I HIL LT ' CALL ON C. J. H. MOORE, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Calls left at resldenoe or J. H. Darby's ] Drug Store will reoeive prompt attention, DAY OR NIGHT. rheims t Residence US, Dru? Store 18. 12-3-04 IRTT. M. MERIWETHER, IMONTlST, Bank Building, - Westminster, S. C. Surveying ^ DONE IN ALL PARTS OP THE COUNTY. Terms Reasonable. ?. L. DEAN, Walhalla, S. C. June 17, 1008. fit Mutual Life Insurance Co. Of New York-The largest and oldest in the world. "The best Company Is the | Company which does the most good." P. H. Hyatt, Goneral Agent, Columbia, 8. C. Wnto or call on J AS. M. MOSS, Local Agent, 18104 Walhalla, S. C. Money to Lend. LOANS nogotiatod on mortgago of real estate at 7 por cent in suma of $1,000 and over, and 8 per cent on loss than $1,000. Borrower to pay for papers, but no commissions oharged. No loans J loss than $300. Loans mndo only to ono- ' third value of improved farms. JAYNES & SHELOR, Walhalla, S. C. Ootobor 1, 1008. 89-52 KAOLIN LANDS. - WANTED- To I correspond with parties having Kaolin Beds. Address "M," care of j Keowoe Courier, Walhalla, S. C. 38-41* | WANTED-A first class Sawyer at my Lumbor Plant. Apply at once. Will pay good wages to right man. Call on or address J. C. Shockley, West Union, S. C. 38-tf WANTED.-To oontraot with two persons, owning shingle mill out fits, to mako shingles.for our company in lower part of this Stato. Wo furnish timber and tako output. For further in formation address D. W. Alderman & Sons Co., Alcolu, S. C. Reforonco: J. W. Sholor. 88-41 Irreal mxb Djcrannal. -New hulls and meal at C. W. Pitch ford Co.'s. -Jack Darby bas accepted a position as salesman for C. CL Jayues. -Prof. and Mrs. D. P. Nicholson have moved into thoir now home iu Wost End. -Tho Rov. D. W. Hiott has beon re oloctod pastor of the Liberty church for auother year. -Every ono who is interested in Bothel remet cry is asked to bo tboro carly Sat urday morning. -W. G. Perry, of Greenville, spout Sunday in Walhalla with Capt. William Perry and family. -Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Duncan, of Clayton, (ia., spent sovoral days last woek with Mrs. E. A. Bell. -Jool C. Keys, of Rion, S. C., spout Sunday with tho family of Col. mid Mrs. R. A. Thompson, near town. -Willie Bowen, of Mount Pleasant, is spending somo timo with his undo and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Moss. -Thoro will bo an all day singing at Roturn on tho 4th Sunday in this mouth. Public cordially invited to attend. -Rev. John G. Law will preach next Sabbath at Fairview at ll o clock a. m., and at Ebenezer at 4 o'clock in tho afternoon. -Never bad such bargains in mon's pants: $2 panta for $1.50; $3 pants, $2; $5 panta, $3.50. J. IL Adams, Sonecn. -B. S. Look has boen awarded the contract to do tho plumbing for tho new Ellison hotel in Seneca. Mr. Look will begin bis work at an early day. -Mrs. Guy T. Grove and little daugh ter, M?BS Louise, left Monday afternoon for Jacksonville, Fla., whore thoy will spend tho winter with Mr. Grovo. -We aro soiling 0c. checks at 5c; 4/4 shooting, 5c. Big lot of 10c. outing, wrecked, at 5o. J. II. Adams, Senooa. -Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Gibson re turned to t heir home in Columbia last Sunday, after a pleasant two week's visit to Mr. and Mrs. IL A. H. Gibson. -J. C. Cbandlor, of Piodmont, was in Walhalla for a fow days last week on business. Ho expects to roturn to Wal halla in a sh' t time with bis family to live. -I have 18 second-hand sewing ma chines. Como and got one at your own price boforo they aro sold. J. IL Hunuioutt, Walhalla. -W. K. Duffle, of Columbia, was in Walhalla soveral days last week on busi ness. As executor of the W. J. Du Hie estate ho transferred 10,000 acres of tim ber land in this county to R. P. Tuckor, of Charleston. -Hugh P. Holloman bas resumed hiB former position as oxpross mossongor on the Blue Ridgo Railway. Marvin J. Smith, who has hod this run for sovornl months past, has been transferred to the run liol ween Columbia and Groonvillo. -Calico, joans, domestics, white and colored, fine dress goodB at Craig's. -H. B. Sobrodor left this morning for Griffin, Ga., where be hos seer rod a nice position with thc Rushton Manufacturing Co, He will probably return to Walhalla about Christmas. His many frionds horo wish him much success in bis new work. -Rov. R. L. Rogers, of Walhalla, and Rov. W. S. Hamitor, of Seneca, will ex change pulpits next Sunday, tho former filling tho Presbyterian pulpit at Seneca, morning and ovoidng, and the latter preaching in tho Richland Presbyterian chm ch at ll a. m. -Wo can save you money on furniture. We koep a full lino and tho prices aro right. J. n. Adams, Seneca, S. C. -Tho body of Mamie Owons, a daugh ter of Thomas Owens, a rospoctablo colored man of Walhalla, was brought here yesterday for burial. She died in Birmingham, Ala., on October 12th. Sho was 24 years of age, and highly thought of by wbito as well as colored pooplo. she waa a consistent member of tho M. E. Church, nor runeral ser vices wore conducted by Revs. Priestly Evans, of Birmingham, and G. W. McFall. -Por Sale.