Mount Hems. Mount Pleasant, September 15.-Pull ing fodder and picking cotton is the order pf tbe day. Mrs. Lizzie Murphy is visiting her brother, K. H. Land. Fowler Honea virited bia grandfather last Sunday night. Mrs. Maoy Honea spent a few days last week with the family of lt. H. I /.md. Mrs. Brewer is visiting friends and Relatives in this community. Mrs. Hughes spent a day recently with the family of Mr. Land. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Harbin spent last Sunday with her father. Tom Honea. Born, unto Mr. and Mrs. Walker Mar ?n, a son. (There will be preaching st Mount leasant on the fourth Sunday evening. Sorghum cane will soon be ripe, and then we will all have new syrup. Everybody remember the Sunday school every Sunday evening, also the prayer meeting every Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Dickson and two daugh ters spent Sunday with 8. P. Newell. We are glad to know Mrs. R. H. Land is improving. Morning Glory. Mount Pleasant, September 16.-Rev. W. J. Spearman has put up a gin at the old Shelton mill. We are glad to note that Mrs. Lena Merritt, who has been very low with fever, is improving. Mrs. J. O. Hix spent laat Wednesday with the family of R. H. Land. Misses Maggie and Belle Moore were the guests of Miss Effie Hix last Sunday evening. Waymon Honea has been on the sick Hst the past week. We have changed our prayer meeting back to Saturday night. We pray that God's presence may be with us and that much good may be done in the prayer meeting and also in the Sunday school. We would be very glad to have the roads worked in our part of tbe county. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Spearman spent Sunday with J. H. Bennet and family. Mr. Bennet is very ill with fever. Mrs. J. A. Brewer, of Marietta, Ga , is spending a few weeks with the family of C. G. Martin and other friends. Miss Emma Hill is visiting friends in Georgia. Miss Lela Martin is attending the graded school at Westminster. Miss Mayotte Gibson, who has been at work at Westminster cotton mill, has returned home. H. M. B. Tyner's Dyspepsia Remedy-A Guar anteed Unre if you suffer from dyspepsia or indi gestion in any form, gas, botching, bitter taste, offensive bad breath, dizzy spells, sour stomach, heart flutter, nausea, gas tritis, loathing of food, pains or swelling in the stomach, back or side, deep seated kidney or liver trouble, then they will disappear ?in a short time after taking Tyner's Dyspepsia Remedy, made espe cially to cure dyspepsia, indigestion and all stomach troubles, oven of the worst] cases. Tyner'a Dyspepsia Remedy ex pells the gasses and sweetens tho breath. It cures sick headaobe, oolio and consti Sation at once. Druggists or by ex press 0 coi, ts a bottle. Money refunded if it ] fails to cure. Modioal advice and circu lai- freb by writing to Tyner Remedy Co., Augusta, Ga. -m?+m Bounty land Locals. n I Bounty Land, September 17.-Our fever , patients are convalescent. Misses Julia aud Myrtie Davis left Fri day for Central, where they will visit their oousins, Misses Bortha Lawrence and Stella Falls. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Perritt went to Westminster Friday on business. Morris Shanklin, of Anderson, mado a | brief visit to his parents last Wednesday. Mesdames Jane Buokhalter and Elliott Powers und little daughter, Mary, of Ninety-Six, are visiting relativos in this oommunity, the latter attending the Hiurhs-Bowen wedding at Richland. Miss Lieze Perritt is at home on a two weeks' vacation. Miases Bertie and Carrie Smith have .closed their schools at Neville and Pop lar and are at home for a few weeks. The following visitors were in our community last week: Misses Stella and Olivia Barron, of Fairview, and Mrs. H. F. Alexander, of Seneca. Mrs. John L. Smith, who has been in delicate health for several months, is thought to be some better. Mrs. Smith is an estimable lady, possessing many noble Christian traits of character, and ' er friends everywhere will be glad to ear of any favorable change in her con ition. Mrs. J. E. Pickett baa been seriously ill for the past week, but is improving. J. B. Piokett has roturned from a plea sant trip to Texas. E. IL Stono is at work on tho new ohurob at Salem. K. M. D. It arouses energy, develops and stimu lates nervous life, arouses the courage of ?outli. It makos you young again, 'hat's what Hollister's Rooky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cents, Tea .or Tablets. Dr. J. W. Bell. Blue and Gray Have Reunion. Gettysburg, Septembor 15.