Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, February 17, 1904, Image 1

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TO THINS OWN SSLF BB TBUK AND IT MUST FOLLOW AS THU NIGHT THE DAY, THOU OANS'T NOT THXN BB F~ BY JAYNB8, HM13LOU, SMITH & 8TKC.K. WA I il IA JJ 1J A, SOUTH CAROLINA, FEB? 17, 1?04. FEED STUFFS We can save you money on all kii for horses and mules. No. 1 Timothy Hay $1.10 per hun Wheat Bran, $1.10 per 80-pound sac Oats, 65 cents per bushel ; Ear Corn, 8 Best Meal, 80 cents per bushel. We are expecting a car of Shelle will sell at 80 cents per bushel. C. W. & J. E. BAUKNICH' High Grade Fertilizers and Acid At Lowest Prices for Money or Cotton ! Clothing! .'. Clothing! Some of the best values ever offered in MEN'S WINTER SUITS. We are also receiving ono of tho best lines of Spring and Summer Suits evor brought to this market. Spring and Summer Pants. We have a job lot of Men's Spring and Summer Pants, bought from a manufacturer going out of business, at almost HALF PRICE, and we expect to give our customers the benefit of the low price. Shoes! Shoes! We have Shoes to fit almost every man, woman and child in Oconee county. Do not fail to seo what we have to offer before buying your next pair. We can please you in quality and price. Dry Goods, Etc. Wc have a full and complete stock of Ladies' Dross Goods, Dry Goods, Notions, Etc. BUILDERS' MATERIAL. We are builders' headquarters. You can find anything hore that you may need in the line. Wc have just received one car of Doors, S^sh Blinds, Limo, Cement, Glass and Putty, Oils and Paints, thc best manu factured, in all colors. THE CAE? Our Hardware Department is full up. We have a large stock of Stove-, Tinware and general Hardware. Ono solid car load of Barbed Wiro and Wiro Nails. Come and See Us. W. P. NIMMONS, SENECA, S. C. HOUCHINS' LIVERY STABLES - - FURNISH - - THE BEST TEAMS AND MOST COMFORTABLE VEHICLES' AND IN EVERY RESPECT Give the Best Service to ie Had io the Livery Business. SADDLE HORSES, BUGGY HORSES, > j Drays sent promptly on -SURREY TEAMS.- \ (phone or verbal orders. YOU WILL FIND PRICKS RIGHT-AND WK GUARANTEE TO GIVK BETTER SERVICE THAN ANYONE ELSE. Ring: Us Up- Uoixchins? Livery Stables, Phone No. li. L. 0. Russell, Manager. The Oconee Steam Marble and Granite Works, Westminster, S. C DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF MONUMENTAL DESIGNING. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Rolland, East Dorset, Manchester, Pitts?ord, Italian and Georgia Marbles, -AND Bane, Qniocy, Westerley and Ogjesbj Granites. Pnoumatio Tools used in the works, and absolute satisfaction guaranteed. Correspondence earn estly solicited. All orders and inquiries Riven . prompt and careful attention. O? E? GRAY, Proprietor. JOB PBINTII SST THE BEST Th? Befit 1M Always the CJlienpeat. ids of Feed Stuffs dred pounds ; Pure 3k; Sifted Clipped 5 cents per bushel ; d Corn, which we r CJ A. ? II IMC JE JR, O II A. IV TS . How lt ls Done. Tho general system under which is conducted tho speculation in cotton futures is familiar to those who study thc market situation, but to tho man who never deals in cotton very little is known of the speculative Boheme. Tho buying aud soiling of cotton and produce futures is done on a basis of "margins," the customary margin on a cotton transaction being $1 per bale, or one-fifth of a cent per pound, the standard balo buing fixed always at 500 pounds. The customer makes his contract through thc dealer, who may act as broker, or who may himself become the party of tho second part to tho contract. In tho latter case tho dealer operates what is known as a "bucket shop." The usual cotton trade is ono hundred bales. Tho customer places say, $100 with tho broker to margin one hundred bales. This is a margin of twenty "points," the point being onc-ono hundredth of a cont. Tho purchase is made at tho market price at the time, and if tho market advances thc purchaser wins. An advance of 20 points, or one-fifth of a cont per pound means a gain to the customer of $100. An advance of one cent a pound means a gain of $500 and HO on. Vice versa a decline of 20 points or one-fifth of a cent a pound means a loss of $100, and thc customer's margins aro thus wiped out. Ho then called upon to put up more margins to protect his purchase, and in thc event ot' a failure to do this