Boss Colton Picker. Hie name is Aleck Abright, col ored, 20 yearn old, about six feet tall and a cigarette smoker. Ile tolls us that in fivo ?lays last week, begin ning at sunrise, stopping an hour and a half for noon and quitting to weigh up at sundown, he picked in live days 2,011 pounds of seed cotton for E. II. Jenkins, of (iroal Cypress. Can tho State equal that record ? His best day's pinking in the past | was done last year, wheo one day he gathered 607 pounds.-Barnwell People. Capt. Price, Great Lawyer, is Ooad. Charlotte, X. C., September 28.- j Capt. Charles Price died this morn-, ina at 8.16 o'clock at bi? bonn' in Salisbury alter an illness of four' y.-ars, The lifo of the celebrated lawyer was despaired of months ago. The best physicians stated that ho! had Bright's disease and could not liv ?. Capt. Trice lirst entered pub? lio life in the State Convention of 1875. Afterward he was speaker of .he house and Republican candidate for tho otlico of chief justice. Many honors were bestowed upon him in this life. He was known as one of the best, if not the best, constilu itionnl lawyer in the South. A Card. This is to certify that all druggists aro authorized i<> refund your money if Fo loy's (louey and Tar fails to eure your cough or cold. Ii stops tho cough, hei ls the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold. Cures la grippe cough and prevents pneumonia and consumption. Contains no opiates. The genuine is in a yellow package. Ko fuse substitutes. I. W. Kell, Walhalla. Lashed Until Blood Flows. Wilmington, Del., September 80. - Forty lashes each-tho maxim ni .Owed by law-were administered lo William and Henry Parker, both negroes, nt thc county workhouse Whipping-post. Chief Warden Me uerve wielded tho cat, and Iiis blows brought the blood. The negroes yelled loudly, and alter their punish ment were led back to their cells, H iere they will meditate for five .years upon the highway robbery they . -ommittcd. George Owens, a tough-skinned,I ? white burglar, smiled as the warden laid 20 lashes oil his bared back. Harry Mortui, a big, white man, who stole 86 quarts of whiskey, received ten lashes straight without a quiver. Charles Katun's back reddened nuder ten lashes and he will serve two1 years and six months for stealing ' . lopper wire. Hight negroes and four white men ui all were lashed, and a crowd of ?several hundred spectators seemed u> enjoy witnessing tho punishment. : There was no pillory, that means of torture having been abolished by the fast Legislature. Five Murdered. Two Outraged. Kdna, Texas, September .J'v-.Mrs. v. J. Cond i tl ami tour children, n daughter of 18, and three boys from] ? to ld years old, were murdered in ?old blood at their home near here bo-day. Tho mother and daughter .vere assaulted and their bodies irutnlly disfigured. A baby about two years old was the only one loft .live. All of them seemed to have ! been murdered with some blunt in strument, their heads were crushed and their throats cut with a knife or razor. The girl and mother were killed in the house, the boys were killed about one hundred vards away. Mr. Conditt waa away work ing in tho rice fields. A negro boy about twelve years old was plowing in a field near the house at^tho lime of tho killing and heard tho children screaming; he saw i man running ..ifter the woman, who was running around tho house. Boing afraid to go to tho house, ho ran to a neigh bor's and told what he hud seen. Tho party informell ran to the place and found the five mombora of tho family killed. ? XHcers were informod U once and the entire county is ont in posses in search of the murderer.' It is supposed there were two of thom. Makes Homely WomonJPrctty. >io woman, no mattet how regular her leatures may bo, can bo called pretty If ! lier complexion is had. Orino Laxative Fruit syrup aids digestion and oleara Bal low blotshed