Charit? Wesley. Charles Wesley, one hundred and twenty-one of whose songs are sent forth anew in the Methodist Hymnal, was perhaps the most winuing per sonality of all that gifted family. A writer in the London Wesleyan Magazine gives some traditions of I bis daily lifo and its association with Marylebone church, whero he now lies buried. When in middle life he felt the call to leave Bristol and take up mission work in tho city of Lon don, he and his boloved wife wore much troubled for want of a IIOUBO to live in. They at last betook thom Helves to prayer. Tho answer to that prayer is one of the romances of Methodism. It came in the shape of a letter from a rich widow who offered them her house in Maryle bone to be used as their own. With his devoted wife, Sarah, and his two little sons settled in this borne, Wesley used to ride about tho lanes of the village (as it was then) on a plump gray pony, busy with his mission work and composing his famous hymns as he rode. He was so absent-minded that be was likely to cut bis best friends when they met him. Tho sight of bis rosy, hand some face and his stout figure, clad in the blue coat which had served him many years, was a signal for those, who knew bim best to run out and forcibly seize his bridle, and thus insure the merry, fatherly greet ing which ho was ready to give once his attention was arrested. When a special inspiration came to bim during one of bis rides, be would drop the reins, place Iiis hands on his hips and, turning Iiis blue eyes to heaven, become oblivious to all around him, bis pony following meanwhile its own will. If one spoke to bim lu* did not heed, but looked blankly at the speaker and rode on. If he came to a house he would suddenly dismount, tie his [pony to the railings, and, entering, whether he knew tho people or not, violently demand paper and pon to ?et down his precious thoughts. When this was done he would awake to oon8oiousness of his surroundings and, turning, would say, "Peace to Ibis house," so sweetly that all hearts were won and all breaches of eti quette forgotten. In spite of his seeming dissent, be carno to bo one of the beloved celebri ties of thc plaee, as be spent his busy life in mission work, preaching in tho open air, and singing bis own hymns in bis sweet baritone voice on thc streets at the outdoor services. ?li? personality was extremely at tractive. Ile was larger, stouter, more genial than bis brother, .lohn, but with the same handsome, clear cut features. His wife and children adored him and thought nothing too bard to do for bim or to bear from him. Tho rector of Marylebone himself was quito won by tho charm of tho "Methodist11 preacher, and caroo to visit him constantly. In deed, tho delightful musical even ings at tho Wesley home drew many visitors. The two talented little BOUS, Charles and Samuel, played .exquisitely upon Handel's own bar)) You Must Sleep. If yon cannot, it is due to an irritated or congested state of the brain, which will soon dc vcl?pe into nervous prostration. Nature demands sleep, and it is as important as food; it is a part of lier building and sustaining process. This period of unconsciousness relaxes thc Illental and physical strain, and allows nature to restore ex hausted vitality. Dr. Miles' Nervine brings refreshing sleep, because it .soothes the irritation and re liiovcs thc congestion. It is also a nerve builder; it nourishes and strengthens ev ery nerve in your body, and creates energy in all the Organs? Kothing will give strength nnd vitality as surely and Quickly as Dr. Miles' Nervine. "During tho nnst. winter I l ml two ttttnoka of LnOrlppo which I- ft mo very weak, nnd in brid condition, I waa ED m rvous I could not Bleep. My .wife, nftor trying different remedios, .wont fer a doctor. Tho doctor was .out, nnd n nolghbor recommended i>r. JUilc?' Nervine, nnd plie brought homo ? bottle. I linn not slept for some timo, find bad forrlblo pains In my hoad, .After taking ti tow doses of Nervino the pain vas not SO severe, and I niept. I nm now taking tho second Ijottic. n.Hl nm v. rv much Improved." HBNR? M. SMITH, Underbill, Vt. Dr. Milos' Nervine ls sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the firstliottfo will benefit. If lt falls, ho %wlll refund your money. JVlilcs Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind B?ohord, which bad been given to j them, and Mrs. Wesley was also an excellent musician. It was In the ohurohyard at Mary lebone that the sluger was buried by his own wish when he died, at eighty years of age. A grave had already been provided for bim in City Hoad Chapel, but he chose rather to lie at | the feet of the ehuroh that he bad loved, although she had spurned his I offices aud despised bis services. His memory brings now hundreds every year to visit the prim little church whoso only hold on fame is that there rests the dust of a true poet and a great Christian.