Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, May 30, 1906, Image 8

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nilliner Dress G Notions I C. G. J/ \ IHOW would you like to work night and day, Sundays and holidays? Thut is tho way , money on ?merest works. Why should you do all tho . hard work? Get your money to working for you. Buy < our Interest Bearing Coi titi- < cates. m -Buggios, Inn ness, White Hickory wagons. T. E. Alexander, Walhalla. -A. Fisohessor has returned from a pleasant visit to reh.tives in Charlotte. -To Kent-Two nie? loomson Faculty Hall. Call on C. M. Shelton. -J. 1'. Carey, Esq., rf l'ickens, was In ! attendance upon court this week. - Services in English next Sunday at the Lutheran eli m ch. All welcome. i -Largest lino of laces, embroideries and ribbons 1 liavo over carried. Ai. S.* Stribling, Westminster, S. C. -Miss Dollie Beard is visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. E. Watson, in (.loenville. -Mis.. Annio Jones is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. E. Lumkiu, near Seneca, this wt ok. - n the drug line-got it at Wallyalla Dru , Co. -J. F. l'ioper, of Charleston, attended tho funeral of his uncle, F. W. Pieper, last Saturday. -Arling on Fant, of Anderson, is on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Fant and family this week. -Miss ll rle n Kant returned homo last week, after a delightful visit to relatives in Andersou. - Best line of spring clothing I have ever handled. M. S. Stribling, West minster, S. C. -J. C. Latimor, o: Hotiea Kath, is vis iting at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Khinney, in West Lr ?on. -Kov. I), p. Dearden will preach at Salem Baptist chi.ich on the second Sun day in ?) une at i o'clock S m. - For Sale-Two yoke cattle; one 1,200 pounds, other Too pounds. Call on or? write H. L. Vernor, Westminster, S. C. | -There will bo preaching at Pleasant ' Hill on Saturday afternoon, Juno 2d, HHKi, at 8 o'clock. All members aro! tuged to be present, as there is Bi nie . business of importance to attend t? . A can of Acme Wagon snd Inaplem of thc equipment in every ?table, t and-span and weather-proof, prolong money. AU standard colors. H*U bf UM Ur??? Patel md ' Acme Wait? L?id & Cok Wo y. ioods, Ready To Serve You. kYNES. -To Rent-Two nice rooms on Faculty Hill. Call on C. M. Shelton. -Misses Julia and Olive Maxwell have returned from a pleasant visit to their sister, M rs. J. W. Ferguson, at Hartsville. -Miss Alice Strong has returned to Walhalla from Greenville, where she bas been teaching during the past session at Chicora College. -Pick Frasier, of the Cullowhee Nor mal and Industrial School, Painter, N. C., is at the home of his father, W. S. Frasier, for tho vacation. -Misses Tommie and Dora Pitchford left last Sunday for an exteudod visit to their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mickler, and family, of Mt. Willing. -Have doubled my stock of bats, shirts, ties, etc. M. S. Stribling, West minster, S. C. -Seo citation notice in tho estate of F. W. Pieper, deceased. Application ?B made hy J. F. Pieper for letters of ad ministration in said estate. -Dr. W. F. Anstin lias gouo to Boston to attend a meeting of tho Massachusetts Dental Association. His office will, therofore, bo closed until about Juno 20. -Tho now candidates this week are: For County Supervisor, J. L. Moser; House of Ropiest n tat i ves, W. M. Brown; Auditor, E. O. Singleton. - Miss May Faut is at homo again, after a short visit to relatives in Anderson. Sho was accompanied home hy little Miss Willio Kay Robinson, who will spond somo time hero. -Wanted: Lady or gentlemen of fair education to travel for tirtn of $250,000 capital. Salary $1,072 per year, payahlo weekly. F.xponses advanced. Address Geo. G. Clows, Walhalla, S. C. - If yon want painting or paper hang ing done in first class manner call on II. J, Taylor, tho colored painter. .Soo his advertisement elsewhere in this issue for I particulars. - Everything at out prices at J, H. Adams's, Seneca. Don't fail to seo him, for lie is prepared to save money for yon Read his advertisement on tho second pago of this issue, and call on him for prices. -John Joost returned Monday from Jacksonville. Fla , where he had spent two months looking after business inter ests. He reports a pleasant visit, and says the Oooneo contingent in that city is prospering. - We have had a great season on mil linery, so can afford to give great bar gains. All pattern hats at cost; most everything olso. Wo aro not going to carry anything over. Everything now. Latest styles. J. H. Adams. -Tho many friends of Miss BuH'.o MOBS will bo pleased to learn that sho is im proving rapidly under tho treatment at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Information is received that her trouble is not of a serious nature. -Stuck on sticky Hy paper-Tangle foot docs tho