complexions hy stimulating the liver and bowels, Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Ko? momher the name Orino and rofllSO to accept any BU batt tu to. .). W. Kell. Wal halla. Tho grape culture in Franco gives -employment to over 2,000,000 people. Killed a Big Bear. The Waynesville (N. C.) Courier of recent dato give? an aeoount of G. N, I 'aimer's killing a 400-pound l>ear in Haywood county on the 14th of September. He set a trap in tho bear's trail ami caught him ami then ; shot him. Tho bear's hide wat? 6 feet long and 5 feet wide. The bear was so heavy Air. Palmer could not carry him and had to roll him down the mountain to thc crock and sink him in tho water until next day, when be got help to carry him homo. A Remarkable Case Indeed. Kllabell, Qa., September US. While Simms, heavily armed, stood, in plain sight, a coroner's jury yes- ! terday found him guilty of murder. Simms is the man who is said to have killed Conductor Duisburg a month ago and a negro two days ago. From all accounts tho sup posed slayer had terrorized tho whole country for a considerable period and the populace are reported to have stood in awe of bim. His pres ence at the tr-al conducted by the coroner, with tho addition of his weapons, and his alleged refusal to to be captured, make a remarkable chapter in the history of the State's jurisprudence. Badly Lacerated Crew. New York, September 'Js.-A badly lacerated crew arrived here yesterday on the steamer Indramavo, guarding a cargo of wild animals from Chinese and Japanese ports. Six leopards and two big snakes caused most of tho injuries which were inflicted by the animals during an exciting voyage. Besides these animals tho I nd ram ay O started out with an elephant, six monkeys of a largs and savage species, and some smaller animals. The leopards from their cages succeeded in lacerating the arms and the legs of six sailors, who attempted to teed them on the j rolling, pitching ship. In thc Ked sea, one of tho snakes, which weighed 200 pounds and was "?'?i feet long, escaped from his cage and crawled out upon the dook about dawn. During most of the forenoon tho en tire crew fought and rolled about the deck in a struggle to get the snake back into his cage. They finally succeeded. Four days ago the ele phant died from complications re sulting from sea sickness, and the' animal's body was thrown overboard. It occurs to us that the press of South Carolina has devoted a suffi cient amount of space to the views of our senior Senator on thu dispen sary. It is all well enough to con tinue to advertise him when he is advocating any measure that will benefit and Uplift tho citizens of thc State; but when he persists in advo cating something that has debauched ami will oontinut to debauch thc people, it is the duty of the press to ignore him after it bas given him a respectful hearing. Senator Tillman is absolutely wrong in advocating the dispensary, but, to use his own language, he is utterly reckless as to the cons?quence? because he believes tho dispensary to be tho best solu tion. Wise tuen some times change their views on great public questions. Wo hopo Senator Tillman is a wisc man.-Gaffney I .edger. FOR BOTH Ono disease of thinness in children is scrofula ; in adults, consumption. Both have poor blood ; both need moro fat. These diseases thrive on lean ness. Fat is the best means of overcoming thom; cod liver oil makes tho host and healthiest [ul and SCOTT'S EMULSION is the en sics! and most effective form of cod liver oil. Here's a natural order of things that -hows why Scott's Emulsion is of so much value in all cases of scrofula and consumption. More fat, more weight, moro nourish? meiii. tiiat's why. Si'iu] /<>/. freo sample* SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists 409 ti5 Pearl Street, New York 50c. *?d $1.00 n it :: i: AU druggist* Th? Longest Bridge. The longoHt bridge in the world is the Lion bridge, near Saugong, China. It extends ?"