Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, July 08, 1903, Image 2

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Cb* JtarfMt <&tmxm. PUBLISHED CVCRV WEDNESDAY MORNING. -BY J A YNES, 8HELOR, SMITH A 8TEOK. R. T. JAYNK8, 1 . ? , .,"_. f D. A. BMITH, J. W. 8HKLOK, ) Km- 1 1 VM-1 J. A. 8TKCK. SUBSCRIPTION, ?1.00 PER ANNUM. ADVERTISING RATES REASONABLE. iHy* Communications of a personal oharactor charged for ns advertisomont*. jj^'* Obituary notices and tributos of rosnoot, of not ovor ono hundred words, will bo printed freo of ohargo. All ovor that number must bo paid for at tho rate of ono cont a word. Cash to accompany manusoript. WALHALLA, 8. C. i WKDNKNIMVi Jl'I<V H. 1903. THE COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS. Work of Organization Unavoidably Retarded. The Cases Disposed of So Far. Tho Court of General Sessions for Oco nco county convened at Walhalla Mon day morning last at 0.80 o'clock. Owing to the fact that tho grand jury had not root and been officially organized at tho last term of Court, which was adjourned by order of .Judge Purdy prior to begin ning its work, tho death of ono of tho grand jurors necessitated the drawing and summoning of a now member for tho purpose of filling tho vacancy. This delayed tho grand lory's work sonio three hours and impeded tho work of tho court proper to a considerable extent. Judge Aldrich and Solicitor Hoggs ar rived Sunday afternoon and wore in good time for tho dispatch of business Monday morning. Stenographer M. c. Long was also at his post promptly. Geo. E. Prince of Andorson, J. P. Cary of Pickens, E. L. Hichardson of Green wood, aro tho only visiting attoruoys in attendance. Tho following cases have boon dis posed of up to 10 o'clock to-day: CASKS niSPOSKI) OF. State vs. .Ins. Addison and Jack Loyd, gambling. Transferred to contingent I docket. State vs. Heese Gibson, Ed. Gibson and Bob Gibson, assault and battery with in tent to kill. Settled out of court and not called. State vs. John Hudson, Money Hudson and Jack Scntell, murder. Continued. State vs. Thus. Bennett, carrying con cealed weapons. Appeal from Magis trate's court. Xol pressed. State vs. Charlie Loo, assault and bat tery with intent to kill. Nol prossod. State vs. Lawrence Rh ole t tor, assault and battery with intent to kill. Nol pressed. State vs. Jas. E. Crooks, obtaining goods under false pretense. Defondant. previously tried in his absence and sealed sentence left. Verdict set aside and now trial granted. state vs. Joseph Hothell ami Thomas I Crompton, burglary. Guilty as to Jos. Hothell; reeoinnieeded to mercy of tho] court. Not guilty as to Crumpton. TUE 1IAYKS ( ASK TO-DAY. The case of tho State vs. Hoyt Hayes, charged with murder, was taken np at 11.80 o'clock Tuesday morning. The jury was empanelled and one witness sworn prior to the adjournment for din-1 uer at 1.30 o'clock. The examination of witnesses is still in progress as wo go to press and tho hearing of this case will probably consumo tho greater part of to-day. Fourteen witnesses for the State and one for the defense had been sworn when court adjourned Tuesday evening. TltDR UILI.9 II A NUKI) IN. Tho grand jury has returned tho fol lowing true bills: State vs. IL C. Routh, assault and bat tory with intent to kill. S tn to vs. John Priestley, murder. State vs. James Singleton, violating dispensary law. State vs. Tlios. Bright, violating dis pensary law. State vs. Loo Scott, assault and battery with intent to kill, and carrying con cealed weapons. State vs. Geo. Spencer, larceny. State vs. John Hendricks, burning un tenanted house. State vs. W. B. Browning, disposing of property under lien. State vs. S. M. Pool, W. N. Cox and S. II. Snead, misconduct in ollice. NO BIM. IN OM: ? ASK. In the case of the State vs. Ed. Wright, indicted on tho charge of obtaining goods under false pretense, tho grand jury re ported that they found no bill. Very Remarkable Cure of Diarrhoea. "About six years