-Nashville Christian Advooate. No Case ol Pneumonia on Record. Wo do not know of a singlo instance I whoro a cough or cold resulted in pnou monia or consumption whon Foley's Honey and Tar had boon taken. It cures coughs and colds perfect iy, so do not take chances with some unknown prepa ration which may contain opiatos, which causo constipation, a condition that re tards rocovory from a cold. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse auy substituto o ff o rod. J. W. Boll. Must Have Smoked the Key. A short time ago a man went home the worse for drink. On arriving at his house he tried to unlock the door, but could not get the supposed key into the lock. A man who happened to be passing at the time noticed him fumbling at tho door and asked bim wdiat ho was doing. Ho re plied : "Why, trying to unlock tho door. I want to get in." "Why, man," said thc other, "do you know you're trying to unlock it with a cigarette ? "Am I ? Then, by gosh ! I must have smoked the key !" Boars the {Signature of This Yoar's Corn Crop. Tho value of the yield of corn for 1005 I is shown by tho Intov-Occan in tho fol lowing comparisons: "At an average of ' 60 couts a bushel-and corn is well above I that prico in tho Chicago markot-the I corn crop will bo worth $l,:l 12,500,000. I On September 1 our National debt, in ! eluding all outstanding greenbacks, was $1,283,121,080. So with our corn crop wo could pay oil* tho entire National debt, and redeem every greenback in gobi, and j still have nearly $30,000,000 left to cele brate tho feat. Wo could, from our corn crop alone, and if there were any reason for so doing, give every man, woman and child of tho 80,000,000 people in this na tion, over $lii cacti to buy a Thanksgiv ing dinner. Wo could with our corn I cop pay off overy bond and redeem every share of tho United States Steel corporation, make tho shareholders for? 1 get that dividends wore over passed and ; have ovor $400,000,000 left for tho relief i of other trusts. We could with our corn crop pay rho hoirs of overy Equitable policy-holder tho faco of his policy with j out waiting for bim to die and without touching tho company's assets at all." 1 The Inter-Ocean concludes. "Wo could play all sorts of tricks with our corn crop, so enormous and so valuable is it. And yet this is only one of our crops. When WO consider it and the others we may well rejoice and thank Cod for our goodly heritage." OASTOniA. Boars the The Kimi You Hara Always Bought THE NEWS IN BRIEF FORM. The corner-stone of the imposing monument to Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States, was laid in Richmond, Va., last Wednesday under the auspices of the Daughters of tho Confederacy, lt will cost, when finished, over $100,000, The news from Russia is sickening. Thousands of people are being murdered on tho streets of the cities, and thc authorities seem powerless to restrain the atrocities that are being perpetrated upon oven the helpless women and chil dren. The .lews seem to sutler most, an insane hatred against them being on tor t.lined by the bigotte?! religious fanatics of that OOUOtry who call themselves Christians, hut might WOll be termed "ikon-oclnsts." Senator Clay, of Georgia, is rpm tod as saying that it looks to him as if, when tho ?tillie OOmOS for discussing the f kidney disease disappeared, I am glad to say tuet 1 have never had a re turn of any of those symptoms during thu four years that have elapsed and 1 am evidently cured to stay cured, and heartily recommend Foley's Kidney (Uno to any one suffering from kidney or blad der troublo." J. W. Boll. Santa Claus Given a Lift. lt doesn't require much trouble to pack up the dispensary stock after a county voles out the institution. OCOOCO people laid In a supply as soon as the result was declared in that county, Only a few hot ties of dead slock were left to be shipped to Columbia, lint will not ridding a community of tho liquor shops bo n holp to Santa Claus this year'.' Will not it loavo many a dollar in the pockets of the fathers which would have gone for Christmas whiskey'.' We bolievo it will. How much happier ought Christinas timos to bo when the jug is not in evi dence.