must proceed publioly to open the ballot boxes aud count the ballots therein, and continue without ad journment until the same is completed, and make a statement of the result for each office and sign the Bame. Within three days thereafter the Chairman of the Board, or some one designated by the Board, must deliver to the Commis sioners of Eleotion the poll list, the boxes containing the ballots and written statements of the results of the eleotion. MANAOEKS OF ELECTION. The following Managers of Eleotion OUTINGS ??? Where? At Carter & i Dark and Light Plaids and Stripes, 8 cents. Jackets, Rain Coats and Ready-Made the best made for the money. Call and se Plaids in New and also Novelty Gooi Rugs, Blankets, Quilts. Be sure and see our nioe line of Ruf We have a nioe line of Shoes Clothii Don't fail to see our Goods before y Tin and A| We have a Tin and Agate Ware Ass? have been appointed to bold tbe election at tbe various preoinote in tbe said county: Fair Play-W. P.. Davis, G. W. Carnes, 8. P. Stribling. South Union-T. D. Marett, J. B. Marett, W. H. Crawford. Earle's-J. R. Bruce, W. J. Whitfield, J. D. Whitworth. 1'tkeena-R. A. Reeves, J. S. King, J. Y. Burns. Oakway-J..A. Eubanks, J. A. Camp boll, J. D. Moore. Friendship-W. H. Phillips, T. W. Brock, R. A. Moore. Seneca-W. L. Harbin, T. S. Stribling, James T. Reid. Riobland-J. H. Dendy, W. T. Hub bard, J. J. Abbott. Westminster- W. P. Barker, William Bibb, L. G. Gaston. Madison-J. A. Cook, M. L. Jones, Joseph Fricks. Tugaloo-C. P. Walker, R. N. Powell, J. N. Taylor. Holly Springs-W. W. Burnside, J. W. Hare, F. T. Burton. Cherry Hill-C. H. Cbaatain, H. B. HarriB, W. T. Elliott. Little River-D. O. Sheppard, F. L. Moody, L. A. P. Nicholson. Tomasaee-J. E. Kelly, Frank Rankin, W. N. Todd. Jooassee-A. L. Whitmire, R. A. Tal ley, S. L. Crow. Salem-J. D. McKinney, H. Chapman, J..W. Cannon, Sr. High Fulls-W. C. Owens, H. E. Neal, J. D. Bowers. West Union-M. D. Galbreath, S. M. Hunnioutt, J. F. Morton. Newry-J. T. Crenshaw, E. A. Mulkey, R. L. Bogga. Walhalla-W. R. Cobb, James Seaborn, J. D. Abbott. Clemson-J. E. Lewis, J. J. Moore, H. A. Sloau. Tabor-J. L. Singleton, H. C. Moore head, W. P. Teal. Long Creek-R. L. Holmes, John W. F. Thrift, Jona Woodall. Damascus-D. F. Carter, John T. Rholetter, Preston Lee. Double Springs-L. N. Robbins, G. H. Conley, J. T. Lyles. The Managers at each precinct named above are requested to delegate one of their number to secure boxes sod bianka for the election from the Commissioners, at the Court House, in Walhalla, S. C., on Saturday, November 3d, 1006. JAS. M. MOSS, J. L. REEDER, GEO. MATHESON, Commissioners of State and County Elections for Ooonee County, S. C. Ootober 15th, 1000. 42-43 Contract for Steward. TBE Board of County Commissioners will let, on Friday, November 2d, at 2 p. m., at their offloe, at the Court House, Walhalla, S. C., the oontraot for Steward of poor farm for year 1007. The Steward will be required to obey all orders of the Board regarding work at the poor farm and reoeive and work such convicts as may be sent to the farm by the Board. All applicants are required to give number of ohildren in family and their ages. None but sealed bids will be received, whioh must be filed not later than noon of November 2d, 1006. Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. L. H. V. HOBSON, Supervisor. Ootober 17, 1006. 42-43 ?W ?ZiUUwmi maim, ?ur*, mo vp la trna TE WINTER. Co. Only 8c. per yard. anything you want and all you want for i Skirts, all ready to wear and good goods, e our line before you buy. da, 35o. up to $1. Shoes. Clothing, Overcoats. (H, Blankets and Quilts. lg and Overcoats for this winter. on buy and before they are all gone. gate Ware. | >rtment that it will pay you to see. 'FULLY, COMPANY LA, S. C. ce In business eau be secured only by sell ing reliable merchandise. Our Clothing Department exemplifies this fact. We sell Garments-tho produot of reputable makers - that are unexoelled in Fit, Fabric, Fashion and Finish. They are designed to meet the wants of mon who know and wear good clothes. "8. M. & 8." dothes "made right at the right prioe" will never disappoint or displease yon. If you haven't seen the new Fall Styles, como in and take a "look." W.S.HUNTER&CO., Seneca, S. Carolina Melancholy Autumn Days Have Come. The time to make your purohases of Fall and Winter Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats, etc., is here. We are in a position to save you money and invite you to examine our stock before buying. Note some of our values: Broadcloth, in all the colors, 52 inohes wide, $1 per yard. 86 to 42 inch Henriettas, 50o. to $1. 86 inoh, all wool "Shark 8kin at?Oo. 86 inoh, all wool Serge at 50o. Mohairs in gray, blue and blaok. Some pretty patterns of Flannel, from 85o. to 50c. China, Peau de Soie and Taffeta Silks at the lowest possible prioe. Cotton Wats: Goods, with the new mercerized effects, 25o., 80o. and 35o. Table Damask and Table Linen at 50o. and 75o. per yard. Seo our new patterns of White Wool Waietings in Mohairs and Hen riettas. We will appreciate showing you our goode. HUFF, KNOX & WOOD, SE?IBCA? S. CL The Norman-Harrison Store. Next to Po?t-Offlce. New line of Clothing, Shoes, Dry Goods, Ladies' and Children's Skirts, Shirt Waists, Cloaks, Jackets, Hats, Caps, Rubber Shoes and Underwear. Best grade of Tin and Enamel Ware, Glass and Crockery, Lamps, Toys, Dolls, Frames, Wagons, Doll Carriages. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. GRAIN AND GRASS SEEDS. LOWEST PRICES ON EVERYTHING. comparison. NORMAN COMPANY.