rUBLISH-C? KVKNV WKDNKSOAY MONN'NO. -BY -- JAYWI?, ?HELOH, 8MITH & 8TK0K SUBSCRIPTION, S LOO PCR ANNUM. ADVCRTISINO RVTCS REASONABLE Communications of a persona) character chm god for as advertisement? HT"* Obituary uotioes and tributes ol resnoot, of uot over one hundred words, will bo printed free of chm ge. All over that number must be paid for at the rate of one cont a word. Cash to aocompauy manuscript. WALHALLA, S. C. t WKDNRMDAVi SUPT. ?, 1903. For the Tillman Trial. Columbia, September 4.-The ease of James II. Tillman will not be heard be fore Judge George W. Oage, at the oom-1 lug term ol Court in Loxington county. Au order bas been issued by Chief Jus tice Pope appointing Judge D. A. Townsend to hold tho fall term of oourta iu Kershaw and Lexington on acoount of the physloal infirmities of Judgo Gage. Justice Pope's order making tho ohnugo of Judges is as follows: The State of South Carolina.--Whoroaa, the Hon. George Williams .Gago as Pre siding Judge of the 5th Judicial Circuit oo the fall term, 1903, is unable by roa son of physical inllrmitioo to hold tho fall term of 1003 of the Courts of Goneral Cessions and Common Pleas for the county of Lexington, in Baid State, bo ginning on Monday, tho 21st day of Sep tember, in tho year 11)03, at 10 o'clook in the morning: Now, iu o I icc lien ce to tho laws of this State go i erning such mattors, I do horeby nominate and appoint Hon. D. A. Town send, of tho circuit bench of this Stato, to hold the said Court of General Ses sions and Common Picas of and for thu j comity of Lexington, in tho State of | South Carolinn, for tho fall term, 1003, of said county, beginning on Monday morn ing at lt) o'olock on tho 21st day of Sep tember, in tho year 1003, iu the placo of Circuit Judgo Gcorgo Williams Gago, who under tho lawB of this State, waa to have hold said fall tenn for the year 1003. of said Courte of Genoral Sessions and Common I'lcns for Lexington, in said Stato. Y. J. Popo, Chiof Justico of tho Supremo Court | of the Stato of South Carolina, at Cham bers, 1st Septembor, 1003. A Remarkablo Records Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has a ro markablo record, lt has been ii) uso for ovor thirty years, during which timo many million bottles havo bcon sold and used. It has long boon tho standard and main roliauce in tho treatment of onup in thousands of homes, yet during all this time no caoo has ovor beou reported to tho manufacturers in which it failed to effect a cure. When given as soon as tho child becomes hoarse or ovon as soon as tho croupy cough appoars, it will pro vout tho attack. It is pleasant to take, many children liko it. It contains no opium or other harmful substanoo and may be givou as contldeutly to a baby as to an adult. Fo>- salo by J. W. Roll, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Sonoca. Tho South Carolina Prosbytery. Liberty, Septembor 5,-Tho delegates from tho churches of tho South Carolina Presbytery arrived hore Wednesday and held I heir first mooting in the Liberty Presbyterian church Wednesday evening nt 8 o'clock. Most of tho churches wore represented, nbout 00 delegates being prosont. At tho request of tho retiring moderator, W. A. Templeton, the opening sermon was preached by Uov. J. T. Wado, of Easloy. Hov. R. L. Rogers, of Walhalla, was unanimously olectcd moderator, and Kev. P, H. Wardlaw, of Piedmont, assistant clork. Thursday morning Dr. J. R. Wilkinson, of Soo chow, China, delivered a very entertain sod 'noli ucttY3 address on ms work at tho Elizabeth I'.lake hospital. Thursday ovening tho Presbytery had tho pleasure of hearing a splendid ser mon by Rev. S. J. Cartledge, of the First church of Andersou. Friday morn ing Dr. S. L. Morris, secretary of the Assembly's Home Mission Hoard, ad dressed the presbytery on tho subject of "Homo Mission Work." Tho presbytery adjourned Friday even ing to meet in thc spring at Hodges. Owos His Life to a Neighbor's Kindness. D. P. Daugherty, well known through out Mercer and Sumner counties, W.Va., most likely owes his life to tho kindness of a neighbor. Ho was almost hopelessly afflicted with diarrhoea; was attended by two physicians who gavo him little, ii any, relief, when a neighbor, learning of his serious condition, brought him a bot tle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which cured him in loss than twenty-four hours. For salo by J. W. Boll, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Notos from Poplar. Poplar, September 7.