C. GA JJ MERCI Everything for the Consu J. H. MOORE, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Calls loft at residonco or J. H. Darby's Drug Store will receive prompt attoution, DAY OU NIGHT. Phones t Residence 93, Drug Store 13. 11-6 Ol? B. F. SLOAN, M. D~ 07KICK, J. H. DARBY'S DRUG STORE. October 23, 1001. 43-tf ^0cal nub ?3tr80nal -Soaborn Bros. call special attention to their staple and fancy groceries this week. Call and soo thom. -Norman Co. are giving away 25 cents worth of goods freo until tho 15th. A word to tho wiso-imf ced. -Judgo D. A. Smith is in Charleston this week visiting the exposition and attondiug to business matters. -Mr. John Chapman and family will move from Pickons county to Walhalla in a fow days. Wo will welcoino him and his among us. -Congressman Latimor has flied a petition with tho post oilico department at Washington for a freo rural delivery route from West Union. -Messrs. J. W. Sholor and James Thompson went to F.asloy last evening to assist in organizing a now lodgo of Knights of Pythias in that thriving little town. -Ex-Sheriff W. W. Moss and daughter, Miss Helen, returned from Charleston last Friday, after spending sovoral woeks in that city and with relatives at Mount Pleasant. -Mrs. Paul K. Gibson, of Columbia, spent several days at Walhalla last week at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. II. A. H. Gibson. Sbo returned to her home Sun day morning. -Our prices aro right. Call and seo us and examine our lino of millinery, notions, etc. Wo carry a full lino of infants' shoes and slippers. All sizes. Seaborn Bros. -Capt. T. ll. Francis, of Atlanta, representing tho State Mutual Lifo and Annuity Association, of Homo, Ga., is registered at tho Walhalla Hotel. Ho will spend about a week in Walhalla. -The April showers have begun to fall, and M. W. Coleman & Co., Seneca, aro prepared to servo their customers with a good line of umbrellas and over shoes. Read their ari. and call on them. -Tho noxt sorvico of tho woman's union prayer mooting will be held at tho homo of Mrs. H. A. ll. Gibson Friday after noon at 8.1??0 o'clock. Mrs J. O. Hicks will conduct tho meeting. Subject: 28d Psalm. -Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hunt, of Talla Soosa, (?a., aro stopping at tho homo of Iris. C. Stucke, near West Union. They carno on tho'sad mission of attending tho funeral of Mrs. Hunt's father, tho late G. Wannor. -Peter Majors is tho only person from Oconeo county drawn as a juror for tho United States District and Circuit Courts at Greenville, which will bo hold in Greenville on April 15. Ho is ou tiro potit jury. -For Sale-A few bushels of tho oxtra early black cow peas. My seed aro pure and not mixed with other varieties. Prico $1.25 per bushel, dolivored to Seneca. Address Thos. S. Ramsay, Newry, S. C. Mr. Ohas. E. Moody, of Clinton, repre senting tho State Mutual Lifo and Annu ity Association, of Home, Ga., spent several days in Walhalla last week. He is superintendent of agents for his com pany in tins Stato. -Mrs. T. A. Norton and daughter, Miss Sallie, returned to Walhalla last Saturday, aftor an extended visit to rela tives at Cross Hill, S. C. Thoy have both boon ill during their visit, but are rn nell improved now. -Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Bell left for Baltimore last Friday, where they go for consultation in rogard to Mrs. Hell's health. Sbo has been a constant sufferer for several months, and wo hopo sbo may bo early restored to perfect health. -Mr. V. B. Cheshire, of Anderson, a "knight of tho stick and rulo," paid The Courier oflico an appreciated cali Satur day afternoon. Ho was formerly a resi dent of Oconeo, his father having resided for a number of years near Walhalla. -The United States District Court wili convono in Greenville next Tuesday, tho 15th instant. W. B. P. Corbin is now busy subpoenaing witnesses for the same. There are quite a numbor of per sons from this county to bo tried in the Court. -Mr. John Chapman, of Pickons county, has been olected as night watch man to succeed Mr. John F. Tatham, resigned. Mr. Chapman made an env oient otlicer in tho revenue service dur ing Iiis several years' connection with that branch of the government service - Misses Jessie and Maude Stribling, of Westminster, aro at home now resting a short time before attending the Charles ton Exposition, Miss Jessie lias been studying kindergarten work in Atlanta