-Eight or ten good buggy and wagon horses; also sevoral buggies, wagons, otc. Terms reasonable. Apply at Houdini's livery stable. -narry Oreen, of Sumter, 8. C., a graduate of tho Sn m tor Graced School and of Clemson College, has accepted through Hapgoods, of the Pennsylvania Building, Philadelphia, an excellent po sition as olootrician with tho Western Elootrio Co. Mr. Green was very popu lar in College, having been a member of the Columbian, Athlotio, and vioo presi dent of the Columbian Society and oenter for two years on tho Varsity foot-ball team. His many friends wish him suc cess in his now undertaking. A FINE SOW FOR SALE FINE Berkshire and Poland China Sow. Will have pigs in December by Registered Berkshire Boar. J. EARLE LEWIS, 41-42 Clemson College, 8. 0. NERY C. JAYNES. -A 60o. li ut eliot for 35o. at Norman's. -Cotton market firm. Good mlddliug is worth to-day 0K?;S>?. -Roy Kay is now tor be found in the drug store of Dr. J. W. Dell. -See T. K. Alexander when you want a buggy or wagon oheap for oash or on time. -Miei Jaunie Neville has returned to her homo in West Union, af ter a pleasant visit to relative? in York ville. -Coffins and oaskets. Everything in funeral supplies. We have anything you want in this Uno' J.H. Adams, Seueoa. -Mountaineer, October 14: "Cart J. L. Sbanklin. of Kiohland, is at tho Gieen ville sanitarium. An operation was por formed on his eyes, as no was suffering from a cal arnot. Ho i? doing well." -An old folks' mooting will ho held at Rooky Fork Baptist ohuroh, in Tillaloo township, on the fourth Sunday and Sat nrday before in this month. All the old peoplo in tho county aro invited to oome and bring their oldest hymn books and Dibles. -C. W. Pitchford Co. pays highest market price for cotton. -There will be an all day singing at Belmont sohool house on the second Sunday In November, 1003, conducted by Messrs. A. L. Rowland and C. R. D. Burns. Tho publio cordially Invited to attend aud brime woll Ulled baskots. Don't forgot tho dato. -R. G. Gaines & Gassaway Dros., Central, S. C., havo just received a oar load of fino horse?, well brokon; wagons, buggies and fino saddles. Also a lot of fino mules, all to go at reasonable prices. Cash or good papors. Also guano and wheat grower for wheat. -Evorything in tine dress goods. Lat est stylos from Now York. J. H. Adams, Sonooa, S. C. -Robt. Smith will conduct an all-day singing at Wolfcstako Baptist church on tho fourth Sunday in October. C. R. D. Durns, A. L. Rowland and John T. Dyar, Ooonee's "Sweet Singors of israel," will assist in the services. All cordially in vited to attend and bring woll-illled baskots. -Big lot of wrockod olotbing for men and hoys. Come quick. J. H. Adams, Sonoca. -Tho United States Court will con veno in Greenville on Tuesday, Ootobor 20. Tho following aro thoso from Oconeo count y who havo boon drawn as grand and potty jurors to servo at> this Court: Grand Jury-John Carvor, Westminster; n. C. Routh, Seneca. Petit Jury-Har rison Wiggins, colored. Sonena; E. F. Motts, colored, Walhalla: William Car vor and Elias Chambors, Westminster. -In ready-to wear skirts wo havo tho best line ovor soon in Seneca, from $1 to $7. J. H. Adams, Seneca. -Mrs. Nannie C. Williams, after spend ing tho summer in Walhalla with her sister, Mrs. T. A. Norton, ret urned to ber nomo at Cross Hill, in Laurens county, this morning. Mrs. Williams is a oharming good woman and made many warm friends hero during her visit, who rogrot hor departure. They will bo de lighted to soo hor return, as she has promised, at an early day, and becomo a permanent citizen of our mountain city. -If you want cloth-any quantity, any color, any quality-seo us. John F. Craig. -Sidnoy Adams last wook oxtonded tho Western Union tologrnph. wires to his room at Mrs. I. II. Darby's rosidonco. Ho did this in order to make it moro convenient for himself and tho public in regard to nicht mesanges. Ho is fre quently called up at night and tho patron is compelled to wait until ho can go from tho house to the dopot. As at prcsont situated Mr. Adams cnn send messages as soon as recoived without leaving his room. -Wo Boll nam il ton-Brown and Battle Axe ?hoes-all solid. Givo us your shoo trade. J. II. Adams, Seneca, S. C. The 0. R. S. I. A. to Meet at Oakway. Tho O. R. S. I. A. will meet at Oakway Saturday, Octobor 17, at tho school house. Tho public invited to como and bring dinner. Maryo R. Sholor, Cor. Sec. -. ? Broke Into Ills House. S. Lo Quinn, of Cavondish, Vt., was robbed of his customary health by an in vasion of chronic constipation. When Dr. King's new life pills broko into his house, his t rouble was arrested and now ho's entirely cured. They arc. guaran teed to cure. 25c. at all drug sores. A Wedding in Laurens. Laurens, Octobor 0.