Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, April 18, 1906, Image 5

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FARMERS' UV OF INFOR " Conduct* South Carolina Farmers' Educa! Communications intended fur this ] J. C. Stribling, ] How to Control Colton Market. About all the cotton farmers have lo do in order to control the oraton market is to control themselves. We don't need more money, more men or better business men in the cotton States in order to manngu thc cotton business. About nil you ' "ggi?. tc get together and use what yofMPlready have in hand, like busi ness men should do, and the power j you have will astonish the cotton farmers as well as the balance of the j world. Why is it that we find so many Southern men engaged in the cotton trade on Wall Btreet, Now York ? Is it not because these Southern men from the field know more about the conditions of things in the South and more about how to control the cot ton farmers than loreigners do ? Well, then, why not come together a*, homo and use our own business men and talents, and our peculiar natural advantages for our own bene fit instead of allowing foreigners to reap the profits from our fortunate natural gifts in thc way of the ideal cotton belt of the world ? ^Twenty men may stand about the bog talking about the bad plight of the cow in the mire to no good-but three men may uuite and pull to gether and out comes the cow on firm ground. Farmers, walk right in the union and take hold ; stop talking and pull together. Cotton Warehouse or Poor House ? For many years cotton producers have been producing money making j cotton crops, but in plaoing the cot ton upon the market all others in the ootton business have become rich while the Southern cotton producers, as a rule, have remained poor. There is but ono excuse for this and here it is : Most any common clodhopper can produce a good crop of cottou, but it takes a different kind of work to place this cotton on the market so as to retain the profits in the hands of the producers, where it juBtly belongs. Most any common cotton farmer oan, single-handed, independently and alone produce a profitable crop of cotton, but it takes the combined offortB of many thousand cotton producers to keep the old crowd of cotton speculators from reaping all the profits. These speculators have applied a code of business rules and methods or system in handling your cotton crops that producers have failed to do for themselves. These men have supplied the cotton warehouses and the business organizations for the purpo??vof distributing your cotton among cotton manufacturers and have, as might be expected, reaped their profits in money, while the pro ducers of cotton have stood aloof ?from concert of action and took their profits out in grumbling and cursing the speculators. There is but ono remedy for this evil, and that is the cotton producers must supply tho facilities for hand ling their own crops until the cotton s plaJ*Y'mto thc hands of consumers nt, u TWiBonnble profit to the pro ducers, or tho cotton farmer will ro .kin in his present hazardous posi ton. Cotton farmers, you must organizo nd put your cotton in bulk, and then laca your beat mon in ch argo of our business or the speculator will ontinue to do this thing for you. rou cotton growers must build your wn warehouses to protect your busi _i()88 or the samo old crowd will con inuo to do this for you, and continue o levy a tariff for this job to suit Ihoir idea about this work and not lo suit your idea. J. Farmers, prepare for war in time nf peace. Several warehouses aro Jew un tho way, not yet completed, erne fanners claim that they ap ove of the warohouso plans, but ey can't raise tho money for tho ook. Well, now, I deny this. In any WBCB this is not true. We ow gflod and woll that if some uld try, they oould get up th?B rehouse stook just as well as they t up other things that are not so important. ?ION BUREAU MATION. id by the t,ional and Co-Operative Union. ____________ Department should he addressed to Pendleton, S. C. Finally, wo wish to Ray to all ye calamity howlers and fault-f?uders that you cannot build warehouses with your tongues. It takes I the OSHI). And another thing, too, that if you will not try to help yourselves when the way is open for you to do it, do for the sake of common good of the country, and respect for your selves, stop abusing others for not helping you when you will not try to help yourtoTveF. Put up the stuff, or hush up and go way back and .it down and behave yourselves like good modern slaves should do. Farmers, do not wait longer for 'something to turn up in your favor. I Go out and turn something up for yourself. Do not stand about talk ing and grumbling and waiting for a good opening to come your way, but go right into the farinera'' organiza tion, unite your strength with that of your fellow farmers and make your o\yn opening. If others can organize a cotton ' business by picking up your own men at your own door and working them to the advantage of the specu lating crowd lhere is no reason on earth why cotton growers cannot do the same thing for their interest, and even better if they will only com bine their power in similar business organizations like the gang does that take our profits away from the farmer. Catarrh Cannot he Cured with local applications, as they caunot reach tho seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional diseaso, aud in order to cure it you must take into, ual remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Curo is not a quack medicine. It was proscribed by ono of tho best physicians in this country for years, and is a regu lar prescription. It is composed of the host tonics known, combined with tho liest blood purifiers, acting directly on tho mucous surfaces. Tho perfect com bination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in cur ing catarrh. Sond for testimonials, freo. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. Sohl by druggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills aro tho best. Recent Marriages by Rev. D. F. Carter. Kev. I). F. Carter, of Pulaski township, has iccently performed the following marriage ceremonies : January 25, 190G, at thc home of tho bride's father, Porter Haulhrooks, Luther II. Smith and Miss Mary J. llaulbrooks ; both of Oconee. February 1, 1906, at the home of the bride's father, F. 13. Lee, Miles A. Smith and Miss Iner N. Lee ; both of Oconee. March 1, 1906, at the home of the bride's father, J. G. Lee, W. S. Phil lips and Miss S. K. Lee ; both of Oconee. March 6, 1906, at camp, near Westminster, Thos. Swofford and Miss Sarah F. Moore. The Richest Man In the World. Tho richest man in tho world cannot have his kidneys replaced nor live with out thom, so it is important not to neg lect these organs. If Foley's Kidney Cure is taken at tho first sign of danger, the symptoms will disappear and your health will bo rostorod, as it strengthens and builds up those organs as nothing olso will. Oscar Howman, Lebanon, Ky., writos: ' I have used Foley's Kidney Cure and tako great pleasure in stating it cured me permanently of kidnoy dis enso, which cortaiuly would have cost mo my lite." Dr. J. W. Boll. Kills Negro in Girl's Room. \_ Dallas, Toxas, April 0.-Joss Jonos, a negro, entered tho residence of Prof. F. P. Preuitt, at Polytechnic Heights, a suburb of Fort Worth, soon after mid night this morning and was shot and killed by tho Professor. Preuitt was arrested on a murder ohargo, but was re leased ou a $100 bond after waiving ex amination. Shortly boforo midnight Prof. Proultt was awakonod by a noise on tho porch of,his two-story dwelling and saw somo ono trying to raiso tho window. Prof. Preuitt socurod a shot gun and sat on tho ond of his bod and waited. A short timo later ho hoard tho touts! cps of a shoeless mail. When tile intruder was opposite tho bed of his 18* year-old daughter in an adjoining room Prof. Preuitt fired both barrels of his shotgun. Tho ohargo took effect in the heart of the negro. In the latter's hand was a largo bladed clasp knifo, with tho bindo opon. Cured Hemorrhages of the Lungs. "Sevoral years since my lungs wore so badly affeoted that I had many hemor rhages," writes A. M. Ake, of Wood. Ind. "I took troatment with several physicians without any benefit. I then started to take Foley's Honey and Tar, and my lungs aro now as sound as a bul let. I recommend it in advanced stages of lung trouble." Foley's Honey and Tar stops the cough and neals tho lungs, and, preven 1 s sei line, result s ttOt? H colli. Bof uso substitutes. Dr. J. W. Boll. THE NEWS FROM SENECA. j Tbe following was read before the library association by Mrs. O. F. Baoon : Character Sketch of Abraham Lincoln Compared to That of Stoueman, ali.te Thadeus Stephens: Abraham Lincoln came upon the scene of American history at a time when the nation wan going through the must try ing experience of its life. Duriug his administration the Soutberu States, eleveu in uumher, seceded from the Uuiou, led by our own beloved, hot headed State of South Carolina. Per haps no othei circumstances less trying could have developed the splendid traits of character of this great statesman. Of humble parentage, native born Ken tuckian, lt was natural he should have felt sympathy for the South, as he was oue of her sons, aud have dealt out to her that justice' which she BO riohly de served aud winch the Republican party saw she received very little of. Line?lo steered the ship of State with a olear braiu and steady hand. Had Congress sustained bim in his mild oonoilatory measures toward the South much suffer ing and injustice could have been averted. As it was, the real power back of Congress, representing the Republican party, was Stoueman, alias Thadeus Stepheus, as be flguies in the Clansman. Stoueman was a man of great genius; nature had given him a brilliant mind in a deformed body. His vast intellect was used to oarry out his ideas of a policy by which the rebellious Southern States, or Provinces, (ho scorned to call thom States,) should bo utterly crushed, claim ing that they bad lost all political rights. He instituted a series of recount ruction acts by which ho meant to utterly subdue the South, for be exclaimed in one of his interviews with Lincoln, "I mean to wipe out the South; it is oouquored soil." When Linooln asked him tho reason for this unnatural hatred, be refused to give it, admitting, however, a personal griev ance, which in later years he oouf. -sod to be the destruction of his iron mills by Lee's army as it maiohod through Penn sylvania. These mills consisted of most of bis property, aud when he saw them consumed in flames ho then and there vowed undying vongeance on the Soutb, which he carried out to the letter. Part of his policy toward the South was to disfranchise the white owners, give the ballot to the negroes, their former slaves, arming and organizing the negroes into troops and giving them authority over the whites as military for tho States, to keop the whites subdued and humiliate them-a terrible vengeance, one that in the end