and Miss Mando has been engaged .vork in tho school room during the winter. - Mr. Louis E. Perry, who has been with tho Southern Railway, with head quarters at Asheville, N. C., has recently purchased a largo livery outfit and formed a partnership io that business. In tho future he will inako his headquar ters afc Waynesville, N. C., as tho senior member of the firm of Perry & Bright. His many Walhalla friends wish him con tinued success. -Mr. T. Loslio Stribling completed his course at tho College of Pharmacy, Charleston, this year, being a member of tho graduating class of 1002, numbering nineteen. Ho is a son of Mr. S. P. Strib ling, of Chalmers. He is a bright, ener getic young mau, and we bespeak for him a full measure ol success in his! cboson profession. Tho commencement exercises of tho college woro bold at tho J Academy of Music, in Charleston, on Wednesday ovening, April 2d. -Married, on Sunday afternoon, April Otb, 1002, at 0 o'clock, at tho home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Lum kin, noar Seneca, Mr. J. L. Hunter and Miss i'boobo lamil' in, Hov. C. L. Craig Officiating. Tho bride is an accomplished young lady, and has for sovoral years hoon a competent and successful teacher in the schools of 'Ins county. Tho groom is a sou of Mr. William limiter, of Mountain Rest, and is a prominent young farmer. Wo wisli for tho happy young oouplo a long and prosperous lifo of usefulness. NOTICE.-I will bo in Waihi la two weeks. I am prepared I do all grades of Photograph Work; a . i Copy ing and Kuhn ging. All work gm. autoed. Gallery near tho Court House. J. B. KING, Photographer. April ?tb, 1902, mer. Come and see us. -Mr. Rhett R. Doylo has returned from Chester to Walhalla. -Mr. H. C. Beattie, of Greenville, spent Tuesday night in Walhalla. -Our milliner can make your last year's hat look Uko new. Seaborn Bros. -Mr. W. J. Beard, Misses Emma Lay, Nettie Jonos and Dollie Beard are in Charleston this week. -Mr. John C. Hicks left Walhalla Tuesday morning for Virginia to acoept a position with a surveying corps. -There will bo no services at Bethel Presbyterian ohuroh next Sunday after noon, owing to tho absencoof the pastor at Prosbytory. -Mrs. Anna Wondelkin and Tilly Frinjo loft Tuesday for Charleston, where they will visit relativos and friends and take iu tho oxposition. -Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Pltohford and Rov. U. F. Clarkson aro in Charleston this week attending tho oxposition. They will spond abouts woek. -Misses Sophia and Luoio Wanner will return with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hunt to Tallapoosa, Ga., Thursday morning. Thoy will mako their homo with Mrs. Hunt in tho futuro. -C. R. D. Burns, Clork of Court, ro oeived olllcial nutico this morning nf a special term of Court of Common Pleas for Goonoo couuty. to bo hold on May 12th, Judge U. O. Purdy presiding. -New stylos in millinory, fancy notions, etc., at Seaborn Bros. Wo aro adding to our stock constantly. -Rev. JOIID G. Law will preach in tho Walhalla Presbyterian church noxt Suu day at lia. m., in tho absonco of tho pastor. A special collection will be takon for the purpoBO of purohasing new hymn books for Baid church. -Don't fail to cut Norman Co's. ad. out and proBont when buying a dollar's worth or moro goods. They givo you 25 cents worth freo. -Tho Walhalla Comedy Company will present a farce-comedy entitled "A Joke on Squioins" next Friday night at 8 o'clock at Bell's Hall. They say it's a side-splittor. Soe them. Tho porform anco is given for tho bonoiit of tho Wal halla Brass Band. -Prof. and Mrs. J. S. Jennings, of Victoria, N. C., spent last Friday in Walhalla at tho homo of Mrs. C. G. Strong. Tho school at Oak way has just closed a successful session, and Prof. and Mrs. Jennings were on thoir way to thoir homo at Victoria. -Rov. R. L. Rogers and Eldor S. P. Dondy will represent tho Walhalla Pres byterian church in tho Prosbytory of South Carolina, which wiil convene in tho Presbyterian church at Abbovillo next Friday night at 8 o'clock. They will leavo Walhalla Friday morning and return oarly next wook. -A full lino of ribbons, laces, embroid eries, etc., all widths, splendid qualities, at tho lowest prices. Call and BOO US. Seaborn Bros. -Miss Ethel Fiucannon, of Soneca, will leavo Thursday morning for Rosweli, (?a., where sho will attend school. It is safe to say Miss Fiucannon has moro friends among tho