Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, December 20, 1905, Image 1

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TO THINE OWN SELF HE TRUE AND IT MUST FOLLOW AS THE NIGHT THE DAY, THOU CAN'ST NOT THEN DE FALSE TO ANY MAN. WALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA, DECEMBER 20, 1905. NEW SERIES, NO. 400.-VOLUME LV.-NO. 51. Special Cut In L 0 T H I N FROM NOW TO XflAS. Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits are included in this cut. We want to dump off as much of our Clothing as possible before taking stock Christ mas. Wc have had a big Clothing business this Fall and have accumu lated a lot of Odds and Ends which we will close out regardless of Cost We are going to make this Thursday, Friday and Saturday the three biggest Clothing Sale Days we have ever had. If you want a Suit, take a look. i C. W. & J. E. BAUKNIGHT. IT PAYS TO BUY FOR CASH. Mk Money Given Away Mr. Henry C. Walker, who lives on the Townville road, is the lucky man who held the key which unlocked the box con taining *20.00 at Lunney's. Mr. Walker came in before I could put a notice in the paper, so will request all who have keys to please return them as I wish to try it again. 'a The JDrng-gfist, Yellow Front. f # w w w w w w # THE LAST CHANCE I have some Fine Christmas Goods that I have decided to move before December 23d. I must havo room for Fancy Orocorics, and in order to movo thom tho pricos will bo cut on TOYS, SILVERWARE, ?OLD MOUNTED GOODS AND GUNS. Como, look, and I nm sure you will buy some thing. Finest lino of Vasos ovor Bhown in Soneca. Romcmbor tho place-MOORE'S-^-botwoen tho two hotels. 5! Yours for a square deal, LUTHER A. MOORE SENECA, S. C. Things You Want. Road and Then Ask the Advertisers to | S li on You the Ciioods. -Call to soe my jewelry, vases, china ware, fountain pons, dolls and toys. Boll's Drug Store. -Gold and silver watches at J. A. Brock's, Soneca. Largest and host lino Of watches ever shown in ( harnee count v. Prices always right. 61 -Full lino of china at J. A. Brock's, Citizens' Bank building. Seneca. 61 -Repairing of jewelry a specialty at | J. A. Brock's, Seneca. 51 -A big lino of pictures to suit evory-1 body at Boll's. -J. A. Brock, Soneca, is doing a timo I business on clocks, watches, otc. Talk wit li him. They make nice presents. 51 -Full lino of toilot and manicure sots, brushes, combs, etc., at J. A. Brook's, Citizens' Bank building, Seneca. 51 -Don't fail to buy your diamonds, rings, fine jewelry, etc., from J. A. Brock, Seneca. Give the girls a ring. 51 -Don't fail to call on J. A. Brook, Soneca, and seo his big line of jewelry of every description, fine ohina, etc. 51 -All kinds of post cards, post oard al bums, fanoy box stationery, elogant gift j books found at Bell's. -Fine line perfumery to go at a reduc tion. Walhalla Drug Co. tf The Sago of Tugaloo Writes. Tugaloo, December 18.-Wo aro having a lot of cold, cloudy weather, notwith standing Grier predicts fair woathor. lt reminds mc of a story I heard on Grier. Ile was riding ona road in Georgia a warm, olear day. He met an old darkey and asked him when it was going to rain? I The negro replied that it was going to rain right oft. There was no sign of rain, but it clouded suddenly and poured down. Grier turned back, mot tue old darkey and asked him how he know it | was going to raiu? Woll, says the dar koy, I read a littlo and I read whore old Grier said it was going to bo fair and den I knowed it was going to rain, for old Grior is inst tho bigest liar in Georgy. Well backbone, spareribs, sausago, chittoi lings and souse aro ripe. P.S.- ] And fatty broad, too. Wishing for our R. F. I), mon a kind remembrance by all their patrons, and al most delightful Xmas and happy now year for Tho Courier force, from tho devil up to tho editors, I am as ever affectionately, i" No Opium in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There is not tho least danger in giving j Chamberlain's Cough Fomody to small children, as it contains no opium or other harmful drug. It has an established reputation of moro than thirty years as tho most successful medicino in uso for colds, croup and whooping-cough. It always cures and is pleasant to tnko. Children like it. Sold by J. W. Boll, Walhalla; W. J. Dunnoy, Seneca. Work ol Hoods in Russia. Berlin, December 10.