Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, October 25, 1905, Image 7

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VALUABLE PUBLICATION. ?Histoiy ol the Old Stone Church From Time ot Its Organization. A book of nindi Oiler cst to lill wini caro for local history lins just been issued with the nnnie of Dr. H. \. Blackett, ?if I < 'lenison Colicu?, on the title pago as its editor. Its title is "The Old Stone [ < li undi,'' and its contents make up a] history of the church and the people who j have had to du with tho veuorable old [building, erected in 17t>7 for the worship i ?of God, when old Pendleton District was [yet in its infancy. As secretary of the Old Stone ('burch I and Cemetery Association Dr Blackett | has collected and edited a sot of papers ! lon various phases of the history of the ?torch, known formerly as "Hopewell," ! Ope place of worship of such notable j ?men as Gen. Andrew Pickous aud Gen. .Hobt. Andi rsun, fur whom Anderson Jcounty was mimed and the cemetery, j where rest iles Klont patriot and others [not loss great nnd iutoresting. It would ho impossible to do more here than to indicate by titles tho "ou tee ts of the many papers that mako up ?the volume. 801110 of thom aro as fol lows: .. Old Stone Church Property, by Major |A. T. Broylos. Transcript-Extract of tho Kai liest ?Session Book of Hopewell Congregation. Hopewell Congregation nnd Old Stone Church, frim Howe's History of the) Presbyterian Chinch in South Carolina. Old Stone Church aud Cemetery, by jD. E. Frlerson, D. D. Memorial Address, by W. S. Morrison, Clemson College. Old Pendleton, editorial in Koowoo Courier. List of tho dead Revolutionary, Con federate and Indian Creek war soldiers. Andrew Bickens, from Cowpens Cen tennial 1781 to 1881. Robert Anderson, by Prof J. J. Hal ley, Lake Forest, 111. John Miller, tho Printer, and his De scendants, by Mrs. Julia Miller Browne. John Bnily Adgor Browu, by Miss Susan B. Adger, Pendleton, S. C. Turner Bynum, by Mrs. Sallio Chase Patillo, Atlanta, Ga. Joseph Whittier, by Major John C. Whittier, Atlanta, Ga. Tho Reese Family, from Ramsey's History. James MoElhentiy, D. L)., by Mrs. P. H. Moll, Clemson College. I .email i and Walker Families, hy Mrs. Annie Loo Hudson Hill, Washington, Ga. Dr. Wm. Backloy ('berry, by Mrs. Faunie Chorry Davis. Dr. Oliver M. Doyle, by a lifelong friend. Tho introduction of tho volume con sists of an account of ?ho Old Stone Church and Cemetery Association, ita constitution mid by laws and tho officers and members of tho Andrew Bickens and Cateeohee chapters, 1). A. Lt., which helped to publish tho hook. Excellent cuts of the old church ns it stands to-day, of (?eu. Andrew Bickens and of the sword presented tv? him by Congress in token ef his services at Cowpens, together with a map of tho grounds, bolp to make thc volume at tractive.-Anderson Mail, October 14th. A Card. This is to certify that all druggists aro authorized to refund your money if Fo ley's Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold. It stops thu cough, heals the lungs ami prevents serious results from a cold. Cures la grippe cough and prevents pneumonia amt consumption. Contains no opiates. Tho genuine is in a yellow package. Refuse substitutes. J. W. Boll, Walhalla. ^Pl'horo aro strong indications that tho prohibition executive committee will break out in Columbia Rt the fnir wook meei ii g with a State ticket with Josopb A. McCullough for Governor and Louis J, Bristow for Lieutenant Governor. Convulsion, JitS, then Epilepsy. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nerv ine has been so successful in curing1 those brain-wrecking diseases that there is every reason to believe that even thc most hopeless cases can be benefited, if not fully restored. Wc will bc pleased to refer any one tints afflicted to many who now enjoy the blessing of health, after years of hopeless su Hering. "I have a son that had brain fever ?when two years old, followed t>y nts of tho worst type, nnd ho was pronounced incumplo. I spent hundreds of dollars for him, without relief. After about fifteen years he been ino PO bnd that wo sent him to Longcliff hospital for tho Insane, nt Lognnsport, ind. Ho was there nearly three, years, hut ho con tinued to grow worse, so WO brought him homo July 30. 1'JO'J, in nu awful condition, fie lind lost lila mind almost entirely. Ho hardly knew ono of tho family; could not even tlnd his bed; was ii total wreck. Ho had from 6 to 10 lits n clay. Wo were urged to try "Dr. Milos' Nervino, nnd before tho flr:;t bottle waa used, WO COUld see a chance for tho hotter. Wo linvo given lt to ldm ever since, nnd ho les had hut two very light opella since last August, 1003, anil then he was not well oilier ways. Wo pronounce bim cured, ns ho can work and go anywhere. If any ono wishes to ask any questions concerning this, thov uro nt liberty to do so." E. li. BUKNKLL, Lincoln, Ind. Dr. Miles' Nervine ls uolcl by your druorilr.t, who will (piarantee that tho first bottle will benefit. If lt falls, he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Another Big Power Plant in Anderson. Jos. E. sii rim., of Greenville, will be the engineer for the $750,000 uow elec trical power development near Anderson. The 11 litton's Ford Power Company, in corporated in August with a capital stork of $150,000 to develop Hato.n's Shoals, td mi irs west of Anderson, on Tugaloo river, will build by Mr. Norine's philis a dam tiny tin rn foot high and one tbou8Bud feet long for the development of eight thousaud horse power, aud will build ii power houso for the transmission of this in Electrical energy to Anderson. Several Northern capitalists are inter ested, aud about $750,000 will bo ex pended in construction and equipment. It will bu one of the tiuest power devel opments in tho South. - From Sweeper to Mill Chief. Union Otober 14.-William E. Touch stone, who for over a year bas boen s - periiiteudent. of the Union cotton mills ami tho Buffalo cotton mills bore, bas tendered his icognation, nud it will likely take effect about the end of this mouth, tho chief reason, it is under stood, boiug tho wish of his wife to re turn to her homo near Greenwood, ns she has been in ill health for many mouths past. This resignation of Mr. Touchstone calls attention to a mau who lins worked himself up from being aweeper in a Georgia cotton mill at six and one-quarter cents au hour to a posi tion with a salary of from $6,000 to $8,000 a year. As superintendent of tho mills referred to, as well as the Seneca cotton mills and tho Pino Creek Mann facti)ring Company, at Camden, he has had under bis immediate supervision 103,08-1 spindles, 5,324 looms and 2,550 operatives, or moro than uni other ono man in tho South. It is probable that be may retain tho superintendency of the Seneca and Pinn ("reek mills, but this is not definitely known yet. Makes Homely Women Pretty. No woman, no matter how regular her features may bo, eau be railed pt et ty if ber complexion is bad. Oriuo Laxative Fruit syrup aids digest ion and oloars sal low blotsbed complexions by stimulating the liver and bowels. Oriuo Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is miid and pleasant to take. Re member tho name Orino and refuse to accept any substitute. J. W. Boll, Wal halla. _ Gamblers Raided by Police. Augusta, (ia., October 15.