talking and business public of Oconeo than any other young lady in the county. During hor connec tion with tho Senoca Telephone Exchango sho has by ber accommodating, genia! manner made hosts of friends, who will join us in wishing her every success and pleasure during hor stay in Roswell. -Remember we have tho celebrated Roxano and Baker's Choice Hour. It lins been proven, by actual test of over fifty customers, to bo tho best Hour on tho market. Guaranteed tho best or mouey refunded. J. & J. S. Carter. -Tho Clemson College Scionco Club held au interesting and instructive moot ing Friday ovening last at 8 o'clock in tho physics room of Clemson College Prof. J. V. Lewis delivered a lecture on "The geologic work of wa tor," (illus trated); and live-minute addresses wore delivered on tho following subjects: "Mason and Dixon's Lino," ny Prof. P. T. Brodie; "A Flywheel Explosion," by Prof. Albert Haines; "Troublo on tho Farm." by Dr. G. E. Nesom. ThoScionco Club is making its meetings a sourco of pleasure and profit to its members and visiting friends. Pyny-Biilsnm St ?PH tho Tickling, nuil quickly allaya inflammation in tho throat. Wants to Meet tho Veterans. Weatherford, Texas., April .'1.-Editors Koo wee Courier: Please urgo my old soldier companions to come" ovor to tho reunion at Dallas, Toxas. Wo think they will enjoy the trip. Wo want to meet Company G, 7th South Carolina Cavalry, and Company F, Orr's Rogimont of Ki Iles, with any and all others that will come. J. Ron Abbott. Company G, South Carolina Cavalry. Killed Near Highlands, N. C. On last Saturday morning tho body of -("abo, a boy about 10 years of ago, was found about a milo from Highlands with a bullet hole through the head, ('abo, in company with Edward and Frank Potts, sons of Mr. W. T. Potts, and a young son of Mr. II. M. Paul, left Highlands for ('abo's homo Friday after noon. The body was discovered by young Paul Saturday. Tho details ro ceived hero are very meagre, and it is said tho coroner's inquest was not open to the public. Edward and Frank Potts aro held by ordor of tho jury. The un fortunate affair is rogrottcd doeply by the many Walhalla friends of Mr. W. T. Potts, who is well known and universally liked hero. Edward Potts ?H about 18 years of age and Frnnk about 14. Death of Mr. Gotllob Wanner. Thc many friends of Mr. Gottlob Wan ner aro grieved to learu of his death, which occurred at tho homo of his daughter, Mrs. J. M. Hunt, of Talla poosa, Ga., on last Sunday aftornoon, April 6th, 11)1)2, at ono o clock, from heart failure, superinduced by pneumo nia. Ho was born at Ulm-on-tbo-Danuho, Kingdom of Wuortemberg, Germany, on the 1st day of Alay, 1*10. Ho f?mo to America when a young man. Cm Octo ber 21, li'.', ho was marriod to Miss Louisa Ri m rod t, of Walhalla, and bocatno a resident of Oconeo county. Ho spent several years on a farm near Walhalla, and engaged extensively in grapo grow ing. He always took a deop interest in publie affairs, and served two terms as County Commissioner. Mnch of his timo and attention wero givon to the promotion of tho material and industrial development of bis oounty and Stato. After tho death of his wiro, ton yoars ago, hu sold his proporty bore and sought employment elsewhere For the last several years ho has boon president of tho Georgia Vineyard Company, of Tal lapoosa, Ga. Ile loavos throe children surviving, Mrs. J. M. Hunt, of Talla poosa, (ia., and Misses Sophia and Luci'; .Wanner, of Walhalla. His body was brought to Walhalla Monday aftornoon. The funeral services wero conducted in the Lutheran church Tuosday morning at eleven o'clock by Hov. J. O. Schaid, after which Iiis body was intorrod with Masonic honors. Stepped Into Live Coals. "When a child I Im i ned my loot fright fully," writes W. ti. Eads, of Jonesville, Va., "which caused horrible leg sores for 80 years, but Bucklon's Arnica Salvo wholly cured ino after everything oise tailed." Infallible for burns, sealds, outs, sores, bruises and piles. Sold by all druggists in the county at 25 cents, CAMP NORTON, U. C. V. Organization and Enrollment of Members for Oconee's Camp ol Confederate Veterans. Walhalla, April 7.