Saturday. September 2:1, I wi tbe People have learned to ap| these Sales several mouths au with them. If they wero uot doods and good Values, they ' of growing as thoy havo. Our Salo for next Saturday Ware, Flannelette, Ladies' Co hie Tumblers, Fascinutars, Tal Bargains will find ready buyer friends and customers here th. money-saving prices. * * Fair Dealing If you do not find goods as n with pnce?and quality return I back. Our Line of Dress Goods foi plete and will be on display tb /. dvance showing of Childrt roaoy to wear ou that day. We have a complete Lino of : them to you. Wo are second t YOURS C. G . J i uti*** m*?*i*n m#?mmtm*$* M PI DEN 8 , 8. G. Capital and Surplus . . . Deposits . . . UJUU, SOLICITED. m July 12th, 1005. Suncal anb personal. -Buggies, harness. White Hickory wagons. T. E. Alexander, Walhalla. -Cotton is bringing 0] cents on tho Walhalla market to-day. -C. D. Mann and wife ?pent Monday in tho city of Anderson. -Plouty of'grasB scythes and blades at Carter Hardware Co. -James Pbinney and son, Gcorgo, spent Sunday iu Houua I'ath. -Tho Anderson Steam Laundry so licits your business. N. L. Fant, Ag't. -MisB Edith Poosor, of Inno, is stop ping with Mrs. A. C. Merrick. -Now and second-hand school hooks. Walhalla Drug Co. -J. H. Bruns, of Anderson, visited friends in Walhalla the tirst of the week. J -Frank II. Carter is in Baltimore and i New VorV buying bis fall stock of goods. ! -Miss Niui Stribling, of Soncca, is viRitiug her cousu.s, Misses Annie aud Ella Reid. -Patties having timber for sale should write or cali on J. C. Shockley, West Union. ;l2tf. - .Mountain wagons loaded with apples and cabbage arc coming to this market almost daily. -M. Rutledge RiverB, Esq., of Charles ton, spent Monday in Walhalla on pro fessional business. -J. it J. S. Carter, Westminster, S. C., have decided to reduce their slock. If you fail to attend their sale it will be your loss.* -Mrs. ll. II. Legate and Miss Hattie Legare have returned to Walhalla and aro occupying the Joost cottage on Til laloo street. We gladly welcome these people on their return to our town. -Tho special meeting at Whitmlre church will begin next Tuesday at s o'clock p. m. 'Nie pastor will be assisted by Rev. E. S. Jones, of Walhalla. The public is cordially invited to attend. -There will bo no services at tho Walhalla Methodist church next Sunday evening. The congregation will join with tho Presbyterians in hearing Uev. W. F. Junkin talk on Foreign Missions. -Wanted - Fifteen girls to learn "looping:" expenses guaranteed fer ri rat month. Light work and good pay when learned. The Westminster Knitting Mills, Westminster, S. C. '.il -Mrs. (ino. Reese returned to her homo iu F.nslcy, Ala., Monday, after spending about a month with ber mother, Mrs. John Rose, and family. She was accompanied by her sister, Miss Sophia Rose. Presents for ? If yon want a Present Holiday or " Any Other O place and we can fit yon n] of SUITABLE PRESSA "Only the Beat." WALHALLA DK e, Saturday, 23,1905. II hold n Special Sale, a Sale predate. I have been maning id the people are mill pleased run ou i lu- square, giving good (vould have decreased instead in Crockery, Agate Ware, Tin llorB, Towels, Laces, Soap. Ta t>le Damask, Screen and other H and we trust to see all of our it day to take advantage of the is Our Motto. * Sf apresentod and are dissatisfied lu goods and get your money r Fall and Wintor wear is corn ?t tl ay. .n's CapB, Sailors and Ladies' Shoes and will be glad to 8how ;o none in the Shoe Business. TRULY, (\YNES. - j i -Special sale at Jaynes' Satuiday, | September 23, at 10 o'clock. -Born, unto Mr. and Mrs. F. A. H. ; ! Schroder, Septembor lt), a son. j < -Try the Anderson Steam Lauudry. I N. L. Faut, Agent. -J. R. Moseley, of Anderson, is visit ing his frieud, Luciau Maxwell. -Second-band school books at greatly reduced prices. Walhalla Di ur (!o. -Mibs Lettie Dobbius, of Hartwell, Ga., is visiting Mr. aud Mrs. F. ll. Carter, j -Plenty of timber on your land? See J. C. Shockley, West Union, If you want to soil. 32tf. -Rev. D. P. Bearden will preach at Return church ou thu hist Suuday in October at ll o'clock. -.). C. Shockley, West Union, is iu tho market for timber. (Jail on bm it you have limber lands. 