be loHes tho original margin placed on thc contract. The Belling of cotton futures is practically the reverse proccsH. Thc customer desiring to sell, puts up similar margins, which he loses in thc event of cotton rifling a sufficient number of points to wipe thom out, but if cotton should decline in price be wins $100 for every 20 points it goes down. Danger In Cold Woather. Th yr o is danger <n cold weather beoauso it produces conditions favorahlo to tho development of those gorm disoasos known as la grippe, pneumonia, bron chitis, consumption, otc. 1 hone disensos aro contracted while tho mucuous mem brane of the throat and lungs is weak ened by inflammation resulting from a cold, lt is dangerous to neglect ovon a slight cold. Help nature to ward off tho disease by using Kydalcs Elixir. This modern scientific remedy can always bo relied on in all diseased conditions of the throat and lungs. J. H. Darby, Wal halla; Seneca Pharmacy, Seneca. Insurance Estimates of tho Baltimore Fire. Baltimore, February 12.-Reports coming in from all sides indicate that tho rebuilding of tho destroyed part of tho city will soon begin. In surance mon have gono over tho ground and held conferences and now estimate the lom at $125,000,000. Thc influrance is placed at from $50, 000,000, to $90,000,000. It is con sidered very fortunate that valuable papers, Htocks and bonds in vaults in hanks were not injured. This re duces tho loss a great deal. ll ?H feared that after ten days'grace thc banks will be unable to satisfy tho demands for money withdrawals. PUNISHMENT. Social progress has done away with a great many forms of punishment once administered under the laws of enlight ened people. But nature never changes or modifies her penalties. She still has the same punish ment for the man who neglects or abuses his stomach a9 she had in thc far off days " when Adam delved and live span." The physical dis comfort, dullness, sluggishness, irri tability, nervous ness and sleepless* ness which are visited upon the man who eats care lessly or irregularly have been from the beginning the evi dences of disease of the stomach and its associated organsof digestion and nu trition. Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery cures the diseased stomach and enables the perfect digestion and assimilation of food, so that the sluggishness, irritability, nervousness and sleeplessness which result from innutri tion are cured also. " I Wai taken ?Irk nine yen rs ORO with fever." write? Mr. M. M. Ward welt, of Linwood, Leaven worth Co., Kansas. ?Had the doctor and he broke up the fever nil right, hut I took diar rhoea right away; he couldn't cure lt and lt became chronic, and then he gave up the case. I got no weak with lt and had pile? so badly I couldn't He down, nor hardly ?lt up. Was that way two or three month? ; thought I would ' never be well again,' but picked up one of Dr. Pierce'? M?morandum nook? one day and ?aw rour description of catcrh of the nioit'-?* I bought lt nit my case. We had n bottle of Dr. Werce's Ootden Medical Discovery In the house that was got for mother. You recommend lt for catarrh ol the stomach, no I went to taking lt. The one bottle nearly cured me. I got two bot tle? next time and took one and one-half and was well. I haven't been bothered with diar rhoea ?inc?." Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure biliousness. THE WAR IN THE EAST. Two Naval Engaflomonts.Botwoon Russia and j?Tapan-Russia's Entire Fleot Destroyed. London, February ll.-According to later advices to-day, Japan bas disabled/Buuk and oaptured 28 Rus sian vcssols since , tho war began. Should this dispatoh;from j Tokio be confirmed, Russia bas lost tho main strength of the Eastern ^Squadron. She has not a first-class battleship nor more than one armored oruiser left in Korean waders. All that ?B left are throe unprotected cruisers, three proteotedggunboats, nine tor pedo boat destroyers, six torpedo boats and three gunboats. London, February ll.