-On tho historio battlofleld where thoy dashed for supremacy, survivors of Pickett's division of tho Confederate army, met to-day in fraternal reunion the survivors of the Philadelphia brigade, wbioh was composed of four regiments of Pennsyl vania volunteers. The reunion was held at "Bloody Angle," where Piokett made bis famous charge. A feature of tho gathering was the presentation of Gen. Armistead's sword to the men of the South. A rmi stead fell during the oharge and his sword has since been in the possession of Philadelphia soldiers. The veterans hold a camp fire to-night and on Monday will go to the battlefield of Antietam; Qen. It. R. Hot uphill, of Abbe I ville, annonnoes that he will stand for re-eleotion as dork of tho Senate. The Senate would refuse to move without the presence of the ' genial {eneral, whose offioiency every one nowa and appreciates. Whitewater Items. Whitewater, S. 0., September 15.-The health of our community ia very good at | this wilting. There bas been a few dry days this | week which the people have been enjoy ing greatly. Judge Christie Benet and Mrs. Mary Lu Bitting, of Fairfield, N. C., were in this oommunity on business some days ago. Judge Benet is remembered in Walhalla, as he was on this cirouit some years ago. Miss Leir.e Perritt has dosed her sohool 1 at- this place for two weeks. 8he will leave for her home at Bounty Land. We hope that she will enjoy herself | while at home. S. ii. Wilson, of Holten, is circulating amongst his many friends here the past I week. He is highly pleased with bis new home. He will go from here to Cashier's, % C., where hs will visit his j brother, M. F. Wilson. Mrs. Rhoda Leopard, whose husband died in North Carolina some time ago, has moved here to live with her grand? mother, Mrs. Rebecca Wilson. The sympathy of her many friends goes out to her in her sore bereavement. Walker Breedlove has gone to Walhalla to day on very important business. J. N. Breedlove and L. A. I. Nicholson made a business trip to Walhalla re cently, o. Every part of the mucous membrane, the nose, throat, ears, head and lungs, etc., are subjected to disease and blight from neglected colds. Ballard's Hore hound Syrup is a pleasant and effeotive romedy. W. Akendrick, Valley Mills, Texas writes: I have used Ballard's Horehound Syrup for coughs and throat troubles; j it is a pleasant and most effeotive | remedy." Alexander Arrested in Pittsburg. Pittsburg, Pa., September 16.-Thomas Alexander, the cotton broker who fled from Augusta, Ga., some months ago, after procuring nearly $150,000 from the banks of that oity on forged warehouse reoelpts, was arrested here to-day, so a detective agency cl ni ms. The Perkins detective agenoy, of this I oity, has wired President Pbinisee, of I the Georgia Railroad Bank, of Augusta, that the agency has Alexander under ar rest. A reward of $1,000 was offered for1 Alexander's arrest by the banks which lost money by his operations and detec tives have been on his trail ever since he fled from Augusta. Alexander has trav eled extensively since he fled and the j detectives have several times lost trace of him entirely. Reoently the trail of Alexander was struok in Canada and it led to this city, where the man said to be Alexander was found to-day. Aloxander broke down whon he was arrested and said he would die before being taken to Augusta as a prisoner. Ho seems to feel tbo disgrace of his posi tion keenly. Ho had very little money when arrested and his appearance indi cutes that he has not lived in luxury since bc tied. Alexander says that he oarried very little money away from Augusta, the sums he obtained from the banks having been lost in cotton speculation before he left. It is probable that Alexander will fight extradition. A Lesson in Health. Healthy kidneys Alter