PORUSHKD KVCnV WKDNCtDAV MORNING. '-BY JAVNKt, 8HELOR, SMITH A 8TEOK. R.T.JAYNKS. \ KNM . a!?? King Alfonso. Madrid, January 10.-As Kio? Alfonso, Dowager Queen Christina and the court were returning from church this norn ing a mao who af tai warda gat? his nam? as Feito, fired a pistol at oos of th? carriages In tba royal procession. The bullet went wild and ?ooo? was tu tored. The Kiog board tb? shot and put his head out or the carriage window, but he was immediately draggsd beek into tbs seat by the queen mother. The escort of civil guards threw themselves upon the miscreant and overpowered Feito was taken to tbs police station, whore he said he did not desire to kill the king, but the grand chamberlain, the duke of Sotomayor, at whose carriage he had aimed. Ile waa searched and in bis pockets were found unmailed letters marked registered and addressed to President Roosevelt, the Emnoror of Germany and the President of too High Court of Justice of Mexico and also re ceipts for a number of registered letters and a visiting oard of tho mayor of Madrid. Feito was later put under examination by a magistrate to whom bo repeated hut j statement as to the object of tho shoot ing. He insisted that he was not an auarohist and said that bis wife, a I French woman, had had bim confined io a lunatio asylum. The prisoner, in making this statement, did not appear excited, but there Kr? iudioations that he ls Insane. The mir'?ter of the in terior bas telegraphed to the prefect in the provinces that the attempt waa di rected against the grand chamberlain and not against the king. For a bad taste in the mouth take a j few doses of Chamberlain-s Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price 25 conti?. War ranted to ours. For sale by J. W. Bell, druggist._ Judge Mciver h Dead. Cberaw, S. C., January 12.-Chief .Tun deo Henry Mciver, after n long and tedi ous illness, died at Ina homo h<>re thia afternoon at 4.10 o'clock, aged 70. Judge Mcivor was born near Society Hill, in Darlington county, September 25, 1826. The rudiments of his educa tion wore acquired at Cheraw and be afterwards entered the South Carolina College at Columbia, graduating in Do cemher, 1840. Upon returning home he entered tbe law office oi bia father and was admitted to the bar in December, 1847. He at once entered into partner ship with his father, continued until the death of the former in 1850. His father at the time of bis death held the position of Solicitor and his son immediately afterward was appointed by Governor Seabrook to fill the vacanoy, and he held the office until Docember, 1850. He waa re appointed to this office by Governor Manning in Maroh, 1858, to fill the va canoy caused by the death of W. J. Hannee. who was elected to the office by the Legislature in Maroh, 1850, and who died.in March, 1858. He served in this capacity until Maroh, 1865, when he was reconstructed out of office. In 1877 he was elected Associate Judge of the Su Ereme Court, which office ne held until hlef Justioe Simpson's death, when he was elected Chief Justice. Ho was a member of the Secession Convention whioh met in Columbia. He entered the Confederate service as second Lieutenant of Company A, Fourth South Carolina Cavalry, whioh was part of Hampton's command. He was promoted to tbe first Lieutenancy and then to the ( 'apt aine y, which rank he held until the close of the war. He was twice severely wounded, on account of whioh he was compelled to return home. Justice Mciver was married June 7th, 1840, to Miss Caroline H. Powe, of Che raw, S. C. He leaves two sons and one daughter. Mr. Thos. P. Molver, of Char leston: Senator Edward Molver and Mrs. R. C. Watts, of Cberaw. Columbia, S. C., January 12.-The Su preme Court to-nigbt issued the follow ing order in view of the death of Chief Justioe Molver: Tho members of this Court desiring to attend the funeral of Hon. Honry Mciver, late Chief Justioe of the Supreme Court of South Carolina, it ie hereby ordered that the Supreme Court be adjourned until 10 o'clock on Wednesday, the 14th instant. Y. J. Pope Assooiate Justice: Eugene B. Gary, Assooiate Justice; Ira B. Jones, Associate Justice. "Tho nicest and pleasantest' medicine I have used for ii..:'gestion and const! Eat ion is Chamberlain's Stomach and .iver Tablets," says Melard F. Craig, of ! Middlegrove, N. Y. "They work like a ] charm and do not gripe or have any un Bleasant effect." For sale by J. W. ell, druggist._ News from Oak way. Oakway, January 12.-Miss Flora McKay, who has been spending the holi days with friends at Townville, returned home last week. Miss Alioe Adams, of Hartwell, Ga., is spending a few weeks with her aunt. Mrs. J. L. McLin. Mis? Kora King, of Westminster, spent j a fow days last week with the Misses | Bearden. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. MoLin spent last | week with relatives io Georgia. The school is progressing very nicely under tho management of Profs. Pitts and Lambert. Mr. Vester Bearden, of Greenville, is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bearden. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bearden enter tained a number of the young people at a pound supper Friday night in honor of their nephew, Mr. James W. Reeder, of Hughes' Springs, Texas. Mr. Sam Dickson and sister, Miss Sallie, of Westminster, spent Wednesday night with the family of Mrs. Josie Reeder. Messrs. Russell Bearden and Sam Brown made a trip to Georgia last week. South Union Item!. South Union, January 12.-Mrs. J. B. McJunkin upent Christmas with friends in Atlanta. Mr. G. W. Shirley spent the holidays in Lavonia and Hartwell, Ga. Messrs. Jack Reeder, Claude and Ottie Burrisa with Misses Eva Reeder and Maude Burriss attended a turkey dinner at the home of Miss Lexie Thomas Christmas day. She accom panied them home on Friday. Mrs. Berrv Reeder and her son, Mr. Jim, visited the family of Mr. J. L. Reeder last week. One of our m'ont attractive yoong ladies, Lilla Thomas, ia attending school in Walhalla. Cheer up, boys I it's only for a short while. Miss Rosa Reeder is visiting in Wal halla and Westminster. Mr. Ernest Harrison and sister, Miss Elton, of Lavonia, visited South Union last week. Mr. Jack Reeder and his sister. Miss Eva, entertained Mrs. Keese ana Mrs. Craig, of Walhalla; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brown, Mrs. Bearden and daughter, Miss Ila, Messrs. Lesley and Mark Stab ling and Claude Burriss, and Mrs. Maude j Burriss and Caryoe MoJunkln at a tur key dinner in honor of Mrs. B. Reeder and Mr. Jim Reeder on tbe last day of | 1002. In the afternoon the young folks had an informal plonio at tho stage. Royal G. Safe Blowers Captured. Columbia, January 8.-Four white men, Charles Howard, Edward Hagan, Thomas Nolan and William McKinley, have been arrested here oo the belief that thoy are the parties who havo been committing the numerous safe burglailes in differont parts of the State, lt is also thought thoy may have been con ducting counterfeiting operations. The arrests were made by the local police on warrants sworn out by post office inspec tors. The men have all been committed to jail in default of $20,000 bond each. The post office inspectors are confident they have tho right men, but have not mado publie toe evidence they have secured to connect them with the orimes. The men all deny their guilt, but a com plote burglar's outfit was found io the possession of one of them. The four men have been ifi Columbia for some time, and have been spending most of their time around the questionable re sorts of th? sity. A Piensan? VtaH to Hon? and Friend?. A thu, ta, Ga., January 10.-As w? Kuii.uk