-W. P. Hodge and family have returned from Gonzales, Texas, and will mako their future home at Nowry. Miss Mamio, daughter of A. M. Addis, has boon quito sick with typhoid fovor, hut is a little better at this writing. Mrs. E. M. Gambrcll has boon on thc sick list for somo timo, but is bettor at present. Rov. J. M. Sanders, to tho sorrow of our community, is still unwell. Your scribe was a dolegato to tho Union Meeting bold at Newry, August 28, 20, 30, and onjoyed tho mooting fine, and wants to thank tho pooplo of Nowry for their kind hospitality shown us whilo Micro. Wo were assigned to tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Crawford. Courtenay Lodge, No. 210, A. F. M., at Newry, colobr??ted its first anniver sary last Saturday night. The first work was balloting for twolvo candi dates for tho dilTorout degrees. Tho sublime degree of a Master Mason wa? conferred on W. P. Taylor. An inter mission of thirty minutes was givon and refreshments wore sorvod. Wo had seve ral visitors, but were prepared to enter tain throo times as many moro. After tho work of tho degree, short talks wore made by Dr. Curren Earle, ('apt. W. G. Slrrlne, Capt. W. E. Oheswell, Prof. Hi V. Hoggs, Col. II. T. Jayncs and othors. Our Worshipful Mastor, J. II. Bryan, ex tended a hearty invitation to all worthy brothers to visit our lodge. Among thc visitors wcro: Capt. W. G. Sirrino, W. M., Recovery Lodge, No. 31, Greenville; Dr. Curren Earlo, P. M., Kecovory Lodge, Greenville; T. M. Lowery, P. M., Sen eca Lodge, No. 18."); R. T. Jayner, I). D. G. M., Eighth District; Hf. P. Bogg?, IL .1. Gignilliat, E. Earle, Kamsay Doyle, O. N. Goth ran, W. L. Cox, J. B. Marett, ?I, A. Henry, II. A. Lo Hoy, John Davis, W. F. Hodgo, Dr. J. S. Strlhling, J. J. Cromer, I). O. Chandler, ll. L. Hoggs, H. 8, Look, Capt. W. E. Cheswoll, J. W. O'Kolloy, J. E. North, Hov. T. P. Lido. _^ .?_ w. II. o. Stomach Trouble. "I have been troubled with my stomaoh for tho past four years,"?ays I). L. Hoach, of Clover Nook Farm, Greenfield, Mass. "A few days ago I was induced to buy a box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. I havo taken pnrt of them and feel a groat doal better." If you have any trouble with your stomach try a box of thoso Tablets. You aro certain tobe pleased with tho result. 1'rico 'J.ri couts. For salo hy J. W. Boll, Walhalla; W. J. Lunnoy, Soneca. Midnight Blazo Sweeps Columbia. Columbia, Septembor 7.-About mid night a destructivo conflagration startod in this city on Main street. It originated in tho soda fountain of Xepapas in the Wiloy building, which was a roaring mass of flames beforo tho alarm could ho givon and tho flro dopartmont sum moned. At 3 a. m. the flro is still in progress and it is believed that tho Dos portcB and Mimnaugh blocks are practi cally ruined. The losses will bo heavy. The Southern railway's oflicoB, Howie's photograph gallery and Mimnaugh' clothing store are all destroyed. ^^W?Wi!n^?^^5eplR!^^^?^M^!T5?r Mm. W. J. Strlbllog'u four talented daughters uro winning laurels. Mia? Effie le well knowu to be one of the beet teachers la the country. MUM Jessie graduated with honor in Charleston last May and took charge of the kindergar ten department of the 'triton schools on the 7th instant. Miss Maude won a scholarship, in Winthrbp in 1903 and was highly compllraeutod by Prof. Jobnsou fot studiousness and good deportment. M iss Allie won a scholarship in the same (Institution July 10th, making a high average lu ber examinations. Kev. J. I.. Mci .lu and family, of Ander son, are at II. B. Zimmerman's. Mr. Mo Lin was taken quite siok on bis return from Presbytery. Iiis many friends wish for him a speedy recovery. George and Broadus Bagwell and their ?'