Clemson Commencement. The closing exercises of Clemson Agrionlturnl and Mechanical College took place Tuesday, May 12, when a large class of young men was gradu ated. The exercises were rather ! brief, owing to the absenoe of Presi dent Craighead, of Tulane Uni versity, formerly head of Clemson College. Dr. Craighead was to make the commencement address. | His enforced absence was regretted. There were three excellent essays, ; as follows : "The Old in the New," , bj^Thos. S. Stokes, Darlington ; 'B'ninuii and American Manhood," , by ijawrence G. Southard, TJniou ; "Contributions to Civilization by the Hebrews," by David Hugh Hill, j Abbeville. A number of medals were awarded. The first, that given by the trus tees for excellence in debate, went to D. E. Purifoy, Saluda. The pre .eolation wos made by VV. E. G. Black, Spartanburg. Three medals for tho best essay, Htory and poem, respectively were wou by H. W. Moore, Oconee; A. F. Cleveland, Spartanburg, and F. 13. MoLaurin, Marlboro. Th?, ^e. medals were handed tho winners on Tuesday by Prof. C. M. Furinan, of the Depart ment of English. It is worthy of note that of the large olass, twenty-one of the grad'i ates took the eleotrioal course, and that eight of these have signed con tracts for positions in the General Electric Confpany's works, three to go to Westinghouse people, and the others all have positions equally as good. H. L. Jenkins, Barnwell, haB a position with the Southern Power Company, N. C., and J. H. Heid has a job with an Andorson company. There were 60 graduates. Mother's Ear A womo tm MOTH en-a BAN i WHBH NUHBINO Am INFANT. ANO IN TUB MONTHS THAT COMB BBFQNB THAT nata? OOOTT'B EMULSION MUPfUBB THM BXTftA BTBBHaTM ANO NOURIBHMBNT BO HBCBBBABY KM THB HB ALT H OF BOTH MOTH EH ANO CHILD. Scud (or free ?ample. SCOTT & BOWNE, ChemliU, 409-415 Peail Street, Ntw York. Soc. ?nd #1.00 ; all druggist*. Cobalt Plentiful, Says Edison. Asheville, June 13.-<4If cobalt is as thick and as rich in North Caro lina as I believe, I will reduce the weight of storage batteries in auto mobiles 50 per cent, and the cost of trafilo in cities 5? per cent," says Thomas A. Edison. Thomas A. Edison, the wizard of electrical inventions, arrived in this oity Monday afternoon, after tour ing Western North Carolina in searoh of cobalt beds, and is thor oughly convinced that he has located '-j?nough of the mineral to startle the eleotrioal world. He say that he knew that the valuable ore existed in these mountains, but he did not ex peot to find it in suoh large quanti tiet or so rioh in quality. OA.8TOT1.XA.. ? Bean tit? y?lhe Kind You Haw Always bought Wanted Negress Buried by His Side. Lexington, Ky., Juno 12.-William K. jf^pwo, of Florence county; South Car; 5Loa, and his two nieoes, Ethel and Mal vina Howe, have filed suits hero to break the will of Major B. M. Thomas, the late noted breeder and turfman. The fea tures of the will most bitterly attacked ? by the plaintiffs are tho olauses wherein Major Thomas requested that his old family servant, "Aunt Marguerite Prior," be buried by his side in Lexington ceme tery, and the one whereby he bequeathed practically all of his real estate to the negress. The petition filed by tho plain tiffs allogos that it would bo an everlast ing disgrace to tho oharaoter of Major Thomas and his relatives to have tho will oarried out. They allege that the nogro woman usod undue influence over tho turfman during tho last fow yoars of his lifo, whon his mind was woakened. Tho cleansing, antiseptic and healing properties of PineBalvo make it suporior to family salves. Sold by Dr. J. W. Bell, Walhalla, and W. J. Lunney, Soneca. H. G. Miller, of Chioago, was tried in his absence at Columbia and con victed of attempting to bribe a juror. ? A sealed sentenoe has been left, and a benoh warrant issued for Miller, who is out on $1,500 bail. For bloating, belching, sour stomaoh, bad breath, roalassimilation of food, and all symptoms of indigestion, Ring's Dys 1 popsia Tablets aro a prompt and oflloiont corrodive Sold by Dr. J. W. Boll, Wal halla, and W. J. Lunnoy, Sonooa. A F UH tut Prudential Declaration. Attention has been 'called to the famous temperance declaration re ferred to by John G. Woolley in bis recent address at the Oregon State Prohibition Convention, the particu lars of which have not been published j iu many years. It is the remarkable document, first drafted in the year 1884, at the instance of Edward Cor nelius Delevan, (founder of the New York State Temperance Sooiety