the Impurities from the blood, and unless they do this good health is impossible. Foley's Kid ney Cure makes sound kidneys and will Susitively cure all foi ins of kidney and ladder disease. It strengthens the wholo system. Dr. J. W. Bell. Evon Tho Columbia Record is follow ing the band wagon. It celebrates tho election of Ansel with this: "Von you hoar dot big bass drum Deu you know der Dutch have kom; Villie, Villio, Vinktum, Boom, boom, boom 1" A Bold Step. To ovcrcomo tho well-groundod and reasonable objections of tile moro Intel ligent to the uso of 8ccrot, medicinal com pounds, Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo. N. V., si une timo ago, decided to mako a bold departure from tho usual course pursued by tho makers of put-up medicines for do mestic uso, and so has publishod broad cast and oponly to tho whole world, a full and completo list of all tho ingr?dients enteri UK into tho composition of his widely celebrated medicines. Thus ho has taken his numerous patrons and patients Into his full confidence. Thus too ho has re moved his medicines from among sccrot nostrums of doubtful merits, and mado thom Heme?icH of Known Componttlon. By this bold step Dr. Plerco has shown that his formulas aro of such oxcnllcuco that ho ls not afraid to subjoct thom to tho fullest scrutiny. Not only does tho wrappor of every bottlo of Dr. Pierce's Golden M ni lr ul Discovery, tho famous mcdicUio for weak stomach, torpid liver or biliousness and all cutan hal diseases wherever located, havo printed upon it, in ?ilain Knoluth. a full and completo list of all he lin:M ?Units composing it. but a small book has been compiled from numerous standard medical works, of all tho different schools of practice, containing very numer ous extracts from tho writings of loading practitioners of medicine, endorsing in thc stronoul i?oi?t(M? lintw, oach%)d every Ingr? dient contained In Dr. Pierce's medicino?. One of these little books will bo malled free to any one sending address on postal card or by letter, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y.. and requesting tho samo. From this llttlo book lt will ho learned that Dr. Plerco's med icines contain no alcohol, narcotics, mineral agents or othor poisonous or injurious agents and that thoy are mado from native, medici nal roots of great value; also that somo of the most valuable Ingredients contained In Dr. Piorco's Favorito Prescription for weak, nervous, over-worked, "run-down," nervous and debilitated women, were employed, long years ago, by tho Indians for similar ailments affecting their squaws. In fact, one of tho most valuable medicinal plants entering into tho composition of ut. Pierce's Favorite Pro scrlptlon^ was known to tho Indians ss "Squaw-Wood." Our knowledge of tho uses of not a few of our moot valuable native, mo dl?lnal plants waa gained from tho In-Hans. As made up by Improved and evsc; pro cesses, the "f avorite Prescription " U a most efficient remedy for regulating all the wom anly functions, correcting displacements, as f.rolansus, antovorslon andi rotorvorslon, overcoming painful periods, toning up tho nerves and bringing about a perfect state of health. Bold by all dealors In medicines. You know them; they are numerous, and make their presence felt everywhere. The names of the family are Head ache, Toothache, Earache, Backache, Stomach ache, Neu ralgia, etc. They are sentinels that wain you of any derange ment of your system. When the brain nerves become ex hausted or irritated, Headache makes you miserable; if thc stomach nerves are weak, in digestion results, and you double up with pain, and if the more prominent nerves are af fected, Neuralgia simply makes life unendurable. The way to stop pain is to soothe and strengthen the nerves. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills do this. The whole Pain family yield to their influence. Harmless if taken as directed. .1 find Dr. Mlle?