Ny Contest in Shore's Huco. l ast Ki iday Ti ensurer .1. lt. kay with drew his protest against tho conduct ol' tho recent primary election at several prco?nct?. His action is commended generally hy his friends, wlm felt thal the protest, no matter what thy real or ihiagihod grounds for il might bo, was a mistake. Mr. Kay's withdrawal will rel m vc thc cornily executive e. un mi lice ot a great deal of wot risomo ami thankless work, and will he the means ?d' avoiding mm h Unpleasantness and division. There is lio,??uostioh, how? vm, thal lin- rules li?yornfti? thc party primaries should U? lone message ftoni (.'oillily Chairman nb|Hig announces thal Mr. Harm-it has io withdrawn his protest. ?Thei'e will, ori ni', li?' no mooting ol the County ci i nit yo i 'oiiiiiiUtee on the 1th instant. If troubled willi a weak dig?sj?jo?i try i imhei Iain's Stomach and Liver Tah S? They will ?lo von gOodi I'm sido I. W. Kell, Walhalla : W. .1. Lunney ?1 Seneca l'ha? macy, Seneca. Andotson at Seneca. buskin Anderson, of Seneca, has an iinnounconienl on thc f oort lt page of '('ho Cornier this week thai will interest you. Ile has ;i large lin'd varied stock, from which he will be pleased lo serve you. (.'alt and examine his goblin when in Seneca. Ile cai rios everythinp. thal is in oludi d ina lanie stock of general mer chandise. Ile will be pleased to have you call on him at any lime. He's there lo serve you. Mr. Noms Holums lo Sc?tliOniih Greenwood Nows ami View s : lb I!. Norris is again with tho Seaboard Air Lineas agent at this place. Thc people ?-l ibis city w ill l.e glati bj know tiiat Mr. Nm ris amtin has charge ol' the Seaboard herc, as he is a popular mau and a good a.ront. Tho Seaboard authorities made a mistake in i hoir, effort to cut down o.v pohso.s and not fm u bilung nullleieiit facili ties Icjr the. proper disposition of tho road's increasim; business herc, thereby causing the resignation ot one ?if thc ainsi .?tlicienl and imist highly esteemed men thc .Seaboard has over hail employed at I I l een wood. I nany * health ls ?lear to you. 'hen Iel me tell vdu what t.?i do, ?re pain has lucked its lender fiann list let '"I ceduna" eas?1 tin? sam?'. "Trotbinn'' allays irritation, aid ? ii imii ovori. nines and ciuiniornet .000 lor Injuries. supo)tutendem; through .some deice bc fell lioni a tall derrick and was liadh im; itself (brough thc ooitrt.s. Ile has e?ovejri'il I'l'Oii? tb?' immediate effects <>| lis injuries, hut his i?ousiitiltion was ?ci maneiiily injured, and bc iain never ? t over the results of thc iniiirv alto Cjfi?linliorl?li? s Coilijli HeniCdy. 4 S.? mic w ho is acquainted with its ?ood "finalj*.?es mill lie surprised at thc groat pojml.'ti ?ly -.f < liamberlain'a Cough I ich? edy'. lt not only cures cohls and grip ellertnaliy and permanently, hut pi events these diseases from resulting in pneumonia. lt is also a certain cure for croup. Wb..o'j-!!ii;it!''Uftli is not dan herons when this remedy is giyou. li . oiil.nie no epiiim m ?iflici hal mini sub stance ami mav bc given as Confidently lo a baby as an .phill.; ll is also pleasant lo lake. When al! of these facts Iii 0 ttl kc it into eotisidejii.t'oii it- is liol surpris Tit, that people in foreign ladds, as well as af hoirie, esteem this remedy very Unclaimed Leiters. Kooowin!' is a list of unclaimed iel (ors . cimiinin?: in thc Walhalla post ellice tor the w cel. einliic October' I, I'.i0-?,' Miss 'iossii- Clarke,ls. Mrs. A, M. I.vans, Mrs. i harit v Karkol. Mrs, Nancy Teague, Kev. IO-.'.IVTi Persons cullin*; tor any of t ho above w ill idease say thal they are advertised. .1. M. Men iel;, 1 '. M. A tani nf lli.tiiks. Messrs. Kditors: Klcase allow us space n youl Imper to express mir thank's lo nu neighbors and friends lor their kind leas and sympathy shown us during tim io.kiicsK, death and burial of our dear idle babe. May (bul bless and save Nows dom Richland. Kioldand, October fl, - W. ll 11 uglies :in leen ville. Mr. ami Mis. .1. I . I.dy ami their two little sons, lifter spending a week among relatives her'e, have gone to visit the family ol .1. lt, limns, at Anderson. The many fi ?ends ot .1. U. Hui ns, who J?lH 'leen I.ed riddell fi r eight months, will learn with soi row ilia! his eotiiiitiiiii d Imildi mou, w .nndav. Mis. .len Cowers, ol' Ninety Six paying ti visit to her .sister, Mis. M. on business. Mr, ll< Hand, salesman tm Hunter, Dendy A CO.. was tho gu esl oj Lddii Foster .Sunday. lim St rs. .Hichard New, ol' Savannah, who Spell I some time with her anni, Mis. .!. li, shanklin, has gone to Anderson to visit roi ti t| vos. Mrs. s. N. Hughes and her little son ar. \ ?siting at Seneca. Mrs. I.. \V. Vernor and family, of Seneea, weieat Ide home ot K, IO. Vor nm Sunday, Miss Amy Hughes re-Qutors tho Wal halla (.!ratted Sehools this moilun!.'