ago, for the first time in my life, I had a sudden and sovero attack of diarrhoea," says Mrs. Alice Miller, of Morgan, Texas. "I got temporary relief, hut it. came hack again and again, and Cor six long years 1 have Buffered more mi; "ry and agony than 1 can tell, lt was VD so than death. My husband spent hundreds of dollars for physicians' prescriptions and treatment Without avail. Finally wo moved to Bosque county, our present home, and one day I happened to seo an advertise ment of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with a testimonial of a mau who had boen cured by it. Tho case was so similar to my own that I concluded to try the remedy. The re sult was wonderful. I cotfld hardly real izo that I was well again, or believe it could bo so after having sut?ored so long, hut that ono bottle of medicine, costing but a few cents, cured mo." For salo hy J. W. Hell, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Interesting Tugaloo Brevities. Tup'loo, S. C., July (?.-Crops in this soctk aro growing lindy since we have had good rains, and aro all about clean. Children's Day at South Union last fourth Sunday was a completo success. 'J no church was appropriately decorated, tho children all recited admirably and the programme was thoroughly executed. Our genial, handsome and effiolent Clerk of Court, Hon. C. H. I). Burns, delivered an appropriate and eloquent address, which was highly appreciated and en joyed hy tho whole audience Tho din ?or was simply gorgeous. The choir rendered most excellent music. Every body enjoyed tho day to their heart's conj tout. Well, wo took in tho groat and glorious fourth, "Liberty Day," at Retreat. There was a big crowd of people thoro, oxpocting to seo and hear much, but somehow tho programme got lost-or, or something; however, Prof. W. S. Mor rison and one :>r two others, were there wiio greatly interested tho audience. Prof. Morrison gavo us avery interesting sketch of tho lifo of (ie ne ral Andrew Pickens. Hon. E. E. Vernor entertained tho pen ile with an appropriate speech, dolivorcd II his usual pleasant and eloquent style. Messrs. .Inmes Armstrong and John W. Shelor and Prof. N. W. Macaulay mado remarks appropriate for the occa sion. The solo by Miss Anna Vernor, ono of Walli i's accomplished ladies, was spleen d. Tho recitation hy Miss Mayfield St lib ling, of Georgia, was admirable. Miss Strihling is a charmingly beautiful little lady and is really gifted in expression, elocution, ?ftc Tim Messrs, Turnbull delighted tho audience with music on tho violin, play ing several beautiful selections. There wero people thoro from all parts of the State. We noticed ono from Now berry. Tho dinner was tho crowning foal uro of tho day-as good as could bo. t" .- - ?~ Cholera Infantum. This has long hoon regarded as ono of tho most dangerous and fatal diseases to which infants aro subject. It can bo cured, howovor, when properly troated. All that is necessary is to give Chamber lain's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil, as directed with each hottlo, and a euro is certain. Pot salo hy J. W. Hell, Walhalla; W. J. Lun ney, Seneca. ? TO THINK OWN SBLF BK TBTJK AND IT MUST FOLLOW AS THE NIGHT THB DAT, THOU CANS'T NOT THEN BB FALSE TO ANY MAN. BY JAYNKH, 8HBLOR, SMITH ? STECK. WALHALLA, SOUTH OABOLINA, JIJJL.Y 8, 1908. NEW 8 Blt I ES, NO. ?75.-VOLUME Lill.-NO. Jd 7. NEWS IN AND AROUND WESTMINSTER. WostraiiiBtor, July 8.