Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, September 10, 1902, Image 2

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f UBLI8HCO CVKRV WCDNEODAY MORNING. -?V J A YNES, 8HELOR, SMITH A STECK. SUBSCRIPTION. S1.00 PKfl ANNUM. ADVERTISING RATES REASONABLE. fcy Communications of a personal character charged for as advertisements. WT" Obituary notices and tributes of respect, of not over one hundred words, will be printed free of charge. All over tbat numbor must be paid for at the rate of one cent a word. Cash to accompany manuscript. WALHALLA, S. C. I WKDNBNDAV. MKPT. IO. lOO'J. THE STATE CANDIDATE?. Returns for the Stato candidates are slow ooming in, and a complete tabu lated statement for this ticket is not ob tainable The returns from lOprecinots, however, give tho following tulalu: IO va 11 a.,... SOS Latimor.1147 Hoy ward.1220 Talbert. 887 Gary. 031 Sloan.828 Gantt. 035 Wilson.015 Jones. 777 Walker. 020 Boyd.815 Frost.675 Caughman .... 500 Evans. 802 Indications from District and State. Latest i ft u i ns from tho Stato indicato that A. C. Latimer has boon elected Sen ator; D. C. Hey ward, Governor; John T. Sloan, Lioutenaut Govoruor; Wyatt?] Aiken, Congressman. In Our Own County. We givo our readers a tabulated state ment of Oconee's primary election for CongrosB aud county oflicors. Thoso reports have boon rocoived by 'phono, and it would bo remarkablo if there bo no mistakos, but wo think it 'approxi mately correct, and tho persons boro in dicated as rocoiviug tho highest numbor of votes will bo declared duly olected to tho ro8pootivo oflicos by tho official count. Following aro nominated: Representative-W. M. Brown. Supervisor-1). F. McAlister. Superintendent Education-C. L. Craig Troasuror-J. R. Kay. County Commissioners-J. R. Zaohary and N. Phillips. A Proposed New Railroad. For some timo past thero havo boon gorsistent rumors to tho effect that tho outhorn Railway intends to build a now lino over tho Blue Ridge mountains from Knoxville, using tho survey of tho old Bluo Ridgo roan. Tho railroad officials havo never yet declared their intentions, but tho persistency with which tho rumor is circulated has given credibility to it. Tho Manufacturer's Record of Sep tombor 4th, contains tho following: "Application has boon mado for a charter for tho Tennessee, (ieorgia A South Carolina Railroad Company to build a lino from Walhalla, S. C. through Georgia to Charleston, Tonn. Tho iucorporators aro Wm. B. Prink, J. W. Lasuro and George Bancroft, of Chicago, 111.; Marrill .Skinner, of Bluo Ridgo Ga. ; C. G. Baugh, W. B. Brown lee, W. L. Hunter and A. F. Christopher, of Minorai Bluff, Ga., and J. A. Butt, of Blainosvillo, Ga. Messrs. Frink, Skinner and Baugh havo published in a local paper notice of | their intention to apply to tho Secretary of State for a charter to build a railroad from tho city of Anderson to tho Goorgir line, going in tho direction of Rabun Gan, and passing through Contcrvillo and Fork townships in this county. Absolutely nothing is known in Andor son of tho parties or their intention ., and it is understood that tho not iee was Heni to tho paper through tho mails. Hut it costs several hundred dollars to secure a charter for a railroad in this State, and it duos not seem probablo that anybody would bo willing to put up the money for securing a railroad charter I unless there was some likelihood that tho road would bo built.-Andorson Mail. Man to be Sold on Block. Sholbyvillo, Ky., Soptombor 0.