business. Walhalla Drug Co. -MrB. Julia M. Rose, accompanied by her three youngest children, Julia May, Richard and Edwin, loft last Saturday for Ensloy, Ala., on a visit to her daugh ter, Mrs. George W. Reese She will protract hor visit for several days. -Miss Agnes daPonto left last Sunday for Crawford, N. J., whore she will spend a few days with friends prior to going to Philadelphia, from which point she will sail, on June 2d, for Paris. She oxpocts to remain in Paris some timo to complote her studies in art. - E. Frank Small, of Philadelphia, Fenn., is visiting bis relatives, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Smith and family. He arrived last Wednesday afternoon and will spond several weeks In tho Sunny South. This is his Hist trip to South Carolina and he is delighted so far with what ho has seen and felt in tho Palmetto Stato. Rain won't damage your Implements If you paint them witb Acme WagOn ?nd nplement Paint ent Paint should be sn Important pan oakes wagons and implements ?pick ling their usefulness and saving your Vtnhh ? il ?rt H Amule*. r Work*. Detroit, Mich. -BUR Death. Walhalla Drug Co. -Rev. S. A. Tow will preaoh at Con aeross Baptist ohuroh on the first Sun lay in June at 3 o'clock p. m., and at Poplar Springs churoh on Saturday night before at 8.80 o'clook. -JudgO J. W. Holleman has been ipiite ut well for tho pa*t few days, being cuufiued to his room and bed most of thc time. His ailment was in the nature of A bilious attack. Wo are glad to state that be is now improving and we hope bo will soon be himself again. -Best wear in oxfords, Gibson ties and spring shoes. M. S. Stribling, West minster, S. C. -Preaching next Sunday at Whit mire's Methodist church at ll o'clock a m.. at Oconeo Station church at 8 80 o'clock p. m., and at Millville church, Walhalla, at 8.30 o'clock at night, by Kev. K. S. Jones, the pastor. To all of these services the public is cordially in vited. -Mrs. J. C. Tandy left yesterday for ber home at Temple, Oklahoma, after a visit of several weeks at the home of Major and Mrs. Wm. J. Stribling, near town. She was accompanied by her two daughters and little Miss Elizabeth Strib ling, the latter of whom will spend some time visiting relatives and friends. -L. L. Barr, of Greenville, is in town For a few days. He is here aa an erpert to examine into the sanitary condition of tho county jail. He baa noted several defects in the count ruction of the system inside the jail building. The system will be overhauled or repaired when Mr. Barr makes his final recommendations. -Bug Death make? potatoes and kills the bugs. Walhalla Drug Co. -Ho/. George H. Judd will preach in the Walhalla Baptist church next Sunday morning aud evening at the usual hours. Immediately after the morniug serv:ces there will be a conference of the ohuroh "or the transaction of important business. \ full attendance of the membership of he church earnestly desired. -The Sunday school picnio of the lutheran church at the mineral springs n West Union was a grand success. It vas estimated that one huudred and ifty were present. The grounds aro >eautiful, convenient and picturesque, '"un, onjoymont, sociability, good will nade a happy day for all. Good things 0 eat were abundant. Warm thanks vere expressed by all to James C. Shock ey for tho use of the grounds; also to lohn A. Bisoboff and friends for alum lance of lemonade, and to T. J. Todd for ce. -My lino of dress goods surpasses inytbing I have ever handled. M. S. ?tribling, Webtminster, S. C. -C. W. Bauknight is beginning tho M eet ion of a two-story, eight room com nodious residence on the old John {remer lot, facing on Main and John ?t root*. Most of the heavy lumber and >rick aro on tho ground and the sound of he saw and hammer is now being heard, is the workmen are designing and put iug the timbers together in the shape of 1 beautiful and cozy home for himself ind his chai lunn; and accomplished wife. W. L. Barber, of Hartwell, (ia., has the lontract to erect the building and his orce of hands are already here and at vork. -We aro in receipt of a handsome in vitation to attend tho commencement ?xorcises of Wofford College, Spartan nirg, Juno 8th to 12th. Among tho names loroprising tho graduating class of 1906 ve aro pleased to note Jamos Robert [,yles, of Oconeo. Mr. Lyles is a son of F. T. Lyles, of Double springs. We con gratulate him on concluding his course it this splendid institution. Ho is a worthy young man, and his example of lard work, constant application and un iring energy may well bo followed by he youth of Oconeo. - Liberal donations to churches and ichool houses, if you uso Now Kra paint. ?est on earth. Walhalla Drug Co. -We aro in receipt of an invitation rom President W. G. Novillo to ho pres mt at the commencement exercises ol tho 'rosbytorian College of South Carolina, it Clinton, Juno 3d to Otb. Tho gradu?t ng class numbers