Fertilizers A. C. G. JA SAW MILL MEN WANTED.-Wo wish :o correspond with somo ownor of saw mill who will contract to log and saw 500,000 foot of Oak and Poplar Lumbor in Oconoo county. Spot cash paid for tho work. SW ANN AN OA LUMBER COMPANY, Ashovillo, N. C. Octobor 2, 1001. 40-41 MONEY TO LEND.-Loans negoti ated for a term at 7 por cont intor ost. Apply to J A YNES A SIIELOH, 40-4 Walhalla, S. C. Wami rab mx&aml -"Bloom soils it for IOBB." -Road Master's sales. -Soo notlco of "bridgo to build." -Road V. Li Norman's "special." -Mr. IL E. Sloan, Stato goologist, was iu Walhalla Mouday. -T. E. Aloxandor offers to soil his livory outfit. Soo ad. -Soo notico of lotting of contract for stowanl of tho poor farm. -Mr. V. L. Norman is in Richmond, Va., this weok on business. -Mrs. S. Pi Dondy is visiting relativos and frionds at Pondloton this wook. -Mr. J. R. Kay and family havo moved to thoir country homo, near Walhalla. -Road Schumacher's bill of faro. Ho pays highest prices for country produce -Walballa's polico officers look quito noat in thoir now Princo Albort uniforms mid regulation caps. -Miss Lilllo Thompson roturnod homo last Friday, aftor a short visit to Cinciu nati and other points. -Mrs. T. A. Norton and Miss Sallio Norton spout sovoral days last wook visiting frionds in Andorson. -Fahnostock's dental rooms, Wal halla, opon Tuesdays, Thursdays aud Saturdays from 10 till 4 o'clock. -Rov. A. W. McGuifin will preach at Changa Baptist church on tho third Sun day iu Octobor. -Now is tho timo to s nw wheat. Try Swift's Wheat Growor FortiHzorS, sold by C. W. Pitchford Co. -Mr. P. W. Koys, of Flat Rock, N. C., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Koys, and other relativos. -E. L. Ilorndon, Esq., is in attendance upon tho court at Webster, N. C., in an important murder caso this wook. -Miss Mao Hicks loft Sunday morning for Atlanta, wboro sbo will study music during tho coming winter. Wo wish her much success. -Mr. Jamos R. Keith, of Georgetown, is visiting at tho homo of Capt. and Mrs. J. R. Andorson. His many friends aro glad to soo him. -Miss Edith Pyatt, who has boon visiting at tho homo of Rov. John G. Law, left Tuesday morning for Chatta noogo, Tonn. -Mrs. R. Ilorndon was called suddenly to Columbia on Tuesday morning on ac count of tho critical illness of her son's wifo, Mrs. S. A. G. Ilorndon. Wo hopo abo may spoodily recover. -Mr. and Mrs. Carson Oolkors ro turnod wook boforo last to thoir homo at Su in mer vi Ile, S. C. Mr. Oolkors will enter business thorn for himself in a few weoks. -Capt. Jamos E. Evans, of Port Royal, S. C., is stopping at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Eaton. Mr. Evans has boon Buffering from an attack of typhoid fovor, aud is iu Walhalla to reenporato. -Fon SALK-150 acres good farming land near Walhalla. About :l() acres in Cultivation ; two tenant houses, otc. Call on or address .1. A. Ivostor, Wost Union, S. C. -Lunnoy's 8-Hour Improved Liver Regulator will cure sick and norvous headache, biliousness, constipation, indi gestion and other liver troubles. Price 20 cents, at Lunnoy's drug store, Seneca. -Grconvillo Mountaineer, October 6: "Mr. John C. Cary, of Lockhart, Presi dent of tho cotton mill Rt that placo, was oloctod Modorator of tho Enorco Presbytery, and presided with much oaso and readiness." -Head C. W. Pitchford Co.'s now ad. Mr. C. W. Pitchford bas roturned from tho Northern markets, wboro ho pur chased an np lo date stock of dress goods, notions, clothing, otc. Givo thom a call. They can ploaso tho most fastidi ous. -On the first pago of this issuo will bo found tho advertisement of Messrs. C. W. A J. E. Hauknigbt. Mr. J. E. Bauknight bas roturned from tho North ern tn ar ko ts. wboro he purchased a heavy stock of fall and winter goods. Read their advertisement and givo them a call. -Four hundred bushels winter grazing oats for salo at 75c. por bushel, by J. P. Stribling, Richland, S. C. -Tho society ovent this month in Walhalla will bo tho appearanco of tho Gill-Johnstone Co. at Boll's Hall, under tho auspices of tho Lycon m Association, on noxt Friday night, Octobor 11th. Those ladies como highly recommended by press and public and wo bespeak a packed bouso for thom. Season tickots can bo secured from V. L. "Norman. Regular admission 50 couts. -Swift's Wheat Growor Fortilizors, tho host on the market for wheat. For salo by C. W. Pitchford Co. - Hon. J. P. Dor ham, Comptroller General of South Carolina, will accept our thanks for a copy of tho pension re port for MHM, showing tho number of pensioners in the Stato on tho roll by counties and classes, lt has been care fully prepared and is a valuable publica tion. Tho Courier has already printed the list of pensioners in Oconoo county for tho present year and tho amount each ono received. -Tho Atlanta Daily Nows suspended publication Saturday afternoon. Tho paper was started October 8, lllOb, with a capital of $50,000, Tho papor had lost ?.'