GULA WEEK IN "GUY BY THE SEA." FOLLOWING IS THE PROQRAM OF CHARLES TON'S BIG FALL FESTIVAL. The following program has been decided upon for Charleston's Gala Week, November 6 to IO : Monday, November 6-Opening of thc Southern Poultry and Pet Stock Show, 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Grand illumination and decoration on King street. Spectacular and realis tic entertainment, "Fighting the FlamoB," Charleston fire department. Tuesday- This will be "Cirons Day." Barnum & Bailey's great ?hows will be in town and give a parado iu the morning aud perform ance afternoon and night. The poul try show will be going on all day ano up to 10 p. m. "Fighting the Flamee" will be repeated. Wednesday, " Military Day"-. Competitive "guard mount" by squads, representing the nine battai lous of infantry of the South Caro lina National Guard, on Marion Square, iu the afternoon. Parado and roview of the troops at the con clusion of thu competition. Band ooncorts on streets in morning. Wednesday Night-Pain's pyro technic display and aquatic carnival off the Battury. The most beauti ful and gorgeous fireworks exhibition