-Dispatchos havo boon brought by represe1 tativos from tho frontier of tho Bait! Provinces of Russia stating that tho rebels had dyna mited a military train carrying troops I from Riga to Grol. Over 200 Cossacks woro killed outright and 400 others terri bly injured, their bodies, in many in stances, being bur. \y mutilated. A F AMINS AT ODK8HA. Odessa, December 18.-Terror reigns in this city and famine overspreads all tho country districts. Tho situation in Southern Russia can best be described in thoso words. Any moment anarchy threatens to hreak through tho restraints placed upon it sinoe tho recent massacre and gain completo mastery of tho city. In tho meanwhile the famine is driving the peasants into the city by thousands, thus adding to the dissatisfied element. Grave | fears are entertained for the future. Mrs. Krank .lames,of Greenville county, was brutally assaulted Monday evening at dusk by Andrew Thompson, colored. Thompson has been o&ptnred and lodged in jail. A posse was quickly organized and the negro would have been lynched but for tho vigilance of the conatablo. Tho woman is of an estimablo family. NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER. Westminster, December 18.-Mrs. O. M. Parrish of Al bous, Ou., speut last Sabbath in Westminster with friends. Mrs. ?. G. Pt ?ore is visiting hei mother, Mrs. Dickson, in Hartwell. Miss Louise Hre.i/.e.ile, who is attend ing Lim est one College, is at home for the holiday? The Westminster Lodge No. 200 A. F. M., of Westminster, have elected the fol lowing ofloere for the coming year: C. M. Walker, W. M. ; C. E. Cray, S> W. ; I. 8. Pitts, J. W.; J. L. Dorn, Treasurer; J T. Carver, Seoretary; T. L. O'Kelley, Tyler; T. W. Holley, 8. D.; J. A. Knox, J. D.; K. O. Singleton and H. A. C. (?olden, Stewards. Kev. J. E. MoManaway, a former pas tor of the Baptist church, was in town last week. Mr. MoManaway now lives in Greomyfil?. He is just recovering from a serious spell of sicknoss. Mrs. Dr. D. P. Ord way and sister, Miss Jessie Barrett, of Camdon, Maine, ar rived last week and will spond the winter with their father, W. M. Barrett, of tho Hopewell section. * J. 8. Carter is building a pretty cottage near thc Baptist church. It will be occu pied by Keels Marett. Westminster Camp Woodmen of the World have elected the following officers to servo for 1000: C. H. Miller, Council Commander; I. S. Pitts, Advisory Lieu tenant; W. S. Ilaloy, Esoort: J. S. Carter, Banker; W. A. Dickson, Clerk; F. W. Cannon, Watchman; M. A. Terrell, Secretary; C. M. Walker, Medical Ex aminer. Managers: . P. McDonald, T. N. Hall and J. D. Poore. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gray were in Charleston last woek. Mr. Gray attended tho annual mooting of tho Grand Lodge, A. F. M. Miss Jessie C. Jenkins has returned home after spondlng two weeks with her friend, Miss Nina Todd, of Anderson. ReV. J- J. Harrell, pastor of the Pres byterian church, will preach a sermon for tho children next Sunday. Every body cordially invited. A. L. Gossott. -Fine lino jowelry for Christmas and birthday gifts. Walhalla Drug Co. tf The Cotton Association to Meet. Owing to severe weather and high waters the Oconeo Cotton Association failed to bavo a quorum on the 0th. Therefore the County Association ia horoby called to meet at Seneoa on Fri day, 22d of December, at ll o'clock a. m., for the purpose of elocting officers for the coning year and to elect delegatos to the State Association; also other very important matters to be considered. AU delegates and all other citizens in sym pathy with the Cotton Association come and meet with us. J. P. Stribling, President. A. H. Ellison, Secretary. Forions Fighting. "For seven years," writes Geo. W. Hoffman, of Harper, Wash., "1 had a bitter battle with chronic stomach and livor trouble, but at last I won, and cured my disoases, by tho uso of Electric Bitters. I unhesitatingly recommend them to all, and don't intend iu the future to be without them in tho house. They aro certainly a wonderful modicino, to have cured such a bad caso as mino." Sold, under guarantee to do the same for you, by all druggists, at SOc. a bottle. Try them to-day. Townville Topics. Townville, December 18.