{(),(KX) within less than twelve months, besides tho largo investment placed in machinery and mechanical equipment. In Milich last tho stock of tho papor was inoreasod to $76,000, Wo regret to seo this bright, newsy daily suspend publioa cation, but suppose tllOro was no room for two afternoon papers in tho Gato City. -Thoro was quite a large attendance nt tho "sock social" last Ki nlay night nt Bell's Hall. Tho entertainment was boartily enjoyed by all. Refreshments wore served by a bevy of pretty littlo maids, who looked aftor too interests of oach member of the audience. Those who took part in tho entertainment were: MissesSue Dendy, Annie Vernor, Nettio Gibson; and Mr. Frank Hughes, solos; Misses Mary IM tell ford, Fannie Mae M ickier, Dora Pitchford, Mary F.I len Wilson, Toiiimi?i Pitchford, Irene Stro ther. Mrs. ft. l? norndoi) rendered some excellent selections on tho piano, Which wore greatly enjoyed. A number of musical selections wero also rendered by the "(Moe Club," Consisting of Misses Hattie Legare, Ella Heid, Paulino Sebald, BuOlo Moss, Annie Blomann. Anna Tor linne, Messrs. (ico. M. Aime) and .John B. S. Dendy. The entertainment was a success throughout and the ladies re alized a neat sum, about $85, for Wheat ? T .YNES'S. -Go to Nicholson's for beof. -Sheppard's Woodland Box Heating Stoves for school houses. For salo by C. W. Pitohford Co. -Miss Ilattio Rutledge, who bas boon teaching nt Zion, has vaoatod bor school until after tho cotton picking season. -Wanted-Ton tennis to haul lumber, nt 30 couts por hundrod foot, C. G. Jaynos. -Lost, on road loading to Walhalla or in town, a momoraudum book. Ce ve at Courter office for reward. -Miss Ilattio Sholor matriculated last Saturday in thu Groonvillo Fomaio Col logo, whore she will romain as a student tho ensuing year. -Hoof ot Nicholson's all tho timo. -At tho mooting of tho Board of County Commissioners last Friday a resolution was passed authorizing tho erect ion of a HOW Sot of iron steps to tho Court House, tho cost not to exceed $760. -For salo, in Walhalla, a small desira ble residence. For terms, apply to 40-42 Col. Robt. A. Thompson. -Miss Annie Crisp, M ??stern Bao Fahnostook aud Ploas Allon returned to Codar Snrings on tho 1st. wlioro they resumed their studios in tho State Insti tuto for tho Deaf, Dumb and Blind. -Jamos I. Smith will advance monoy to all witnesses in United States Court. Call on him if you want monoy. -Ticket No. 333 has not boon brought in. All those holding tickots will please havo thom boro Tuesday of noxt wook, as there will bo a drawing for tho buggy unless tho lucky tickot is brought in before Some ono will got tho ouggy that day. Twolvo o'clock tho hour. C. G. Jaynos. -Mr. Chas. M. Lay has commenced tito orectin of tho now barn and stables for Sheriff B. lt. Moss on tho lot rocoutly purchased from JaynoB & Sholor. -'Phono Nicholson for good hoof. -Miss Bolte Cud worth loft this morn ing for Charleston, after spending Homo months visiting Mrs. E. M. Cudworth. Sho was accompanied by Master Eddio and Miss Eliso Cudworth, who will outer school in chariest on at au oarly dato. PHOTOOHAPHS.