. If roil. Ooo made a business ti ip lo A I hens last week. We beg to corroe! a roc? ul correspond ont from Kichlaml by saving thal Miss Marian Coo is attending brenan College. al (iainesville instead of Asheville, and that Misses lainieo and Lalla Kulleiiger (tie students at Cinema College instead of Greenville Female College. The Hicliland school e\|.ts soon to be in possession of one ol tho rural libraries provided by tho Legislature and they w ill bo groat ful to all friends ol I he school for subscript ?ons or dona tions ol books, thornby improving and enlarging their library. Lev. .1. S. Carlilegc. of Anderson, will boh! a meeting ?ii (lie Kichlaml Presbyte rian church, o?gliiulng O?tobor If!, and COtitiuiuiig I brough the following Sun day. 'j'he quai lui ly meeting for the West minster circuit will lie held at Lock Springs church next Satarday; Kider Child is expected lo preach on Saturday morning and Sunday afiet noon. Miss Pearle Veiner luis been quite ill disposed tor il week. Miss I'eatlc in tends re! utvii IP.; to ( oin in bia lo attend school and study music, ibid her friends ti usi khe min hoi long L- d?h.ybd ?tv iU Cnnlessim physii ians ami tried ail -.ort . ot mi ?ii . .ines, hut gof no relief, 'Plum' I began the use ot Lied ac Hitlers ami teel thal I alli now i med ol a di-eise thal had me III its giilsp f"i twelve \eai-. ' if yob wain a rell.abl'? medicine foi liver and kidney trouble, stomach disonloi or! geiiiiial debility, get Lb ettie I ; i 11 ? . i s. lt's gum indeed by all di uggisi s. Only ;'.(>e I lu' Mc t> ii flin Monument. A s or\ ot Lev. A. W. MeCuilin. We nice i hat ?-ont t ibm ions be made 'and sent in liol Intel- 11) an Novemboi as ihc com mittee wishes lo pince the monument on \o\embei I'.Mh. We tb.ink tho people ami the i burches for t heir eoet i ihullons. Ile!ween if ?ll and vin have been mise,!. VS li want ai least *,',">. The brethren ivjj'l hj^so give Hus subject, their attention. A hove I.eitel. Would not utterest von it you're look ?hg for a guaranteed salve for sores, burns ot piles, (Hto Dodd, of Louder, Mo., wt iles: .'! s u tie roi I with an ugly sole foi a yeal, but a box of ItucktOn-S Arnica salve cured me. H's Hie best salve on cart li." '..'.">,' al all drug simes. Wot otile. Crinio b) Negri) Hi ute. Lying in a briar patch beside Ibo rail- J road truck, gagged and with lah' innis' and limbs'securely lashed with straps, which all hut eui (brough tho tendei i skin, Chita Tippen, a little nine year-old ; he ?rb girl, wlio ines at ii?t.j Wnllaeei stied, w as accidentally discovered liv au ! unknown pei sou walking along thc track ; in IliO lear ri i the girl's h..nie, 1'hmsday , morning. Almost lifeless Hom c.v. huns lion ami hight the girl could hardly I speak when released. Her story, when; ii ipi! ly told in In (ken sent em is, ?as un speakably hoil ible, Overtake!! by a m . j gio mali, she w as beulen into s ulm ii ss i on, j Outraged and then tied to the track by Hm fiend, who evidently thought timi thc oncoming traill would bide tl|o, signs of b is awful i i i nie. After leaving ? his idol j ni tm a few minnies Hie demon ! lelmned for some unknown reason- pei haps \?H nerve tailed lian - ;iml cutting' (li? straps-which held the chili) to the; rails he hurled ltd hedy in the neat by j thicket. The mallei ha, ins! been re- 1 polled to the police and deled i ves aie now at work upon thecjiso. The victim lies al bet borne in a precarious, childi lion and her ret?o vet y is doubtful.--At lanta .Journal, .September :',n, rho Coll?n Plant Sohl. Thc Progressive Kariner, published al Haleigh, N. c., announce.