-Baron Hnyashi, tho Japanese Minister hero, has ; received official J confirmation | from Tokio of the destruction at Chemulpo of the Russian first class cruiser Variag and the third class oruiBor Korietz. Tho text of the official dispatch received by Baron Hayashi is as follows : "On Monday a Japaneso squadron escorting transports met on tho way to Chemulpo, Korea, the Russian gunboat Korietz,. UB tho latter was coming out of port. The Korietz took up an offensive attitude to wards tho Japanese vessels and fired I on tho Japanese torpedo boats. The latter discharged two torpedoes ?in? effectively and then tho Korietz re turned to her anchorage in tho port. "Early in tho morning of Tuesday Admiral Urik, commanding the Ja panese squadron, formally called on tho Russian warships to leave Che mulpo before noon. Tho admiral added that if his demand was not oomplicd with ho would bo com pelled to attack them in tho harbor. The two Russian warships loft tho port at about 11.30 a. m. and a bat tle ensued outside tho Polynesian island. After about an hour's en gagement tho Russian warships sought refuge among tho islands. Towards tho evening the Russian cruiser Variag sank and at about 4 a. m. to-day, February 10, tho Ko rietz was reported to have also sunk, having been blown up. The officers and men of thc two sunken vessels sought refuge on thc French cruiser Pascal. There were no casualties on the Japanese side." A summary of thc losses sustained by Russia in the first twenty-four hours of war with Japan show that ten Russian warships wore placed out of action in one way or another and that thc Japanese did not lose a ship. Tho losses were as follows : Battleship Ret Kl Van, torpedoed and beached at Port Arthur; battle ship Czarvitoh, torpedoed and beached at Port Arthur ; battleship Poltava, bolo below water line at Port Arthur; armored cruiser Boya r?n, disabled by Japanese fire at Port Arthur ; cruiser Pollado, torpe doed at Port Arthur and beached ; cruiser Novik, hole below water lino at Port Arthur ; cruiser Askold, hole below water lino nt Port Arthur ; cruiser Diana, bolo below water line at Port Arthur; first-class armored cruiser Viriag, destroyed at Che mulpo, Korea ; torpedo gun vessel Korietz, destroyed at Chemulpo. London, February 10.-A special dispatch from Tokio to-day says tho Japanese have captured three Russian transports having on board about 2,000 troops. Washington, February ll.-Presi dent Roosevelt bas signed the pro clamation declaring neutrality of this government in tho Russo-Japan war. - Dedication. Last Sunday morning a now and beautiful house of worship in thc manufacturing town of Newry, Ocooeo county, was dedicated to tho service of God. Nine years ago I aided in the organization of a church of 28 members at this point. Faith ful work has been done by thc pas tors who have served it. Thc church now numbers 180 members and has a very flourishing Sunday school of 173 members. During these years tho church and Sunday school met in a hall provided by tho company. Tho church determined to build a house for God, Their efforts wore nobly seconded by the distinguished President of tho mill, Capt. W. A. Courtenay, and by his family, and ns a result Newry has its first bouse of worship completed, with no debt resting upon it. It is said to bo the finest church building in Oconco county. Under tho leadership of its pastor, Rev. W. W. Loathers, with God's blessing, it will sodn be come-a strong organization.-T. M. Bailey, Corresponding Secretary, in Baptist Courier, February ll. Tho pcoplo of Georgia have re solved that Gen. John B. Gordon shall havo a monument and tho work of collecting funds thcrofor has begun. It is expected that it will be oomploted in a year. Help is counted upon not only from every other Southern State, but from hundreds of porsons in the North who know tho General as "tho groat paoifioa* vor." The proposed monument in cludes an equestrian statue, and it will be plaocd on tho Stato House grounds in Atlanta, Ga. Mikado's Cate Against Ciar. Tokio, February ll.-Tho follow ing is the text of the imperial re soript deolaring war against Russia, whiob was issued in Japan yester day : "We, by the grace of heaven, em peror of Japau, seated on the throne ocoupied by the same dynasty since time immemorial, hereby make proclamation to all our loyal and bravo subjects as follows : "Wo hereby deolare war against Russia, and we command our army and navy to oarry on hostilities against her In obedience to their duty, with all their strength, and we also command all our competent au thorities to make every effort in pur suance of their duties to maintain the national army with all the means within tho limits of tho law of