AMERICAN BEAUTY 8TYLE 370 Kalamazoo Corset Co. Sola Maker? J. H. MOORE,pM. D., Physician and Surgeon. Calls left at residence or J. II. Darby's Drug Store will receive prompt attention, DAY OR NIOIIT. Phones : Residence 98, Drug Store 18. 12-3-04 DB. T. M. MERIWETHER. I > SO NT I ST, Bank Buibliug, - Westminster, S. C. Mutual Life Insurance Co. Of Now York-The largest and oldest in the woildv '* The best Compauy is thc I Company which does the most good." 1 i\ II. Hyatt, General Agent, Columbia, 8. C. Wrlto or call on JAB. M. MOSS, Local Agent, 68104 Walhalla, S. C. WANTED - Persimmon, Dogwood, Hickory aud Holly Logt?. Freight ? paid on car loads. JAMES COCKSHOTT, - 42 4m Charlostou, S. C. - Surveying ^ DONE IN ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTY. Terms Reasonable. C. L. DEAN, Walhalla, S. C. Juno 17, 1008. I71LHKRTA PEACH TREES, Thor ;J ouiihbred Barred Plymouth Rocks and Red Raspborry Plants. All inquiries promptly answored. Address George F. Montgomery, Marietta, Ga. 62 Blacksmithing and Repairing. WE aro now located on Main street, in the building formerly occupied by J. M. Baldwin, whore we aro prepared to servo ?mr patrons with good work on Bhort notice. Wagons and boccies re paired, hornos shod, and all kinds of blacksmithing done in first-class style. Call and see us. LAY & BOYD. January 18. 1004. 2-f> Jfncal aub l!crs0mti. -Whito hickory wagons and buggies for salo by T. E. Aloxandcr, Walhalla. -C. F. Wood, of Anderson, spout Sun day in Walhalla visiting relatives. -('ar load barbed wiro at the Seneca Hardwaro Co., Seneca. Seo them. -Miss Susio Brimson spent last Satur day and Sunday among friends at Pendle ton. -Miss Roxio Rood is spending a week visiting hor cousin, Miss Lila Stribling, at Pendleton. -Miss Sun in Wright, of Roovos Station, Ga., is visiting Misses Sallie and Hattie Sholor for a week or ten days. -For tho information of "W. N.," Addie, N. C., wo will state that tho ad dress of J. N. Morgan is Kings P. O., Pickons county, S. C. -F. M. Cary, of Seneca, was in Wal halla last Friday and Saturday, in atten dance upon tho union meeting, tho guest of J. W. Shelor, Esq. -See Carter & Co.'s ad. and call on them when you want special prices in heavy groceries, hardwaro, buggies, wagons, horses, mules and cattle. -Revs. A. P. Marott, W. T. McAlistor and J. M. Sanders wero in attoudanco upon the union meeting held in the Bap tist church last Saturday aud Sunday. -Miss Annie Biomann loft this morn ." lng for Charleston, where she will spend two wooks on a visit to ber aunt, Mrs. Geo. H. Mebrtons, and other rotatives. -Eight nico young mules to Boll for cash or on credit. C. W. & J. E. Bauknight. -Rov. J. R. Mooro, pastor of tho Bap tist church at Seneca, spent sevoral days in Walhalla last week, tl > guest of J. W. Shelor, J. P. Kcoso and N. L. Fant. -Josiah Chapman died at his home on Keowoe river, January 27, 1004, aged 75 years and 28 days. He leaves a wife, two sons and one daughter to mourn his death. -Bishop Capers will preach In St. John's Episcopal church, Walhalla, on Monday night, Fohruary 15th, 1004, at 7.30 o'clock. Tho public is cordially in vited to attond. -Buy a bottle of Stonecypbor's White Pino for your coughs, colds and croup, lt Will ouro you. -Mr?. Dell G. McAlistor, aftor spend ing some timo in Walhalla with her mother, Mrs. E. A. Bell, returned to Co lumbia last Friday, accompanied by her little daughter. -Rev. E. S. Jones, pastor, will preach "?