_TO THINE OWN SELF BS TRUE AND IT MUST FOLLOW AS TB* NIGHT? THE DAY, THOU OANS'T NOY THEN BK FALSE TO ANIMAN. BY JAYNE8, 8HELOR, SMITH & STECK. WALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA. JUNE ag, IPQg , _ lfBW 8HHIKS. TO. 218.-VOLUME Lill._NO. 26. SPECIAL SAU We are overstocked on PANTS, t to unload we have made a price that \ move them quick. We will sell any U pair of PANTS we have for LESS TH. THE ACTUAL COST OF THE CLO^ Ci Wi I We Call Your Special Attention to These Tables. 1 State Mutual Life . Annuity Go. -ROME, dr A . The Parent Annuity Association of the South. Assets,.$139,471.39 Surplus, over all liabilities,' July 1st, 1001, . $08,59.46 IT IS WITH PLEASURE AND PARDONABLE PRIDE THAT WE CALL THE ATTENTION OF OUR FRIENDS and th? public genorally to tho excellent contract for Lifo Insurance now being offered by Thc StatO Mutual Lifo and Annuity Association, of Koine, Ga. It is not an assessment company, but a GUARANTEED STIPULATED PRE MIUM CONTRACT.' Tho plan is tho Annuity System, which provides a guaran teed annual income to tho member in old ago. In case of his death it provides for his widow, and in the event of her death, for his minor children. THE STATE MUTUAL issues tho strongest, tho safest and most beneficial contract for a'dopondent family now on tho market. They number among their policy-holders somo of tho leading flnanciors of tho States of Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, North Carolina and Virginia, and with "IT" L~ ^ *t" ono accord they unhesitatingly pronounce it IC? L^P%#9 %t? J. W. UOITNSAVILLE, Vicc-Pres. W. P. SIMPSON, Treasurer. THOMPSON ll 1 LES, President ELBERT T. McOHEE, Secretary. OHiee and Consulting Rooms: 1500 Main Street, Columbia, S. C. First-class Agents wanted. Address: Lock Box No. 127, Columbia, S- C FRANCIS A HAILEY, Stato Agents. Or T. H. FRANCIS. 880 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. Any information cheerfully furnished by J. A. STECK, RESIDENT AGENT, WALHALLA, So. CA 20? Mixed Paints. It costs just as much to uso a Paint that lasts but two years as it does to use one that will last four or five. That is, the work of putting on Paints costs tho same whether you use good or poor mate rial. I sell Paints of any color and in any quantity. And my Paints con tili n : I* u r e White Lead, Pure Linseed Oil, Pure Tur pentine Dryer, Pure Tintine; Colors. No Alkalies, Benzine, Barytes, Whiting, or Pish Oil. Drop in and got Color Card. I will give you hints about Body Colors and Trimmings. J. H. Darby, Druggist? .COLEMAMAGENER HARDWARE COMPANY. (SUCCESSOR TO C. P 303 KING STREET,. POPPENHEIM.) - - - - CHARLESTON, S. C. SHELF HARDWARE A SPECIALTY. .... AGENTS FOR .... Buckeye Mowers, Brinley Plows, Oliver Chilled Plows. I?l ? M CHS il George A. Wagener, President; George Y. Coleman, Vice President; LG. Rall, Secretary and Treasurer. tk O^COBBBSPOMDENOK SOLICITED. Kept. 10,'02. Sj -THE OF NEW YOKE. OLD, SAFE AND RELIABLE. Seo May 26*02, JAS. M. MOSS, Itcsiriciit Ab?tit [>RII)GE TO BUILD.- Tho County AJ Hoards of Commissioners of Oeo nee and Piokens counties will let, to tho lowest rosponsiblo bidder, at tho pro posed bridge site, on THURSDAY. July 10, at ll a. m., tho contract to- build a bridgo ovor Koowee River, at or near W. E. Ni m mc MIN'S I :iils aro asked on both a steel and wooden structure. Tho Hoards roservo tho right to reject any or nil bids. All correspondence will be cheerfully answored. s. M. POOL, Supervisor O. 0. F. A. II. Schroder, Clerk, Walhalla. S. C. Juno 18, 1002. 