-Major J. W. Caines, of Hurtsville, waa muong the uiaitora hore laat week. Mrs. L. H. Austin aud children, of At-1 lauta, are spending the su m mer at the Mountain View lietel. She ia a sister] of Mrs. G. W. Marett. Henry A. Davis returned to day from a | trip to Greensboro, Ala. W. E. Mason has returned from abuBi tioss trip to Charleston, Columbia and Greenville. Mrs. J. B. Follors and Miss May Belle Fellers, of Prosperity, returned home Monday, after spending a fow days with Mr. aud Mrs. M. 8. Stribling. The Glorious Fourth has come and gone and no ooltou blooms roported in this seel ion. J. A. Terrell and family and W. B. Terrell and family, of Lockhart, and Moses Torrell, of tho Southern Railway, wore in Westminster this week. Mrs. M. A. Torroll, their mother, has been very ill, but is a groat deal better now. Miss Nannie Stewart wont to Clifton last '.'inlay to spend a few days with her brother. Miss Susie Mat IK-SOD, of Tocooa, ia vis iting her sist er, Mrs. J. S. Cartor, aud hor brother, Paul Matheson. T. P. Mooro, E. G. Pooro, Miss Beulah Pooro and Mies Moore woro araoug tho 1 visitors to Polzcr on July 4. Dr. J. R. Wilkinson, a Burgoon of Elizabeth Rlako Hospital, Sou Chow, ('bina, will deliver an address at the | Children's Day exeroisos, to be hold in tho Presbyterian oburob next Sunday morning. Tho exercises will begiu at ll o'clock. G. W. Traylor returned from Spartan burg this wook. Miss Florrio Cartor, of Gaiuosvillo, was among tho fair visitors to our town this wcok. Mrs. Alico Doylo, of ( ; tanbury, Texas, arrived last Saturday and will spoud sumo timo with bor mother. Mrs. Emily Stribling, at Richland, aud other rela tivos in tho county. J. B. Woolbrigbt will movo to Green ville next, week, whet o ho has tu c -ptod a position with Fnhnestoek Rios..plumb ers, of that city. Tho National Convention of the B. Y. P. U. of Amorica will meot in Atlanta | to-morrow. Misses Jessio Stribling and Katie E. Harris aud William Hull oxpoct ] to at ; end tho convention. Peden and Willie R. Auderson bavo returned from a visit to Williamston aud Charlostou. Much regret was exprossod iu West minster last wook when itbeeamo known that Robt. L. Roid, of Adairsvillo, Ga. had died from tho effect of a gun shot | wound. He was a bailiff at tho town of Adairsvillo, his homo, and while assist ing in tho arrest of a negro on tho morn ing of Juno 27, tho negro shot bim with a shotgun. Mr. Reid lingored uutil Juno !BO and died. Ho was 88 years old and was a son of the late Reuben Reid, of Westminster. His boyhood days woro spent in tliiH community. Ho leaves, besides his wifo, a brother, John T. Reid, of Riverside, Ala., and ono sis ter, Mrs. ida Simpson, of Westminster. Miss Myra Clarko Mason, who recently fgraduated from Elizabeth College, Char otto, was awarded first honor in elocu tion. She mado tho highest avorngo, which was 05; Miss Margie Stribling and hor brother Leo have been on a visit to their uncle I and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Sloan Rruco, of j Georgia, tho past two weeks. On June 80th tho town council elected .'ames G. Breuzeale to servo as town marshal, and ho having accepted tho I position entered upon the discharge of his duties Monday morning. Mr. Brea zeale is well known in tins section and wo feel sure he ia tho right man in tho right place. Wo trust ho will have tho I co-operation ano tho sympathy of our j citizens in preserving tho peaeo and dignity of tho town. Previous to Mr. Broazealo's election A. G. Cox and J. R. Mahoney acted as temporary marshals for tho now council. Misses Hertha Ablo and M. L. Adams, representing tho Woman's Christian Temperance Union, will deliver Tem perance lectures in the Westminster Methodist church next Friday night, July 10, at8..'l(). These aro noblo, conse crated, Christian ludios and ovorybody should avail themselves ol tho opportu nity of hearing thom denounce tho evils of strong drink which is at tho bot tom of almost every crime, misery and disgrace. Tho lectures will ho free of charge and everybody is cordially invited to attend. Next Sabbath, July 12, tho Methodist Sunday school pupils and teachers arc requested to meet promptly at 0 a. m. Preaohing hour is changed from ll a. m. to 10 a. m. This cbaugo was mado in order for tho members of tho church and Sabbath school to hpvo an opportunity of attending the Children's Day exer cises at tho Presbyterian church, which begins at 11 a. m. On July 1 the Westminster Investment Savings and Trust (Jo. declared thoir llrst