E. D. Smith Talk? on Colton Crop. [Columbia State.] E. D. Smith, organizer for the Southern Cotton Association and President of the South Carolina Di vision, spent WedaeBday in the oity and put in most of his time at the association's office. Mr. Smith has made a trip through Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana in tho interest of the association and talks interestingly of conditions there. He gave out tho following statement : "Thin is tho first time that 1 have been able to be out sinoe my return from the West. 1 am glad to report from Louisiana, Arkansas and Texas a very flourishing oondition of the association. Wherever I have beeu and spoken the people have readily grasped the idea that this is a simple business proposition and that the power to control their crop lies en tirely within their own hands: ?'Throughout tho State of Texas there is quite as much enthusiasm and determination as there is in any other State in the Union. They did not hold their cotton as other Staten have done ; practically because some of their leaders, not Col. Peters, ad vised them against pledging their cotton for 15 oents a pound, on the .contrary advising them to sell it as long as they could get ll cents per pound middling. The consequence was that Texas sold her orop. "The cnditions for this State for another ye;ir, so far as my observa tion and opinion are to be depended upon, are these : Last year the spring was so cold and wet that it was im possible to plant corn and oat? in March and April. In Texas if corn and oats are not planted in Maroh and April it is useless to plant thom at al!, for the reason that the exces sive hot, dry winds of Juno and July .practically destroy the corn and blight the oats. Hence, as said be fore, the spring was so baokward that the time for corn and oat plant ing had past before any planting .could be done. Tho consequence was that as cotton could bo planted .as late as July and still make a fairly .good yield, the grain lands of Texas were planted in cotton last year. This year, these two months, Febru ary and March, being ideal for put ting in small grain and corn, tho far -jners, having, on account of last year's failuro, to be buying corn now, will bo apt to increase their grain crop '?or this year. Besides this, in east ern and central Texas thero will bo a large voluntary reduction for various rc ns, principally among which ia the organization of the Southern ?Cotton Association and tho practical good sense of those who will adhere to its teachings. "In northern Texas there will bo possibly an increase in acreago, prin cipally through tho opening up of ..new lands. "In Arkansas I find, much to my .astonishment, that State saying tho least and doing the most, so far as standing hy the association is con cerned. They not only have not sold their cotton, but have provided themselves with warehouse facilities and ample means, and aro not going to sell it until it reaches the price .for which they have pledged to hold. I .saw no indications throughout thin State that there would be any practi-, .cal increase of acreage, but a detei mination on tho part of those to whom I spoke. And from tho geno ral impression gathered from this State, I think that a greater amount .of determination will be praoticed this year than ever before. "In Louisiana tho conditions are euch that no ono can predict just what the outcome may bo. For the first time last year the boll weevil got in his destructive work, and, with the bad season, Louisiana made practically no crop ; neither has she made any corn crop. "Tho price of cotton is unusually high. The prospeot before them of having to buy an entire year's sup ply, with the knowledge that their The Better Way The tissues of the throat are inflamed and irritated; you cough, and there is more irrita tion-more coughing. You take a cough mixture and it cases the irritation-for awhile. You take SCOTT'S EMULSION and it cures the cold. That's what is necessary. It soothes the throat because it reduces the irritation ; cures the cold because it drives out the inflammation ; builds up the weakened tissues because it nourishes them hack to their natural strength. That's how Scott's Emulsion deals with a sore throat, a cough, a cold, or bronchitis. WE'LL 8END YOU A SAMPLE iiui. SCOTT & BOWNE, 4*V^i\tr* Catarrh Cannot be Cared with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, aud acts directly on the blood and mucous surface?. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regu lar prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combiued with the best blood purifiers, acting direotly on the raucous surfacos. The perfect com bination of the two ingredients is what [iroduoos Buoh wonderful results in cui ng catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Prona., Toledo, O. Sold by druggist?, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. and will make corn, and on account o? the boll weevil, the disposition seems to be rather to increase their food supply orop. "These are the three States that I oovered in my absence and where I worked night and day. I lia - ^ot for one moment lost faith he movement, and in the ultimate vin dication of the stand that we have taken. Those who have spot cotton who have resolutely held it in the face of all organized effort to foroe them to sell at other than their fig ures, have a brighter prospect of vic tory to-day than ever before. "The ginners' report of linters, sea island cotton, the amount of cotton which should have been reported in last year's orop, and the difference in the weights of bales this year and last, all deduoted from the total, will make the orop practically 10,000,000 bales. With the world's consump tion requiring at least 12,000,000 bales cut of the present crop, hy the first day of September next the con dition of the spinners eau easily be figured out and the statistical report, of cotton easily appreciated. "The prospects are that we will begin the first of next year with practically the stock depleted, and if the farmers will but exercise good common sense and reduce their acre ago in cotton, increasing their food produots, there will be no need to length of time, because the world will be clamorous for it from the be ginning. "It has been ot great benefit to me to be able to point to South Carolina as standing wholly by her pledge. Il is no idle boast, nor is it said in the spirit of a boast, but rather to show the responsibility that is upon us, when I declare that the eyes of the other cotton growing States are upon us, and South Carolina this year will determine by what she does largely the fate of the Southern Cot ton Association. "Ono word before closing this in terview as to tho far-sightedness of some of our people. Because the mills had bought sufficient cotton to enable them to slay out of the mar ket for a short while the bears took advantage of this and began to ham mer prices. A great many became frightened and threw their cotton on the market. The speculators, realiz ing the strength of tho statistical position of cotton, bought tho sur plus, and from now on they will reap the reward of high prices instead of those whom it would most benefit. I "Surely after so many repeated 'essoiiH, tho peoplo of the South will learn their strength and not allow themselves to bo made servants of the gambling speculators. "We will celebrate another jubilee this year. I sincerely hope that as many will rejoice as did last year when we celebrated the 10-cent vic tory. "To all tho cotton growers of the State let mo make this plea : If you have not reduced your acreage, and if you have already prepared it for cotton, let mo beg you as a business proposition, as a good senRO proposi tion, to reduce your cotton acreage now, and increase your corn and food crops, Bupply yourselves with more hogs and cattle and reap tho reward of prosperity. "Hold your spot cotton !" Stomach nnrt Liver Trouble Cured. Orino Laxativo Fruit Syrup cures sto mach and livor I rouble, as it aids diges lion, and stimulates tho liver and bowels without irritating thoso organs like pills and ordinary cathartics. It oures indi gestion and sick headache and chronic constipation. Orino Laxativo Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripo and is mild and pleasant to take, ltofuso sub stitutes. Dr. J. W. Bell. Blood Flows Freely at Church Foslival. lanefield, W. Va., March 27. Bloodshed and death was the end ing of a social at tho Methodist Episcopal church at Coaldale, near hero, to-night. Ono man was killed instantly, his wife wa? disfigured by having part of her head torn away with a shotgun, and several others received serious bullet wounds. Tho tragedy grew out of bitter feeling between two factions striving for dominance in tho church. The man killed is Benjamin C'ipely, whilo his wifo, whose hoad was partly torn away, cannot recover. Mrs. It. II. Harpor was wounded in tho side and Henry Garden was shot in the log. Two unknown men, who lied after tho fight, woro also slightly woundod. There had boon ill fooling of long standing over the management of tho funds which had been raisod for tho erection of a now chu roh build ing. The dispute over tho money resulted io two factions which threatened to disorganize the con gregation. Many opposed the hold ing of a sooial to-night, fearing an outbreak. During the evening there was a clash between adherents of the rival factions, and it ia said that a blow was struck. Instantly guns were produced and shooting began. It is not certainly known who fired the first shot, but almost as soon as the