- Pursuant to a call, alarse number of Confederate veterans met last Monday in the Court House for the purpose of organizing a Camp of Con federate Ve te rai) s. The meeting was organized by electing Col. K. A. Thompson chairman and J. W. Holletnau secretary. The following names were then enrolled as members of said camp. Frank Taylor.v.Co. B, 2d Rifles. H. A. H. Gibson.Co. B, 2d Rides. H. Ii. Brandt.Co. C, Orr's Rifles. R. Y. H. Lowery.Co. C, Orr's Rides. J. B. Logan...Co. C, Orr's Riflos. J. M. Sanders.Go. D, 22d Regt. N. L. White.Co. K, 12th Regt. C. M. Ridley.Co. K, 12th Regt. W. W. Hamilton.. .Co. L, Palmetto 8. S. Thomas G. Todd.Co. E, Orr's Rides. Nathaniel Phillips. .Furgerson's Battery. Marion Durham.Co. B, 2d Rides. A. H. Ellison .Co. F, 2d Cavalry. Jno. M. Hudson.Co. C, Orr's Regt. James Burrell.Co. H, lat Artillery. Jno. D. Perry.Co. C, 7th Cavalry. Wm. Sanders.. .Co. B, 37th Va. Cavalry. John Hawkins.Co. B, 2d Rilles. W. J. N. Burton....Co. I, Palmetto S. S. J. M. Huunioutt.Co. H, 7th Cavalry. J. L. Campbell.Co. E, 2ud Rifles. John G. Law-Adjutant 38tb Ga. Regt. Newton Croushaw.Co. M, Palmetto S. S. II. A. Chastain.Co. K, 12th Regt. J. W. Fendley.Co. A, Orr's Riflos. E. J. Nix.Co. B, 2d Rides. James Mason.Co. K, 22d Regt. W. B. Mongold.Co. C, Orr's Rides. Evan Phillips.Co. E, Orr's Rides. Leonard Rogors.Co. C, Orr'BRillos. H. M. McKee. .Co. G, 2d Bat., State Res. I. C. Manning. ...Co. G, 2d Bat., St. Res. Richard Cain.Co. K , 22d Regt. Jasper Adams.Co. O, 2d Rifles. A. W. Elrod.Co. C, Palmotto S. S. Jno. G. Davis.Co. E, 1st Artillery. W. W. Moss.Co. E, Orr's Rillos. Jno. B. Morton.State Resolves. A. C. Br?cke.Co. C, 2d Rifles. W. T. Grubbs. Co. D, 2d Rillos. M. H. Wilson.Co. C, Orr's Riflos. W. W. Burley.Co. B, 17th Regt, J. H. Kelly.Co. F, 2d S. C. Cavalry. R. A. Thompson. .Col. 2d Rifles. M. A. Terrell. ..Co. P, Orr's Regt. S. P. Dendy.Major 2d Rides. J. W. I lol lemar,.Co. G, 12th Regt. The following officers woro electod: Col. R. A. Thompson, commander; Maj. S. P. Dendy, 1st lieutenant commander; R. Y. H. Lowory, 2d lieutenant comman der; J. W. Holloman, socrotary and treasurer. Tho camp was named Camp Norton. R. Y. H. Lowory and W. T. dubbs wore olected dolegates to the rounion at Dallas, Texas; M. A. Terrell and Juo. D. Perry, alternates. Tho comraauoor was empowed to fill any vacancies that may occur. Miss Sallie Norton was olected sponsor for camp. Tho camp elected as deligatcs to tho State reunion in May, at Greenville, S. C., W. W. Moss and H. A. H. Gibson. Any Confederate veterans aro invited to join the camp and can do so by giving their names to the socrotary. J. W. Holloman, Secretary. A Raging, Roaring Flood Washed down a telegraph lino which Chas. C. Ellis, of Lisbon, Ia., bad to re pair. "Standing waist dee)) in icy water," ho writes, "gave mo a torriblo cold and cough. It grew worso daily. Finally the best doctors in Oakland, Nob., Sioux City and Omaha said I had consumption aud could not live. Then I began using Dr. King's Now Discovery and was wholly cured by six bottles." Positively guaranteed for coughs, colds and all throat and lung troublos by all druggists in tho county. Price iK)o. OCONEE MEDICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of the Roccnt Sossion at West minster-Next Session to Moot at Soneca. Newry, April 7.-Tho Oconoo County Medica'. Society mot at Westminster on April 2. Tho mooting was called to order at ll o'clock by tho president, Dr. M.?< 'lanallan, with Dr. W. F. Ashmore acting as secretary. Members present were: Drs. J. II. Mooro and J. IL Craw ford, Walhalla; W. Frank Ashmore, Newry; Burt Mitchel, C. M. Walker, J. M. Met Manahan, Westminster. Dr. J. H. Crawford, of Walhalla, road a very interesting paper, which was fol lowed by good talks from all members present. Tho following now officors wore electod: Dr. J. IL Mooro, prosidont; Dr. C. M. Walker, vico-president; Dr. W. K. Ashmoro, secretary. Drs. E. A. Hines, J. H. Crawford and C. M. Walkor were appointed a committeo to arrango foe bill, and report at noxt mooting. Dr. Crawford was electod delegate to State Medical Association, with Dr. Walkor as alternate. Our next meeting will bo hold at Soneca on tho first Wednesday in Juno, at i o'clock. Dr. Mitchell will havo a vory interesting papor, and, dootors, wo hopo you all will attend, and lot us all work together in unity and keep our noble profession on tho topmost round of the ladder of fame, whoro it justly bolongs, though tho doctor's ministry is a hard ono, for, of all lives, tho lifo of tho physician is tho most self-denying. He has no timo ho can call his own; his homo is Iiis office and furnishes him no sweet rotreat from irksomo caro. Tho night cannot