Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, October 18, 1905, Image 5

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Unclaimed Letter?. Following is a li?t of unclaimed letters remaining in tbe Walhalla post office for the week ending Ootober 14, 1?0?: Miss Lidy A m i.urns, C. Adams, A. S. '.loren, Frauk Prathy, Collin Whitten. Persons calling for any of tbe nbovo will plcaso say th>\t they are advertised. J. M. Merrick, P. M. TO < I Iii: A OOLD IN ONE DAV. Take LAXATIVE BUOMO QUININE Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails j to cure. E. W. Grove's siguature is on ' each box. 25c. Card ot Thanks. We wish to thank our friends for tho sympathy aud kinduess shown us during tue last illness aud death of our dear j]unbuild and father. May heaveu's rlota* JBH blessiugs bo showered upon you all ??mi earnest prayer. Mrs. S. E. Bellotto and Children. A Bull Fight in Oconee Next Tuesday. "If an ox gore a man or woman to death, then thu ox shall be surely stoned, and his Bosh shall not bo eaton; but tho ! owner of the ox shall he quit. But if tho ] ox wore wont to push with bis horns in time past, and it bath boon testified to his owner, mid ho hath not kept him in, but that he hath killod a mau or a wo man, the ox shall be stoned, aud bis owner also shall bo put to doatb." Exo dus 21:28. The liquor trnfflo is tho ox. It has gorod its hundreds to death. It was wout to goro iu timo past. Its owners kuow that it is a goror, and pusheth with its born. Thou the duty is plain-stone this ox uext Tuosday. Koop him in that he gore not. It will bo uoticod that tho ox is to bo stoned in every instance. Tbe ballots aro stones. Noxt Tuesday which way will you thiow these Btonos, at the ox of the liquor traffic, tho dispensaries, or at tho poor, uufortuuato women aud .children? C. Wardlaw. Insomnia and Indigestion Cured. "Last year I had a vory severe attack of indigestion. I could not sloop at night and snttorod most excruciating pains for three hours after each meal. I ?was troubled this way for about three months, when 1 used Chamberlain's Stomaob and Liver Tablets, and received immediate roliof," says John Dixon, Tul lamore, Ontario, ('amula. For salo hy J. "W. Bell, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, .Seneca. A Card of Thanks. We wo wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to neighbors, friends and good -colored people for kindness shown us in tho death of our tat her, Elias Crooks. May God reward thom with Ids richest [ blessings. His Children. Sermon on Odd Fellowship. Un tho flftil Suuday in this month, at ll o'clock, Kev. S. A. McDaniel will preach a sermon on Odd Fellowship at South Union. All Odd Fellows aro in vited to attend. 8. L. H. ^Sick headache is caused by a disordered condition of the Btomaoh and is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by J. W. Bell, Walhalla, and W. J. Lonny, Seneca. The Good-Ernest Marriage. Tho homo of John L Smith, in Wal halla, was the scone of a beautiful mar liage last Sunday night, October 15, at 8] p. m., when John H. Ernest, brother-in law of Mr. Smith, and Miss Filio Good, 3 0ungest daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. I. Good, of Walhalla, were united in the holy bonds of wedlock. The ceremony vas performed by Kev J. A. White, pas tor of tho Wesleyan Methodist ohurob. Tho ritual ot that church was used, .which was short, hut which was very impressively rendered. Miss Good has icsided hore with her parents about ten years, they having como to this county (rom Indiana. She has many friends in Walhalla and vicinity who wish for her a long and happy lifo. Mr. Ernest is a son of Hov. ard Mrs. A. Kniest, who have resided in and near town for aniim . her of years, but aro natives of Indiana. ^?'e was* for a number of years an om 7>loyoo of the Kooweo Courier and is well and favorably known throughout the country. This union will provo a j valuable acquisition to our community, i * which thoy expect to mako their ? home. Congratulations! A ?VARAIVTEKD ? I tit FOR I'll I s Itching, blind, blooding or protruding pilos. Druggists