-'n *.be Walhalla Methodist church next mday morning and evening at the usual hours. The public is cordially in vited to attond. -John H. Ernest returned last Satur day from Clemson College, where he has boen for several weeks, employed in tho college printing office. Ho is at present with Tho Courier. -The Newry Storo has meal, hulls, fertilizers in abundance, and a large stock of general merchandise, which are offered at low prices. Read their adver tisement and cali to sen them. -J. L. Grahl returned Monday morn ing to Senoca, where he has engaged to operato a blacksmith shop for E. P. Earle. Mr. Grahl expects to movo his family to Seneca at an early dato. -For Rent-A well-located 10-room rosidenco. Suitahlo for boarding house. Apply to G. A. Norman. -Mrs. Jas. L. Ernest and children loft last Wednesday for Easier, whore thoy joined Mr. Ernest and will make their homo in the future. Mr. Ernest is now connected with tho Easloy Progress. -W. P. Ni m mons, Seneca, ha?? some thing to interest you this week. Ills large stock is full in all departments and he is ready to servo his customers in tho best manner. Read his ad vortisomcnt. - Fanoy patent flour, Majostie, tho very best to bo hail at any pi ice, $5.50 per barrel. It pays to buy for cash. C. W. & J. E. Bauknight. --Rev. J. W. Porry, past? r of tho Bap tist church at Pendleton, spout Saturday and Sunday in Walhalla as the guest of J. W. Sholor, Esq. He preached H most excellent sermon in tho Baptist church Sunday morning. i-The 1004 samples of Alfred Pents' wall paper are now in the hands of their agent, J. H. Bonney. If yon are think ing of brightening your homo this spring yon should seo these samples. Hr. Kenney will bo pleased to show thom to you. -George L. Wilson last week rcoeivod his commission an magistrate at Wal halla. He bas aseurned his duties, and is dealing out justice in tho placo of Jas. Thompson, who resignod as magis trate to accept the office of Mayor of Walhalla. -Several baled of cotton havo beon sold in Walhalla since last Friday, and they brought from $75 to $03 each. If tho farmers only had a good atock of cotton to turn loose gradually on the market they would enjoy a rogular mid. winter picnic. -Half patent flour, Piedmont, $5.00 per barrel. C. W. ?fe J. E. Bauknight. -Clem Watkins recently purchasod the King placo, Just at the western ex tremity of town, and han beon residing there for about a month. In the near future he will remodel tho present cottage and make it a handaomo residence. We are looking for more of suoh progressive men as Mr. Watkins. Mors good citizens and more improvements aro always In (?oa?$od, Ts when you want the erican Beauty Corset, 9st on the market at the All styles and sizes. 50c, 75c. and $1.00. G. JAYNES. -3-pound tomatoes, Baltimore Stan darda, IC couta. C. W. A J. E. Bauknight. -Little Miss Eleanor Keose is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. lteoder, in West minster. -A number of sleighs were soudding about the Walhalla thoroughfares last Thursday and Friday. -The friends of D. A. Smith are pleased to learn that be is improving and nopes to be out again in a few days. -There will be a meeting of the farmers at Fair Play Academy on Satur day, the 18th instant, at 2 o'olock p. m. -C. D. MoCollough, of Atlanta, has been spondlng several days in Walhalla visiting bis sister, Mrs. H. H. Legare, on Faoulty Hill. .-Capt. and Mrs. W. T. Rowland, of Statesvillo, N. C., are spending a few days with tho f.imily of Col. an* Mrs. R. A. Thompson, near town. -Mrs. C. M. Brenneoke' returned to Walhalla last evening, after spending a month or more visiting her daughter, Mrs. G. T. Baughman, at McCormick. -Miss Jennie Miller, of Greenville, is spending some time with Mrs. O. L. Dean, ou Faculty Hill. Uer many friends will bo pleased to learn of hor arrival. -For Rent-Large house on Main street. Suitable for boarding house. Apply to G. A. Norman. -A special communication of Bluo Ridge Lodge, No. 02. A. F. M., will be held in ?he Masonic Temple Friday even ing, February 6th, at 7.30 o'olock. The E. A. degree will be conferred. A full attendance of tho brethren is requested. -Tho snow which fell Thursday morn ing wan pretty general all over the South. The fall in Walhalla was only four inohos. while in Atlanta it is said to have boon tho buaviest 011 record. The snow fall extended as far south as Jackson, Miss. -20 pounds granulated sugar for $1.00. It pays to buy for cash. C. W. A J. E. Bauknight. -A. Rae Dendy, who has for a year or moro been iu tho employ of thoToxaway Company, nt Brevard, N. C., is now con nected with tbo Pullman dining car