na tions. "We have always deemed it es sential in international relations, and have made it our constant aim, to promote tho paoifio progress of our empire and civilization, to strengthen our friondly ties with other States, and to establish a Btate of things which would maintain enduring pence in the far East and assure the future security of our dominions without injury to tho rights or in terests of other powers. Our com petent authorities havo also per formed their duties in obedience to our will so that our rotations with all the powers had been steadily growing in cordiality. It was thus entirely against our expectation that we have unbap; ly come to open hostilities against Russia. "The integrity of Korea is a matter of the gravest concern to this empire, not only because of our traditional relations with thaj- country, but be cause the separate existence of Korea is essential to the safety of our realm. Nevertheless, Russia, in disregard to her solemn treaty pledges lo China and her repeated assurances to other powers, is still in occupation of Man churia, has consolidated and strength ened her hold on those provinces, and is bent upon their final annexation. And since the absorption of Man churia by Russia would render it im possible to maintain tho integrity of Chinn, and would, in addition, compel tho abandonment of all hopo of peace in tho far East, wo were determined in those circumstances to settle tho question by negotiations, and to se cure permanent place. With that object in view our competent authori ties, by our order, made proposals to Russia, and frequent conferences were held during the last RIX months. Russin, however, never met such pro posals in a spirit of conciliation, but by wanton delays put oit a settle ment of tho serious questions and by ostensibly advocating peace on ono hand, while on tho other extending her navel and military preparations, sought to accomplish her own selfish designs. Wc cannot in the lenst admit that Russia had from the first any serious or genuine desire for peace. She rejected tho proposal of our government. The safety of Korea waa in danger and tho inter ests of our empire menaced. "Tho guarantees for tho future, which we failed to secure by peace ful negotiations, cnn now only be obtained by an appeal to arms. "It is our earnest wish that by tho loyalty and valor of our faithful sub jects, peace may soon be permanently ro-dored and thc glory of our empire preserved." Don't forget the old man with the fish on his back. For nearly thirty years he has been traveling around the world, and is still traveling, bringing health and comfort wherever he goes. To the consumptive he brings the strength* and flesh he so much needs. To all weak and sickly children he gives rich ana strengthening food. To thin and pale persons he gives new firm flesh and rich red blood. Child ren who first saw the old man with the fish are now grown up and have children of their own. I Ie stands for Scott's Emul sion of pure cod liver oil-a delightful food and a natural tonic for children, for old folks md for all who need flesh and strength. . rScP.'r.T.A BOWNE, Chemists, 109-41B Pearl Street. New York. OOo. and $1.001 all druarglet*. THE NEWS FROM SENECA. Schiller Quartotto Coming-C. T. W. U.-Re r.elved Too Late for Last Week. Seneca, February 0.-We have beon waiting for the time to bo ripe when wo could refer in decided terme to the eau didaoy of otp towhiman, II. J. Oignil iiat, for Railroad Commissioner. Inas much aa Mr. Giguilliat is one of our staunchest oitizeus and furthermore that hiB eleotion to offloe of Railroad Com missioner would moan our loss as a oltl zon, we Bball have to submit to tho IOBB gracefully, olaiming that next to real ownership is the honor of furnishing a j man for an offloo of such importance as that of Railroad Commissioner. Outside of fine busiueB8 qualifications, a continu ous work whioh has made him perfeotly conversant with all tho workings of tho ellice, Mr. Giguilliat is a Cultured, relined gentleman, a splendid fluancior, and a just ma? in all his business dealings Truly as a prominent citizen of ono of our largest cities said, "Ho IR tho mau for the place, and the oflico is tho placo for the mau." Mr. Giguilliat is receiv ing the very highest encomiums from our State newspapers and tho most en couraging support from