quarterly dividend of li per cent to bo paid to their shareholders. Tins was equivalent to an annual dividend of 0 por cent. Tho subscribed stock was not fully paid in until April 10. This is in d?cil a fine showing for so young a cor poration. They will continuo to pay dividends quarterly. Misses Mary Sue and Ruth Sprowls, of Greenwood, aro visiting their uncle, J. W. McGee Miss Ruth is only 10 years old and tips the boam at 192 pounds. Paul Matheson made a brief trip to Atlanta this week on "special" business. Mrs. Dr. Hurt Mitchell is visiting rela tives in Anderson. She will also visit relatives in Kentucky and will bo absout from home several wooks. .J. G. Rreazeale has resigned as carrier on the R. F. I). Route. W. A. Honea is now filling tho place Mr. Hreazealo filled so faithfully for the past twenty months. Miss Ala Deane Smith, eldest daughter of Rev. Newton Smith, spent a fow days with friends In and near Westminster this week, as she was on hor way homo. Siio is one of tho Ch loora college gradu ates of tho past session. Si nco school closed she has been visiting in Spartan burg and Greenville counties. Hor father now resides at Ripley, Mississippi. M. L. Phillips, of tho Shuttle Factory, is the happy father of a new boy. El hort Whit miro, of Cateeohee, was over to soo a "friend" Sunday. Miss Daisy Williams has roturned from a pleasant visit to friends at Town villo. Miss Daly, of Seneca, visited her sis ter. Mrs. J, ll. Woolbrigbt, last wook. Tho Charleston excursionists arrived at daylight Saturday morning very much fatigued from tho long lido and IOSB of sleep. They woro all delighted with tho trip and what they saw in tho "City by Hie Soa." A Kanners' Local instituto will bo I held at Dickson's Mineral Springs on July 28. The faculty of Clemson Col lege has been invited aud tho following gentlemen will deliver addresses. Prof. J. S. Newman, on "Agriculture;" Prof. W. S. Morrison, on "Fertilisers;" Prof. G. E. Ncsom, on "Stock Raising;" Prof, C. O. Upton, on "Dairying." Everybody invited to como and bring plonty of good things to eat and enjoy tho day. Ralph (/'. Cartor, of Liberty, was hore Monday. A. L. GosBott. - -4*^- - TO eVHK A COLO I IV OIVK DAV Take Laxativo Bromo Quiniuo Tablets. All druggists refund tho mouoy if it fails to euro. E. W. Grovo's signaturo is on each box. 25 cont?. August W. Macheu, formor superin tendent of tho free rural delivery ser vice, was arraigned in Washington last Wednesday on tho cbargo of accopting bribes. Ho plead not guilty, and Justico Prichard allowed him until July 20 in whir h to filo a demurror. SUPPORT SCOTT'S EMULSION temi si a bridge to carry the weakened and starved tysUm along until it can find firm support in oHinary food. Send (or free aampla. SCOTT ft BOWNS, Chemttu, 409-415 l'earl Street, New York. 50c. and i all druggist*. V ? More Than 75 Perish in Terrible Flood. Jeannotto, Pa., July 0.-- More than seveuty five persons are dead here aa a j result of a water spout which struok Oakford Park yesterday afternoon. Many bodies have been recovered to-day and the work of rescue Roes bravely on. At two o'clook this morning Bruah oreek waa still rushing through Oakford Park Uko a Niagara. It^ waa absolutely impossible for tho large crowds of reBOuors to approach the park beyond a point about an eighth of a mile from the entrance. Dam broke ou the soene of devasta tion and ruiu aloog Bruah ore?k valley, from the break of tho dem at. Oakford Park to Wilmordiug, taking in the towns of Jeannotte, I .aimer, Greensburg, Irwin, Burrell aud Manor. The awful power of the rushing waters, following the break ing of the dam, IB apparent on all aides. The damage to property will not be less | than (700,000, while tho number of livea suddenly blotted out is uncertain, esti-1 matea running all tho way from 70 to | 160. Tho rescuing party stated thia morn ing that they had roscuod fully 160 per sons who had boon thrown into streams by houses boing turned almost