in 1828), to which declaration, during bis life-lime, he secured the signa tures of twelve Presidents of the United States. The document was as follows, together with the names of Presidents who signed it : Being satisfied from observation and experience, ?is wi ll as from medi cal testimony, thal ardent spirits as a drink, is uot only needless,* but hurtful, and that the entire disuse of it would teud to promote health, the virtue and happiness of the commu nity, wo hereby express our convic tion that should the citizens of the United States, and especially thu young ultu, discontinue entirely the usc of it, they would not only pro mole their own personal benefit, but the good of our country and tho world. Andrew Jackson, James Madison, J>ilin Quincy Adam?), Marlin Van Buren, John Tyler, James K. Polk, Zachery Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Abraham Liucoln, Andrew Johnson. FOLEYSHONIY-TAR Cures Oeldai Prevent? I Thousands Drown in Chinese Floods. Victoria, B. C., June 14.-Enor mous loss of life has resulted from floods in Hunan province, China, by reason of floods, accordiug to ad vices received here. The streams are out of their banks, an immense territory is under water, and many village?? have lt.-en wiped out. The loss of life, it is said, will go away up in the thousands. So far as heard from, all the mis sionaries in the flooded section are safe. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Tho Courier-$1 per year-56th year. Tho State Funeral Directors' Association will meet in Greenville on June 24-25. Lucius Jones was shot through the heart and killed in Chester by Gus Lee recently. Both are colored. - - Wm. Marcus, formerly of the United States Artillery, was con victed in Charleston last week of the murder of his wife. The Sans Souci Club, of Green ville, through its president, Capt. E A. Smythe, has withdrawn its appli cation for a charter, beoause the Sec retary of State required an affidavit that the dub did not intend to ope rate a blind tiger. - A London cablegram says : The medical officer of Soulcoates, a su burb of Hull, announces thirty-five oases of siokness and six deaths in the looal workhouse from eating frozen moat from the Argentine Re public. He has ordered a large quantity of the meat to be destroyed. $100 REWARD $100. Tho roadors of this paper will bo pleased to learn that therc is at least, one dreaded disease that science has boon ablo to euro in all its stages, and that is oatarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tho only Sositive ouro known to tho medical fra srnity. Catarrh hoing a constitutional disoaso, requires a constitutional treat mont. Hall's Catarrh is Curo taken inter nally, neting dirootly upon the blood and mucuous surfaces of tho system, thereby destroying tho foundation of tho disoaso, and giving tho patient strength by build up the constitution and assisting naturo in doing jts work. Tho proprietors have have so much faith in its curativo pow ers, that thoy offer ono hundrod dollars for any caso it fails to euro. Send for list of testimonials. A dd i ess, P. J. CllRNKY A Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggist, 7?o. Hall's Family Pills are thc host. The railroad bridge, 1,000 feet long, which connects Galveston, Texas, with tho mainland, was burned last week. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cure? Colds, Croup sud Whooping Cough. catii? Rahers Maha Pr?test - Washington, Jane 0.-When the beef inspection bearing before the House committee on agriculture begun today. Representative Garner, of Texas, made a plea for speedy action, "since this mat ter came up," he said, "tho people who have contracted to take our Texas steers have become alarmed and say they don't know whether or not they are going to take our cattle, and the result is we ?re in a state of uncertainty. I wau? tu sug gest that the commut?e got through with the matter as soon as possible. Every day this thing is continued the stock mau is losing money." Representative Davin, of Minnesota, read a telegram from the South st. Paul Liv? Stock Exchange and Live Stock Board, voioing opposition to having the expense placed on the packers beoause it would inevitably come out of the former stock rairtniM. Mr. Wilson, who represented the packers, cori obotattd this conclusion. Several te .grams were read from oat tie raisers in Colorado aud Texas to the effect that the present agitation would bring about a heavy decline in the prices of oattle. Representative