-Miss Sarah Dall, only daughter of Mrs. B. W. Bnll and tho late Col. B. W. Ball, and Masou L. Copeland, a young business man of this city, wero married at tho homo of tho brido's mother hero to-day, Rov. W. S. 11 (dines, of tho Episcopal church, officiat ing. Only tho family wore presout. Laurens Cor. Groenvillo Nows. Heptasoph Meeting. Oconoo Conclave, No. 827, I. O. IL, will moot at tho Masonic Templo to-mor row (Thursday) ovoning at 7.!10 o'clock. All tho members aro urged to bo proBont. Tho degrees will bo conforrod on several candidates. John B. Sloan, D. A., of Atlanta, will dolivor an address. Tho Conclave now moots twico monthly-on tho first and third Thursday nights. * For a pleasant physic tako Chamber lain's Stomaoh and Livor Tablets. Easy to tako. Pleasant in effect. For Bale by J. W. Boll, Walhalla; W. J. Lunuoy, Seneca. Unclaimed Letters. Tho following is tho list of unclaimed letters remaining in tho Walhalla post office for wook endiug Ootobor 18, 1903, and advertised Octobor 14, 11)08: A. Li Adams, Col. Chambers, Mrs. Kunnin Davis, care P. C. MUIB, Mrs. Clara Davis, Frank Davin, Miss Daisy Heaton, Mr. .lim I lix, Mrs. Lillie Hughes, J. R. Reed, Miss Lulah Reod, Marlston Right, Mrs. Jane Whitmiro, Miss Borrie Woods. Ploaso Bay advertised when calling._'J. M. Moss, P. M. Lecture on Cheese-Making. C. G. Voygt, of K:" lev. will lecture at Boll's Hall to-morrow (Thursday) night at 7.30 o'clock on tho subject of "Chooso-Making." It is especially de sired that all farmers and othors inter ested in dairying, otc., bo preBontto hoar Mr. Voygt. It is bis purpose to croato an interest in this lino of industry, look ing to tho establishment of a ohooso mnkitig plant found practicable. Tho looturo will be of intorost and profit, ospecially to thos4$now engaged in dairying and cattle raising. Como out ?nd hoar him. Confessions of a Priest. Rov. Jno S. Cox, of Wako, Ark., writos, "For 12 years 1 suffored from Yellow Jaundice. I oonsultod a numbor of physicians and tried all sorts of modi nines, but got no relief. Thon I bogan the use of Eloctrlo Bitters and fool that I am now oured of a dlsoase that had mo In its grasp for twolvo years." If you want a reliable medicine for livor and kidney troublo, stomach disorder or general dobility, got Electric Bitters. It's guaranteed by all druggists. Only BOO. Brandt-Kell. Married, at the rosidonco of the brido's paronts, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Koil, noar walhalla, S. C., on Thursday ovoning, Ootobor 8th, 1003, Mr. John L. Brandt ?nd Miss Kittle Koli, Kev. G. F. Clarkson officiating. After congratulations wore extended to tho happy young couple all trere invited into tho dining room where in olegant and bountiful wodding supper nras spread aud partaken of by tho in cited guests. Happiness and joy reignod lupreme around tho festive board, while "upid shot his darts i.ere and there urning the young gentlemen and ladies present. We congratulate our young friend on winning tho heart and hand of io oharming and winsome a young lady Fora help meot through life. May joy ana prosperity always abound with them. All $1.60 Women Shoes at 98c. dbildron's Shoes very oheap at Norman's. Hort? Swapper?* Convention. Arrangement? are being made to hold 1 oue of the largost horse .wappers' con ventions in Walhalla during court week in November, over bold in Ooonee. It? sessions will extend over three days Monday, Tuesday ?nd Wednesday, No vember 9, 10 and ll. Remember the time and have your swapping stock on hand. A great time is expected. Quarterly Conleronce -Seneca and Walhalla. The fourth quarterly conference of the Seneca and Walhalla Station will be hold at the Walhalla Methodist church on October 25-20. Preaching on Sunday night by Rev. R. A. Child, Presiding Kider. This will be an important meet ing and tho offloial members of the con ference are earnestly requested to bel {resent, as important business will come j of ero the oonfexenoe for settlement. Children's Day at Center Churoh. Children's Day will be observed by the Sunday school of Center Methodist Churoh, Westminster circuit, on the j evening of Sunday, Ootober 26th. An interesting and attractive program of music, recitations and reading has been arranged and a pleasant ana profitable evening will be spent. The exercises will begin at 7 o'olook. Public cordially invited. A missionary oolleotlon will bo taken up._ . >_ Ooonee's Wealth and Taxes. Auditor J. P. Keeso has made up his tax abstract for' the present year. It shews tbe value of Ooonee's proporty as returned for taxation to be $3,344,500. The amount of laxes to ho collect ed on this property is $53,130.51, divided up as | follows: Stat? tax.