-Fisher Minton, a negro who was indicted in 1901 for vagrancy and who has beon at largo 8?uco, has been captured in Law rencoburg and tried boforo Judge Davis in tho County Court. Tho jury returned a verdict of guilty and fixes his punish ment at being sold into servitude for u period of 12 months, the highest ponalty. He will bo put on the block and sold into servitude hy tho Sheriff if a purchaser can bo found. Tho officials hardly know what to clo in tho event of no salo. N KO HO FA UM KK HUYS THU ('KIM IN AI., Sholbyvillo, Ky., Soptembor 8.-Fisher Milton, a negro convicted of vagrancy, was sold into servitude for twelvo nu ml hs to-day at public auction to Davo Murphy, a respectable negro farmer. Murphy bid $20 for the prisoner and stated that ho was not governed by sentiment in mak ing tho pm chase, but that he thought be was notting tho worth of his money, and that ho intended to forco Milton to work hard. Old Guard Passes Away. Columbia, September 5.-Major "Tom" Woodward is dead. Ho was ono of tho last of tho "old guard." No truer, nob ler, braver man over lived. His death carno last night at his homo, in Fairfield county, after weoks of suffering. Ho was a superb soldier and a loyal South Caro linian. Ho could novor fully roconcilo himself to Ti ll man ism, and was noted for his violen! opposition to tho move ment in 1800 which olected Senator Till man. Ho was honored by Iiis political oppononts for his fearlessness and his adherence lo his duly as ho bolievod. Preacher Killed in Big Duol. Durant, I. T., Soptembor 7.-A bloody battle with pistols was fought about ton miles east of boro last night between Hov. W. F. Whaley and his two sons, Alf and Kniest, on ono sido, and J. H. and J. A. Richardson and their brother hvlaw. Mr. Wattenborger, on tho other, in which tho oidor Whaley was killed, and Alf, his son, had both arms torn to pioceB, and J. A. Richardson rocoived a Bovero flesh wound in tho thigh. Thoro has hoon trouble bet ween tho Whaieys and Richardsons for tho past few months, and yesterday tho two parties mot on tho highway whilo returning homo from Durant, with tho abovo result. Officers wont out from hero this morning and brought in all tho survivors of tho battlo who woro ablo to bo movod. .-- ^ ? -. Typhoid Fever Rages at National Capital. Wushington, Soptembor 5.-At noon yesterday theio woro 373 cases of typhoid fovor in tho District. Twonty-sevon now cases were reported on Tuesday. Tho death rate is by no moans largo. Casos of typhoid fovor numboring 200 were brought over from tho procodiug wook. During tho week sovonty-nino now cases woro reported and casos num boring thirty-flvo woro discharged, loav ing 340 cases under medical ttoatmont. This will Interest Many. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.), tho famous Southern blood puriflor, quickly cures cancor, blond poison, pimplos, boils, carbuncles, ulcers, oating sores scrofula, ocstoma, aching hones, joints or back, rheumatism, cararrh, and skin troubles. B. B. B. heals ovory soro and makes tho bl )od nure and rioh. B. B. B., the finest blood puriflor mndo. Drug f[i?ts. |L Trial treatment freo by writ ng Blood Balm Co., Atlanta Ga. For sale by J. H. Darby, druggist. PART'AL RESULT He PRECINCTS. Belmont. Bethlehem. Cherry Hill. < 'omicrons. Damascus. Double Springs.... Earle's Mill. Fair Play. Fofrfc Madison. Friendship. High Falls. Holly Springs. Jooassee . Jordania. Newry. Oak Grove. Oak way. Poplar. Providonco. Richland. Salem. Seneca. South Union. 'I'aina:.sci'. Tokeena . Tugaloo Academy. Walhalla. West minster. Westminster No. 2 Wost Uuion. Clemson CollegO . . Mount Tabor. Retreat. Little River. Totals. NEWS IN AND AROUND WESTMINSTER. Westminster, Soptembor 10.