-Mr. and Mrs. Luke MoCarloy, from Anderson, visited relatives hero Sunday. Miss Alice Smith visited relatives at Fair Play Sunday. Miss Uiloy, who is teaching tho Doublo Springs school, spent Sunday with Prof. and Mrs. Kiley. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Dickson, of West minster, woro tho guests of W. N. Wool bright Suuday. J. D. Gill and J. C. Spears havo gone to Starr in tho interest of tho Standard Sewing Machine Company. Jamos McCarloy bas boen sick tho past week. Winhold Sharp spout Saturday and Sunday with his undo, J. P. Ledhottor. He returned to Rivoli Sunday, accom panied by Miss Ovalino. Mrs. Faunie Baldwin was buried at the Baptist enure ii last Tuesday. Mrs. Jamos Barton died at hor home near Broylos on Saturday. Mrs. Barton loaves a sister, Mrs. J. A. Wooton, two brothers, Dock Wright, of Soueca, and Tom Wright, of Indiana; a husband and children. Funoral sorvicos wore con ducted by Rov. W. B. Hawkins Sunday afternoon at Oakdale. L. n. c. In Praise of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Thoro ia no othor modicino manufac tured that has received SO much pi and so many expressions of gratitudo as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is offectivo, and prompt roliof follows its uso. Grateful parents ovorywhore do not 1 'tato to i e.-, i ,i y to its morita for tho benefit of others. It is a certain euro for croup and will provont tho at tack If given at tho first appoaranco of tho disease. It is especially adapted to children, as it is pleasant to take and contains nothing injurious.' E. A. Humphreys, a well known resident and dork in the store of E. Look, of Alice, Cape Colony, South Africa, says: "l havo used Chamberlain's Cough Romedy to ward off oroup and colds In my family. I found it to be vory satisfactory and it gives rae pleasure to recommend it." For sale by J. W. Boll, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. R. H. Todd pies'at Wllllngslon. Willingston, 8. C., December 19.-R. H. Todd died at Willingston, Anderson county, yesterday. He leaves a wife and ono child, father and brother and a host of friends to mourn his death. Ho spent his last days in serving the Lord, and at last went home to spond eternity with God and His angels. W. H. Rooso. THE NEWS FROM SENECA. Seneca, December 18.-There will be preaching in the Baptist church next Sabbath if the pastor, Rev. C. Wardlaw, continues to improve. Thore will bo no services In the Presbyterian ohurohos. On last Sabbath, immediately after services in tho Presbyterian ohurcb, a congregational meeting was held, at whiob a full report of the ftuauolal con dition of the church was made by the treasurer, W. S. Hunter. Tho report was a Hattonng ono and highly gratifying to the large, enthusiastic congregation pres ent. Seneca is unique in tho fact that it is the only town in our part of the coun try, possibly the only ono this side of the Mississippi river,' which has a wo man on its board of aldermen. We should probably also Include Berry and the mule. This reminds us of the fear ful condition of om street crossings dur ing the recent rains. We oall the atten tion of the council to this faot, unless it oan furnish Sir Walter Raleigh at ali of thom, as was uoted in one instance last week. It cannot bo said of the street lamp at the Presbyterian church that it is "as a city set on an hill." Deens alias Chastaiu, originally from Piokens county, who deserted from the United states Navy about two years ago, was arrested hore last week by tho Chief of Police, J. P. Griffin. The prisoner is OOnfined here awaitiug