-I aro in Walhalla for a short timo. All who want photographs made will please call in and 800 my work. Satisfaction guarantood. Gallory noar post office. J. B. King, Photographer. A Deep M y story. It is a mystery why women endure backache, headache, nervousness, sleep lessness, melancholy, fainting and dizzy spells when thousands havo proved that Electric Hitters will quickly euro such troubles. "I suffered for years with kid ney trouble," writes Mrs. Phobo Cher ley, of Peterson, Iowa, "and a lamo back pained mo so I could not dress myself, out Eloctric Hitters wholly curod mo, and, although 73 years old, I now am able to do all my housework." It over comes constipation, improves appetite, gives porfoct health. Only 50c. at all drug stores in tho county. Col. Simpson's Condition. Anderson Daily Mail, Octobor 0: "Tho friends of Col. lt. W. Simpson, who aro numerous boro, will regret, to loarn that ho is no bettor and perhaps worse. Dr. Nardin, Sr., was summonod thoro yester day and a 'phono mossago from his bod si (lo lato yesterday afternoon says ho im proves but very slowly if any. His friends hero would bo glad to bor moro favorablo nows from him." Unclaimed Letters at Westminster. Following is a list of unclaimod letters remaining in tho West minster post office for tho month of Soptombor: W. T. Car son, M. J. Duff, W. ft. Gibson, W. N. Ilumphrys, S. B. Jackson, Helen Jono, Octavo Lard, J. I. McCants, Jas. Mad dox, O. J. Osbon, J. N. Phillips, S. E. Young & Co., G. A. Sherwood, J. N. Smith, Sallio Wilson, Mariah White. C. J. Mulkoy, P. M. No Collective Exhibit (rom Ocoaeo. At a meeting of tho Board of Commis sioners for Oconco of tho South Caro lina Intor-Stato aud Wost Indian Expo sition at Walhalla on Monday, Octobor 7th, tho following resolution was adopted: "Kesoivcd, That wo surrender the space assigned this county in the Stato building at tho exposition for the purpose of a collcctivo exhibit, on ac count of a failure to secure the neces sary funds and interest in tho under taking." -_---? o ? A Cutting Affray. On last Saturday night, noar tho Shal low Ford, on Kcowco Uiver, a cutting affray was indulged in botwocn William and 1'aul Littleton on ono sido and Elisha Holden and William Contoll on tho other. It seems to have boen a matinee in the dark in which knives and knocks wore freely used. William Littleton ro ccived a double portion of lashes and was soriously wounded. Ho was im proving Tuesday afternoon and it is thought he will recover. Tho otliors wore only slightly wounded. Thoro aro counter prosecutions hoforo J. B. Grant, Magistrate, warrants being sworn out by thc Littletons charging H?hten and Con tell with assault and nattery with intent to kill, white Holden has proenrod war rants for tho LittlotoiiB charging thom with a similar offonso. Death of a Ccntinarian. Mr. Henry Fricks died at tho homo of his daughter, Mrs. Massoy, in Franklin county, Georgia, on tho 25th day of Sep tember, 1001, aged 102 yoars, 3 months and 10 days, having hoon horn on tho Otli day of Juno, 1700. Ho was woll known in Oconco county, having boon horn near tho silo of tho town of Wal halla. Ho was about fifty yoars old when Walhalla was founded. Ho lived in this county until a few yoars ago, when ho rornoved to Georgia to make his homo with his daughter. Ho had many friends in Goonoo who will ho griovod to loarn of his death. Ho was a man of remarkable activity energy and Indus try, Until within tho last fow months a walk of thirty or forty miles a day was an easy task for him. His was a lifo of tom per anco, Bobrioty and honest toil. Having soon a century como and go, ho has at last laid his armor hy, and entered Upon the reward of a woll spout lifo. Important lax Decision. The State Supremo Court lias rondorcd a most important decision rotativo to taxation. It holds that County Hoards of Com missioners havo tho right to fix and collect taxes for county purposes, or in other words it holds "That tho power to collect tho taxes for tho subdivision of tho State is conferred by tho Consti tution upon tho fiscal authoritios of such subdivision whether tho tax was oroated hy any act of tho Honorai Assembly or by the said corporate authoritios under an act of the (Sonora! Assembly." Tho County Cnmmissionnrs of Oconco imposed an additional levy of ono-half mill for road tax. Tho Southern Hail way paid under protest. Tho Circuit Judge hold that tho tax loviod by* the Count)' Hoard was illegal. ThoSupromo Court reverses tho Circuit Court and holds that the county has tho right, to Impose an additional road tax to tho ono mill for road tax already in tho Oconco county supply bill as passed by tho General Assembly. This question of counties having thc light lo directly lix and collect their own taxos lias often been mooted and seems to be sustained hy tho Supromo Court. DEATH