25-27 BKI DOE TO REBUILD. ThoCounty Commissioners will let, to tho low est responsible bidder, nt tho bridgo, on Saturday, July 5, 1002, at 2 o'clock p. m., the contract to rebuild tho bridge over (Jane Creek, (on now road lending from Walhalla), near (Joh H. A. Thompson's. Hoard rosorves tho right to reject any and all bids. 8. M. POOL, Supervisor. June 18, 1902. 25-20 Tho people of this State will this summer have the opportunity to se lect their officers for two years more. Thc thinking people will bo cautious and select the best men possiblo to vote for, but a great many will go to thc polls and vote without giving any thought to the character of tho men tliey cast their ballots for. Every man who thinks well of himself and his country should study three ques tions before casting his ballot. Kirst : Is the candidato a man of character, ono who keeps his word and does not seek to deceive and mislead ? Second : Is he qualified to lill the oflice he aspires to? Third: Is he worthy of the honor? After these questions have been given due consideration and settled rightly, the voter is not likely to err. In order to have tho best government possible wc must get tho best men possible to fill thc ornees.-Gaff noy Ledger. Pl SO'S CURE FOR GUMS WHtKfc Alt [ISL FAILS. I no?t (,'oimb Syrup. Tunes Oood. Ct? L_, Intim?. Sold hy rtruggl-u. HI ^p^JgMU^IjfslHfrl^ viii AN ra. if IV lil Table No. 3, Y( & J. E. BAUKN School Funds Disbursed from July 1st, 1901, to July 1st, 1902. To His Honor, tho Presiding Judgo of Gouoral Sessions, July Torin, 1002: School funds disbursed from July 1st, 1001, to July 1st, 1002: School District No. 1-Townvillo. 484 L M Mnbaffoy..-..$ 20 00 485 Mamio Latiinor. 7 00 Total.$ 33 00 School District No. 2-Pine Grove GO Bollo Dearden.$ 26 00 140 Bello Bennien. 25 25 237 Sblrloy & Mahnffey.. 4 20 258 Jas Seaborn. 1 50 201 J A Brown. 18 10 304 J T Gaines. 23 75 372 Bollo Boardon. 25 CM) 412 lt M Richardson. 175 450 Belle Dearden. 25 00 541 Bollo Boardon. 25 00 021 Bollo Beardon. 25 00 050 Rollo Boardon. 25 00 Total.$224 85 School District No. 3-Providence. 213 Thorens Bibb.if 00 347 Clifton King. 1 80 348 James Seaborne. 1 50 300 SP Strib?ng. 02 50 408 Jamos Seaborn. 57 60 585 Lucy C Skelton. 5 00 013 RE Williams... .... 4 00 027 Mando Stribling. 35 00 058 S P Stribling. 25 00 077 J S King. 17 05 081 Thomas Bibb. 1 82 Total. .$242 17 School District No. 1-Return. 100 J S Earle.if 0 05 230 C L Oral* . 20 08 302 Lula Dickson. 25 00 373 C W Hayes . 12 (X) 374 C L (haig. 41 80 378 Lula Dickson. 26 00 447 0 L Craig. 7 07 661 Lula Dickson. 30 00 052 Lula Dickson. SO 00 053 Lula Dickson. 30 00 054 Lula Dickson. 15 (X) Total.$252 SO School District No. 5-Oak way. 38 J S Jennings .$ 05 75 154 R E Williams. 2 25 104 J S Earle. 2 16 105 J S Earle. 1 75 100 J S Jennings. 70 30 182 W J Thomas. 0 80 180 B B Mason. 8 00 100 J J Burriss. 1 00 214 Thoa Bibb. 1 02 273 M L Jenkins. 20 07 303 J S Jonning8. 04 25 407 J S Jonnings. 100 80 511 J S Jennings. 07 25 580 J S Jennings. 05 80 020 J S Jonnings. 03 75 Total.$098 14 School District No. 0-Fair Play. 200 W C Hughs.* 50 00 281 W C Hughs. 50 (X) 352 W C Hughs. 02 50 400 K W Marett. 20 ll 402 N A Jenkins. 20 00 403 W 0 Hughs. 75 00 522 N A Jenkins. 20 (X) 523 N A Jenkins. 10 (X) 572 W C Hughs.'.. 78 (X) 022 W C Hughs. 75 (X) 048 W C Hughs. 50 25 Total.$5 Ki 80 School District No. 7-White Rock. Ol S M Wolfo.* 30 (X) IX) W J Thomas. 22 50 121 S M Wolfo. 22 50 128 W J Thomas. 22 50 300 Neill Macaulay. 42 75 422 Neill Macaulay. 45 (X) 497 Neill Macaulnv. 48 ?id 628 G W Gignilliat. 5 70 533 P Cora Kant. 20 00 684 P Cora Kant. 20 00 602 N W Macaulay. 42 75 (M?O P 0 Kant. 20 (X) 070 N W Macaulay. 