-Mr. L. P. Smith will run his last excursion for this season to Atlanta next Wednesday, 17th instant. Faro for the rouud trip from Westminster is $1.85. Tickets can bo secured from Mr. J. W. McGee, the recular ticket, agent for oxcursions. Train will arrivo here at 1.80 p. m. Re turning will loavo Atlanta at 0 p. m. on Soptembor IB. Rov. J. C. Shivo was absent on last Sunday. Ho wont to Atlanta on Thurs day via Abbovillo and proaohod in tho Inman Park ohurch on Sunday and Sun day night. Rev. J. L. Mc!,in, of Andor son, Ulled Mr. Slave's pulpit boro very acceptably on Sunday afternoon. Mr. T. Mack Stribling visited his brother, Prof. M. S. Stribling, last week. He has been attondiug tho sominary at Louisville, but expects to outer Prince ton tho coming session. Rov. Ferguson, of Alabama, will preach in tho Christian church uoxt Sun day and Sunday night. P.iblic cordially invited. The mooting may continue for sumo days, but it is not kuown for a cortainty until after tho preacher arrives. Rov. J. L. Mc 1,in and family, of An dorson, aro visiting his brother. Mr. D. O., and tho families of Mrs. E. A. Norris and Mr. H. B. Zimmerman. Hie friends are glad to seo him looking so well after his severe illness last spring. Mr. S. Leo Stribling, of Atlanta, is in Westminster this week. Ho has beon with the iii m of Evorott, Ridley ?fe Rea gin for some timo. His friends aro glad to soo him again. Mrs. J. C. Mn ve and children left last. Thursday for Virginia to spend a month wi til relatives. Rev. Robt. F. Kirkpatrick, who was hero last week, expects to go to tho In dian Territory in tho near future. Ho in tends to make his homo thero. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Carter and Miss Virginia Norris returned from Now York and Washington this week. Tho cotton crop will bo much shorter than was first thought. During tho lat ter part of August many of tho young bolls oponed promaturoly. lt is sincoio ly hoped that tho price will not get much lower tliau it is at present. If it does many farmers with their short crups and heavy debts to pay will bo in tho "soup" sure Westminister Times, Soptombor 4: The intel t animent given hy tho ladies of tho ' Ludio Coleman Circlo," last Tuesday evening for tho benotit of the proposed park was a docidod success in ovory sonso of tho word. A largo crowd was present and tho iluancos of the Cir clo wei e considerably augmented. Tho refreshments wore very dainty, and be ing sorved by still moro dainty hands, I hey proved euticing indeed. Captain CllOSWell entertained those who wero not otherwise engaged, delightfully with Iiis graphaphono. Tho objoot for which those ladios aro working is a very praiseworthy ono and thoy dosorve tho support of tho town. Miss Cora Du nie has roturned homo after a stay of about six weoks visiting rotativos and frionds in Seneca, Walhalla and oilier places, lier friends aro glad to soo her back. Miss Bibb loaves this wook for Wal halla, w herc she has accepted a position in a millinory store. Postmaster C. J. Mulkoy has sold his home and his real ostato in town to Mr. J. '1'hos. Simpson, of Piedmont. This is a good pieoo of property and is situated in a desirable, part of Westminster. Thero aro four cottages on it besides tho house occupied by Mr. Mulkoy. Mr. Simpson oxpects to move boro tho com ing winter. Ho is well and favorably known to all our people, having rosidod in tho community a couplo of years. Mr. Mulkoy has reserved tho privilcgo of living whoro ho is until tho end of tho year. He will then eil her reside on his farm near town or continuo to livo in town. Mr. Mulkoy received tho snug sum of $2,250 cash for his property. Mr. Walter Zimmerman, of tho South ern Railway, spent a fow days last week wi Hi his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Zimmerman. Miss Floronco