* Anti-Pain' Pill? aa excellent rora ody fer overcoming head ache, neuralgia and distressing pain? of all sorts. I used them for the Suet seven years in tnt? capacity with ie best of resulte." MRS. JOB MORRILL, Peru, Ind. Dr. Miles' Ant I-Pain Pills ?re sold by rour druggist, who will guarantee that he first package will benefit. If lt falls, he will return your money. SS doses, 28 cents. Never sold In bulk. Miles Medical Cc, Elkhart, Ind Plan to Keop Up Price of Cotton. Columbia, September IS.-Books of subscription will be opened here in a few days to the capital stock of $100,000*000 corporation whioh the Southern Cotton Association will organise for the purpose of buying weak cotton off the market. The farmers will be asked to put up $5 a bale, this ontitling them to a share of stock for eaoh bale. If they are foroed in order to pay debts to below fen oents, the association buys at market prices, retires this cotton from the matket and when it is Bold at any advance, returns the farmer the difference, less cost of carrying interest and insurance. Presi dent Smith nays by this moans the asso ciation will retiro 2,000,000 bales of weak cotton from the market and force the price up. South Carolina farmers will he called upon for $5,000,000 of the capital. The company will be chartered in Mississippi. "And suppose the price goes down, what becomes of Reuben's $5 a bale and his hope of a rake-off from an increased price?" Mr. Smith was ask ec' "If taking 2,000,000 bales off the mar ket causes the prioe to go down," oame the prompt answer, "the soouer we know it the better, for in that case it is time for the South to retire from the cot ton raising business and get at some thing else." Mr. Smith 'Went out to tho Arkansas meeting of the exeoutive committee, de termined to vote to call for the resigna tion of Secretary Cheat lunn, came back convinced that tho association could do nothing but retain Mr. Cheatham. He says there was not a scintilla of evidence to show that Mr. Choatham owned one dollar of stock in the Atlanta buoket shop he was accused of being part ow nor of, that his use of $4,000 of Mike O'Grady's money was perfectly natural, that the money was used to bull the market, Mr. O'Grady, who is rated a reputable business man of Tennessee, asking him to invest that amount Mr. Smith agreed that the transaction tended to injure the prestige of the asso ciation and he was sorry that the affair occurred, but in simple justice, there was nothing to bo done in the oase of Mr. Cneatham. - It 1B a well known medical fact that pine resin is most effective in the treat mont of diseases of tho bladder and kid neys. Sufferers from haokanha ?nrt other troubles due to faulty aotion of the kid neys lind relief in the uso of Pine-ules. $1 buys 80 days' treatment. Sold hy .T. W: Boll, walhalla; W. I. Lunney, Seneca. "Oconee In Gray." * "Ooonee in Gray" will be a unique hiS" tory of Oconee's faithful "boys" who wore the gray. Bach soldior is requested to write a letter (as loug as ho wishes), telling of the war, of service, camp stories, oto., which will appear in book form. A complete list of soldiers, both dead and alive, ones who hnvo boen deco rated with crosses of honor, etc., will be given. Dear old soldiers, tho noblest mon of America, rally and lot a new Dixie know of your noblo doeds. Oo to work now and lot tho work be pushed to success, for it depends on you for this work, as we only will collect it and with the aid of a noted historian, compile in book form. When writing to me always send stamp for reply as there aro co funds for this work. Marye H. Shelor. Westminster. Curad Hay Fever and Summer Cold. A. J. Nusbaum, Batesville, Ind., writes: '''Last year I suffered for three months with a summer cold so distressing that it interfered with my business. I had many of the symptoms of hay fever, and a doctor's proscription did not roach my oase, and I took several medicines, which seemed to only aggravate my oase. For tunately I insisted upon having Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package, and ft quickly oujed me. My wife, has. since used Foley ," Honey and Tar (with the same suocess." Dr. J. W. Bell. Tribut? ol Respect. Whereas God in his mysterious provi dence has removed from the home of 'dr. ?nd Mrs. George L. Abbott their little son, J. ])., who died suddenly in the afternoon of September 10th, 1006, aged three months. We extend our heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved pa rents, assuring them that our tears are mingled with theirs, and at a throne of grace we commend them to our heavenly Father for comfort to bear their afflic tion. When we see the precious blossom, That we tended with such care, Rudely taken from our bosom, How our hearts almost despair. Round the little grave we linger 'Till the setting sun is low, Feeling all our hopes have perished With the flower we cherished so. A Friend. HO le Avoid Appendicitis. * Most victims of appendicitis are those who are habitually constituted. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures obronlo con stipation by stimulating the liver and bowels, and restores the natural aotion of the bowels. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Refuse sub stitutes. Dr. J. W. Hell. Information Wanted Regarding Soldiers, Eto. Mrs. Patrick Hues Mell, regent of An drew Piokens Chapter, D. A. lt., and Miss Maiyo K. Shelor, historian, are col lecting the history of Piokens District, and appeal again to the people to send in all information of soldiers -where thoy lived, where buried. If graves are marked, send inscription, copied word for word. Send old letters, clippings from newspapers, description of old nui valuable relics, family coats of arms, old ohurob histories, ?nd anything whioh will aid in the history. We appeal to every reader personally for this information of Ooo nco and Pick ens counties. li. narked graves of Revolutionary sol diers will be marked. If your ancestor's grave is unmarked, or a battlefield near you is unmarked, write to us. Address all letters to Mrs. Mell, Clemson College; or, Miss Shelor, Westminster. Pinesalve cleanses wounds, is highly antlseptio, unequaled for cracked hands. Good for outs Sold by J. W. Bell, Wal halla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Card of Thanks. We desire to express our thanks to the ] young folks of Oak Grove and Walhalla, who visited the tunnel last Saturday, for sharing their dinner with us. We glad to know the young folks did not forget us while we were off working the roads. It certainly was a treat to us boys when we oame in tired and hungry for dinner and found suob a nice table 1 spread for us. W. C. Kelly and others. Bonn tho , j V* WM Vg Haw Always Bought Signatars Sf Some of the great paoking houses of the Weat are in a serious predica ment because of the meat inspection law passed by the recent Congress. The law requires that all packed meats intended for interstate ship ment must be inspeoted and labeled with a label setting forth the faot | that the contents of the paokago had boen inspeoted, etc. The law goes into effect Ootober 1. Some of the packers having been slow about pro viding proper labels and complying with other acquirements of the law have applied to the Seoretary of Ag riculture to ??t aside the Ootober re quirement as to labels, that they] might have more time to prepare themselves. Secretary Wilson has refused to comply with the request and the packers will be unable to dis pose of their goods unless properly stamped, exr.opt in their own States, as the inspection law applies only to interstate shipments. uttVPilli After eating, persons of a bilious habit will derive great benefit by taking one of these pills. If you have been DRINKING TOO MUCH, , they will promptly relieve the nauseo, I SICK HEADACHE_-i and nervousness which follows, restore thc appetite and remove gloomy feel ings. Elegantly sugar coated. Take No Substitute. Large numbers' of Syrian immi grants are being smuggled across the Mexican border into the United States. for chitara nt ma fm, ?ur?. So mplaimm Will cure any case beyond the reach of n AYcgctabJe PreparationforAs siil?lat?rvg U\c Food andlieg ula - lin?* ihcStoinochs and Bowels of ?Nt&N rs>* ( H 11*>KKN Promotes D?gcsHon.Cheerful neas and RestContalns rteilhcr ?pium.Morphine nor >linera 1. NOT "NARC OTIC. /WV* tfftt'tJDrSAKUEL PITCHER l\myjcm Semi' ? Ix. Simm ? KoiktUfSJm Ai?