OF DR. D. B. DARBY. Ador a Short Illness tho Beloved Physician Passed Away Yesterday Afternoon. Dr. Derroll Burnham Darby died at bis homo iu Walhalla ou Tuesday, Ootobor 8th, 1901, at ODO o'clock tu tho afternoon, after au Illness of two wooka. Ho was lu bis fifty-fourth year, having boon boru on March ll, 18 hs. Ho was one of seve ral children boru unto Mr. and Mrs. Artemus Thomson Darby, of Fort Motto, S. C. During tho days of bis boy hood he attended excellent common schools taught by competent teachers, and acquired a good literary education. He took bis medical courso in tho South Carolina Modioal Collogo of Charleston, graduating iu tho class of 1873. On Jan uary 22, 1874, ho was happily marriod to Miss Ida Harrison, daughter of Qon. and Mrs. J. W. Harrison, of Anderson, s. C. Sbo, with two soiiB, Jamos H. and John T., survives. They havo tho siucoro sympathy of many friends boro and elso wboro in their soro bereavement. Dr. and Mrs. Darby oamo to Walhalla in tho fall of 1874. They romniuod a fow months aud removed to Buokorsvillo, Ga., wboro thoy resided two years, returning to Walhalla in tho fall of 1877, and this bas ever since boou tboir homo. For twouty-four years Dr. Darby dovotod himself continuously to tho practice of his profession in this community. Ho bas long boou ostoomod ono of tho most capable and successful ShyBioians, not only of Oconoo county, ut Ot this section of tho State. It would bo bard to find a homo in or near Wal halla into which he has not boen repeat edly called. As ho wont in and out on tho round of professional duty his kindly disposition and attentive solicitude for his pat ion ts soon won for him groat affec tionate regard a8 "tho beloved physician" whoso very prosonoo in tho sick room inspired confidence, courage and hopo. In tho chamber of tho sick and suffer ing his boat ing and manner was that of a superb model as a consid?r?t o physician. In both diagnosis and treatment ho was careful and painstaking, exemplifying nu accurate knowledge of tho science of hoaling. But with all his loaming bo could not stay tho stealthy approach of disease upon ids own poison, and with calmness and fortitude ho paid the debt that awaits ntl flesh. Dr. Darby is doad ! And tliis announcement will carry pro found sorrow to many hearts and homos in whioh his name was affectionately enshrined. As a citizen Dr. Darby ovor took a doop interest in tho wolfaro of his town, county aud State. His public spirit and enterprise wore capablo of overcoming oil obstacles, aud ho contributed liborally of timo and moans in promoting those measures which tend to tho material, montai and moral betterment of tho community, State and nation. In poli tics ho was a staunch Domocrat, and with a zeal and earnestness horn of honest conviction ho advocated those principios and policios whioh form tho bod-rock of truo Domooracy. During President Clovoland's second terra Dr. Darby dis charged tho duties of post mast or at Wal halla for four years with eminent satis faction. Ho also sorved sovoral terms as mayor of tho town, and at tho timo of bis doatli lie was president of tho board Of heall h. Besides his immediate family ho loft sovoral brothors and sisters and- a largo circle of rolativos to mourn his loss. In his last illness ho was attended by his sisters, Miss Hat!ie Darby and Mrs. J. K. liane, of Fort Motto, S. C. ; Mrs. Eliza Porohor, of Winston-Salom, N. C., and Mrs. I. H. Harrison, of Walhalla, and his brothor, Capt. Artemus Darby, of Fort Motto, S. C. Two brothers, Henry S. Darby, of Washington, I). C., and J o ff or son G. Darby, of Asliovillo, N. C., woro unavoidably provonted from coming. IHB funeral sorviccs will bo conducted in tho St. Jolla's Episcopal church this (Wodnosday) afternoon at four o'clock by his pastor. Hov. J. D. McCollough. His body will bo laid to rost in Wcstviow cemetery. Sho Didn't Wear a Mask, But hor hoauty was complotoly biddon by sores, blotches and pimples till 8ho nsod Bucklon's Arnica Salvo. Thou thoy vanished as will all eruptions, fovor mies, boils, ulcors, carbunclos and folons from its uso. Infallible for cuts, 3orn8, burns, scalds and pilos. Curo guaranteed. 25c. at all druggists in tho sounty. Tho News Around Conncross. Connoross, Octobor 7.