Norris has boon vory low with fevor near Whitewater for tho past four w eeks. She wont up in that section of thc county to toacli school and only taught a couplo of weoks be foro sho was takon siok. Her sister, Miss Emma Norris, of King's Mountain, has boon to soo her. She roturned homo on Thursday, loaving Miss Florenoo a groat doal hotter. Tho cotton ginnory is now running rogulavly with Mr. E. il. Dickson as mauagor. Thoy gin for 25 cents por 100 pounds of lint cotton and put on bag ging and ties for 05 cents por balo. Bag ging and ties aro new. Work on the now addition to tho Cbeswell Cotton Mill is progressing vory satisfactorily. Thoro will bo a Congregational moot ing at Rotroat church on next Sabbath, Soptombor 14th, at ll o'clock in tho forenoon. All mombors aro requested to bo prosont. Rov. J. 1). Dorsey, of Rush county, Texas, was visiting Mr. W. M. Kay this wook. Ho is a nativo of Oconoo, having moved from this section in 1870. Mr. Jasper Breovor, of Mnriotta, Ga., is on a visit to old frionds near West minster. Miss Luta I'.cw ley, of Chester, is visit ing hor aunt, Mrs. Dr. Burt Mitchell. Tho fall term of the high sohool oponed on tho 8th instant with a largo cn M ill men i of pupils. Prof. Conger and his assistants have about as many as they can woll look after. Mr. Jeff Oassaway, of Central, was in Westminster on Monday. Cartis aro out announcing tho marriago of Miss trono Carter to Mr. Silas Emmot stephens on Wednesday, September 17, at high noon in (bum-avilie, Ga. Tho in nie i o hi-, is tho olde-.i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter, formerly of West minster, but now of Gainesville, and is an attractive and popular young lady. The Chcswoll Cotton Mill Company, Messrs. Haley ?fe Cross, J. ?fe J. 8. Carter and Ira S. Pitts will buy cotton this sea son. Mr. Ciando Knox, of the Southern Railway, got his ankle and foot painfully mashed while assisting sumo hands in loading aomo heavy timber at Saluda 11 cst h last Saturday. Ho is at home un til ho gets well. HOV. J. E. M eMail n away caine home last wook and tilled hts appointments in OF THE SECOND Pl rid September 9tH, 190 Con gross. House of Rep?. Co. Sup'v'srl % 29 9 41 7 72 26 30 61 4 8 16 22 ll 12 109 86 63 6 4 6 06 75 47 27 10 0 212 50 ll 64 3 9 14 14 11183 1 <rt PM rf 'I 28 101 21 87 86 8 83 64 84 42 64 26 20 66 81 881 ol ll 46 72 174 40 37 21 87 184 190 05 58 44 83 2 40 1509 I o A ri 18 23 89 24 12 21 6 61 28 17 38 6 0 10 46 23 62 7 7 26 67 105 43 46 16 10 278 140 02 84 15 18 14 20 1391 n t? ii 14 14 4 91 401 88 33 48 26 13 70 28 27 141 48 89 8 8 27 86 144 44 19 25 27 67 90 14 80 82 24 2 28 1412 the Baptist churoh on Sunday. He preached ono week at Chester while away and ouo woek at his ohuroh in Greenville county. Mr. Claronce Mel,in, of Miami, Fla., arrived Monday and will spend awhile with his fathor, Mr. John L. McLin, of Oakway. Rov. if. Y Jameson, of Atlanta, was hero yesterday on business. Mr. Peroy Long, of Greenville, is vis iting Mr. L. G. Gaston. Mi s. W. H. ! lester, of Spartanburg, is visiting hor sister, Miss Myra Lay. Mrs. L. A. Mathewson will leave this week for North Carolina to visit her sis tor, Mrs. Adaline Barnard. Mrs. Sallio Kchols has bought tho Jameson houso and lot, now ocoupiod by Mr. J. P. McDonald. Mrs. Geo. M. Singleton bas boen quito ill at tho homo of her fathor. Mr. Train moro Jonkins, near Fort Madison, tho past three weeks. Mr. L. D. Bearden contemplates mov ing to either Greouvillo or Spartanburg iu about a month. Ho travols for F. W. Wagonor, of Charleston. Loonard is a good citizen and Westminster should st i ive to koop him. Mr. Lawrence Pitts is with J. & J. S. Carter. A groat many