together with tho wreck of Oakford Park. The Fort Pitt dani, about a half a mile North of this placo, gavo way, carrying wide | destruction along tho valley of Bull oreek, in tho lower part cf Jeanette. To add to the alarm caused by tho dis aster in Oakford Park it is reported this morning that the big reservoir of tho Westmorland Water Company, at Radi baugh, about a milo from this town is likely to givo way and that people In the viol u i ty had taken fright and ilod to tho u land's. Tho Pouusylvauia station oul veits aro strewn with debris, under which it is rx peet ed tho bodies of six unfortunate victims of tho flood will bo found. Yostorday aftomoou most of the peo plo wore attracted to tho park by the Children's Orchestra Juvenile organiza tion, which gavo its oponiug concert. He Went the Hemp Route. Cbarlotto, July 4.--John Osborne, the I nogro charged with criminally assault ing Mrs. Lizzie Went/., a white woman, agod 04 years, in Union county Sunday night, paid tho penalty with bis lifo last night. Ho was taken fi om tho officors who woro convoying bim to jail and lynched. The lynching party was com posed of several hundred people and tho two mon who had ohargo of the prisoner] wero easily overpowered. Osborne re ceived a preliminary hearing during tho afternoon and waa committed to jail to await tho noxt torin of court. It is said that tho negro made a full confession of tho ci i me beforo bo was lynched. When tho body was examined not the sign of a bullet bolo was found. Oaborno boro a bad roputatiou and had bcon aoousod of committing criminal assaults previous to tho commission of tho crimo for which bo was lynched. Mrs. Wontz is in a I critical condition. KIDNEY DISEASES ? ' ? g1 i i.l rsm-a are the most fatal of all dis eases. Elli CV'C KIDNEY CURE ita I ULLI 0 8uarant08d Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best ior Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c and $1.00. I'or Muir by J.W.Bell,Walhalla. Flashes from the Wires. Thos. do Paul stabbed and killed bis wife in Atlantic City, N. J., last Sunday. Krvino Wa 1 drop was caught on a revolving shaft iii grist mill in Green ville county last Monday and killed. Fred. Frey, a New York drummor, was drowned In tho surf at Pablo Roach, Fla., Sunday uf tor noon. Tho Whitney Uoduction Company bas struck gold ore that is wortli $60,000 a j ton near Salisbury, N. C. Au order waa issued by tho post ellice department hutt week establishing nearly a thousand free delivery routes. A man named A. II. Aloxaudor wt killed in church by lightning during I religious services at Zanesvillo, Ohio, last | Sunday. Fight poisons woro killod in a tornado which swept Jackson county, Minnesota, tho other day. Tho damage to farm buildings is heavy. J. J Condon, railroad contractor, was murdered at Crawford, Tenn.. Saturday night. Ho waa killod by a drunken minor, who Condon shot and mortally wounded. Thirty-two persons lost their livea near I Pottus, Toxas, last Thursday in a cloud burst and tornado, which swopt tho | country between San Antonio and Cor pus Christi. Untroubled by cloudbursts and un- J dismayed by landslides tho Southern Railway has placed an ordor for ono I hundred locomotives and sevon thousand ii eight cars. A terrific storm broke ovor Now York last Thursday, following four days of ex cessive heat. Tho wind blew nt tho rato of 70 milos. There was heavy dam ago to property. Goorgo Shattuck Morrison, who built | llvo bridges over tl.a Mississippi and ton over tho Missouri, died in Now York on Thursday. Ho was a mombor of tho Isthmian Canal Commission. At a largely attended mooting of| tho alumni of the Collego of Charleston yesterday afternoon a vigorous protOBt j was made against tho proposition to ad mit women to that institution. There | was but ono negativo voto on tho resolu tions which wore adopted. Judge Alton li. Parker, prospectivo Democratic candidato for 'prosidont of tho United States wan the guest of honor at a hamplet given by bo Atlanta bar association laat Wednesdnv night. There was nothing said of thc judge's candidacy ill tho speeches Of tho evening. How would Roosevelt and Washington do for running matos? That ticket would take in both tho lily white and tho black and tan elements of the G. O. P With these two and Dr. Hillls wouldn't things in Washington bo a Bight for tho gods to behold ?