45 00 087 Adam Hunter. 2 80 Total.$300 40 School District No. 8-Retreat, 134 N A Doylo.* 13 00 282 Samuel ll un tor. 28 00 505 Samuol Hunter. 28 00 500 Samuol Hunter. 28 00 010 N A Doylo. 13 00 032 Samuol Hunter. 28 00 070 Samuol Huntor. 20 00 Total.$104 00 School District No. 0-Block. 04 Lavina 0 Jenkins . ..$ 17 00 05 Lavina C Jenkins_ 20 (X) 218 Marion Standridgo ... 14 (X) 285 J R Cleland. 47 82 280 Pedon Bros. 20 72 203 Ed Singleton. 44 70 300 J eft J S Carter. 2 50 318 Y E ?fe I S Pitts. 80 61 388 J L Singleton. 25 (X) 413 Peden Bros. 5 05 508 J L Singleton. 25 (X) 037 J L Singleton. 25 (X) 038 J L Singleton. 18 75 Total.$303 05 School District No. 10-Mt. Tabor. 34 Lizzie Bruce.$ 20 00 320 J A Knox. 17 50 304 Lizzio Bruce _ 40 00 305 Lizzie Bruce. 30 00 307 Lizzie Bruco. 30 (X) 450 J ESingloton. 13 50 133 N A Doylo. 20 00 513 Lizzio Bruco. 17 50 514 Lizzio Bruco. 28 20 554 N A Doylo. 24 00 Total.$240 70 School District No. ll-Hopowoll. 40 N A Doylo.$ 8 00 08 Mando Stribling. 22 50 158 Maude Stribling. 11 25 101 N A Doylo. 8 (Xl 555 N A Doylo. 10 00 Total .$ 50 75 Sohool Distrlot No. 12-Stony Point. 6 G F Fullor.$ 20 00 10, G F Fullor. 30 00 78 G F Fuller, J W Lyles 25 00 141 Jas E Jenkins. 18 00 IIGHT Cash J Merchants. 142 247 248 828 375 524 525 001 045 084 J?H E Jenkins. 8 10 G F Fuller. 25 00 G F Fuller. 20 75 G F F. lier. 25 00 G F Fuller. 12 50 G F Fuller . ..'. 25 00 G F Fuller. 25 00 W E Barton. 8 25 T P Sullivan. 2 00 G F Fuller. 30 00 Total. $281 20 School District No. 18-Tugaloo. 241 C L Craig.* ll 50 302 T D Grant. 1 48 003 Nanuio Walker. 8 00 001 Nannio Walker. 10 00 005 Nannio Walkor. 20 00 OOO Nannie Walkor. 10 00 (507 Nannio Walkor. 4 00 008 Nannie Walkor. 20 00 07S Nannio Walkor. 20 (H) 004 C L Craig..... 0 30 Total.$123 43 School District No. l l-Unity. 02 S T Dickson.$ 32 50 357 S T Dickson. 32 50 383 J T Patton. 138 30 505 S T Dickson. 05 00 Total.$208 80 School District No. 15-Travelers' Best 175 T D Grant.$ 20 00 07 T D Grant. 20 00 200 C I Craig. 5 40 202 C !, Craig. 10 00 850 Ed Callas. 40 25 535 Ed (Jallas. 48 !3 fi 18 Ed Callas. 28 75 Total.$170 59 School District No. 10-Holly Springs. 21 J D Dunlap .$ 4 00 72 Carrie Kuemmoror... 25 00 184 Carrio Kuemmoror... 25 00 210 Carrio Kuommorer... 25 00 288 Carrio Kuommeror... 25 00 850 (-arrio Kuonimoror... 25 00 500 Carrio Kuommorer.. i 33 42 508 Wm Carson. 1 00 Total...,.$103 42 School District No. 17-Westminster. r.i0 M C *i?..t .$ 20 00 517 MC Fant. 20 00 518 M C Faut. 20 00 510 P J Vcrmillion. 400 00 500 M 0 Faut. 20 oO 085 P J Vormillion. 200 71 Total.$740 71 School District No. 18-Clearmont. 25 T A Smith. $ 25 00 0:5 J S Earle. 20 00 180 T A Smith. 25 00 107 J S Eai lo . 20 00 340 T A Smith. 43 75 432 T A Smith. 35 00 433 J D Wynn. 7 25 547 T A Smith. 43 75 548 J D Wynn. 4 20 080 T A Smith. 35 00 Total.$258 05 School District No. 19-Richland. 20 Susie Daniels.$ 20 00 70 Susie Daniels. 15 00 271 1) Conger. 40 00 377 D Conger. 40 00 400 1) Conger. 40 00 502 D Conger . ?. 40 00 030 I) Conger. 40 00 070 W H Hughs. 25 00 Total.$200 00 School District No 20-Bounty Land. 80 Viola Blockloy.$ 28 00 310 Noll Nickola. 33 00 300 J B Pickott. 4 05 401 Viola Bleck' ?>?/. 82 00 539 John B Andorson_ 5 10 501 Noll Nickels. 33 00 001 Nell Nickels. 132 00 Soho 00 108 358 430 480 530 501 050 008 Total.$208 05 ol District No. 21-Connoross. J M McGuire.$ 38 53 J M McGuiro. 1 07 J M McGuiro. 41 00 J M McGuiro. 40 70 R T Skelton. 20 00 J M McGuire. 40 25 J M McGuire. 40 25 J M McGuiro. 40 00 J M McGuiro. 2 00 'Total.$204 70 School District No. 22-Oak Grovo. 135 R T Skelton.$ 14 00 130 Lula Dickson. 