rofund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to euro any case, no matter of how long standing, in 0 to 14 days. First application givos easo and rost. 50c. If your druggist hasn't it send .Mic. in stamps and it will bo for warded post-paid by Paris Medicino Co., St. Louis, Mo. 3^ Death of Rev. John R. Riley. The Kev. John K. Riley, a venerable minister of tho Presbyterian church, who lived for several years In Walhalla, and. wa? a Professor in Adgor Collote, at this place, diction li ono ay, Ootober 0, at Brovard, North Condina, at tho ago of 7<> years. The funeral and interment took placo in Brovard on Tuesday follow ing his death. Graduating in I860 from tho .South Ca rolina College, Mr. Kiley murriod Mes Anna Donnolly, of Greenwood, She died about two years ?go. Most of bis ministerial cartier of lorty years ?as spent as pastor of tho First Presbyterian church of Laurens, and ho also tlitl gootl work in the ?et vice tit tho oltl Laurens ville Herald. His children aro Mrs. A. E. Brown, of Creon ville, A. B. Kiloy anti Misses Lila anti Francos Kiley, of Croon wood. Mr. Kiley was greatly lovetl and hon ored by all who know him. A good man has gone to bis reward. Many potqdo in Walhalla and community will join us in extending condolunco to tho bereaved family. Some Seasonable Advice. It may bo a piece of superfluous ad Vlco to lirgO people, at this season of tho yoar to lay in a supply of Chamberlain's Cough Komedy. lt is almost suro tobo noetlod before winter is tiver, and mnoh moro prompt anti satisfactory results aro obtained wlion takon as soon as a coltl is contracted and boforo it has bocomo set tled ill tho System, which can only bo dono by kooping tho romedy at band. This romody is so widoly known and so altogether good that no one should hesi tate about buying it in proforonoo to any other. It is for salo by J. W. Bell, Wal halla, W. J. Lunney, Seneca. THE LOCAL COTTON MARKET. At 10.30 this (Wednesday) rooming local cotton was selling as follows: Walhalla. 0| Seneca, 0 0-10. Westminster, iH to '.'.. - Wost Union, Of Death ot Elias Crooks. After a week of severe sffering, the immortal spirit of Elias Crooks passed luto the "great unknown" at 1.36 p. m. ou October ll, 1005. He was in his 00th year, having beeu born February 3, 1830. He was one of Oconee's most respected citizens, and v.Ms loved and appreciated by all who know him. All that loving hearts and willing bands could do was done to stay tho monster, death, but wheu Qod calls wo must go. He was a member of Friendship ohurch. He was a loving father, an honest and upright citizen, a gund neigh bor and sympathetic friend. After ap propriate funeral services, conduotod by Hov. M. lt. Kirkpatrick, his remains woro laid to rest in Friendship cemetery. The last home tie is severed, And another vaoaut ohair; Tho dear voico is stillod forover, Aud our father is no moro there. L. o. c. - Don't Morrow Trouble. It is a bad habit to borrow auything, but tho worst thing you can possibly borrow is trouble When sick, sore, heavy, weary aud worn-out by tho paius and poisons of dyspepsia, billiousnoss, Bright's disease, and similar internal disorders, dou't sit down and brood over your symptoms, but Hy for robot to Electric Bitters. lloro you will ibid sure aud permanent forgetfulness of all your troubles, and your body will not bo bui deued by a load of debt disease. At all drug stores. Price 50c. Guaranteed. Meteorological Matters. Tho following is the record of tem perature and rainfall as recorded al tho U. S. Station, at J. I). Isbell's. near Wal halla, for week muling October 13th, as recorded hy Miss Laura Ishell, ohsorvor: October 7. October s. october o. October ld October ii October 12 Clear. Clear. j ruy oloudy.... 1 Cloudy. I I'tly cloudy.. . Clear October 13. ..I Clear.I ?u | 37 1.08 2.10 Death ot Mrs. Jas. Lee, Sr. Died, on Saturday nicht, October 14,1908, after a protracted illness, from the infirmities of old age, Mrs. Janies Lee, Sr. lier inuiden name was Calhoun, a sister of the late .1. M. Calhoun. The deceased wa? about 70 years of age and was a woman uf excellent character and many vir tues and numbered her friends by the score. She leaves a husband and one son to mourn her death. Uer body was hurled at Pleasant itidge li.