Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, November 08, 1905, Image 4

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Cfo* JUotxut <? our ter. PUBLISHED EVERY WIONCSO?? MORNING. - BV BAYNES, 8HELOR, SMITH * STEOK kt. T. JAYNK8. I-M , .."__ I I? A. HM (Tl* X. W. HHKLOK. }B?*- ! P"M ?J A.HTKCK BUBBCHIPTION. ll.?O PKR ANNUM ADVERTISING RATKS REASONABLE.. , Communications of a personal x-haracter charged for aa advertisements. .fy Obituary notices and tribute? of respect, of not over ouo hundred words, will be printed fre? of charge. AU over that number must be paid for at the rate of ono cent a word. Cash to accompany .manuscript. _ WALHALLA, 8. C. t WKDNBNDAVi NOV. fi, IVOS. TEN PAGES. HERE, THERE AND YONDER. If you should happen to seo a "tiger" romomber that it ?B your duty to holp cago him. Governor Guild, of Massachusetts, isn't tho only mau who over stepped into Douglas's shoes. Onio claims that Pattison. Democratic candidato for Governor, ?B elected by at Toast 8,(HK) plurality. %. Don't violato the law yourself, ami .don't forgot that it is your duty to assist -in seeing] that tho law is obeyed by .othors. esffllCJ ?.-i *.* Mr>M?? Curtis Guild, Republican, was elected <xnvcruor of Massachusetts yesterday by about the samo voto Douglas, Democrat, was elected last year. V Spartanburg county has voted out tho dispensary! Only-ll precincts, out of 72, have been heard from. Tho vote stands: -Vo dispensary, 1,080; dispensary, 271. *.. Some of our mord?anla noted a marked Change for tho bettor in tho dry goods t&od grocery trado last Saturday. There '.vas no "boozo" to bo had from tho dis pensary. Mayor McClellan. Democrat, of New 'Work, was re-olectod yesterday by a good majority. Your 0OUB?U Willie Hurst, ?who almost, ran for President, was tamOOR tho defeated. V President Roosevelt went to Oyster '?Hay yesterday to cast his ballot in the Now York election. Hero's where wo got oven with tho President-his vote ?counts just one, just like anybody else's .old voto. The dispensary at Walhalla is closed formally. Dispenser Keaton received bis -orders to close yesterday and tho stock remaining ou baud-champagne and stale beer-WAH shippod to Columbia. Ho is assisting the Seneca dispenser to pack up and ship back tho remnant of Iiis stock to-day. Awful Massacre of Jews. Odessa, November 4 -It is believed ttbat tho worst is over. Owing to tho : nobs being satiated with two days' car nival of murder and destruction by Hame, . lie revolt against law and order is dying ?down, partially, perhaps, because of lack of material upou which to pray. Almost .? be entire Jewish quarters of Molda vanha, Slobodka and ltugaiovka are de vastated and their inhabitants havo either been killed or wounded or havo sought refugo in other sections of tho town. The whole fury of tho mobs was directed cjnehecked against tho Jews. During 'be first demonstrations over tho Em peror's manifesto and tho sudden acqui sition of "freedom," tens of thousands of mon who had hated tho Jews through generations, became drunk with tho de sire for Jewish blood, swarmed into tho Jowi?h sections of ttio town and killed for tho very joy of killiug. In some instances the military aided .instead of preventing the work of von? jgoanco ami fury, which culminated yes terday lu the quarters mentioned. Every .Tow, man, woman or child, who was ?caught, was slaughtered. The methods . employed in the work of butchery wero ?too revolting foi description. Hefore thi> morning's dawn the mate rial had become exhausted and the men who had for the moment become beasts, Heft the wricked sections of tho city, and, though sullen, were easily ?hi von back ?.before tho l ille? of the infantry, A trip of investigation this evening .over the Jowish quarters confirmed the ?Stories of honor ami devastation. Some 'bodies, mutilated, amone; them women tand children, woro still unromoved from .Che deserted streets. The shops were < slosod au I in the wreckod houses broken t.ajcniture was lying everywhere in heaps. While