shooting began Capely fell to the floor with a bullet in his heart; Mrs. Harper, Henry Qarden and two other men were shot within the next few minutes. It is believed that Mrs. Capely reoeived her wound as she stepped from the door of the building. There was a soene of wild disorder the moment revolvers began to oraok. Women and ohildren shrieked and rushed toward the exits. Mrs. Harper, Garden and James Hotten were plaoed under arrest pending a complete investigation by the authorities. You feel the life-giving current the minute you tako it. A gentle soothing warmth fills the nerves and blood with life. It's a real pleasure to take Hollis ter's Rooky Mountain Tea. 86 oents tea or tablets. Dr. J. W. Hell. Congressman Aiken Interviewed. Congressman Aiken spent a couple of hours in the city yesterday after noon. Mr. Aiken scoured a few days leave of absonce from his duties in Washington to visit his nome at Abbeville on private business. He has a non in school at Greenville, and decided to come by Anderson on his way to Greenville, and his many friends here were more than glad to seo bim. Mr. Aiken seemed in the best of health and was as jovial as of yore. The lifo in Washington is not telling on him. Naturally about the first question put to him by his friends was about the raco for Congress this summer, and what he thought of having Solicitor Bogga as an oppo nent. "Why, that is all right," he said, "I will be a candidato for ie-eleotion. Jule Bogga and myself are the best of friends, and I would bo very silly to object to him running for Con gress if he wants to do so. I will have to go all over the district this summer an/way, whether Bogga runs or not, and I will be very glad to have him go along and keep rae company. He is a nice fellow and I can enjoy myself with him. But of course I don't think ho stands a ghost of a chance of being elected." And Mr. Aiken smiled genially. "It's like this," said Mr. Aiken, "the of&OQ of Congressman belongs to the people. If they want me to continue to represent them I shall bc glad to do so, and if they want some one else I am ready to step down and out. I think, though, the peo ple have learned to set some store by the fact that length of service adds to efficiency, and that they will argue that ir they have a Congressman who is doing good service there will bc no need of a change. An inexperi enced mau is not worth much. At the samo time it is the duty of the people, if they find that they have an inefficient public servant, to make a change. It will bo up to thc people to decide this summer, and I am quite willing to go before the people and ask them to deoide it. I am not mad at my friend Bogga for running, and I don't want him to get mad when I keep him from getting the oilice."-Anderson Mail, March 30. A dose of Pino-ules at bed time will usually roliovo backache before morning. These beautiful lillie globules are soft. gelatino-coated and whoo moistonod and placod in tho mouth you can't koop from swallowing thom. Piuo-ulos contain neither sugar nor alcohol-just gums and rosins obtained from our own nativo pine forests, oombined with other well-known bladder, kiduoy, blood and backache remedies. Sold hy Dr. J. W. ?oil, Wal halla; W. J. Lunnoy, Sonooa. Two boys went to market with GO ducks. The larger boy took 30 of thc larurest ducks ?od sold them two for ?fri. The smaller boy took the remaining 30 ducks and sold them 3 for $1. They received for their ducks $25. When they got home they told their father they sold their ducks at the rate of five for $2 and gave him $24. Explain how it was possible for thc boys to make thc dollar by this transaction. Tho Original. Poley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, aud on account of thu groat merit ano popularity of Foloy's Honey and Tar many imitations aro offered for tho genu ino. These worthless imitations have similar sounding namos. Howaro of them. Tho genuino Foloy's Honey and Tar is in a yellow package. Ask for it ami i et use any Substitute. It ?S thu host remedy for coughs and colds. J,W.Bell. An Iowa editor has handed out; thc knocker a hard jolt in thc follow- j ing : "Tlie sorriest man on earth is tho follow who will Bit around ami . cuss his own town. If I lived astride of the North Pole I would call it homo and be ready to boost it up. If I could not say anything nice about it I would say that my icc bill didn't come high. I would not stay in a town I had to cuss, not while the world is aft big as it is now." For headache, constipation, etc., Dado's Little Livor Bills aro host. They cleanse and tonic tho liver. ->old by Dr. J. W. Boll, Walhalla; W. ?. Lunney, Sonooa. ERSB The Fertilizer for Big Crops with Less Acreage Fc^k er acres, lighter labor, larger yields-a happy combina ion secured with FARMERS' BONE, the fertilizer pr. ved perfect by twenty-one years of great crops from Sotvhern soil. Farmers' Bone is richest in balanced food for . very stage of plant growth from planting time till harvesting, a d is suited to a great diversity of crops, from cotton to corn, whe* t to small truck. Made witbi Rish Fish scrap is used in every ton of ? rmcrs' Bone, insuring nourishment under all crop conditions and making: '* famous as a crop saver. Look for thc Roystcr trade mark. HERE'S THE SALES RECORD THINK OP THE CROP 1 RECORD 1866-260 TON8 1890 I,SOO TONS !995-12,OOO TONS 1900-58,4.55 TONS 1905-130,091 TONS Sof?.c. F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO. Tarhoro, N. C. Macon, Ga. $ li li TILI I HRS! We still have between three and five hundred tons of all Grades of Fertilizers yet to dispose of. We have F. S. Royster's Standard Goods and Ar f mour's Blood and Tankage Goods, All kinds of Cotton Seed Meal and Chemical Mix tures. 13, 14 and 16 per cent. Acids. 8-4 and 10-4 Acids. DO SCOT FAIL TO HJSE UH IF YOU WAETO FER" TSMJOSMBm OH Sui?rmK?, FOE WE WILL SITE YOU MOJXEY* Garter & Co., Walhalla. Oconeo County Farmers' Union. Oconoo County Farmers' Iii.ion will moot at Oakway on Friday, April 0, at IO elclock, *?.. m. AP. local nuio&S arc requested to souri a full delegation and all brethren nro urgeti to bo prosont, lirothor li. F. Karlo, Stato organizer, and perhaps others from a distanco will bo with \is. Tho secretarios of local unions aro requested to collect all dues for tho first and second quarters, which will bo :50 cents each for thoso who have not paid tho first quarter. Local secretaries will retain one-third and turn tho ro maindor over to tho county secretary and treasurer on day of mooting. AM como, as there will bo somo important businoss to transaot, also delegates to elect to Stato mooting, which will moot at An dorson Court House on May 81, 1?XXI. J. li. rickett, President. A. II. Ellison, Secretary and Treasurer. A HAPPY HOME Is one where health abounds. With Impure blood there cannot be good health. With a disordered LIVER there cannot be good blood. Tint's Pills revivify the torpid LIVER and restore Its natural action. A healthy LIVER means pure blood.- ? Pure blood mean* health. Health means happiness. Take no Substitute. AH Druggist Kev. W. P. li. Kinard, of Green wood county, will begin a ten-days' meeting in Anderson on April 18th. Ile is a member of the M. E. Church, South, and Hov. Wm. Ii. Huff and Hov. "Hud" Robinson, of Texas, who will assist him, are members of that church also. It ?B probable that Evangelist II. G. Scudday will be present. The meetings will be held in a large tent. Tho gums and resins obtained from lino trees havo long boon recognized as ligbly beneficial in tho treatment of backache, kidney and bladder troubles. Pi ne-ules is thu name of a now modicino, the principal ingredients of which como from tito pino forests of our own untivo land. Sold by Dr. .J. \V. Bell, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. The Grand Army of the Republic is making a big fight on tho govern ment's proposition to reduce tho salaries of those who aro more than 66 years of age, and will separato from tho service in 1913 all who hove reached the ago of 70. The government's proposition is a good one, and it is hoped the G. A. R. will lose out. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought 6of^^E Verdict of Coroner's Jury. Bears the Signature "Very frequently," says a New York lawyer, according to Harper's Weekly, "there is an element of un conscious humor in the findings of a jury. To my mind, the best I ever hoard in this connetion was the ver dict brought in by a coroner's jury in Michigan, who were called upon to pass upon tho oase of a sudden death of a merchant in Lansing. The finding was as follows: "We, tho jury, find from the physician's statement that the deceased came to his death from heart failure, superin duced by business failure, which was caused by speculation failure, which was tho result of failure to seo far enough ahead*" Salve! Salvo!! Spread tho salvo, but lot it bo r 11 n s;il vc, nature's remedy for cuts, burns, sores, eto. Sold by J. W. Belli Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. The Columbia Knights of Pythias are making a hard fight to eooure tho proposed State Castle Hall. The scheme is to issuu sixty odd thousand dollars in bonds, thc rents keeping up the interest, have the Grana Lodge put up $10,000 and the Co lumbia Knights to furnish thc re mainder. It is not difilcult toreliove blind, blood ing, itohing or protruding pilos with Man/an, tho groat pilo romody. It is put up in collapsible tubes with nozzle, and may bo introduced and appliod at tho soat of tho troublo. Stops pain in stantly. Sold by Dr. J. W. Boll, Wal halla; W. J. Lunney, Sonooa.