around Westminster will tako advantage of the cheap excur sion rates and visit tho Gato City next Wednesday. Mr. Frank Sheldon and Miss Louise sheldon, of Seneca, wore visiting friends West minster last weok. Dr. C. M Walkor and Prof. M. S. Stribling .have stopped work on their brick buildiugs until somo material to bo used in tbo front arrives. Protracted services will begin in the , new Baptist churoh on tho first Sunday in Octobor. Dr. J. H. Johns has been Buffering from au attack of fovor at St. Joseph's Infirmary in Atlanta for somo weeks. Ho was much botter whon last hoard from. Rev. R. M. DuBoso will begin a series of meetings at Rock Springs tonight. Mr. John stevenson is at Anderson. The heavy rains on Monday damaged a groat deal of open cotton in this soc tiou. Editor R. C. Mooklin, of Tho Times, was in Seneoa Monday. A. L. GosBott. Brain Food Nonsense. Another ridiculous food fad has boon branded by tho most competent authori ties. They have dispelled tho silly notion that ono kind of food is needod for brain, another for muscles and still another for bones. A correct diet will not only nour ish a particular part of tho body, but it will sustain every other part. Yet, how ever good your food may be, its nutri ment is destroyed by indigestion or dys pepsia. You must prepare for their ap pearance or prevont their coming by taking regular doses of Groon's August Flower, tho favorite medicine of tho healthy millions. A fow doses aids diges tion, stimulates the liver to healthy action, purifies tho blood and makes you fool buoyant and vigorous. You oan get this reliable romedy ar. J. H. Darby's drug store, Walhalla, cr Stribling Drug Co., Seneca. Regular size 75c. Got a copy of Oreon's Special Almanac. Bounty Land Locals. Bounty Land, Soptombor 8.-As Mrs. Jasper Doylo and little daughter, Cary, woro returning from Seneca Thursday afternoon thoy woro overtaken by a train near bumpkin's gin. Tho horse became frightened and ran about two miles, car rying tho buggy with it. The buggy was considerably damaged, but the occu pants "sea ped uninjured. Mosflis. Simpson and Hunnicutt, of Pendleton, visited frionds hore yester day. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Pickott, of Clemson, visited at Mr. J. B. Pickett's the latter part of last wook. Mrs. Trussed and little grandson, of Monea Path, are the guests of Mr. B. Bagwell and family. Miss Agnes Ellison visitod friends in Andorson last wook. Miss Maude Ellison spent last wook with relatives in Hartwell, Ga. Mrs. .lessie Smith and little daughters, Ernestine and Clara, of Easloy, are spending awilo at Mr. J. L. Smith's. Mr. Ernest N. Pickett, of Liberty, and Mr. Harry M. Pickott, of Greenville, aro at home for a few days. Mr. J. Li Smith, who has been ill with fovor for two months, resumed his duties as mail carrier Friday. The sub stitute, Mr. Frank L. Pickett, filled the placo very satisfactorily during Mr. Smith's illness. Littlo Miss Margie and Master Stephen Knox, of Walhalla, are spending some timo at thoir grandfather's, Mr. S. P. Barron. Mr. Jay Gillison is engaged in busi ness at Calhoun. Our young peoplo wore very pleasantly entertained at Mr. J. B. Pickott's home, on Friday evoning last. Musio was tho principal feature of tho ovoning. An unusually largo orowd was at the society meeting at Mr. Jasper Doyle's Saturday ovoning. An attractive pro grammo was rendorod, consisting of readings, recitations, duets and a dia logue, "Aunt Susan Jones," in which Mrs. Doyle and others displayed great talent as actors. Mr. Burns Gillison was at homo Sun day. N. R. v. A. Stops the Couiri) and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets eure a cold in one day. No ouro, no pay. Price 25 conts. Roosevelt, Jr., Scatters Shot. Ked He'd. S. I)., September 0.