it is probable that the total Ultim EMT of persous killed will never be known, ?tho number >f wounded persons in tho hospitals ai ri imbu?an? e houses, alfords some guide, l'he ".,r..",7 wounded reporteo ?up to tins morning wero distributed as if ol lows: In tho Jewish Hospital, :., 17V. in the ^Municipal Hospital, 1,200; m the different Ambulance houses, tis-j. It bas been definitely ascertained that ouiJy 120 of the Anti-Jewish mob wore Iciltad. E At tho beginning Of the massacres the ?students' militia rendel ed sumo assist ance and saved many lives, but the police, ??t is said, disarmed the students, and ?evou in some cases shot them with their Hjwu revolvers. A Disastrous Calamity. 'Kt is a disastrous calamity, when you Boso your health, because ludigostion ??nd constipation havo sapped t away Prompt relief oan be bad in Dr, King s ?Jlew Life Pills. They build up your di Restive organs, and euro headache, dizzi ness, colic, constipation, etc. Guaran teed at all drugstores, .-'.">o. Items from Mount Pleasent. Minuit Pleasant, November f.-Kev. W. J. Spearman preached au interesting ser mon at the arbor Sunday. It. H. Laud and wife sp^ut last Sunday with relatives at Se noca. Quito a number of our young people attended the siugiug at South Union last Sunday. J. A. Edgar and wifo spent last Sunday with bis sister. Mrs. Ellen Vims. Lawrence Johnson atid wife spent last Suuday with the latter's fathor, M. C. LemmoDB. Mrs. T. A. Morgan spent last week with relatives and friends at Anderson. Walker Martiu and fan ily spent last Sunday with his brotbor, Frank Martin. Miss Josio ilouoa spont last Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Ettie Hollingsworth. M. M. In Time ol Peace. In the first months of the Russia-Japan war we had a striking example of the necessity for preparation ami the early advantage of those who, so to speak, "have shingled their roofs in dry weather." The virtue of preparation has made history and given to us our greatest meu. Tho individual as well as the nation should be prepared for any emergenoy. Are you prepared to oom bat tho tlrst cold you take? A cold can be curer) more quickly when treated as soon as it has been contracted and be foro it has bocomo settled in tho system. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is famous for its enies of colds and it shu nhl he kept at hand ready for iustant use. For salo by J. VV. Hell, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. News from Woii Stake. Wolf Stako, November 0.-Am sorry tn noto that our Sunday school is on tho decline. This should not bo the caso, but all should attond as your presence will encourage the faithful supeiiutoudent. Hov. M. A. Merett has been elected pastor at this place for another year. Mr. and Mrs. Hill Owens visited at tho homo of J. Allen Kelley Sunday. Our school will opou next Monday under tho management of John Hill. M. E. Kelley is on tito sick list. Hrowu Eyes. Croup. A reliablo medicine and ono that ; should always bo kopt in tho home for immediate uso is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will provont tho attack if ; given as soon as t he child becomes I hoarse, or oven after tho croupy cough appears. Ker salo by J. W. Hell, Wal , halla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. i-" ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS I EXECUTOR'S SALE. BY virtue of tho power given mo In tho last will and testament of Warren Phillips, deceased, I will soil, at public i outcry, to the highest bidder, in front of the Court iiouso door, at Walhalla, ; South Carolina, during tho legal houis)of sale on Monday, December 4, l'.?'."., hoing salesday in December, tho following de scribed tracts of land, belonging to the estate of the late Warren Phillips, de ceased, and dirocted by said inst will and ; testament to he sold by me, to wit: Lot No. 1.