- G roon ville Mountaineer. CUMS \ .Mt < 'l >U|(h In linn1 ? PISO' CONSUMMl M CURES WHtKl All tlSl FAILS. * beet tough Syrup. Tastes <;<> | in limo. Si>lcl in CaMe to China and Japan. A direct cable from the United states to China and Japan is assured hy tho grant of the necessary concessions hy the Chinese and Japanoso governments to enter Shanghai and Yokohama. Tho oablo connections will he made by ex tending tho prosont lines of tho Cona men ial Paoido Cabio Company, which run from Man Francisco to Manila hy way of Honolulu and Midway and Guam islands. Japan will bo reached by a cable from Guam direct to Yokohama, and China by a oablo from Manila to Shanghai. utt's Pills stlmulntc the TORPID LIVER, strengthen thc digestive organs, regulate thc bowels, unit arc un? equaled as an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, In malarial districts their virtues arc widely recognized, as they possess peculiar properties In freeing thc system from that poison, litcguntly sugar coated. Toke No Substitute. -- The new Laxative that does not .gripe or nauseate. Y Pleasant to take. *4 Coming Judicial Elections. It will be of general interest to note that quite a number of judioial olections will bo held by the General Assombly at its next session. According to the re oords io the office of tho Seoretary of Stato tho elootious that will be held at tho next session will be to fill the posi- j tions now held by Chief Justice Pope, Judgo Dautzler, Judge Aldrich, Judge Purdy, .iudKO Watte, Judge Gage aud Judge Kl ugh. Those half dozen elec tions will enliven tho uoxt session to a considerable extent. It is not known whether all of the present judiciary, whoso torms oxpire during the year 11)06, will bo candidates for ro-olection. Thoro have boen suggestions that some of the present members of the bonoh will retire to private life, and that they have had quite onough of tho worries and tribulations of lifo on tho bonch. August Kolin in Nows and Courier. MASTER'S SAKES. PURSUANT TO A DECREE OF THE AFORESAID COURT, iu tho cases mont inned bolow, 1 will offer for salo, to tho highest biddor, in front of tho Court House, at Walhalla, S. C., on MONDAY, tho fourth day of December, 1P0T>, 1 iet ween tho legal hours of salo, tho tracts of land bolow described: Mary McGuffin ot al., Plaintiffs, against J. S. King, as Administrator of tho Per sonal Estate of John ll. Met ; ullin, Do ceased, and othors, Defendants. "All that certain pieco, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in tho County of Ocouoo, of tho Stato of South Carolina, on tho headwaters of Rig Heaverdam crock, adjoining laud.-, of Elisabeth Dearden, S. D. King, J. W. Dearden, Ii. A. Edwards aud others, containing ninety acres, moro or less, and being tho tract known as tho "Mc Guflin Homestead Tract " Terms of Salo: Ono half cash and tho balance in ono annual installment, with leave to tho purchaser, however, to an ticipate payment. Credit portion to bear interest from dato of aale-and bo secured by mortgago of tho promises; that in event of failure of t ho purchaser or purchasers to comply with tho torms of sale within livo days from day of sale the Master do re-advortiso and resell said premises on the following salesday, or some convenient salesday thereafter, at tho samo placo and on the samo torms ns heretofore sot out, at tho risk of former purchaser or purchasers, who comply with tho torms of sale. Purchaser to pay extra for papers. W. O. WHITE, Master Goonoo Comity, S. C. November 8, 1005. Mary E. Prower, ot al., Plaintiffs, against James fi, Dynum ot al., Defendants. All that certain pieco, parcel or tract ol land situate, lying and being in tho County of Oconoc, of tho Stato of South Carolina, on tho north prong of Cane creek, waters of Little river, waters of I Seneca river, adjoining lands of Eliza I Williams, Andrew Lipscomb and others, containing ono hundred acres, belonging to the estate of David R. Mooro and whereon ho resided at tho timo of his death. Terms of Sale: CASH. Thatin event of failure of tho purchaser to comply with tho terms of salo within livo days tho Master do roadvertiso and resell said premises on tho following salesday, or some convenient salesday thereafter, at the same place and on tho same terms as above sot out, at. the risk of the former purchaser, and that he do continue so to do until bc bas found a purchaser who complies with the terms of sale. Pur chaser to pay extra for papers. W. O. WHITE, Master