ser vico at Charlotte. Mr. Dendy hold a similar position with tbo Pullman Com pany several years ago and was locatod at Jacksonville, Fla. -The first regular monthly mooting of the now city Fathers will bo bold to uigbt. W. L. Vernor is tho ouly hold over from the old council, and being the senior member will have to pose as "the grand old niau" of the body. Tho citi zens aro looking for great tilings from our new ofQcerB, as oach succeeding eon neil is ex peet ed to surpass its prede ces8or. -Go to Stonecyphor's drug storo, Westn inster, S. C., for all kinds of gar den Se. (ls. -At a recent meeting of tho quarterly conference of tho Walhalla circuit a committee was elected and empowered to soil ll acres of laud belonging to Oconeo Methodist church. The commit tee is composed of W. R. Shockley, A. P. Crisp and Iliram Cowan, a trustee of the property, with Kev. J. I. Spinks chair man ez-offloio. The proceeds of tbis sale will bc appliod to the parsonage fund. THE LADIES favor painting their churches, and therefore we urge every minister to remember we givo a liberal quantity of tho Longman A Martinez paint toward the painting. Wears and covers liko gold. Don't pay $1.50 a gallon for Linsoed Oil (worth 00 cent?), which you do when you buy other paint? in a can with a paint label on it. 8 and 0 mako fourteen, therefore when you want fourteen gallons of paint, buy only eight of L. A M., and mix six gal lons pure linseed oil with it, and thus get paint at less than $1.20 per gallon. Many housos are well painted with four gallons of L. A M. and three gallons of linseed oil mixed therewith. These celebrated paints aro sold by C. W. Pitchford Co., Walhall?, S. C. Newry Baptist Church lo be Dedicated. Wo aro requested to anuounco that Dr. T. M. Bailey will preach at the Newry Baptist church next Sunday, the 7th in stant, at ll a. m., at which time this church building will bo dedicatod. The public is cordially invited to attend. Tins is one of the most commodious houses of worship in the county, and is tho first of any denomination to bo erected at No wry. Our Baptist brethren aro to bo congratulated ou tboir splendid success. Dr. Bell Goes on Council. Tho election for Alderman last Friday resulted in tho choice of Dr. J. W. Bell for a seat in tho City Council by a small majority. Dr. Boll received 61 votes, the samo be got in tho first election, while Mr. Crisp recoivod 60. Ton registered voters failed to cast their ballots and five of them were doubtless supporters of Mr. (/l isp in tho first contest. Both aro good mon and either would have made a thoroughly roprOHontativo and aceeptible Alderman. A difference of only live votes out of only 117 is a short'gin, and each receiving 01 in tho first election gives evidence of very oven popularity. Will Probably Build Wesleyan Church. Kev. B. L. Padgett and J. C. Brewing ton, who have just closed a mooting at tho Court House, desire to thank Clerk of Court Burns for the UBO of the Court 11 < 'Use, and otberB for courtesies extended them. The meeting was a successful ono, a number having professed conver sion and two joined tho church. Thore is a good prospect for the oroction of a Wesleyan Methodist church iu or near town at no distant date. Thore is a con siderable sum on band for this purpose, and a larger amount promised. As a whole, v. Idle, tho immediate rosults of the meeting wero not all that could bo desired, thore is ovory reason to beliovo that seed were sown that will boar abundant fruit in tho future. SHU Omdii of 3. raul Campbell. On last Friday, January 20th, S. Paul Campbell, whilo out hunting, accident ally shot himself, and died almost in stantly. Mr. Campbell was only 10 years of ago, and a |W jdol young man. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Camp bell, who livo a few milos bolow Soneos, j and this is a doubly sad bereavement to thom, as only a few months ago they lost a grown son. The particulars of this unfortunate accident aro vory meagre, only tho statement of tho oocur ronco having reached us, His cousin, S. L'. Hopkins, was hunting with Mr. Cimpbell when tho accident oocurrod, O.i Sunday tho romains were laid to rest at Friendship ltyothod|st churoh, in tho pvesenoe of a large oonoourse of sorrow ing friends. To tho stricken family the sympathy of many friends is extended. Mysterious Circumstance. One was palo and sallow and the other frosh and rosy. Wheoco the difference? She who ls blushing with health uses Dr. King's New Life Pills to maintain it. By gently arousing the laay organs they oompel good digestion and head off con stipation. Try them. Only Mo. at all drug stores. will [lUrfuolrU'WIlHhJIIIU.lUIIII if Seneca Lodge, No. 185, A. P. M., lu be Maconio Hall, at Seneca, ou Friday tight, February 0, at 7.15 p. m. Henry P. Bogga, Secretary. biolaimed Leiter? lu tba Walhalla poet office for week ?ndlug January 28, 1904: L. C. Donald ton, Ilia. Carry Dills, Misa Anner Koni, ML. M. Sendera <2), Miau K. B. Wright. Jae. M. Moa?, P. M. Mil Carry Our Mailt. Mail ooutraotafor star routes to and from Walhalla have been awarded as fol lows: Walhalla to Pine Mountain, Oa., to W. 8. Frasier; Whetstons to Walhalla, to L. O. Russell; Seneca to Walhalla and Walhalla to Tamassee, to J. W. Grant. Marriages. Married, Thursday, Jauuary 21, 1004, at the residence of the bride's father, J. M. Julian, W. C. simpson and Miss S. L. J. Julian, Rev. J. II. Stone officiating. Married, Friday, January 29, 1904, at the resldenoe of the officiating niiuister, Rev. J. H. Stone, J. C. Sanders and Miss L. E. Davis; al) of Ooonee. Batts Concert Not Coming lo Seneca. Owing to a misunderstanding as to dates, T he Lulu Tyler Gates Couoert Company will not appear at Seneca to night, aa advertised. This information was reoelved by Prof. H. P. Boggs yes terday morning. It is a matter of deep regret, particularly so as this oompauy la one of the best attractions undor the oontrol of the Southorn Lyceum Bureau. Cap!. Robins to Return to Walhalla. At the sale Monday tho Nield plaoe, lust at the edge of town limits, was sold bo Capt. Jas. ll. Robins, -of Mountain Rest; for $785. Capt. Robins aud family will move in the uear future to his now homo, and tboy will be most wolcotne in this vioiuity. Whilo not quite within the corporate limits, they will bo noar mough to enable us to olaim them as rosidenta of the town. taxpayers Get Busy. Thore was a rush on the office of Treasurer Kay on Monday and mauy tax receipts wero issued during the day. Mr. Kay says, however, that there aro yet many who havo not paid their tax, and in these a penalty of two por cunt will lave to bo imposed. All who fail to pay ip during the month of February will be JO rn pol led to pay a penalty of tbrco per tent. Now is tho accepted timo. )ystor Suppor and Valentine Parly. Tho congregation of tho Episcopal diurch havo oompletcd their arrango nouts for an oyster supper and Valon .ine party, on Thursday evening, Fobru uy ll, 1904. A hearty welcome aud rood time is promised to all wini will Minc. A pleasing program of muslo, venations, and shooting e.intent is hoing . tanned. Oysters, stewed and fried, will ie served during tho evening; also ooiToo, sbocolato, cako and homo-made candies. Better than Uold. .'I was troubled for several years with dirouic indigestion and nervous de bility," writes F. J. Green, of Lancaster, S. IJ "No remedy bolped mo until I logan using Eloctrio Bitters, which did ne moro good than all tho medicinos I ivor nned. They bavo also kopt my wife n excellent health for years, she says hat Eloctrio Bitters aro just splendid 'or female troubles; that they aro a ?rrand tonie and iovigorator for weak, -un down women. No other medicine ?an tako its place in our family." Try ?hem. Only 50o. Satisfaction guaran teed by all druggists. .odge Improvement in Walhalla. Tho handsome columns recontly or lered by Blue Ridge Lodge, No. 02, A. V, M., havo boon received and aro very irnamental to the lodge room, bosides >eing Of in valuable sei vice to tho lodgO. Tho Knights o/ Pythias, Odd Fellows ind Masons have oach secured an em denial