-Last night tho police made a raid on every gambling . room in Augusta, at every place finding i a good gamo in progress, and taking I proprietor and players to headquarters, j Tho rooms were stripped ol tho para* phorualia, at one place property valued at $7,000 being secured. Ono of tho ! |)laces raided, which is situated over tho ] Cafe Metropole, has been operated COU j tinuotislv for tho last 30 years and this is 1 tho Hist timo in history that tho RUthori* j ties have ever radod the placo aud it was looked upon as safe. I To-night Pr. S. R. Belk, pastor of tho j largest. Methodist church in tho city, publicly commended the action of tho : chief of polico and said that ho was glad to soo there was one man heie wdio had ! tho courage to pu. donn lawlessness Wbioll prevailed. Don't Be Imposed Upon. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar us a throat and lung remedy, j and on account of the great merit ami j popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for tho genu ino. These worthless imitations have j similar sounding names. Bewaro of them. Tho genuine Foley's Honey and i Tar is in a yellow package. Ask f it and refuse any substituto. It is tho host ; remedy for coughs and colds. J, W. Bell, Walhalla. ] Birmingham Gets the Methodist Conference. Birminsham, Ala., October 13.-Tho comniitteo on place of meeting of tho I Southern Methodist contereiicc bas do cidod on Birmingham for the conference to bo held in 1000. The comniitteo at first selected Birmingham, hut thought seriously of reconsidering this decision on account of alleged insuflicict hotel accommodation. lt visited Asheville, thought of choosing that city for tho oonferenoe, but finally deoided to make no change and meet at Birmingham. Freight Wrecked by Striking Cow. Oskaloosa, Iowa, October 15.-Five trainmen were killed to day at Seaton, 111., when a heavy, double-header froight train, eastbound, on the Iowa Central railroad, ran into cattle on the track at a B 0?d of twenty miles an hour. Moth locomotives and 11 freight cars loaded with crain and lumber were piled in a heap beside the Irack. All the men killed lived in Oskaloosa except Unley, whose home was iii Mon mouth, III. The engineers lived several hours after tin* wreck occurred, but tho other three men WOl'O killed instantly. A cow was lying Oil tho ties between the i ails. She was hidden from view by other cattle standing about it. At tho sound of the w histle of the approaching I train, tho standing cattle scampered away, but the forward locomotive struck the lying cow. The cow wns orushed nuder the wheels | of tho pilot truck and rolled along tho ties for a hundred feet. The animal blood n ude the rails slippery and pieces of bone threw the front locomotive from tho Irack. Tho derailed locomotive pitidied down nn embankment drawing the second locomotive into tho ditch, Whore tho two machines piled up, crush ing tho engineers ami firemen. Tho wreckage caught fire from tho live coals of the locomotive fire boxes. Tho con ductor and rear break man with persons who lived near the wreck hastily took the mangled trainmen from tho burning debris and saved tho rest of the train from tho Hames. Government Regulation of Rates. In view <>f tho widespread interest in the proposal to regulato railway rates by j government authority, the Macmillan Company, 'who are bringing out Pro fessor Hugo Richard Meyer's book ol the) above title, anticipate a much more gene ral demand for it than is usual with works of tb is character. A Hist edition of sixty-five hundred oopbs is being printed and, from the heavy advauoe orders received, the publishers anticipate a second printing within a very short ti e. Certainly no book dealing with an economic subject could possess the ele ment of current and geuoral interest in al greater degree. The book embodies the [ lesultsof twelve years spent in ctireful investigation of the subject of govern ment ownership ami control in many lands, and is the