20 00 137 Lula Dickson. 20 00 230 C W Pitchford. 1 45 181 N L Whito. 20 35 570 H T Skolton. 20 00 505 Dora Farmer. 25 00 (?Ki Dora Farmer. 26 00 007 Dora Farmer. 25 00 tm:! Gora Farmor. 25 00 Total.$204 80 School District No. 23-Chauga. 00 J W Koynolds.$ 23 75 108 J W Reynolds. 23 75 270 J W Reynolds. 23 75 277 W J Hoad. 0 75 342 J W Koynolds. Ul 03 428 J W Reynolds. 21 38 520 J W Reynolds. 23 75 000 W E Loo. 10 75 Total.$102 51 School District No. 24-Zion. 0 J C Shookloy. $ 21 90 8 G M Mc Key. 5 47 11 S K Thompson. 20 00 18 Dean & Karlo. 2 74 01 J C Shockley. 3 00 42 Ilattio Rutledge. 20 00 05 Sloan Lylo. 0 05 120 C W Pitchford. 0 20 158 ll attic Rutledge. 20 00 330 Hattie Rutledge. 80 00 458 Hattio Rutledge. 20 00 571 Hattio Rutledge. 30 00 Total.$102 50 School District No. 25-Neville. 40 W L Rallonger.$ 25 00 75 W Z Blanchott. 40 70 J R Lyles. 80 118 Leo Ballongor . 26 00 1474 Lee Ballengor. fl 25 315 C W Pitchford. 2 16 331 W L Ballongor. 18 75 332 W L Ballenger . 25 00 804 John F Craig. 00 430 W L Ballenger. 25 00 550 W L Ballengor. 25 00 040 W L Ballonger. 25 00 041 W L Ballenger. 18 75 040 W Z Blanche,tt,. 1 96 Total.$199 10 Behool District No. 20-Walhalla. 14 Helen S Mou...-._$ 60 00 224 Ja? M Moss. 88 00 228 K J Stock . . . 22 00 244 B H MrCollougb. 26 00 250 Helen MOBS. 18 76 267 J M Moss. 60 00 209 K J Steck. 88 00 SOI J M Moss. .. 60 00 272 Helen Moss. 26 00 821 B H MoCollough. 87 00 822 B H McCoBough. 82 00 820 W G Craig. 12 60 850 K J Steck. 37 00 382 Helen Moss. 26 00 837 W G Craig. 12 60 896 J M Moss. 66 00 424 K J Steck. 30 00 454 W G Craig. 26 00 483 Helen Moss. 26 00 529 W G Craig. 26 00 509 W G Craig . 12 50 7* Olive C Hicks. 3 60 Total. ..$066 75 School District No. 27-West Union. 30 B T Skelton .$ 15 00 100 J C Shockley. 17 ?6 287 B F Gibson. 3 00 240 Lettie Grice. 26 00 317 Lettie Grice. 25 76 385 L C Jenkins. 15 00 390 Ben Gibson. 3 00 415 C W Pitohford Co.... 10 59 442 L B Jeukins. 20 00 446 Lettie Grice. 20 10 475 Bon Gibson. 2 80 507 Lavinia Jenkins. IS 00 510 Lettio Grice. 80 00 589 Lavinia Jenkins. 20 00 593 Bon Gibson. 2 00 OOO Lottie Grice. 30 00 024 Laviuia Grice. 10 00 082 Lottie Grice. 30 00 083 Lettie Grice. 30 00 Total.$340 75 School District Nc. 28-Speed'B Creek. 17 GC Patterson.$ 75 00 220 G C Patterson. 55 00 349 Ben Knox. 23 00 435 Bon Knox. 23 00 530 Nannie Parkor. 20 00 580 Ben Knox. 20 00 602 Bon Knox. 23 00 504 Nannie Parker. 20 00 047 Nannie Parker. 20 00 071 Ben Knox... . 23 00 Total.$311 00 School District No. 29-Friendship. 88 B E Thomas.$ 25 00 89 lt E Thomas. 12 60 , 450 lt E Williams . 20 00 472 Evie Tollison. 22 00 500 Evie Tollison. 22 25 008 Evie Tollison. 22 00 011 lt E Williams. i.O 00 012 lt E Williams. 20 00 Total.$103 76 School District No. 30-Shiloh. 112 Kate Fleming.$ 20 00 44 Kate C Fleming_ 20 00 478 A S Orr . 20 00 479 D Hunt. 30 00 632 A S Orr. 20 00 015 A S Orr . 20 (X) OOO D Hunt. St) 00 091 D Hunt. 30 (K) 002 D Hunt. 30 (K) Total.$220 00 School District No. 81'-Corinth. 52 Greta Gaines. $ 27 50 63 A S Orr. . 20 00 98 A S Orr. 13 00 103 Greta Gaines. 27 60 178 TD Tollison. 1 50 305 Greta Gaines. 30 (X) 871 Greta Gaines. 30 (X) 390 L O Craig. 100 80 414 W lt' Davis. 80 440 Scott Brown. 1 50 449 Greta Gaines. 30 (X) 520 J B Dyer. 2 00 543 Lebanna E Burt. ... 20 (K) 683 Lebanna E Burt. ... 10 00 004 Greta Gaines. 30 (X) 005 Greta Gaines. 15 00 Total.$359 10 School District No. 32-Stone Church. 102 Rebecca Milliner. . .$ 20 00 103 Rebecca Milliner.. . 10 00 209 Rebecca G Milliner. 20 (X) 808 J S Newman. 5 13 381 S J Stephens. 12 40 380 J F Barker. 41 00 493 W A Gatos. 