Uaughen, of Iowa, asked s. II, Cowan, of Fort Worth,, if he bud read the President's message which estimated tho cost of in spection at eight cents a hoad. He bad, ho said, "but we do not waut tc psy lt; ilia; s our reason," replied Cowan, "lint rather than do without the law we would be glad to levy the cost ou the cattle." Mr. Haughen said that every member ol the committee, so far as he know, was io favor of the govornmeut paying the cost. This cost has heen estimated at from $8,000,000 to $20,000,000 annually. Dr. Melvin, chief of the bureau of ani mal industry, gavo it as his opinion that canned meats kept under favorable con ditions aud air-tight would keep indefi nitely. Mr. Wilson, representing the packers, said at this point : "The Japanese gov ernment sent a committee of officials who m ole an inspection of the plants and methods, after whioh they bought many hundred thousands of oases of goods. Russia, during the war, was a large purchaser, but without inspection or examination. Occasionally other oouutries send a representative to make an examination of the plants and methods." In reply to a qestion by Chairman Wadsworth, he said the only foreign complaint as to American meat he bad ever received was aa to three or four barrels of pigs' feet that went down to South America and were spoiled in transit. A hundred years ago the best physi cian would give you a medicine for your heart witbo'it Btopping to consider what effect in might have on the liver. Even to this good day cough aud cold medi cines invariably bind tho bowels. This is wrong, lien's Laxative Cough Syrup with Honey and Tar acts ou tho bowols -drives out the cold-clears tho head, re lieves all coughs, cleanses and strength ens the mucuous merabrauea of the throat, ohest, lungs and bronchial tubes. Sold by Dr. J. W. Bell, Walhalla, and W. J. Lunney, Seneca. What are Courts Coming to ? Greenville, S. C., June 12.-Because ho was violently ejected from a trolley car for taking bis seat beside a white woman, Hudson Johnson, a fifty-year-old negro of this city, was awarded in the Common Pleas Court here yesterday damages against the Greenville Traotion Company in the sum of $500. He had asked for $5,000._,_ Preacher Held for Deserting Navy. Greenville, June 8.-Matthew Fortner, aged 28 years, a duly ordained Baptist minister and student at Kunnar. Uni versity, was arrested here yosterday for deserting from the navy. Ile is married and bas a child. He married Miss Ava Gaines, of Gainesville, Ga. Fortner en listed in tho navy four years ago. He is said to have deserted from tho steam ship Lancaster in Hampton Roads three months after he enlisted in tho service and wont di root tr> Gainesville, whore ho married. He has been preaching and teaching ever since, and the past year supplied a church in a little village near here while pursuing his course of studies at Forman. He bears an excellent repa ti on. Fortner says he was disappointed .. I fo in the navy and felt that ne could not r< main in it and serve God at the sam< time as he desired. Ho will be taken t< Norfolk and court-martial, il. Capt E M. Blythe and several prominent oiti- i zens here have interested themselves in Fortner's case and will try to get a dis charge for loni through petition. Mrs. Fortner and baby will go to the homo of her father-in-law, in Piokens county. Backache Any person having backache, kidney pains or bladder trouble who will take two or three Pine-ules upon retiring at night shah be relieved before morning. The medicinal virtues of the crude gums and resins ob trined from the Native Pine have been recognized by the medical pro fession for centuries. In Pi nc-nico we offer .ll of the virtues of the Native Pine that .re of value in relieving all Kidney and Bladder Troubles P1NE-ULE MEDICINE CO., CHICAGO SOLD BY DR. J. W. BELL. Cour? Flnd$ Laurens Eltction Was Vois. Columbia, June 13.