Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, December 07, 1904, Image 6

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$100,000 WATER AND LIGHT COMPANY. Will Furnish Water, Lights and Power for Wal , halla, Wost Union and Oilier Towns. Tho charter ami commission for tho Ooouoe Wator, Light and Powor Com pany, with a capital stock of $100,000, was received hy tho corporators of .tho company at Walhalla Inst week. There has hoon a groat doal of preliminary work dono for tho pust sovoral months by Mayor Jas. Thompson and W. ll. Frink, of Now York, and others looking townrd tho formation of tho company and making all preliminary arrange ments, scouring tho necessary sites, otc. Tho matter of soouriug tho necessary outside funds for tho enterprise is in tho hands of Mr. Frink, who nnnouueos that as soon ns tho ohartor and otb or pnpors pro complot od and in shapo tho funds will bo forthcoming. Th?se will ho in readiness within tho next few days, and the outlook now is that activo work will bogin within a voryshc.t timo. Tho oOlcors of the company aro: J. A. Stock, president; C. G. Jayuos, vico president; Jas. Thompson, soorotaryand treasurer. Directors: W. Ii. Frink, Now York; J. A. Stock, C. G. Jay nos, Jas. Thompson? W. E. Seaborn, Walhalla. It is tho iutontion of tho compm y to supply the towns of Walhalla and Yost Union with wator and to oporato an oloctrio plnnt sulliciont to light tho two towns and others, hud also to furnish powor for manufacturing enterprises. Wo understand tho company has a contract already to furnish tho Sonoca Cotton Mills ?00 horso-powor, and that thoro aro Others ready to nogotiato for largor and .smaller amounts. Tho land has boon purchased on Poor Mounfuin for tho wator plant, and an other doal has been closed for land and water rights for tho power and light plants. Tho latter property is located about ton miles from Walhalla. It has excellent possibilities for tho develop ment of largo powor. Probably tho most untiring worker in the interest of this entorpriso ?B W. B. Frink, who, with Mayor Thompson's aldo assistanco, lins givon shapo to Hie work and mado tho organization of this company possible. Tho pnoplo of Wal halla in particular have boon calling for such an entorpriso mid should rospond liberally in tho way of patronage as soon as it is onablcd to furnish wntcr and lights. Seneca is also contomplatod in tho deal as a liberal patron, and with tho combined support of Walhalla, West Union and Seneca, such enterprise should bo enabled to carn a reasonable dividend and furnioh an oxoollont sor vico. lt is proposed to make tho two plants first-class in overy respect. Thoro aro other enterprises in contem plation hy others iutorostod in tho de velopment of this immediate section of tho Piedmont country, and it is said that tho launching of tho wator, light and power ontorpriso will make possible their establishment. It is to ho hoped that' tho beginning made is to be pushed to a successful completion at once. It will fill tho greatest want of the towns of our county. Grip Quickly Knocked Out. Some weeks ago dining tho severe ntet^woather both my \?ifo and niy colitractcd severe colds which speedily developed i nth tho worst kind of la grippe with all its miserable Symp toms," says J. S. Egleston, of Map c Landing, Iowa. Knees and joints aching, muscles sore, head slopped np, eyes and nose running, with alternate spells of chills and fever. Wo began using Cham berlain's Cough Koniedy, aiding tho ! same with a dose of 'chamberlain's .Stomach and Liver Tablets, and by its use soon completely knocked out Ibo grip." These Tablets promote a healthy action of the bowels, liver and kidneys, which is always boiioiloial when tho sys tem is congested by a cold or attack of tho grip. For salo' by J. W. Kell, Wal halla, and W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Hcplasopli