-All that piece, parcel or ? tract of laud situate, lying and being in the State of South Carolina, on waters of I Martin's Crook, waters of Soneca River, adjoining lauds of Mrs. Lou Hopkins. Porcher lands, lands of Mrs. Lowery, lot , No. 2, and lot No. 3, and supposed to I contain ninety-three acres, mere or less, and having such shape, form, metes and 1 bounds as aro represented by a plat of , the same made by J. W. Harper, sur ( voyor, dated tho 17th day of October, 1005. Lot No 2.-All that piece, parcel or ! tract ot land situate, lying and beiug in ! the State;of South Carolina, County of Oconoo, on waters of Martin's Creek, , waters of Souoca Hiver, adjoining lands of Mrs. Lowery, lot No. 3 and lot No 1, and supposed to contain eighty-six acres, more or less, and having sucli shapo, tomi, metes and bounds as are shown by a plat of the same made by J. W. Har I per, survexor, dated the 17th day of Oc tober, 1005. Contains ten to fifteen I acres of bottom land. Lot No. 3.-All that piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and hoing in the State of South Carolina, County of Oconee, on waters of Martin's creek, waters of Seneca ri vor, adjoining lots , No. 1, 2 and 4, and lauds of Mrs. Lou : Hopkins, ami supposed to contain sixty four acres, more or loss, and having such shape, form, nietos and bounds as are represented by a plat of the same made by J. W. Harper, surveyor, dated 17th October. 1005. Contains ten to fifteen ! acres of bottom lands. Lot No. 4.-All tba* piece, parcel or tract ot laud situate, lying and being in the stat?' of .South Carolina, County of Oconee, on Martin's creek, waters of Seneca river, adjoining lands of ('harlie Hopkins, lot No .., Warren Mooro and It, I: Hayes, and supposed to contain sixty-nine acres, more or less, and hav ing such shape, torin, metes and hounds as are represented by a plat of the same made bj J, W. Harper, surveyor, dated 17th October, 1005 This tract contains about live to seven acres of bottomlands. Tel ins of Sale: ( ash; purchaser to pay extra for papers. JOHN A. HARBIN, As Executor Of the Last Will and Testa ment of Waiien Phillips, Deceased. No\ember 8th, 1005. 45 4S SHERIFF'S SALE. BY vii tue of an execution to mc directed from tho Court of Common Pleas of Oconee county, south Carolina, in thc case of G. McCurry, Plaintiff, against John Pu/ll and Hen Pugh, D? tendants, I will soil, at public auction, to the highest bidder, ill front of the doo of Walhalla Court House on sal ed ay In December next, within tho legal hours of sale, tho following described real estate, to w it : ! "All thOSO certain throe pieces, parcels or lots of land, situate, lying and being in the town of Westminster, of tho i County of OOOOOO, of tho State of South . Carolina, known in tho plan of said town as Lots Numbers (.Vi, 07 and ?l") titty live, fifty.80ven and fifty-nine, save and except tho lot sold and conveyed by Ken Pugh to J, A. Karlo on tho lit ?tl? day , of May, 1005, fronting on Spring street .I-', feet and running back from Spring st i cet along Stuckey 68 feet." Levied on as tho property of tho <lo fondant, Hen Pugh. TERMS : Cash. W. M. KAY, Sheriff Oconoo County, 3. C. November 8, i'.*>">. 45-48 MASTER'S SALES. PURSUANT TO A DECREE OK THE AFORESAID COURT, in the cases mentioned bi-low, | will offer for ?nie, to the highest bidder, in front of the Court House, at Walhalla, 8. C., on MONDAY, tho fourth day of Decomlxsr, 1005, between the legal hours of salo, the tracts of land bolow described: Mary McGuftiu eta!., Plaintiffs, agaiust * J. S. Kiinz, as Administrator of the Per sonal Estate of John H. McGuffin, De ceased, and others, Defendants. "All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Oconee, of the State of South Carolina, OD thu headwaters of Rig Reavordam creek, adjoinitiK lauds of Elizabeth Boarden. S. B. King, .1. W. Reardon, L. A. Edwards aud othors, containing ninety acres, mote or less, and b?ing tho tract known as the ''Mc Guftiu Homestead Tract " Terms of Sale: One half cash and the balanoe in one annual installment, with leave to the purchaser, however, to an ticipate payment Credit portion to bear interest from date of sale