orders for trans portation. Mrs. J. M. Hunnioutt, who but re cently moved into Seneca, diod nt ber home here last night. The sympathies of the community are extended" to the dis tressed family. Our local physicians are battling with la grippe, some oases of whiob are seri ously complicated. M i ss Addie Bryson, the trained nurse from Spart anhui g, who caine hore to nurse little Robert MoWbortor, is seri ously sick with grip and pneumonia. She has with her Miss Lidio Blakeley. Our thoatro goers, prominent among thom tho faithful beaux, are enjoying a well deserved rest. Wp aro assured that there will bo a wedding during the holidays that will astonish the natives. On next Monday, December 25th, at high noon, Miss Carrie Harper, the third daughter of -Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Harper, will be married to Henry Chook, all of this place. The popular young couple will leave immediately for a bridal tour through Florida, after whiob they will be at homo to their friouds hore. Tho mar riage will be a quiet home affair, only the immediate families being present. Miss Leah Harper is at home from Limestone College to attend the wedding of her sister. M i ss Pearl Whitmire visited Mrs. T. M. Lowery foi a few hours ono day last week on her way to Atlanta. Miss Lula Gignilliat is on an extended visit to Columbia and other points in the central portion of the State, and will ro main away through tho holidays. Miss Eileen Jones, of Anderson, will spend to-morrow with Miss Willie Cherry. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Benedict are in Seneca again to the groat pleasure of their many friends here. Mrs. G. C. Benodiot and children are visiting in Nashville, whero they will spend the holidays. Jack Strihling returned to Roswell yesterday, after a year's stay in Ooonee. S. Y. Strihling, of Roswell, is in Se neca. Miss Sallio Poid Ramsay, of Toccoa. will visit Miss stella Finoannon Xmas for, a fow days, af tor which they will go to Anderson for a visit. Miss Nina Gignilliatt, of Marietta, Ga., will spend the holidays with the family of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Gignilliat. Chris Lowery is boro for the holidays. Mrs. J. F. Burgoss will spend tho holi days at her old homo in Aiken. Miss Sue Gignilliat, Ethel Kirkpatrick and May Hamilton will reach Sonoca Friday from tho College for Women, in Columbia, and will romain with their homofolks through tho holidays. Miss .lessio Wardlaw is at homo for the Xmas season. Later-The town council, at this writ ing, is giving attontiou to tho crossings. They must havo t bought wo were com ing to town. Geno Lewis's friends hopo to have him at home for Xmas. Mr. Holt, of North Carolina, a brother of Mrs. M. lt. Kirkpatrick, will spend Christmas with Rev. and Mrs. Kirkpat rick's family. Tho following letter from far-off Now York oxplains itself and wo beg the par don of a patient. long-8tifforing public for asking its reproduction hero, and thus eclipsing tho former glory of tho dear old Courier and its force of corres pondents: "It is truly discouraging, aftor labor ing to give tho town nows in our weekly letters, to have a friend ask us about a piece of nows contained in our last lot ter. But then hero como messages from far-off Texas, Atlanta. Savannah, etc., saying that tho Sonoca lotter is tho first road, and wo aro comfortod. Yes, 'a pi ophel is not without honor save in his own country and among his own peo ple' " "M. V. S.," Keoweo Courier, Soneca, S. C.