ie light for the front of the lodge oom. The Kuights of Pythias wore ho first to use their lamp, and their ?andsome omblem showed beautifully ant Monday night. Those lamps woro nade by B. 8. Look, of Walhalla, and lainteii by Mr. White, who is doing a ot cf fine painting in town. teturn Your Property. County Auditor Keeso has issued tho 'egular legal notice as to tho dato of ox d ration of time for return for taxation >f household goods, oto. Tho notice cads : Tho law requires tho County Auditor md Board of Assessors, undor oath, to L8sess all those who fail to return house told goods, stock, vehicles, watches or iny othor persoual proporty every yoar ind add a 50 per cent, penalty to the axes of all who fail to do so. It is a very disagreeable duty, and you ire urged to make your returns boforo february 20, so as to avoid the pnnalty. fou are expoctod to give in only 00 por lent of the salable value of your goods. Ul improvements or transfers of land oust be returned or a penalty of 20 per tent will be added. All able-bodied males between 21 and K) years of ago, except Confederate vote ans, must mako returns of polls, or thoy viii bo Hablo to a fine of $10 or 30 days n jail. )eath of Morgan Alexander Jefferson. Tho friends of Morgan Alexander laffcrson regret to ream of his death, vhich occurred at tho homo of his father, K. Jai?ers.>n, in Walhalla, on Monday norning, 1st instant, nt 2 o'clock, after i brief illness. Ho was born August [5th, 1803, at Epsom Surrey, England. Flo came to Amrrica with bis parents loverai years ago, and located near Wal lalla on a farm. In Decembor, 1890, be vas happily married to Miss Efllo L. Vdair. He is survived by his wife, athor, mother and four sisters, who ?avo the sympathy of many friends, ne vas a member of tho Episcopal church. Mis body was buried at Conneross Bap tist church Monday afternoon at 4 )'Clock, the funeral services being COU iuctod by Rov. J. M. McOuiro. In tho ieath of Morgan Jafforson Oconno ?ouuty has lost ono of her most substan tial and respected citizens. Ho was ?eld in high estoom by all who know tiim. Ho was a mau of high ideals and tiouost purposes, and tbeso wore oxem [diflod in his daily codduot. Missionary Institute. The "Missionary Institute" for Qroon ti\\o District will moot in Walhalla Thursday night, February 4, 1904. Following is tho program: Sormon Thursday night by Hov. W. M. Duncan. Friday will bo devoted to a discussion if the best plans for raising the assess ments, and to tho adoption of a uniform, inited plan of action. All tho preaohers ?re ox peeled to take part in this, Friday night, A missionary rally. Addresses by Roy. E. O. Watson and Dr, J. M. [(auder. --.. . ? Lt'tsr lo J. 0. Harper, Seneca. DoarSlrj Tho choapest thing In the way of sending anything over tho "world is a poe?.ige stamp; and tho cheapest way to shod water is paint. Not whitewash ; paint. Do yon happen bo know--it don't bolong to your bush DOBS to know about paint, you know--do yob happen to know that most of the makers of paint stuff it out with lime ?nd olay and sand and water and air? Thoy do stuff it out in tho can; but not on the house. Tboy mako more gal lons to sell or to buy i more money to pay for paint; more money to pay for putting lt on; but no more beauty; more rust; deeay; disappointment; loss. I levon i? your paint, because lt's all paint, no sham, and full measure. Yours truly, 18 F. W. Devoe A Co. P. fl.-G. W. Gignllllat, Soneoa, sells oar paint, Sold 108 Bals* ol Cotto? Lut Weok-About ?3,000 Profit E. O. Msrett, of Fuir Plo/, WM In Walhalla hut Saturday for a ?hort while. Tho day previous he told 108 balea of cotton In Weeta luster, on whioh he realised a handsome profit. He ?old 46 bales at 16 cot, ts a pound and 68 bales at 16.66. Fifty-one bales were sold to the Ches?, ell Cotton Mills and 67 to I. S. Pitts. Hr. Msrott's cotton cost him an average of 0 oents per pound, and be says the bales would average just about 47 6pounde esob. Bis net profit, therefore, was just about 0r cents per pound, or $20.66 per bale, or, in other words, praotioally $8,200 on the lot This is substantially correct,though the figures are made on a supposed average on the weight of the bales and an estimated average cost of the cotton. However, lt is near enough oorreot to satisfy Mr. Marett that he ts praotioally $8,000 to the good on bis cotton transactions for the 1908 cr->p. He looks pleased and thor oughly satisfied, and we think he ought to be. Desth of Robert Lemons. Cannon, Tozas, January 80.