rebounded on its author. He had not counted on the reviving spirit of these down-trodden Southerners, a spirit that might bc overwhelmed by numbers, net conquered in its true sense. And so the clan secret societies sprang into existence to put down negro rule and regain white supremacy, which, by working together in unison, they suc ceeded in doing. Stoneman saw bis boasted system of reconstruction acts, so far ad tho ballot and negro militia were concerned, fail right under bib eyes a just punishment for his cruol revengo on a noble people. How different in spirit from Abraham Linooln, who said in his second inaugural : "With malace toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in tho right as God gives us to soe the right, i?.t ?B strive on to finish the work we are in; tu bind up tho nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne tbe battle and for bis widow and children; to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations." The tar that is contained in lien's Laxative Honey aud Tar is harmless. It is not coal tar, but is obtained from the pine trees of our own native forests. Boo's Laxativo Honey and Tar is the best rem? dy for colds because it acts on the bowels-thus expelling all colds from tho system. 1 ice's is tho original Laxa tivo Honey and Tar, and is bost for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, lung and bronchial affections. Sold by Dr. J. W. Bell, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Senoca. Badge Shows He's a Man. Washington C. H., Ohio, April 6.-I Prosper Randolph Milburn, a music teacher, who created a sensation by ap pearing on the streets of this city in women's clothes, no longer is barred from female costume. A large silver badge with the inscription, "Randolph Milburn, I am a man," worn in a con spicuous place on his person, gi vos bim the liberty to drcs? as a woman if he so desires. Milburn was ai rested in this city, when he wrote to Attorney Gonornl Ellis for a legal opinion on tho question. He de clared that as Dr. Mary Walker was wearing men's clothes ho felt that with equal propriety he could v onr womon's olothos. Although he got no satisfaction from the State, Milburn on bis own ac count searched legal precedent and dis covered, as ho says, that ho may dross as ho desires, provided that ho makes no attompt at deception as to his sox. Stomach and Liver Trouble Cured. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures sto mach and liver troublo, as it aids diges tion, and stimulates tho livor and bowels without irritating those organs Uko pills and ordinary cathartics. It euros indi gestion and sick headache and chronic constipation. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to tako. Hotuso sub stitutos. Dr. J. W. Boll. Howie Played the Markets. Chicago, April 7.-Overseer Glenn Volivia, who has supplanted John Alex ander Dowie, as hoad of tho Christian Catholic church in /ion, says that when Dowie returnt. to Zion City noxt week he would bo accused of tho following faults liefere ail upen ecelesiast ieal tribunal: Extravagance of tho most shameful kind, misrepresentation, exaggeration, mis managemont, polygamous teachings -in private, tyranny, injustice and indiscre tion. Dowio will bo treated fairly, according to Ovorseer Volivia, and will be given every opportunity to meot every charge and make reply. Volivia said he had abundant proof to substantiate every thing that bad boon charged agaiust Dowie. Ofiloials of the ohurch at Zion City declared that it was believed that tho *10,(XK),000 which he is bringing from Mexico is a bequest left to him by the late Baron Hirsch to assist in the delivery of the Jews of Russia. For bloating, belohing, indigestion, etc, eat a Ring's DyBpopsIa Tablet after meals. Sold by Dr. J. W. Bell, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. "Y TO THINE OWN SELF HE TliUE AND IT MUST FOLLOW AS THE NIGHT THE DAY, THOU GAN"ST NOT TUEN BE FALSE TO ANY MAN. BY J A YNES, S HELOR, SMITH & STECK. WALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA, APRIL 18, 1906. NEW SERIES, NO. 117.-VOLUME LVL-NO. |< W. J, , M.D. -X^entist Ollie? two door* above the Bask, 1? Carter's Pharmacy* Westminster, S. C. DR. J. H. BURGESS, Dentist, SENECA, 8. C. CFKIOK OYBK NIMMONS' STORK, DOYI.H BUILUINO. Office Hours: 0 A. M. to 1 P. M. ?. a p. M. to 6 p. v. April 20. 1004._16-tf Dr. W. F. Austin, C. jDEivrriST, SENECA,.S Office Over J. W. Byrd A Co. I AM NOW IN MY OFFICE EVERY BAY. PHONE NO. 51. J. P. Carey, PR-kens, S. C. J. W. Sheior, Walhalla, S. C. CAREY & SHELOR, Attorneys and Counsellors, Walhalla, S. C. Will practice in tho Stato and i'm ted States i'ourts. Business entrusted to our care will re oeive prompt and careful attention. R. T. JAYNE?, Attorney-at-Law, WALHALLA, - - S. C. Be.l Phone No. 20. Practice in State and Federal Courts. Business entrusted to my care reoeivea prompt attention. 1-05 THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP LAXATIVE SOLD BY DIL J. W. BELL. FOLEYSHONEY^TAR stops tb? COUf(h svtkd Ix OR la luntfi e Day Cures Grip ia Two DaytV ow ?very box. 25c, ED TO DO THE BUSINESS for this community. Come on.and get your teams. Hauling Teams, Single and Double Buggy Teams and Saddle Horses, Always on hand. Prompt and polite service at reasona ble prices. Teams sent out at any hour, day or night. Phone 10 or ll for quick foams. <J. R. HOI THINS, Walhalla, S. C. Cures Stomach and Liver trouble and P Chronic Constipation, uilding KINDS. Cabinet. d Scroll Work of every Longer kind. In fact. HE LUMBERMAN, \NDERSON,S. C.