-Judge Hy driok handed down his deoision in L. E. Wright va. Ed. L. Jones, in which he reversed the decision of the State Board of Canvassers. This oase waa a proceeding grow ing out of the dispensary election in Laurens county, hold on the 9th day of January, 1906, under the Brice law. In this election the majority of votes as counted was in favor of no dispensary. A protest was filed before the county board by Mr. Wright and the county board held that as so many irregularities ex isted and no legal election had been held, declared the one held void and of no effect. Both the dispensary and the anti dispensary sides appealed to the State Board. Tho State Board found certain irregularities to have existed as a matter of faot in thin election, but they held that as no fraud was charged or shown to exist, the election should be held as valid and the decision of tho county board was accordingly reversed and the dispensary must olose. A writ of certiorari was obtained from Judge Hydrick and argued be fore bim on the 26th day of April in Columbia. Ho bas sustained the ground of the petition, that inasmuch as this irregularity did exist, after the production of required registra tion certificates and proof of pay ment of Laxes, no valid election was held, and consequently reversed the State Board and sustained the posi tion taken by the county board. The dispensary consequently will still continue to operate in Laurens county. After Mote Hughes' Murderer. Union, June ll.-The atrocious mur der of Mose Hughes, whose body, roped and weighted with rockts, was rcuontly found in a river in the extreme Sou bern seotion of this county, will be thoroughly investigated, says Solicitor Sease, who is here at the regular June tei m of court to-day. The matter is to be presented immedi ately to the Grand Jury, who are ex pected to reopen the case that has been practically closed by the coroner's jury, j Negroes said to be eye witnesses to the tragedy have been summoned and are expected this afternoon. Tho white farmer, allotted to havo committed the crime, is in town to-day, but cannot bo arrested, uotil after the jury acts. When seen and asked for a statement, he very heatedly denounced the newspaper reports, Baying an injus tice bad been done bim, but other than that would give out nothing.. You oan see the Poison Pine-ules clears out of the kidneys and bladder. A Bingle dose at bed-time will show you more poison upon rising the next morning than can be expelled from the system in any other way. Pine-uleB dissolve the impurities, lubricate the kidneys, cleanse the bladder, relieve pain and do away with backache speedily, pleasantly, per manently. Sold by Dr. J. W. Bell, Wal halla, and W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Telephone Girl Shoots a Negro. Charlotte, N. C., June 10.-With re markable courage, Miss Pearle Jones, night long distance telephone operator at Selma, this State, shot and fatally wounded a negro brute, who, by bis own confession, had premeditated an assault upon her. Miss Jones heard noises out side her office at midnight, and seising ber pistol, went out to investigate. As she stepped outtide the negro, Bud An derson, attacked her, and she promptly fired five times, mortally wounding her assailant, and then returned to her work. Anderson mado a doath-bed confession implicating another, who was arrested and jailed. Admiring oitizens have raised a fund with which to purohase for Miss Jones a gold-mounted revolver and gold modal. Wiii Cure Consumption. A. A. Herren, Kinch, Ark., writes: "Foley's Honey and Tar ls the best prep aration for coughs, colds and lung trou ble. I know that lt has oured consump .m in tho first stages." You never lu elitist Office two doors above the Bank, la Carter's Pharmacy. Westminster, S. C. DR. J. H. BURGESS, Dentist, SENECA, 8. C. OFFICK OVEII NIMMONB' STORR, DOYIJI BUILDING. Office Hours: 9 A. M. to 1 v. M. ?? 2 P. M. to 6 P. M. April 20, 1904. 16-tf )r. W. F. Austin, DENTIST, SENECA,.S. C. Office Over J. W. Byrd db Co. I AM NOW IN MY OFFICE EVERY DAY. _PHONE-NO. 51._ Wm. J. OTIIAI.ING. } { E. L. HEKNDON. O'TM.L LING k At corn ey s-At- Law, WALHALLA, S. C. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO AXL BUSI NESS ENTBUBTED TO THEM. J. P. Carey, I J. W. Sholor, Pickens, S. C. | Walhalla, S. C. CAREY & SHELOR, Attorneys and Counsellors, Walhalla, S. C. Will praotice in tho State and United States Courts. Business entrusted to our care will re* oeive prompt and careful attention. R. T. JAYNES, Attorney-at-Law, WALHALLA, - - S. C. Bell Phone No. 20. Practice in State and Federal Courts. Business entrusted to my care re?oives prompt attention. 1-05 HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Toa Nugget s A Buiy Medicine for Buiy People. Bringt Golden Health and Renewed Visor. A speclflo for Constipation. Indigestion, Liver ?iud Kidney troubles. Pimples, Eczema, Impuro Blood. Had breath. Sluttish Bowels, Hcadacho and Haokncho. Ita Kooky Mountain TV*. In tab let form. 86 cent? rv box. Genuino 'jiado by HOIXKHTER DlUTO COMPANY. Madison, WIS. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE