CAROLINA TEA TABLETS. You Can Tako Your Cup ol Tea Around With f You in Your Pocket now. _ ? Tho State Bureau, 1417 ti Street N. W., Washington, January t. Dr. B. T. Galloway, chief of the Bureau of Plant Industry, gave mo a Christmas present yesterday. It is a little box of tableta. Thoy aro about tho size of gun wads and look some thing liko the ordinary "frog in your throat," which simple-minded people put toto their mouths with the idea that it will cure a hoarseness or tick ling in tho throat. But these tablets are neither gun wads nor "frogs in your throat." They aro toa tablets, .and they come from tho only tea producing State in tho Union, which is South Carolina. These are the only tea tablets ever made, these made at the Pinehurst toa farms in Summerville, S. C. It is a new in vention under the sun, and it enables ono to carry around in very email packages thc material for making gallons of the very best tea. I can take one of my little toa "frogs in your throat," drop it into a cup of hot water and in exactly four seconds have a delicious oup of tea, and South .Carolina tea at that. There arc "20 of these tablets in a box, good for '-') cups of tea, and the price of the box is 10 cents. A personfean go fishing, take one of these boxes in his vest pocket, make a lire, bent hot water in a tin cup or a camp kettle and make tea enough for a party of 20. Tho American army, I believe, does not drink toa to any great ex tent. Coffee with thc soldiers is thc favorite drink, as it is with so many people who are not in the army ; but toa is a good drink and is more popu lar to-day than it used to bc. Dr. ?Galloway thinks that this new inven tion of the tea tablet, allowing tea to Ibe carried in such a compact aud .convenient form, will induoe| the .army to usc it moro, instead of cof fee. The annual report of thc Bureau of ?Plant Industry will be issued in about two weeks, and in that, while there is only a short chapter on tea culture, thc tea farm at Summerville is reported as progressing with en couraging results. There is only one other tea farm in the country. That is in Texas, at Pierce, Wharton .county. This is not bearing yet, however, and South Carolina still enjoys tho distinction of being the only tea producing State. The Bureau of Plant Industry cooperates with Dr. Shepard, tho owner of the Pinehurst tea farm, and during the gathering season had Dr. Rodney II. True, of tho Bureau, stationed down there. Tho tea tablet is an invention of Dr. Shepard, but thc experiment is carefully watched by tho Bureau, and Dr. True, while primarily interested in tho culture of tho teaj|p)ai< has been much interested in this bcoause he greatly desires the commercial 8000688 of thc tea growing industry. There is no uso for him or any of tho others to devoto so much attention to tho study of the plant unless some .one demonstrates that it will be com mercially valuable to thc country. And this tea tablet is distinctly an .example of American commercial methods. It is what one might call a typical American stunt. The Chi nese will likely go on '2,000 years making tea, ana selling it, like they did before America was discovered. The Original. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, aud on account of tho great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations aro offered for the genuine. These worthless imitations hav . similar sounding names. Beware .of them. Tho genuine Foley's Honey ami Tar is in a yellow package. Ask for it and ref use any substitute. It is tho Jbost remedy for coughs and colds. J. W. Bell. Pension Notice. ? will bo in the Auditor's office each .Saturday in January, 1000, for tho pur pose of preparing applications for pen filOOS. Nono of those now on tho roll ed como, as their Dames remain on the roll unless tak on ott hy the Pension Hoard, un.l should this he done they will 4>e notified to moot tho hoard. Don't como any other day hut Saturdays, as 1 ..?ill not bo in tho office on any other ?Rays. 'Tbe County Pension Hoard will moot 'tho first Monday iu February, 1000, and pass on all tho applications propared and .'submitted to thom hy tho Pension Com missioner, approving or disapproving tho .sarao. Thoy will mcot again tho first Monday in March, 1000, at which timo they will examino and vorify tho lists submitted to thom hy tho Pension Cora* | 'og Caro on all Through Trains. Convenient Sobed ules < 1 all Local Trains. Winter Tourist Hatos aro iu w in EfToct to all Florida Point?. For full information as to ra w, routes, otc., consult nearest Souther. Railway Tl-jkot Agont, or R. W. Hu il Division Passenger AK it, (Hun les ton, 8 C., Brooks Morgai Assistant Genoral Passengor Ag at, Atlant- Qa. FOLEYSHONEY^IVR for chit drem na fe, ?ur*? No o plu Notice of Final Settlement a id Discharge. NOTICE is hereby given that the ui . dorsigned will make application t D. A. Smith, Esq., Judge of Probate foi Oconee County, in tho State of South Carolina, on MONDAY, 5th dav of Feb mary, 1000, at ll o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as said application can be board, for leave to mako final settlement of the estato of Geo. W. Symon, deceaaod, and for a dual dis charge as Executor of said ostato. R. L. SYMES, Qualified Executor of tho Estato of Goo. W. Svmos, deceased. January 3, 1000. 1-4 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. -NOTICK is hereby given that tho undersigned will make application to D. A. Smith, Esq., Judgo of Probato for Oconeo county, in tho Stato of South Carolina, on Saturday, '20th day of January, 1000, at ll o'clock, in tho forenoon, or as soon thereafter as said application eau bo hoard, for loave to make final settlement of tho estato of John ll Mot i ii flin, deceased, and for a final discharge as Administrator of said estate. J. S. KINO, Qualified Administrator of the Personal Estate of John H. McGuffin, docoasod. December 20, 1005. 51-3 FOLEYSHONEYAN^TAR ?tops ttl? courihand heals lun^i Summons for Relief. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF OCONKE. In tho Court of Common 1 Meas. Norton Cox, Plaintiff, against Walter Lumpkin. Hettie Lumpkin aud charlie c. Lumpkin, Defendants. Summons/or lidio/-Complaint Screed To the D?tendants abovo named : You aro hereby summoned and re quired to answer tho complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to sorvo a copy of your answer to tho said complaint on tho subscriber nt his oflico, on tho Public Squaro, at Walhalla Court House, South Carolina, within twenty days after tho sorvico hereof, exclusive of tho day of such sorvico; aud if you fail to answer tho complaint within thc timo aforesaid, tho Plaintiff in this action will apply to tho Court for the roliof demanded in tho complaint. Dated Docombor 28th, A. D. 1005. IL. S.] C. R. D. BURNS, C. C. P. R. T. JAYNES, Plaintiff's Attornoy. To tho Defendants Abovo Namod: Please take notice that the Summons and Complaint in tho abovo entitled ac tion wore hied in the oflico of tho Clerk of Court of Common Pleas of Oconee county on the 20th day of December, 1005 j that tho object of this action is the partition of tho real ostato described in tho complaint among tho partios to this action as tenants in common according to deir rospoctivo legal rights, or for tho Balo .hereof and division of tho proceods of sale among said parties according to thoir logal rights; for such further roliof as may seom moot and proper. R. T. JAYNES, Plaintiff's Attornoy. January 3, 1000. 1-0 FOR CHEAP RATES TO TEXAS, ARKANSAS, LOUISIANA, OKLAHOMA, INDIAN TERRITORY, CALIFORNIA, COLORADO, UTAH, WYOMING, OREGON, MONTANA, WASHINGTON, and Other Point* West, Northwest and Southwest, Writ? or Call on J. G. HOLLENBBOK. District Passenger Agi. LOUISVILLE &. NASHVILLE R. R. No. 1 North Pryor BL, Orvpoiit* Union Depot, Atlanta, Ga. Thc new Laxative that does not ?ripe or nauseate. | Pleasant to take. *<* lumber MATEI Doors, Sash, Blinc Tile Hearths and 1 Description. Lime, Cei Devo9's Paint, tl everything for the "buili W. L DE. D. P. X>entist? Walhalla, S. C Ofllce Over C. W. Pitchford Co.'s Store. Phone No. 36. Wu. J. STRIBLING. y { E. L, HBRNDON. STRiBLING & HERNDON, Attorneys-At-Law, WALHALLA, 8. C. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO AXL BUBI NKSH ENTRUSTED TO THEM. Jauuarv 0. 1898. COOK STOVES, RANGES, H EATING STOVES FULL LINE OF TINWARE, BICYCLES AND SUPPLIES. J OOFING, EAVE TROUGH AND ALi i KINDS OF TIN AND SHEET IL >N WORK MADE TO ORDER. Typewriters, Sewing Machines, Guns. Revolver and Bioyoles oloauod aud repaired. All wor. iouo on short notice and guaranteed. 13. 8. L.OOK. Notice of Final s ttlement and Dise?ar^ NOTICE is hoi oby gi von 'hat tho un dersigned will mnko application to D. A. Smith, Esq., J migo of Probate for Oconee County, in tho State of South Carolina, at his offlco at Walhalla Court House, on SATURDAY, tho 3d day of February, WOO, at ll o'clock in tho foro noon, or as soon thereafter as said appli cation eau be hoard, for leave to mako liual sottlomont of tho estato of John H. Keil, Sr., docoasod, and obtain dual dischargo as F.xccutor of said estate. JOHN H. KEIL. JR., Executor of tho last Will and Testament of Johu IL Koil, Sr., deceased. Jauuarv ?J, IMO. 1-4 \ Investment ? Bargains! Now is tho chanco to buy a farm of 42 acnes in Walhalla, only five blocks from tho Court House, two aeres of which, facing on Main stroot, has a brick dwell ing and largo wooden storo room. Tho 40 aeres in tho back lu? stroot all round it and is suitable for farming, factory site, or can bo cut up in town lots and sold at good prices. If you want a bargain buy this. One-half aero lot oornor of Main and Collogo streets, has good storo room and dwelling adjoining, only ono block from depot and two blocks of Court House. The rent this place is now bringing will pay you more than eight por cent on your money invested. I offer for sale R. L. Duffle's house in Westminster, S. C., one aore lot with pretty cottago of six rooms, on ono of tho main rosidenco streets. If sold at once can be bought at a bargain. For prices and terms apply to J. H. Darby, Real Estate Broker. Office : People's Bank. I AM DETERMI* LIVERY E GRIND axative Fruit Syro For Sale by J. W. Bell, and 1 HAL OF ALL ls, Mantels from $1 to a $4( racings, Columns Turned ar nent, Plaster Paris, etc. ie Fewer G-allons, Wears 1er. Send us your orders. Yours for Business, . BRISSEY, T -Dentist Office two doors above the Hank, In Carter's Pharmacy. * Westminster, S. C. -fefr.. J. H. MOORE. M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Calls left at residenoe or J. H. Darby's Drug Store will receive prompt attention, DAY OR NIGHT. Phones t Residence 98? Drug Store 18.1 12-3-04 7 DR. J. H. BURGESS, Dentist, SENECA, S. C. OFFICE OVEH NIMMONS' STORE, DO VI.? BUILDING. Offlco Mourn: 0 A. M. to 1 P. M. " " 2 Pa M. tO 0 P. M. April 20, 1004. 16-tf Dr, W. F, Austin, SENECA,.S. C. Office Over J. W. Byrd it Co. I AM NOW IN MY OFFICE FIVER Y DA F. PHONE NO. 51. J. P. Caroy, I J. W. Sholor, Pickous, S. C. I Wal bulla, S. C. CAREY"&_SiiELOR, Attorneys and Counsellors, Walhalla, s. C. Will practico iu tho Stato and United States Courts. Busiiic88 entrusted to our caro will re ?oive prompt and careful attention. ^TTJTV:N?S7 Attorney-at-Law, WALHALLA, - - S. C. Bell Phone No. 20. Practice in Stato and Federal Courts, Business cut rust eil to my caro receives prompt attontiou. 1-05 SAW MILLS. LIGHT, MEDIUM AND HEAVY W00D.W0RK1NG MACHINERY FOR EVERY KIND OF WORK ENGINES AND BOILERS AND SIZES AND FOR EVERY CLASS OF SERVICE. ASK POR OUR ESTIMATE BEFORE PLACIN0 YOUR ORDER. ?GIBBES MACHINERY COMPANY COLUMBIA, S. C. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cures Colds, Croup ami Whooping Cough. IED TO DO THE BUSINESS for this community. Come on and get your teams. Hauling Teams, Single and Double Buggy Teams and Saddle Horses, Always on hand. Prompt and polito sorvico at reasona ble prices. 'Teams sent out at any hour, day or night. Phono 10 or ll for quick foams. C. R. li Ol ( I! I NS, Walhalla, S. C. Cures Stomach and Liver trouble and P Chronic Constipation. Suilding KINDS. ) Cabinet. Ld Scroll Work of every Longer kind. In fact. HE LUMBERMAN, ANDERSON, S. O.