-GafTnoy Ledger. John Ti Phillips, tho old Confedorntc soldier, who was shot five timos while at his Slipper table by tho nogro, Charles I Evans, lynched for tho crime, died at j Norway July 5, after having suffered mortal agony for but little less than nj woek. That ho li vod so long is consid ered hy tho physicians of this placo but little short of a miraclo. Th roo of tho wounds administered by tho negro flond woro said by tho physicians to bo fatal and how tho old man managed to livo all this timo has puzzled tho doctors not a I littlo. _ _ Cheated in Examination. Charleston, S. C., July 4.-Tho Charles ton county bi si i d of education has thrown out tho examination napers of thirty negro mon and women who sought to bo teachers in tho public schools be cause, as the board altoges, the appli cants "cheated" in tho preparation of | their papera. The examination' waa hold May Ti and tho board bab just An nounced that certificates will be rqfusod to thirty of the thirty-five applicants for thu reason assigned. County Superin tendent of I i? I neal inn Milligan said yes terday that bo saw tho irregularities ho ing practiced and warned tim applicants that their papers would be thrown out If they did not desist, but his warning had no effect. Over Two Hundred Killed. Hanna, Wyoming, July 4.-Of the 2.14 mon entombed by tho mino explosion on > Tuesday tho bonica of only tlvo have been rocovorod and all hopo that any others aro alive baa been abandoned. Firo and smoke aro preventing explora tion of tho lower workings and lt la j i cai cd that many If not all tim bodiea j now in tim minn will be consumed. I o N E D O L L A R P E R D A Y S w TO MOI LIN: THE TH Sunday School Card of Thanks. New ITopo, July 7.-Editors Courier: Please give tho Now Hope Sunday school space in The Courier to return thanks to tho Nowry Sunday school for a nico treat given us on the 4th instant. The treat consisted of an address by H. s. Bogga, lemouado, ico cream, peanuts, candy, cakes, pies and meats, in fact almost everything that was good to eat. Whilo tho crowd was largo, the supply was greater than was needed. Wo returned homo feeling thankful aud certain that that deed of kindness will long live in our memories. Tho leader? at Newry aro watchful to the interests of their people, and seek to mako lifo a ploasuro instead of a burden. T. M. K. No man or woman in tho state will hesitate to speak well of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets after once trying them. They always produce a pleasant movement of the bowels, im prove Hie appetito aud strengthen tho digest ion. For salo by J. W. Hell, Wal halla; Wi J. Lunney, Seneca. A Chance for a Young Man. A scholarship of $40 in monoy besides exemption from tuition and ot her feos is provided by tho Legislature for one young man from oaoh county to pursuo a ono year normal courso in tho Suuth Carolina College. Examinations will bo held tho 10th instant before the County Hoard of Education. Applicants should bo at least 10 j oars of age, and prefera bly teachers. Write i'resident Benja min Sloan, South Carolina College, Co lumbia, S. C., for blank on which to ap ply Indore tho 10th. Besides this valuable scholarship tho College also offers to young mon in each county two normal scholarships good for four years aud exempting the holder from tuition and other fees. Moreover, teachers," women as woll as men, may take tho one year normal courso without foo of any kind. Duel to the Death. Rhino, (Ja., July 4.