-Died, at Jamison, Texas, January 24,1904, Robert Lenin.ons, son of M. M. Lemroons, of Oakway, 8. C. The remains were In terred at Cannon cemetery, after services conducted by Rev. A. 8. Hall, of Vanal styne. A large number of friends were present to pay the last tribute of respect to one who, by bis consistent Christian life, had wou tho hearts of all with whom ho oame lu contact. He was a member of the Baptist ohurob at CroBS Roads, 8. C. He was attended during bis ill ness by kind friends and one faithful brothor, to whom the hearts of all go out in sympathy. Everything that medios! sk di could devise was of no avail. His work wau done. A kiud Father bad , oalled bim up highor. To the bereaved family deepest sympathy is extended, with the assurance that they sorrow not j as those who have no hope. They will , seo him again. it. J. Nearly Forfeits his Life. A runaway almost ending fatally, ?tailed a horrible ulcer on the leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, 111. For four years it defied all doctors and all reme dies. But Rueklen's Arnica Salvo bad no trouble to cure bim. Equally good for burns, bruises, skin eruptions and pileB. 25c. nt all drug stores. Flashes hom Fair Play. Fair Play, Fohruary 1.-Tho snow that foll last weok was very muon eu joyed by our littlo town. Carlton Loathers, who has boon stay ing in West minster for some time, bas returned to Fair Play to mako bis homo. Mrs. S. L. Smith is visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. R. H. Price, this week. F. M. Davis, who bad a very bad fall two weeks ago, brcakiug t h ree ribs, is getting along nicely. Prof. R. W. Grubba returned homo last weok. He is very sick with pneumonia. bussell Boardon, of Oakway, was in our midst Sunday. Walter Hollor and Willio Cromer of Alpine, visited Dr. J. R. Holler Sunday. Wo aro glad to learn that Claude Shir ley is going to mako his homo in our oommunity this year. j. o. c. mom Locals from Townville. Townville, February 2.-Master Ray mond (ininos is visiting bin unolo, L. S Dobbins, in Atlanta. Tho school boro, In charge of Will J. Zoigler, of the Peabody Normal College, numbers 120. E. McK. Browno bas about completed his cottage in town. It stands at the Anderson line, but east of it. Tho old school building at tho Presby terian church is being torn down, after standiug and doing duty thirty years. Tho house was built in 1872, and Rov. E. F. Hyde, who carno from Richland, was tho first teacher. Tho brick work on J. W. Shirley's .toro hero has boon complSted. The building has two stories and a basement, standing on perhaps the most eligible lot in town. Dr. W. K. Sharp's friends will be glad to know that ho has so far recovered his strength as to bo able to drive to Ander son. There was a small flro at tho oil mill recent ly, destroying a condenser and a balo of cotton. Virgil C. Cox, of Atlanta, ls spending a while with his Bister, Mrs. J. P. Led better. Ho is a grandson, on the ma ternal Bide, of Rev. Sanford Vandlvor. w. A. 1). - ooo Card of Thanks. Editors Keowoo Courier: We desire, through your columns, to thank tho people of Walhalla and vioinity for vory great kindness shown Morgan A. JafTer son during his fatal illness, and pray God's blessings upon all. Family of tho Dcooased. Fobruaiy 3, 1004. Sick Blood Feed pale girls on Scott's Emulsion. We do not need to give all the reasons why Scott's Emulsion restores the strength and flesh and color of good health to those who suffer from sick blood. The fact that it is the best preparation of Cod Liver Oil, rich in nutrition, full