-Itov. A. W. McGuflln proaclied a vory impressive jormon yesterday on tho subject of "Watch, thoroforo, for yo ki.ow noithcr tho day nor tho hour whoroin tho Son of Man comoth." Wo aro having a flourishing Sunday id io ol at this place, conducted by Mr. J. F. Morton. Mrs. Sallie Alexander and Miss IJ retchen Koli aro on tho sick list this wcok. Tho peoplo of this section aro busily engaged ill gathering their crops. 'l here will bo an all day singing at Connoross on tho third Sunday, con luctcd by Profs. Whims and Morton. All aro expected to bring woll filled baskots. Iiittlo Bird. Old Soldier's Experience! M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of Winchester, Ind., writes: ''My wifo was nek a long timo in spite of good doctor's treatment, but was wholly cured by Dr. King's Now Lifo Pills, whioh worked wonders for hor health." They always lo. Try thom. Only 2.r)C. at all ding dores in tho county. Wu Ting-Fang to Speak at Asheville, N. C. Washington, Octobor 5.-Wu Ting Fang, Ministor from China, lias accoplcd Ihe invitation of tito management of tho Southern Railway to make an address boforo tho annual convention of tho Amorican Association of Ccnoral Passen ger and Ticket Agonts, in sossion at Bat tery Park Hotel, Asliovillo, N. C., Octo ber 15th to 17th, on tho subject of "Tho Railways of China." A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. "Something New Under tho Mill)?" All doctors havo tried to euro Catarrh by tho uno of powders, acid gases, inht.l 3i*s and drugs in pasto form. Their pow lora dry up thomilCOUB membranes, caus ing thom to crack open and bleed. Tho poworful acids used In tho inhalers havo ant?roly oaten away the samo membranes that, their makers have aimed to cure, while, pastes and ointments cannot reach tho dlsoaso. An old and oxporionood practitioner, who has for many years tnade a closo study and specialty of the treatment pf Catarrh, has at last perfected ii treatment which, when faithfully used, not only relieves at once, but permanently suros Catarrh, by romoving tho cause, ?topping tho discharges ami curing ?11 inflammation. It is tho only remedy known to science that actually roaches tho afllictcd parts. This wondorful rom Miy is known as "'SNUFFLES, tho Guar anteed Catarrh Cure," and is sold at the oxtromoly low ju ico of ono dollar, each packago containing internal and external medicino sufficient for a full month's troatmont and evorytliing nocossary to its perfect uso. "SNUFFLES" is tho only perfect Ca tarrh Curo over made and is now recog nized aB tho only safe and positive euro for that annoying and disgusting disease. It cures all Inflammation quickly and per manently, and is also wonderfully quick Lo roliovo Hay Fovor or ?'old In tho Head. Catarrh when neglected often leads to Consumption-..SNUFFLES" will save you if you uso it onco. It is no ordinary remedy, hut a complote treatment which is positively guaranteed to cure Catarrh in any form or stage if used according to tho directions which accompany each packago. Don't dolay, but semi for it nt ?nco, and write full particulars as to your condition, and you will receive special ndvico from tho discovoror of tliis won dorful remedy regarding your caso with out cost to you hoyond tho regular price nf "SNUFFLES," tho Guaranteed Ca tarrh Curo." Sent prnpaid to any ad dress in Ui S. or Canada on receipt of ono dollar. Address Dept. C 400, Edwin B. Giles A Company. 2:iilO and2 :$:12 Mar ket stroot, Philadelphia. NEWS IN AND AROUND WESTMINSTER. Wostminator, October 8.-Mies Gaze uor, of Knsloy, has boon visiting tbo fam ily of Mr. Pooro the pant week. Mr. Witherspoon, of Augusta, Ga., was in town ono day last week. Mr. aud Mrs. Sam White and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cannon aro oooupying the Presbyterian manse. Miss Mary Stribllug, of Ileleua, Ga., is visiting rolativos in town. M?BS Hattie D nillo was at homo from her school on Saturday and Sunday. Miss Maud Gaines has returned from Augusta, GR., wbero she roooutly gradu ated from tho hospital as a trained nurse. Sho received ono of tho four medals given for proflotonoy in her oboaon profession and also boro off tho second honor of the class. Miss Ellie Stribling leaves this week for Mount Tabor, Union oounty, whoro sbo has accepted a position to teach. . Mrs. T.JSf". Carter and little daughter, j Lillian, aro visiting in Toccoa and Hart well, Go. Miss Kellie Norris loft last Tuesday for Groonvillo, wbero abo outers Chioora College. MiBL Peden is visi ting tho family of Mr. W. P. AudorBou. Miss Vail, of Koyston, Ga., is visiting tho MisBOB Norrib. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Terrell havo gone to Mount Airy, Qa., to attend tbo funeral of tho latter's uncle. Mr. T. N. Cartor has almost oomplotod a vory neat aud commodious food and Balo Btablo on tho lot adjoining tbo roar end of his ?toro. Dr. Strickland, of Anderson, was in town a fow days this woek on profes sional business. Misses Maud and Allio Stribling aro away, teaching (heir respectivo schools. Tho Ludio Coloman Cirolo mot last wook witli Mrs. W. E. Choswoll. Tho park (piestion was agitated again. it. Tot Causes Night Alarm. "Ono night my brother's baby waa takon with croup," writes Mrs. J. 0. Snidor, of Crittenden, Ky., "and it Boomed it would st rangle before wo could got a doctor, BO WO gavo it Dr. King's Now Discovery, whion gavo quick reliof and permanently cured it. Wo always koop it in tho house to protect our ohil drou from croup aud whoopingcough. It cured mo of a chronio bronchial trou ble that no otlior romcdy would roliovo." infallible for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. 50o. and $1. Trial bottles free at all druggists lu tho county. Tho Missionary Union at Seneca. "Tho Missionary Uuion," which oon vonos witli tho Ladies' Aid Sooioty of Sonoca in tho Presbyterian church on Thursday evening, Octobor 10th, will provo a most interesting occasion. Fol lowing 1B tho program iii full willoh will bo intorsporscu witli a choice music pro gram which has boon arranged with much caro. Local and imported talent will take part in it and tho pooplo o' Soucca and community bavo a raro troat iu st?re for thom : Woman's Foreign Mission Uuion, South Carolina Prosbytory, Soncoa, S. C., Octobor 10, 1001. 7 p. m.-Preliminary mooting. 8 p. m.-Address of woloomo by Rov. W. S. Hamitov. Octobor ll, 1901. Morning session. 10 a. m.-Business mooting of tho Union. Paper on "Woman's Opportunity in Foroign Mission Work," by Souior So ciety of Firot Church. Andorson, S. C. Papor on "Tho Piouoor Missionary; His Faith, Heroism and Sorvico to the Church and to tho World," by Fort Hill Socioty. Afternoon Session. 3 p. m.-Business mooting of tho Union. Paper on "Brazil," by Groonwood So cioty. Papor on "Work Among tho Nogroos at Homo," by Hopowoll Sooioty. Evoufllg Session. 8 p. m.-Popular mooting. Address by Kev. John W. Davis, D. D. Sidnoate Your Bowola With Cfuoaret* Candy Cathnrtlo, oura constipation forever. 10c, 25c. Ii C. O. O. fall, druggists rotund money. Price List of Text Books Adopted by the State Board of Educa tion, September 13,1900, for uso in tho public schools of Sotlth Carolina from November I, 1000, to July 1, 1906. BOOKS. o e +-> M n .3,2 s p X?LI Supplementary Roaders First. Second. Third. Fourth. Fifth. Spoiling Books English Words as Spoken and Written (first). English Words as Spoken and Writ lon (second). Benson and Glenn's Speller and Definer. Grammars Wheeler's (traded Studies in English. Buohlor's "A Modern English Grammar". Heed A Riding's High School Grammar. Composition and Rhetoric William's Composition and . Rhetoric. Civil Government Potorman's Elements of Oivil Government. Geographies Frye's Introductory (boards). Frye's Advanced (boards).. 'Parr's First Book of Physical Geography (S. C. edition). Arithmetics Went worth's Elementary... Wentworth's Practical. Brooks'? Mental Arithmetic Algebra Wentworth's First Steps in Algebra . Wentworth's New Behool Al gelira. I Geometry Bronks's Elementary. Physiologies Our Wonderful Bodies (1st), j Our Wonderful Bodies (2d).. Physiology and Hygiene (3d) Readers Johnson's First (hoards). Johnson's First (cloth). Johnson's Second (linnrds) Johnson's Second (cloth). .. . . Johnson's Th I i'd (boards).... Johnson's Third ((doth). Johnson's Fourth (boards)... Johnson's Fourth ((doth) .. . . Johnson's Fifth (boards). Johnson's Fifth (cloth). Historios Lee's New Primary History of United Slates (cloth). Lee's MoW School History of United States (cloth) ... Nature Study and Agriculture Wilson's First Bender. Wilson's Second Reader. . "A Manual for Teachers". Bailey's First Lessons With Plants. Bailey's Principles of Agrioul turo. Copy Books Vert leal System ; Nos. 1 to (J. euell Tie. ; per doz Nos. 7 to 8, ?ach?