Olficors. At Ibo regular mooting of Coonee Con clave, No. 827, Improved Order 1 lepta sophs, hold December I, the following ollie.ers woro elected fo> 1005: A robot!, C. G. J nynes; Provost, A. C. Cartor; Socio tai y, F. A. II. Schroder; Treasurer, Jas. Thompson; Financier, C. A. Norman; Prelate, Kev. J. M. McCuirc; Inspector, G. W. Dyer; Warder, Jesse Lay, Jr.; ?qutlno|, J. M. Baldwin. F. A, H. Sobro r w as elected as delegate to Supr?me f'onclavo, which moots in Milwaukee, Wis., in June, 1005. Gono to Anderson and Abbeville. Last Saturday Wm. G. Bussell aud youngest son, Estes, of Hussoll's, this county, passed through Walhalla in a handsome now "mountain schooner" of tho largest, typo, drawn by his large team of horses, one of which weighed I,KU) and tho other I 270 pounds. Mr. bussell said that ho had not been to Abbeville since, tho war, and that ho intended going down to bude over tho old country through w hieb, years ago, all tho trad ing of this section was done, anil to re new old acquaintances. Mr. Bussell is one of our best, farmers. During a resi dence of about<I0 years at his present homo on Chnttoega river he nas never bought a pound of moat for his home use, and during the saino period has bought only about 'J."> pounds of lard, lt is a groat hobby of bis that every fanner should live strictly at homo, and ho looks after his hobby with as milch caro and pride as ho does tho excellent horses that occupy his stables. -Buck's .?iinior Bango givon to the little girl nuder M years old, who will bring us the greatest number of our ad vertisements olippod from tho county pnpors containing our signature with a buck's hoad, on or before February Isl, 1005. Sonoca Hardware'Co. Meteorologic*! Matters. Tho following ?B tho record of tem perature ami rainfall ns rocordod at tho U. S. Station, at J. 1). Ishell's, near Wal halla, for week ending Decombor 1, as recorded ,y Miss Mattyo Bruce, obsorvor: Mouth mid Oay. November 20 Novcttihor 27. Novomber 2s November 89. Novciubor :)0, Decviubor !.. ('ondit icm of tito Weather. l'tly cloudy, i Clear. Clear. l'tly cloudy, i Clear. . Clear. Tom po ra ture. l? as G a Whoo you want a pleasant laxativo tako Chamberlain's Stomach .r.d Liver Tablots. For salo by J. W. Holl, Wal halla, und W. J. Lunney, Sen ec;?. Great Talos from tho Farm. K. P. Wood, of Wolf Stake school dis trict, this county, was in Walhalla last) Thursday, and incidentally remarked, in speaking of tho lino cropi> made in Oco noo this year, that ho folt sitro tho cotton crop is one-third in oxcoss of th rt of last I year. Ho said his own crop is above that j average. "I planted 22 acres," ho said, "and 1 havo already got len out 20 baloB, aud I am quito sure thoro aro four or ilvo hundred pounds of lint to bo gotten out yob My brother, M. A. Wood, who lives in Now Hope school district, planted coven acros and has had sovon hales ginned, and ho calculates on getting out yot about 8(H) pounds. Wi J. Hunt will realizo a halo to tho acre on his entire farm-good, full bales, too "Talking about crops, though," con tinued Mr. Wood, "J. S. Cox beats the record when it comes to peas. Ho got a peek of sonto new kind of p >as last spring, and while ho was WOl'kiog in his cotton ho planted that peek of puns and has hat vested M bushels. They beat anything 1 over saw or heard of." ?Sonto who heard Mr. Wood talking seemed to think ho "had his sights too high," hut ho says ho has .simply stated facts. Tho wholo story looks big, hut thou it was in Ocouoo, and when ono takes that fact into consideration it i doesn't Boom at all improbable Revolution Imminent. A suro sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble in your system is ner vousness, stoop'issnoss, or stomach np sots. Electric bitters will quickly dis member tho troublesome causes, lt never fails to tone tho stomach, regulate tho kidneys and