of healthy stimulation is a suggestion as to why it does what it does, Scott's Emulsion presents Cod Liver Oil at its best, fullest in strength, least in taste. Young women in their " teens " are permanently cured of the peculiar disease of the blood which shows itself in paleness, weakness and nervous ness, by regular treatment with Scott's Emulsion. It is a true blood food ancl is naturally adapted to the cur? of the blood sickness from which so many young women suffer. Wo will be glad lo send s sample to any sufferer. Tte tare that thia picture In the form of ? label lt on th* wrapper of every bottle .( Emulsion you buy. 8COTT e) POWNB. Chemists, 400 Pearl St., Wow YQ?a, Popular Yttiny Mill Hu Haw Hsadt Co lumbus Manufacturers' Association. [Columbus (Ga.) Enquirer Sun..; At tb? annual meeting of tb? Colum bus Manufacturers' Association, com posed of the cotton manufacturers of the city, Jas. D. Massey, secretary and treas un r of tho Eaglo and Phoenix Mill?, waa elected president of the association He auooeeded F. B. (Jordon, president of the Columbus Manufacturing Company, who was uot a candidate for re-election. Mr. Massey baa been io Columbus only fi few months, but he baa already beooma thorouhly identified with the manufac turing interests of this olty. His friends will note bis election to thia responsible position with Interest and pleasure. It ia always a great pleasure to us to note the progresa of Mr. Maaaey in what ever line of business he enter?, He is an Oooneo boy who waa intimately asso ciated with The Courier prior to bis re moval to Georgia) and his success ls of muon more than passing interest to us. Our hopes are high for Mr. Massey's fu ture, and we expect to hear of his steady advancement. Eseaped an Awful Fate. H Haggins, of Melbourne, Fla., writes: "My doctor told mo I had consumption and nothing could be don? for me. I was given up to die. The offer of a free trial bottle of Dr. King's Mew D?HCOVM y for Consumption induced me to try it. R?sulta were startling. I am now on the road to recovery and owe all to Dr. King's Now Discovery. It aurely saved my life." This great eure is guaranteed for all throat and lung diseases by all druggists. Price 50o. and $1. Trial bot tles free. Cotton Ovor 17 Cords. New York, February 1.-The ootton market was again wild to-day. May and July reached 17 8-10 and 17 1-6, respec tively, a gain of 40 points. These are tho highest prices in over forty years. Later a reaction brought May anil July to 17 ftnd below. Reports from Liverpool itate that the ootton market there is ?till rising and thoroughly uusettled. Merri wether returned to Westminster to-day. Wiley Marett baa goue to Lookhart, wbere ho ba? accepted a position lu the ?tor? o/ the Lockhart Manufacturing Company. ^h/v,^/ W. J. Wise, of Spartauburg, was here last Thursday. The infant child of Mr. sud Mn?. A. M. Hholetttr died last Thursday and- wa buried at Long Creek on the following day. It was only a week old. John F. Csonon died at Jacksonville, Fla., on Monday, January 26, after sn illness of several month?, aged 24 years. Young Cauuou carno to Westminster in 1897 and engaged in the mercantile busi ness a short time. Ho was a young man of pluok and energy and his rise was re markable. After leaving Westminster ho studied law and wu admitted to tho Jacksonville bar about four years ago. He was a member of the law firm of Hardwick A Cannon. He waa also jus tice of the peace of Duval courf-y. "Fred," ar he was familiarly known, was boro in Uah un county, Georgia, and was a son of J. C. Cannon, now rebiding in Atlanta. T. W. Cannon, of Westminster, is a oousin of the dooeased. We aro sorry to learn that M. A. Jaf ferson is dead. BginottiB Maxwell killed nine part ridges at one shot one day Isat wuk, The birds were not flying when bo fired. J. Elwood Cox, of High Point, N. C., was lu towu ono day last week. J. B. Cole sold a bale of cotton to I. 8. Pitt? the other day which brought $00.40. The prioe paid was 16 40. The ground hog could seo' his shadow yesterday. There are Borne farmers holdiug a few bales of cotton for 18 and 20 cents. If the price koopa on climbing it looks like they will got it. And it snowed one morning last week. A. L. Gosselt. Women love men for what they are and men love women for what they think they are.