* pt i M cemetery on Monday, Rev. M. G. Hol land conducting the funeral services. Peace to her ashes. How to Cure Corns and Bunions. First, SORI: the corn or bunion in warm water to sutton it ; thou pare it down HS closely as possible without drawing blood and apply Chamberlain's Pain Halm twice daily, rubbing vigorously for live minutes at each application. A corn plaster should ho worn a few d.tys to protect it from tho shoo. As a gonoial liniment for : mains, bruises, lameness and rheumatism, Pain Halm is un equaled. For salo by J. W. Boll, Wal halla, and \V. J. Lunney, Seneca. The Good Time Club. On Friday, October 13th, tho G. T. C. Diet with Miss Bertha Schumacher. ! After a short business meeting, in which tho club decided to meet with Misses Sallio and Anna Stribling next Friday, tho social part of tho evening was taken up. Ked and white, tho colors of tho evening, were beautifully carried out. ' Each nioniber was provided with a card and penoil and was told to draw a cer tain animal and when all had finished it waa very interesting to guess what tho different drawings represented. A good many cut for tho prize, Miss Gortrndo Hiomann, tho fortuuo-favored ono, win ning a beautiful euko plate. After this Miss Katie Schumacher rendered some beautiful music on the piano. Delicious refreshments of cake, chocolate anil fruit were daintily served by Misses Her tha and Kat ie Schumacher. New Cure for Caucer. All surface cancers aro now known to bo curable by Bucklen's Arnica Salvo. Jas. Walters, of Dufliold, Va., writes: "I had a cancer on my lip for years, that seemed incurable till Bucklen's Arnica Salvo healed it, and now it is porfoctly well." Guarantoed cure for cuts and burns. 25c at all drug stores. Doath of a Good Woman. Mrs. Caroline H. Stucko died at her residence, near West Union, on Satur day, October 14, 11)05, aged 05 years, (i months and 2 days. Mrs. Stucko was born in llanover, Germany, and carno to this country in her youth. Sho was twice married, her first husband being Carl Linstodt. of this union ono son sur v ves. Her second husband was Henr\ btuoke, who precoded her by death el eh teen yearn. To thom wero horn f ..? sons and throe dnugbtors, of whom i,*/o sons aud two Outfitters ... living She was a devoted arid consistent member of tho Evan gelical Lutheran church from . n fancy until death. Her funoral services woro conducted on Sunday at 4 p. tu. in St. John's Evangelical Lutheran church, ny hor pastor, Hov. ll. C. Grossman, Hov. E. S. Jones offering prayor, in tho presence Of a colicoli that filled tho spacious church. Bosidcs tho children many relatives and a largo circlo of friends mouin the death of this devoted lady, ono sister from Charleston hoing present. The largo throng of pooj ld present to pay their I Hinto of respect to tho memory of this faithful woman is tho highost oulogy that can bo paid to a lilo consecrated to faithful and loving minis trations, whoso socrot power was her f iii b in God and that Divine lifo in the soul ilmt carried her through all her troubles and sufforings, fruitful in all gOOd wot ks, to lier eternal lest. Host ill poaco! Lost! Lost! You have lost many a golden opportunity and will lose another if you do not see our stock of General Merchandise before buying your Fall Goods. FROM NORTHERN AND EASTERN MARKETS. We are receiving daily from Northern and Eastern Markets the nicest Line of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats and Clothing ever brought to Ooonee County. HARDWARE, ETC. We also carry a Line of Furniture, Hardware, Harness, Bridles and Saddles. Our Line of Staple and Family Groceries is complete and our prices are right. Make our store headquarters when in town. We will take pleasure in showing and pricing you. Yours for business, Walhalla, 5. C. CARTER & CO., Walhalla, S. C. AMERICAN WIRE FENCING^ Wo carry this most popular and economical Fencing in stock, and can furnish stone in heights suited for hog, sheep and cattlo pasturage. More ocouomical than