$10,722 50 County tax. 16,060 25 Speoial oounty tax. 5,852 88 Spooial road tax. 2,508 37 Threo-mill sohool tax. 10,038 50 Speoial sohool tax. 2,008 01 Total property tax.$53,130 51 Poll tax. 8,058 00 ' Total property and poll. .$50,188 51 - The Oconee Telephone Co. Manager Qeorge L. Wilson, of the Oconee Telophono Co., left yesterday morning for Frankliu, N. C., where he will make arrangements for the estab lishment of a telephone exohango as early PS posBiblo. It is quito likely that the '.er vic o will also DO extended to Clayton, Ga., making an extension of the Dighlauds lino, the whole being placed on a m?tallo oirouit. Work on the An derson lino is hoing pushed from both ends, and tho whole distance from Wal halla to Anderson will soon bo covorod by tho motalio oircuit system. This motalio lino has been completed to Seuoca by tho foroo of hands working out from Walhalla. The Ooonoo Tole phono company has spread itself won derfully sinoo it first opened up businoBS, and the end of its extensions is not yet in Bight. Saves Two from Death. "Our little daughter had an almost I fatal attack of whooping cough and bronchi) is," writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland, Armonk, N. Y., "but, when all other remedios failod, we saved hor lifo with Dr. King's New Dlscovory. Our niece, who had consumption in an advanced stage, also used this wonderful medicino, and to-day sho is porfoctly well." DOB fiorato throat and lung d?Boases yield to )r. King's Now Discovery as to no othor medicine on earth. Infallihlo for coughs and colds. 50o. and $1 bottles guaran teed by all druggists. Trial bottles froo. Among Our Advertisers. Tho following merchant s havo now ad vert?s monts this wook. Read thom care fully and onll to soo tho advertisers. Thoy are "up to snuff" whoo it comes to busi ness and will treat you right: Walhalla-Carter ?fe Co., fine dress goods, notions, linens, etc.; Seaborn Hi ns., millinery, pattern hats, ladies' and children's hosiery and undorwoar; Nor man Co., special lino of 5-oont bargains: C. G. .1 nynes, millinery, notions, general morchandlso. Sonooa-Lunney, tho druggist, excel lence in prescription dopartmont, drugs and medicines; Hunter, Dendy ?fe Co., grocories and genoral merchandise, dry f;onds, etc.; Ruskin Anderson, spooial uducomouts to buyers in all lines. Westminster-M. S. Stripling, new and full line of dry goods, notions, oto. ; Mrs. N. Barron, millinery, hats, nouons; J. & J. S. Cartor announce inloiei>liug read ing for next woek. Newry-Tho Newry Store wants all your cotton seed aod home-made syrup, for which they will pay highest prices. They havo a complete lino of gonoral mei chanel ise. 35c. Oil Linen Window Shades 24o. Nico Linon Towels 15Jo.-Norman's. Laying the Corner-Stone. Quito an interesting ceremony took placo Tuesday aftornoon, October 18, at tho Bite of tho now Methodist churoh in Seneca. It won tho laying of tho corner stone. Two years ago t is month tho old church was burned; tho now build ing, which is of biick, is going up rapidly and will soon bo comploted. Rov. R. A. Child, Presiding Eldor of the Greenville District, laid the corner stone in ritualistic form. Tho following articles wore deposited in tho stone. : A copy of tho Hilde, tho Disciplino, tho Hymn Dook, tho Southern Christian Ad vocate ?d' October 8, 1903; tho Christian Advocate (Nashville) of Ootober 8, 1003; a historical skotch of tho Seneca Metho dist church; a papor sci tim; forth the name of tho chinch, tho name of the pastor, tho board of trustees, the build ing committee, and the roll of tho pres ent membership; tho Somi-Centennial edition of Tho Keoweo Courier: The Keowoo Courier of October 7, 1003; The Oconeo NOWB of October 8, 1003. Tho Seneca Methodist churoh was or ganized in tho fall of 1874 by Rov. J. Walter Dickson, with tho following members: Mrs. Klla B. Thompson, Mrs. li. M. Coleman, Mis, Josephine Swann, Mrs. Ellon Davis, Mrs. - Harbin. Mrs. - Puckett, Mrs. Ellie Miller, V. D. ....wann, A. C. Cole, Dr. G. M. Yar brough, Mrs. Amanda Colo, Miss Kan nie Reardon, Mr. and Mrs. Major, Miss Major, .Mrs. Robinson, Mes Ella Robin son, Miss Annie. Robinson. Tho preachers who have served the church aro Edgar Archer, 1875; L, C. Loyal, 1870; J. J. Nevillo, 1877-70; W. A. Hodges, 1880-81; P. D. Jackson, 1882; D. J. Guess, 1883-85; W. A. Hodges, 1880; J. J. Neville 1887; U. W. Barber, 1888; C. II. Pritchard, ?880-00; A. B. Earle, 1801-02; E. P. Dutson, 1803; H. B. Browne, 1894; J. W. Elkins, 1805; J. L. Daniel, 1890-99; G. F. Clarkson, 1000-03. A Love Lettor. Would not interost yon If you're look ing for n guarantoed salvo for sores, burns or pilos. Otto Dodd, of Pondor, Mo., writes: "I suffered with an ugly sore for a yoar, but a box of Arnica Salvo cured mo. It's tho host salvo on oarth. 