.st?r, Miss Effie, of the Bounty Land soetion, wore visiting at the bornes of W. II. Moore and T. D. Poora iu West End the latter part of last woek. George Bagwoll returned to Birmingham Friday. J. T. Simpson is building a new boef markot houso in rear o? the Bank build ing. William N. Wilson, of Cloarmout, had as his guest? last week his two brothers, Riobard Wilson, of Greenville oounty, and J. J. Wilson and daughter, Miss Licona, of Anderson oounty. They came unexpected. Those three brothers sepa rated 40 years ago end had never all boon together at once since. It was a great ploasure for them to meet together and talk over the joys aud sorrows and tho ups nnd downs of the days gone by. On last Saturday Warron O. Wilson, the eldest son of William N., gare a dinner and etd eil ai ned t lies e. 1 li ree brothers at S reunion. There woro twelve members of the family connection prosent including Mr. Wilson's family. Wm. N. Wilson has huon living in Oconoo for moro thnu thirty , oars, and has roared a large family ot children and is proud of them nil. Miss Daisy Deaton returned to hoi homo at Toccoa Saturday, after spend ing two wooks witii Miss Julia Cheek, at tho Westminster Inn. Miss Ethel Loathors, tho clover ami accommodating mnnagor at the tolo phono oxchange, spent last Wednesday in Walhalla with hor friond, Miss Elk Reid. R. E. Stamor and Miss Robins won united in marriago a fow days ago b] Magistrate S. H. Johns. L. P Smith will run his last oxoursiot j of tho season to Atlanta to-morrow, Sop tomber 10. The faro for the round tri] from Westminster is $1.85. j. w. Mo Gee is tiokot agont. Train will arrivi hore nt 1 p. 'm. Roturniug, will loavi Atlanta at midnight on Septombor ll. Miss Cora Duffie has roturnod from i visit to friends at simpson ville. Miss .lessie Dobbins has roturnod froo Sholby, N. C. A moog tho pleasant social ovents o tho se;;son was a party given by Dr. am Mrs. Burt Mitcboll nt thoir boautifu homo, "IIalohur8t," on tho evening o August 31, in honor of tho visiting youu? ladios and gentlemen, Dr. and Mn Mitchell possess the happy faculty c entertaining guests in a most eongeni; manner aud make thom fool at homo, i matters not how largo tho numbor ma bo. Enchanting music was rendered b a number of musicians. Tho music roi dored by Cloveland Hoidtand Miss Sara Andei son will boar special montioi Miss McConnell sang beautifully. Sli has a charming voice Additional ii tcrcst and ploasuro was added to t li occasion by tho sorving of dolicious ic cream and cako. About seventy guest woro ?resent. Joe Harbin is employed as nigh watchman at tho oil mill. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Shelton, of Wa halla, woro visiting Rev. R. L. Dnflio un family in East End last Saturday an Sunday. J. W. Munson, a baggage mr-stor p siding in Charlotte, visited IUB father, I R. Munson, near Westminster, last wool Rov. W. T. McAlistor bogan a meotin at Pleasant Hill Raptist church last Fr day, which closed on Sunday, ros ul tin in 8 additions-."5 by lotter and 5 by exp rienco. Tho ordinanco of baptism wi administered in Ramsay's crook on Sn day. At a recent mooting of tho veterans tho civil war M. A. Terrell was elected delegate to roprosont Tugaloo townsh beforo tho county board. Rov. A. C. Cree accompanied Rev. .lol R. Mooro boro last week and preached forcible sormon in tho Baptist eh ur Thursday evening. Tho .second horse swappers' convontii for Westminster will como off on Sc tomber 15, 16 and 17. R. II. Smithson president, T. N. Hall is vico presidoi S. W. Dickson secretary and treasun and J. M. Morgan, general managor. premium of $2.50 is offered for t ugliest horse and man. Largo crow aro expected. Mrs. Loila Martin, of Birmingha Ala., was tho guest of hor cousin, M Ida Jones, last wook. A trio of swoot girls, from noighh ing towns, havo recently arrived a will be quito an acquisition to Westm stor socioty. Thoy aro Misses Lr Oongor, Lula McGee and Mary Shohh all teachers in tho high school. Mis Conger and McGeo aro boarding at 1 Hull Hotel and Miss Sheldon is boa ing with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Andorson A. B. Stowart, dork in tho storo Dickson & Co., is spending a short va tion at his homo on Toxaway. Tho high school opened Monday w an enrollment of moro than ono bund pupils. For tho first threo months flve-hours-por-day system will bo UH opening at u a. m. and dismissing a 2 p. M. S. Stribling wont to New York 1 Wednesday on business. C. C. Simpson sawed 3,100 foot lumber from ono pino troc last Thurso1 Tho first stock cut from this troo m 1,18-1 feet. Mr. Simpson's saw mil near Chauga crook on tho Allon lat now owned by tho Westminster