-An impromptu duel at arms' lengt h was fought on thu si reels here Thursday by I I ern y 1,auras! el and John D. McKauio. Pistol's of heavy caliber were used. Each combatant emptied his pieco. All flvo of Lancaster's bullets struck, one in tho ehest, ono in tho sido and threo in tho|arms. Mr Panie will die. Lancastor was struck only onco, a glancing shot on tho sido of tho hoad. His wound is only of tho soalp, though it is an ugly ono. Both aro prominent mon of Hoilge county and aro well to do. Tho difficulty grow out of McRanie's testifying in court adverso to Lancaster. They met outside the court room, began quarreling, grabbed each others' left hands and began shooting with tho right. Tho Oovornor rocoived a tolegram July 1st from the magistrate at Norway on the Seaboard in Orangoburg county Baying that a mob the night boforo had broken into tho guard house and taken Charley Evans, a negro, and lynched him, hanging him and afterwards rid dling his body with bullets. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Notice to Trespassers. NOTICE is horeby given to all porsons not to 11 esp?e;? upon any of my lands in any manner whatsoever-by cut ting timber, digging roots, grazing cattle or stock of any kind, or entering said lands at any timo without permission. Trespassers will be dealt with to the fullest extent of tho law. H. J. BLIGH. July 8, 1008. *27-30 BANK OF WALHALLA, Walhalla, South Carolina. QuartO?1 v .Statement. Ending .lune 30, 10011, published In conformity with Act of tho Gonoral Assembly: ASSETS. Hanking House, Furnituro and Fixtures.$ 2,800 00 Lunns and Discounts.70,935 81 Cash on hand and duo from Hanks. . 12,200 7? Total.180,002 00 ? - MAIIIMTIKS. Capital Stock paid in .... .$20,000 00 Deposits.50,852 52 Froflts. 2,550 08 Total.$80,002_00 State of South Carolina, I County of Ooonee. \ 1, W. lu Veiner, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement ls true to the boat of my knowledge and belief. W. L. VERN KR, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to bofore mo this 1st day of July, 1903. J. W. HOI.I.EM AN, Notary Public. Correct. Attest: J. D. Vernor, ) C. W. Banknight, \ Director?. P.. T. Jaynes, ) WE DOUAI Able-Bodi E WERS A LITT rE NOW DRIED Q SHOW YOU TH] CH STOCK OF GC E THAT WILL. IN AN - YOURS *'C NEW. ASIIMEAD COUK E COURTENAY HANI PROPRI Locals from Mountain Rest. Mount ail! Host-, July 7.-Wo aro need ing rain very badly. Tho farmers aro laying-by their orops. Kev. J. M. Sander', mi? d his usual ap pointment^ linro Sunday. Ho ann (HM) ced that ho would begin a protracted moot ing hero the fourth Sunday in this month. Ho oxtonds a cordial invitation to all tho Methodist brethren to como and join them in working in the mooting. Mrs. Hattie Lobby, of Greenville, is visiting her paronts, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ivoster. Sho is accompanied by her aunt, Mrs. Nina Gaillard, and little daughter. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Goodman, of Clemson College, aro visiting friends in this community. \V. L. Bennett returned to Pickons last Tuosday, after spending several days in tho mountains. E. For a lazy livor try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Thoy 011 vigorato tho liver, aid tho digestion, reg ulate the bowels and prevent bilious at tacks. For Bale by J. W. Boll, Walhalla; W. J. Lunney, Seneca. Quadruplets. Roanoko, Va., July 8.-Mrs. Goorgo W. Chambers, wife of a Franklin county farmer, to-day gave birth to four healthy girl babies. Tho mothor and tho quar totto aro doing well. Tho pooplo of tho vicinity aro oxoited ovor tho ovent nud women, old and young, aro eoing to soo the Httlo ones. Roosevelt bas been not ?bed. . Winthrop College Scholarship and Entrance Examinations. THE examinations for tho award of vacant scholarships in Winthrop College and for tho admission of new students will bo hold at tho County Court Uouso on Friday, July loth, at fl a. m. Applicants must not bo loss Hum fifteen yoars of age. Wlion scholarships aro vacated after July 10th thoy will bo awarded to those making tho highest average at this examination. Tho noxt session will opon about September 10, 1903. For further information and a catalogue, address PlOsidoilt 1). B. JOHNSON, Kock Hill, S. C. May 20, 1008. 