25c. at all druggists. Fire in Anderson. Anderson, October 12.-Fire to-dny damaged tho storo roora and stock of goods of tho Sullivan Hardware Co. to tho oxtont of $2,000 or $2,500. Tho ox act damago cannot bo ascortainod for sovoral day?. Tho loss is covered hy in surance. Georgo Jolly, ono of tho olorks, waa in tho cellar drawing gomo liquid asphal tum, from a barro!, and had a negro held ing a lighted candle. Tho gas or fumes from the asphaltum oxpToded, covoring both tho mon with Hames. Both woro badly burned, hut will ro covor. Tho nogro ran some distanoo in tho open air with tho fiamos roaring about bim. Ho was finally oaught by bystandors and oarriod to a hydrant and tho water turned on. Mr. Jolly's in juries woro very painful, but not re garded as serious. But for the good work of the Oro dopartmont tho confla gration would havo been a sorious ono, M tho storo is in tho hoarb of the busi noss distrlot. ?.Strength and Vigor como of good food, duly digestod. ! FORCE,' a ready to servo whoat and barloy food, adds no burden, but sustains, nourishes, Invigor ates." Due West Shocked. Due West, October 12.-No ono except a mi i/.m of Duo West or ono who has lived hore can imagino tho surprise felt and manifested by our people Tuesday morning when State Constable Newell, with five associates, passed through town with a still and 10 or 15 gallons of con traband liquor, captured two miles wost of this place. The guilty paities made their escapo and so far are unknow n. It seems they had been doing ban moss six ir eight miles from this place for some limo, but in the last few days had moved nearer and were located by State authori ties before our people knew what was {olag on. LARGE ASSORT] HOLMAN'S BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS ? . . J. H. DARB Mooting of tho 0. R. 8. I. A. The next regular meeting of the Ocb neo Rural School Improvomont Associa tion will be hold at Oakway on Saturday, Ootobor 17th. Every one interested in better schools, improvement of school houses ana grounds, and the children of Oooneo county, is most cordially invited and urgently requested to bo present. This will bo the last moeting of the year 1003. Let it be the best ono. All are asked to bring well-filled baskets pionlo style. Below will be found a blank report or ooupon. Every teaoher in the oounty is urgod to AU in answers and bring or send to the Oakway meeting. If you do not come and onnnot send by any one. mail to Miss Marve R. Shelor, Westminster. Please attend to this as soon as you read notioe, i. e., IMMEDIATELY. It will be too bite unless mailed not later than Friday. The impression has in some way been made in the minds of some of our people that the oounty organization known as the Ooonee Rural School Improvement Association is oompoBed of and in tend, wi for teaohers only. This is a mistake, as membership is not condi tional (except as to color.) Anyone interested in bettor oduoation may Do como a member. Ten Thousand Churches In the United States havo used the Longman & Martinoz Puro Paints. Every ohurch will bo f.-iven a liberal quantity whenever they paint. Don't pay $1.50 a gallon for linseed oil (worth 00 cents), which yon do when you buy thin paint in a can with a paint label on it. Eight and six mako fourtoeu, there fore when you want fourtenn gallons of paint, buy only eight gallons of L. A M., and mix six gallons of puro linseed oil with it. You neod only four gallons of L. & M. Paint, and three gallons of oil mixed therewith to paint a good sized house. Houses painted with these paints never grow shabby, oven aftor eighteen years. These oolobratod paints aro sold by C. W. PITCHFORD COMPANY, 34-42 Walhalla. S. C. For the third time in ten days tho Standard Oil Trust baa advanced tho price of oil. Oil is higher than it has boen in tbroo years. At the mooting of tho Peabody Fund Trustees in New York last wook Dr. A. S. Green was appointed Gonoral Agent to succeed tho lato Dr. Curry. A lively fight is expected in tho Ninth Georgia Congressional District, whoro Hon. Carter Tato is to havo two oppo nents for the scat now hold by him. At Topeka, Kansas, flvo hundred per sons witnessed a rough and t unible fleht one day last week between girl sopho mores and froshmen. Many of the girls had their olotbing torn from their bodies. Tho grand jury of Andorson county has presented W. C. Merodith, a mombor of tho County Board of Ponsionors, for charging commissions to applicants for pensions. Verily tho trail of "graft" is marking every branch of politics. Govornor Iloyward Friday commuted tho Bei.tonco of Andrew Davis, of