Savir Investment and Trust Company. Cleveland Hoidt roturnod to Char ton last Friday, "after spending sev weeks at Sloan Dickson's beading hoi Mr. Hoidt made many friends hore > rogrotted his departure If thore aro any who fool like cont uting to aid tho storm sufferers ho Westminster wo trust thoy will give matter their attention. Gi'ts will greatly appreciated by thoso who their crops and have very little to h for during tho coming year. Your respondent wrote Governor Hoywar ascertain If help could bo procurod fi the Stato for thoso who will bo in ?r est nood. Govornor Hoyward's repl as follows: "I am in receipt of your ter of tho 3d instant, informing mo ( destructivo hail and wind storm wi passed ovor a section of your count; tho 17th of August, and tho suffering loss caused thoroby. You rennest th take sumo steps to obtain help from Stato for tho sufferers. I rogrot exe ingly that thoro is no fund upon w4ii can draw-absolutely none-and tho i courso that I can soo to pursue is to tho attention of tho people through newspapers to tho facts stated in ; lotter. I trust and feel sure that n of our citizens will contribute-at 1 I sincerely bono that thoy will. 1 enc you a check from mysolf for $10. grot exceedingly that I cannot sond moro, but I havo had so many calls t mo lately." . Wo hopo to hear of a mooting of citizons or tho Town Council to tak( propor steps. In tho ovont no mee is held wo trust somo business man volunteer to receive contributions. Wade Dicdson, who lives out of tow tho minoral springs, will recoivo oo buttons and see that they go w needed most, " aim J-uauuiu me wart, jivuugi spoor and typewriter at tb? shnttia factory, le off on a mouth's vacation. She went to Clifton yesterday to apeud a wblle with her brother. Capt. J. E. Sirrluo, mill architect and civil engineer, baa tisde pretty drawings c* hie survey of the nairn fall? and eur rounding?, on C'hauga creek, for the pro posed development, of power for the Westminster investment, Saving? and Trust Co. At one place on the creek a 900 horse-power plant oan be developed and at another point a 1.100 horse-powei can be developed. This is a stupendous waterpowcr for a creek of such a ?ike. Leland Marett, of Seneca, waa hero Tuesday. Miss Mattie Stewart, of Greenville, aud Clayton Stewart, depot agout at Clifton, wero hore last week. They were called over on acoount of the death of Dr. W. T. Stoddard, of Walhalla. Charlie Howard, of Augusta, waa here last woek. A. L. Gossett. Hit Life Saved by Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. "H. L. Byer, a well known oooper of this town, says ho believes Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy saved ii is lifo last summer. He had been sick for a month with what the doctors call bilious dysentery, and could get nothing to do bim any good until he tried tliis remedy. It gave him immedi ate relief," says B. T. Little, merchant, Hancock, Md. For sale by J. W. Boll, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. The News hom Tugaloo. Tugaloo, September 7.-Rain would be quite acceptable just at this time. Crops in this immediate sootiou aro real promising, aud with enough moisture till harvesting will make aline yield. There was a pioulo on Long's Hill last Friday, and quite a nico orowd was present with plenty of tho proverbial well lilied baskets. Tho popular game of Hinch and other gamos were played. Tho crowning feature was the danoo, which was greatly enjoyed by all. The picnic was givon in honor of Misses Susie Yarborough, of Fairflold, and Ana boll ('arter and Addie Atkinson, of Chester, and also lu honor of tho anni versary of Miss Lilla Thomas, the charm ing daughter of our enterprising mor obant, Col. W. L. Thomas. E. Poroy Long, a very popular young business mau, of Greenville, is taking his summer outing on Long'? Hill to the delight of hit. aunt and unolo. Miss Susio Yarborough, who has been on a short visit hero to friends, has rel urned to her homo in Fail Held. . Richland Notes. Richland, September 7.