any (enco made. Get our prices. STEEL HAY PRESSES. We are the undisputed Stovo Houso of Oconee county-carry a largor stock and a moro varied lino, and soil moro. Wo can furnish any kind of Coal or Wood Heater or Grato and iu any size. Also a full Hue of Buck's Cooking Stoves and Ranges-money back if you want it. SENECA, s. C. ON THE BASIS OF Low Priced Cotton. k Great Stool in Quantity. A Great Stock Raup ii Prices. ? Great Stock in Quality. From Front Door to Warehoose. Every Department full, up-to date and alive with DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE Bought with an eye Bingle to tho two indispeuBiblos-Quality and Low Prices, and when those moot the Goods move. We mako the broad assertion this Store contains more Specials, that is Goods undor the market in Price, than ?ny other in upper Carolina. Almost every Storo has some s ] iee i als; sometimes resorting to soiling a well-known article under cost to attract trade, taking the chances on evening up profit?. This Store will not do that kind of business. When we buy an article at a low price we give our trade the benefit of our purchase. CLOTHING. Why buy Special Order Suits and Trousers when you can como to our Storo and have yoursolf , ilttod in Goods that FIT WELL and WEAK WELL, made on same models as 'tailor-Made Goods, With tho u ul ?rea li al i le t routs and now shoulder pads. A Look Will Convincer Won't You Look? Bring your Boys along as we make a specialty of Children's and Youths' Clothing. SHOES. SHOES THAT ARE UNDER PRICED. SHOES THAT ARE STYLISH. SHOES THAT ARE SOLID. $ to select from? I'Ydeastlcrs', Heist tn,"ii, Morris A CO.'B,Milos', Risers', and Car roll A Adams. Many styles at about merchant's cash price. Come See ; You'll Buy. All pm chases amounting to ti? and over delivered to nearest ex press oiiice in two hundred miles of our Store. Sond us your mail orders? Follow the Crowd and you. will land at the Store of YOURS FOR BUSINESS, The Seneca Mercantile Company. Department Storekeeper. IT WILL BE Worth Your While To Visit Our Exhibit at THE STATE FAIR. j Wo will bave iu operation on tho ; grounds a numhcr of machines and engines, each representing tho best and most modorn of its kind. Com petent mon will ho in charge of tho exhibit, and they will ho glad to demonstrate any machine, givo full information aud quoto prices. GIBBES MACHINERY CO., :}04 Gervais St., Columbia, S. C. Oealh ol Miss Lucile Earle. Tho many friends in Walhalla of Miss 1 airelle Earlo will regret exceedingly to loam of her untimely doath, which oc curred at the homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. li. F. Earle, in the city ot An derson, last Saturday night. A fow months ago she spent several days hero as the guest of hor cousin, Miss Lula Kolo, and becamo quite popular with our young pooplo. She was a member of tho First Baptist church of Audorson and lived a beautiful Christian lifo. Tho bereaved parents have tho sympathy of many friends in tho sorrow caused hy tho cutting oil of this promising young lifo of only KS years. Why Refer to Doctors Because we make medicines for them. We give them the formula for Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. They trust it. Then you can afford to trust it. Sold .'or over 60 years. "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral tun remedy that should he In every home. I Imva med a great deal of lt for hard coughs and colds, and I know what a splendid medicine lt I?. I can not recommend lt too highly."- MAHK K. COHEN, Hyde Park, Mais. Mad? by J. O. Ayer Co., Lowell, Moss. Alto manufacturera of -JL SARSAPARItLA f IZ>f*0 PILLS. CY W I O HAIR VIGOR. Ayer's Pills greatly aid the Cherry Pectoral in breaking up a cold. COUNTY CLAIMS AUI>ITEI>. At the regular monthly meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, hold on Friday, October 0, 1006, the following claims wore passed upon: Io Whose Favor and Nature of the Claim. Il I.' (KV) W A Singleton, fees as constable.$ OOO Westminster Knitting Mills, cement for pool at Court House.; (1(17 A L Whitmire, work on roads in District 41. 