An derson county, from lifo imprisonment to two years on the chaingnng. Davis, who is a negro, became involved in a row and accident ally shot his mothor, who was acting as peaco-makor. Both tho judge and solicitor recommended this action by tho govornor. Hon. John L. MoMaster, mombor of the Legislature from Richland county, died last Saturday. He had bcou sick for several days, but his death was uni le unexpected. Mr. Me M aster was about 30 yoars old and was regarded ns ono of tho most intellectual mon in this city. He bad boon a vory successful lawyer and a man of Arm convictions. A fight at Columbus, Texas, which started at a dance between William Wink and Rhoinhard Hildebrand, Wink waa killed, Hildebrand was shot in tho nock and probably fatally wounded, Joo Beckor, a spectator, was shot in the log and Bono Hildebrand was badly beaten about tho head. The shooting became general, but tho bullets went wild, ex cept, thoso fired by the principals. The eleotion on tho question of issuing $50,000 worth of bonds in aid of tho Tonnossoo, Goorgin and South Carolina Kail roa .ys tho AndorBon Daily Mail, of October 10th. passed off very quietly, and but little interest was mani fest ed. Seventy-six votes were cast, and of thoso 75 wero in favor of tho bond issue and 1 opposed to it. One hundred and thirty seven voters had been rogistorod for tho election, but only a little moro than half of these felt sufficient interest to go out and vote. Tho interest might havo been groator if there bad boen any opposition to tho bond issue. A Chicago Tribune dispatch from North M e. A lester, Indian Territory, says: Lucille Mulhall, 18 years old, and a friend of President Roosevelt, has won tho $1,000 steer-roping oontost boro, do foating tho best known cow boys in tho Southwest. The conditions were that three steers woro to bo roped and ti od in the fastest time, and tho contost was open to all. Miss Mulhall throw bor first steer and tied it up in 43 soconds. The second required 1 minute and ll seconds, while tho thi I was roped, thrown and tiod in tho remarkably fast time of 40 soc?nos. SCOTT'S EMULSION Scott's Emulsion is the means of life and of the en joyment of life of thousands of men, women and children. To the m?n Scott's Emul sion - gives the flesh and strength so necessary for the cure of consumption and the repairing ot body losses from any wasting disease. For women Scott's Emul sion does this and more. It is a most sustaining food and tonic for the special trials that women have to bear. To children Scott's Emul sion gives food and strength fe r growth of flesh and bone and blood. For pale girls, for thin and sickly boys Scott's Emulsion is a great help. Bend for free sample. 80OTT & BOWNE. Chemist?, 409-41B Paarl Street, New York. SOo. and ftt.ooi all druaralste, BIBLES FROM . . 25c. to $3 EACH. COME AND SEE MY GOODS. Y, Druggist. Hoods in New Jersey. Passaic N. J., Ootobor 13.-The wa ters are receding after tba worst Hood the oity bas had. Even to-day, however, the situation almost beggars description r-ten thousand horaoloss, eight thousand out of work, eight thousand houses Hooded, over a thousand acres ooverod with water from a few inohes to twenty feet doep. Paterson, Ootober 12.-Tho river hore is fulling at the rate of an inoh an hour. Unless rain oomoo again tho worst is ox peoted to be over by Thursday. I New London, Conn., Ootober 12.-Tho oity of Worcester, about whloh so muoh anxiety has been felt on account of the storm, arri ved here safely at 2:15 this morning._ Letter to J. E. Smith, Sonoca. Dear Sir: Let's have a little private talk by ourselves on business; nobody else, please, read. You want to know bow to do a oheap job of pain ling, and have it look good. Hore, it is: The oheapest thing there is in the way of a good-looking job-say nothing about its being good-is Dovoe: tho regular thing in Devoe. Tho reason is: Devoe goes further than anything else. Load-ana-oil is good looking; don't go so far and costs more. The other paints are moro or less short in one way or another; don't go so far and cos* a more than Devoe. Devoo costs least of all; you don't mind it lasting longer, do you? Wo oan't help it; a paint that gooB further lasts longer; wo c.. "M. holp it. Yours truly, P. W. Dovoe & Co. P. S -G. W. Gignilliat, Soneoa, 8. C., soils our paint. Richland County Treasury ls Empty. Bichland county, in which Columbia is loeat cd, Ands itself iu the unique and embarrassing position of being "broke." This condition is due to thefaot that the 8i mills levy for "ordinary" purposes, which begins to apply Ootobor lo, has already boen pledged to ono of tho banks for the payment of notes. Thoro is not a cent in cash in the oounty treasury with whioh to pay tho Tillman trial witnesses, and tbore ls nothing oom in'g