-Mrs. Emily Stribling and Mrs. Alico Doyle returned Saturday from a visit of two wooks with rolativos at Groen ville. M i ss st elh> Fiucannon, of Sonooa, was the guest of Miss Sallio Davis Saturday and Suuday. Mrs. J. li. Shauklin and family return to Andorson to-day, after spending throo wooks among relativos boro. Mrs. J. P. Blackwell rot urned Monday from a visit to friends in North Carolin?. J. J. Ballongor spent. Saturday and Sunday with his family here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDonald, of ri ed mon I, aro visiting his raothor, Mrs. Mattio McDonald. Little Miss Ruth Ballongor has gono to Atlanta, who: J sho will spend several months with hor aunt, Mrs. B. B. Wost. J. B. Pickett represented Riohland church at tho rocout mooting of Presby tery held at Liberty. Ho roports a very interesting meeting, well attended. Mesdames M. T. and W. H. Hughes visited Mrs. Henry P. Sitton, of Pendle ton, recently. W. C. Hughes was at Wagenor Sunday where ho performed the dlltios of best man for his friend aud college mato, Prof. J. B. Jackson, who marriod a young lady of thal place. Miss Ludio Ballonger returnod to hor homo at Lithia Springs, Qa?, Thursday, after spoudiug a month with tho family of J. J. Ballonger. G. W. Ballonger is spending a wook at Lithia Springs and Gilmoro, Ga. Capt. J. L. Shauklin expects soon to go to < ; icen vii le, w hore ho will undergo an oporation for cataract which baa al most destroyed an oyo. His many friends trust tho operation may bo suc cessful in restoring his sight. Rev. R. M. DuBoso conducted a series of meetings at Rook Springs church throughout last wook, ho hoing assisted by Rev. N. G. Ballonger and Rov. J. A. White. Tho mooting was well attended aud wo fcol sure much good was accom plished by tho earnest preaching of these devout men. Ton young pooplo were added to,tho membership of tho church. Rev. S. L. Morris preached a vory edi fying and impressive Bormon at Richland church Sunday morning from Luke 15.8. This church, with Walhalla, formed Dr. Morris's that pastorate twenty-soven years ago, when ho was hold in high esteem by all who know him. Although ho has been absent many years, fond momorios have lingered in tho hearts of tho pooplo and it waB with ext reine de light they received him Sunday. He now occupies tho position of Chairman of tho Board of Homo Missions of tho Presbyterian Church, South, with his oflico in Atlanta. Wilhelmina. - *m*)t*~ For a bilious attack tako Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick euro is certain. For salo by J. W. Boll, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Sonoca. Nows from Fair Play. Fair Play, Soptoinbor 7.-Tho farmors of this community aro busy picking cot ton and pulling foddor. Cotton and corn aro very good, considering circum stances, but unless wo get rain Boon, late planted corn and forago will almost bo a failure Tho protracted services lit tho Metho dist church closed last Friday morniug, with an addition to the. church of twolvo. It was one of tho most profitable and interesting meotings hold in that church in sovnral yeariv but we are sorry to state that on account of sioknoBS, Rov. N. L. Prince was unable to bo with us. Rov. John Mann, of Andorson county, is assisting Rov. Herron in a series of meotings nt tho Baptist church this wook, and some ablo sermons are being preached. W. J. Compton, of Easloy, was in town last week. Willie Andorson, of WcstmiiiBtor, vis ited his friend, Frank Sheldon, the first of tho wook. Mrs. J. Ii. Smith, of Bounty Land, is visiting Mis. J. R. Mellor. Mrs. J. F. Borrah and Mrs. Janio Earle, of Greenville, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sholrion last wook. Ernest Harrison and stator, Miss Etton, viBitod friend? hore recently. MiBs Alico Smith is visiting relativos at Starr, S. C. A number of our pooplo attended tho picnic un Long's Hill last Friday.* Celaytch. FOR CHEAP RATES TO TEXAS, ARKANSAS, LOUISIANA, OKLAHOMA, INDIAN TERRITORY, CALIFORNIA, COLORADO, UTAH, WYOMINO, ORISON, MONTANA, WASHINGTON, and Other Point? West, Horthwest and Southwest, Writ? or oaU ou J. G. HOLLS:*, BROK, District Passenger Ag?n?, Louisville and Nashville R. R. No. 1 North Pryor St., Opposite Union Depo*. Atlanta, Ga. r.&- - ^ Seneca, September b.