^ tipil it has purchased flin subscription lis! and good will <>i the i 'otton Plaut, lately published at (Loenville, this Slate. Thu Cotton {'lan! bas been hi existence foi about, twenty years. During I lie height of Hie Alliance movement il was the oigan of thal oigaiii/ation. I If Ap' rf% sir ? els i If ?i I S lilli Are i n. New Y ork and othor Eastern markets Uni i ? ). ? t li o i i4 M a i o ino t li S t < > c k. of Fall ?ii< I VV Lil t ? i ' C\ i ) o ( ) s They will i ?f ? rm the publie when they return ami | ? g get their goods in. Look ont fer Bargains Hu1 Presbytery ol South Carolina, Tho Presbytery of South Carolina ii?.'' ai Johnston, Kdgoliohl eoun.ty, South ; j1 Carotina; Septoinboi ??;?d, "ddt, at iv'.Q !. f ? o'clock j>. ni., an?l was opened l?y a ser mon. ls' .lohn, l;?(>, hy Hov. \V. J. Wyly, now ot" llonoa l'ath, Anderson county, formerly an Goonoo hoy. 1'icshytcry was called to oilier hy Kev. \V. ,1. \Vyly, rctiiino moderator. Kev. I'. \V. ! ' ,.e:;. of I'emlletoii, was chosen niodointor; stated Clerk Kev. II. K, Miitchisun in thc clerk's chair; also, Ibiv. \V. .1. Wvlv was chosen assistant!'' Tin->.<. was presold, only ono delegate front O.r.ouftOi thc nmlcisiotieil presbyter. mic candidate for ordination j !.. \V. li row rt. presented himself lot examina tion, ami al'tcr thc nstial searching ipics. (ions wei. tired and satisfactorily au swi ie?!, a commission was appointed ip install him pastor ot a jfrotip pf churches. ,1. !.. Ward, foi morly principal of Se nea Hedi Sd.i. was examined ?ts a boeill mle. AV,?ii need nip s.ty his e\;ur.i linallie eon i ni 11 Tiir ostini ci potts, whir!-, s tory. . pea! to I'reshvierv in .ri Collete ni a.'rotinvi supplied willi preachitiv Ky I '< ch yt et y i j op Sahl.alli. Sept emiter '.''ah. The sacia \ ' nient ol' Lord's S\i pper was ohset ved inj j the .Itiliiistop l'resliyterian i.dmich after ri seimon hy Kev. li. lt, Murchison, 1 Til.?.thir inaiiiiiii; niuinishod Imsiness of lite; cs < sion concluded. Tin; iiexi tnectimrof Kreshvlei v will ' he helli with Mt. Carmel church ?" Ah- i * linville riiuiii y. Ihcslivtorv adjourned to n.t in clin- j - lon chinch,' Laurens county, dorine, the . Session ,-f Svhoil, iii t ho cab ot' Hm mode- " mar, Ike most notable colmen man hi] j this sei'tion and builder of ri Indf do/en j I'lillmi mills, died hero hist. nij>ht. I'.omaC I had srivod over twenty thousand dollars 1 , IK- fotiill the Spartan nolls, anion;! iii.., largest ai t hr Stat e. . mildred mitt twoilty KAudonts have ma i mutated np to .?alf. 'VMU is tin1 largest 11 elidan?o in ( 'Icin.M'ii'.s history, aiul is 11 ? i > 1 ? : 11 > 1 >? (lui largest enrollment any out c-re iii South (jarotiiili luis ov?i had. A cw valiancies lia vc lu cn caused |>y tho iii lit rb, for our reason or another, ot br (iii h applicants lo claim Ol' keep theil daces and <>nonj>h others on the waitui!; ist have hbot) notified to rep?ljt; I'ivc men. supposed to have heep ramps, were struck hy il hain nu the ;. ,v We Have them in all styles*, prices and O, BR LL Ti: LU PH ON ? Are just as pretty as any in the world, and lhere is nothing too good for thom. So our buyers, while in New York, spared neither pains nor money in selecting the most up-to date goods for ( hem. We are displaying the greatest line lof Fine Dress doods ever seen here, We have had nothing to eompare with this line before. Yoong lady, we can fix you up - make you look like a dream. All the newest novelties in Silks and Plaids? Buy one and get married; i Anything in man Tailored. Skirts f rom $ I 5 down. ? v e ry th ing i n O leak s a nd Ja e k e ts of the latest cu.tri. W e cia r i1 y e v e r y t hing f rom the b e s t Prints at 5c. to the FINEST SILKS. M AN ! MAN ! MAN ! BOY ! BOY ! BOY ! We have anything you want, from the cheapest to the finest Suit ! GREAT LINE OF CARPETS, MATTINGS, RUGS, The Furniture Store of the South, '! h i tip in mild tollover llvo I?:*los. 'I'lcM u I1,1 "'. lilli length. With 1.kies attached, fi.Mil '' 's' !p>it hp-thirty tn thc build lo. Wfl : ? M : 11 'I'yi .-wi it?rs, .-fu ?nj! ?Sfuhlii.iti'vt, Ulina! onl'ec th tn ile go'O.il any detects ami ?oil l?-.MIVCIS and r.ii-yclcs cleaned and at prices' thal an? bourn! lo attract close j icpai) cd, iii-? II (m .ho,, notice and 'o V, - VV , ' ' t-i H. I! TIONA i .Mit;, ii?,, I t < > < > ? v : i iSi/kcs Kidneys arli madder Hlnht