and be secured by mortgage of the premises; that in event of failure of the purchaser or purchasers to comply with tho terms of sale within five days from dav of sale the Mastor do ro-advertlBeand resell said premises on the following Balesday, or some conveniort salesday thereafter, at the same placo and on the same terms as herotoforo sot out, at the risk of former purchaser or purchasers, who comply with the terms of sale. Purchaser to pay extra for papers. . W. O. WHITE, Master Oooneo County, S. C. November 8, 1005. Mary K. Brewer, et al., Plaintiffs, agaiust .lames S. Byiium et al., Dofendants. All that certain pieco, parcel or tract of laud situate, lying and being in tho County of Oconee, of tho State of South Carolina, on tho north prong of Cane creek, waters of Little river, waters of Seneca river, adjoining lands of Eliza Williams, Andrew Lipscomb and othors, containing ono hundred acres, belouging to tho ostato of David R. Moore aud whereon ho resided at the timo of his death. Terms of Sale: CASH. That in event of failure of the purchaser to comply with the terms of salo within live days tho Master ?lo read ver ti se and resell said premises on tlio following salesday, or some convenient salesday thereafter, at i tho same placo and on tho samo terms as i above set out, at the risk of tho former I purchaser, ana that ho do conti'iuo so to I do until bo bas found a purchaser who I complies with tho terras of sale. Pur I chaser to pay extra for papers. W. O. WHITE, Master Oconee County, S. C. November?, 1006. 46-48 MASTER'S SALES. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OK OCONKK. In tho Court of Common Pleas. J. A. Black, ot al., Plaintiffs, against J. O'. Black, et al., Defendants. COM CAI NT FOR RKLIBF. PURSUANT toa Decree of tho Court of Common Pleas to nie directed, in this action, I will sell, to the highest bidder, beforo tho Court House door, at Walhalla, South Carolina, on saleday in December next, the HEAL ESTAJE do scribed in tho complaint, namely: The real estate of Joseph Black, do ceased, to wit: Ono tract of land, lying on Long Creek, containing seven hun dred ana sovou acres, more or less, and adjoining lands of Jonas Phillips and others. One tract of land, lying on tho head waters of Village Creek, containing four hundred and twenty-four acres, more or less, and adjoining lands of Wm. Welch and others. ALSO, The real estate of Joseph Black, de ceased, and Robert F. Black, deceased, namely One tract of land, lying on Battle Creek, containing three hundred and eighty-six across, more or less, and ad joining lauds of A. Arve and others. ALSO, Tho real cstato of Joseph Black, de ceased, Robort F. Black, deceased, and James Cole, deceased, namely Ono tract of land, lying on Pole Ridge branch, containing three hundred and ninety-seven acres, more or less, and adjoining 'ands of Enoch Moore, Phillips and others. Oue tract of land, lying on or near Changa crock, containing one hundred and thirty-four acres, moro or less, and adjoining lands formerly belonging to W. F. Parker and others. Ono tract of land, lying on Changa creek, containing nine hundred and tweuty-two acres, more or less. TERMS OF SALE: One-third of the pu robase money to bo paid in cash; tho balance on a credit of one year, with interest, and to bo secured by thu bond Of the purchaser and a mortgage of the promises sold. Purchasers have the riebt to pay tho amount of their bids in cash. Purchasers to pay extra for titles, mortgages and recording. W. O. WI UTK, Master Ooouee county, S. C. Novembers, 1905. 45-48. EXECUTORS' SALE OF LAND. BY virtue of the power given ns in the last will and testament of J. \V. Cary, decease?), wo will sell, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, in trout of tho Court House door at Anderson, South Carolina, during the legal bonis of sale, on Monday, December Ith, 1005, heine salesday tn December, tho follow lug described tract of land, belonging to tho estate of the late .J. W, Cary, de cease? 