%o. ; pordoz I The ( irnphic System : Nos. I to (5, large size, per doz No. 7, per doz. Nos. 1 to 5 and tracing, per doz .18 .1/ .261 .82 ,46 .48 .54 .46 .31 .76 .87 .19 .86 .22 .48 .00 .50 .22 .88 .80 .13 .10 90 .24 .24 .27 .32 .30 44 .48 .40! .60 .28 .28 .72 .82 1.00 .60 .80 .48 .60 .30 .21 NOT?.-Tho price of old books is th amount of difference bo tween the "prico I to dealers" nial "exchange price, and hot tho same as "exchange prico." (J. L. GRAIG, Supt. Education, OconeeCounty We Are Showing GREAT VALUES 1 RAILROAD GOODS. 6,000 yards Cheviot, worth 8 1-Sc., - - - - only 6e. 2,000 yards Plaid, worth Co.,.only 8 1-2e. A big lot of Sheeting, worth 6c., - - - only 8 1 -2c. 200 School Satchels, worth 20c,.only 6c. 100 Chenille Covers, worth $1.25,.only 76e. 60 (lo*. Socks, the 10c. kind,.only 6c. 800 Pairs Shoes, (not damaged), worth from $1.26 to $1.76. We are selling them at 85c. and $1. OP. -COME QUICK SHIRTS AT JUST ONE-HALF PRICE. Furniture ! Furni We aro offering some great values $8.50 to $75.00 ; Oak-post Beds, $1.2 Bureaus from $3.50 to $15.00. We 1 from Railroad Company, and we are se Groceries Yow will always f?id a fall stock of the very best Groceries at my store. Ballard's Flour always on hand. Best Vinegar at 10c. per gallon. Give us a trial. J. H. ADAMS, ] full line of Coffins, Caske Oconoo County Alliance Mooting. Tho County Alliance will moot nt Bounty Lnnd Academy Friday, October 11th, at 10 a. m. Brother J. C. Wilboru, president of tho National Alliance, also our Stato organizer, will bo proBent and deliver an Alliance address. All Am aneo brothron aro oxpoctod to bo pres en!, especially tboso from nowly organ ized Alliances. All farmers aro cordially invited to hoar Bro. Wilnora, whoso ad dross will bo public. Don't forgot to bring well-fillod baskots, as wo waut to make lt a pleasant ns well as profitablo day. A. II. KUiBon, President. J. K, Pickott, Secretary. --^*>.* Dewitt's Tuttle Early Risers novor dis appoint. They aro safo, prompt, gontlo, olToctivo in removing all impurities from tho livor and bowols. Small and easy to tako. Novor gripo or distress. J. W. Boll. Land Surveying and Leveling. Bad Street Car Crash. Two cars on tho Atlanta Consolidated Stroot Railway collidod last Sunday ovon ing, injuring eighteen people. Both cars woro orowded and woro undor considera ble headway, on1 a down-grado, whoo they mot. Don't Force Your Bowels with harsh minerals which always leave bad after-effects on the entire system, and where their use is persisted in, tend to completely wreck the stomach and bowels* ..USE.. Edgar's Cathartic Confections The only harmless, vegetable, bowel regulator, and liver vitalizer known* As pleasant to the taste as candy, and as positive as the harsh' est mineral. No gripe or pain. ?? 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and Recommended by J. H. DARBY, Druggist, _Walhalla, So. Ca._ Look Carefully To Your Kidneys I am propared to do laud Burvoying, leveling, road locating, otc., in Oconoo and adjoining comities. All such work ontrustod to mo will rocoivo caroful attention. Call in person, or address WILLIAM A. BURGESS, 86-41* Clemson Collogo, S. C. Magistrate's Summons (or ML -" j STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, I COUNTY OK ?CONKB. J By H. A. II. Gibson, Esq., Magistrate in and for Oconoo County, tho Stato afore said. To William II, Moiburg : COMPLAINT having boon made to mo by Joseph W. Hoileman and Frank S. Hoileman, as partners eu('or tho firm name of Holloman & Son, that you aro indebted to thom in tho sum of twonty throo 85/100 dollars, on account for horse and buggy biro from tho 28d day of Juno, 1805, to tho 6th day of Juno, 1800, un itemized vorillcd statement of which is hereto attached: This is, thoroforo, to roquiro you to appear boforo mo, in my ofllco, at Wal halla, S. C., on tho sixth day from tho service of this summons, at 10 o'clock a. m., to answer to said complaint, or judg ment will bo givou against you by do fanlt. Dated September 12th, A. D. looi. II. A. IL GIBSON, (Soal.) Magistrate O. C. JAYNES & SIIELOR, Plaintiffs' Attorneys. Soptombcr 18,1001. 