-The pleasure of tho hunting party of North Western railway ofncials, of whioh Tm millie Roosevelt, .ir., is a member, oame near being maned by a serious a a ident. A gun in tho hanns of young Roosevelt was accidentally discharged and a part of tho oharge pleroed tho clothing of A. C. Johnson, general traf ilo manager for Minnesota and the Da kotas, and toro away his coat on the left eldo. Fortunately none of the shot pene trated the skin and the affair dla not interrupt the hunting. RIMAR/! ELECTION, ?25. Death of Dr. Todd. .ifW'J ! Abbeville speoinl of September '?), toi the Columbia State: A dispatch i waa received hero to-day announcing the death of Kov. C. E. Todd at St. Joseph's infirmary, Baltimore, Md., as the result of a surgioal opotation. He had boen in the infirmary only a fow days, but, had boon in declining health for- some months. Ho was ono of tho most prom inent ministers of tho ?ssoc.iniwy Re formed l 'resin terian Church, and ! NV a s formerly pastor for several years of the First Associate Reformed Church of Charlotto, N. C. Ho left this charge to accept, tho presidency of Due West Fe male College, and on account/ nf ill health ho resigned the presidency.of the college about two years ago, after a'most successful administration. Slnob; that timo he has hold a professorship' in the theological seminary of the Associate Reformed church, at Due West. He was a man of untiring onortfy and-p 'omi nen! in tho higher educational'oirol JB of the State. Tho funeral took pla ui TO Due West on Friday. Mr. Todd was but 42 years of age, and is survived by his Wifo and Six children. ' hi ! Courtesy to Farmers. Macon, Ga., September 5.-Tho South Eastern Passenger Associ?t iori has granted an extension of ten days to d?lo gatos to the Farmers' National Congross, to be held in Macou next October, so, that the tiokots will bo good until Octo ber 20, thus enabling the delegates te mako oxcursions in Goorgia. N EW A DVE RT 1^ IMTS. MONEY" TO LEND.-We can lend monoy on first mortgages ' on . im proved farms at 7 per cont interest on sums of $1,000 and over, and 8. per cent interest on sums of less than $1,000. . No conn o issie ms charged. Borrower only pays for investigating title, drawing.aud recording papers. J A YNES & SIIELOR. Soptombor 10, 1002. ' V> 07-48 1 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT AND DISCHARGE. -NOTJCK is horoby given that tho undersigned will mako application to D. A. Smith, Esq., Judge of Probate for Oconoo county, in the State of South Carolina, on Saturday, 11th day of October, 1002, at ll o'clock ' in tho forenoon, or as soon thereafter as I said application can bo board, for loavo to mako final settlement of tho estate of Mary G. cherry, minor, and final dis charco as Guardian of said estate. S. C. STRIBLING, Guardian of the Estate of Mary G. Chorry, Minor. Soptombor 10, 1002. $7-10 Opening of Boob of Subscription. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OV OCONKK. PURSUANT to a commission Issjuod to tho undersigned as'.cprporUt-on : by M. R. Cooper, Secretary oflSv^tei onalhe 0th day of July,' 1002, notlfeo is1 liaggby givon that books of subscript ion to the .BANK OF WALHALLA" will bo opened at tho Bank of J. I >. Vorppr, in tho City of Walhalla. State and County aforesaid, on Saturday, tho 13th day of September, 1002, from 10 o'clock "a. m. to 4 o'clock p m. Tho said proposod corporation will have a capital stock of $30,000.00, divided into 300 shares of the par value of $100.00 each, with its prin cipal place of business at Walhalla, S. C., and will