008 S M Hutt, fees as constable .j 000 .1 P Pow?ll, work on roads in District 13.! (170 .1 R Suttles, work on roads in Tugaloo township.! U71 Conley A Henry, corn for road mules. 072 .lohn T Dyar, work on roads in District 81. 678 .1 A Harbin, work on roads in District 80. (?71 W O Duke, work on roads in District 12. 076 L W (Haut, fees as constable.! (>7< .1 N Hopkins, fees as constable .j (?77 W ll Talley, foes as constable .| 078 O L Thrasher, work on ro.ids in District (IS . 070i .1 II Dendy, work on roads in District 10 . CSO Jacob K?thel!, building bridge in Pulaski township. .. 681 David Karney, building bridgo in District 60. (182 W T Chambers, foes as constable. , ??s:t M M Donald, running ferry-Septombor. 1 0S4, W T Hunt, work ou roads in District 1. 085| J T Ratney, work on roads in District 52. I 080| A M Brown, food for road mules and supplies to hands I 087 i 0?8 I OM (?1(1 007 0??8 0 W Wickliffe, aid to soldiers and ink. J B Tompkins, work on roads in District 71. W J Sohroder, Treasurer, salary tor Sopt and paid for window sbados. COOl W R Cobb, Steward, salary aud* paid for work. 001 J N Nicholson, work on roads in District 45. 61)2 J B Blackwell, corn for road mules and work. 003 Seneca Mercantile Co, supplies for road hands and mules, cement, otc 004 F A II Schroder, Clerk, salary third quarter and paid freight. i ?'.Ci Indiana Koad Machino Co, road machine supplies . Julius Thompson, work on road in District HO-1903. II .1 Myers, work on roads in District. 5. Seneca Hardware Co, bridgo bolts, etc. 0W| B F Sloan, M D, luuacy examination and contingent. 700| J N Fitzgerald, feos as constable. 7011 A P Crisp, Balary as magistrate and jury. 7()2i E C Corbin, work on roads in District 26. 7(Kt| Whit Knox, paid hands for work on roads in District 65. 704'W'S Orabl, making bridge bolt?. . 7t>5' W M Kay, Sheriff, dieting prisoners-Septombor. 7(MI W M Kay, Sheriff, salary for September. 7i>7 .1 S Colley, Supt of Ed, salary for Sept, and paid express. 70S M I. Phillips, work on road and bridge In District 54 . 70i> J P Keesc, Auditor, salary for September. 710 C M Shelton, aid to soldier. 711 Henry McMahon, building Alexander bridgo in District 34. . 712; F I. Moody, work on ro.ids in District 44 . 713 M ii llunnicutt, work on roads in District 81. 714 S 0 Smith, work on road and bridge in District 15. 715 S I. Brown, work on road in District 1 . 710 (' M Summeroll, building bridge in Seneca township. 717 WC Pike, work on road in District 22 7IS Strother A Phinney, supplies to poor farm and road bands. 720| C K Hobson, work on roads and bridges 721 F T Jenkins, building now road in District 10. 7221 A Cobb, making fill at Cobb bridgo. 7_':? J II Ramsey, work on Horseshoe bridgo. 724, D A Dickson, building now road in District 15 725| W M Colo, blacksmithing. 720: W M Lemmons, fees as constable. 727 728 720 730 732! 733 734 735 730 737 1788 '730^ All claims wore allowed for amount claimed, and, for this reason, the column "Amount claimed" is omitted. Whoro thoro is a missing claim same was laid ovor for investigation. L, H. V. HOBSON, Supervisor. F. A. H. Sohroder, Clerk of Board. West Disinfecting Co, disinfectant for jail. L II V Hobson, Supervisor, salary for Soptember. N Phillips, County Commissioner, salary for Soptember... J K Zachary, County Commissioner, salary for September. H T Sited, vegetables for road hands. E M Shottlor, blacksmithing. W C Kolloy ot al, work on roads with machino. 0 W I.ylcs, lumbei for bridges. R H Prico, building bridge o vc ''onnorosB in District 1... M H Fondloy, work on roads In V it 'ct 42 . T N Hall, lumber for bridges. J R Zachary, Jr, ot al, work on roads with machino., S Ii Richardson, shooing mules, blacksmithing, otc. 2 00 7 00 26 00 8 00 1 00 1 50 6 80 0 00 8 40 7 20 0 65 8 00 I (1 20 3 25 ' 0 30 10 00 0 00 11 40' ll 00, 23 03 ! 0 00 1? 75 : 11 50 ' 6 80 ! 28 75 I 78 50; 8 70! 12 30 171 90 33 41 284 58 I 00 12 80 i 101 70 0 00 I 100 05 33 75 0 10 80 9 50 45 (10 02 50 42 21 7 38 25 OO 1 00 00 25 22 10 17 20 12 00 ll 50 1 00 80 23 66 8 17 28 50 10 00 10 00 83 26 1 80 2 50 00 50 41 00 20 83 20 83 2 35 2 85 107 38 08 00 141 53 13 07 02 05 138 65 38 45