32tf. -Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Barr, of Grteu ville, ?ne spendiug the week with Major S. P. Dendy and family. -See our buggies, wagons, harness, mowers and rakes il you want bargains. J, A.- J. ?. Carter, Westminster, s. C.* j -Miss Marion Coe, of Rich laud, is I Bpeudlug a short while willi lier uncle, Major S. 1'. Bendy, and family. - We will collect nutt deliver your laundry-Audeison Steam Laundry. N. ' ; L. Faut, Agent, -Miss Lula Jones and Mrs. Helen Bea have relumed to Walhalla and resUmud their duties as teachers in the graded I school. -We will offer our entire now stock of goods at a bargain on September 2Stb, ? a. m. until 5 p. m. Craig-Veiner Mer. Co. - Ira L. Hurley, the efficient and ac n i m in i niau n;; carrier ou Walhalla No. 2, killed a large ratllosuake while on his route last Friday, lt bad niue rattles and a buttou. -Be sure to visit Buskiu Anderson's store on Monday aud Tuesday, Septem ber ?5 and 20, and look at the line of line clothing, prices from $15 to $35. Suits und overcoats made to order. -Tho Ladies* Parsonage,Aid aud Mis sionary Societies ot the Walhalla Metho dist church will meet Thursday ut lei - noon at 4 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. ?. A. Smith. -Crockery, agate and tinware, towels, scrim, llannelleltes, ladies' collars, tas I ciuatois, valaucines lace, table damask, 1 soap, table tumblers, etc., go to make up Jaynes' special sale uoxt Saturday, Sep I tomber 23. -Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Brennecke will move to Greenville iu a few days, ? here they will make their future home. We regret to lose theso peoplo from our town, but wish them muon success in ; their new homo. -Large stock of buggies, surreys, wagons, harness and saoules at Caner llardware Co. - Hunte:, Dendy A Co., Seneca, have a new ad. in this issue. They are telling the public about a lot of carpet samples, Smyrna rugs, art squares, linoleums, etc. (?ive them a call. You will lind any thing you may need at their store. - Wo h?ivc a full line of buggies and wagons, also all kind of material. C. W. Pitchford Co. -Tho fall meeting of the South Caro lina Presbytery will convene at Seneca Friday night, ."September '??, and will be in session throughout the .Sunday follow ing. lt is expected that the attendance ?il this meeting will be unusually large. -(/'ano mills and cider mills at Cai Ur Hardware Co. -Marvin J, Smith, of Spartanburg, the popular cashier of thu Southern F.x urOBS Company tit that place, is visiting Ins parents, Judge and Mrs. D. A. bmiili, in Midway. His many friends aie pleased to meet him again, ?md learn willi pleas ure that he is esteemed highly by his employers. -Many people aro being attracted to tho Woodside Cotton Mills, Greenville, I S. C., on account of the good wanes, easy ruuning work, puru water, excellent school ?uni churches, good houses, pas tures and gardens ?md the extremely high ?ind healthful location. The mill has now 34,000spindles and INK) looms. The eleotrio oar line runs through tho center of tho village The management takes paitioular pains to select good moral people.? !? Occasions. for a Wedding, Birthday, Ld Day" just cometo our p with the "Swellest" Line ITS in County. >UG COriPANY. -Prayer meeting this 8 00 p. m. at the Walhalla Methodist churoh. -W. G. Davit., of Memphis. Tenn., is visiting his relative, C. K. I). Bums. - Wo can furnish buggies, and prices to suit everybody. C. W. Pitchford (Jo. - Football will soon be alive aud kick ing. -For all kind of buggies and wagons call ou C. W. Pitchford Co. -T. Walter Thompson and family, of Columba?, are visiting at the home of K. L. llerudun, Esq., lu Midway. -Miss Lula Karie left Tuesday for Kock Hill, where she will resume ber tttudies in the Winthrop Female College. -It will pay you to visit our store on September 28th, as we will have some special hargaiuB to offer