prominent citi zens throughout tho State. The people of Seneca and vioinity will bo glad to learn that our Bohool manage- i mont bas arranged for another lycoum j entortainmont. On February 10th The Schiller Quartette will appear at tho soheol house horo. This ?B indood ono of tho BtroDgoBt attractions in n musical ? lino that tho bureau Bon '1 out, and as j our people aro truly a music loving peo ple, it stand? as au assured fact'that ' there will be a rousing house. The quart et te is composed of four mon, with Sonor Gonzalos as loador. Inasmuch ns i our citizons woro disappointed in tho ap- ? pearanco of tho.last attraction hero, they will bo particularly glad of this, aud will give it their Anothor entertainment is booked fm February 22, which will bo given also in i tho school bouso. Tho tonchors are ar ranging for a Washington's birthday affair, which will oousist of drills, patriotio recitations and songs. There will also bo inst ruinent al music. A de lightful occasion it ?B sure to provo, ns tho teachors aro sparing no timo or pains to porfect tho children in preparation. Colonial costumes.v. ill bo used, and thu audience will live in yo long ago, wit nessing, among other,! hines, tho manner in whioh Martha and Goorgo Washington dancod the minuet. . At tho mooting yesterday afternoon of tho Ladies' Aid Society of tho Presby terian church, among other important measures, it was suggested that plans bo made for tho giving of another en tertainment in tho noas. future. A com mittee was appointed to arrange plans and to report at tho next mooting. An other item whicli will bo of public in terest, was tho decision to buy two lamps for tho uso of tho church. Ono is to be a street lamp, placed in front of tho church, indeed a lon;; felt want; tho other, a swinging lamp, to bo used over tho organ platform. Roth will bo de cided improvements for tho night services. On last Sabbath it was supposed that thoro would bo services in all tho churches, a very unusual thiDg for ' Seneca. Rut with tho disagreeable weather in the afternoon and sumo mis understandings, tWO Of tho sei vices ; woro called off. Tho pulpits wore to , be filled by visiting ministers, which was also unusual. Ur. Bailey was to have conducted ordination services at the Baptist church, Presiding Elder Rev. R. A. Child to preach at the Methodist church and Rev. Mr. Gregg, of Pondie- j ton, to install offlccts at tho Presbyte rian church. Tho latter braved tho weather and pronchod to a small, hut at- ' tentivo audionco. Tho installation was I postponed until tho third Sabbath night. , A few of our consecrated Christian women are interested in the organization of a Christian Tomporanco Workt.'s Union boro. This is of courso a mos?. 1 worthy and commendable undertaking 1 and should have tho hourty co-oporation of every parent in tho town. If organi zation is perfooted, it will include mem bership from mon, women and children regardless of denomination, and noxt to 1 tho church will do moro for tho eleva tion of the youth of our community thau any work that could possibly claim tho attention of our citizens. On last Sabbath morning, notwith standing tho very disagreeable weather, 1 .a full congregation attended sorvicos at tho Presbyterian church. Tho pastor preached a very strong sermon from Psalms 187:6-6. Amonr* other thoughts, 1 ono which wo think -serves especial mention, was that dwelling upon lovo|for ono's church. Tho pastor said in effect that ho was son y for tho man who wns narrow onougb to love only tho particu lar church of which ho might pur chance be a member; that Christians should lovo God's church, his children regardless of denomination; comparing it to thc tact that our soldiers in tho late Southern war woro fighting for ono cause, regardless of company or com mand, truly a beautiful and apt illustra tion. Suroly Christians should think moro of tho groat warfaro in which they aro engaged, tho purposo of tho warfaro and less of creeds and doctrines. Discourses of this nature are most healthy and uplifting to our church going people. Ur. J. S. Stribling roturncd to Senot a from Baltimoro Inst Saturday and is groatly bonefltod from tho trip. Chris. Lowery spout last Sabbath with his homo-folks hore. Mrs. Tom Hill, of Anderson, spent last Saturday and Sunday with the family of Mrs. T. lf Dickson. M. v. s. No Vice