assure him unbroken rest; Sabbaths aro ofton, whothor bo will or no, his busiest day ; ho has no holidays, and few and fragmentary vacations. Friendship furnishes him fowor solaces than to other mon, for his frionds aro gonorally also his patients; ho meets mon in their morbid conditions-when they aro sick and misorablo: when they aro well ho knows them not. Ho can hardly make a friendly call without tho hazard of having it converted, beforo tho evening is over, into a professional one. Ho lights in that which, no matter how many victories ho wins, ho is suro to bo defeated at last, for ho is fighting Death. And when tho defeat, (which must como sooner or lator), does como, ho is fortunato if unreasonable friends do not chargo his defoat to lack of science or of caro. But no man renders a moro grateful sorvico; no man comos uoaror tho heart; no man is moro bo loved. Other sorvices may be as groat, but nono is moro deeply ami tenderly ap preciated- (hy Home). Ho summons back from death tho child and puts him in his mothor's arms; tho wifo, and re unites lin to tho husband. No foo eau over compensate for such a service. Ho to whom it is rendered is forevor debtor to tho doctor. W. Frank Ashmore, M. D., Secretary. Seven Years in lied. "Will wonders ovor censo?" inquire tho friends of Mrs. L. Peaso, of Law rence, Kans. Thoy know sho had been unable to leavo hor bod in soven years on account of kidnoy and livor trouble, norvous prostration and gonoral debility; but. "three bottles of Electric Bitters enabled mo to walk," sho writos, "and in tbreo months I felt Uko a new person." Women suffering fl'Om headache, back ache, nervousness, slooplesHiioss, melan choly, fainting and dizzy spells will find it a priceless blessing. Try it. Satisfac tion is guaranteed by all druggists in tho county. Only 50c. --*??^? A Pleasant Social. Ono of tho most pleasant gatherings of tho year was gi von by Mr. O. K. Brea zealo and lady to their daughter, Louise, and a numhor of her young friends on Thursday last from 7 to ll p. m. Tho hours passod quickly, while brisk con versation was interspersed with sweet music, rendered by Miss Louiso Brea zeale at the piano and M?BH Pearl Marett on her violin. A fow games wero in dulged in, but wero forgotten when refreshments wore gracefully served by Mrs. Broazoalo, a most charming hostess. I am sure all present thankod their over genial host and charming host ess for a delightful ovening,,only hoping it will soon be ropeatod. Among those present wore: Misses Nannio Torroll, Hattie Zimmerman, Katie Harris, Sallie Dickson, Pear) Marett and Corn Duffie; Messrs. Worth, Ralph Carter, Wade Dickson, Jimmie and Willie Hull, David and Andrew Norris. A Guest. Westminster, April t. THAT TtaMBi? FE Will surely go away DARBY'S COB SARSAPARIL: This preparation is a tive, tonic, stimulant ai drugs which the medici tieB of the Blood-S Debility, etc. It is carefully prepar sold at a reasonable pr PRESCH!PTIQNS C'AKEFU J. Hu DA NEWS IN AND AROUND WE8TMIN8TER. Westminster, April 9.-Mrs. W. H. Frierson and child rca, of Anderson, have been spending the past week with her sister, Mrs. Dr. Burt Mitchell. Mr. 8. Milton Singleton, of Taber, will conduot tho singing at Roturn church on the third Sabbath in this month at 10 o'olook in the forenoon. Mrs. W. J. Strlbliug ?nd Misses Maude and Allie Stribling and Mr. Roy Stab ling left ou Tuesday for the Charleston Exposition. Miss Elizabeth Norris and Mr. J. D. Hull spent lust Sabbath with friends in Fort Madison. Mr. Wm. P. Anderson made a brief trip to Atlanta last week. Mr. Walter M. Zimmerman spent last Suuday with homofolks in Westminster. Mr. Zimmerman is HOW conductor oil the Southern railway. Dr. R. C. Clayton, of Central, will con duct services in the hall of the old foun dry building next Saturday evening and on Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock and again on Sunday night. Publio invited. An interdenominational Sunday school has been organized to moot in that build ing every Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock. Tho residence of Mr. Tlios. A. Spencer, who lives a few miles above Fort Madi son, was destroyed by fire at an early hour on Friday mm nour, April 4. The house was discovered to bo burning near tito kitchon nud dining room at about 4 o'clock. Mr. Spoucor saved only a few things of value. Tho building was the Butler old homestead aud was a large farra residence on