20 00 491 Mrs J E Lewis. 12 60 495 Mrs J E LewiB. 25 00 573 Mrs JE Lewis. 25 00 574 W A Gates. * 00 043 Mrs JE Lewis _ 26 00 044 W A Gates. 20 00 093 Mrs JE Lewis. 26 00 . Total.$281 03 School District No. 83-Cherry. 122 II II MoCarloy.$ 30 00 123 II II McCarley. 80 00 074 Mamie Long. 20 (X) 975 Mamie Long. 15 00 Total.$ 95 00 Sohool Distriot No, 34-Fairview, 89 W T Johnson.$ 20 00 51 Arthur McElroy.. . 80 00 138 W T Johnson. 20 00 250 S C Biggorstaff. 5 00 819 Mackey Blackwell. . 30 00 845 Mamie Parkor. 20 00 148 A P MclClroy. 80 00 451 Mackey Blackwell . 80 00 474 Nannie Parker. 20 00 501 Mackey Blackwell. . 80 00 509 Mackey Blackwell. . 30 00 623 W RShockloy. 1 60 649 Mackey Blackwell. 80 00 Total.$296 60 School District No. 35-Wolf Stake. 19 Annie Riehle.$ 20 00 ?8 W E Greonlee, pc. 12 50 82 Annie Riehle. 20 (X) 119 WE Greenies . 19 BO 183 Annie Riohle. 20 (X) 187 P A Brown. 80 238 M A Wood. 1 60 262 Trustees. 1 50 846 Annie Riehle. 82 50 438 J W Ilolleman. 60 487 P A Brown. 2 20 484 Annie Riehle. 20 (X) 604 Annie Riehle. 20 00 610 Annie Riehle. 20 (X) 602 J W Ilolleman. 1 00 Total.$185 80 School District No. 30- Midway. 22 W A Wood.$ 21 00 83 J B Hill, Jr. 36 00 824 J G Huff.... 88 20 828 G W Girrilliat. 0 75 431 J G Huf. 80 00 578 J G Huff. 28 50 Total.$154 45 School District No. 87-Norton. 29 R M Evans. $ 20 00 81 J J Cantrell. 83 (X) 115 Robt Evans. 10 00 194 E C White. 8 00 215 J H Cantrell. 25 00 810 J H Cantrell. 84 25 229 C W Pitchford. 88 260 S L Richardson. 7 40 268 J H Cantrell. 88 00 888 R M Evans. 20 00 402 J H Oan troll. 16 60 480 R A Evanav... :. 20 00 448 J H Cantrell. 88 00 687 RM Evans. 20 00 Total.$287 00 School Diatriot No. 88-Warsaw. 208 Essie Nimmona.$ 20 00 204 Easie Nimmona. 20 00 880 Essie Nimmons. 16 00 567 Essie Nimmons. 28 00 568 Essie Nimmons. 20 60 Total.$101 60 School District No. 89-Fall Branoh. 74 J A Robinson.$ 48 78 157 J A Robinson. 16 00 419 J A Robinson. 42 00 667 J A Robinson. ll 72 619 Mattie Robinson.. 20 00 Total.$182 46 School Dist. No. 40-McKinney's Creek, 118 ? F Foi idley.$ 26 00 114 J F Fendley. 26 00 155 O L Craig . 8 12 808 J F Fendley. 20 00 268 J F Fendley. 21 76 843 J F Fond loy. 20 00 417 J F Fendley. 20 00 492 J F Fendloy. 10 00 Total.$146 87 School District No. 41-Jocassee. 109 George T Baker... .$ 23 76 202 George T Baker.... 22 60 325 D O Mills. . 77 59 Total .,.$128 84 School District No. 42-Salem. 8>? J LCrow.$ 80 65 10 Hampton H Grant.. 4 50 33 H H Grant. 7 00 37 C L Craig. 25 24 219 S W Robinson. 1*9 60 617 Hattie Duffie. 81 00 689 C L Craig. 7 83 Total.$286 72 School Diatriot No. 48-Little River. 127 Ida Craig.$ 20 00 180 Hattie Duffie. 25 00 181 Hattie Duffie. 26 00 186 Ada Craig. 20 00 353 Hattie Duffie. 26 00 854 Hattie Duffie. 25 00 355 Hattie Duffle. 26 00 Total.$166 00 School District No. 44-Cheohee. 9% O L Craig.$ 17 21 54 O L Orr-.ig, C S M.. . 7 69 108 Henry Harbin..'_ 21 25 274 C W Pitchford Co .. 4 70 344 J S Colley . 150 00 558 J S Colley. 60 00 Total...$250 75 School District No. 45-Taniassee. 80 J O Hicks.$ 29 00 87 John O Hicks. 28 00 172 John O Hicks. 21 75 249 John O Hicks. 29 Ot) 299 John O Hicks. 29 40 861 John O Hicks. 14 60 467 John O Hicks. 29 00 483 W E Rankin . 1 60 627 John O Hicks. 29 00 696 J E Kelley. 2 80 Total.$218 45 School District No. 46-Flat Shoals. 70 Lizzie Smith.$ 25 00 71 II O Harbin. 17 29 100 B B Sloan. 2 70 139 Lizzie Smith. ll 25 146 R M Cowan. 8 00 152 C W Pitchford. 4 76 222 James Seaborn. 1 50 418 C L Craig. 8 58 487 Ida M Alexander. .. 36 20 544 Elvira Alexander... 1100 Total.$115 27 School District No. 47-Picket Post. 47 Mary MeFall.$ 15 00 147 Florence Norris- 62 00 151 Mary MeFall. 15 00 195 11, Garrison. 7 12 199 J L O Fricks. 10 00 205 C G Jaynes. 80 00 227 M F Holmes. 6 25 263 M F Holmes. 6 25 267 Janies Seaborn. 1.60 2(0 Ivan Ii Garrison.... 4 60 477 Florence Norris.... 26 00 540 Susie R Daniels_ 15 00 588 Florence Norris_ 78 00 Total.$266 72 School District No. 48-Bear Pen. 12>? C L Craig. $15 44 166 Elvira Alexander . 22 50 232 C L Craig. 1 86 225 O L Craig. 2 60 807 Elvira Alexander... 16 90 488 Elvira Alexander.. . 61 90 491 Elvira Alexander.. . 84 15 Total.$154 75 School District No. 49-Chorry Hill. 160 C L Craig.$ 10 12 177 Ida M Alexander . 88 75 448 C L Craig. 8 35 490 Ida M Alexander. . . 83 76 Total.$ 86 97 School District No. 50-Village Creek lll? 0 L Craig.$ 12 92 41 J R Hudson. 26 00 191 J R Hudson!. 26 00 192 O L Craig. 14 50 212 J R Hudson. 2 60 Total......$ 79 92 School District No. 51-Bethlehem. 156 M L Jenkins.$ 18 88 820 O L Craig. 82 88 891 Phobe Lumpkin ... 112 50 625 Phoebe Lumpkin ... 56 25 Total.$214 98 School District No. 62-Mill Creek. 197 0 L Craig.$ 29 88 245 R A Crnig. 26 00 288 R A Craig. 80 00 411 Lola Kuemmerer... 18 75 Total.$104 18 School District No. 58-Whetstone. 8 M L H amby.$ 80 00 l?WTRamey. 9?) 110 M M Gr AV. 25 00 111 Mamie M Gray. 26 00 261 Mamie M Gray. 26 00 262 Mamie M Gray. 25 00 Total.$189 00 School District No. 64-Double Spri 101 I) Hunt.$ 80 00 217 I) Hunt. 80 00 280 D Hunt. 80 00 281 D Hunt. 80 00 884 I) Hunt. 80 00 Total.$160 00 School District No. 55-Belmont. 40 J R Ly les.$ 28 60 48 J R Lyles. 8 60 206 J R Lyles. 80 00 210 C W Harper. 20 00 211 OW Harper. 10 00 280 J R Lyles. 80 00 298 J R Lylos. 1 17 297 J R Lyles. 80 00 860 J R Lyles. 16 00 Total $171 17 Sohool Distriot No. 66-Mt. Grove 264 JE Cobb.$ 12 00 248 Allie Stribling. 2100 34 Allie Stribling. 20 00 860 Allie Stribling. 2100 870 Allie Stribling. 2100 687 Robt Cobb. 21 76 Total.1.9118 76 Sohool Distriot No. 67-Riob Mountain. - EL Collins.9 8 60 106 O W Moore. 84 60 108 EL Collins. 16 00 198 DA Dickson. 78 60 220 Messiah Cobb. 8 00 286 DA Dickson. 60 00 296 J H Cantrell. 88 00 484 Evan Callas. 19 00 Total.9286 60 Sohool District No. 68-Poplar Springs. 77 E S Ohastain.9 88 80 228 C W Pitohford. 14 60 284 Maud Stribling. 26 00 298 Maud Stribling. 28 00 888 Maud Stribling. 19 60 488 Maud Stribling. 28 00 636 Thomas Ramey. 5 00 Total.9160 80 School Distriot No. 59-Long Creek. 86 O M Barrett...9 40 00 221 M D Lee. 88 84 281 Ira L Freeman. 20 00 827 Ira L Freeman. 28 00 410 M D Lee. 1 75 428 Ira L Freeman. 17 00 684 Ira L Freeman. 18 00 Total.9148 59 School District No. 60-Brasstown. 116 J A Hutchinson-9 22 83 117 J A Hutchinson. ... 12 92 238 ORD Burns. 8 00 288 J J Goforth. 40 00 242 Y E Pitts. 42 00 255 J J Goforth. 18 26 294 Dedrich Rot hell.... 3 60 300 Frank Norris. 45 76 861 Cora Jones. 30 76 404 Corn Jones. 12 00 Total.9230 60 School District No. 61-Damascus. 143 Belle Spencer.9 26 00 144 Bolle Spencer. 19 60 174 D F Carter. 17 37 278 Belle Spencer. 28 89 279 Belle Spencer. 26 00 836 M H Leo. 34 18 867 E B Lee. 10 60 337 J P Rothell. 43 75 559 F D Rothell. 8 00 679 F D Rothell. 1 85 695 C W Pitohford Co. . 7 85 Total.9212 89 School District No. 62-Pulaski. 80 Heppie Ward.9 23 00 120 Heppie Ward. 28 00 228 Heppie Ward. 28 00 285 Heppie Ward. 23 00 868 Heppie Ward. 9 20 485 Heppie Ward. 23 00 468 Heppie Ward. 75 649 Heppie Ward. 23 (X) 666 Heppie Ward. 23 00 Total.9170 95 School District No. 63-Seneca. 179 The Caxton Co.9 16 00 384 W J Thomas. 88 83 338 J E Ward. 135 00 876 J E Ward. 185 00 886 W O Hamilton. 87 15 406 W J Thomas. 26 00 427 J E Ward. 135 00 512 J E Ward. 160 00 616 W J Thomas. 