President wbo over as sumed the Presidential duties by Vtrtuo of tho dcatli of the President was over elected to that office. Tyler, Fillmore, Johnson, Arthur-all filled the unexpired term and then went back to their homes. It remains to be seen whether Roosevelt will break tho record. With corners in wheat and cotton -in food and clothing-tho people still live, and even manage to wea ther one of the severest winters ever known. They are getting so hard ened, to speculative plundering that the exactions of the elements are made easier to endure. Baking Saves 1 au Saves I ROYAL BAKINQ POWDEI Tillman for President. Sinoo tho inevitable seems to bo the nomination of tbe dauntless and heroic Roosevelt for President by the Republicans, why should not the Democrats give us the bravest, most gonial, energetic and wholesome man in either houBe at Washington-Ben jamin Byan Tillman-as thoir nominee ? Tillman stands out as one of tho safest men in either pa? oy to seleot as President. Ho is safe because of his matchless courage. No man liv ing would be less swayed to lend himself to tho clamors of the mob, or to some violent cconoraio heresy. Ho bas convinced the nation that ho lives up to what ho believes. Ho successfully led tho bar .le in South Carolina for a fair representation in tho Legislature for tho interior peo ple, and won in the face of a tho roughly entrenched opposition. He favored the dispensary law, and it became a law. He then made it effective, although tho State militia from tho largo cities defied him, and oertain Federal Courts lent yheir efforts to nullify that dispensary statute. When Tillman entered the Senate, it was almost impossible to find a mau north of the Mason and Dixon line to put in print abovo his own signature that it was thc folly of follies to thrust upon tho illiterate black man the right of suffrage. It waB Tillman who shocked us by telling thc truth. Ho ha*? now con vinced fair-miuded people that the white man of tho South has ilonc and is doing what only self-re specting mon should do, to wit : mini mizing the influence of ignorance, incapacity and superstition as much (ts possible in public lifo to tho ox- ' tent that if they will not oven learn Lo read, then deprive thom of the ballot. This brusque, fearless man is the gentlest of men when out of tho po litical arena. Ask those who know bis home lifo host, Northerners or Southerners, and they will all attest that this gladiator of the Sonate is ono of the most lovable, kind and ' uonsiderate of mon to family, friends , and servants, and it makes no diffor- , BOCO whether tho servants aro black ; or white. Little bas ever been made known \ as to Tillman's love of music, poetry and good literature. It is a question whother another man lives who bas so studied tho thoughts and life of Lincoln. No doubt many Democrats will'not take kindly to Tillman as President. Ho would bo wholly American and patriotic. It might grato harshly on some of them to find tho Spooners I and Chandlers as wtlcomo to thc White House as the most orthodox' Democrat, but the country could stand that. Roosevelt on the one ticket and Tillman on the other would give us a spirited and spectacular campaign ; but tho result no ono need to fear, as we know tho peculiarities of both mon, and wo can rest assured that Bach would give us an administration distinctly characteristic of himself. William Wilhelm, in Now York Sun. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. How To Find Ont. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling indicates an unhealthy ce di tton of the '.Id neys; If it : ains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass lt or pain In the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What to Do. Therft is comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish In curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing lt, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root ts soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of tho most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery tZZn-n M. and a book that tellsrftffigwtefgM!;;!^^ more about lt, both senlHEBDS^^^ui^ffi absolutely free bv mall. ''^-UMjjPUjgigg address Dr. Kilmer & nome of Bwamp-Root. Co., Binghamton, N.Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer In this paper. Don't make any mistake, but romem >er the name-Swamp-Root-Dr. KU ner's Swamp-Root, and the address Binghamton, N. Y.