most importnnt and convincing contribution to the discussion of this much discussed subject that baa] appeared thus far. Doctors Said He Would Not Live. Peter Fry, Woodruff, Pa., writes: 'Alter doctoring for two yearn with tho best physicians in Waynesburg, aud still gut ting worse, the doctors advised me if I had any business to attend to I had better attend to it at once, ns I could not possi bly live another month as there was no cure forme. Foley's Kidney Curt) wns recommended to me by a friend, and 1 immediately sent my son to the store for it, and after taking throo bottles I hogan to get better and continued to improve until 1 was entirely well." J. W. Hell. Unusual Damage Suit. Spokano, Wash., Octobor 15.-George A. Lovejoy, an Elk, who was sel?oted to furnish cuticle to save a fellow Elk's! wife, Mrs. Fred H. Searles, suffering from severe burns, yesterday brought suit ugaiust C. P. Thomas for $10,000 as tho | v.due of 50 inches of skin, which bo Bays the doctor peeled off Ins logs while under chloroform. Mr. Lovejoy asserts that it was, repre sented to bim that tho surgeon would take from bis thighs only two or threo strips cf outiole three or four inches long and three-fourths of au inch wide. After the operation. Lovejoy found that the fronts of bis legs between knee and hip were stripped of skin and it was ton davs before he was able to leave tho hospital. Mrs. Searles was burned in an accident I with a lamp at Lewiston, Idaho, and wns | brought to St. Luke's hospital, Spokane, for treatment. A number of Elks volun teered to furnish cuticle to cover tho burned places, but Lovej >y proved such a promising subject that while under | chloroform all thu skin necessary, except some supplied by Mrs. Searles' husband and brother, was peeled olT los Iocs. Tho grafting operation was successful, but tho Woman was so weakened from long illness tha' she died. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Burned lo Death Alone in a House. Rock Hill, October 15.-Two colored children that had leen left alone in tho house were burned to death yesterday and the house and contents all destroyed iu a fire that occurred tm tho farm of .1. II. Miller, at Ebenezer. Tho mot her of tho children hat! spread a quilt on tho floor beforo the Uro before leaving and batt placed tho children there. She bad been absent about 15 minutes at ber duties near Mr. Miller's homo when tho) fire was discovered. Tho children's bodies were found in tho beti in tho room where they had b en left and aro thought to have taken ref ugo t here. They woro aged two ant! four years. Tho negroes aro respected anti, according to Mr. Mil ler, bear good reputations. Another deplorable affair of tho samo kimi occurred on Thursday on tho plantation Of H. F. Merritt. The child of Shaver McLuro, having boon loft be foro the firo while tho parents wont to piok cotton, was so badly burnell that it died after live hours of agouy. Hoth cases are but repetitions of tho oltl story that is told every year, that of careless ness. Tokeena Happenings. Tokoona, Octobor 10.-Our Sunday school is on tho decline, but this should not be tho case; all should como, ns your presence will encourage the faithful superintendent. Tho school house at this placo has latoly been painted, willoh greatly im proves its appearance Mr. and Sirs. J, J. ('ruiner, of Seneca, visited tho latter's parents Sunday. Missus L la Callahan) anti Ida Phillips ait) working in W. C. King's now store at this place. T. P Singleton and family aro visiting relatives at Anderson and Starr. Alfred Prichard and wife, of Comic toss, visitetl tho former's parent?, near boro, recently. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Mooro visited rela tives near Return Sunday. Tho Sock Party, given at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Prichard on last Fri day evening, ? as one of t ho most enjoy? able occasions it. wits ever my pleasure to attend. A large nunfhor of invitations wero sont out early last week and of course everybody was anxious to attend, and a ir urior crowd never met, for from the time wo arrived lill wo left they were engaged in some amusement. Tho young mon contributed $<i 00, whioh Will bo used in improving Cross Roads church. It Oertalnly was interesting to set) them count tho money after tho socks bari been collect eil This is a commendable act for our young people, but they aro over busy wtnking lor some good causo. After this wo were invited to tho dining room, whero the table was loaded with nice refreshments, which tho young ladies had prepared, Wo wero sorry when the time arrived for ns to say good byo, after spending such a delightful evening. Violet. The new Laxative that does not gripe or nauseate. Pleasant to take. Cheap Excursion Rates via Southern Railway. Ou account Piedmont Fair, Greenville, S. C., the Southern Railway will soil ex cursi?n tickets to Greenville, S. C., and return, from Cha lotte, N. C., Che ? ter Columbia, Augusta, Elberton, Gaines ville, Asheville, Forest City and inter mediate points at rate of one llrnt-class fare plus 26 couts for the round trip. Ticket? to be sold October 80 31, Novem ber 1st, and for morning trains Novem ber 2d. final limit November 3d, 1005. For additional information, apply to any ticket agent, or R. W. HUNT, D. P. A., Charleston, S. C. Farm Lands for Sale. If it is a Farm yon want, why not como and look ovor my list and seo what I have to oiToi ? Thousands of investors aro making money ovary day on Real Hst atc - why not you? Farm Lands aro advancing so rapidly that it takes but a cas ual glauco backward a few yoars for a business man to soo the advisability of placing his cash in good Land Titles. I bavo bern some choice selections of both-The Homo-Koeker and The Investor-to offer on rea sonable terms. J. H. Darby, Real Estate Broker. Office : People's Bank. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION. 1300KS OF REGISTRATION for thc ~) tho regular citv election, to ho hold on January 15th, I'.'Od, for Mayor and six Aldermen, are now opon at "Tho Peoph's Bank," and will close on Saturday, Janu ary (i. 100(1. You must have your County Gerti floate ami Tax Receipt, also must have been a resident of the State two years: County ono year and Town four months lo entitle von to register. GEORGE SEABORN, Supervisor. October ll, 1005. 41-tf ll GOOD fill IF J AGOOD FARM FOB SALE, ono and a fourth miles from Walhalla Court House, known as the residence proporty of tho late Col. II. W. Kuhtinann. de ceased. Contains 131} acres. Embraces upland ch idly, and some creek or branch bottom. Suitable for crops of cotton, corn and small grain. Well adapted for trucking. It. is well wooded and watered. A 7 room dwelling, with good outbuild ings. Terms reasonable. S. P. DENDY, Attomoy, Walhalla, S 0. April 10, 1005. 31-1(1 MASTER'S SALES. ! Stato of South Carolina, I County of Oconeo. f In Court of Common Pleas, .lames W. Brown aud others, Plaintiffs, against Bush B. Brown and others, Defendants. COMPLAINT KOO PARTITION, RKLIBP, &O, BY virtuo of a decretal < rder made by Hon. Ernest Gary, Judge Presiding in tho Eighth Judicial Circuit, on tho 80th day of January, 1005, Vit his Chamb ers, in Greenville, s. c.. 1 will sell, to tho highest bidder, at public auction, before tho Court House Door, in Walhalla, S. C., on salosday, Monday, November 0th, 1005, boin eon tho legal hours of salo, tho real estate of the late Mrs. Mahala A. Brown, deceased, as follows: Tract No. 1 - Known as tho North western part of tho Rowland Cobb tract situate in