Tugaloo rivor. It was insured for $600 in the Oconee Mutual.. Mr. and Mrs. A. Cheek and Miss Julian Check attended tho Chook-Oldiield mar riage at Roswolij Ga., last Wednesday. Tho Presbyterian manso is roeoiving a now coat of paint. Dr. li. F. Smith, a prominent physici an of Easloy, was in town Monday. Mr. Wm. F. Board died at his homo in Groonvillo ono day last week. Mr. Board rcsidod boro about ton years ago, when conncotod with tho iron foundry and machine shops of Dickson aud Tor roll. Mr. John W. Sholor will represent tho Retreat Presbyterian church at Presby tery, which meeta in Abbeville April nth. On last Thursday ovoning Mr. and Mrs. A. Cheek, of Westminster, tendered a reception complimentary to their son, Mr. Benjamin B. Cheek, who was mar ried to Miss Luta Oldfield, of Roswoll, Ga., on Wednesday provious. The guests wore received by Miss Myra Lay and introduced to tho happy young couple, who romainod standing dur ing that period. Tho brido, who is a beautiful youug lady, was dressed in white silk anti wore a bouquet of carna tions, and nevor aj.p? arod sweeter to tho groom, nor fairor to her frionds. Promi nent among thoso pt osent wore: Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Gaston, Dr. and Mrs. J. Henry Stonecyphor, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. White, Mesdames G. W. Traylor, W. Reid Leathers, F. W. Cannon ; Misses Pearl Norri?, Mamie Traylor, Kate Mc Chinaban, Myra Lay, Mary Mason, Bessie Epting, Minnie Traylor, Kora and Rosa King, Ethel and Ruby McGee, Virginia Norris, Ethol Leathers, Mary Dull, Elinor Knight, Emma Zimmorraan; Messrs. J. W. McGoo, W. N. Cox, G. M. Martin, J. M. Findley, A. C. Stewart, J. D. Hull, John Cheek. A Gaines.. A. W. Leathers, Robert Hunt, David McClana han, Jesso Traylor, Dr. C. M. Walker and T. M. Meriwcathor, D. S. Amidst tho charming draporics and tho bril liant lights the happy company passed the time very pleasantly in tho parlor until the announcement that supper was ready roached tho attentive ears of all. A most sumptuous repast was then enjoyed. Everything that was nico and good to bo named at a wedding supper was on tho table in abundance. Mrs. Cheek was assisted in serving at tho tablo by Misses Myra Lay and Pearl Nor ris and Mr. Josso Traylor. Tho tablo was elaborately decorated. Af tor return ing from tito dining room the guests Were engaged in social conversation and parlor games until midnight, when they took their departure. Mr. and Mrs. Cheek, after spending a fow days in Westminster, left on Tuesday of this week for their homo at Flowery Branch, whero Mr. Cheek is depot agent and tele graph operator of tho Southern Railway. Miss Bolah Booro celebrated hoi- birth-, day anniversary on tho evening of April 1 by inviting a considerable num ber of her friends to her homo. At 0 o'clock, after all had arrived, tho doors of tho dining room were thrown opon nnd all woro eonductod to the table, whero an elaborato supper was sorved. The menu was comploto and was highly enjoyed. Mrs. Pooro was assisted in sorv ing by Mrs. P. J. Virmillion. Thoso who have enjoyed tho hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Poore in their attractive homo know Mrs. Poore'r. culinary talents and can always count on being well cared for. Misa Pooro received soveral usofnl pres ents on this happy occasion. Sho was assisted by Miss Evio Simpson in receiv ing tho guests, flood music was fur nished by tho Mooro brothors, tho Misses Moore, Miss King and othors. Tho fol lowing young ladies and gentlomen were present : Misses billian Simpson, Sallio Dickson, I ,i m i se Brcazealo, Ethel Leath ors, Mary Hull, Rosa King, Evie Simpson, Emma and Luna Mooro; Messrs. Cray ton and Thornton Mooro, John and Will Hull, J. W. Dickson, Aaron Wolborno. A. Caines, David and Androw Norris and Paul Pitts. Mr. A. Zimmerman and family, Misses Virginia Norris, Effie Norris and Mattie Sullivan will loavo to-morrow morning for Charleston to visit tho exposition. Miss Maudc-Gaines, of Augusta, visited relatives hero the first of this week. Mr. M. Smithson, of Birmingham, Ala., is visiting relatives near Westmin ster, fie is a brother of tho lato David Smithson, who lived near Rotroat. Rev. J. 0. Shi ve filled his appointment at Retreat and Westminster on last Sun day. Mr. Loo Brown is quito sick at tho homo of hi? brother-in-law, Mi. V. E. Pitts. Wo aro now experiencing a few cold days in April. A. L. Oossott. -* . BB