bo empowored to do a general banking business. J. D. VERNER, C. W. PITCHFORD, W. L. VERNER, E. R. LUCA8, C. W. BAU KNIGHT, D. OELKERS, R. T. J A YNES, W. T. STODDARD, Corporators. Soptember 10, 1002. , " j 37 NOTICE WHEREAS, wo, tho undersigned, and our associates and successors, desire to form ourselves into a corpora tion to bo known by the nattie -of Ten nessee, Georgia and South Carolina Kail road Company, for tho purpose of build ing and operating a railroad, ono termi nus of which shall bo within the City of Anderson, in Anderson county, and State of South Carolina, and I ho ot her on tho west boundary of Oconoe county, in tho State aforesaid, which said > fi po of railroad so, as aforesaid, beginning in the City of Anderson, in tho ?a.turfy and State aforesaid, will pass from its termi nus through tho following Townships in the County of Andorson, to-wit: Ander son county, Centervilla and Fork Town ships, and will also pass through tho fol lowing Townships in tho County of Oco nee, in said State, to wit: Conter, Tuga loo, Wagoner and Chnttooga. As also through tho following towns or villages in said county, to-wit.' At or near tho Town of Westminster, and at or near the Town of Walhalla. And, whereas, among the othor rights and privilogea tho suhseribors desire to lia ve granted unto them the right to ex ercise tho power to condemn Tanti s for rights of way, depots, station houses, sido traoks, and all other neoossary pur poses. ' !.. Now, therefore, publio hotico is hereby f; i ven for at least a period of four Wholes n advanco, that the subscribers will, on the Otb day of September, A. 1). HKCJ, file in tho offloo of the Soe.rntary-.of State of South Carolina a written declaration and petition, and make application thereon on said day, as required by law, for a charl or, which, among other rights and privilogea shall grant unto tbem the right to oxeroiso the power to condemn land for the rights of way. depots, sta tion houses, side tracks and other neces sary purposes, within the Counties of Andorson and Oconoo, in said State. Witness our hands this tho 25th day of August, A. D. 1002. WILLIAM B. FRINK, MERRILL SKINNER, COLUMBUS G. BA UGH. September 8, 1002. 86-80* MEW AND Hi SUITS FOR F. Slims, Shorts and Regulars. Thej lors, and fit and wear equal to any goo a1ile. We guarantee the wear and sen Soe our new Men's Combination Worsted Suit, 1 pair Satin CaM Shoes penders, 1 pair Socks-All for $10.00. Yours for M. W. Coleman & P. S.-See our beautiful Norfolk S to $3.50. They can't be matched i Convicts Cruding the Railroad. Raleigh, N. G., Septembor 0.-The State has now 300 convicts in Mitchell county grading the South Carolina and Georgia railroad (lately bought by tho Southern) from tho Tennossoe lino to ward Marion, whore it will strike the Southern's line to Asheville. The convicts were marohod from Marion to a point 48 miles distant and in sovon miles from the Tennessee lino, and there the first camp was established. Good progress is being made in grading. The heaviest part of tho work, that crossing tho Blue Ridge, is to be done. The Stato has 40 convicts building a turnpike from Wilkesboro to Jefferson and 50 aro cutting timber for tho Golds boro Lumber company's great sawmill at Dover/ The others, with the excep tion of 80 in the penitentiary here, aro on the Stato farm near Weldon. Legal Advertisements. it. This signature is on every box of tho genuine Laxative Bromo-Quininc Tablet* the remedy that cores a eolti Im one ?lay Rev. T. W. Sloan, who recently re signed tho pastorate of the Assooiato Reformed Presbyterian church at Abbo viIle to accept tho pastorate of tho Kirst Presbyterian churoh of Greenville, was received into the Presbytery thoro at a special meeting on Thursday and entered upon his new field of labor on Sunday. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDI TORS.-All persons indobted to tho estate of John T. Liddell, deceased, are hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned, and all persons having claims against said estate will present the same, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law or bo barred. B. F. SLOAN, J. ERNEST LIDDELL, Qualified Executors of thc Last Will and 'l'estamen!, of John T. Liddell, deceased. August 0, 1002. 32-36 REGISTRATION NOTICE.-Walhalla, S. C., September 1st, 1002.-The Board of Registration will be at Mount Tabor on SATURDAY, Soptembor 20th, 1002, for tho purposo of registering vot ers for Tablo Product. W. A. BARRON, W. T. GRUBBS, W. W. BURLEY, Board of Registration. Soptombor 3, 1002. Valuable Farm for Sale. SITUATE on Cane oreek, 2 miles wost of Walhalla, on both sides of Stump houso Mountain road. Contains 177 acres, two-story dwelling houso, good barns, stables and outhouses; 15 acres bottom land and 15 acres upland in culti vation. Well timbered; good water. Samo known as tho homestead of tho late W. J. Novillo. For torms apply to R. T. JAYNES, Walhalla, S. C. September 1, 1002. 3m. NEW FIRM IN SENECA J. W. BYRD & CO., SUCCESSORS TO RICHARDSON & BYRD. J. W. Byrd and J. Q. Adams have bought tho Richardson & Byrd stock, and will continue business at tho aamo stand. Wo are both known to many of you and will appreciate any trade-largo or small-you may give us. Watch this spaoo 1 Yours truly, J. W. BYRD & CO., Seneca, S. C. P. S.-Wo have sold our stock to J. W. Byrd & Co. and desire to return our thanks for the liberal patronage you have given us and ask that you continuo your business with J. W. Byrd & Co. All accounts duo us must bo paid promptly. Yours truly, RICHARDSON & BYRD. NEWRY WE PAY THE HO COTTON AND BRIN YOUR H O ME-M > We Sell the Best Good HONEST ' Our Gt naran tee IO" AND FAIR DEi WHEN BUYINC THE KIWI The Courtenay Manuf * - - 1 A.LL WEAR. I r are the production of the best Ta ds made, and at prices fair and reasorl rice. ) outfit, consisting of 1 Black Clay , 1 Hat, 1 Shirt, I Cravat, 1 pair Sus business, Co., Seneca, Si C. uits for children, 4 to 15 years, at $2 If?W IB TIH TIMI T? BUY Grain Cradles, Fruit Jara, Jelly GlassoB, Fruit Jar Rubbers, etc We have a lot of them on hand and arriving. When in need don't fail to see us. Lone Jack Shoes, Wagon and Buggy Material, Dynamite, Fuse and Caps, Blasting Powder, etc., are in season all the year and constantly kept in atook in such quantities as will suit the buyer. Sewing Machines and Sewing Machine Supplies always on hand. Sell Sewing Maohines on any terms you desire. Bring us your Produce and get the best market price. We will appre ciate a portion of your valued purchases. Goods delivered free in town. JOHN F. CRAIG, WalS?ss ? Why Use Cheap Trash? When you can buy liest Double Strength Pure White Wine Vinegar for piokling and table at Soo. por gallon at Schumacher's. Good New Orleans Molassos.25o. per gallon. Home-made Sorghum.85o. per gallon. Orango Cano Molasses.45c. per gallon. Georgia Ribbou Cane Syrup.50o. per gallon. Genuino Musoovado.60o. per gallon. AT SCHUMACHER'S. Good Groon Coffee.Cheap. Good Parched Coffee.2 pounds for 25 cont H. Mocha and Java..6 pounds for $1. All Rest Rlended, Green and Black Teas reduoed to 00 cents nor pound. "SCHUMACHER'S," The Popular Price Store, Walhalla, S. C. CONEE CO H EST PRICES FOR COTTON SEED c u s \DE MOLASSES. s for the Least Money ! WEIGHTS LLING, EITHER GT Our Guarantee i OR SELLING. IT STORE, acturing Co., Prop'rs,