> I miles over an arin of the Wilow Sea, and it is sup ported by 300 huge stone arches. The roadway is 70 feot abovo tho water atid is enclosed in an iron net work. Sound Reasoning. "Sambo," *aid the owner of a country place to his gardener, "con cerning that tree I wanted you to cut down, my wife thinks it had bet ter lie allowed to stand." "Well, nb think it ought tor come down, Massa Brown," was the reply. "What are your reasons for think ing HO, Sambo ?" "We-ll, sir, sir, do first reason am dat dc tree done keep de light off de green-bouse ; de second reason am dat it's getting obi ; and de thm. reason am dat 1 cut it down last night."-1 [arper'a Weekly. An old adage runs : "A man is known by thc company he keeps." An e>change very aptly remarks that "a girl may be known by tho company soe declines to keep." Why shouldn't this revision apply to men ns well ? Comptroller General Jones MUK re fused to pay over to those counties voting out thc dispensary their ap portionment of the dispensary prolits for school purposes. It is likely that the issue will have to be decided by the courts. # t>? It costs a hundred million dollar? a year to run tho government of New York city, and yet sotno people wonder how Tammany statesmen can hire special trains and spend money like water. Only they don't spend it on water. Russell Sage, who keeps motley, ?md Andrew Carnegie, who gives it away, both declare that they enjoy life ; so it seems that wealth can make happiness either way. But then these men are both philosophers, and philosophy is above riches. Quite ft number of the most con sistent prohibitionists and best Citi zen? of Sumter take no stock in the proposition to vote out the dispen sary. They prefer the dispensary, bad .is it is, to the unbridled reign of | the blind tiger.-Sumter Watchman. lu the last three Presidential cam paigns thc New York Life Insurance Company contributed to the Repub lican campaign fund, in all about $150,000of the policyholders money. Many of thc policy holders were Democrats. Wonder what they think of the manner in which Presi dent McCall handles their money ? The Chinese are making good their threat to boycott American cotton goods. There arc at present MM) bales of colton cloth in tho warehouses at Shanghai, which are valued nt $8,000,000 in gold. Should such a condition continue for any groat length of time tho Southern mills will be made to suttor heavily. A white resident of tho Jay sec tion ot Williamsburg county was given twenty-live lashes by regula tors a few days ago. He bad been on a spree which lasted several days and nights ami this was the punish ment meted out to him. Ile was j made sober by the lashing be got. - ? --- The commercial crop of onions for 1006 is estimated at 3,805,000 bushels oompared with 8,000,000 bushels two years ago. What is known as the commeteial onion belt shows a total area of about 13,000 acres located in Ohio, New York, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Massachusetts and Connecticut, . ^ Commander Johnson and Char lotte Simmons, while, were con victed at Conway recently of thc murder <>f Kev. II. I). ?minger, ii Baptist minister, last June. John son was sentenced to hang on tho second Friday in December. The woman, having been recommended to mercy, was sentenced to tho peni tentiary for life. Swains Island, up in the State of Maine, is said to be the only verita ble Upobia in thc world. It con tains 18,000 acres, population of 1,000, large!} engaged ?ii lobster lislung ; has three churches, three schools, no lockup, no poor house, light taxation, nobody rich, nobody poor. All doors are devoid of locks. All laws tire automatically enforced. Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. Pleasant to take Bomb-Throwing in Pekin. Pekin, Soptomhor 25.