-My Doar Mrs. Strihling: Regard ing the above clipping, which no doubt you will recognize as from one of your news lot toi s to The Courier somo time ago, I would Bay that that portion of The Courier is considered the best, most im portant and is the first read part in the fiaper also in New York State as well as n Texas, etc. I make the above state ment that you may be further "com forted" with tho thought that the Seneca letter is road from New York to Texas, inclusive. Thanking you for the news contained therein, I wish to be still considered, Sincerely, A Seneca (S. C.) Boy. Wayman A. Holland, Jr., I 037 Terrace Place, Schenectady, N. Y. \ -There will be nothing nioer for you to give your mother or faitber than a pair of gold-rimmed eye glasses. You can got them from J. A. Brook, Seneoa. A MATTER OF HEALTH POWDER Absolutely Pure HAS NO SUBSTITUTE A Cream of Tartar Powder, free from alum or phos phatlo acid ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK.. Methodist Appointments Made. Spart anim vg, 8. C., December 18. Bishop Candlor announced the appoint ments of tho Methodist preachers of the South Carolina Conference for next year as follows, two new districts being created : ANDKIISON DISTRICT. R. Herbert JOHOB, Presiding Kider. Anderson, St. John-R. S. Truesdalo. Anderson, West End-W. K. Wiggins. Anderson, Orrvillo-S. T. Creooh. Antri'villr-C. L. McCain. Donalds-J. E. Beard. Lowndosville-R. W. Barbor. McCormick-J. K. McCain. Mt. Carmel-R. C. Bonlware. Polzor-G. E. Edwards. Pendleton-S. W. Henry. Starr-J. W. Bailey. Seneoa Cirouit-O. M. Abnoy. Townville-D. A. Lewis. Walhalla-E. S. Jones. Westminster-G. T. Harmon, Jr. Williamston Circuit-To bo supplied. Williamston and Belton-J. W. Elkins. GREENVILLE IIISTKIOT. E. P. Taylor, Presiding Elder. Clinton-W. H. Hodges. Easley Circuit-R. M. Hulloso. Fountain Inn-D. P. Boyd. Greenville, Buncombe St.-W\ M. Dun oan. Greenville, St. Paul-W. L. Wiggins. Greenville, Hampton Avenue-A. E. Driggers. Greenville Mills-N. G. Ballongor and R. R. Doyle. Greenville Cirouit-D. D. Jones. Greer-C. B. Burns. Laurens, First Church-M. W. nook. Laurens Cirouit-To be supplied by W. C. Kolloy. North Laurens-J. F. Anderson. North Plokous-J. P. Allaway. Pickons-R. F. Bryant. Piedmont-S. T. Blackman. Traveller's Rest-To be supplied by A. A. Merritt. j j "Victor and Batosvillo-J. G. Duggin. OTU Kit PREACHERS AND DISTRICTS. G. F. Clarkson-Black Swamp, Char leston district Columbia, Granby-J. I. Spinks. Marlboro-J. L. Mullinix. Walterboro-J. L. Daniel. Brownsville-W. M. Harden, Marion district. Bucksvillo-H. L. Singleton, Marion distriot. CadcB-J. A. White, North Charleston district. Gallivant-J. N. Wright, Marlon dis trict. Columbia was ohoson as tho place for the meeting of tho annual conference in 1000. The names of tho two now districts oloventh and t wolf th-aro Anderson and North Charleston. Tho report of the joint board of finance was submitted in due order and was ono of the most important of tho day and ombodiod tho following facts and figures, showing amounts collected by the con ference for various purposes: Bishops salarios, not, $2,285.22; conforonco claim ant*, not, $10.001.30; foreign missions, $17,383.03; domestic missions, $14,482.17; church extension, net, $4,818.50. Tho statistical report, which was made, showed 81,455 members, 1,520additions; 28 Epworth leagues with 2,285 mombors; 702 Sunday schools, 4,820 teachers and 44,007 scholars. Amount needed for superannuated preachers, $12,000; collected. $0,800.48. Amount raised for Bi bio Hooiety, $72.80; preachers' salaries, $154,038.52: number of societies, 700; number or h.?uses of worship, 702; value,$1,'?40,953; debt?, $37,202.25. Educational statistics: Wofford Col lege, valuo, $205,000; endowmont, $83,000; 240 students. Lander College, value, $57,000; 15 teachers; 178pupils. Colum bia Fomale College, valuo, $200,000; 257 pupils; 22 professors. A Wonderful Saving. Tho largest Methodist ohuroh in Geor gia calculated to use over ono bund rod gallons of the usual kind of mixed paint in painting their church. They used only 32 gallons of the Long man A Martinez L. A M. Paint mixod with twenty-four gallons of linseed oil. Actual oost of paint made was less than $1.20 per gallon. Saved over eighty ($80) dollars In paint and got a big donation besidos. EVERY CHURCH will be given a libe ral quantity whenever they paint. Many houses are well painted with four gallons of L. A M. and three gallons of linseed oil mixed therewith. Wears.and oovors like gold. Those celebrated paints are sold by THE CARTER HARDWARE CO., 50 51 Walhalla, S. C.