-A dime readiug will be klveu by friend? of the graded school on nest Friday evening Tn the Koo wee Hotel parler for tb? benefit of certain improvement*. The affair ie a moet commendable one aud ebould ?p peal to every public-spirited oititeu. The following program will be reudorod: Piano solo, Russian National fiymu, (Loythick), Mis? Julia Allen; reading, "A Spelling T.tnib.e," Mts.. J. W. Byrd; piano, "Grand Pokado Concert," (Bart lett), Mitu Eloise Hnmiltou ; recitation, "Tho Legend of the Lightning Rug,'' Miss Mary Julia Kohl; soprano solo, ^looted, Mrs. T. E. Stribllug; recitation, .'A Naughty (Uri's Lifo io a Hotel," Miss Mona Lumley: plano aud violiu , due?, 'Then You'll Remember Me," j Misses Ryrdie and Sue Thompson:.- reoUj tatton, "Columbus wa* a Man," *Mi?s Willie Cherry; vocal duet, ?elected,' Madames R. Anderson and T. E. Stab ling; ice i tat I on. Miss Verna Strlbling; plano solo, Mr?. R. Anderson? Another pleasant entertainment is in preparation, which will be given two I weeks later tbau the above. This 1? | glvou by willing hands from the Sun shine Society and will be most attractive with a program of recitations and muslo. A doligbtful surprise will also be arrauged for tho little one? wbo At tend, so all may be prepared for a Jolly good time. The Methodist? have let the contract, for the erection of a new briok elm rob. It will be a handsome building, and cost I about $2,000. Work will begin at once. Miss Sophie MoWhorter ?pout Monday with Mrs. J. F. MoCarey. Mr?. E. I?. Vernor arrived from Qroeu ville on Monday. Mrs. L. R. VanDlviere and Miss Mnr ?ie VanDlviere are spouding to-day with rienda at the K co wee Hotel. Mrs. S. K. Dendy will visit friends in Noroross and Chattanooga in the near uture. S. K. Dendy is in Now York buying his fall stock of goods. Misses L?llau Caldwell and Mary Cherry returned on last Saturday from a charming visit of a month North. The Graded Sohool opened yest on ky with a (ino attendance. A number of citizens witnessed the opening, and the prospects are good for a most successful school year. Mrs. J. F. MoCarey spent a day in At lanta last week, accompanying Miss Emily Vernor, of Greenville. Tho Sonooa Rank and W. J. Lunney's store rooms are being titted with hand some now iron and plate glass fronts. This big improvement wiU doubtless in duce ethers to got a move on 'om, a? the ) contrast with other business fronts will doubtless be striking. Wm. Woolbright, of the Townvllle I neighborhood, sold the first bale of new cotton in Sonooa to day for 12$ cents. Math Davis, though, was only about four | hours behind him. His brought Hi conto. A sick boy is your correspondent's ex cuse for a ?hort letter this week. M. v. s. -?? The Yalue of Expert Treatment? Everyono who is a ni iel ed with i ohrOnto disease oxporiouoes groat difficulty in having thoir caso Intelligently treated by tho average physician. Theso diseases I eau only bo curod by a specialist who understands thom thoroughly. Dr. J. Newton Hathaway, of Atlanta, is ac knowledged the most skillful specialist tn the United States. Write bim tor his expert opinion of your caso, for wbioh he makes no charge. Death of Mrs. Thomas H. Gassaway. Dopartod this lifo on Monday, August 24th, 1003, at the rosidonoo of hor non, Thomas H. Gassaway, on Twolvo Milo Rlvor, near Liberty, South Carolina, in Piokons county, Mrs. Clary Gassaway, widow of Thomas H. Gassaway, Sr., in tho eighty-fourth year of her ago. She was buried at the old Gassaway ceme tery, ono mlle from Contral, on tho fol lowing day. Her husband had prede ceased hor to the gravo forty-eight yoars. Mrs. Gassaway was a mombor of a woll known Oconoo county family, being tho daughter of Benjamin M v;eo, who oamo from Virginia whon a boy and settlod in tho neighborhood of what is now tho Fair Play sect ion, where ho lived to a groat ago, and diod thoro before tho Con federate war. Only ono member, of his largo family is now living, that one being Mrs. Laura Mason, now living with her daughtor, Mrs. James Soaborn, at Wal halla, S. C., in tho ninety-second year of her ago. Tillman C. Magoo, well known in Oconoo county, was one of tho sons. Thoro woro three sons and seven daugh ters in tho family of Benjamin Mageo, all of whom, with tho oxcoption of Mrs. Laura Mason, diod at very advanced ages. Mrs. Gassaway had been a mem ber of tho Methodist church tor over fifty yoars, and at tho timo of hor doath was a mombor of Fairvlow Methodist church in Piokons county. Throo chil dren survive her, viz: Mrs. Rosa Mad don, of Clemson Collage; J. E. Gassa way, of Sherman, Texas, and Thomas H. Gassaway, of Liberty, S. C. The grand children aro Teena, Hattie, Josie and John T. Madden, of Clomsou. Mrs. Gassaway was an exemplary Christian woman, and now rest ing in tho arms of hor Saviour, is roapiug tho roward of her faithfulness on earth. "Asleep in Jesus, blessed sloop, From which none evor wakes to woop." A Friond. Locals Around Return. Kel m n, Septembor 7.