-At tho Pek'n Railway station to day, as a train carry ing one of tho four missions ordered abroad to study foreign political methods was leaving, a bomb was exploded inside I a private car, killing four miuor officials j and wounding over twenty other persons. The wounded include Pr I OOO Tsai Tcho, who heads the most importaut of the missions, and Wu Ting FanK, forrnor minister to the United States, both of I whom received slight injuries. Tho perpetrator of tho outrago, who was in tho car, was blow n to pieces. Tho ail.lil lias caused a pi ofound sensation and causes apprehension regarding tho safoty of members of tho Court and loading officials of tho Government. Tho Gov ernment offices and tho railways aro now strongly guarded. THREE PAPERS A WEEK FOR $1.50. Ry a clubbing arrangement with the Charleston Semi-Weekly News and Cou rier wo are offering'that paper and The Keowee Courier for $1.60 per year. Tho Keowee Courier is recognized not only as tho best paper in < ?coner county, but it is rated among the best county papers in .South Carolina. The Semi-Weekly News and Courier is an excellent jour nal, published on Wednesdays and Satur-1 days, gives tho detailed news of South I Carolina (M ?1 special feature, and carries ! the full Associated Press dispatches ? from all over the world. The combina tion of the two papers at $1.60 gives our present readers, as well as new sub- I scribers, an opportunity to secure two of the best panoro in the Mate (three papers ! a week) for 50 cents more than thc regu- ' lar price of either. Let us send you two of the very best papers in South Carolina for almost the prico of one. Farm Lands for Sale. If it is a Farm you want, why not come and look over my list and seo what I have to ot?or? Thousands of investors aro making money every day on Heal Estate - why not you? Farm Lands aro advancing so rapidly that it takes but a cas ual glance backward a few years for a business man to see tho advisability of placing his cash in good Land Titles. 1 have here some choice selections of both-The Homo-Seeker and Tho Investor-to ofter on rea sonable terms. J. H- Darby, Real Estate Broker. Office : People's Hank. NOTICE 0F_SP?ClflL_ELECTIOH. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTS OK OCONKK. Office of County Supervisor of Oconee| County. WHEREAS, on the 12th ?lay of Sep tembor, A. 1). 1005, a petition was Hied with thc undersigned, L. II. V. Hobson, as Cornily .Supervisor for Oconeo County, South Carolina, by and on be half of Kev. C. Wai dlaw and others, as qualified electors of said County and State, praying that an election in said County and State bu ordered upon the question of the removal of the Dispensa ries now located in Ooouco County; and, W h oreas, it appears by the records of the Hoard of Supervisor Of Registration of Flections in and for Oconeo County, in said State, that, tho qualified electors of said County and .State, on the 12th day of Septeinbor, 1005, aggregate .'5,"?S2; and, Whereas, it appears upon the petition playing said election that moro than ono fourth of the qualified electors of Ooo nee County aforesaid have signori the same, (to-wit, 1,020); and, Whereas, it, appears that petitioners have complied with the statutory re quirements for ordering such special election : Now therefore, t? is hereby ordered that a special election bc held in ( Icotiee Coun ty, in said State, on TUESDAY, the 24th day of October. 1005, at which election shall he submitted the question of "Dis pensary" or "No Dispensary" to tho qualified voters of said County of Oco neo, in said State, willoh election shall bo conducted as other special elections. It is further ordered that those el ec tors in favor of the location of Dispensa ries in said County and State shall vote a ticket of the usual statutory size, on winch shall he printed or written tho word "Dispensary", and those electors opposed thereto shall vote a ticket of the usual statutory size, on which shall bo printed or written tho words "No Dispensary". ITo Cu Take Laxative Broi Seven Million boxes sold In past 12 n ORINO axative Fruit Syni] For Sale by J. W- Bell Let a copy of this order bo forthwith served on tho three Commissioners of J filoction for State and County Officers in Oconee County, in said State. Given under my band and official seal, this 18th day of September, A. 1). 