Oconeo county, South Carolina, adjoining bonis of J. A. Cook, Charles iden thorn, T. ll. Hobson and others, containing one bundled and twenty-seven (127) acres, moro or less, being part of tho real estate formerly belonging to tho late George Percival. A, Tract No. 2-Known as tho remainder of tho Rowland (.'ebb tract, being part of tho real estate of the said George Poroival, deceased, situate in Oooneo cornily, South Carolina, adjoining Tract No, 1, abovo described and others, con taining ono hundred and thirty-three (133) acres, moro or less. These lauds aro moro fully described in thu deed of Bichard Lewis. Master, to Bold. S. Percival, Oth of February A. 1)., 1SSS. See Book "M," Pages 220, 280, 231 and 233, Mcsno Conveyance, Oconee county. South Carolina. TERMS OF SALK : One half cash on day of salo, the balance on a credit of twelve months, interest iroin day of salo, secured hy bond of tho purchaser and mortgage of tho premises, with leave to anticipate payment, and power to tho Master to re sell at tho risk of former bidder in caso of failure to comply. Purchasor to pay extra for the papers. To be sold in separate tracts. W. O. WHITE, Master Oconeo County, S. C. October ll, 1005. I l-l I ixatiye Fruit Syr ii] For Sale by J. W. Bell. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND OKEDI-1 TOUS. - AU porsotis indebted to tim ? estate of L. A. li. Moon, deceased, aro I beroby untitled to make payment to tbe i undersigned, and all p. J sons having claims against said estate will present? tbe same, duly attested, within tbe time , prescribed by law. or be barred, KATE MOSS, i Qualified Administratrix of the Estate of L. A. ll Moss, deceased. I October 18. IIM5. 42-40 I NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDI TORS.-All persons indebted to the estate of S. A. Marett, deceased, are hereby notilled to make payment to the undersigned, and all persons having claims a -ainsi said estate will present tho same, duly attested, within tho time prescribed by law, or be barred. lt. II. MARETT, A. P. HUNT. Qualified Executors of tho last Will and Testament of S. A. Marott, deceased. October ll, 1905. 41-44 Summons for Re ief. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. I COUNTY OK OOO NICK. ( In the Court of Common Pleas. John Wesley Mason, Plaintiff, against Mrs. C. Anna Hall, bu morly Mrs. C. Anna Elrod, Defendant. Sximtnonsfor Relief'-Complaint not Sotted To the Defendant above named : You are hereby summoned and re quired to answer tho complaint in this action, which will be filed iu the office of the Clerk ot tho Court of Common Pleas for the said county, withiu twenty days and to Bervo a copy of your answer to the said complaint on tbe subscriber nt bis office, ou tho Public Squaro, at Walhalla Court House, South Curoliua, within 20 days after the service hereof, exclusivo of the day of such service; aud if you fail to answer tho complaint within the timo aforesaid, tho Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated October 0th, A. D. 1005. C. R. D. BURNS, C. C. P. I8eal.] R. T. J A YNES, Plaintiff's Attornoy. October ll, 1005. 41-40 VALUABLE REAL ESTATE OFFERED. AS ATTORNEY FOR THE OWNERS tho undersigned offers at private salo THREE TRACTS OF LAND on Snow Creek, Oootteo County, South Ca rolina, recently belonging to tho estate of .lohn B. Sitton, deceased, as follows: Tract No. 7-112 acres. Tract No S-110 acres. Tract No, 9-142 acres. In septvato tracts, oras .'57-'l acres all together, in ono tract. PRICE: $10 00 per aero, cash; or one half cash, balance in twelve months, with interest, secured by mortgago tm tho laud. As there aro some minors, tho titlo to this property will have to be made through court at tho coRt of tho owners. S. P. DENDY, Attorney. August 0, 1906. 