*e Sr*il * JW S?Z'l'"1 *'*i%irar. Apcrfecl Remedy for Cons lipa Uon,Sour Storth.Diarrhoea VVnrrn? .?onVU?S?OriS ,FcVt??3?V ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. AU) ifiiintlw.ulll ' j 5 Dos) s - N.t*? EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Iowa's Wonderful Corn Crop. Iowa's corn crop is estimated at 881,000,000 bushels by George A. Wells, secretary of the Iowa Grain Dealers' Association, in his final re port on the season's crop. Wells insists that his figures are conservative, and that with a satis factory September the chances are good for a yield of more than 400, 000,000 bushels. His estimate is an increase of 36, 000,000 bushels over last year's yield. This will be 88.5 bushels per aore. The percentage reports from all sec tions of Iowa show that the corn crop is to-day 8.4 per cent better than at this time last year. Other estimates of Iowa orops are! as follows : Oats, 147,000,000 bushels ; spring Wheat, 5,000,000 bushels; rye, 1,500,000 bushels. Bee's Laxative Honey and Tar, the I original laxive cough syrup, acts as a cathartic on J bowels. It is made from the tar ga*' red from the pine trees of I our own o^. v, therefore, is the best | for ohildren. i? ls good for coughs, colds, oroup, whooping cough, etc Try our free offer. Sold by J, W. Bell, Wal halla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. --* Z. G. Darby had a few stalks of oom on exhibition a few days ago as an evidence of what Chester county oan do towards producing corn. Two stalks bore eaoh four ears, all per fectly formed and averaged 5501 Srains to the ear. Two others had ve each, equally as large and well formed. The corn was taken from a field of from fifteen to twenty acres in extent, and throughout it| neerim to be 'H fine as these sample stalks. Backache Any person having backache, kidney pains or bladder trouble who will take two or three Pine-u?es upon retiring at night shall be relieved before morning. The medicinal virtues of the erode gums and resins ob tained from the native Pine have been recognized by the medical pro fession for centuries. Io Pine-ules we offei all of the virtues of the Nativo Pine that are of valoe in relieving all Kidney and Bladder Troubles Prepared by PINE-ULE MEDICINE CO., CHICAGO SOLD BY DR. J. W. BELL. R. T. JAYNES, Attorney-at-Law, WALHALLA, - - S. C. Bell Phone No. 20. Practice in State and Federal Coarte. Business entrusted to my oare receive? prompt attention. 1-05 of Kidney or Bladder Dis icdicine. No medicine can < For Sale I y J. W. Bell For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Thirty Years GASTORIA THC CINTA un COMPANY. N ? WI TO ? ? O ITT. DE. F. F. COLLINS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, WALHALLA, S. C.-WEST END. 3^-PHONE 87.-CS! AU Calls Promptly Answered, 8-8-06 Day or Night. DRXP" THOMSON, J>OISt?Nt" ? AVa.llia.lla., S. C. Office 0 vor C. W. Pitchford Co.'s Store. Phone No. 86. J. H. MOORE, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. -! I jiving disposed of my interest in the Walhalla Drug Company, I will hereafter give my entire attention to the function of medicino mid surgery, mak ng diseases of. women and children a apeoialty. My'office is still in the Wal halla Drug Company's store, where I will be pleased to bave my friends call on me. Private consultations oan be had at my residence. Phones: Residence 03, drug store 18. ff. J. CARTER, I. D. -H> ewtist Office two doors above the Rank, la Carter's Pharmacy. Westminster, S. C. DR. J. H. BURGESS, Dentist, 8ENECA, 8. C. OFFICE OVER NIMMONS' STORE, DOTLJI DUILDINO. Office Hours: 0 A. ii. to 1 p. M. " 44 2 P. M. to 6 P. M. April 20, 1904. 16-tf Hr l?J C nuntin uti iii ii nuoillli SENECA, S. C. Office Over J. W. Byrd A Co. I AM NOW IN MY OFFICE EVERY DAY. PHONE NO. 51. WM. J. STRAI.INO. F ^ E. L. HBRNBON. OTRIBLINGTIERNDON, ATtomeys-At-Law, WALHALLA, S. C. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALI. RUBI NESS ENTRUSTED TO THEM. J. P. Carey, J. W. Shelor, Piokens, S. C. | Walhalla, S. C. CAREY & SHELOR, Attorneys and Counsellors, Walhalla, S. 0. Will practice in the State and United States Courts. Duslness entrusted to our care will re ?oive prompt and oarefnl attention. Cures Backache Corrects Irregularities Do not risk having tease not Bright's Disease do more. or Diabetes