1005. [L. S.J L. IL V. HOBSON, Couuty Supervisor in and for Goonoo County, South Carolina. Notice of Special Election on tho (?nestinn of "Dispensary" or "No Dispensary" lu the County of Ot (ince, South Carolina. State of South Carolina, I County of Oconee. ) IjURSUANTto the above order of Ii. I H. V. Hobson, Supervisor of Oconee Couuty, South Carolina, Notico is hereby given that a special elcctiou will be held at tho several pre cincts established by law in Oconee County on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24rn, 1006, on tho question of "Dispensary" or '.No Dispensary" for said County. Polls at each voting placo will he opened at seven o'clock a. m. sud closed at four o'clock p. m. Tho following named persons have been appointed Managers of Special Election for "Dispensary" or "No Dis pensary, to-wit: Pair Play-L. L. Jarrard, A. P. Hunt, F. M. Davis. South Iltoon-Thomas Wiley, W. L. Thomas, .lohn H. Harris. Earle's- J. W. Ablos, L. O. Bruce, P. A. ({rant. Tokoena at Cross Roads-C. T. Phillips, Robert Moore, W. S. Prichard. Oakway-W. M. Brown, J, W. Hcaiden, P. H Gumbrell. Friendship-.J. O. Campbell, !.. O. Hbillips, W. A. Mowen. Seneca-.1. A. Harbin, R. M. Tribble. .lohn Myers. Richland - R. M Davis, J. P. Stribling. M. M Dendy. Westminster-Earle Dickson, J. R. Orr, W. L. Euglaud. Fort Madison-I. I). Hull, J. F. Stew art, J. R. Cleland. Tugaloo Academy-J. P. Powell, J. M. Taylor, R. B. Collins. Holly Springs-J. W. Hare, S. M. Chambers, R. J. Vinson. Tabor-U.C. Singleton, Ely Tannery, J. A. Knox. Damascus-I). F. Carter, M. H. Lee, F. D. Uothell. Double Springs- L. A. King, W. ll. Mongold, E. M. Bamby. Cherry Hill -Wm. Hunter, II. B. Har ris, W. II. Alexander. Little River-I). O. Sheppard, L. A. P. Nicholson, .1 B. Alexander. Tamosseo-J. 1). Littleton, M. C. Todd, J. J. Rankin. .locassee-Janies Burgess, R. A. Talley, W. M. Brown. Salem-W. M. Guinn, E. A. Perry, W. ll. Whitmire. High Falls-VV. E. Mowers, J. M. Hill, J. D. Hand. West Union-A. IL Ellison, J. D. Perry, J. A. I ves ter. Walhalla-C. A. Murton, IL C. M?sch, J. D. Isl,ell. Newry- H. L. Buggs, T. I). Whitmire, J. R. McClellan. Clemson Collego-J. J. Mooro, John S. Goodman, ll. A. Stephens. Loug ('rock-J. IL Cannon, W. II. Thrift, David Karney. On tho day of election tho Managers must organize by tho election of a Chair? mau. The Chairman elected is empow ered to administer oaths. Tho Managers have the power to till any vacancy, and if nono of tho Mana gers attend, the citizens can appoint from among the qualified voters the Managers, who, after being sworn, can conduot the election. At the close of tho election the Mana gers must proceed publicly to open tim ballot boxes and count the ballots therein and continue without adjournment until the same is completed, and make a state ment of the result ami sign tho same. Within three days thereafter, tho Chairman of the Hoard, or some one designated by the Boan!, must deliver to the Commissioners of Election the poll list, the boxes containing thu ballots and written statements of the result ot tin* election. (lue of the above-named Managers for each precinct must call upon thc Board of Commissioners at. thc Court Mouse, Saturday, October 21st, 1110"), to receive ballot boxes, poll lists and instructions, and to qualify. J. A. STECK, O. I. WALKER, ll. s LOOK, Commissioners State ?md County Elec tions. September 20, 1005. 