Oconeo County, S. C. November 8, 1005. r> 48 MASTERS SALE& THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF OCONKK. In tho (Join t of Common Pleas. J. A. Dlack, et al., Plaintiffs, against J. G. Dlack, et al., Defendants. COMPAiXT ron UKMKF. I>UU8UANT toa Decree of tho Court of Common Pleas to me directed, in this action, 1 will sell, to tho highest bidder, before the Court House door, at Walhalla, South Carolina, on Balodayin December next, tho REAL ESTATE de scribed in the complaint, namely: Tho real estate of Joseph Dlack, de ceased, to wit: One tract of land, lying on Long Creek, containing seven hun dred and seven acres, more or less, and adjoining lands of Jonas Phillips and others. Ono tract of land, lying on the head waters of Village Crook, containing four hundred and twenty-four acres, more or less, and adjoining lands of Wm. Welch ami others. A, Tho real estate of Joseph Dlack, de ceased, and Robort F. Dlack, deceased, namely One tract of land, lying on Dat tlc ('reek, containing three hundred and eighty- i across, moro or less, and ad joining lands of A. Arve and others. ALSO, The real estate of Joseph Dlack, de ceased, Roborl F. ninck, deceased, ami .Limes Colo, deceased, namely One traci of land, lying on Polo Itidgo branch, containing th roo hundred ami ninety-seven acres, more or less, and adjoining landsof Enoc h Mooro, Phillips and others. Ono tract of land, lying on or near Changa orock, containing ono hundred and thirty-four acres, more or less, and adjoining lands formerly belonging to W. K. Parker and Others, Ono tract of land, lying on Changa creek, containing nine hundred and twenty-two ?K i es, more or less. TERMS OF SAKI'.: One third of tho purchase money to be paid in cash; the balance on a credit of ono your, with interest, and to be secured hy tho bond of tho pure baser and a mortgago of tho promises sold. Purchasers havo tho right to pay the amount of their bids in cash. Purchasers to pay extra for i ii les, mortgages and recording. W. O. WHITE, Master Ocouoo county, S. C. November 8, 1?X??. 45-48. ORINO axatiye Fruit Syroj For Sale by J. W. Bell. THREE PAPERS A WEEK FOR ?1.50. By a clubbing; arrangement with the Charleston Semi-Weekly News and Cou rier we are offering that paper and The Keowoe Courier for $1.50 per year. The Kooweo Courier is roooguizod not only as tho host paper in Oeonoe county, but it is ra fed among tho best county papers in South Carolina. The Somi-Weokly NewB and Courier is an excellent jour nal, published on Wednesdays aud Satur days, givos tho dotailod nowB of South Carolina as a special foature, and carries tho full Associated Pross dispatches from all over tho world. Tho combina tion of tho two papers at $1.50 gives our present readers, as well as new sub scribers, an opportunity tu secure two of the best papers in the State (three papers a week) tor 50 cents more than the regu lar prico of ei t her. Let US send you two of the vory best papers in South Carolina for almost the prico of ono. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. - Notico is hereby given that tho undersigned will make application to D. A. Smith, Esq., Judgo of Probate for Oconoo comity, in tho Stato of South Carolina, on FRIDAY, tho 1st day of Docombor, 1005, at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon, or as soon thereafter as said appli cation can bo hoard, for loavo to make final settlement of tho personal ostato of Alex. L. Mason, docoased, and obtain discharge as Administrator of said per sonal estate. R. B. MASON, Administrator of tho Personal Estate of Alox. L. Mason, deceased. No vein hov 1, 1005. 44-48 ! FOR HIL AGOOD FARM POR SA LE, ono and a fourth miles from Walhalla Court House, known as the residence property of tho lato Col. IL W. Kuhtmann, do ceased. Contains 1:513 acres. Embraces upland chietly, and some creek or branch bottom. Suitablo for crops of cotton, corn and small grain. Well adapted for trucking. It is well wooded and watered. A 7-room dwelling, with good outbuild ings. Terms reasonable. S. P. DENDY, Attorney, Walhalla, S. C. April 10, 1005. 88-40 BOOKS OF REGISTRATION for the the regular city election, to ho hold on January 15th, 1006, for Mayor and six Aldermen, are now open at "Tho People's Bank," and will close on Saturday, Janu ary (1, 1006. You must have your County Certificate and Tax Receipt, also must have been a resident of tho Stato two years, County ono year and Town four mont hs to ontitlo you to rogistor. GEORGE SEABORN, Supervisor. October ll, 1005. 