you. Craig-Vernor Mer. Co. -Mrs. N'ieid Dodd, of near Picket Post, left this morning for Atlanta, where she will join her husband. They will make that place their future home. -A minimum of eleveu cents for cot Urn is all rikflit. but overy farmer will liave to bold out for it if it proves effe? - ti ve. -.lohn W. Ferguson, of Hnrtsvilb, visited his family, at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. G. K. Maxwell, last .Saturday and Sunday. -Mrs. W. A. Kt'id aud little daughter, Letisha, '?'ft Monday morniug for a month's visit to her daughter in Birm ingham, Ala. -Mrs. Dr. J. W. Bowen and titree ohil flron, after spending tho summer with home folks, left last Friday for her home In Mount Pleasant. -There will N> preaching at Retreat Sunday at ll o'clock by one of the min isters who will be attending Presbytery it Seneca. Publio invited. -Mrs. Charlie Puoro, of Anderson, who has been stopping at tbe Walhalla Hotel for the past month, leavos Thurs lay morning for her home. -On Monday and Tuesday, Septem ber _."> and '26, Ruskin Anderson will have i display of Schloss Bros.'s line clothing. Suits made to order, prices from $l? to r-"'. Suits and overcoats. -Trustees of the rural schools of Oconeo wishing books for the school library can geo them bv writing to Miss Marye R. Shelor, Westminster, State or- I ganizcr of the International Sunshine Society. She has received a box from lier friend in Boston, who has been for tin ee years donating books to the Ooo- j Dee schools. -The popular special price sales that 0. G. Jayues has been runniug for seve ral months lias met with popular favor and the trading public havo learned that they will find everything as represented and are eager to bo ?in hand at 10 o'clock each Saturday mo ning, thc hour the sales begin, knowing that they will find staple articles at money-saving prices. We bespeak a good crowd for Mr. Jaynes next Saturday. -On the seventh pago of 'bis issue will be found tho large advertisement of the Seneca Mercantile Co. This lirm has Recured a lot of goods at bargain prices and they are going to lot the public have them the same way Be sure to read their ad. before you make your fall purchases, as thev aro Offering most at tractive prices. Tho cotton crop is go ing to be short and you want a little money to go a lone ways. Fm Growing Old Fast And you know why, too. It's those gray hairs! Don't you know that Ayer's Hair Vigor restores color to gray hair? Well, it does. And it never fails, either. It stops falling hair also, and keeps the scalp clean and healthy. Do not grow old too fast ! "I hare med Ayer'? Hair Vlfror for many ?ears mid I should uulet-d be torry to be ob Iged to do without lt. lt keeps my hair from turning Kray, and alio keeps my scalp clean and healthy."- E. 8. CKM-I KI II, Canyon City, Oregon. \A .o manufacturer* or y_ SARSAPARILLA. WLLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. uers lurors for October Term. The following petit jurors wero drawn this morning to serve at tho fall term of Court, which convenes on tho second Monday in October, Judge Chas. G. Dant/.ler presiding: S. N Richardson, (.'enter township. G. \V. Kay, Tu gal 00 township. A. Knu st, Wagoner township. J. A. Driver, Wagoner township. II. C. Walker, Seneca township. Win. Ct. Finkenstadt, Wagoner town ship. W. A. Kelly, Whitewater township. Lee Seigle, Center township. W. J, McCrary, Center township. Thus. T. Fowfer, Wagener township. J, ll. Adams, Sonecaclty. .Tn lins Dy ar, Seneca township. W. I. Hutchison, West I nion. chas. Oppurinoun, Wagoner township. J. S. Carter, Westminster. .lohn Haley. Westminster. John A. Bischoff, Wagoner township. Joe M. Kelley, Wagoner township. R. A. Nichols, Whitewater township. F. H. Burley. Wagener township. Thus. A. Spencer, 1'ugaloo township. B. P. Fisher, Keowee township. W. D. Moss, Walhalla. N. J. Gambrell, (Jenter towuship. J. K. Bauknight, Walhalla. T. N. Hall, Westniineter. J. Haskell Dendy, Wagoner township. I). C. Alexander, Whitewater township. 