bowels, stimulate tito liver, and clarify tho blond. Hun down systems hen et it particularly and all tho usual at tending aches vanish under its searching and thorough effect i voness. F.lcotrio bitters is only fiOo, and that is returned if it don't give perfect, satisfaction. Guaranteed by all druggists. Just a Word, Please. During tho past two weeks wo havo been mailing statements to those of our subscribers who have allowed themselves to become in arrears with ns. This is i simply a maller td business with us, and ; every one should realiz? the necessity for it. Some of our friends havo re sponded promptly and wo appreciate it. If >ou have roooived a statement andi havo not responded, do so as early ns possible. And if you cannot settle in full make a partial payment now and! squat o up as soon ns possible Wo ?lo' pot wish to "push" anybody, but it takes money to run a newspaper and wo will( appreoiato it if our Biibsoribors who aro | in arrears will extend to ns tho "glad hand" promptly and cheerfully. Look at the label on your pap Ol' ami you will see just how your account stands. -Firobacks in Buck's stoves warranted 15 years. Seneca llnrtbwaro t'o., Agents. A Splendid Entertainment. Last Thursday evening, under tho management of tho Alkahest Lycon m Course, Marvin Williams appeared in his ".lolly F.venings" and entertained his audience in a royal manner. Mr. Wil liams, although quito a young man, is almost unanimously given credit for being among tho very host to uppoar in Walhalla. His voice is full and clear, and his manner perfectly natural and easy. Had it not been for tho constant talking and giggling of a few to whom ignorance scorns to be tho very pinnacle of bliss, tho evening would have boon ono of unmarred pleasure. Mr. Williams very aptly referred to his disturbers as "ollinqillipbi or hickory-nut heads." There should ill the futur?) bo some means of suppressing those irr?pressibles, A Frightened Horse. Running like mad down tho street (lumping tho occupants, or a bundled other accidents, are every day occur roilOOS. It behooves everybody to have li'reliable salve handy and there's none I ns good as Bncklen's Arnica Salvo, burns. cuts, sores, eczema and plies disappear quiokly under its soothing Ot?oot. 'Joe at all drug stores. Young Couple Married al Walhalla Hotel. Last Sunday morning Kev. K, S. .Iones received au invitation to tho Walhalla. Hotel on tim pleasant mission of perform ing tho ceremony that was to make Robert M. Nixon, Ol Sapphire, N. C., and Miss Mnryjnno Ilovonor, of Now Hamp shire, man and wife. Tho young couple drove down from Sapphire and WOl'O mar ried immediately II poa the arrivai of Hov. Mr. .Iones. Mrs. Nixon first carno South two years ago and Spoilt the summer at Sapphire, where she mot Mr. Nixon, who is in the railway service. The young couple returned to Sapphire 'i'd? ci ic ii A coi.? IN OM: DAV. Take LAXATIVI: BltO.Up Q.UININK Tablets. All druggists refund the money if il fails to euro, li, W. Grovo's signature is on cindi box. 2?0. AT COST FOR CASH. To roduco our stock wo will begin Bolling, on THURSDAY, DE CEMBER STU, our o miro stock, consisting of Huts, Ribbons, Velvets. Underwear, oto., at cost. Our Milliner will louve in about ono week. Those desiring Hats trimmed must buy at once in ordor to got work dono boforo she loaves. Hats must bo paid for when bought if loft to bo trimmed. NOW IS YOUR TIMK TO GET MILLINERY CHE Al*. -, SEABORN BROTHERS. An Immense Stock ! Wo have an immense stock of Clothing we ar going to soil botwoon Now and January 1st, and to do so wo will make special juices of $2.60 a suit up to $15. Como quick and got bargains while they last. Wc also have inaugurated a 5 and 10c. Counter. lt will pay you to inspect tho counter boforo you buy goods in that line. Wo have a largo stock of Men's and Women's Uudorwoar to closo out cheap. A good 