-Chicago News. FARMER ATTENTION ! Nothing better in, the way of a liniment mp~-^Mjjjjj^ for horses and other m/f j| stock as well ;is for m , gm family uso H ^1 SLOANS I v J J LINIMENT ?fcw. KILLS PA I N Very Penetrating - Best Antiseptic known ^ SOLD BY ALL DEALERS High Grade Fertilizers and Acid At Lowest Prices for Money or Cotton ! Clothing! .'. Clothing! Some of tho beet values ever offered in MEN'S WINTER SUITS. (Ve are also reoeiving one of the best lines of Spring and Summer Suits ?vor brought to this market. Spring and Summer Panta. We have a job lot of Men's Spring and Summer Pants, bought j rom a manufacturer going out of business, at almost HALF PRICE, and ve oxpeot to give our oustomors tho benefit of the low price. Shoes! Shoes! Wo have Shoes to fit almost overy man, woman and child in Oconee jounty. Do not fail to see what we have to offer before buying your next j )air. Wo can please you in quality and price. ? Dry Goods, Eic. We have a full and complete stock of LadioH' Diosu Goods, Dry 3oods, Notions, Eto. BUILDERS' MATERIAL. We are builders'headquarters. You can find anything here that j you may need in tho line. Wo have just re eived one car of Doors, Sash Blinds, Lime, Cement, Glass and Putty, Oils and Paints, tho best manu factured, in nil colors. HARPWARE^BAEB WIRE BY fiE OAHU Our Hardware Department is full np. We have a largo stock of j Stoves, Tinware and general Hardware. One solid car load of liarbed Wiro and Wiro Nails. Come and See Us. W. P. NIMMONS, SENECA, S. C._ Fertilizers, Feed Stuffs, Mules, Wagons, Farm Supplies in General, -CALL ON J, ot J. S. CARTER, Westminster, S. C. Now in Stock. Lowest Prices. SENECA HARDWARE CO., Seneca, S. C. WE ARE OFFERING SEVERAL BRANDS OP Guano and Phosphates WANDO, BLUE RIDGE, ARMOUR'S HIGH GRADE GOODS and others. We will make some close prices for eithar cotton or money notes. Liberal advances made on ap proved security. Come and see us before making your contracts. Hunter, Dendy & Co., (Successors to H. W. Coleman & Co.) Seneca, S. C. COUGH SEASON Fall and Winter is the time that throat and lung troubles get their start. Don't let them start. Every cough or cold means tearing down-a threat against life. Every neglected cough mo hes the next one come easier. Lunney's White Pine and Sj??'uc.e Expectorant cures coughs by removing the cause. It heals, strengthens and soothes ; loosens the cough and cures thoroughly. Price 25 cents, at The Yellow Front. Q U A L I T Y ? F there is ono thing that you want when you go into a drug store it is QUALITY. You war.t Quality in all drugs and chemicals ; Quality in all prescription work ; Quality in everything that has to do with medicine. Is it .tot so ? Certainly ! There can be no question about it 1 That is why our trade is so largo. It is a recognized fact that our label on a bottle of medicine otatnps it with Quality, because it never goes out on any bottle or box of medicine ihat does not possess Quality. SENECA PHARMACY, SENECA, S. C. llOUCHINS' LIVERY STABLES - - FURNISH - - THE BEST TEAMS AND MOST COMFORTABLE VEHICLES AND IN EVERY RESPECT Give the Best Service lo be Had ifl te Liven Business. SADDLE HORSES, BUGGY HORSES, ) J Drays Bent promptly on -SURREY TEAMS.- J \ phone or verbal orders. YOU WILL FIND PRICES HIGHT-AND WE GUARANTEE TO GIVE RETTER SERVICE THAN ANYONE ELSE. Ring: Us Up- Houchins? Uvery Stables, Phone No. ll. L. 0. Russell, Manager. JANUARY, 1904 We wish to extend thanks to our friends for the liberal patronage given us in 1903, and ask that you continue to trade with us in 1904. We will do our best to please you. Yours truly, J. W. BYRD & COMPANY, Seneca, S. C. JOB PRINTIE Send your orders for Sta tionery and Advertising Mat ter to The Courier and got The Heat 1? Alway? the Cheapeut.