1). F. Mc Alister, Waeoner township. John W. Graham, Center township. Heywood S. Davis, Senoca township. O, C. White, Keowee township. W. H. Nicholson, Chattooga township. J. II. Cowan, Tillaloo township. James Smith, Wagoner township. H. C. owen, Center township. A Remedy Without a Peer. "I find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets more beneficial than nny Other remedy I ever used for stomach trouble," says J, P. Kioto, of ?.dina, Mo. For any disorder of the stomach, bilious ness or constipation, these Tablet* aro without a peer. For sale by J. W. Boll, Walhalla; W. J. Lunnoy, Seneca. Lumber and MATERIAL OF ALL KINDS. Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mantels from $1 to a $40 Cabinet. Tile Hearths and Facings, Columns Turned and Scroll Work of every Description. Lime, Cement, Plaster Paris, etc. Devoe's Paint, the Fewer Gallons, Wears Longer kind. In fact, everything for the builder. Send us your orders. Yours for Business, Wi DDicccv THE LUMBERMAN, . L. OKlOot Y, ANDERSON, S. C, OSBORNE MOWERS AND RAKES. GRASS BLADES THAT WILL HOLD AN EDGE. I FRUIT JARS. BASE BALL GOODS REDUCED ONE-FOURTH. PAINT "Of ls no lunger coueid ered a luxury, but a ueccBBity. But a limo and cotton seed o'l mixture at $1 to $1 25 per Kallon is neither a luxury nor uecosaity. It I? a Hilly waste of money. We aell the VEKY BEST ready mixed paiuta, which are a necessity, for the Pure Linseed Oil pene- ? t r ates and preserves the wood. They are a luxury also, for they give the very best tiniah. Our paints last, pre serve and beautify. STOVES-We sell the best Cook Stoves and Ranges-BUCK'S. Warreuted fifteen years. Your money back if you want it. .Steelyards and Scale earns. * SENECA, I S. C. SENECA, s. C. 3 The Chance of the Season TO BUY YOUR Fall and Winter Suits. To obtain High-Class Moroni nt Tailo -ing, equal to the Swellest New York Tailor's Work, right here in Town at Reasonable Cost. We shall hold an Exhibit of Fall and Winter Styles and Fabric <, at our Store on September 25th and '26th. These are in almost Endless Variety and come from the Famous Wholesale Tailoring House of Schloss Bros. & Co., of Baltimore and New York. This grand array of Stylish Patterns will be in charge of an Expert Cutter and Fitter, from the above-named house, who is an authority upon all matters pertaining to Correct Dress for Men and the most appropriate Styles. You would do well to consult lum, even if you do not intend to buy, aa there is no better way of keeping in touch with the coming fashions. If desired, he will take your measure and order your selections mado up by Schloss Bros. Co. Besides the certainty of Fit, Quality and Style, every one of their Garments has that clean cut look of finish and distinction that only the best Metropolitan Tailors can produce. The prices asked are not high. *l.r> to $85 will pay for any excellent Suit or Overcoat. Don't forget the date-September 25th and 26th. Ruskin Anderson, ? SENECA. S. C. Honre Lifo. Mild, Wholosomo Climate. Details on Application. , II KN RY P. BOGGS, B. A., Seneca, S. C. "Boys developed as students as well as men." 8ft?88 Vf RS. MARY A. SCURRY'S LANI), ?.VJL situated within four miles of Se neca, South Carolina, and two miles from Newry Cotton Mill, on Cano Crook, is ol?orod for Bale. Contains three (.100) bundled acres. Well improved. Apply to J. \ BUTLER, Adm'r, A then -, (ia. September (S, 1005. 86-40 RiSAii ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Say, Listen ? rTI H ERE are thousands of peoplo moro X each year, but no more land. I have 15 farms, from 50 to 250 rares each, nice level land; every ono a bargain ; will givo terms if wanted". Also, some nico lots in Soneca. Como quick. JAMES H. ADAMS, SENECA, S. C. September 18, I?KV>. :V7-tf Tokeena Store I am now workingtffor W. C. King, a Cross Roads, known as Tokoena, and wil during this week open up a 'ull line o Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, Oro ceries and Hardwaro, and I would b pleased to havo my friends to call aw see me beforo buying elsewhere Yours for trade, J. A. Callaham. %' A"gust:?0, 1005. 85.88