sovon this year, six rom this State and ono from Tonnessee. Vo fool a particular interest iu tho for anos of this grand institution, now that ir. Neville, a former Walhalla boy, is nosiding ovor its destinies. The College s flourishing and bids fair to iucrcaso in inet'ulness as each year adds to its age. Jay the Presbyterian College of South 'arolina long live and prosper. -Arthur Steele, colored, who was con ined in the Oconoo jail awaiting trial on he charge of burglary, escaped by un :nown means last Friday evening about i o'clock. Sheriff Kay was out in town, mt was notified at once, as the negro vas seon and recognized by Mrs. Kay vben about two blocks from the jail, rho negro succeeded iu getting out of own, and searching parties failed to neate him permanently, though he was ince or twice seen in the woods west of own. Ho was captured Sunday between Valhalla and Seneca by C. A. Davis, of auies's, who recognized him and know hat he had escaped. Steele pleaded ?tlilty in court Monday and was sen oiiced to three years In the penitentiary. Sore Nipples. A cur? may bo effected by applying ihamberlaill's Salvo as soon as tho child ? done nursing. Wipe it ott" with a soft loth before allowing tho child to nurse. Jany trained nurses uso this salvo with bo best results. Price 25 cents por box. fold by J. W. Boll, Walhalla; W. J. .linne)', Seneca. "Dried Beel" Horse Meat. Manila, May 25.- Officers of tho secret lOrvlce have boon engaged in an investi gation for tho alleged killing of diseased torses for food purposes. They found hat the practice existed In several places lotweon Manila and Caloocan, tho pro luct having boen sold in tho form of 'dried beef." Instructions havo boon riven from Washington, which will ena ble tho operators of tho information di vi llon of the constabulary, co-operating with tho health authorities, to broak up inch unsanitary practices. The report in the caso, showing the extont of the msinosB, bas been submitted to tho Wat Department. The constabulary official? it Manila have taken prompt, and what nomine? to be effective, action io the natter. Heaths from Appendicitis loci case in tho samo ratio that tho use if Dr. King's New Life Pills inoreaseB, rhey savo you from danger and brine pi uk and painless release from consti pation and the ills growing out of it Strength and vigor always follow theil iso. Guaranteed by all druggists. 26c. fry thom. ANNOUNCEMENTS -Announcements will be inserted limier thia beading at the uniform rate of Tinco Dollars each, not to exceed six Hues, payable strictly IN ADVANCE. Don't ask for credit _ FOR COUNTY AUDITOR. I hereby nunouuc?. m.isclt a candidate for County Auditor, Mihjcct to the action of the Democratic party In the primary eloctiou. E. 0. MNdunoN. I hereby announce myself a eaudidatc for nomination to the oflice of County Auditor, subject to the HCtfon of the Democratic party in the primary election. Respectfully, RICHAHO W. Outruns. I hereby respectfully aunouuce my candidacy for rc nonii nat ion to th? office of County Auditor, subjeot to tbe action of the Democratic party in the primary election. Respectfully, JOHN P. KKK SK. I hereby announce myself a candidate for nomination to the office of County Auditor, subject to the action of the D?mocratie party in the primary election. Respectfully, N. W. MACAULAY. FOR THE LEGISLATURE. The frieuds of W. M. Brown hereby announoe him a candidate for the House of Representatives, subject to the action of the Democratic party in the primary election. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the House of Representatives from Oconee county. South Carolina, subjeot to the action of the Democratic party in the primary election. Coke D Mann. The friends of E. E. Vernor respect fully announce him a candidate for re election as a representative in tbe Legis lature from Oconee county, subjeot to tho action of the Democratic primary. FOR SUPERVISOR I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Supervisor, subject to the action of the Democratic party in the primary election. J. L. MOSER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of County Supervisor, subject to the action of the Democratic party in the primary election. L. H. V. HOBSON. The friends of Nathaniel Phillips re spectfully announce bim as a oandidate for Supervisor for Oconee county, sub ject to the aotion of the Democratic pri mary^_ FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION. The friends of T. A. Smith respect fully announce him a candidate for the office of County Superint? ndent of Edu cation, subject to the aotion of the Demo cratic party in tbe primary election. I hereby anuounce myself a candidate for Superintendent of Education, subjeot to the action of the Democratic party in the primary election. J. W. Reeder. The frieuds of J. S. Colley respectfully announce him a oandidato for re-election to the Miln e of County Superintendent of Education, subject to the action of the Democratic paity in tho primary olection. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Tho friends of Jacob Kothcll annouueo him a candidate for County Commis sioner, subject to tho actiou of the Democratic party in tho primary elec tion. Tho friends of JOHN M. COLLINS re spectfully announce him as a candidate for County Coi. missioner, subject to tho action of the Democratic party in the primary election. The friends of JACKSON L. MII.I.KU respectfully announce him as a candidato for County Commissioner, subject to the aotion of the Democratic party in tho primary election. The friends of JAMBS L. TALLEY re spectfully anuounce him as a candidate for County Commissioner, subject to tho action of the Democratic party in the primary olection. FOR JUDGE OF PROBATE. I hereby announce myself a candidate for tho office of Judge of Probate for Oconee county, subject to tho action of tho Democratic party in tho primary election. Respectfully, W. B. LOEUK. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Judge of Probate for Oconee county, subject to action of the Democratic party in the primary election. D. A. SMITH. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I hereby respectfully announce my candidacy for re-nomination to the office of County Treasurer, subject to the action of the Democratic party in the primary election. Respectfully submitted, W. J. Schroder. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Piles. Druggists nro authorized to re fund money if Pazo Ointmonts fails to cure in 0 to 14 days. f)()c. . A c ;r.? After duo consideration I have decided not to make tho raco for County Super visor, but desire to return thanks to my friends for their solicitation and words of encouragement. Respectfully, Louis A. Lay. Have You a Friend? Then tell him about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Tell him how it cured your hard cough. Tell him why you always keep it in the house. Tell him to ask his doctor about it. Doc tors use a great deal of it for throat and lung troubles. " I had a terrible cold and cough and wat threatened with pneumonia. I tried Ayer'? Cherry Pectoral and lt save me quick ann per fect relief. It lt certainly a mott wonderful cough medicino."- Hun A E. WHITMAN. Sioux Fallt, 8. O tk. JUVde bTj^oTATeTooTTCoweil, Maa? Alto manufacturera of vers f_ SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. HAIR VIGOR. One of Ayer'a Pills at bedtime will hasten recover* Gently laxative. Store News OCONEE'S GREATER DEPARTMENT STORE ! About one year ago this Company unfurled ita banner-so this is our flrst anniversary. We will celebrate tbe occasion by giving our patrons something by whioh to rornember us. This store is now known aa the Store that Sells the Goods, aod we do. Our out-put has grown to large proportions, something like seven to eight thousand dollar? per month. The moro we sell the oloeer we oau cut prioes. Anniversary Sale. Twenty pieoes Ginghams, full Standard Cloth, sells for 10c., Anniversary Salo prioe. Ten pieceB White Linene, yard wide, all the style for Ladies' or Children's Suits; sells for 15o. the yard, Anniversary Sale price only. Ten dozen Men's White Madras Shirts, all sizes; sell for 50c., Anniversary Sale price only... No matter what price is mado come get oma. We lead, we don't follow. 10c 8 9c you, G. W. GIGNILLIAT, President. Clothing Values. Unmatchable. The Style, the Goods, the Workmanship, First Class. One lot No. 1 Men's Suits, sell for $8 to $10, Anniversary Sale price.$5.75 Lot No. 2, Men's Suits that sell from $10 to $12, Anniversary Sale price. $7.75 Clean Stock f New Stock ! AU goods guaranteed as represented. Save your coupons, all purchases on Dry Goods side, and secure a Grapho pbone absolutely free. We havo given away 30 already. A. POMEROY BROWN, Manager. Tino STOUK THAT SKW.K THIS GOODS I The Seneca Mercantile Co 0mWl0*Hi**?*$**? immy*** | ft?g*fc*M**?**M>?>^ STOCK HEALTH. * Most of the remedies for curing ailments of animals are a queer mix ture of good and bad. They date hack to tho time when hit-or-miss methods of treatment prevailed. Most condition powders aim at every thing and hit nothing. BLUE GRASS CONDITION POWDER is a remedy you can rely upon to improvo the condition of all kinds of stock. It is a prompt tonio. It purities tho blood; it stimulates the kidneys and liver to healthy activity. Far hotter in every way than ordinary con dition powders. PRICE 260. AT Lunney's Drug Store, Yellow front. Seneca, S. C. FROST! The frost has cut the cotton and corn crops short, but it will come o. k. yet, we hope. We have cut our prices close for the dull summer months. If it's bargains you are hunting we can suit your wishes. Come, send, or 'phone us. Graig-Verner Mercantile Co., Phone 63. Spot Cash Merchants. WALHALLA, S. C. JOHN F. CRAIG, BUSINESS MANACI-R.