Stops tho Cough and Works oil' tho Cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets euroa cold In ono day. No cure, no pay. Price 26 cents. Advertised Letters. James Brown, Fhon Kneels, Mim Brown, Warrin Htinuiciitt, Rev. Ezekiel F. Hyde, W. N. Humphroys, Mrs. J. W. Moore f:l), A. I). McMurray, Henry Rob inson, Jack Williams, Ft, II. Morris, Gus McCurdy, Miss Carrio Davis. Mollio A. Williams, Mrs. Alico Williams, Miss Cora Cox, Messiah Cobb, J. T. Morton and A. Bf, Dowls. Parties calling for above lottors will pleaso say thoy were adveitiscd. Jas. M. Moss, P. M. Reorflanization of Democratic Party. Pursuant to tho constitution and ordors of tho Stato Democratic Exocutivo Com mittee, Hie leal Domocratio clubs will nu ci at their usual places of meeting on Saturday, April 2 FROM A LJ. BOOK HOUSE THE1 DRUMMERS' SAMP STOCK OF BIBLES; at rock bottom pricci are selected books-tt samples-and we are about one-half what t, There are only one or t while there are a la? those who buy first i coining early. As this to get a FINE BIBIL price, most of thc line COME IN AND LC Lunnej WHEN Tlif-i, Ww. A. -Woolbright and others to A. Zi minor man and W. P. Anderson. 166 aoiOB, $166.84; W. P. Anderson to Zim merman & Anderson, 165 aeres, #104.06: Mrs. J kariotta Herron to A. Zimmerman and W. P. Anderson. 106 sere?, $62.28; Wm. D. Denton to heirs of Harriett A. Hayn, 800 acre?. $400; Wm. D. Denton to Surah A. Powell, 806 acres, $400; Wm. D. Denton to W. H. Doa ton, 66 acras, $400; W. R. Doyle and others to E. C. Doyle, 600 acre?, $4,500; P. P. and J. H. Sullivan to Airy Phillips, 80 acres, $402. Seneca City-Mrs. Emma Harper to J. L. Kell, 1 lot, $800; .J. W. Holfernan, Master, to Robt. Nelson, 4 aeres, $154; John Hopkins to I. K. James, 1 lot, $100; L. M. Coleman to Martha Tolbert. 1 lot, $25: Mrs. Aline Simpson to Miss 8. J. B. Phillips. 1 lot, $560. Pulaski Township-C. T. Giles to Th os. H. Roach, 40 aeres, $86; G. 8. Watkins to Trustees Damascus School Distriot, No. 61, H ?ore, $8; Wm. D. Denton to Warron J. Doa ten, - acres, $840; Wm. D. Heaton to E. A. Spencer, - acres, $400: Wm. D. Denten to Amanda C. Rotboll, 102 acres, $400. Wagoner Township--P. 8. Cleveland to R. B. Gaines ?fe Gassaway Bros., 1 acre and one-half interest in 26 aeres, $85; Wm. J. Stribling to J. W. Walker, 66 aores, $500; Robt. A. Thompson, C. E. P. D., to C. Sahlman, 4 aeres, $280. Westminster-J. E. Mauldin to Anna B. Mauldin, 1 lot, $800; W. C. Mason to Wm. P. Anderson, 2 lots, $1,400. West Union-D. H. Rowland to Neville Bros., 1 lot, $100; Wm. A. Strother to James Phinney. one-half interest in lot and ginnery ana buildings, $2,600. Chattooga Township-W. O. White, Master, to W. S. Hardie, 200 aeres, $300; W. S. GriBham to John C. Neville, 142 aores, $360. Center Township-A. Zimmerman to M. B. Gaines, 212 acres, $2,000; Joseph Bearden et al. to M. B. Gaines, 100 aores, $800; W. H. Cole to J. J. Haley & Co.. 2 lores,-; Wm. S. Woolbright to W. N. Woolbright, 110 acres, $1,250; W. W. and S. P. Jones to Johfl M. Moorhead, 82 acres, $820: The Seneca Bank to W. M. and L. L. Jonos, 186 aores, $1,872; Mar tha Kirby to J. J. Stoddard, 105 acros, $50; J. D. Vernor to Matthew N. Mitchell, OG acres, $1,000; R, N. Ellis to W. P Outzs, 27 acres, $420. Oconee County-Margaret M. Calhoun to Patrick Calhoun, one-ninth interest in 05,000 acres, for love and affection and $5. A Poor Millionaire Lately starved in Loudon because ho I could not digest his food. Early use of Dr. King's Now Life Pills would have saved him. They strengthen tho sto-1 much, aid digestion, promote assimila- J tion, improve appetite. Prioe 26 oents. Money back if not satisfied. Sold by all druggists in the countv. -----??m Failuros in the United States last week wore 107 and in Canada 22, total 180, against 227 last week, 240 the preceding week, and 224 the corresponding week last year, of which 105 were in the United States and 20 in Canada. There are Some Simple Remedies iiidispou8iblo in any family. Among thoso, tho experience of years assures us, should be rocorded Pain-Killor. For botli iutornal and external applications we hnvo found it of great value; espe cially can we recommend it for colds, rheumatism, or fresh wounds and bruises. -Christian Era. Avoid substitutes. There is but ono Pain-Killer, Perry Davis's. Price 25o. and 50C. S OUT. Y-FIVE CENTS AT COMPANY, APRIL 15TH. ir's worth of goods or more we rioty of all kinds