in to provide for tho expenses of the court opening here Ootobor 20. The county commissioners' office refuse to make a statement at this timo, saying it will bo host to wait for a full and com plete statement of the county's finances from tho grand jury, whioh will report exhaustively on the matter at the oom ing term of court. Tho commissioners do not appoar porturbod ovor tho situa tion, saying that somo way will bo found to pay witnesses and provide for the other expenses of the trial at Lexington and tho coming tenn of court here. The mooting was hold in Columbia last woek. American tina .. leis havo decided to take 200,000,000 roubles of tho Russian loan. Monday evening the now "ITotel Hia watha," at Piokens, was formally thrown opon to the public. Tho relations between Russia and Ja pan daily bocomo moro strainod and war may result at any time. Tho yellow fever bas Laredo, Texas, io its grasp. A largo number of now cases aro reported each day. An acron;.ul foll from his pal achill e Monday in Sau Francisooand was killed. A girl in a street car leanod too far out to witness tho descent and her head struck an iron post and was kilied. Three terrific explosions of dynamite, ono quickly succeed inj; another, brought tho whole Oro force ot Greensboro,N.C., to the sbiftiug yards of tho Southern Railway last night. A jar in shifting the cars oausod the explosion. Three oars wero shattered as by an earthquake, ti ve loaded with all kinds of merchan dise entirely consumed, and several others and their contents badly damaged. NI M MONS.-NIMM Dress Goods. We are daily receiving tho most com plote lino of Dross Goods ovor shown in this mai kel. WORSTEDS, HENRIETTAS, FLANNELS, SERGES, BROADCLOTH, TAFFETA SILKS, Doubio-fncod Heavy Dress Skirting. CLOT1 Men's All-Wool Sorgo Suits. All-Wool, fast colors, Cassimon Complote Suits from $2 up to.. Boys' and Children's Snits, 60 a Como int Wo oau flt yo Shoes The largest and mo shown or brought to tl low as when cotton we Don't fail to see ou and Men's Shoes at $2 per pair. J& J& J& Men's Solid Whole only $1 per pair. ?f/>? the price. J& J& J& STO Don't fail to see o Stove, with nineteen p Every ?Stove absolute!; ^<3roc< Wholesale Arbucklo's Coffee at 10 cents per Extra high-grade Greon Coffoc, t I handle all kinds of Groceries an One Solid C Sash an One thousand pairs of Doors and below tho regular factory prioes. REMEl Any person buying $10 worth of will sell them 22 pounds of Standard COME ANE W. P. NI SENEC TU Lat! of Hamberg. The August- Ohronioie say?: tat on used stroeis of Hamborg, 8. O., will in all probability be closed ?nd the land sold by the State. Yesterday morning Claim Agent MoLauren. repreaentiuK the State Land Commissioners, tn com pany with Magistrate Oetzen, went over the deserted street? of the Tillage for the purpose of reporting relative to the closing of the streets to the oom mission board, whloh meets in Columbia on the 14th. He will render his report at onoe. His report will be practically to the offeot that Hamburg is s deserted and forsaken village. However, he will rec ommend that the streets still being used as roads, or on whloh there sro, occupied houses, be not elosed up. All others he will recommend for dosing and selling. This means that a number of the streets about the commons and other parts of the village will soon be a thing of the past. In the older countries of the world lt is oom mon to hear of deserted villages and cities, but not in the South, or even in the United States. Onoe upon ? time, and within the memory of many citizens of Augusta now living, Hamburg was a ?dace of importanoe, coasted of sevoral houssnd inhabitants, did a large busi ness and vied with Augusts for commer cial supromaoy. There were schools, banks, large stores', warehouses and other thriving industries. It ls now a deserted village snd the remaining houses are rapidly orumbling to the ?[round. Its day ls past-it is believed orever. . TO OI'BB A ?:Oi.? IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to oure. K W. Orove's signature ls on each box. 26 cents. Man Slayer Pardoned. Columbia, Ootober 0.