1 , and directed by said last will and testament to bc sold by us, to wit: All that piece, parcel or ti act of land situate, lying and being ill the State of South Carolina, in Anderson and Oconee Counties, located one and a quarter miles from Pendleton, two and a half miles from Clemson (.'(diego, and bounded on tho east by Eighteen Mile ("reek, on the south by lands of Mr. Smith, on the wost by lands of Mr. Whitten, and on the north bv lands of J. E. Cary and thc public road from Pendleton to Seneca City, OOOtaining eighty-eight (SS) acres, more or less. Tho place contains a (^welling houso and outbuildings, and bas about twenty-five acres of good bottom land and about twelve acres of wood land. TERMS OF SALK : Cash. Purchasor to pay extra for titles. J. T. CARY, J. E. CA RY. Qualified Executors of tho last Will and Testament of J. W. Cary, deceased. November 8, BK)5. 45-48 Lost! Lost! You have lost many a golden opportunity and will lose another if you do not see our stock of General Merchandise before buying your Fall Goods. FROM NORTHERN AND EASTERN MARKETS. We are receiving daily from Northern and Eastern Markets the nicest Line of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoos, Hats and Clothing ever brought to Oconee County. HARDWARE, ETC. We ?Iso carry a Line of Furniture, Hardware, Harness, Bridles and Saddles. Our Lino of Staple and Family Groceries is complete and our prices are right. Make our store headquarters when in town. We will take pleasure in showing and pricing you. Yours for business, Walhalla, 5. C. CARTER & CO., Walhalla, S. C. AMERICAN WIRE FENCING^ Wo carry this most popular and economical Fencing in stock, and can furnish samo in heights suited for hog, sheep aud cattle pasturage. More economical than any fouco made. Get our prices. ^STEEL HAY PRESSES. HEATING STOTBS.^ Wo aro tho undisputed Stove House of Oconeo county-carry a larger stock and a moro varied lino, and sell moro. We can furnish any kind of Coal or Wood Heater or Grate and in any size. Also a full line of Buck's Cooking Stoves and Ranges-money hack if you want it. Guns, Guns. SENECA, s. C. ???l^^d?s^ aju You Watch the "Cotton Market." Why not watch the Prices we are giving on Hardware, Building Material, Etc. We Have the Goods, our Prices sell them. f Wo have just receivod " A Big Shipment" of ''Avery's Stool Turning Plows," the host yet mado, and our prices aro "Way Down." We also have tho Mallon Combination Plow, Lynch burg, Syracuse and Oliver Chilled Plows, Coles Grain Drills and Distributors com bined, Bubbor and Canvass Belt, all kinds Saw Mill and Shingle Mill Supplies, Corru gated Booting, Sheet Coppor and Copper Pipe. Our Lino of Blue and White Porcelain Ware cannot bo surpassed. MATHESON HARDWARE CO WESTMINSTER, S. C. Fatal Road Quarrel. Raleigh, N. C., November 4.-A special to-night from Littleton, \, C., says: A negro cut tin? throat of W. ii. King, a well known farmer, living in that city, ?nd King ?lied before aid could roach him. The nogro was arrested and com mitted to jail late to-1) ig ht. King and the negro were driving along the road and quarrelled over the iii:tit of way. Roth jumped from their buggies and en gaged in au alTiay, when the negro drew a knife and eut King's throat. KBAti EHTATK BOUGHT AND SOLD. Say, Listen : Tim ERE are thousands of people moro JL each year, hut no moro land. I have 15 farina, from BO to 260 acres each, nico lovel land; every ono a bargain ; will give forms if wantoff. Also, sumo nico lots in hone ... Como quick. JAMES H. ADAMS, SEN KC A, S. 0. Septem bor 18, 1905, 37-tf HOME REMEDIES. Every family has a list of favorite recipes upon whioh they depend in case of minor ailments. Wo take pride io com pounding these home prescriptions. They get the same careful attention that we give to all doctors' prescriptions. Let us pre pare your winter's supply of theso remedies now. The Seneca Pharmacy, SENECA, 8. <J. Send your ordorH for Sta tionery and Advertising Mat ter to Tho Courier and got THE BEST Tlio I3ewt is Always tho Cheapest,.