41-tf COOK STOVES, RANGES, HEATING STOVES FULL LINE OF TINWARE, BICYCLES AND SUPPLIES. ROOFING, EAVE THOUGH AND ALL KINDS OF TIN AND SHEET IKON WORK MADE TO ORDER. Typewriters, Sewing Machines, Guns Revolvers and Bicycles cloanod am repaired. All work done on short notico and guaranteed. li. H. LOOK. THE SOUTH'S GREATEST SYSTEM Unoxcelled Dining Car Service. Through Pullman Sleeping Cars on al) Through Trains. Convenient Schedules on all Local Trains. For full information as to rates, routes, etc., consult nearest Southern Railway Ticket Agent, or K. W. HUNT, Division Passenger Agent, Charleston, S. C. ?Investment Bargains! Now is tho chance to buy a farm of 12 acres in Walhalla, only live blocks from the Court House, two aeres of which, facing on Main stree!, has a brick dwell ing and large wooden stol?! room. The 40 acres in tin ack lifts Street all round it and ls suits le for farming, factory site, or can bc cut up in town lots and sold at good prices. If you want a bargain buy this. One-half acre lot corner of Main and Col logo Streets, has good store room and dwelling adjoining, only ene block from depo' and two blocks of Court. House. The rent this placo is now bringing will pay you more than eight per cont on your money invested. I offer for sale. lt. L. I mnie's house in Westminster, S. 0., ono aero lot with pretty cottage of six rooms, on ono of tho main residenco streets. If sold at once can bo bought at a bargain. Fer prices and terms apply to J. H. Darby, Real Estate Broker. Office : People's Bank. f Cures Stomach and Liver trouble and p Chronic Constipation. ?V*M. J. STRIBL.INO. } i E. L. HERNDON. & Attorneys-At-Law, WALHALLA, 8. C. PROMPT ATTENTION QIVBN TO ALL BUSI NESS BNTHUSTKO TO TH K.M. January 6. 1898. J. P. Carey, Piokens, S. C. J. W. Skelor, Walhalla, 8. C. CAREY & SHELOR, Attorneys and Counsellors, Walhalla, S. C. Will practioe in the Stato and United Stateo Courts. Busiuess entrusted to our caro will re ?oive prompt and careful attention. R. T. JAYNES, Attorney-at-Law, WALHALLA, - - S. C. Bell Phone No. 20. Practico in Stato and Fodoral Courts. Business entrusted to my caro re?oives prompt attontion. 1-05 V. J. CARTER, 1D. -X> en list (lillee hui doors nhovo thc Hank, in Carter's Pharmacy. Westminster, S. C. J. H. MOORE, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Calls loft at residence or J. II. Darby's Drug Storo will receive prompt attention, DAY OK NIGHT. Phones : Ilcsidcnco 03, Drag Store 18. 1-2-3-04 DR. J. H. BURGESS, Dentist, SENECA, S. C. OFFICE CVBH NIMMONS' STORE, DOYLE BUILDING. Oflico Hours: 0 A. M. to 1 p. it. " " 2 p, M. to 0 e. M. April 20, 1004. lfl-tf Dr. W. F. Austin, DENTIST, SENECA,.S. C. Office Over J. Ilr. liyrd A Co. I AM NOW IN MY OFFICE EVBItY DA Y. PHONE NO. 51. BLUE RIDGE RAILWAY CO. BETWEEN BELTON AND WALHALLA. Timo Table No. 9.-In Effect May 28, 1905. EAHTIIOIIND Walhalla. Weal Union. Seneca . Seneca. Mordants Junction .Adams. .Cherry. Pendleton. .Am nu. .Denver . . West Anderson.... Anderson -PaSSl ?Op Anderson- PassDop 'Anderson-- Frtoop Holton. 12 10 8 18 A M P.M.IP.M s lu S 68| 9 0(1 tl ll :t 17 9 26 9 32 a 39 9 65 ?600 in HM 10 25 2 d? I 2 031 2 10 2 191 2 20 .i 33 i w .? 63 3 ?O 3 10 3 12 3 85 riki .... ?3 00 ... :? 1)5 ....3 86 .... ii? .... 14 IC .... -I 31 .... 4 35 -1 -* -IS .... f. 03 .... 5 I'2 ....1627 .... .'. 33 3 IO 5 43 3 12 6 li. 8 :tr> 0 in AM S 18 8 20 8 46 WESTBOUND Holton. .Anderson-Kr't Do Anderson-Pasa De Andorson-Puss De 'Wost Anderson.. .. . I >cnvor. .Ant un. Pendleton. .cherry. .Adams. .Jordania Junction. Seneca. Seneca. West Union. Walhalla. PM 3 55 I 20| 4 22 4 27 I 10 4 47 ?I 62 I 59 B 03 5 IS A MIA M. 10 60 10 60 11 io ii in ll lilil? 12 ll Killi Kl ll 20 ll 2<; ll 31 ll 31 ll 37111 37 ll Hill 44 ll 17 ll I ll Ml ll 59 lia 02 6 211 6 39 5 441 12 02 10 1 05 I 1 20 1 1 25 1 M PM .. 0 30 . G 66 . . 0 57 30 .... 36 .... 51 .... no_ 25 .... 35 .... 39 .... 67 .... 00 .... 05 .... 35 .... 40 . .. . Flag stations. Will also stop at the following stations to tako m and let ott pnssongorsi Pltlnnoy'Si James'sand tandy Springs mid Toxaway. Nos. ll and 12,Dist class passrncer, daily ; Nos. I and 10, dally except Sunday; Nos. 5 and 0, {linday only; Nos. I and 7, second class, mixed, lally except Sunday; Nos. 3 and 8, second class, nixed, dally. A. lt. ANDREWS, President. J. R. ANDERSON, Superintendent.. THU "BOSS** COTTON PRESS! SIMPLEST, tTRONOEST, BEST THC MURRAY GINNINQ SYSTKU Gin?, Feeder?, Condensar*, Eta. m GIBBET MACHINERY CO. Columbia, JP. C.