88-14 VALUABLE LAP FOR SALE. A tract lying on Oconco crook, sovon miles m i th ol Walhalla, containing 275 acres, 50 acres rich bottom land in culti vation, 75 acres good up land in cultiva tion, '25 acres fenced in pasturo, 180 acres original forest, well timborod; throe good louant houses, two with four rooms, ono with two rooms; good cribs, stables and outhouses, for salo or rout, 'forms easy. Apply to R. T. JAYNES, Walhalla, S. C. Soptombor 18, 1001. 88-16 EXECUTOR'S SALE OF LAND. Dr. Jenner's Kidney Pills cause the kidneys to work as nature intended they should. They build ttp the shrunken walls of the kidneys, as no known remedy has been found todo before. As a cure for urinary troubles they have no equal. ?o, 35, 50 Cents u? Sold and Recommended by J. H. DARBY, Druggist, Walhalla, So. Ca. BY virtuo of tho power vested in mo by tho Inst will and testament of Oliver Martin, deceased, I will soil, at public outcry, boforo tho Court House door, in Walhalla, S. C., on sales dav in Novembor next, tho real est?te of which the said oliver Martin died seized and possessed, to-wit: All that certain pioco, parcol or tract of land situate, lying and hoing in tho County of Oconoo, South Carolina, on Conneross crcok, wators of Seneca rivor, adjoining landd of W. K. Tannory, T. J. Dalton, ll, A. LoRoy and others, con taining ono hundred and ninety-two acres, moro or 1? TERMS: Ono-i .If cash on day of salo, and balanco on a credit of ono year, with leavo to purchaser to anticipato paymont. Credit, portion to boar interest from day of salo, and tio secured by bond of pur chaser and mortgago of premisos. Pur chaser to pay extra for papors. JOHN V? MARTIN, Executor. October 2, 1001. 40-44 BRIDGE TO BUILD. rpilE County Commissioners will lot, .L to tho lowest responsible biddor, at tho bridgo site, on Monday, Octobor 21. 1001, at ll a. m., tbo contract to rebuild tho bridge over changa crook, near Wm. Land's. Tho Board reserves tho right to reject an v and all bids. S. M. POOL, County Supervisor. Octobor 2, 1001. . 40 H The Greatest Line of_^ Fine Dress Goods That Has Ever Been in Seneca. BROADCLOTH, OE JN ALL COLORS. FRENCH FLANNELS, *. IN STRIPES, DOTS AND PLA?DS.* N BLACK GOOPS CLOTHING E HAVE NEVER HAD SUCH BARGAINS IN THIS LINE BEFORE: ^_ALL-WOOL SUITS,--^ WORTH $7 SO-NOW AT $4.00 $8.50 SUITS FOR $5.00. We %ave by far the largest Urie ever shown in Seneca. Give us alcali is all we ash. All sizes in Boys' Suits. Boys' Pants with Double Seats and Knees. iture ! Furniture ! in this line. Three-piece suites from ?5 ; All Oak Beds from $2.00 to $7.50; bought fifjby OAK CENTER TABLES liing them at less than wholesale cost. Stationery We have a large variety of Tablets. Box Paper, Etc., Etc. Good Ruled Tablets, . . . : .lc. Good Ruled Tablets, ..... 3c. Large School Tablets,.6c. THE Poor Man's Friend, SENECA, S. C. >ts, Robes, Etc., always on hand. Highest P RICES AID FOR RODUCE. Bring your Ohiokens, Eggs, Beeswax, Hielos, Boans, Peas, Onions, Corn, Apple?, Poars, Potatoes, Cabbago, Turnips, Pumpkins, Etc., Etc., To SCHUMACHER'S, ii The Popular Price Store," Buy your Dry Goods, Notions, Domestics, Flannels, Outings, Joans, Pants, Tablo aud Black Duck Oil Cloths, Don i ms, Overalls, ?fcc, AT SCHUMA OH ER'S, SHOES IN ALL SIZES, STYLES AND DIMENSIONS. BANANAS, APPLES, PEARS, LEMONS, DELAWARE, NIAGARA AND CONCORD GRAPES. Peanuts and Fresh Loaf Every Day. Fancy and Staple Grocorios, Canned Goods, Provisions, Grain, Soods, Coroals, Spicos, ?Sro. Parched, Blooded aud Groon Coffees. Blondod, Black and Groon Toas. In Tobaccos, Cigars and Choroots wo havo all brands, S?ZOB and prices to suit tho most fastidious. Those Goods are All Wool, a Tard Wide, Guaranteed Not to Rip, Ravel, Run Down at the Heel, Nor Split Open in the Rack. Go to Schumacher's FOR NELLIE-THE ONLY NELLIE-THE NELLIE KING FLOUR. SST" GST'GoodB Dolivorod Froo in Town.^?S ?^?23 SPECIAL! RICHMOND, V A., Oct. 9.T 10 a. m. Publishers Keowee Courier, Walhalla, S. C.: Please inform my patrons that I am in Richmond to-day completing the purchases of my big stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, Pants, Trunks, etc., and that in few days they will be on my shelves in Walhalla for their inspection. It will pay them to wait, as every article has been bought with care and will be sold at the very lowest price. V. L. NORMAN. This world bolongs to tho onorgotic.