-Our pastor, Rov. RodgerB, recently . hised a successful mootiug hero. His soul-stirring ser mons seomod to roach tho hearts of all. J. P. Ellis has bought Mrs. King's farm, near Roturn church, and will move thoro this fall. Crops aro very good in this sootion, and with a fair price for cotton we will got along all right. n. H. u. SPECI I have moved ii Seneca Bank, and n the largest stock of in Oconee County. JUST A large shipmc SHOES, FURNITU pared to make RE have advanced, but before. H OW J 12 pounds Good Co IO p< On Saturdays, ? Standard Oil Co.'s E Only one gallon to ? livered at this price lon on Saturdays, St Call and see my Tho throo whales lying stranded on South beach, off St. Augustine, havo had their measures taken. The largest is 37J feet long, the next 80, and the third ? little more than 34 feet from nose to tail. They range from 7 to 7i feet through, and woigh perhaps not less than three tous oaou. Their bodies will be rendered into oil. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NOTICE TO STOCK RAISERS. NED, tho Morgan and Blaok Hawk Bay Stallion, will stand at my stablos, near Westminster. Servioe guar anteed. Fee $10. His weight is 1,000 pounds. li. fl. SMITHSON, 30 44 Westminster, S. C. LAND FOR SALE. IDESIRE to Bell, at private sale, the following valuable farming lands, to wit: All that piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Oooneo, State of South Caro lina, on waters of Little Rivor, contain ing two hundred and fifty aorcs, more or less, adjoining lands of Mrs. &i. E. flun ulcutt, Mrs. Lt. E. Knox, P. A. Brown ?nd others. There aro about seventy u-res in a high state of cultivation, also ?.omi tenant bouses, splendid water power; well timbered, convenient to good lohools and churches. Locatod on rural nail route. For more particular de scription, terms, etc., call on or write J. FULTON HUNNICUTT, Agont, R. F. D.-No. 1. W-44 West Union, S. C. Notice to Trespassers, NOTICE is boreby glvon to all persons not to trespass on any of my lands n any way whatsoever-by hunting, flBh ng, digging roots, cutting timber, set .iugoutPro, hauling pine, making paths >r trails, or ovon cutting a riding switch, >r trespassing in any manner whatso ? ver. Parties entering said lands after publication of this notice will be dealt with to tho fullest extent of tho law. AMANDA E. BARTON. SopteraborO, 1003. ?80-30 VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. ?i f\f\ ACRES of good farming land 1\7V/ for salo; situated 2| miles 11,ovo Walhalla, on the Highlands and Cashier's Valloy road. Fifty acres under ?ult iva) ion; 12 acres good bottom land ; 18 amos fino for cotton; 10 aores in pas ,uro; good well; 2-story building, with 7 'ooms, also a tenant houso, orchard, oto. ?ooil school on odgo of promises. I will ake pleasure in showing any prospeotivo myer ovor the placo. For terms and trices apply to JOHN A. MORTON, .30 Walhalla, S. C. ato new quarters, ow have 7,OOO feet Seasonable Merch REC El ?nt of DRY GOC RE and STOVES, c D HOT prices. A my prices shall be * B O U T 1 ffee for $1.00. ninds Good Roaste< ?eptember 12th and kerosene Oil at IO i customer, and noi . Remember, Oil t Bptember 12th and new store. Undersoil, j. IS OFF IN EVERY D! ummer Goods t -BIG Lil >taple and Fa AN - YOURS NEWf ASIIMEAI) COU? 3 COURTENAY MANU PROPRI Notice to Trespassers. ALL persons are hereby forewarned not to trespass upon any of our hindu in Oconee county in any manner whatsoover. Cutting timber, hunting and fishing positively prohibited. Any one disregarding this not ico will be prose cuted to tho fullost extend of the law. 8. B. RANSOM, C. C. ADAMS. September 2, 1003. 85-38 Notice to Trespassers. NOTICE is horeby given to all persons not to trespass on any of my lands In any way whatsoever-by hunting, fishing, digging roots, outtlng timber, setting ont fire, hauling pine, making paths or trails, or trespassing in any manner whatsoover. Parties entering said lands after publication of this notice will be dealt with to the fullost extent of the law. E. C. MARETT. September 2, 1008. 