riilliner O We will havo our Millii SATURDAY, OCTOBER Gth We iiivite all the Ladies days and inspect our showing. MILLINERY, DRY G( FURNITURE, GROCF1 COFFINS A> C . G . J i Capitola Flour. Wi] TUESDAY. C7 THE ELECTION. ti , Its result moans happi ness or misery to hundreds of mothers, wives and little oues in Ocouee. He sure to go to tho polls and vote for Mother, Homo and Heaven. Yours truly, f. Wm. Pt Anderson, Pres. f #ocal aub personal. -You can get everything at Norman's, j -Clifton Adams and J. M. Durham, of , Westminster, were in town yesterday. -Hig lino of perfumea and talcum I powders at tho Walhalla Drug Co.'s. - He sure your ticket has written or printed on it thc words "No Dispen sary." -See tho International Harvesting Co.'s all stool hay press. For salo by j Seneca Hardware Co. -For Sale-A corn mill in completo order. F.snpus stones. Mrs. J. 1). Shank lin, Westminster, R. F. I). No. 4. - Look up your registration certificate and tax receipt, so you can vote next Tuesday. -Standard granulated sugar, twenty pounds, only $1. Craig*Verner Mercantile Co. -Married. October 12, WOT), by Kev. D. T. Hayes, George Fowler and Miss Josephine M. .liddell, both of Oconeo. -Seo our buggies, wagons, harness, mowers and rakes if you want bargains. J. A- .1. S. Carte:, Westminster, S. C.* -Next Tuesday is tho day on which tho dispensaries arc to ho voted out of Oconeo county. - Kev. J. W. Head will preach at Checheo Baptist church on next Sunday morning al 11 o'clock. -Shoes, shoes! shoes!!-anything in Shoes--cheaper at Norman's store. - Mrs. J, P, Keese lett Monday for Atlanta, Ga., where she will Spend a week visiting her brother, W. J, Ucedcr, and other l elat i ves. - An all steel hay press at a low price, thal will pack commercial hales, is tho latest thing ai tho Seneca Hardware Co.'s Vast hardware emporium. - Buggies, harness, While Hickory wagons. T. K. Alexander. Walhalla. --Oconeo county's tax hooks were opened hud Monday morning. W. J. bclirod ir, treasurer, informs us that his collections up to this morning amount to about $200. - Wanted -Lady or gentleman of fair education to travel for firm of $250,000 capital. Salary $1,072 per year, payable weekly. Kxpenscs advanced. Address Geo. (? ooo saved to tho people of Oconee county next year, by voting the dispensa ries out, means that much property. -Tho best line of cough and cold preparations to bo bad at the Walhalla Drug Co.'s. -Attention is directed to the advor tisomeut of Campbell Courtney, of Newry, in this issue. He is offoriug for salo a sbinglo mill and boiler and engine at a bargain. - Lost-Bay horse mule, about 10 yeara old. Got away at Kavenell'a bridge, on Oconee side. Return T. M. Lowery, Seneca; W. M. Drown, JocaBsee, or G. T. Keid, Calhoun, and rocoivo reward. -Mrs. Kate MOSB, tho qualified ad ministratrix Of tho estale of L. A. B. MOBS, publishes an important notice this week to debtors and creditors in said estate. Head and hoed. -Wo have to arrive in a few days ono car load of salt in 100 pound cotton sacks. For next l? days only 50 cents per sack. Craig-Verner Mercantile Co. -Harper, Hoyd & Hunt, of Seneca, announces a number of specials in dry goods and notions thia week. They aro recognized as "top Hoteliers" in their lines and have always something to inter ost and attract the public. Kcad their advertisement and Itu sure to call on thom. - Miss Annie Henrietta Biemann luis issued invitations to tho marriage of ber sister, Miss Katharine Anna Biemann, to Sidney Adams, tho marri ago to tako place at bor homo on Faculty Hill, Walhalla, S. C., on Wednesday evening, October :51st, 1005, at 8.80 o'clock. Tho marriage of this