-Governor Hey ward has pardoned J. W. Bodiford. con victed in Williamsburg oounty of man slaughter at the April term of court and sentenced to Ave years. The case ls a peculiar one and deserves mention be cause there has probably never been one like it in the courts. Bodiford. lu a shooting sorape, in which several were involved, shot and killed his own son. At the.time this was thought to have been done intentionally, but the suffer ing of the man sinoe his imprisonment has been intonso and the solicitor on this aocount recommended favorable action. Besides tbis, the man bas incumbi? heart disease and is liable to die at any time. In the potition presented to the Governor tho names of all the county officers and tbe oounty delegation appear as well as those of many oitizons. John G. Wham will be tried in Laurens next week for the killing of LaFayette Ramage. It will be remembered that Wham shot and killed Ramage in the former's yard, July 0, last. The tragedy creal ed a.big s on sa lien by reason of the circumstances laadiug to the homicide and on account of prominenoo of all fiarties. Wham bas boen at his home in he vicinity of Clinton sinoe a fow days after the killing, having been granted bail shortly after his surrender. The caso was continued from the July term of court on account, of the illness of Mrs. Wham, wife of the defendant, and the only eyo witness to the shooting. for nhUdrmmt ?afm, t?rm? Bm m?latmm SCHOOL'S?PPLIES OF ALL KINDS GO TO Ultim STOEEt PURE MUGS AND MEDICINES. Speoial attention given to the accurate filling of Prescriptions at all hours of, tho day or night. PHONES AT DRUG STORE AND RESIDENCE. ONS.--MIM M 0 N S. Cloaks I Cloaks ! LADIES' JACKETS, LADIES' CLOAKS, CHILDREN'S WRAPS. Wraps in ovory description, to flt tho peoplo and suit the weat her ; also so low that you can't help buying. Call and soo tho stook. ilNQ ! Stilts. .$5 00 a.? 00 .17 60 nd 75 conta, up to. 7 60 >u in both size, and price. -Shoes. st complete line eve; ?is market, at prices as is 5 cents per pouad. r fine line of Ladies' , $2.50, $3 and $3.50 i StocK Brogan Shoes, * best ever offered at VES. tir complete CooKing ieces of ware, for $8. v guaranteed. and Retail. package-in any quantity-Cash. v*dJvo pounds for $1. id at tho best prioes. >ar Load of d Doors. Sash at prices from 20 to 26 cents MBER, Dry Gooda, Shoes or Clothing, we Granulated Sugar for tl. > SEE US I iVI MONS, A, S. C. When There's Sickness... In the home, then it is that thoughtful, oareful work ls desired in the filling of the prescriptions. It's a time yon wish to avail yourself of the best and promptest methods of the Purest, Freshest Drugs. I conduct, on modem lineB, one of the best Prescription Departments. I avail myself of every point that adds to it's reliability--it's prompt helpfulness, and tho Prescription is always filled as desired. A special reasonableness in ray prioes makes it always a matter of economy to hav> it filled here. iKNIICA, SI. Cl. -s ; Specials IDI This Week! Some people may think booause wo talk of Dry Gooda so much that we pay no attention to Groceries, and yet if you will wander to the rear end of our stor?s you will seo a "mighty live" Grocery De partment, from whioh a largo volume of business is done. We hayo just unloaded a oar of First Patent Flour, in sacks and wood, whioh wo offer this weok to the trade at $4.00 and $0.00 per barrel. Ono oar of bigh-grado Half Patent, in wood or sacks, at $4.50 per barrel. "Old Deforo tho Way" Coffee, 10 pounds to the dollar, lianm at tho markot prico-8 cents to-day. Salt, Wheat Dran, Shorts and all kinds of Heavy Groceries always on hand. Dring your memoranda right to us for anything ezoept Furniture, Stoves or Wagons, and wo oan supply your needs. Our prices always right; our goods aro right or your money back. Hunter, Dendy & Co., (Successors to H. W, Coleman & Co.) Seneca, S. C. All Hew Stock! Men's, Boxs' and Children's Clothing and a Foll Une ojf Pants. BIG LOT OF BATTLE AXE SHOES to suit mon, ladies and children. We havo a nico line of Men's and Doy's Hats. Bo sure to see our lino of Dress Gooos, Embroideries and Underwear. Wo have tho cheapest and best line of LADIES' CLOAKS on the market. M. S. STRIBLING, WESTMINSTER, S. C. We Want Your Trade -nv Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Crockery, Hardware and Groceries. Will sell you a good Coffee at lOc. a pound, and buy it back if you are not pleased. DYNAMITE, BLASTING POWDER AND FUSE, BODY IRONS, EXTRA WAGON BODIES, BUGGY WHEELS AND MANY OTHER THINGS CHEAP FOR CASH. Call on us when you como to town. No trouble to show you what we have. Yours very truly, J. W. BYRD & CO., SENECA, S C. SUCCESSORS TO RICHARDSON & BYRD AVERY id SYRACUSE PLOWS lil O PH h t? o Winter timo is almost hero and you will need some Window Sash, Doors and Blinds for your homo. We are selling lots of Window Sash, oto., Bimply beoauso our prices aro right. Wo buy in oar load lots and can make you faotory prices on thom. Bettor see our lino of Guns. Get one and bo roady for an all day hunt. Thanksgiving will soon bo horo. What about a nico Stove or Range. We havo thora from $8.50 to $80. We buy thoso in car lots and oan save you dollars. Big line of Cross-out Saws, Shingle Saws, ?aw Mill Supplies, Blacksmith Tools, Ivaints and Oils, Pookot and Tablo Cutlery, Har ness, eto. Call on or writo us for prices on anything in tho Hard ware Lino. All of our customers aro our friends. Matheson Hardware Co., Westminster,