35-38 Summons for Relief. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1 COUNTY OF OOONKK. J In the Court of Common Pleas. M. Roso Van] )i viere, Plaintiff, against Nancy Chambers, Waddy T. Chambers, Bailus E. Chambers, Wm. H. Cham bers, Samuel M. Chambers, Mary Smith, Allyat Carson. Julia Davis, Kate McQuffin, Matilda Chambers, Ellen Lyles, Roxy Roaeh, Hampton Chambers. Lucy Roach, Albert Cham bers, William Carson, John W. Smith, A. A. McQuffin and H. Lee Gilmer and Swift Gilmer, Defendants.-Amended Summons for Reliof. To the Defendauts above named : YOU are hereby summoned and re quired tu answer the complaint In this aotion, which was filed in the ofiioe of the Cloi k of tho Court of Common Pleas for tho said county, on the 2tr,t day of JULY, 1003, ana to serve a copy of your answer to the said com plaint on tho subscribers, at their offico, on tho Public Square, at Walhalla Court House, South Carolina, within twonty days after tho sorvice hereof, exclusive of tho day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the timo aforesaid, tho Plaintiff in this aotion will apply to tho Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated at Walhalla, 8. C., July 21, A. D. 1003. [L.'S.l C. R. D. BUHNS, C. C. P. ROB'T. A. THOMPSON, 8. P. DENDY, Plaintiff's Attorneys. To the Absent Defendants, R. Lee Gil mor and Swift Gilmer: Tako notice that the Amended Summons and Complaint in thin aotion wore filed In the office of tho Clork of the Court of Common Pleas of Oconee eounty. South Carolina, on tho 21st day of July, 1003. ROB'T. A. THOMPSON, 8. P. DENDY, Plaintiff's Attorneys, July 21, 1003.-80-35 Walhalla, S. C. ITICE. next door td the of floor space, and andise ever shown VED, )DS. CLOTHING, >n which I am pre ll of these goods lower than ever "HIS? i Coffee for $1.00. I 19th, I will sell cents per gallon, ae charged or de it IO cents per gal 19th, KY STORE # ERING EPARTMENT. o go ata Sacrifice. ME OF. ney Groceries,^ HULLS IY STORE, TENAY, Manager,) FACUTRING COMPANY,; ETORS. r This Space is Rseerved for Hunter, Dendy & Co., Seneca, S. C Watch It! HAY PRESSES. The Reese>Blount Automatic Handpower Hay Press. 4 to 6 Ton Capacity. War ranted. Going at a Bargain.^ii?^ j& j& j& j& jsr ELWOOD FIFUD FENCING. For Hogs and Cattle. FREE! We are giving away FREE, to our cash customers, the nicest line of Chinawaro ever brought to Walhalla. Spend your money with us ?n? obtain a set ot thia China free. We guarantee our prices to be as cheap as tho cheapest and our goods ns good as tho best. We bought our Fall Goods bofore cotton advanced and are deoidedly in tho market. We have a largo stook to select from. Wo are the largest buyers of Heavy Grooorios, Tobacco and Caso Goods in Walhalla and oan give you good prices. Quantity in buying counts, and wo are able to givo you great advantage in price. When trading with us be euro and ask for tickois. We oarry a large stock of Wagon and Buggy Material and will ho glad to figuro with you. When you get ready to buy your Fall Goods bo euro to see us. Wo can save you money. JOHN F. CRAIG Walhalla, S. C. 1*1 ?one TVo. 63. 9 VTOTICK OF FINA!, SETTLEMENT Ll AND DISCHARGE. - Notice is loreby given that tho undersigned will mike application to D. A. Smith, Esq., Midge of Probate for Ooonee county, n tho Stato of South Carolina, on TUESDAY, the 6th day of Ootober, 1003, at ll o'olo-rk in the forenoon, >r as soon thereafter as said appll ?.uti nu oan bo heard, for leavo to mako lnal settlement of the estato of W. S. Welborn, deceased, and obtain lnal dipohargo as Executor of said ?tat?. THOMAS WELBORN, Executor of the Estate W. E. Welborn, deceased. September 2,100S. M-M NOTICE TO TEACHERS.-Tho regu lar fall examination for Teachers1 Certificates will bo hold at Walhalla Court House on Friday. September 18th, 1003, beginning at 0 o'clock in the fore noon. There will be no examination after this one until the third Friday in May, 1004. AU interested will tako duo notloe md govern themnolves accord ingly. C. L. CRAIG, County Superintendent of Eduoation. Soptembor 2, 1003. 35-87 FOLEYSKONEY^TAR fm* *?itolrm*$ mafm, wm Km .#?(??.*