.Tte* 8onfl of th? Shirt' H Y THOM AB HOOD. With fingers woury and worn, With eyelids heavy and red, A woman ?at, in un womanly rags, Hying her needlo and thread St i tcli! Stitch! Stitch! In poverty, hunger and dirt, And still, with a voioe of dolorous pitoh, She sang the "Song of the Shirt I" "Work-work-work I While the cook is oro wing aloof 1 And work-work-work ! Till the stars shine through the roof. It's oh ! to be a slave .Along with the barbarous Turk, Where woman has never a soul to save, J?kthiu is Christian work! .^vork-work-work ! Till the brain begins to swim I * Work-work-work ! Till the eye? are heavy aud dim ! Seam aud gusset and baud, Band and gusset and scam, Till over the buttons I fall asleep, And sew them on in my dream ! "Oh, men with sisters dearl Oh, men with mothers and wives! lt is not linen you're wearing out, , But human oreatures' lives! Stitch-stitch-stitch ! Tq poverty, hunger and dirt, Sewing at onoe, with a doublo thread, A Bbroud as well as a shirt ! "But why do I talk of Death, That phantom of grisly bone ? I hardly fear his terrible shape, It seems so liko my own ; It seems so like my own, Because of the fast I keep: O God! that bread should be so dear, And flesh and blood so oheap! "Work-work-work! My labor never flags; And what are its wages ? A bed of straw, A crust of bread, and rags; A shattered roof and this naked floor, A table, a broken ohair, And a wall so blank my shadow I thank For sometimes falling there! "Work-work-work ! From weary ohime to chime; Work-work-work ! As prisoners work for orime ! Band and gusset and seam, Seam and gusset and band, Till the heart is siok, and the brain be numbed, As well as the weary hand ! "Work-work-work ! In the dull December light; And work-work-work ! When the weather is warm and bright; While underneath the eaves The brooding swallows oling, As if to show me their sunny baoks, And twit me with the spring. "Oh, but to breathe the breath Of the cowslip and primroso sweet! With the sky above my head And the grass beneath my feet; For only one ?hort hour To feel aa I used to feel, Before I knew the woes of want And the walk that costs a meal ! "Oh, but for one short hour, A respite, however brief! No blessed leisure for love or hope, But only time for grief! A little weeping would ease my heart, But in their briny bed My tears must stop, for every drop Hinders needle and thread !" With fingers weary and worn, With eyelids heavy and red, A woman Bal, in unwomanly nur?, ?lying her needle and throar) L? Stitch! Stitch! > Will Cure Consumption. A. A. Herron, Finch, Ark., writes: "Foley's Honey and Tar is thc best prep aration for coughs, colds and lung trou ble. I know that it has oured consump tion in the first stages." You never heard of any ono using Foley's Honoy and Tar and not being satisfied. Dr. J. Tv. t?e? A FINE OPPORTUNITY FOR A YOUNG MAN. The University of South Carolina of fers scholarships in the Normal Depart ment to two "young men from each county. Eaob scholarship is worth $40 in money, besides remission of $40 tui tion and $18 matriculation or "term" fee. The money is paid at the rate of $6 a month for eight mouths, * to assist in meeting the-necessary living expenses. Examination will be held Friday, July 0th, before the County Board of Educa tion. Applicants should be at least 10 years of age, and preferably teachers. Write President Benjamin Sloan, South Carolina University, Columbia, 8. C., for blank on whioh to apply before July 6th. Cures Old Sores. Westmoreland, Kans., May 6, 1002. Ballard Snow Liniment ','?? : You. >now Liniment oured an obi sore-on the t-ide of my chin that was ?upp lill , What ts C Oastoria is a harmless subs gorie, Drops and Soothing: i contains neither Opium, Mc substance. Its age is its gue ?and allays Feverishness. It \ Colic. It relieves Teething ? and Flatulency. It assimila Stomach and Bowels, giving Tile Children*? Panacea-Th GENUINE CAST Bears the i The Kind You Ha? In Use For THC O KMT AU Pl OOM PAN V. VT MW Mary wat Diseased. Mary had a swarm of bees, And they, to save their lives, Munt go wherever Mary went 'Cause Mary had the "hives." ~~ WHITBY Cream Vermifuge THE GUARANTEED WORM REMEDY THE CHILDREN'S FAVORITE TONIC. iiwAfti or IMITATIONS. THC SKNUINK rn I FA ? I D ONU ?V Ballard-Snow Liniment Co. OT. LOU?. MO. WALHALLA DRUG COMPANY. W. J. LUNNEY, SENECA. COOK STOVES, RANGES, HEATING STOVES PULL LINE OP TINWARE, BICYCLES AND SUPPLIES. ROOFING, EAVE TROUGH ANT) ALL KINDS OP TIN AND SHEET IRON WORK MADE TO ORDER. Typewriters, Sewing Machines, Guns, Revolver? and Bicycles deaned and repaired. All work done on short notice and guaranteed. 13. s. x^oorc. Winthrop College Scholarship and Entrance Examination THE examination for the award of vacant scholarships in Winthrop College and Tor the admission of new students will be held at the County Court Homo on FRIDAY, .fny ?rn, 0 a. nt. Applicants must not be less than fifteen years of age. When scholarships are vacated after July 6th they will be awarded to those making the highest average at this examination, provided they meet the conditions governing the award. Applicants for scholarship should write to President Johnson be fore tho examination for scholarship ap plication blanks. Scholarships are worth f 100 and free tuition. The next session will open Sep tember 10th, HMM;. For further informa tion and catalogue address President D. B. JOHNSON, Rook Hill, S. C. May 0, 100?. 18 - COLLtCb OF CHARLESTON. - CHARLESTON, S. C. ENTRANCE examinations will behold in tho County Court House on Fri day, July 6, At 0 a. m. Ono free tuition scholarship to each oounty of South Caro lina awarded by the County Superintend ent of Education and Judge cf Probate. Board and furnished room in dormitory SH a month. All candidates for admis sion aro permitted to compete for vacant 1 Boyce Scholarships, which pay * loo a year. For catalogue and information, address HARRISON RANDOLPH, President. May 23, 1006. 21-27*, NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS.-All persons indebted to the OBtate of 8. IL Johns, deceased, are hereby notiflod to make payment to the undersigned, and all persons having , claims against said estate will present j the same, duly attested, within tho time proscribed by law, or bo barred. W. O. JOHN? Qualiflod Administrator of the Personal Estate of 3. H. Johns, deceased. June 0,1000. 23-20 lought? and which has been, las horne the signature of * is heeuumade tinder his per supervision since Its Infancy* no one to det-Wve yon ia this? ind .*?Tust-as-good?' aro hut and endanger the health of .lenco against Experiment: ASTORIA Ututo for Castor Oil? Pare Syrups. It is Pleasant. 16 >rphine nor other Narcotic urantee. It destroys Worms cures Diarrhoea and Wind Prouhles, cures Constipation tes the Food, regulates the ; healthy and natural sleep* e Mother's Friend* "OR?A ALWAYS Signature of re Always Bought /er 30 Years. RMTITMCT. mw VOBROITV. DB. 0. P. THOMSON, X>eiltist, "Walli nlln., S. C. Office Over C. W. Pitchford Co.'? Store. Phone No. 36. H. MOORE, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Calls left at residence or Walhalla Drag Co. will receive prompt attention, DAY OR NIGHT. rhones : Residence 98, Drug Store 18* 12-304 ff. J. CARTER, 1D. -Hken-tist Office two doors ?bore the Bask? ia Carter's Pharmacy. Westminster, S. O. DR. J. H. BURGESS, Dentist, SENECA, 8. C. OPFIOF. OVBP. NIM MONS' STORK, DOTXB Hil ll,DINO. Office Hours: u A. M. to l p. H. " " 2 P. al. to 6 P. M. April 20, 1904. 16-tf Dr. W. F. Austin, DENTIST, SENECA, ... 1 - S. C. Office Over J. W. Byrd A Co. I AM NOW IN MY OFFICE EVERT BAY. PHONE NO. 51. Wat. J. Ni it A i.[ NO. } { E. L. HKRHDON. OTIUILING & HERNDQN, Atcorneys-At-Law, WALHALLA, S. C. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALI. BUBI NKSS ENTRUSTED TO THEM. J. P. Carey, I J. W. Shelor, Piokens, S. C. | Walhalla, S. C. CAREY & SHELOR, Attorneys and Counsellors, Walhalla, S. C. Will practice in tho State and United States Courts. Business entrusted to our care will re ?oive prompt and careful attention. R. T. JA YNES, Attorney-at-Law, WALHALLA, - - S. C. Bell Phone No. 20? Praotlce in State and Federal Coarto. Business entrusted to roy care rooeivos prompt attention. 1-06 HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Toa Nuggots A Buty Medicine for Busy People. Brine? Golden Health and Renewed VI for. A specific for Constipation, Indigestion, Liver and Kidney troubles. Pimples, Eczema, Impure lilood. Had Iireath, SlutrfflRh Itowels, Headache and Hrtckficho. Its Kooky Mountain Tea tn tab let form. 80 cents a box. Genuine made by li o?,i, i si mi Daua COUPANT, Madison, Wis. ? GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PF.0P1R