20-27 WM. J. STRIPLING'S MERCHANT MILLS Aro now ready to sorvo tho public again. Fresh meal for salo. Corn and meal dolivored froo in town. fiyMill runs every day. Phone 58. M. B. WHITE, Manager. May 20, 1003. 20-32 Charleston, S. C. i 18th Year Begins Sept. 25th. LETTERS, Scionco, Engineering. Ono Scholarship to oach Comity of South Carolina, Entranco examinations held at Walhalla by County Superintendent I of Education and Judgo of Probato on July 10th. Tuition, $10. Board and furnished room in Dormitory, $10 nor month. All candidatos for admission aro pormitted to compete for Boyeo Scholarships, winch pay $100 a yoar. For Catalogue address HARRISON RANDOLPH, President. May 27, 1003. 21-20 Notice to Trespassers. ALL persons aro horoby notillod not to enter lauds of the undersigned for the purpose of hunting, fishing, cut ting timber, digging roots or otherwise trespassing in any manner whatsoever. Parties entering said lands after publica tion of this notice will be dealt with to the fullest extent of tho law. L. E. BURGESS. July 1, 1008. .2020 BRIDGES TO REBUILD THE County Commissioners will lot, to the lowest responsible biddor, at the rospeotivo bridge sites, on the days mentioned below, tho contracts to re build the following bridgos: Changa bridge, at Horseshoe, July 13, at ll a. m. Wiglngton Mill bridgo, on Cano orook, July 14, at ll a. m. High Falla bridgo, on Little river, July 15. at ll a. m. New bridge, at Joe Berry Hunnicntt's, July I.">, at 4 p. m. Sit ton's bridge, on Connoross crook, July 10, at ll a. m. Specifications will be mado known on da'? >. letting. Tho successful biddor wi., t?o required to give bond. Board reserves the right to rejeot any and all bids. D. F. MoALISTER, Supervisor. July 1, 1008. 26 21 GIVE K m DAY ed Labor. LLE DAMP, BUT WE UT AND ARE READY ROUGH OUR MAM )ODS. WE HAVE A TEREST EVERYONE. HULLS. ? I?, TRADK *Y STORE, JFACUTRING COMPANY, [ETORS. O N E D O L L A R P E R D A Y Host Out Of Paper? Whonovor you uro out, think of us. Wo aro novor out of the most desir able linoa of WHITING PAPERS. Now coming occasionally. Late styles now hero. Prices aro low and assortment is splendid. Everything Else. Wo aro headquarters for everything that goes with Stationery-Pens, Pencils, Mucilage, Crayon, Erasers, etc. If thoro is anything new in the mar ket, wo havo it, and you may bo sure tho price is right. We Want To Reduce Our Stock. lt willPay Youto Call and See ?S. We have just received a Oar Load of Furniture. See our 3-piece, all-oak $15 Suits for only $10 while they last. WE ARE OVERSTOCKED ON CLOTHING. Largo lot of Pants, worth 75c. to $1.50: your obolce. OOo. Largo lot of Pants, worth $1.50 to $2.25; your oboioe.$1 00 We also have a Large Stock of GLASSWARE AND CROCKERY. Nice Oat Meal Dishes .5c. each. 7 inch Howls. de. each, 0-inoh Howls.10o. each. We Have a Good Many SHOES Only Ono Pair of a Ki. $1.00 quality reduced to. (Soo. $1.50 and $2.50 quality reduced to.$1.00. Wo have many other Bargains too numerous to mention. Come and see. It costs you nothing to look. J. & J. S. CARTER, WESTMINSTER, S. C. Building Material, Etc. Car loads of Window Sash, Doors and Ditnds. Get our prices v and bo convinced that wo can soil you obeaper than you oan ordor. We also havo a largo line of Hardware, Looks, Hinges, Farm Rolls, Carpenter and Blacksmith Tools, Sheet Copper and Pipe, Fly Traps, Grazing Chains, Calf Muzzles, Dynamite, Fuse and Caps; Buggy Umbrellas, Cushions add Dashboards; Log Chains, Seins for crooks or rivers; Guns, single and double-barrel. Bo sure and soe our line of Stoves and Steel Rangea. Our groat stock of Ilardwaro gives you entire satisfaction. The modest prices make tho satisfaotion oxtond to your purse. Matheson Hardware Co., * Westminster, 4J#