32 45 ?OIEYSKIDNEYCURE Hake? Kidneys and Bladder Right tl! il ll- vii 7 THE "BOSS" COTTON PRESS I SIMPLEST, STRONGEST, BEST THE MURRAY GINNING SVSTKM Gins, Fe der*. Coodewar*. Etc f{ GIBBES MACHINERY CO. Columbi?, S. C. J. H. MOORE, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Calls left at residence or J. IL Darby's Drug Store will receive prompt attention, DAY OR NIGHT. Phones: Residence 98? Drug Store 13. 12-8-04 COOK STOVES, RANGES, HEATING STOVES PU LL LIN E OP TINWARE, BICYCLES AND SUPPLIES. ROOFING, FAYE TROUGH AND ALL KINDS OF TIN AND SHEET [RON WORK MADE TO O lt DER. Typewriters, Sewing Machines, (.uns, Revolvers and Bicycles cleaned and repaired. Ml work done on short, notice and guaranteed. 13. ?. LOOK. re a Cold in On no Quinine Tablets. ^ lonths. This signature, Cures Stomach and Liver trouble and P Chronic Constipation. Wu. J. STRIBLINO. r { E. L. HKHNDON.. & Attorneys-At-Law, WALHALLA, 8. C. 'ROMPT ATTENTION QlVEN TO ALL BUBI N ESS ENTRUSTED TO Tn KM. ' .tn ii arv rt. 1808. I. P. Carey. Pickens,' S. C. J. W. Shelor, Walhalla, s. C. CAREY & SHELOR, Attorneys and Counsellors, Walhalla,* 8. c. Will practice in the State and United States Courts. Business entrusted to our oare will re ?oive prompt and careful attention. E. T. JA YNES, Attorney-at-Law, WALHALLA, - - S. C. Be 1 Phone No. 20. Practice in State and Federal Courts. Business entrusted lo my care re?oive* prompt attentiou. 1-05 f.j. CARTER, I.D. -l>entisit Ofllce two doors above the Hank, in Carter's Pharmacy. Westminster, S. C. Dr. G. C. Probst, DENTIST, Walhalla, S. C. Office Over C. W. Pitchford Co.'s ; : : Store, : : : HOURS : 8.30 A. M. TO 1 p. M. AND 2 TO 9 r. M. DR. J. H. BURGESS, Dentist, SENECA, s. c OFFICE OVKH NI.MMO.NS' STORE, DOYLE Rutl.DlNo. Ofiice Hours: 0 A. M. to 1 p. M. " "2 p. M. to (1 P, M. April 20, 100-1. 10-tf Dr. W. F. Austin, DENTIST, SENECA,.S. C. Office Over J. Mr. lhjrd cfc Co. I AM NOW IN MY OFFICE EVERY DAY. PHONE NO. 5?. BLUE RIDGE RAILWAY CO. BETWEEN BELTON AND WALHALLA. Timo 'fabio No. 9.-In Kffoct May '28, 1906. EASTBOUND 12 j s j? ?.v Walhalla. Lv West Union. Ar Seneca. Lv Seneca. ?.v 'Jordania Junction Lv 'Adams. Lv 'Cherry. Lv Pendleton. Lv .Ailinn. Lv .Denver-. Lv ?West Anderson ... Ar Anderson - PassDep Lv Anderson-PassDe| Lv 'Anderson-KrtDe] Ar Belton. A M P.M. P.M.I PM 8 38 8 10 8 68 9 oo 0 14 1) 17 il 25 321 ? 89 9 65 lo oo IO (13 10 251 2 00 .i m a ID 2 20 2 331 2 401 2 63 3 00 3 10 3 12 3 36 13 00 ?3 05 3 36 1 12 4 10 4 31 4 35 4 45 603 6 12 6 27 . 6 ai 3 10i6 43 3 12|5 46 8 20 3 36|6 10 8 4S AM 8 18 WMTBOUND Belton. .Anderson-Kr't De Anderson-Pass De Anderson-Tass De. 'West Anderson .Denver. .Antin. Pendleton. .Cherry. 'Adaina. .Jordania Junction. Seneca. Seneca. West Union. Walhalla. 9 A M 1? 50 ll III ll 12 8 A M. 10 50 11 in ll 12 ll io ll 20 ll 31 ll 37 ll III ll 28 11 31 52111 37 Will 44111 44 03,11 IV ll 47 18111 69 11 89 12 02 12 02 . 1 OA . 1 20 .I 1 28 A M 8 30 8 30 8 61 il 00 0 2-5 9 35 9 39 9 57 10 00 1 05 1 36 1 40 . Flag stations, Will aisn Mop at the followinp stations to tako on ami N t i >ti passengers: Ph i unity's, .James's and Sandy S|ninL's ami Toxaway. Nos. Il anil 12, Iii M Olfl <* passengor, daily; Nos. 9 and in, ilallv except Sunday; Nos. 6 and 8, Sunday only ; Nos. i and 7. second olass. mixed, daily except Sunday; Nos. 3 and 8, second class, mixed, daily. A. B. ANDHKWS, President. .1. lt. AX I >KKS< IN. Stnieriiiieiidont. HE SOUTHERN HUH. THE SOUTH'S GREATEST SYSTEM. Tnoxcolled Dining Car Service Through Pullman Sleeping Cars on all Tl rough Trains. Convenient Schedules on all Local Trains. For full information as to rates, routes, otc. consult nearest Southern Railway Ticket Agent, or R. W. HUNT, Division Passenger Agent, Charleston, S. (;. Cures Grip in TWO Day?* ie Day on every