popular young conplo will ho tho most brilliant ?.ociety event I of tho season. -Somothing new at the Walhalla Drug Co.'s-Cherry Phosphate Punch. i -Dr. J. K. McWhorter, of Calhoun, S. C., has recently gone to Washington, 1). C., where he will continue tho prac-1 tico of his profession. He will resido with Iiis son, Dr. A. W. McWhorter, who bas boon elected to tho ('hair of Latin and Greek in tho George Washington University, formally tho Columbia Uni versity, Washington, I). C. Congress changed the name about a year ago. - The Seneca Hardware Co. aro olTor ing for sale tho only successful low priced, nil steel hay pi ess oversold in this county. -Buskin Anderson, of Seneca, S. C., spreads ' is sails to tho tune of a two page adv? itisementthis wook. Itspeaks for itself in largo type and in a convinc ing manner. Mr Anderson studies to i>iea.-.e and win oustomer? by presenting an ondless array of values in every de partment ?if his immense business. Ilia liill of fare is really tempting this wook. Bead it and then go and purchase Homo of his choice bargains. -Norman's bargain store is tho most popular store for anything necessary. -Special attention is directed to tho I advertisement of Th?! James L. Tapp Co., Columbia, S. C. These gentlemen aro offering great, bargains in everything carried in their immense emporium of fashion. Those of our people who at-, tend tho State Fair should pay this popular dry goods establishment a visit and get some of the nico and valuable articles th ore to be found at prices in ' competition with any city or town in the South. -A largo assortment of souvenir post cards at bell's drug Storo. -We are indebted to A. W. Love, Seoretary of the State Agricultural and Mechanical Society of South Carolins for a copy ?if the premium list of thc thirty- , BO von th annual fair, to he held at Colom bia, beginning Tuesday morning, Octo ber 24th, and ending Friday evening, Oo toher 27th. Groat preparations are ho-, lng made to make this ?me of the best fairs for many years. The railroads aro ottering cheap oxourslon rates and the entertainment of th?! crowds of visitors is being carefully looked after. Lot evorybody go who can and enjoy tim annual gathering of our Agricultural hosts. .i" Occasions. for a Wedding, Birthday, cl Day" just cometo our 3 with the "Swellest" Line ?TS in Oconee County. JJG COMPANY. -Mrs. J. P. MoCarey is now clerking ?or C. W. Pltohford Co. -In Greenville yesterday J. H. Earle, Esq., of Walhalla, WSB admitted to prue tice in the Federal Courts. -Largest and prettiest variety uf lamps and ehiuaware, oheap at Norman's. -Haven't you a frleud whom you would like to help by putting temptation out of bis way ? If so, voie "No Dis pensary." -Wo are in a position to save you KO me money on your hardware. Craig-Veruer Meie.mule Co. -Prayer meeting at tho Walhalla Methodist oburob this (Wednesday) eveuing at 71 o'clock. The public is cor dially invited lo be present. -Miss Carrie "erry, who has spent B?X weeks with relatives aud ti tends at Spartauburg aud Asheville, ruturuud to Walhalla last Monday. -The women aud children of this couuty expect every mau to do his duty OU UOXt Tuesday lu voling a ticket with the words "No Dispensary" on it. -Tho three little Misses Motz gavo a very interesting performance last Kinlay evening at Hell's Hall. lt was veiy good and the crowd present enjoyed the ouioilaintnont very much. -J. C. Wallas?., of Philadelphia, Pa., is expeoted to arrive tu Walluilla tili? afternoon, to bettie guest of .judge i). A, Smith and tami y. Tins is Mr. Wallaxz'f ll rat visit to booth Caroliua and wu hopi ll will hu a (lelighttul one. -The Walhalla