80 00 667 J E Ward.. 100 00 581 W J Thomas. 46 67 688 J E Ward. 75 00 Total..9918 16 School District No. 64-Brewer. 20 J W Reeder.9 25 26 97 J W Reeder. 25 20 429 Susie Daniels. 10 00 616 J A Hutchinson_ 25 50 x 684 J A Hutchinson- 8 75 812 Susie Daniels. 20 00 862 J A Hutchinson_ 27 20 400 Susie Daniels. 20 00 465 J A Hutchinson_ 26 00 489 J O Sanders. 4 00 638 J A Hutchinson_ 25 (X) Total. 9210 90 Sohool Distriot No. 65-High Falls. 13 C W Pitchford Co. . 9 16 18 23 M A Wood ...>.. 20 00 58 Warnoy Morgan ... 20 00 81 S L Richardson ... 9 60 120 Warney Morgan ... 10 00 185 H C Harbin. 27 09 231 C W Pitchford .... 10 00 341 Manning Ward. ... 20 00 379 T W Grogan. 25 65 406 Warney Morgan ... 20 00 400 Whit Knox. 6 00 620 Warney Morgan ... 10 00 697 S P Dendy. 2 00 690 C R D Burns. 1 25 Total. 9197 07 Sohool Distriot No. 66-Fort George. 156 Mattie Robinson ... 9 20 00 207 Mattie Robinson. . . 20 00 276 Frank Hoaton .... 30 75 452 Mattie Robinson... 20 00 453 Mattie Robinson ... 20 00 639 Mattie Robinson . . . 30 00 Totat. 9140 75 School Distriot No. 67-Union. 55 KfHe Stribling .... 9 25 00 02 Jas Earle. 4 68 181 N A Doyle. 2 00 132 N A Doyle. 2 00 150 Effie Stribling .... 25 00 159 Effie Stribling .... 0 25 103 J S Earle. 8 91 310 Effie Stribling .... 27 50 420 Effie Stribling .... 27 50 476 N A Doyle. 5 00 521 Effie Stribling .... 27 50 556 N A Doyle. 5 00 582 Kffio Stribling .... 27 50 564 Y E Pitts. 22 76 628 Effie Stribling .... 27 60 OOO Effie Stribling .... 20 63 Total. 926-1 73 Sohool District No. 68-Reedy Fork. 60 F L Williams. 8 20 00 73 Louise Thompson . . 12 50 170 Francos Williams . . 20 00 898 J B Travnham .... 31 25 408 M L Cox. 20 00 409 C L Craig. 29 90 482 J B Traynham .... 25 00 500 F L Williams. 20 00 552 S P Sanders. 2 77 563 J B Traynham .... 31 25 603 F L Williams. 20 00 50 Grace Thompson. . . 25 00 Total. 9257 76 Sohool Distriot No. 60-Ebenster. 1 J E Smith. 9 34 50 27 J G Daniels. 20 00 64 J G Daniels. 10 00 107 J G Huff. 82 60 188 J G Huff. 26 00 318 J G D?niels. 20 00 401 J G Daniels. 20 00 421 J D Jamison. 2 00 440 J R Lyles. 30 00 441 J R Lyles. 8 50 581 J R Lyles. 80 00 545 J P Jones. 1 25 614 J R Lylo?. 80 00 656 John Wald. 1 75 657 J R Lyles. 80 00 Total , . ,. 9290 50 .School Distriot No. 70-Courtenay. 48 Courtenay Mfg. Co.. * 21 74 School Distriot No. 71-Karlo. 45 lt B Williams . ...? 10 00 96 RE Williams .... 8 00 03 M C Barton. 10 00 104 J M Fant. 27 50 407 Mary E A hies .... 10 25 408 Luoy C Skelton ... 18 00 576 Lucy C skelton ... 0 00 575 Luoy C Skelton ... 18 00 507 Mary B Ablcs .... 42 60 680 Mary B Ables .... SO 0? Total.$105 25 School Distriot No. 72- Bear Swamp. 4 J C Shockley.$ ll 00 12 C W Bitobford.... 16 20 15 OW&JK Bauknight 0 25 171 W W Burley. 4 00 178 J C .Shockley. 10 00 200 W W Burloy. 18 00 201 J H Keil. 30 00 314 W B Oreeulee. 18 00 808 W W Burley. 3 00 410 W E Greenlee. 18 00 444 C W Pitchford .... 15 00 471 Mamie N Cray .... 30 00 470 Mamie N Cray.... 30 00 503 W B Greenlee. 18 00 540 W B Greenlee. 9 00 653 LC Jenkins. ..... 8 00 020 Mamie N Gray .... 35 00 577 W W Burloy. 14 ttOtW* Total. v.$302 46 School Distriot No. 73-lted Hill. OWE King.$ 0 30 "4 W E King. 7 52 32 Bertie Smith. 25 00 140 Bertie Smith. 25 00 254 Mary MoFall. 2 07 280 W E King. 7 88 880 Bertie Smith. 28 00 389 W E King. 2 00 403 Bertie Smith. 7 24 425 Bertie Smith. 28 00 502 Bertie Smith. 28 00 673 Buffle Moss. 1 75 072 Buffle Moss. 1 05 042 Bertie Smith. 28 00 031 Jas M MOBS. 3 31 500 Bertie Smith. 28 00 Total.$228 02 School Distriot No. 74-Crawford. 99 Dora Hooder.$ 18 75 59 C L Craig. 0 21 57 Dora Heoder. 