88 n J. H. MOORE, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Calls left at rosidenco or J. IL Darby's Drug Store will receive prompt attention, DAY OR NIGHT. Phones : Residence 08, Drug Store 18. 12-8-04 COOK STOVES, RANGES, HEATING STOVES FULL LINE OF TINWARE, BICYCLES AND SUPPLIES. ROOFING, EAVE TROUGH AND ALL KINDS OF TIN AND SHEET IRON WORK MADE TO ORDER. Typewriters, Sewing Machines, Guns. Revolvers and Bicycles cleaned and repaired. Ml work done on short notico and guaranteed. Ii. H. LOOK. re a Cold in Or no Quinine Tablets. J* aonths. This signature, Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of pimples and blotches. It is guaranteed 7M. J. STKIUI.ING. r <; E. L. UKRMDOM. & Attorneys-At-Law, WALHALLA, 8. 0. I'HOM 'T ATTENTION GlVKN TO ALL BUSI NESS ENTKUSTKD TO Til K.M. January o. 1898._ J. 1?. Gilroy. I .T. WT. Sholor, rickets, S. C. I Walhalla,S.O. CA RF.y~ &~S~H ELOR, Attorneys and Counsellors, Walhalla, S. C. Will practico in tho State aud United I States Courts. Business entrusted to our care will re ?oive prompt and careful attention. R. T. JA YNES, Attorney-at-Law, WALHALLA, - - S. C. He.l Phone No. 20, Practico in State and Federal Courts. Business entrusted to my caro receives prompt attention. 1-05 I. J. CARTER, E D. -Dentist Office two doors above .the Bank, in Carter's Pharmacy. Westminster, S. C. Dr. G. C. Probst, r> i<: iv rjr IST, Walhalla, S. C. Office Over C. W. Pitchford Co.'s ; : : Store, : : : HOURS : 8.:.u A. M. TO I p, M. ANO..2 TO 6 P. M. DR. J. H. BURGESS, Dentist, SENECA. S. C. OPPICB OVKK NIMMONS' STORE, DOYLE Bun,DINO. Office Hours: 0 A. M. to 1 p, M. 2 I', M. to fl I*. M. April 20, 1004. 10-tf Dr. W. F. Austin, JDKNT1ST, SENECA,.S. C. , Office Over ./. If. Jiyrd .1- Co. I AM NOW I.X MY OFFICE EVERY DA Y. PHONE NO. 51. BLUE RIDGE_RAILWAY CO. BETWEEN HELTON AND WALHALLA. Timo Tallie No. 0.-lu Effect M:iy 2S, 1005. EASTBOUND- ll! ll) C J S j 18 A M P.M. P.M. I'M AM Lv Walhalla i ... n .a oe .... Lv Wost Union. s in.a es!_ A r Bonces ... ?.? s 6?!.i. 3 35 .... Lv Seneca.? a rjo.|4 ri .... Lv *Jnrunnla Junction 0 00 2 03 .i -t i ts I.... 4 Lv*Adatna. 11 a lol.14 311...? Lv ?Cliorry.i :i IT I a ni.U 3ft .... Lv Pendleton.' 0 25| a 20 .|i 45 .... Lv .Autan. ? 321 a 3;? . ft03 .... LA ?Denver. ;i 30 a IO . fi ia .... Lv . Wost Anderson . . a 69 a .vi .fta~ .... Ar Anderson-PnssDcp _ a IM. s 33_ Lv Anderson- I'assDcpilu IKI a li) 3 in U 13 8 18 Lv .AiKli-rscii-KriDci. m na a ia, a ia r> m ? vo Ar Relton. Ki a:, a a', a :v, 11 III,H 40 WESTBOUND- ,11 ? ft ! 7 I 8 I'M A M A M. A M PM I'V Helton. a .V? IO WI IO WI.If. 30 Lv'Anderson-Kr't De I ail 11 10 ll 68 Ar Andersen-Pas* De _ 11 ia 11 ?2.left" Lv A intonion-Pass De ?4 22. .i 8 30 Lv ?West Anderson.... 4 27 11 16 11 1?! H 3C Lv .Denver.l i io? 11 2>i]U aili S ftl Lv ?Anilin.14 47^11 31 111 31 ? 00 Lv Pendleton. 4nani 37I11 371 oas Lv .Cherry. 4 VJ j 11 44 ll 44! 0 3ft Lv*Adama. fto.Tii 47 11 47 ?39 I v ?Jordania.inaction, ft nen r.n 11 wi, ti ft7 Ar Boneo*.!.... ia na ia eal 10 00 Lv Seneca . ft all. 1 Oft 1 Oft Lv WOSI I'alon. ft 391.I 1 20 1 8ft Ar Walhalla.ft 44i. 1 as 1 40 . Flag stations. Will also stop ?0 the following stations to take on ami lol of i passengers: Phlnnoy's, James's and Sandy Sprints anil Toxawny. Nos. ii ami 12, fl rs i doss passenger, daily; No?. il and 10, (lally except Suni'ay; Nos. ft and 6, Bunda? ?inly; Nos. I and 7. ROCOnd class, mixed, daily except Sunday; Nos. 3 mid s, second class, mixed, daily. A. B. ANDREWS, President. J. K. AN DERRON, Superintendent. I SOUTHERN RAILWAY. THE SOUTH'S GREATEST SYSTEM. Unoxcolled Dining Car Service. Through Bull man Sleeping Cars on all Through Trains. Convenient Schedules on all Local Trains. For full information as to rates, routes, etc., consult nearest Southern Railway Ticket Agent, or R. W. HUNT, Division rassonger Agent, Charleston, s. c. ie Day Cures Crip in Two Day?, on every box. 25c*