25c. Uti dorvost foi 15c; a good 50c. U udor vost for 35o. Mon's 50c. Vests for ft5c. ; A-No. 1 ooo. quality Undorvest for 46o. A good dollar ono for S5c. and a good $1.20 ono for $1, Also, wo havo a good lot of Children's and Infants' Underwear at special prices, ('alt for thom. Wo havo a tremendous stock of Ladies' Dross Hoods that wo havo cut tho price 20 per cont be low tho real value, because wo aro overstocked and must sell thom. Our Notion Department is complete. Como and inspect for yourselves and seo what wo will do for you. Wo have a largo lot of Men's Leggins, hoavy lined, 8?0. quality, wo will soil you at (5()c. Wo want all tho boys and mon in Oconoo county to como ??ml see our Hats, Caps ?md Gouts' Furnishing Hoods, and wo will sell you some values for loss money thau any ono else. Try us and soo what wo will ?to. Our stock of Shoes is complote. Examine them before Inlying. Wo havo a full lino of Grocer ic? and Canned Hoods ?o prices that defy competition. Cot our prices on Furniture ?md Stoves boforo you buy. Collins trimmed day or night at reasonable prices. J. & J. S. CARTER, WESTMINSTER, S. C. 10 Valuable Presents rr<> 13 JE GrIVEN CJII IM?rriVI yVW JW VIS, vVrr ]\OIiIVlAN',8 ?TOBE. TicKets to Customers. Big Line Toys, Dolls, China and Glassware. All kinds ol' Dry doods, Clothing, Shoes mid Paney Goods At Lowest Prices, Come ai ucl NCC otu* \>if*~ display of Christmas Goods, Mo iii! A m ?! o MI* AOTi THE FIR COUGH The wiso thing to do is to take a cough remedy the moment that a cough begins. A reliable, tried and tested preparation is Compound Syrup of Tar ?? and Wild Cherry. a euro (hid. really does euro coughs and colds quickly and offootlvoly. Now is tho season Hutt a neglected cold may hang on throughout tho winter. Take it in hand to-day. Price 25c. THE SENECA PHARMACY, PHONE NO. 1 2. HOTEL BLOCK. MORE SHOES! Another lot of SIIOOB for tho Holiday tnulo. A nico Patent Loather Shoo for only $.3.50 tho pair. Wo havo many useful things suitnblo for Christmas presents. Como to us for anything you want iu Gro ceries, H iud ware, Crookory, Dry Goods, No tions and Hats. Our prices aro right. If you havo an account with us oall audsot tlo at onoo. Don't v.ait for UB to write or sond a collector to seo yo?. Yours truly, .1. W. BYBD & CaSfPAlfTi $20,ooo worth of New Goods All at a Cut-Price Until January 1, 1905. Wo havo got to raiso sonic niouoy, and in order to do this wo have out tho prico on evorything in our storo. Dig lino of Tan ali ' Brown Jackets. Also all tho nowost shades in Wool Dross Goods, just recoived from New York. Havo put thom in this Cut-prico Salo. Clothing ! Clothing ! Clothing ! If you need a suit for yoursolf or boy don't wait, hut come now. Nevor had such bargains in Clothing, Furniture. \v*e have put our Furniture in this Cut-price Salo Our warehouses are full of everything you could wish in this lino. Oak bods, Oak Suits, (.'hairs and all kinds of Rock ers, Springs, Mattresses. Anything you want at cut prices. ?H. Adams The Poor Man's Friend, SENECA, SOUTH CAROLINA, Hunter, Dendy & Co., WILL SHOW Till S WEEK SOME SPECIAL GOOD THINGS, Vi/..: Five cases 18x20 Picture Krames, with glass, complete, in gilt, and gilt, and oak, worth td, for . Oe. Three cases 24x80, same goods, wort i $1.60, for 05p< Kifty dozen, 200 yards, good Spool Thread, slightly soiled, for 2oi a spool. Twenty-live dozen Ladies' Pure Linen . nitial Handker chiefs, worth 121o., for ."ic. Ten dozen late shipment, Extra Heavy Ki coed Ladies' Vests, for 25o. Ton dozen Mini's and Ladies'Nat ural Wool N ests and Pants, worth id.25, for $?. These aro lirst qualify goods; no seconds. Tho crowning bargain is a Long Dickey's Ulster Coat, sold usually for $7.;"><>, for $6, ?ind a heavier Overcoat, IO inches long, in hine and black, for only $."). ('all and let us show you these. HUNTER, DENDY & P ?S12 rv ISO A.* H . o ?