Ladies' .Missionary Society and the Parsonage Aid Society will incut at the. residence ot Mrs. 1). A Smith to-morrow (Thursday) afternoon ut-I o'clock. A full attendance of tin ladies ol these societies earnestly desired. -Preaching at the Setieoa Method's church next Sunday morning and night at the usual hm H, hy the pastor, Kev. K. S. Jones. -Dynamite only 10 ceuta per stick. L!ratg pairs all-wool, hair lino, dark Wor sted pants, $3.60 values, at only $2.60. Boy's Suits, newest styles, $1 to $4. Everything cheaper than is us ually found. Buy for cash and save money. Harper, Boyd & Hunt, rFlie I3igr per bar rel. Every barrel guaranteed. Granulated Sugar, 20 pounds for $1. Wo have many other bargains which will interest you. The special pricos on Flour and Salt will last oidy ten days after goods arrive. If you want a bargain don't bo too lato. Wo aro in tho markot for a lot of Country Produce, Chickens, Kggs, Butter, Syrup, Peas, Cano Hoed, F.tc. If you havo anything to sell ho sure to seo us. toi / 95; Craig'Verner Mercantile Co JNO. F.CRAIC, BUSINESS MANAGER. CASH MERCHANTS. Not to Cut Prices on Things Yon Kno w and Raise Them Where Yon Don't Know, but We are Ready to Sell You Your Fall Bill as Cheap We Are Ready as it can be Done and Make a Living Profit. Blankets .50 cents to H4.5U per pair. Shoes.25 ceuts to (3.60 per pair. Dress Goods. 5 cents to $1.00 per yard. Silks. . 50 cents and $1 per yard. Hats.25 cc'ts to *2 00 each. Underwear. 20oents to tl porgt rment. Groceries, Hardware. Tin Waro, Crockery, Dynamite, GUUB. Blasting and Rifl?? Powder Loaded Shells, Shot, Trunk?, Snit. Casen, Kto., all at Popular Prices. Come and See What We Have, and Hear Prices While Looking at the Article. s I We Appreciate Your Trade. V I Yours truly, jr. w. BirK? ?fe co. SENECA.. S. O. Important Notice to Homeseekers. I will ho ut Oak way, Ooonee County, South Carolina, on October 25th to 28th, instant inclusive, for tho purpose of closing out ull lands optioned to mc, ?is well us tho lauds 1 havo bought in that suction. These lauds are well improved farms, comparatively lovel, and tho most of them have now houses, barns, etc. I will pay all ozpensos while I am there, of bona fide bomoseekors, who purchase lands from me, including all railroad fare from all points in Green ville, Piokens and Oconee Counties, pro vided you notify mo in time to provide proper accommodations for you. I oxpect to have twenty to forty de sirable tracts of laud to offer, all of which aro to ho closed out at private sale and at the right kind of prices. JOSEPH J. October ll, 1005. Parties who want mt: lo offer their bonis at this sale must stud mo full descriptions of samo at once, ?o I car? havo them examined, and know ttint tho prices aro right, before offering them to? buy ors, I shall reject all lands in this salo that are optioned to me at a price ahovo that prevailing for like quality of lauds in tho locatiou whore they are oiTered. TERMS : One-third cash. Balauce ia throe equal annual installments, with interest at eight per cent per armuna, with mortgage on premises to secure balance of purchase money. Now if yon moan business this is your chanco to socuro a homo in thc best country on earth. Address me at Anderson, S. C. F RET WE LL. 41-42 lt's a Big Mistake to pay too littlo for Clothes-it's a bigger mistake to pay too much-why mako either? Clothes that bear tho " S. M. * S." label aro tho " hapr)*^?* dium"-they aro " MADE RIGHT AT\ HE RIGHT PRICK"-in fact, they are right all 'round. Thoy retain their shape-givo satisfactory wear -embody style-are moderately priced. Como in and let us show you. HUNTER, DENDY I COMPANY, Seneca, S. C.