-on every bottle. rai Powder Health t Vloney \ CO., NEW YOHK. Got the Dog Fairly. Two little boys were having what appeared to be a warm discussion about a dog, which one of them held by a string, in a down town park when a group was joined by a grave looking man, who Btoppcd and asked : ??Well, boys, what's the matter ?" "We're telling Hos for this here dog," explained one of the young sters, annoyed at being interrupted, "and the one that tolls tho biggest gets tho cur." "Do you not know, advised the new-comer, sagely, "it is very wrong to tell untruths ? Now, I never told a lio iu ray lifo." Tho boys looked at each other in credulously and then one of them exclaimed : "It's his dog ! We ain't in his olasB !" . Catarrh Cannot be Cured with local applications, as they cannot reach tho seat of tho disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disoaso, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was proscribed by ono of tho best physicians in this country for years, and ls a regu lar prescription. It is composed of the best tunics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting direotly on tho mucous surfaces. Tho perfeot com bination of tho two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in cur ing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Chonoy & Co., Frops., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 75o. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Says lt Beats Whiskey. J. H. Nicholes, of Wedgefield, S. C., bolivo8 that ho has discovered a process to make a drink out of watermelon juice whioh will suporcode whiskey, says the Topeka Capital, and ho wants the Kan sas State Hoard of Agriculture to assist him in securing capital to exploit the discovery. Mr. Nicholes says that he understands that some of tho farmers of Kansas are raising watermelons Simply for the soed mid are throwing away the melons after tho seeds aro extracted. He asserts that this is simply throwing away millions of dollars yearly. In his let ter he says*. "I have tho necessary machinery plan nod for separating and preserving water melon juico, and I have a procosB for clearing tho juico so that in a few days it will look liko pure corn whiskey, and in fifty or sixty days can give you a nice drink with alcohol enough in it to make you fool it if you drink a tumbler full. "I boliovo in temperance according to tho Apostle Paul, and I have come to the conclusion that whiskey, as made these days, is an unnatural dr'nk-two concen trated-and as long as I can get water mol?n juico, as I mako it, I never will drink any moro whiskey. "I havo sold the watermolon julee for $2 per gallon, and there, aro millions in lt at 60 cents per gallon." SuRESV Heat Couch Syrup. Tiutos I in timo. Bold by dn Tho mothor of a Kansas sohool boy whoso ears had been severely boxed by bis teacher, sent tho school maum tho following polite little note : "Nature bas provided a proper place for tho punishment of a boy and it is not on his ear. I will thank you to use it hereafter." Since which the unhappy boy has got it right on the identical spot. mmm Lost His Grip. When a man has lost his grip on the affairs of lifo, fcols incapable of perform ing tho ordinary duties that business re quires, body languid, brain dull, bia liver is out of ordor. Hydalos Liver Tab lots aro what ho needs. Ono dose usually will, two always will restore normal con dition of body and mind, and (it a man for tho duties and pleasures of life again. Itydnlcs Liver Tablets are easy to take, pleasant in effect, satisfactory in results, economical. 50 chocolate coated tablets in a convenient box, 26 cents. J. H. Darby, Walhalla; Seneoa Pharmacy, Soneca. mmm? J. S. Wilson, a young man living at Sandridge, Berkeley oounty, well known and woll thought of through out that county, was killed Thurs day. Ile was in tho woods where timber was being out. One large limb was cut and fell, striking a sec ond limb, breaking it off, the latter striking Mr. Wilson and killing him instantly. -fl*. JES" TOT^XuflL. Bean the The Kind You Hare Always Bought Young lawyerr have brought dam age suits for over $38,000,000 against the oity of Chioago. In many of tho oases they are to get shares of tho amounts reoovered in payment for their Borvicos.