25 00 7 TBKeese. li 01 Total.$ 01 57 School District No. 75-Fort Madison. 311 W E Barton.$ 80 00 124 Jessie Stribliiig ... 10 00 420 W E Barton. 29 25 542 T D Grant. 20 00 498 W E Barton. 83 00 595 W B Barton. 29 25 Total. $151 50 General School Fund. 2 C L Craig. $ 20 15 RECAPITULATION. District No. 1. . . $ 33 00 District No. 2. . . 224 85 District No. 3. . . 242 17 Di?triot No. 4. . . 252 80 Distriot No. 5. . . 008 14 District No. 0. . . 510 80 District No. 7. . . 800 40 District No. 8. . . 104 00 District No. 0. . . 308 05 District No. 10. . . 240 70 DistrictNo.il. . . 59 75 District No. 12. . . 281 20 Distriot No. 13. . . 123 43 District No. 14. . . 208 SO District No. 15. . . 170 50 District No. 10. . . 103 42 Distriot No. 17. . . 740 71 District No. 18. . . 258 ?5 District No. 19. . . 200 00 Distriot No. 20. . . 208 05 District No. 21. . . 204 70 District No. 22. . . 204 80 District No. 23. . . 102 51 Distriot No. 24. . . 102 50 District No. 25. . . 109 10 District No. 26. . . 055 75 District No. 27. . . 340 75 District No. 28. . . 311 00 District No. 20. . . 103 75 District No. 30. . . 220 00 District No. 31. . . 359 10 District No. 82. . . 281 03 District No. 33. . . 05 00 District No. 34. . . 206 00 District No. 35. . . 185 80 District No. 30. . . 154 45 District No. 37. . . 287 00 District No. 38. . . 101 50 Distriot No. 39. . . 132 45 District No. 40. . . 145 87 District No. 41. . . 123 84 District No. 42. . . 285 72 District No. 43. . . 105 00 Distriot No. 44. . . 250 75 District No. 45. . . 213 45 District No. 40. . . 115 27 District No. 47. . . 206 72 District No. 48. . . 15-1 75 District No. 49. . . 85 97 District No. 50. . . 79 92 DiBtriot No. 51. . . 214 90 Distriot No. 52. . . 104 13 District No. 53. . . 189 00 District No. 54. . . 150 00 Distriot No. 55. . . 171 17 District No. 50. . . 110 75 District No. 67. . . 230 50 Distriot No. 58. . . 150 80 District No. 59. . . 148 50 "District No. 00. . . 230 50 District No. Ol. . . 212 80 District No. 02. . . 170 05 Distriot No. 03. . . 918 15 Distriot No. Ol. . . 210 00 District No. 05. . . 107 07 Distriot No. 00. . . 140 75 Distriot No. 07. . . 264 73 District No. 08. . . 257 76 Distriot No. 09. . . 200 50 Distriot No. 70. . . 21 74 District No. 71. . . 105 25 District No. 72. . . 302 45 Distriot No. 73. . . 228 02 District No. 74. . . Ol 57 District No. 75. . . 1.,.' 50 Gonoral School Fund 20 15 Grand Total. . $17,482 27 Respect fully submitted, J. R. KAY, County Treasuror. Dr. E. J. Forrester has tendered bia resignation as pastor of the Greenwood Baptist chinch. Tho announcement of his resignation was a groat surprise to tho congregation. Ho had rocoived a second call from tho Washington, (ia , Baptist church. Tho Greenwood church accepted his resignation with groat re gret. Many of tho membors wopt. Dr. Forroster had boon sorving tho Green wood Baptist church ns its pastor ovor ten yoars._ llenare of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as iiiercu ry will surely destroy the sonso of smell and completely dcraugo the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should novor bo usod except on prescrip tions from reputable physicians, SS tho damago they will do is ton fold to the good you can possibly dorivo from thom. Hall's Catarrh Curo, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., con tains no mei ?-.m y, and is taken internally, acting directly upon tho blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you got the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials froe. Sold by drug gists, price 75c. por bottle. Hairs Family Pills aro tho best.