of goods just re shine Needles. Bibles e Prices VTA I PURCHASED 1RGE WHOLESALE R ENTIRE LOT OF LES AND BROKEN also a few shop worn, y. The most of these hey don't show poor offering them at just hey regularly sell for. wo of each hind; and .ge number of hinds, viii be well paid for ' is a rare opportunity t at an extremely low will not last long. WK THEM OVER. r The Druggist, } Seneca. APRIL Ihowers come you )vershoes. Our st( ?lete. We have St Imbrellas at 50c. ar vlth Gloria cover, a red $1.75 and $2. "Try Me" Shoes i nywhere for $2. uy Me." COLE >eneca, Sot Virginia Chemical CHARLES % RI CHM O A ATLANT* Largest M&mif ac Fertilise Importer? of .". . Pure Germi Muriate of Nitrate of S Sulphate ol Ic is important in bu; only to buy goods of establ grade, but to buy whe character can be supplied We are in position goods and in such quanti! will pay you to see us bef< J?ddrm- Virginia^ Ci t*o4 tot TIf?!nl?-C?ro!ln? Almanac, ff*? for th? aiklng. Horns from Return. Return, April 8.-Miss Lula Dickson, an accomplished young lady, dosed her school at this placo last Friday. She possesses many noble traits which help to make her ono of Ooonee's brightest teachers. The patrons are highly pleased with her method of teaching. The trus tees have obosen her for another term. Miss Lu!a made many warm friends dur ing her stay in our community, who re grot to soo her leave. o Miss Genie Julian bas been very "stoic with measles. Mrs. J.-AV. Foster and two interesting children, Grace and Morris, of Riversido, Ala., and little Cornelia Foster, of Rich land visited the family of Mr. J. F. Mar tin tue first of the week. Mrs. K. 8. -Vernor is spending this week with her daughter, Mrs. T. 8. Strt'Jing, near Seneca. / ' Miss Lillie Crooks, of No? spent Saturday with her mother, Mrs. Sallie Crooks. SPRING ?UR WELL SELECTED STOCK 0 ^ and we are looking fe surpassed all former efforts and will sho\ weavers' art. We will display the lovelle Organdies, White and Figure Lenos, Cremona Cords, P Percales, Ginghams, Lin It is said that the test of a first-class AND WHITE GOODS. We will uaeasui strong in these lines. Our Stock has also been selected with groat care am Gloves, Corsets, Laces and Embroideries. S li ir-ts, Neckwear, JUST A WORD IN I Our big line of the "T already been shipped. A 1 your loss. They are cortait anything else in shoos that] V. L. N< This World Bolong Preparatory to a I am selling the g goods now in stool next sixty days I bargains. Call and L. G. ORAI want good Umbrei >ck of these is alwa ;eel Frame, Congo Ld 75c. Assorted 1 t $1 and $1.25 ; S for spring. The be "Try Me and 1 MAN ith Carolin, Carolina Company? TOiV, S. C. TD, VJx. *,GJi. ?turers of rs in the South. an Kalnit, Potash? oda, I Potash. ying your fertilizers, not ished reputation and high re your wants, of every to furnish all classes of :ies as buyers desire. It ore purchasing. karolina Chemical Co., h?rtesten, S. C. Mrs. R. A. Hayes and ohildren, of An derson, and Mrs. Pi ico, of Sou cen, wore among relatives here last week. Mr. J. F. Martin has moved his saw mill on tho placo of Mr. T. F. Moore, who has recently purohased land of Mr. Bar rington HiU. Miss Sue Cleveland, of Tokoona. spent last week with relatives and friends near here. Messrs. Amos and Avery Julian, two of our hustling young sports, spent last Sunday in Westminster. Veritas. TO ei'BB A ?!OJLI> IN ONE 2>AY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tho money if it fails to oure. E. W. Grove's sign?t ure is on eaoh box. 26 cents. A recent railroad deal has been m ado in New York by which the Plant System of railways will pass into the hands of the Atlantic Coast Line on or before July 1st next. The additional trackage thus acquired by the Coast Lino is about 1,700 miles. >F SPRING GOODS has boen shipped, rr them to-day. In Dry Goods we havo v you the most beautiful creations of tho st effects in d Lawns, Dimities, Bastistes, iques, Welts, Chambrays, ens, Crashes, Ducks, &c. Dry Goods Store is its stock of BLACK e up to the standard, as we aro specially of Notions 1 our specialties aro Underwear, Hosiery, In Gents' Furnishings, Collars and Cuffs. 1EGARD TO SHOES. RY ME" OXFORDS has failure to see these will be dy beauties. We also have rou want Come and seo us. 3 R tVI A IM " ;a to the Energetic Af MS ! change in business, ;reater part of the ? at cost. For the am offering great get your choice. G, Seneca, S. O. then you'll always